
AlanBellstill a few bugs, user preferences doesn't work for me00:00
AlanBellbradm is doing the work and is in australia so well out of my time zone00:00
AlanBelland adding a page subscription doesn't seem to invalidate the cache like it should so that needs fixing00:01
charlie-tcabut it is still a gain00:01
charlie-tcaanything on getting the theme we want?00:02
AlanBellyeah, that was put up on 27th May, but there was no performance increase until yesterday when I found the GetSubscriberSlow patch for them to implement00:02
AlanBellno, not discussed themes at the moment00:02
AlanBellthat involves different people00:02
charlie-tcaheh, sorry00:03
charlie-tcaI would be happy with something that doesn't fail every page change00:04
AlanBellme too00:04
charlie-tcaI am back to "modern" theme, since none of the sidebar themes work right anymore. Too many fixed size headers and stuff00:04
AlanBellI use light, but I don't like it that much00:07
AlanBelljust wish they had stuck with the old Ubuntu theme and changed the brown to orange and the font to the ubuntu font00:07
charlie-tcaagreed. It would have worked better00:08
phillwI know the feeling00:14
phillwsorry, was away on dogs needing out duties :)00:15
phillwand for something quite spectacular, next time you want to just have a couple of minutes of a fantastic 1.5 minute long vid, have a look at https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F21294655&h=1dfd1 It left me speechless, (his two other vids plus his photography work is also pretty breathtaking). About the 1st time I've found FaceBook to be of use!00:19

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