
persiarsalveti, Still about?00:42
persiarsalveti, I'd like to catch you sometime to talk about TFTP.00:43
persia(could be tomorrow if I'm too late today)00:43
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rsalvetipersia: sure, paste your questions :-)04:12
persiarsalveti, So we have a spec: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-o-arm-uboot-tftp  It doesn't seem to have been fleshed out post-UDS, although I remember you saying that some of the work was landing.04:33
rsalvetipersia: yeah, I have another bp that will cover this one04:33
persiaDoes this spec need to be filled out with stuff to do?  Is it already done?04:33
persiaAh, cool.04:33
persiaWhat's the other blueprint?04:33
rsalvetipersia: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/linaro-platforms-o-uboot-new-features04:34
rsalvetibut it is still missing some bits04:34
rsalvetiI plan to finish this up until end of this week04:34
rsalvetibut the work is being done already, and jcrigby will push a new version this week with tftp support for panda04:35
persiaThat covers the TFTP case.  Unless you object, I'll mark my spec obsolete and reference your more complete one.04:35
rsalvetipersia: I was going to do that once I put more details on the other one04:35
rsalvetijust need to describe the work that was done already04:35
rsalvetigive me a few days and I should do it04:36
persiaAh, OK.  In that case I won't do anything at all :)04:36
rsalvetiyup :-)04:36
persiaLooking at the wider spec: you don't happen to know if u-boot can provide USB storage gadget, do you?04:38
Matt_Ogood evening, gentlemen04:45
rsalvetiMatt_O: hey! :-)05:06
rsalvetiMatt_O: want to help us testing the kernel?05:06
Matt_Orsalveti, is it low risk? :)05:06
rsalvetiMatt_O: should be :-)05:06
Matt_OI really need my BB operational so I can to dev work on it (and it is right now)05:06
Matt_Obut I'd like to help testing also05:06
rsalvetiMatt_O: do you have ubuntu running on your xM C already?05:06
Matt_Ousing your kernel in fact05:07
rsalvetiMatt_O: so it should behave the same :-)05:07
Matt_Ocat /proc/version05:07
Matt_OLinux version 2.6.38-9-omap (root@natty-panda) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) ) #43xmbc Tue Apr 26 02:54:23 BRT 201105:07
rsalvetilet me check if the kernel was built already05:07
rsalvetiMatt_O: yup, just need to install it :-)05:09
Matt_Othe installer will make backups right?05:09
rsalvetiMatt_O: yes05:09
Matt_Oso what do I do?05:09
rsalvetiMatt_O: but please mount the first sd card partition and copy the files as a local backup05:10
Matt_Ogood idea05:10
Matt_Odoing that now05:10
rsalvetiMatt_O: add the following lines at your /etc/apt/sources.list:05:10
rsalvetideb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse05:10
rsalvetideb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse05:10
rsalvetiMatt_O: apt-get update and apt-get install linux-image-omap05:11
rsalvetiMatt_O: it should get the version 2.6.38-10.4405:12
Matt_Ook.. working05:12
rsalvetithis is the one with the fix included05:12
rsalvetiMatt_O: then flash-kernel should run automatically, and that will create a new uImage and new uInitrd05:14
rsalvetiand put your older ones as uI*.bak05:14
Matt_Odkms failed for powervr-omap3, installing headers as recommended05:16
rsalvetiMatt_O: sure, also install linux-headers-omap05:16
rsalvetithat should make it work05:17
Matt_Oit's retrying dkms05:18
Matt_Odang this thing is slow :)05:18
Matt_O(probably my sd card)05:18
Matt_Ook well I guess I'm ready to reboot and see what happens05:20
rsalvetiMatt_O: cool, good luck :-)05:20
Matt_Ophew... I got to the login prompt05:21
Matt_Odo you want to see the dmesg dump?05:21
rsalvetiMatt_O: yes, please :-)05:22
rsalvetiMatt_O: still using the older kernel, guess flash-kernel wasn't pulled automatically05:23
rsalvetijust don't know why05:24
rsalvetiMatt_O: please call sudo flash-kernel05:24
rsalvetiand then reboot again :-)05:24
Matt_Oyou sure?  the old dmesg didn't detect it as a rev C, it detected it as an unknown05:24
rsalveti[    0.000000] Linux version 2.6.38-9-omap (root@natty-panda) (gcc version 4.5.2 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.5.2-8ubuntu4) ) #43xmbc Tue Apr 26 02:54:23 BRT 2011 (Ubuntu 2.6.38-9.43xmbc-omap
rsalvetiMatt_O: from the kernel id05:24
Matt_Ook.. trying again05:24
rsalvetithat's interesting...05:25
rsalvetisame kernel and now you got Rev C05:25
Matt_Ook hit refresh05:26
Matt_Olooks like it's using the new one now05:29
rsalvetiMatt_O: cool, can you paste me your dmesg?05:29
Matt_Oit's the same URL05:29
Matt_Ojust refresh it05:29
rsalvetiMatt_O: cool, so it worked as expected :-)05:30
rsalvetiMatt_O: awesome, can you update the bug report with your results?05:30
Matt_OI am breathing large sighs of relief :)05:30
rsalvetihaha :-)05:30
Matt_Oupdate the bug report.. can I just reply to the email thread with a URL?05:32
rsalvetiMatt_O: sure, I can then post the needed bits05:32
Matt_Ook done05:33
rsalvetiMatt_O: awesome, thanks for helping making ubuntu better!05:34
Matt_OI am more than happy to do that, since I love ubuntu :)05:34
Matt_O(and it is in my best interest to have a solid BB linux install hehe)05:34
rsalvetihehe :-)05:34
Matt_OI've been spending the last 2-3 weeks ripping SDL out of my project because I suspected it was interfering with GLES2 on the BB... I'm finally ready to start up GLES2 dev work again with no SDL this time05:35
Matt_Oin fact, I'm pretty sure it was interfering since SDL likely does glx calls and the powervr stuff uses some weird EGL crap05:36
rsalvetioh, got it05:37
rsalvetiis it working well with the drivers provided for omap 3?05:37
Matt_OI wrote a "hello triangle" program that works great05:37
Matt_OI did have to manually install the GLES2 headers since I didn't see a package for those05:38
Matt_Obut.. I was just thrilled to have it work at all :)05:38
Matt_Omaybe I will contribute a package to install those headers some day :)05:38
Matt_Othat sounded bad.. what I mean is.. I'd love to contribuet a package, I would just ned to learn how to do it first05:39
rsalvetiit should be easy to provide the package for the headers, we just didn't do by default because the broken soname for the libs05:40
rsalvetiso in the end you have .so and not proper .so.1.7 or something05:41
Matt_Oproprietary drivers.. :)05:41
rsalvetilinks doesn't solve the issue because the soname is inside the lib05:41
rsalvetiso if you build against the sgx drivers for omap 3 and switch back to mesa, you'll need the mesa-dev packages just to run your application05:42
rsalvetibut I believe we should end up and provide the headers05:42
rsalvetilot of people are complaining about it05:42
Matt_OI don't see why anyone would want to use mesa on the BB... unless they just want to get something compiling fast05:42
Matt_Ohave you seen the issue where the s-video out goes blank after a certain period (like 10 minutes) ?05:47
Matt_Ofeels like a screensaver is kicking in but I can still access X via VNC just fine05:48
rsalveticould be just the power saving at X side05:50
rsalvetieven without screensaver05:50
Matt_Oahhh interesting05:50
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ppisatiguys, can anyone try to compile maverick/ti-omap4?09:44
ppisatii've a problem and it looks exactly like this one09:44
ubot2Ubuntu bug 669912 in linux "natty gcc-4.5 kernel (2.6.37-rc1) build failure" [Undecided,Fix released]09:44
ogra_maverick didnt have 4.509:47
ppisatithat's why we didn't see this problem before09:48
ogra_oh, wait, it did09:48
ogra_though i dont remember if it was default09:50
hrwogra_: maverick had 4.509:51
hrwas non default09:51
ogra_ah, k09:51
ppisatihrw: not as default i think09:51
hrw4.4 was default in maverick09:51
hrw4.5 in natty, 4.6 in oneiric09:51
ogra_so use 4.4 then :)09:51
ppisatii push that fix09:52
ppisatitoday i've another load of CVE09:52
ppisatithen mvl-dove rebase09:52
ppisatiand then the 4.6 omap4 usb09:52
ppisatiah, and i got the ac 100 but didn't have time to play with it :)09:53
ogra_ppisati, https://launchpad.net/~ac100 ... there is also a mailing list09:56
ppisatiogra_: cool09:56
ogra_ppisati, oh, there is also #ac100 in case you are intrested in yet another IRC channel :)10:15
hrwhow many of you use panda with ubuntu kernel?10:26
hrwtee: ../regina-normal_4.6-4_armel.build: Read-only file system10:26
ogra_all of us ?10:35
ogra_or most at least ...10:35
hrwI hope that it will not give me /home as RO :)10:37
ogra_hrw, well, if it does, ask janimo, he is in RO too :)11:24
* ogra_ thinks hrw didnt get the pun :)11:24
hrwgot, on second read11:24
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rsalvetiand we're just starting the Linaro arm porting jam! get at #linaro, get the bug list and help us making ubuntu better on arm :-)15:05
NCommanderrsalveti: do you want to take a bug on determining the reset button root cause?15:29
ogra_gar, who dropped the cross compile link from the topic ?15:46
jburkholder42hi, I'm looking for a good ubuntu arm target that's affordable16:39
jburkholder42any suggestions?16:39
suihkulokkibeagleboard-xm or pandaboard16:40
ogra_depends on your definition of affordable16:40
jburkholder42~$150 :)16:40
ogra_what suihkulokki said then16:40
jburkholder42hadn't heard of pandaboard16:40
jburkholder42oh wow, dual core, nice16:41
gildeanor if you want a more complete project, i think the toshiba ac100 is your only choice16:50
gildeanmore complete in hardware-wise16:50
gildeannot software16:50
GrueMasterIf you can find them.  They were discontinued.16:50
ogra_and not sold in the us16:51
rsalvetiNCommander: yes, as the bug seems to be introduced by your patch16:58
jburkholder42I'm looking for a board with ethernet and serial port mostly16:59
ogra_both should work for that16:59
ogra_ac100 is a netbook (no ethernet)16:59
NCommanderrsalveti: well, in theory, I was correctng a bug in FAT filesystems. I'm still kinda scared that having a proper FAT breaks the BootROM :-(17:00
jburkholder42ac100 looks like a nice little machine, not so good for development..17:01
rsalvetiNCommander: that doesn't surprise me17:03
NCommanderrsalveti: why not?17:05
GrueMasterWhat???  A bug in FAT?  Say it isn't so.17:05
ogra_because its TI :)17:05
rsalvetiNCommander: because there was a similar issue with omap 3 in the past17:05
rsalvetiyeah hehe17:06
rsalvetirom code is not bug free17:06
rsalvetiis like any software17:06
rsalvetifull of bugs ;-)17:06
GrueMasterJust the opposite.  You get free bugs.  :P17:06
* ogra_ bets rom code is just adapted to x-loader every new HW release 17:06
ogra_instead of the other way round17:06
* GrueMaster bets rom code doesn't change much except for sysboot tables.17:06
jburkholder42it probably has to stay bug for bug compatible17:08
sveinsepersia, rsalveti: What /is/ the difference between rootstock and qmeu-debootstrap? They produce the same rootfs output, don't they?17:48
rsalvetirootstock sets some other stuff too17:51
rsalvetilike create a user, set up oem-config and such17:51
sveinseWhat happens if I try to boot the rootfs output from debootstrap?17:51
rsalvetishould boot, but without any user17:53
rsalveticould also be lacking some other settings17:53
sveinseHow is this done in production installation? The install runs debootstrap and then sets up the system, like rootstock does?17:54
GrueMasterWorst case, you heard some tearing/crackling noises and have some giant marshmallow man tapping your shoulder.17:55
rsalvetisveinse: yes, check livecd-rootfs17:55
rsalvetisveinse: but ubuntu is switching for live-build17:55
sveinseIt seems we need to find an armel board to run debootstrap native for production18:02
sveinseAny suggestion on an armel board (which is binary compatible (ARMv7a) with OMAP3) which has good storage options, network, and preferably a box in order for it to fit in the server room?18:03
GrueMasterNeeds to be omap3?18:04
GrueMasterYou can get a beagleXM and a case.  check beagleboard.org.18:04
sveinseHmm, no, guess not. Just needs to be able to run ubuntu armel18:04
sveinseWhat storage options are there? External USB-SATA bridge?18:06
sveinseWhat are the Ubuntu farm consisting of? -- mostly in respect of storage18:07
GrueMasterThe new panda farm will be using usb<>sata with 160G drives.18:08
GrueMasterWe will use a small (~30G) partition for the chroot environment.  faster read/write times.18:09
GrueMasterThe existing systems are mostly babbage3 boards but they are flakey and are being replaced by the panda farm.18:09
GrueMasterThere are also some beaglexm systems.18:09
sveinseThe pandaboard should be better for building than beaglexm, shouldn't it?18:10
GrueMasterdual core, but other than that, not much better.18:10
sveinseI mean, the panda runs ubuntu just as well, doesn't it?18:10
GrueMasterYes.  Same image just different kernel.18:10
sveinseSo, the IO performance is just about the same?18:11
GrueMasterI think someone mentioned 24M/s throughput on usb.  Haven't personally benchmarked it yet.18:11
sveinseI guess it will be, since USB2.0 is the slowest link in a USB-SATA setting18:11
GrueMasterI could be wrong.18:12
GrueMasterBut much faster than SD.18:12
sveinseWell, the panda has twice the memory18:12
GrueMasterI am also working on a boot method for Panda to pull from the gadget port from a host pc.  No SD needed.18:13
suihkulokkihow does one request rebuilds of packages that failed last time due to build-dep issues18:14
sveinseGrueMaster: gadget port is the linux kernel term for USB OTG, right?18:14
GrueMasteryes.  The mini port on the panda.  Should also work on the beagle/beagle XM.18:15
sveinseUse the HW bootloader to load firmware to the panda?18:15
GrueMasteryes.  By default the sysboot is hardwired to 1. usb 2. mmc018:19
GrueMasterFor usb to work, it waits for a host to send it a second stage bootloader.  Then the second stage bootloader can boot a binary blob from there (u-boot, kernel+initrd, etc).18:20
sveinseWe planned on using usb that way for product recovery, but since we need to support the host-side drivers. We just swap sdcards instead18:21
GrueMasterFor details on our buildd farm, check out http://dmtechtalk.wordpress.com/.  For the usbboot loader, check out https://github.com/swetland/omap4boot.18:21
GrueMasterFor my test pool, I plan on pushing a kernel blob that will flash the sd card & reboot.  Then it can boot from sd and I can do testing from there.18:22
sveinseGrueMaster: Is it your project to build the physical farm?18:23
GrueMasterNo.  That was my manager's project.  He just sent the first one.18:23
sveinsenice project!18:23
GrueMasterI am writing the software to control the power relays via serial port & download the images through the otg port.18:24
sveinseI'd have a easier job selling native buildfarm to the IT dept if such were available in 19" rack... :D18:24
GrueMasterThe case is a 4u.18:25
sveinseyeah, so I see18:25
GrueMasterProblem he ran into was too many wires.  Probably could have had a custom wiring harness for the usb cables, but oh well.18:25
sveinseToday we are basing it on cross compile on a intel PC. And everyone here in this channel is twitching when I mention that!18:26
GrueMasterYea.  Too much can fail.18:26
sveinseWiring (electrical, building installation, network racks) are a craft that must be learned18:26
GrueMasterPersonally, I don't care how it is built.  I just complain loudly when it breaks.  :P18:26
GrueMaster(software I mean)18:27
GrueMasterYea, the rack stuff can get hard.  I designed a rack cabinet for high density cpu validation using desktop boards when I was at Intel.18:27
GrueMasterHeld 16 boards on 8 shelves.  Each shelf had 2 aluminum plates with holes for mounting every MB standard available at the time.  ITX, ATX, BTX, WTX, Server...18:29
GrueMasterEven had remote temperature monitoring so systems could be shut down.  Helped during Prescott (P4 x86_64) testing.  That processor was hot.18:30
sveinseGrueMaster: You're EE?18:48
GrueMasterPfft.  no.18:48
GrueMasterUsed to be a combat engineer in the army though.18:49
sveinseAnyone happens to know how long time it takes to build qt4-x11 on the ubuntu build farm? (beagleboards?)18:54
GrueMasterEasiest way to find out is to lookup on launchpad.net.  search for the package and go from there.  here's the natty updated version:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x11/4:4.7.2-0ubuntu6.1/+build/245857718:56
GrueMasterThe buildd names that ends with ceae are all beaglexm.18:56
sveinseI'm trying to benchmark (crudely) the performance of running a native buildfarm vs. using cross compilation18:57
jburkholder42took 1 day, 15 hours, 13 minutes, 48.2 seconds18:57
jburkholder42I was going to say 2 days18:57
GrueMasteriirc, it uses a lot of swap space.18:57
GrueMasterHere's the link to the build farm.  https://launchpad.net/builders/18:58
MrBIOS-seamicrohey guys18:59
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GrueMasterIn the next couple of weeks we should have almost a dozen pandas added.18:59
sveinsewhoa... 39 hrs.. That's a bit18:59
GrueMasterMore later in the cycle.18:59
GrueMasterYea, not pretty.18:59
sveinseswapping, means that memory is congested. the pandas ought to remedy that -- at least it helps19:00
MrBIOSI'm doing some testing of Apache performance on a 1.2GHz n ARMv11 board and am seeing an off request/sec wall of 260rps, even serving static content over 40kB in size19:00
GrueMasterMrBIOS: What do you see on an armv7a system?19:00
GrueMaster(we don't support older models - sorry).19:01
MrBIOSsorry, not armv1119:02
MrBIOSit's armv719:02
GrueMasterWhat platform?19:03
MrBIOSsomething that's not released :)19:03
GrueMasterCortex A8?  A9?19:04
sveinsewith that something have sata? ;)19:04
jburkholder42I read arm7  ;)19:04
MrBIOSsveinse, maybe ;)19:04
sveinseits cool that there is so much activity on arm going on!19:05
sveinsekeep it up!19:05
* ogra_ bets Daviey or someone else from the server team might be intrested in MrBIOS' test results :)19:08
MrBIOSogra_ do you know when Daviey is generally active/around?19:17
ogra_european business hours ...19:17
ogra_he is on uk time afaik19:17
MrBIOSokay, so I'm eightish hours off from him19:18
ogra_but i just threw in his name as one member of the tem19:18
MrBIOSwell, is there a list anywhere? ;-)19:18
ogra_they usually hang around in #ubuntu-server19:18
ogra_and arm server is one of our goals19:19
ogra_for 11.1019:19
* ogra_ is afk now19:19
jburkholder42hmm, digikey has no delivery date available for panda boards19:59
GrueMasterHeh.  Not unusual.20:01
jburkholder42where are you getting your boards?20:02
GrueMasterSome I got from TI (prerelease), some from digikey.  I have one coming from the other source on pandaboard.org.20:06
GrueMasterNot sure where the boards for the server farm came from.  May have been digikey.20:06
jburkholder42I'm in canada so digikey is good, guess I'll wait20:07
GrueMasterCanada, eh?  Where abouts?20:15
prpplaguejburkholder42: if you order from digikey right now, shipping time should be less than two weeks20:17
prpplaguejburkholder42: don't wait for them to be in stock20:18
jburkholder42GrueMaster: Bancroft20:18
jburkholder42prpplague: ok thanks20:18
jburkholder42GrueMaster: middle of nowhere ontario20:18
GrueMasterAh.  But at least you have bandwidth.20:19
prpplaguejburkholder42: we generally ship 300 to 500 units per week to digikey, however we had a short supply problem about 3 weeks ago that go use behind20:19
prpplaguejburkholder42: so if you order now, you most likely will get it in 10 to 14 days20:19
jburkholder42GrueMaster: indeed, pretty good high speed up here20:19
jburkholder42prpplague: cool, thanks for the info20:19
GrueMasterprpplague: Any news on bamboo?  Or at least a pandaboard case?20:19
prpplagueGrueMaster: still trying to work out a few details with the chinese company doing the tool20:20
prpplagueGrueMaster: pcb is done20:20
prpplagueGrueMaster: case design is done20:20
prpplagueGrueMaster: just getting the actual abs parts is the issue now20:20
prpplagueGrueMaster: that an my poor bank account crying at the expense20:20
* prpplague hopes he will turn a profit 20:21
prpplagueGrueMaster: i can send you a FDM for you to use for now if you want20:21
prpplagueGrueMaster: it's no where near as strong as the abs case, but you can use it for now20:22
prpplagueGrueMaster: i had hoped that we could find a company in the US to do the tool but the US companies were outrageously expensive20:23
GrueMasterWill it be clear acrylic?20:24
prpplagueGrueMaster: you mean the production case?20:26
prpplagueGrueMaster: no, it will be black matte abs plastic20:27
GrueMasterHmm.  Still good for making a settop box.20:27
prpplagueGrueMaster: you've seen the latest renedering right?20:27
GrueMasterNot sure.  Last one I saw was a few months ago.20:28
prpplagueGrueMaster: you have acroread installed on your system?20:28
GrueMasterOf course.20:28
prpplagueGrueMaster: /msg me you email address20:28
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MrBIOSanybody here know if kexec is known to work on any ARM variant?23:53
GrueMasterMrBIOS: I think it was being worked on. Not sure if ppisati worked on it. He is in Itally, check with him in the morning.23:57

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