
=== recifewop is now known as wildgoose
tester123Is there anyway to get rid of that unamed activity thing in the top corner00:31
preecheri know this isnt the right channel im just hoping someone may kno the answer before i get one from freenode or ubuntu--- i got a new modem yesterday(actiontec-thru my telephone co) and im using a linksys router--everything seems fine with the exception i cant log onto freenode---strange as it sounds i can get on dalnet though---any suggestions (i'm on a neighbours wireless now)00:37
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LINKSWORD2Greetings, all.01:08
LINKSWORD2I've got another problem. There is an option to have KDE announce the time at a pre-determined interval. However, when that interval has elapsed, i.e. every 60 minutes, I get a message that it is unable to locate ktsst, or something like that.01:20
LINKSWORD2I could use a little help...01:25
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: fire it out there mate - if someone knows they will answer :)01:28
S74rk7thats what I get told anyway.... I'm in need of some help myself01:28
LINKSWORD2I've got another problem. There is an option to have KDE announce the time at a pre-determined interval. However, when that interval has elapsed, i.e. every 60 minutes, I get a message that it is unable to locate ktsst, or something like that.01:28
LINKSWORD2Well, I usually hang out here to help people. But this time I've also got something to be resolved. ,lol01:28
S74rk7Anyone know how to see how much space is actually used in the / partition -- my filesystem + home are on seperate partitions - when I go in right click n go to properties it says its totaling 125TB ... I know thats not true I only got 320GB harddrive and the filesystem alone is on 50GB partition...01:29
S74rk7I usually hang out too - its a great place to learn...even if its just from others problems!01:29
* LINKSWORD2 chuckles01:29
LINKSWORD2Well, I can't help you with the harddrive issue.01:30
wildgooseS74rk7, I use Gparted01:30
S74rk7wildgoose: thanks I'll give that a shot!01:32
LINKSWORD2wildgoose: Do you know anything about kttsd?01:33
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: I googled it - says its a text-to-speech service01:37
S74rk7says if you dont want to use it you can remove it safely enough...01:38
LINKSWORD2I want to use it, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working.01:38
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S74rk7LINKSWORD2: kttsd installed? I remember playing around with that too - trying to get it to speak to time - I couldn't get it working either...01:48
S74rk7I had to install kttsd though... think I done it from the konsole just - sudo apt-get install kttsd01:49
LINKSWORD2I'm not sure if it's actually installed or not. :/01:51
LINKSWORD2We'll have to see.01:51
LINKSWORD2Thanks, S74rk701:53
LINKSWORD2I think it worked.01:53
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: Seriously? :)01:54
LINKSWORD2I'll find out for sure in about 5 minutes. Give or take a few seconds. lol01:55
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, qdbus org.kde.kttsd "/KSpeech" say "Hello World." 001:55
* S74rk7 fingers crossed01:55
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, quicker way to find out ^^01:55
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry, wildgoose, that went over my head. :/01:56
S74rk7is it a command to run in konsole?01:56
LINKSWORD2... Good question.01:56
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, S74rk7, Just pop that in terminal, (should've been clearer)01:57
LINKSWORD2Cannot find '.say' in object /KSpeech at org.kde.kttsd01:58
S74rk7wildgoose: I've got that command copied and saved to try for when I'm in kubuntu again - I'm using gnome desktop enviroment atm...02:00
LINKSWORD2And what I just pasted above is the error that Konsole returns when I attempt to follow the command.02:01
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, /usr/bin/kttsd02:01
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, It is probably not running, that command should start it. Then try again.02:01
LINKSWORD2Just type that command in terminal?02:03
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Correct02:04
LINKSWORD2bash: /usr/bin/kttsd: No such file or directory02:04
LINKSWORD2Seriously... WTF? lol02:05
S74rk7browse to /usr/bin/ and see if its there mate?02:06
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Hmm, maybe try sudo /usr/bin/kttsd or what S74rk7 suggested.02:06
wildgooseS74rk7, Did gparted work out for you?02:07
LINKSWORD2I don't get it. It's not running.02:12
S74rk7wildgoose: Yeah seems to work great - thanks again... may I ask a question though?02:14
S74rk7I have my home directory on a serperate partition right... and I thought that was just a place where my documents n stuff would be located... but I see a whole load of 'hidden files' as in directorys that have . at the begining of the filename....02:17
S74rk7and they're totally 55GB of space on my home dir ... I thought all the systems odds and ends would be located on the / filesystem?02:18
wildgoosesorry I got kicked from freenode, I've missed the last 10mins02:19
S74rk7wildgoose: no problem :)  I'll bring my replies up again... hopefully floodbot wont shoot me :)02:20
wildgooseshoot back..02:20
S74rk7wildgoose: Yeah seems to work great (gparted) - thanks again... may I ask a question though?02:20
S74rk7I have my home directory on a serperate partition right... and I thought that was just a place where my documents n stuff would be located... but I see a whole load of 'hidden files' as in directorys that have . at the begining of the filename....02:20
S74rk7and they're totally 55GB of space on my home dir ... I thought all the systems odds and ends would be located on the / filesystem?02:20
S74rk7when I was installing linux I manually choose partitions and pretty much mounted / (root filesystem)  .... Home and my swaparea...02:21
aikeruhello ... is there someone that can help me with a Kubuntu question?02:22
S74rk7I basically want my home folder just as my documents - and anything system related.... stay with the system... I know linux is flexible enough to do this but can you spot where I'm going wrong? so I know what I need to research a bit more?02:22
wildgooseTo my understanding applications and configurations will also be installed to the home folder.02:22
wildgooseaikeru, Ask your question..02:23
aikeruoh thanks :)02:23
S74rk7wildgoose: ok cool :) so that means if I reinstall my system... remount my home directory it will pick them up again?02:23
aikeruBasically, I have a GeForce EN9600GT nVidia card and I am trying to setup dual monitor02:24
aikeruI don't see a second monitor in settings and I tried googling about xorg config and such but I got pretty confused02:24
aikeruworried I might break something too :)02:24
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:25
aikeruwell I am pretty sure I have proprietary drivers installed02:25
wildgooseS74rk7, I think that's the idea, there may be a bit more to it, I'm not sure.02:25
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Where are you with ktssd?02:26
LINKSWORD2Still stuck. :/02:26
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Did you verify that ktssd is running?02:27
LINKSWORD2I've got an application now running called Jovie.02:28
aikeruoh you know, maybe reading it through the 2nd time helped :) I am still reading but I may have found it :)02:28
LINKSWORD2I don't know if that's the one or not.02:28
aikerugrateful for the help and people taking the time to be here to answer questions though :)02:28
aikeruis there an easy way to restart x-server in kubuntu?02:29
S74rk7aikeru: let us know how you get on :)02:29
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, No, I am referring to ktssd that should be running a process. You can check via the system monitor.02:29
wildgooseshould be *a running*02:30
S74rk7aikeru: I'm just guessing here... but do you get the login screen when you first boot up?02:30
aikeruyes ... I think I can manage that part I have a new problem02:31
aikeruit may be simple though02:31
aikeru"Unable to open X config file /etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing ?02:31
aikeruthis is from NVIDIA X Server Settings application02:31
LINKSWORD2No, ktssd isn't running. How do I enable it?02:31
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Hmm, maybe try sudo /usr/bin/kttsd02:32
S74rk7wildgoose: do you think aikeru should sudo the nvidia x server application?02:32
aikeruahhh I think "sudo nvidia-settings" is working :D02:33
aikeru(even though I ask the question I don't stop looking :))02:33
LINKSWORD2When I tried that before, it didn't work.02:33
LINKSWORD2It asked me to authenticate for sudo, then said "command not found"02:33
S74rk7aikeru: good way to be :)02:33
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, What happens if you browse to /usr/bin then doubleclick on kttsd?02:33
sean_wThe last update broke my Flash support. Help?02:34
wildgooseLinkmaster, Let me take one step back, you did install it right?02:34
LINKSWORD2Oy, what? I'm not Linkmaster... lol02:35
wildgoosehaha, stupid tab complete02:35
wildgoosesorry to false ping you Linkmaster02:35
LinkmasterIts all good wildgoose02:36
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:37
aikeruStill getting the error after the sudo command: ERROR: Unable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing. BUT after installing python-gtk2 per http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1482283 it can write to the file :)02:37
aikeruI will try logging out/restarting and see if it works02:37
aikeruthanks :D02:37
LINKSWORD2That's odd. It's not there. :/02:38
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, (in terminal) sudo apt-get install kttsd02:38
LINKSWORD2I did. lol02:38
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Wtf indeed02:39
LINKSWORD2And now you see my point....02:40
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Maybe try to remove kttsd then try to install again?02:42
LINKSWORD2Hold up. I'm gonna try a couple commands I found on Google. :P02:43
LINKSWORD2But first....02:43
S74rk7wildgoose: ever had more than one desktop enviroment installed on a distrobution?02:46
wildgooseS74rk7, Sure, why?02:47
S74rk7I'm asking as ... I've got Ubuntu 64 11.04 installed.... I then installed KDE 4.6 + XFCE from the apt-get repositories....02:48
S74rk7and I've installed the various goodies etc .... but sometimes when I boot into either desktop... only sometimes... I get asked my keyring password... but 3 times...02:49
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S74rk7is that because of the 3 desktop enviroments ??02:51
S74rk7my questions is just where should I go to look and investigate this kind of thing... just to see whats causing this when it happens..02:52
LINKSWORD2That wasn't the right idea...02:52
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: how'd you get on? :)02:52
LINKSWORD2That wasn't the right idea...02:52
LINKSWORD2It's still not working, apparently....02:52
S74rk7run in konsole again " sudo apt-get install kttsd "02:53
S74rk7if it is definately installed it will say at the bottom something like 0 newly installed n all that jazz...02:54
LINKSWORD2Yeah, that's what I just got.02:54
S74rk7ok hold up... I'm gonna log out and into kubuntu here... should have ages ago :)02:54
S74rk7back - how you getting on with kttsd03:00
S74rk7I'm gonna mess around here myself see if I can help you out03:01
LINKSWORD2I've run out of ideas. Go ahead and mess around with it and let me know.03:01
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: did you find the file kttsd itself when you browsed for it??03:05
LINKSWORD2For some reason, it installs, but it doesn't show up in the folder.03:05
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: try this too in konsole - "sudo apt-get install jovie"03:06
wildgooseS74rk7, https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/login-keyring-824099/03:07
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: I installed that and kttsd that last time I was playing around... mines working...03:07
wildgooseLINKSWORD2, Did you try to uninstall then install kttsd again.03:08
LINKSWORD2Yeah. And I've tried about 8 times, I'd wager.03:08
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: did you install jovie too?03:09
LINKSWORD2The Konsole terminal says that it has the latest versions, 0 installed, 0 updated, 0 removed or whatever.03:10
S74rk7open jovie03:11
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S74rk7LINKSWORD2: did you open jovie?03:14
S74rk7wildgoose: thanks btw for the link ref: keyrings... I'm reading through now :)03:18
LINKSWORD2Jovie is open.03:20
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: I found another process running on mine called "speech-dispatcher"03:23
S74rk7"sudo apt-get install speech-dispatcher" if you wanna install that too... when I searched it they seem to be linked....03:24
LINKSWORD2Looks like it is already installed.03:24
LINKSWORD2Or my system is full of bullshit... >.>03:24
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: try restarting mate - I would tell you how to start and stop services but I dont know how... reboot... it will maybe start up the services properly03:26
LINKSWORD2Is Jovie the program that needs to be running? Or perhaps that speech dispatcher?03:27
dorsgreetings... please, i have an issue, after upgrading an 10.10 partition to 11.04, i just lost keyboard and mouse function in X, keyboard works in text mode but if i call gdm or kdm i cant login, i tried upgrading , fixing packages (apt-get install -f), tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but so far no improvement, any ideas appreciated, thanks03:27
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: both are running at the minute... I didnt start speech dispatcher at all... and jovie seem to open when I went and turned on the talking clock thing lol03:29
S74rk7I'm running a search to see where kttsd is... and speech dispatcher03:30
LINKSWORD2Well, I don't know what's wrong with it. I'm starting to hate this thing.03:30
wildgoosedors, If you boot into runlevel 3, does the keyboard work?03:31
dorsi didnt try goint to level 3 wildgoose, maybe i should, i will need to reboot to test that03:32
wildgooseS74rk7, That keyring issue is strange for you in that it only happens sometimes though, I believe when I had that issue it would happen every boot.03:33
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: ok - know where speech-dispatcher is now03:33
LINKSWORD2Yeah? What's the shimmy on it?03:33
dorsi will try that and see what happens, thanks for the help wildgoose, bbs03:34
wildgoosedors, Sorry I misread, you said it works in text but not WM03:34
wildgooseno need to try03:34
S74rk7wildgoose: just in time :)  how would I help LINKSWORD2 start speech-dispatcher from konsole??? just typing "/usr/bin/speech-dispatcher"    do ok?? thats its location on my system03:34
wildgooseS74rk7, Yes that's the same syntax I used with kttsd.03:35
S74rk7LINKSWORD2: you get that ok??03:36
S74rk7any joy?03:36
S74rk7wildgoose: I know what you mean... I would be happy enough if it happened everytime... but it doesn't... it happened earlier when I booted into kde03:37
S74rk7wildgoose: the fact that its intermitant has got me curious :D usually shows somethings mucking about...03:38
dorswildgoose: no, level 3 wont make any difference, i yet have no keyboard or mouse interaction in x login03:40
arindomHello!! Need help about how to voice chat in Kopete.03:40
arindomAs per I recall there was an option to talk with google talk users in Kopete. But I can't seem to find kopete-gcall now in Natty.03:41
arindomAny help will be appeciated03:43
LINKSWORD2I think it might be fixed. I've gotta restart to make sure.03:43
wildgoosedors, Is this how you tried to fix packages? reboot on recovery mode ("shift" key down at bios end process to see the grub menu) then select "repair packages"03:45
dorswildgoose:  no, i did the apt-get install -f, and also dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but not that way you said03:46
dorsalways i boot in recovery mode or no keyboard03:47
dorsi dont think i have any 'repair packages' option in grub level, is that the text mode menu of the recovery mode,after grub you mean?03:48
wildgoosedors, This looks to be a common issue, unfortunately I don't know the answer.03:56
dors(: ok,thank you anyway wildgoose03:57
dorsi will keep looking since that partition is important for me to work and it would take weeks to remake, if i have any answer i publish it03:58
dorsis there a way to downgrade from 11.04 back to 10.10?04:09
tsimpsononly by reinstalling04:10
dorsmmm ok, sad, thanks tsimpson04:11
tsimpsondowngrading an entire release would be insanely complex, and would probably create more problems than it solves04:11
dorsindeed, i see what you mean04:11
dorsi was got in a 'upgrade scam' heheh, i was not intending to upgrade to 11.04, and i did just a apt-get upgrade, and this command just gone upgrading the distro automatically, my insticts said 'no, dont go natty just now', but the opgrade thing just decided for me, bad04:13
dorsit really happened tsimpson04:14
tsimpsonapt-get upgrade will not upgrade a release04:14
tsimpsonit can't04:14
dorsit happened04:14
tsimpsonwell, whatever happened with you, it wasn't apt-get04:15
dorsi saw, and i should have interrupted it, but i let it go04:15
S74rk7did you add any ppa's or anything to your software sources?04:15
tsimpsonapt-get can't, on its own, upgrade a release04:15
dorsi did even in command line mode, so i saw it all04:15
c2tarundors, can you pastebin your command prompt?04:15
tsimpsonyou'd have to use "do-release-upgrade" in command line to actually start the upgrade04:15
dorsso, some bug happened, it did that, it upgraded my distro04:15
tsimpsonapt-get can't do it on its own04:16
c2tarundors, you sure your dist is upgraded? did you check it?04:16
dorsmmmm c2, i need to reboot this machine, and the results of old commands gone by now, i have olny history04:16
dorsmy /etc/issue got upgraded while i was looking04:17
wildgoosedors, Can you run a live-cd to back up your home directory?04:17
c2tarundors, try running lsb_release -a on command prompt04:17
dorsit was 10.10... then it gone 11.0404:17
tsimpson"lsb_release -sr" is shorter04:17
c2tarunyeah ^^04:17
dorsfirst, the 'aobut ubuntu' gone to natty, very fast after the apt-get upgrade, then during the process my /etc/issue changed to 11.0404:18
dors'about ubuntu'04:18
dorsi saw the upgrade changing issue and lsb_release04:19
dorsapt-get upgrade04:19
tsimpsonall I can tell you is that apt-get can not upgrade your release04:19
tsimpsonit can not04:19
dorsit should not04:19
c2tarundors, hmm... well technically this seems impossible. but since you are saying then it might be a bug.04:19
dorsbut it did04:19
tsimpsonif an upgrade happened, then something else did it04:19
tsimpsonno, it can not (not should not _can not_)04:19
* c2tarun agree with tsimpson 04:19
dorsi undesrtand the can not, i'm a programmer too, but mmm, it did04:20
tsimpsonwell it can't, so something else did04:20
c2tarunokay guys stop fighting :)04:20
S74rk7its hardly impossible though :)04:20
tsimpsonthere isn't much in the universe that is "impossible", don't mean externally unlikely events happen often04:21
* c2tarun someone is lying :) tsimpson is too geek to lie ;)04:21
dorsmaybe i just pressed some enter that i didnt notice  in gnome, but mmm, the result of the text mode command apt-get upgrade had in it the changing of /etc/issue and /etc/lsb_release04:21
wildgoosedors, This looks like a issue that doesn't just apply to kubuntu, I would suggest heading over to #ubuntu, where there are ~1000 more people around04:21
dorsthanks again wildgoose04:21
c2tarun#ubuntu suks, there is so much traffic, it isn't even possible to discuss properly04:22
tsimpsonI highly doubt that an "apt-get update" would offer an upgrade, as many server use unattended updates04:22
* wildgoose thinks dors isn't getting anywhere here.04:22
dorsapt-get upgrade tsimpson, not update04:23
tsimpsonyeah, upgrade04:23
dorseven so it should not do a distro upgrade04:23
c2tarunthat either04:23
tsimpsoneven so, the whole point of "upgrade" is that it doesn't install anything that isn't already installed04:23
tsimpsonso a full release upgrade is far out of the scope of it04:23
tsimpsonthat is, unless someone edited your sources list(s) to point to natty04:24
c2tarunanyway dors if you dont like natty, try to backup your home partition and then reinstall maverick, if you are on slow connection make a backup of /var/cache/apt/archives04:24
dorsif it was the usual upgrade i do allways i 'd not have any problems, the thing is this time, the upgrade gone into a distro upgrade04:24
dorsthanks c2tarun, i will think with calm and decide tomorrow what to do04:25
tsimpsonlook at /etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade and see if it has maverick sources or not04:25
tsimpsonthe upgrade tools always backup the old sources before an upgrade, so if it's not maverick, then someone edited the sources manually (which is just wrong)04:26
dorsthe /etc/apt/sources.list.distUpgrade in that partition has entries to maverick yea04:27
tsimpsonthen the upgrade tool was run, not apt-get :)04:27
dors"deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner"  and others alike04:27
tsimpsonapt-get doesn't modify sources04:27
tsimpsonI can't say how it was run, but something/someone ran it04:28
tsimpsondoes anyone else use the computer, could they have decided to run the upgrade?04:29
dorsi'm the sysadmin and this is a development machine04:29
dorsno, others 'd not run technical things here04:30
wildgooseSolving how it ran doesn't fix the keyboard/mouse issue04:30
* S74rk7 was thinking the same04:30
tsimpsonbut it may stop you from antecedently upgrading again04:31
wildgoosetsimpson, Lmao, lets cross that bridge when we get to it.04:31
* S74rk7 lmao04:32
S74rk7tsimpson: may I ask though - I ran I think it was "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" is that something similar that may have happened to dors?04:33
wildgoose/var/log/auth.log would have a record of what ran the dist-upgrade04:33
tsimpsonthe only difference between "dist-upgrade" and "upgrade" is that the latter won't install any new packages (new dependencies)04:34
dorsi did issued a dist-upgrade command, just for clarification04:34
tsimpsonneither will upgrade your release04:34
dorsi did NOT issue a dist-upgrade command, just for clarification04:34
wildgooseI ssh'd in and ran it while you slept04:35
S74rk7dors: I wasnt implying you were :) I was just asking a question... wasnt hinting at you or anything04:36
S74rk7wildgoose: you showing off now :) whats ssh'd ?04:36
dors(: oh sure S74rk7, and i appreciate your help and any help btw04:38
dorsthis spirit makes open source so good04:38
wildgooseS74rk7, In a word ssh is a way to get access to any machine on a network.04:40
S74rk7wildgoose: thanks for that :)  I'm reading now on wiki... secure shell protocol ?04:43
dorsyes ssh is a secure shell protocol04:45
dorsit uses secure sockets layer thing04:45
Ghost_Who_Walksguys what does this command do "sudo unity --distro"04:45
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DanaGHmm, I just installed kubuntu-desktop on an ubuntu system, and made KDM default... and now when I try to log in, it immediately takes me back to the login screen.05:20
DanaGEven "recovery console" does this.05:20
susundbergDanaG: login screen as graphical login screen? Does it start to load kde?05:22
DaskreechDanaG: can you check your ~/.xsession-errors file ?05:23
sizzI added ppa:kubuntu-ppa to my sources then ran an update/upgrade, but it didn't pull in KDE 4.6.3.  Do I have to do additional commands as well?05:24
Daskreechsizz: no that should work05:32
DanaGDaskreech: .xsession-errors is entirely empty.05:38
DanaGYes, by "login screen", I mean it goes back to KDM.05:38
DaskreechDanaG: can you login to the cli ?05:39
DanaGYup.  Running Finch from there right now.  I'll try logging into Gnome via KDM.05:39
DanaGNo-go on that.05:39
DanaGSO it's likely a KDM issue.05:39
DanaGI'll pastebin kdm.log.05:41
DanaGYay for gpm.05:41
DanaGLogging into kde via GDM works.05:44
iflemaDanaG: try      sudo service dbus status        is dbus running?  How was the kubuntu-desktop package installed? apt-get synatic etc..?? Ubuntu version/release?05:47
DanaGAptitude, on Natty.06:01
DanaGdbus is running.06:01
DanaGSay, is there any premade config of Kubuntu that's ideal for tablet PCs?06:02
DanaGTablet PC as in one with a pen (no touch).06:02
DanaGNot that I use the tablet feature very often, even in Windows...06:02
DanaGThe "bulky" widgets in Oxygen are actually an advantage when using a pen.06:03
DanaGAlso works surprisingly well on a 915gm, once you disable functionality checks.06:07
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sysop3why is volid now called  fai-vol_id and is in  /usr/lib/fai/06:21
sysop3vol_id I mean06:22
sysop3its not even in a bin dir.06:22
Micneed help installing a server image in ubuntu server 10.04, the server image is a tar file with 11 vmdk files and a nvram file06:23
Micanyone with experience installing an image in a server?06:30
DaskreechDanaG: What happens if you type qdbus ?06:32
DaskreechMic: what ever made the images should have instructions on how to restore it06:33
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hermanlfdoes 64bit Kubuntu DVD come with flash 64bit?07:34
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KerrMDaloha all07:58
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ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke08:06
Brad__can anyone help me with a couple device problems?08:11
ehsankenlive won't run08:12
ehsaneroor in project monitor connect08:12
ehsanversion 0.8.108:13
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DaskreechBrad__: what's the problem?08:25
Brad__my dvd drive isn't showing up anywhere08:28
Brad__not in lshw08:28
Brad__in BIOS, i can't boot to cd drive because it says "no bootable device found"08:29
Brad__but it's connected with a working ribbon cable, and the power works (i can hear it rev up on startup)08:29
susundberghow do you know if its working at all?08:29
DaskreechBrad__: Does it turn up when you look in the BIOS?08:30
Brad__i can't be 100% sure it works.. but it's worked before and i dont think i damaged it08:31
Brad__ok i'm on BIOS.. for CD-Rom it says not installed08:32
DaskreechBrad__: Might be your cables have gone bad08:40
Brad__probably not - i used the same cable with a hard drive and successfully mounted it08:41
Brad__not sure what to do at this point08:43
moetunesget it showing in the bios first08:44
Brad__do you have any suggestions as to how i can reinstall the device from the BIOS08:44
moetunestry a different cable08:44
Brad__could the cable work for something but not for something else?08:44
Brad__it works for a HD08:44
moetunessince the dvd failed?08:44
Brad__ok.. i'll test it again08:45
DaskreechBrad__: does it have jumpers?08:46
DaskreechYou may have it conflicting with somthing else make sure it's properly master or slave08:46
Brad__ok, is the jumper a cable connection, or just something you stick a thing onto to define it as master or slave?08:46
Brad__i see some pins that arent connected to a cable on the DVD drive unit08:47
Brad__the cable works - i am seeing this hard drive08:48
Brad__the thing is that it's worked before, and i have never messed with the settings at the hardware level before08:49
Brad__its not a new device08:49
DaskreechBrad__: depending on where you plug it in it matters if it's master or slave08:52
Brad__my computer only has one IDE connection08:54
Brad__i don't know if that says anything08:55
Brad__there's only one device on that connection08:55
Brad__(the DVD drive)08:55
Brad__or ATA i guess i meant08:57
Brad__20 pin08:57
Brad__ok - i plugged in an external drive and that's working fine so that will do for now09:02
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jerome__Hi !09:31
drbobbhello, are there any up to date instructions on how to install without a cd/dvd drive?09:35
drbobball I found on the wiki etc. is _ancient_ and probably stopped working several releases back09:36
drbobbI have a broken dvd drive and I don't feel like replacing it, b/c I never use except for OS installs09:37
drbobbs/use/use it/09:37
Daskreechhi jerome__09:38
Daskreech!usb | drbobb09:39
ubottudrbobb: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:39
jerome__hi Daskreech09:39
drbobbDaskreech: yeah that never worked for me either.09:46
Daskreechwhat happened?09:46
drbobbbut to be fair I tried it one or two versions back09:48
drbobbneither usb-creator nor unetbootin worked as described09:48
drbobbI ended up using a procedure for installing from a spare hd partition, described somewhere in the wiki09:49
drbobbbut yeah one version later I found it no longer worked09:50
drbobbI have hundreds of gigs free on my hard drive, why should I have to run to a shop for a usb stick?09:51
Apple_Catdrbobb: You had problems with usb-creator? My experiences have been really good09:52
drbobbanyway I don't have a disposable usb stick laying around here atm.09:53
cousin_marioI'd like to have an extra path for launching apps via ctrl+F2: where should I add it?09:55
drbobbhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux this is a procedure that worked for me eons ago09:56
silv3r_m00ncan i install this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=31717 on kde 4+ ?10:14
Tm_Tsilv3r_m00n: no, but there's way newer equivalents around10:16
silv3r_m00nbut i had this theme in kde in ubuntu 9.1010:17
silv3r_m00ni have just upgraded to 11.04 and cant see it10:17
Tm_Tsilv3r_m00n: I remember seeing styles that does the job, but cannot find now10:20
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:14
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:25
szal.oO( apparenty someone is short on brainpower.. ;) )11:26
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Decorianhi, any ideas why quassel is refusing to connect to the freenode server?11:48
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olskolircunset /SERVER ADD -auto -network facebook chat.facebook.com 5222 1x02dcthh548$13:03
olskolircUNSET /SERVER ADD -auto -network facebook chat.facebook.com 5222 1x02dcthh548$13:04
olskolircUNSET /SERVER remove -auto -network facebook chat.facebook.com 5222 1x02dcthh548$13:04
BluesKajolskolirc, what's that for ?13:23
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ehsanis there any kde base alternative for ubuntu one or drop box?14:07
susundbergi think there was some kubuntu interface for ubuntu one at some time beeing develop14:08
susundbergdon't know current status though ..14:08
ehsanwhat is ownCloud?14:12
BluesKajubuntu one  works on kde if your willing to add the gtk libs etc that come with it14:14
BluesKajkfilebox is supposed to work as kde front end for dropbox , but it's unstable ...I tried it14:15
ehsani wish ubuntu do that for kubuntu!14:22
prashant_Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)14:38
prashant_in my laptop i have a load14:43
prashant_no voice coming from my earfone i entered14:43
prashant_still from my laptop speakers14:43
prashant_someone help plzz14:43
BluesKaj!sound | prashant_14:58
ubottuprashant_: If you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:58
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:59
prashant_i'll see and come back here in few mins15:00
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ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!15:03
prashant_BluesKaj: got nothing buddy up der15:11
prashant_i think u didnt get wat i asked15:11
prashant_my prblm is no sound from earphones15:12
prashant_even if i connect them15:12
prashant_sound only from the internal speakers15:12
prashant_ubottu: help15:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:12
BluesKajprashant_, ok, in the terminal , alsamixer -V all15:13
prashant_BluesKaj: ya then15:13
sean_wKDE refuses to let me change my prefered audio input device. I channge it, close audio setup, open audio setup, and it still keeps my old defult on top. Help?15:14
BluesKajsean_w, click apply when making changes15:15
BluesKajprashant_, speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav15:15
prashant_BluesKaj: after  that??15:17
BluesKajtry your sound15:17
sean_wBluesKaj:  Forgot to mention that I did. Heres, the odd thing, the devices under the top device keep the order I set, but mo mobo sound always end up back on top.15:19
BluesKajsean_w, set ti multimedia/phonon , music, choose your device , test them then apply to the list as well15:21
BluesKajthe other devices, games , video etc15:22
sean_wBluesKaj: It woun't let me capture any capture device.15:24
sean_wBluesKaj: It won't let me test any capture device15:25
BluesKajwhat capture device , sean_w?15:26
sean_wBluesKaj: The test button is disabled no mattttttter what capture device I select.15:27
BluesKajsean_w, capture devices feed audio , so that's normal..they aren't configured to link to phonon audio test ignals15:30
BluesKajlike tvtuners or mics etc15:30
sithlord48whats going on #kubuntu ?16:12
BluesKajsithlord48, not much til someone needs help16:28
sithlord48BluesKaj: this is a good thing right ?16:28
BluesKajwell yes , but it's boring too :)16:29
sithlord48so today i won't be stoping work bordem by answeing stuff here in #kubuntu16:32
BluesKajsithlord48, I just installed 11.10 and so far I have no issues with it either :)16:33
sithlord4811.10 works nicely in my VM , i thinking about upgradeing my netbook :D16:33
Daskreechsithlord48: The Forke has been tipped to the enlightened dark side16:56
sithlord48umm... yes exactly..16:57
Daskreechsithlord48: :)16:59
Daskreech Oracle gave OO.o to Apache16:59
sithlord48full OO.o? w/ the ms doc reading stuff , ?17:01
Daskreechsithlord48: yes17:15
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sithlord48nice so much for them selling the plugins for ms office then17:16
DaskreechWell Oracle is dropping OO.o17:16
Daskreechthey are not giving support for it they laid off all the developers17:16
sithlord48this is good oracle is bad news bears.17:16
Daskreechand they gave it to Apache17:16
sithlord48u think libreoffice and OO.o will re merge the code base ?17:17
DaskreechSo Apache has it under the Apache license which is incompatible with the GPL so some chunks will have to be rewritten (of course there are no developers)17:17
Daskreechsithlord48: They can't cause it was given to Apache17:17
sithlord48ah thats right the apache lisence is basicly a modified bsd one.17:18
iliashi all. i choised as workspace the 'oxygen' theme. but is too black. is there any way to change the color?17:38
TopGearDo you guys know a way to solve the thing when nVidia drivers activated no sound?17:38
iliashi genii-around.17:38
genii-aroundilias: Hello17:38
* genii-around gurgles down some coffee checks how much time is left on lunch break17:39
iliaswhat is your time in your place?17:39
genii-aroundilias: GMT -5    so 12:39 right now17:40
TopGearah, GMT +2 here xD17:40
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OerHekshere +2 too :-D17:40
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iliasso i quess you are in east USA? here is +2 too17:40
genii-aroundilias: Toronto, Canada actually17:41
OerHekseast usa = gmt + 6 ?17:41
sithlord48genii-around:  lives around me  in -5 gmt :D17:42
sithlord48TopGear:  have you looked in system settings multimedia ?17:43
iliasoh ok. north-east Aamerica.17:43
iliashere is Athens Greece17:43
TopGearsithlord48: yes, my lord.17:43
chachanhere's -04:3017:43
chachanVenezuela :)17:43
TopGearHey, OerHeks :-)17:43
sithlord48lol  there is under phonon-> speaker set up  a place you can shut off your hdmi sound that might help17:44
sithlord48or check in kmix under master channel to be sure its not set to your hdmi17:44
sithlord48lest i have it backward and you want to use hdmi for sound output in that case i think u need to install the nvidia driver ? but idk as i don't have an nvidia card.17:45
iliasonce more i have to send you my compliments for the help you provide me to setup my modem althoug i did not check if i can recieve faxes but i just checked that modem opens and gives the wellknown fax sound17:46
genii-aroundilias: I've had to deal with quite a few kinds of those winmodems, for a project at my work17:46
TopGearOnly Intern sound as an option.17:47
iliasso i was lucky because you are the appropriate person!17:48
genii-aroundilias: :)17:48
iliaswhen you will have more time i 'll ask you one-two things for efax. but its not for now.17:50
iliasdo you maybe know the answer  in what i asked above? i choised as workspace the 'oxygen' theme. but is too black. is there any way to change the color?17:50
TopGearStupid sound -_-17:51
sithlord48system settings-> workspace apperance pick another theme?17:51
iliasyep. i picked up 'oxygen'17:51
iliasthe dark one17:52
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iliasinsteda of 'air' which was up by default17:53
sithlord48you can edit the theme (slightly ) with the details tab, but i think your gonna be stuck w/ the dark colors; you might want to use "get new stuff" to get a new theme u like better17:53
sithlord48oh wait you can try under system settings -> application apperance -> colors but its prolly not gonna change your plasma theme colors.17:54
iliasunder colors it is not easy at all. i 'll better check some new themes.17:55
sithlord48ilias:  personally i like the "silicon" theme its inbetween oxygen and air17:55
sithlord48and smaller borders (thats why i use it on my netbook lol)17:56
iliasglaze is  beautiful and bigblue too. i like blue color because i think kde's color!18:00
Octodigithi folks - has anyone here used http://www.mindwerks.net/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-natty-with-fglrx-and-2-6-39/ successfully?18:02
sithlord48Octodigit: i have not 11.3 is what im using for a driver on my ati machine, not sure of teh kernel version either atm18:04
iliasin which /dir the new themes are stored?? i unistall some of them but they still in >settings. so i think that only manual remove is available18:04
sithlord48you might have to restart teh kcm for them to be remvoed. but somewhere in  /usr/share/kde iirc.18:05
Octodigitsithlord48: do you have any kind of hardware acceleration yet?18:06
sithlord48as far as i know i have that w/ teh open driver.18:06
Octodigitright cool, thanks18:06
sithlord48Octodigit:  any specific program your looking to run18:06
Octodigitwell I'd like to be able to do some 3d bits, on it - I wouldn't mind the ability to give unity a go as stock on ubuntu at some point, you know, try it out without unity-2D and obviously play games/watch flash video/use celestia and earth18:08
Octodigitah well, I think tonight is not the night to break everything further, so I'll leave it and play Bridge Commander instead :)18:10
Octodigit(on windows 7)18:10
sithlord48dependign on your card you should have 3d w/ the "radeion" driver18:10
Octodigitthanks for the help ;)18:10
sithlord48lol yes radeon..18:11
iliaswell. i havee to report the following. i am runnig kubuntu 10.4 on a celeron 1,5ghz with 750 mb ram and it is faster than my 11,2 suse on a 2,2 dual core + 2gb ram. why??18:13
OerHeksilias explain 'faster' ?18:14
sithlord48ok im going afk for a bit. <lunch :D>18:15
iliaswhen i am writing faste i mean that is more fast to switch between the open applications. multitasking is "lighter'.18:16
knoxx3hi there, can sb tell me how to stop a background installation on Kubuntu 11.04?18:19
S74rk7Anyone know where proprietary drivers are stored after you've downloaded and installed them?18:28
S74rk7I'm looking for a method to back them up... anyone know off hand...or if this is possible?18:29
sithlord48S74rk7:  dont bother18:30
sithlord48if you want to save the package that installed it they are located in /var/cache/apt/archives/18:31
S74rk7sithlord48: ok thanks...look around in there but why you say not to bother?18:32
S74rk7it a licence thing?18:32
knoxx3Im tryna install chrome on natty but i keep  getting an error message that another application seems to be using the package system. any help?18:32
sithlord48S74rk7: they are updated usually so if you reinstall it might be a newer version or not.18:32
sithlord48knoxx3: what are you using to install with ? is dpkg running in the background (crtl+esc for a system overview)18:35
S74rk7How would I find out what driver my wlan card is using??18:36
knoxx3sithlord48: It dpkg ins't on the list after pressing the combination key.18:36
sysop-workhey guys I have a mouse cursor issue. my mouse cursor is now a vertical line made up of horizontal lines.  I tried changing my mouse cursor and it doesnt help.18:37
sithlord48S74rk7: run the command lspci and look for you wlan card on the list it should show the driver18:37
sysop-workis there something I can restart besides kdm to fix this?18:38
sithlord48knoxx3:  you can only have one packagemanager open if you have dpkg, or synaptic or kpackagekit running you will get aht error18:38
genii-aroundS74rk7: sudo lshw -C network    and then the line which starts: configuration     has in it somewhere the driver name, if one is loaded18:38
sithlord48sysop-work: i've seen that on ms.sith's machine and only thing i have ever done to fix it its restart kdm18:38
knoxx3silthlord48: none of the specified packagemanager listed above is on process table.18:40
sithlord48knoxx3: then you should beable to install now..18:43
sithlord48there might have been one doing somethign in the back ground before18:43
knoxx3silthlord48: I tried a couple times it keeps diplaying the " Only one softeware management tool is allowed to run at the same time" message.18:45
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tranquilwaters_hello, is there anyone here who has some experience  with heimdall19:01
tranquilwaters_I want to flash some new rom on my phone with it, but I'm unsure which file goes where19:03
sithlord48tranquilwaters_:  im not sure if your gonna find much help here about that19:05
edigleisaudades do irc19:05
tranquilwaters_sithlord48: yeah I figured I would just try, I am trying to get info in the villainrom channel too19:05
tranquilwaters_it's the only linux alternative for ODIN as far as I know19:06
sithlord48tranquilwaters_:  i would love to help but idk about that at all19:06
tranquilwaters_sithlord48: aaw that's too bad.. thanks anyways :D19:13
sithlord48next time you need help try to need it in an area i can help :P19:13
S74rk7Anyone used grep before?19:27
BluesKajS74rk7, yes , what about it ?19:30
S74rk7I have run the command "sudo lshw -C network" to see what driver is being used by my wlan card... and genii-around & sithlord48 told me to look at the line under 'configuration'19:33
sithlord48S74rk7:  what u did u get?19:33
S74rk7configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=r8169 driverversion=2.3LK-NAPI duplex=half latency=0 link=no multicast=yes port=MII speed=10Mbit/s19:33
sithlord48your using the r8169 driver19:34
S74rk7so I was looking to see where the driver actually is.... I was trying to use grep to find r816919:34
S74rk7I used this command "grep -r r8169"19:34
sithlord48and that don't work19:34
sithlord48you can't just copy the module you have to install it..19:35
S74rk7but it seems to b sitting there.... does it take a while to search?19:35
sithlord48crtl  +C to kill it19:35
S74rk7did that thanks :)19:35
S74rk7I'm probably better telling you what I'm aiming to do...19:35
sithlord48any time19:35
sithlord48yes that would be a good idea19:36
S74rk7I'm going to reinstall kubuntu... but after a fresh install I have to plug in my ethernet cable to download and install the driver for my wlan card19:36
S74rk7its proprietary driver....19:36
sithlord48and let me guess you don't want ot plug in the cable19:37
wildgooseS74rk7, http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4232419:37
S74rk7yeah it would b ideal really19:37
sithlord48S74rk7:  its possible but i wouldn't do it since if you plug in durring an install  you can get your updates and 3rd party stuff while installing then after reboot install ur wifi driver (if it didn't already ) and then unplug.19:37
BluesKajS74rk7,did try sudo modprobe r8169 ?19:38
S74rk7yeah but I want to install the wlan card first.... so I can wirelessly go ahead and update my system etc19:39
sithlord48well in thats more of a problem then it is19:39
BluesKajoh  I thought that was the wifi module19:39
S74rk7I know...but it would certainly be a gain in itself to learn how to do such a thing...19:39
sithlord48well you will have to do a few things.. 1  dl the deb files for your driver. and 2. install them in the live system. then after installing install them in the finished system19:41
BluesKajwifi will be wlan0 , and the wired ethernet is probly eth0\19:41
S74rk7HOLD UP...19:42
S74rk7sorry I been giving you guys the wrong info....19:42
S74rk7that was the configuration line under my ethernet card... opps19:43
S74rk7configuration: broadcast=yes driver=wl0 driverversion= ip= latency=0 multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11bg19:43
S74rk7thats the configuration line for my wlan card - its logical name is eth1 ??19:43
sithlord48wl0 driver isn't that an included one?19:43
S74rk7it always tells me that I need to install a proprietary driver to use my broadcom wlan card..when I try to do so... asks me to connect to the internet..19:44
sithlord48so its a broadcom card.. you need the fwcutter and the driver. its still ezer to just plug in .. after installing in the live cd you would still have to install them in the finished system19:45
S74rk7I know... what I imagined though... as I have it installed now... I thought it would be easy enough to locate the .deb or whatever it came from...back it up... and when I have a new system installed... use it to install the driver...19:47
sithlord48yes you can do that..19:48
sithlord48you would use sudo dpkg -i <debfile>19:49
S74rk7cool got that command noted down.... how would I locate the driver though in order to back it up?19:50
sithlord48the problem is gonna be finding your deb. it might be in /var/cache/apt/archives still or you will have to look on the repo it self.. give me a sec ill post a link19:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:50
sithlord48thanks BluesKaj19:50
S74rk7Ahhh... thanks - so the driver that I'm used is actually contained in the ubuntu install disk.... so no need to have to download it really... it can be installed manually from commands?19:52
sithlord48the firmware cutter is on the disk . you need both that and a driver iirc. (althougth wifi cards being cheep i just replaced my broadcom w/ and atheros card..019:53
sithlord48S74rk7:  no after reading it again it does apper to have both on the disk19:54
S74rk7Yeah I remember when I was install 10.10 everyone was saying about broadcom being a bit of a pain to get working.. I spent my first week of ubuntu playing around to get it working...19:55
S74rk7Atheros better linux support?19:55
sithlord48but it depends on the driver the STA one is included note the B43 driver.19:55
sithlord48open drivers :D they "just work"19:55
S74rk7haha... thats how I describe linux to my friends....19:56
sithlord48S74rk7: better then spending a few weeks w/ only a term19:56
S74rk7toss windoze... unless you love updates everyday and wondering what the heck is going on in the background of your system.... go with linux... it just works :)19:56
sithlord48when i first installed kubuntu on my old laptop it was like 6.10 or so and well lets say video config has gotten much ezer since then19:57
S74rk7I'd love to build on my cli knowledge... thats try geek to me :)19:57
sithlord48um S74rk7  i have daily updates on kubuntu ;)19:57
S74rk7that TRUE geek to me ***type19:57
S74rk7lol 2 in a row woohoo19:57
S74rk7Yeah but at least the updates in linux you get em all at the same time...19:58
sithlord48 but i "fix" others windows machines by installing kubuntu also , i have about a dozen machines i take care of for ppl all running kubuntu and no phone calls about this or that don't work (unless is a what do u use todo this question)19:58
S74rk7I rebuilt a vista laptop the other day.... first update ... 114.... took 3 1/2 hours to install.... restart .... 86 updates to install... another couple hours... restart... updates... restart.... updates restart.... updates ...restart!! lol19:59
sithlord48that i refuse to do anymore20:00
S74rk7you install linux.... sudo apt-get update ---> sudo apt-get upgrade... and thats that....20:01
sithlord48i have a windows machine only to compile my software everthing else i do w/ a linux box20:01
sithlord48sometimes its apt-get dist-upgrade :P20:01
S74rk7haha...sorry I've created a windows bashing convo here...  I'll get told to bugger off to -offtopic soon lol20:01
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sithlord48its all good S74rk7 so do u need the STA or B43 driver ?20:02
S74rk7em... I think its the b4320:02
sithlord48taht one your gonna need to dl20:03
S74rk7I'll shut up so I can go back and read that link you posted :P20:03
sithlord48lsmod | grep b43  should show the driver20:03
S74rk7oh ok20:03
sithlord48S74rk7:  not me blueskaj did it !broadcom20:03
S74rk7the lsmod | grep b43 didn't seem to do anything20:04
S74rk7I was messing around with grep earlier I cant seem to use it at all... wonder have I killed it (no surprise) :)20:04
sithlord48then just use lsmod by it self to get the full list.20:07
S74rk7sithlord48: I got the list... found these lines.. r8169                  48022  0 (Take it thats my eth card) ###  wl                   2568244  0 (that my wifi card?)20:11
sithlord48then your gonna have to do by what lshw  tells you about yoru exact chipset under network20:12
wildgooseI have ubuntu 10.04 installed on an IBM Lenovo Z61t, the processor is stuck at 1000MHz. I have tried using the cpu freq applet, cpufreqd and powernowd, none have fixed it.20:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:14
BluesKajwildgoose, sudo /usr/bin/cpufreq-set -g performance  or ondemand ..depends what speed you want... for laptops ondemand is probly easiest on the battery of course20:15
S74rk7sithlord48: http://paste.ubuntu.com/621983/  --- Broadcom BCM4312 sounds about right?20:15
sithlord48S74rk7:  yes20:16
S74rk7sithlord48: so next step is to find the driver on the tinternet and download?20:17
sithlord48S74rk7:  follow the guilde for what ever driver it says you neeed for that model , as there were links. if not using 10.04 then you will have ot find the packages in the repo.20:18
sithlord48S74rk7:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/ should help you dl them :D20:18
wildgooseBluesKaj, http://pastebin.com/nEj9zDGK , the problem is "current policy" line20:21
sithlord48wildgoose: have you check the power management kcm in system settings? to be sure your proformace profile is set as you expect20:24
S74rk7sithlord48: Thanks for your patience in helping me with that btw :)20:31
sithlord48S74rk7: hopefully it works for you20:31
S74rk7sithlord48: I used that link you gave me to search through packages... its kubuntu 10.10 (32bit - going to install 64bit after on another partition)  I am going to install... does this look like they're contained in the repos?  sorry this is my last question :)  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bcmwl&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all20:35
sithlord48http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=maverick&arch=amd64&searchon=names&keywords=bcmwl (there is a show only this arch button)20:36
S74rk7sithlord48: sorry mate I dont follow?20:37
S74rk7arch button?20:37
sithlord48that link is for the amd64 version there is a button link in the text for show archtecture20:38
sithlord48S74rk7:  do u see the link for the differnt archtectures ?20:40
S74rk7ahhh... I see what you mean on the link you posted there... did you see on mine it lists 32+64?20:40
S74rk7the limit the search to specific archtectures   ---- at the top you mean?20:41
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S74rk7sithlord48: check me out :)  I followed on through the links and found the bcmwl-source for both 32+64 arch.... downloaded it... take it thats the drivers... that would be enough for me to play around with from the install... I'd need to compile it just?20:44
S74rk7**play around with from the FRESH install of kubuntu...20:45
sithlord48source will need to be compiled so your gonna need a bunch of dependcies. build-essentals its a meta package but you want the stuff it installs. to build stuff. depmod to install the kernel module and maybe another thing or two20:45
S74rk7sithlord48: sounds like fun :)  Think I'm gonna dive in and give it a go...20:46
sithlord48S74rk7:  good luck i've had to do it before on a machien with only wifi it was not all to fun but good to learn with20:47
SIR_Tacofun... !fun... that is the question20:49
S74rk7sithlord48: thats what I'm aiming for... to learn something from it.... :)20:49
S74rk7hopefully I'll learn not to just give in to the ethernet cable way lol20:50
sithlord48S74rk7:  well this should teach you something and if nothing else to apreachate the scripts that do it for you :D20:50
S74rk7sithlord48: very true :D20:51
Matriks404Kazik pl?20:52
sithlord48S74rk7:  we learn a bit each day last week i made my first .deb packages, and ppa repo that was fun.20:52
=== kazik234 is now known as need_help_with_g
S74rk7sithlord48: I've tried a million times to build a .deb from source... yet no joy... its still on my wishlist lol20:54
S74rk7sithlord48: ppa repo... that help you add all your ppa's you want automatically? :)20:55
sithlord48S74rk7:  it took a bit of work i might beable to help you with that.:D20:55
need_help_with_g@Matriks404, Kazik was from PL, now he's changed his nickname ;-)20:55
sithlord48S74rk7:  no the ppa just has packages i made on it20:55
sithlord48S74rk7:  makes it ezer for others to use my software if they want20:56
S74rk7sithlord48: you made software?20:57
SIR_Tacomakes it easier to build your own packages (not yet in a repo) and have an easy way to remove them too :)20:57
sithlord48S74rk7:  yes. using Qt and C++ :D20:57
SIR_TacoS74rk7: but using it may turn you to the dark side.... ;)20:58
S74rk7sithlord48: I tip my hat to you... thats what I aim to do :)20:58
sithlord48my program is mostly useless for ppl unless you play FF7 and want to edit your save :P20:58
S74rk7sithlord48: hold up.... FF7 runs on linux?20:59
* S74rk7 feels a surge of excitment :)20:59
SIR_TacoI just make half-assed games... which never seem to make it to fruition :P20:59
sithlord48S74rk7:   it does w/ wine and aali's driver :D20:59
sithlord48well S74rk7 in that case you might want to check out http://blackchocobo.sourceforge.net and the repo you can add with the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sithlord48/ff721:00
S74rk7sithlord48: I will want to get back to that surely :)21:00
sithlord48the repo is for ff7 moding tools only have my bc and a tool for opening the archives ther21:00
sithlord48well im not hard to find :D21:01
SIR_Tacoanyone seen sithlord48? anyone? no? hmmm....21:01
S74rk7SIR_Taco: You 'just' make games :) sounds good to me... may I have a look? :D21:01
cordicepsI've been banned from ubuntu, how to get back?21:02
sithlord48im thinking about making a game for us but idk what to even do21:02
sithlord48cordiceps:  what for ?21:02
cordicepsbecause I complained about ppl asking for m$$ support there.21:02
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SIR_TacoS74rk7: haha they aren't finished that's the problem.... I get working on one, then think of another and move on... etc. one day I will finish a re-make of my favourite TRS-80 game :)21:02
sithlord48cordiceps:  lmao , idk how to help you i try to stay out of #ubuntu w/ the gnome uses :p21:02
S74rk7brb :)21:03
SIR_TacoGnomes are kind of creepy anyway ;)21:03
sithlord48i like gnomes just not "gnome"21:04
sithlord48mostly cause they are at or around my height21:04
SIR_Tacocordiceps: however, why complain? the OSS community is *usually* about sharing information... what's the problem with that?21:05
cordicepsis there an appeal channel?21:05
sithlord48idk the ubuntu people seam to be more the rtfm type (based on ubuntu forums vx kubuntu forums.. only)21:05
SIR_Tacosithlord48: true I guess21:06
SIR_Tacocordiceps: only thing I can suggest is to /msg an OP in #ubuntu and plead your case21:06
sithlord48im never in #ubuntu so i can't speak about that channel .21:07
=== Maniac is now known as Guest33849
szalsithlord48: RTFM doesn't hurt ^^21:08
cordicepsI've found it, #ubuntu-ops21:08
=== tom___ is now known as kora
sithlord48it doesn't but it assumes no one has ever read the documents. i got a bit of that in the packaging channel, problem is the docs suck and were hard to understand thats y i asked the questions i did21:09
SIR_Tacosithlord48: agreed... the docs/mans aren't geared to average users21:10
sithlord48i dont' even remember what my issue was but it was something stupid i did wrong that was ez to fix.21:12
SIR_Tacofor some RTFM is like reading a book in German (when their native, and only, language is English)21:12
sithlord48if you can't read then u shoulnd't use a computer21:12
korahey guys, i have a strange behaviour on my 11.04 using the lates tnvidia drivers on a 9400M. whenever i activate a second monitor i loose the transparency on all panels and notification windows. is here any way to fix/re-establish the transparency? thanks21:13
SIR_Tacosithlord48: lol.... I don't mean they can't read... but comprehension is the problem21:13
sithlord48kora, does it come back after restarting kdm ?21:13
sithlord48SIR_Taco:  yea i got that :P21:13
SIR_Tacohaha ok21:13
=== hkanai is now known as hkanai_
sithlord48idk i kinda have that old linux user problem , noobs= problems and dumbing down of the os then you get windows or mac os..21:14
korasithlord48, havent tried that, since after a reboot i have to set up both monitors again using the nvidia settings,... there any way to restart kdm without rebooting?21:14
sithlord48i don't mind helping others (i do it all the time on KFN) but sometimes it does get a bit nuts.21:15
sithlord48kora. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart will do it21:15
sithlord48other ppl yes i know you can use upstart now21:15
korasithlord48, thanks gonna try that21:15
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sithlord48the host of flash and sound problems for natty are just insane..21:17
S74rk7RTFM is all good... but as you guys were saying before... sometimes the documents can lead to more confusion...21:20
S74rk7what I mean is...21:20
S74rk7take my case for example... I get a link from one of your guru's and go and start reading... and you get a line... and its a link also.... so your off reading about another topic with links into what your trying to do...21:21
sithlord48if kora comes back and needs more help w/ teh monitors tell try "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to set them up21:21
S74rk7but when you get to that page... its refers to something else or uses another terminology thats new to you... and your off to read about that.... then ... well I'm sure you get the picture....21:22
sithlord48well later all my boriing work day is over, ill prolly be on when i get home21:22
SIR_Tacocya sithlord21:22
S74rk7being able to ask questions is like having a teacher to ask... someone can read something and understand it just fine... others have a different way in doing so...21:23
SIR_TacoS74rk7: that's why this IRC channel and the Kubuntu forums are a great resource21:23
S74rk7and when people crack up and give off telling you to go read about it or whatever... I always think why they even taking the time to tell you off.... its pretty easy to ignore someone or choose just not to type back... rather than belittle them..21:24
S74rk7if you get what I'm saying.... its the same idea as when you stuck behind a learner/student driver.... PATIENCE... YOU WERE A STUDENT before too :D21:24
SIR_Tacovery true.... I, personally, try to see it through. But there are times that I just don't have the knowledge to see it through, but there is usually someone to pick it up from there21:25
SIR_TacoS74rk7: we are all forever students... we will never know everything (although, my brother says that between him and I, we know everything lol)21:26
S74rk7SIR_Taco: then you're on of the fine people who make the linux community what it is :D21:27
S74rk7SIR_Taco: haha21:27
wildgooseoh Sparky --verbose21:27
SIR_TacoS74rk7: I'm stubborn... that's the difference :)21:28
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* sithlord48 has returned22:00
sithlord48arindom do ur gtalk account set up in kopete?22:02
wildgoosesithlord48, I tracked down my cpu scaling issue to a lenovo bug with the battery and power adapter.22:03
sithlord48dors still around? try dpkg --configure -a22:04
sithlord48wildgoose:  awesome to know please provide any info to the bug you can22:04
wildgoosesithlord48, Odd thing is, I can workaround in fedora but not (k)ubuntu22:04
sithlord48and you have tried the same work around?22:05
wildgoosesithlord48, But of course.22:06
sithlord48same kernel version etc..?22:06
wildgooseFedora has been updated to 2.6.38--, Ubuntu is on 2.6.32--, hmm22:09
sithlord48im on 2.6.38-8 here (natty )22:09
=== james is now known as Guest93361
wildgooseNatty here I come,22:12
asranieli friend just installed kubuntu and can't find the package chromium in kpackagekit22:13
asranielwhat could that be?22:13
S74rk7Quick question people... I want to have 32+64 bit install of linux (seperate partitions) ... can I have my Home folder shared between the 2 systems? oh and I take it swaparea is ok 2 share between them?22:13
Guest93361I am a newb I have accidently changed the default right click context menu on the Kickoff menu can someone please tell me how to get it back22:13
KerrMDHowdy all. Question: Is anyone else having issues opening CCC in administration mode on Kubuntu natty with 11-5?22:14
wildgoosesithlord48, Or I could just upgrade the kernel /me smacks forehead22:19
sithlord48wildgoose:  made u /facepalm :D22:20
DeltaEpsilonthis is for the first time I might keep Linux (kubuntu) on my aptop22:20
sithlord48S74rk7:  you can but some programs might do weird stuff if a mem size lets say is set for the 64bit version and the 32 bit can't handle it .. i've never tried this just use 64bit unless you have a reason to need 32bit22:21
DeltaEpsilonKDE is finally stable for daily use22:21
sithlord48DeltaEpsilon:  welcome to the winning team :D22:21
DeltaEpsilonI still get app crashes from now and then but no big issues22:21
DeltaEpsilonRekonq still crsashes a lot.22:21
KerrMDIs anyone else having an issue opening CCC 11-5 version in x86_64 natty?22:22
Guest93361I learn a valuable lesson install anything one at a timw to get it backe i added about 50 and changed the right click context and now have no idea ho22:22
Guest93361to get my oem context menu back22:23
Guest93361now all it says is add to favorites or remove from favorites22:23
PiciKerrMD: What is CCC?22:24
KerrMDcatalyst control center22:25
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KerrMDamdxdg-su -c amdcccle is the command set to run but even when I run it in a term it outputs near to nothing22:25
sithlord48KerrMD:  i have yet to install 11.522:25
sithlord48what about just using kdesudo amdcccle?22:26
KerrMDIn fact, all it outputs is a small additional window asking for my sudo pass22:26
sithlord48yea cause yo0u need to be root to use it22:26
KerrMDI can open amdccle in normal mode. I cannot, however, open it in admin mode22:26
sithlord48did u try kdesudo amdcccle ?22:27
KerrMDand you cannot sudo amdxdg-su -c amdcccle22:27
sithlord48then give the dialog ur password22:27
sithlord48yea i think the amddxdg-su is there special own su -s dialog :D22:27
KerrMDsithlord48: I can  open amdccle with or without sudo and it runs proper.22:27
sithlord48KerrMD:  don't use sudo for gui programs use kdesudo you can break stuff otherwise22:28
sithlord48its all good , right click on your kmenu and "edit menu " find cccle and edit the command so its kdesudo amdcccle then save (problem sovled)22:28
sithlord48oh lol mine does it too for 11.3 guess that shows you how much i use my menu i ususally just hit alt+f2 and type in the program i want or command22:29
S74rk7sithlord48: I find sometimes that things dont seem to want to work on 64bit...like the game I like in the repos... xmoto... when I try to create a profile to play the game... its like the keyboard isnt work... I cant type a name of the profile... even tried using an onscreen keyboard... plus its just to have both arch available if I want to play among them... some programs I found on the net are only available in 32 bit22:31
KerrMD11-5 was a challenge but only because I was minding the wrong guide22:31
sithlord48odd xmoto works good here.22:32
sithlord48i use a controller cause playing w/ the kbd is way harder22:32
KerrMDI haven't had a controller since the '90's I think22:32
sithlord48i own a lot of ps2 to usb controller adaptors. so i use a ps2 controller22:33
KerrMDWell, thanks for the tip but wow-wine is calling =D22:33
KerrMD<3 the 4.122:33
wildgoosesithlord48, No joy with latest kernel.22:33
sithlord48later KerrMD22:33
S74rk7sithlord48: was reading on the net too though... pretty much saying the same thing... it can cause issues... maybe scrap that idea and have a home folder for each...22:34
sithlord48wildgoose:  thats is indeed odd. what about your acpi pakages, and the other stuff related to the chip same version?22:34
S74rk7sithlord48: I use a PS2 usb hub too :)22:34
sithlord48S74rk7: i have a dozen or so differnet ones. seams all the hardware for any electronics ends up at my house so controllers are ez to come by22:34
sithlord48if its "broken" people tend to give me the hardware..22:35
wildgoosesithlord48, Yep checked that, they are the same and thinkpad specific. The only difference was that fedora used cpuspeed for scaling, and ubuntu doesn't have that package by default.22:37
=== ubuntu__ is now known as pentarex
pentarexhey guys22:37
sithlord48wildgoose:  can u get it ?22:37
S74rk7sithlord48: Sound like me mate - my bedroom is pretty much an electronics graveyard...I get given pretty much anything electrical too haha22:38
pentarexi'm having some issue - I have HP g62 with ATI RADEON 5470, I've installed kubuntu 11.04 but after the install there is only black screen and the fan goes off22:38
pentarexI can even get in22:38
DeltaEpsilon_kubutnu just shut down buy itself :(22:39
wildgoosesithlord48, The joke is that removing that package from fedora is what fixed the scaling issue.22:39
sithlord48wildgoose:  oh well then time to look at config files...22:39
sithlord48pentarex:  open driver ? properitary driver, do u get a cli or just black ?22:39
pentarexsithlord48: just black (blank) screen22:40
sithlord48can u get a tty ? crtl+alt+f1 ?22:40
wildgoosesithlord48, Yeah I've been digging and digging, I'm going to step back and fight the bug another day. Thanks for the help22:40
sithlord48wildgoose:  anytime22:40
sithlord48wildgoose: surly its a simple fix you will see when you come back to it22:41
pentarexsithlord48: i didnt try, but I have two video cards on my laptop the one is Intel the other is ATI Radeon22:41
pentarexsithlord48: if something happens, what should I do?22:41
pentarexhow I can switch the graphic cards?22:41
sithlord48pentarex:  OH...22:41
sithlord48pentarex:  you installed the properitary driver?22:42
pentarexsithlord48: i didn't install anything I;ve install just kubuntu 15 minutes ago and cant log in22:42
sithlord48ok does you computer have a fn key combo to switch video cards?22:43
pentarexAFAIK no22:44
sithlord48pentarex:  did you use it w/ a different os?22:44
pentarexsithlord48: yeah with windows 7 and OPEN SUSE, but with open suse only live like now22:45
sithlord48pentarex:  does the live kubutnu work?22:45
pentarexsithlord48: at this moment - yes22:46
sithlord48i've never used one of those machines.. idk how to do it w/ two cards.22:46
sithlord48you might want to ask in #ubuntu-x as that kind of config is a new type they might be able to help22:47
pentarexsithlord48: thank you a lot mate22:48
sithlord48pentarex: sorry i can't help more hopefully someone there can22:48
pentarexsithlord48: no one is answering in 3 other channels :S22:58
sithlord48pentarex:  :( idk where to direct you have you tried looking on the ubuntuforums or kubuntuforums.net ?23:00
pentarexsithlord48: I'm not native english speking person and IDK how to search for it23:02
sithlord48let me see what i can do for you what model laptop you got ?23:02
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sithlord48pentarex:  maybe one of these links will help ? http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=ubuntu&hs=bnR&channel=ks&q=duel+video+card+laptop+xorg&aq=f&aqi=m1&aql=&oq=23:06
=== ubuntu____ is now known as pentarex
pentarexsithlord48: can you give me the link once again mate my laptop restart w/o reason :X23:17
ubuntu__help in archlinux23:36
Piciubuntu__: Try asking in archlinux's channel.23:36
sithlord48wildgoose:  thank you for posting that again for him i was away23:40
ScourKingI need help resetting my context menus I am missing the send to desktop and send to panel options23:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:45
sithlord48ScourKing:  are you widgets locked?23:46
ScourKinglet me look23:46
ScourKingyes they are23:46
ScourKingoh dont tell me...lol23:46
sithlord48ScourKing:  lol it happens23:47
ScourKingIn my defense Im new to linux23:47
ScourKingI had just updated when i noticed it and thought an update got me23:47
ScourKingThx so much i was digging for the dvd to reload my computer23:48
ScourKingCan I lock the widgets but still have those options to put stuff where i want it23:48
ScourKinglike edit the context menus23:49
ScourKingi got spoiled to winblows right clicks23:49
ScourKingI cant wait to try linux on my big computer I put it on this laptop for the kid just to see what it looked like and i am now empressed enough to try it on the big nasty system23:51
ScourKingIt remindes me of the old days of win 3.1 and going to Dos Prompts to get the real work done23:52
wildgooseScourKing, hah, showing our age now..23:53
ScourKingI'll be 40 in November23:53
ScourKingI think thats the main reason I love Linux I get a chance to go back to a "Dos" Prompt and get real things done23:54
ScourKingIs there a better irc client then Quassel I used to use mirc years ago but I see they dont have a linux port23:55
ScourKingI havnet been on irc since I graduated to newsgroups binaries23:56
wildgooseScourKing, I like xchat, of course "better" and "best" are relative to your taste.23:56
ScourKingyeah I cant figure this one out its a little to simple for me23:57
ScourKingI cant even find a groups list button23:57
wildgooseScourKing, You could also try Irssi.23:58
ScourKingWell dinner calls thx for the help guys I will be back Im sure23:58
ScourKingthx goose23:58
wildgoosepidgin combines irc with im too23:58

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