
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
benjiI just watched Jono's lightning talk from UDS, good stuff (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Cxs9OHIBcs#t=0h17m34s).13:27
gary_posteri may be a min or two late13:28
gary_posteryeah it is good13:28
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, about to call13:32
gary_posterdanilos skype ping13:33
danilosgary_poster, ack13:33
danilosgary_poster, I mean, "ready" :)13:33
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
benjibac: the lp2kanban script needs at least two things before it can be run regularly: 1) change it to point to the real yellow board -- not the test one (wich might be made a command-line option) and 2) be made to only sync cards marked as syncable13:52
benjibac: for the sync markings, I suggest that any card with a title consisting only of "sync" be synced, and then have something like "Automatically synced to LP" added to the description which is also a marker to tell the script to sync a card13:54
benjithat way it's easy to get a new synced card started, easy to see which ones are synced, and easy to stop one from being synced13:54
bacbenji: ok.  perhaps  "sync: " prefix on the title, so you can enter something initially meaningful to begin with13:55
bacbenji: is the buildout.cfg being used?13:56
benjithat's fine with me; personally I like the syncing because I don't have to enter something initially meaningful13:56
bacbenji: how so?  is setup.py referencing it?13:56
benjinope, it's the other way around, buildout uses setup.py13:57
benjiyou bootstrap the buildout and then run bin/buildout to build everything13:58
benjibac: if you're not familiar with buildout, this should get you started: https://pastebin.canonical.com/48282/14:01
bacbenji: yeah, i was just about to do that.  :(14:02
bacer, :)14:02
benjibac: actually, that contains an error, use this one https://pastebin.canonical.com/48283/14:02
bacactually that one has an error too.14:03
bacbenji: would it be horrible to add bootstrap.py to our branch?14:04
benjibac: I don't like it (not DRY enough for me), but I'm only -0 so feel free.14:06
bacbenji: ok.  i'll add a README then14:07
* gary_poster thinks ease-of-use trumps DRY :-P14:12
benjiwell, since you only have to run bootstrap once per computer per version of python, the inconvienience is pretty low and boostrap has already changed once requiring everyone who copied it to update their copies; maybe that just grates on me more than others14:15
bacbenji: wouldn't that be once per repository?14:37
baci mean it creates a local bin/buildout only, right?14:37
benjiright, but you can use that (via "bin/buildout bootstrap") to boostrap other projects14:38
bacbenji: so i'm getting auth errors.  can you authenticate with leankit?14:42
benjibac: yep, it works for me, remember that your user name is your email address14:44
bacbenji: yeah, that's what i'm using14:44
benjihmm, it should work then, let me try it14:44
benjibac: with the bot user/pass I got "urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 401: basic auth failed"14:48
bacthat's what i get with my credentials14:48
bacare we not authorized for that test board?14:49
bacno, that makes no sense, as i can use the web ui to make a card14:49
benjiI've run it with the bot creds against both boards.14:49
benjibac: I did a packet dump and found that the auth headers aren't being sent to the kanban board; I'm trying to figure out why now15:05
bacbenji: but it only fails on the get_card for some bugs.  retrieving the board works15:06
benjifor me the very first request (for the board) fails15:07
benjioh, and then urllib2 reissues the request with auth headers15:07
* benji continues reading the packet dump15:08
bacbenji: i get the board, see 5 lookup errors, and then the rest throw the auth error15:12
benjibac: we need to point it at the real board (see the comments at the top of the file), but it shouldn't be run yet because it will update any card with an external ID (bug number)15:14
benjiwhen I do that the auth errors go away15:14
baci'll try with the call to update_card commented out15:15
gary_posterbenji, can I tell flacoste that, unless he objects, you are willing to give a presentation tentatively titled "My three days trying to make coffescript and LP friends"? :-)  Given that I let you have three days to do it, and a day to make the presentation?  The goal would be to intro coffescript, advocate it or not depending on your experience, and show how it might work in LP.15:20
benjigary_poster: that sounds like an excellent plan15:20
bacbenji: running against the real board with updating turned off, i can get the board, see one lookup failure, and then the rest are auth errors.15:25
benjihmm, let me try15:27
benjiyeah, I get the same thing here15:35
gary_posterdanilos, should I assign this to you, or to translation coordinatiors, or...?16:40
danilosgary_poster, don't assign it to anyone, especially with the end of the week near :)16:43
gary_posterdanilos, ?16:44
gary_posteryou mean, let deryck deal with it? :-)16:44
danilosgary_poster, well, if it doesn't get sorted out before the end of the week (considering the guy has not really provided anything but said "Really? Are you sure?"), I don't want to be tied into it for the next week :)16:44
danilosgary_poster, and deryck has henninge as well ;)16:45
danilosanyway, out16:46
gary_posterdanilos, ack :-)16:46
gary_posterbac, is it possible to merge teams?16:53
gary_posterbac, can the team owner do it?  I don't see it on https://launchpad.net/~yellow16:54
gary_poster(this is for a LP question on CHR)16:54
gary_poster(I also don't see it on https://launchpad.net/~yellow/+edit)16:55
bacgary_poster: https://launchpad.net/people16:55
bacin the portlet16:55
gary_posterbac, got it, thank you.  Who can do this?  Can I ask other users to do it, so that LP verifies that everyone has the appropriate privileges and expectations?  Does a person need to have admin privs in both teams?  Or maybe it just sends emails to the two teams to verify?16:57
bacgary_poster: i'm unsure of the details.  i can look into it later if you want.  i'm trying to get that big email QA done now per lifeless' request16:58
gary_posterbac, ack, thanks, I'll leave you alone16:59
bacgary_poster: glad to help in a bit16:59
gary_posterbac, np, I'm just going to do it.  I think it's ok in this case16:59
benjibac: any luck with the auth errors? (none here)17:01
bacbenji: no, i got pulled away17:02
baci never saw anything other than the same failures17:02
bacwas going to look at it with wireshark when i have time17:02
gary_posterbac, when you do CHR, could you see if you could help this guy, presumably with some DB massaging that you hopefully know better than I?  I filed a bug for what he is encountering, fwiw, which is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/793670 , but I don't want him to have to wait for us to fix that bug before he can log in.17:08
_mup_Bug #793670: User account missing preferred email after suspension/reactivation <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793670 >17:08
bacgary_poster: i will17:08
gary_posterthank you17:10
* gary_poster goes to lunch17:10
gary_posteruh, now.17:13
* bac lunches too17:14
Ursinhabac: hi, when you return: qabot is happy and tagging bugs as it should17:29
Ursinhabac: what kind of email were you expecting from it?17:29
bachi Ursinha17:44
bacusually i get email from qabot saying that a revision is ready to be QA'd17:44
bacUrsinha: for that revision i got no email so that's why i asked17:45
Ursinhawhat kind of email exactly? the bug one?17:46
bacUrsinha: the one with:17:46
bacFixed in stable r13164 <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-17:46
bac** Tags added: qa-needstesting17:46
bac** Tags removed: qa-ok17:46
Ursinhathe bug comment17:46
UrsinhaI see17:46
bacUrsinha: ah, that's just regular bug mail...i never paid attentino17:47
bacsince it came from 'Launchpad QA bot' i thought the bot was sending it17:47
Ursinhaanyway, I got the email about two hours ago17:48
bacgary_poster: so have you used 'process-email -vv' on qastaging before?  the output i got was not so helpful:  https://pastebin.canonical.com/48300/18:02
gary_posterbac, I have not18:09
bacgary_poster: i thought the idea was it would generated a ton of output, allowing you to not have to look at the outbox.18:09
gary_posterbac, that's the way the one we used worked, yes18:10
bacgary_poster: do you have access to said outbox on qastaging?18:10
bacthat's TL only right?18:10
gary_posternot to my knowledge, but I bet Ursinha does, or matsubara (or they can tell me/us what t do?)18:10
bacgary_poster: have you seen https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/FreshLogs18:21
gary_posterbac, yes.  It was an email awhile ago too18:21
bacit looks promising except a) i'm not sure where to find the logs, b) i don't know my password on devpad to request it.  :)  <i login using ssh credentials only>18:21
gary_posterbac, I don't know if we record incoming email in a log.  I can look, though, because I think I know where it would be18:22
bacwhere would it be?18:22
gary_posterbac, is this staging orqastaging?18:22
gary_posterI log in with ssh creds only too...18:23
gary_posterI've used this though18:23
bacgary_poster: my problem is you have to use sudo, which requires you know your actuall password18:24
baci need to get that taken care of18:24
gary_posterbac, /srv/launchpad.net-logs/qastaging/asuka/process-mail.log does not look promising. :-/  I'll see if I can get that fresh log thing runing myself...18:24
gary_posterbac, it did not ask me for password18:25
* gary_poster will ping when he gets the sync ping18:25
bacgary_poster: the process-mail.log file has my error logged18:31
gary_poster2011-06-08 16:10:43 ERROR   An exception was raised inside the handler:18:31
gary_poster -> http://qastaging.launchpadlibrarian.net/64595660/526FHkQgkQV14M0gC9xbNLHOLfg.txt (Msg <63140D69-7F1D-4C0A-B459-B8877B4FB709@canonical.com> size 11849218 exceeds limit 10485760)18:31
bacso that is as it should be18:32
bacbut i need to see the sent email to ensure it was truncated18:32
bacUrsinha: can you explain to me how to access the outbound email from qastaging?18:32
Ursinhalet me find the docs18:33
Ursinhabac: if qastaging email is sent to the same mbox that belongs to staging, this might be enough: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/LPHowTo/ConnectToStagingMailbox18:39
bacthanks Ursinha18:40
benjibac: do you want me to look at the lp2kanban auth problem some more?18:44
bacbenji: i hope to get back to it shortly.18:45
bachi gary_poster.  in trying to QA that bug i've found the log message and the OOPS but cannot find the outgoing email21:01
benjibac and anyone else doing CHR, I sent Matthew Revell a message about the (apparently) Itialian message in the feedback queue21:02
baci've had losas run cronscripts for process-email and send-bug-notification21:02
gary_posterbac, I dunno :-/21:02
bacthanks benji21:02
bacgary_poster: i finally got the password for the staging mailbox, should you need it.21:03
gary_posterbac, good to know21:03
gary_posterbac, so...21:03
gary_posterwhat do you want to do about the qa?  you could ask lifeless21:05
gary_postersee if he knows21:05
gary_posteror deryck...21:05
gary_posterderyck is sick21:07
bacsick and past EOD for him22:07

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