
paultagpleia2: ♥, get better!00:06
pleia2good luck tomorrow! :)00:07
pleia2we made the weather nice today for you00:07
nhandlerpleia2: Just use something like festival to have your computer speak for you ;)00:08
pleia2I am dragging a debian developer out of his nest and everything for this meeting :)00:09
pleia2"please sign my key" "why are you whispering?" "laryngitis" "that is suspicious, not signing!"00:10
nhandlerpleia2: I'm dragging a DD to a bike ride at 1am local time to get my key signed before I head off to school ;)00:10
pleia2nice :)00:10
paultagpleia2: thanks, I'm really worried about it00:12
rrnwexeccommunity friends, i'm creating a draft schedule for "Ubuntu Community Week".  i'm looking for "a few good community movers and shakers" to present topics on several important themes... want to present? please check out the event page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCommunityWeek and send me a note: mailto:randall@executiv.es02:12
pleia2rrnwexec: fwiw, I wouldn't recommend lernid just yet, it's under heavy development to work again on maverick and above and even when it's done people will need a PPA to install it02:14
pleia2anyway, when this event was called LoCo Days I volunteered to do a session on "working with other groups" so I'd be happy to volunteer for that again :)02:16
rrnwexecpleia2: thank you, and thank you!!02:22
* nhandler added (or tried to add) a comment on the blog post02:26
nhandlerrrnwexec: Do we have times for this event?02:27
rrnwexecnhandler: sessions begin hourly 16:00UTC to 19:00UTC02:28
nhandlerrrnwexec: And do we have a list of requested sessions for this event?02:29
rrnwexecnhandler: i'll be sending my thoughts out shortly. i'm open to all suggestions :) ... generally though i'd be delighted to see sessions that are aimed at helping people find, create, grow and energize their local community02:32
nhandlerrrnwexec: Well, I can probably do something. I'm just not sure what or when yet02:33
rrnwexecnhandler: awesome! thanks and please keep me posted.02:33
nhandlerrrnwexec: Sure thing02:34
mhall119jcastro: you still awake?02:35
nigelbmorning folks05:09
rrnwexecnigelb: good morning :)05:11
nigelbhey rrnwexec :)05:11
nigelbjcastro: ...?06:16
dholbachgood morning06:53
nigelbGood morning dholbach :-)07:02
dholbachhi nigelb07:03
dholbachhola dpm07:04
dpmmorning dholbach :)07:05
dpmgood morning everyone07:05
nigelbhey dpm!07:06
dpmhey nigelb ;)07:06
nigelbGood morning ara :)07:35
aramorning nigelb07:42
dpmmorning kim009:43
kim0dpm: hey :)09:43
=== daker_ is now known as daker
paultagmorning czajkowski12:58
Pendulumpaultag: jet lag?12:58
czajkowskipaultag: how'd it gp12:58
paultagPendulum: nasty jet lag12:58
paultagczajkowski: meeting is in 5 hours12:58
czajkowskiwish my battery and charger would arrive for my laptop12:59
czajkowskiall the stuff I need to do is on my tosh12:59
czajkowskipaultag: best of luck12:59
paultagczajkowski: thanks!12:59
paultagczajkowski: I figure i'll wear acid wash jeans, a che t-shirt and come in with some McDonnalds12:59
* czajkowski hugs popey 13:00
czajkowskiyour reply came in after mine13:00
czajkowskipaultag: just be yourself and you'll do great13:00
* Pendulum hugs paultag 13:02
paultagczajkowski: thanks :)13:02
Pendulumpaultag: sending good interview vibes your way :)13:02
* paultag hugs Pendulum 13:02
paultagPendulum: thanks :)13:02
mhall119paultag: good luck13:23
czajkowskiwhy do soclictors talk in a language that you cannot understand13:23
czajkowskithey make plain english sound complex and not sure if what you said is what is written in front of you :s13:24
jussiczajkowski: ++13:24
mhall119czajkowski: I think you just answered your own question13:25
czajkowskithank feck for having a sister who is studying it to make sense for it for me13:25
czajkowskiother than that I'd be lost13:25
popeyTechnoviking: http://twitter.com/#!/ubuntu_forums13:27
popeyanything to do with forums people?13:27
paultagthanks, mhall119 :)13:29
paultag"Ubuntu Forums Web 2.0 Question Answers" ← wtf does that even mean?13:30
paultagand the links go to "ubun2.com"13:31
head_victimI wonder if they can squeeze more ads and suck out more polish from that ubun2 site13:58
JanCI see no ads  ;)14:06
head_victimJanC: I must admit they are seemlessly hidden in the page unobtrusively ;)14:22
JanChead_victim: I use NoScript, and I suppose all ads are loaded with JavaScript nowadays...  ;)14:23
head_victimAh fair enough I can screenshot if you'd like to see how awesomely they've been slotted in ;)14:24
JanCI could see myself by temporarily enabling JS, but I remember how sites tend to be full of ads from last time I used somebody else's computer  ;)14:25
dholbachhey jono15:54
jonohey dholbach15:55
kim0jono: hey15:59
jonohey kim015:59
jonodholbach, kim0, jcastro, dpm about set?16:00
jcastroI am16:00
dpmjono, yep16:00
mhall119jcastro: ping16:09
* popey hugs jono16:15
jonopopey, :-)16:15
jcastrodholbach: whoa!16:30
jcastro"[laney] Enable -backports in sources.list by default"16:30
* dholbach shrugs - no idea how that is meant16:30
dholbachprobably not activate it :)16:30
jcastrooh dude I get it16:31
jcastrothe parent bp has it16:31
jcastro"Packages aren't taken from -backports unless explicitly requested16:31
jcastroMeans enabling -backports by default is safe (so we're going to do that)"16:31
jcastrothat's a big deal, people will really like that I think16:31
JanChm, why not do the same with -proposed then?  ☺16:39
JanCthat would make it a lot easier for users to test a proposed fix16:40
vishJanC: backports is something that is a major version update-sort and already works in the Newer releases, while proposed is just for bug fixes and more smaller changes..  so backports is more for getting the newest stuff in the older releases16:45
vishlike FF16:45
JanCI know16:46
vishJanC: lot of proposed changes cause problem and dont get released.. so not ideal to enable for everyone..16:46
JanCvish: do s/backports/proposed/ in "Packages aren't taken from -backports unless explicitly requested" and that shouldn't be an issue  ;)16:47
JanCthe idea would be that people could elect to install a package from -proposed, e.g. when a developer asks them to16:49
vishJanC: hehe, then it would not need to exist even, ;)   proposed is just for testing, and updates is for good patches.. what do we do with updates then? :)16:49
JanCno, you don't understand16:50
vishJanC: ah! OK.. got it now :)16:50
JanCfixes don't move from proposed to updates before they are tested  ;)16:50
JanCso somebody has to test them16:50
JanCpreferable the user who saw the bug16:50
JanCwhich is now complicated, and often causes them to install all packages in -proposed16:51
vishJanC: yup.., but if enabled we need to set apt-pinning as well, otherwise proposed will install as a regular update16:51
JanCif we do that for -backports, we can do it for -proposed  ;)16:51
* vish dint know we were doing pinning for backports :)16:52
jcastroexcept no thanks, I don't want to run proposed all the time16:53
jcastroI want it easy for people to use so they can test something, but I'll stick with normal -updates thanks.16:53
jcastrohowever if someone says "oh cool, I want a new banshee from backports" and there's a gui and it's all easy and stuff then ftw.16:53
JanCjcastro: so how is the "Packages aren't taken from -backports unless explicitly requested" implemented then?16:54
vishJanC: maybe it's presented as new package, instead of update of old version?  so someone will have to install it specifically16:56
JanCthat would complicate upgrades though16:58
JanCwell, can be scripted around probably16:58
rrnwexecif anyone would like to discuss possible topics for "Ubuntu Community Week" or just banter about it, i'll be here for about 30 mins :)17:31
nigelbrrnwexec: you could find some inspiring topics from the loco days event that we organized last cycle17:36
head_victimrrnwexec: nice email you sent to the list, giving those use cases were helpful in explaining the goals.17:36
rrnwexecnigelb: cool. will peruse that. thank you17:37
rrnwexechead_victim: thanks!17:37
* head_victim remembers to forward it to his loco17:38
rrnwexecyes, if you have teams, or know some "movers and shakers" please do pass along the message. i'm interested in hearing from all outposts of our vast community17:41
head_victimEither way it gets people thinking about presenting or participating, both good.17:42
rrnwexechead_victim: yes, great point.17:43
head_victimI actually had some people asking me what was planned for this cycle, glad I could answer them with something now.17:44
dholbachalrightie - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow - HUGS!17:44
head_victimCheerio dholbach17:44
=== daker is now known as daker_
jcastro<--- lunching18:46
jcastro(yes, I know it's like 2pm almost)18:46
head_victimCould be worse, I'm about to have dinner at 4am18:46
jcastrojono: Iif you have time for a call, I could use a 5 minute one19:06
* nhandler thinks jcastro is feeling lonely19:08
jcastrooh, I think he's doing his Q+A right now19:09
nhandlerjcastro: So call him up and have him put you on speaker ;)19:10
jonojcastro, sure, call now?20:12
jonojcastro, grabbing lunch, call my phone and we can talk20:17
jonodoctormo, around?21:47
czajkowskiwin 3422:07
macojcastro, jono: those burndown charts from lp blueprints... how do they happen?22:08
macojono, jcastro: nevermind. apachelogger found it22:10
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mhall119maco: ask cjohnston22:46

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