
brycehRAOF, robert_ancell, TheMuso: meeting time?00:03
RAOFI believe that it's 9am, yes :)00:04
brycehJason's away to the airport and asked that I chair the meeting today00:04
brycehalrighty, robert_ancell want to kick us off?00:04
brycehhow's lightdm coming?  :-)00:05
robert_ancellcoming along good.  Seems to be working well on most peoples boxes00:05
robert_ancellI believe it just got on the seed and displaced gdm for Oneiric so preparing for floods of reports!00:05
RAOFIs the plymouth integration madness hooked up?00:06
robert_ancellI've implemeted it, and it's working until someone tells me otherwise :)00:07
RAOFHeh, ok.  Looks like it's time to reboot a box or two :)00:07
brycehrobert_ancell, saw the discussion about keyboard layout stuff, sounds like you have a sane approach worked out, to the limits of my own keyboard layout knowhow00:08
brycehpeople seem not shy about filing bug reports when keyboard stuff isn't right ;-)00:09
robert_ancellThe next main feature in 0.4.0 will be guest logins and some stuff under the hood to make it more stable (particularly unittests)00:09
robert_ancellyeah, keyboard/language is a bit of a black art!00:09
brycehok, moving on... TheMuso how's your week been going?00:10
TheMusoNot too bad, got all of at-spi2 into main as of the next dailies, it should be used by default.00:10
TheMusoStill doing Qt a11y testing, will be pushing patches for Qt to didrocks by EOW.00:10
TheMusoAnd still got to get the qt at-spi bridge uploaded and into main.00:11
TheMusoAlso started working on ubiquity a11y work.00:11
TheMusoThats the extent of my week pretty much.00:11
brycehcool.  pardon my ignorance, what is at-spi?00:11
bryceh(just idly curious)00:11
brycehah assistive technology service provider interface00:12
brycehTheMuso, ok great00:13
TheMusoYeah, its the core API/ipc for getting a11y stuff from apps, and getting it to a screen reader/magnifier etc.00:13
brycehRAOF, up to your eyeballs in mesa merging I should guess?00:13
brycehhow's that going?00:13
RAOFGot some nice savings in the gallium drivers by factoring out another shared library.00:14
RAOFThey're now about a third as large (so ~3MB → ~1MB)00:14
brycehhad much chance to look at bug reports on mesa?  anything interesting there?00:15
RAOFThe upload is pending a llvm-2.9 MIR, which is pending a build of openjdk-6b18 on armel to check for test-suite regressions.00:15
RAOFNothing particularly interesting has landed in my Mesa bugmail box (yet ☺).00:16
brycehRAOF, would you mind jotting down about our current package merge status in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2011-06-07 when you get a moment?  I neglected to do that last week00:17
brycehspeaking of mesa, I traded a couple emails with keithp on the topic of post-release mesa updates00:17
RAOFbryceh: Certainly.  I'll do it before rebooting to check that plymouth integration isn't broken :)00:18
brycehI outlined what we're facing as SRU requirements in getting mesa patches (let alone point releases) accepted, and he seemed receptive and said they were consistent with the requirements he wants to impose on mesa 7.11 point releases00:18
brycehso even if we can't do full point releases, *maybe* we'll have more actionable mesa patches this time through00:19
brycehhe did suggest that there might be a regression test for mesa we could look at hooking up... I'll have to follow up on that more00:20
RAOFI think keithp has a pretty good understanding of what's required in a stable branch.00:20
RAOFbryceh: Other than piglit?  Interesting.00:20
brycehsounded like it00:20
RAOFIt'll run into the problem of needing to be run on actual hardware though.00:21
brycehother than this, I've been toolsmithing and sponsoring various bugfix patches.  Lots of bug reporters needing debugging advice too.00:22
brycehI also took the role of Ubuntu stakeholder for Launchpad, so have been conversing with folks about ideas on how we could improve Launchpad to Ubuntu's benefit.  Fun stuff.  :-)00:22
RAOFYay!  I can't think of a better LP liason than you.00:23
brycehok, did we miss anyone?  If not, AOB?00:23
brycehexcellent, ok guys have a good day.  :-)00:24
RAOFOooh, mesa talking about a 6-monthly cadence for releases?  Yay!00:24
RAOFHm.  That would see 7.11 scheduled for release between A2 and A3.  I could live with that!00:26
TheMusoIs it just me, or does compiz currently have rendering issues in oneiric with intel?01:52
TheMusoi.e nothing gets cleared.01:52
RAOFWorks fine¹ here.01:54
RAOFYou're not running into the background-setting problem?01:54
RAOF(Where, unless you explicitly set a new background g-s-d doesn't draw anything on the root window so whatever was last drawn is left there?)01:55
TheMusoOh thats what it is.01:55
TheMusoThats terrible.01:55
TheMusoThats better.01:57
RAOFYeah.  I thought didrocks was fixing that?01:57
TheMusoBut, it is a dev cycle after all.01:58
robert_ancellRAOF, where is a good description of the X protocol (i.e. the binary messaging)02:00
RAOFrobert_ancell: The various x11-proto-* docs.  They all have a description of the protocol messages and replies.02:01
robert_ancellRAOF, on the web? Or packaged?02:01
RAOFrobert_ancell: They're all packaged - in the same package as the development headers.02:03
RAOF(For that part of the protocol)02:03
robert_ancellRAOF, ok, cheers02:03
RAOFSo, /usr/share/doc/x11proto-core-dev/x11protocol.txt.gz for the core protocol, which is huge, or /usr/share/doc/x11proto-dri2-dev/dri2proto.txt.gz for the dri2 protocol, which is svelte, sensible, and easy to read :)02:04
lucidfoxSo, the Liferea upstream has no problem with integrating indicator support upstream provided I maintain it there02:52
brycehSo, you shouldn't begin sentences with so.  ;-)02:59
* RAOF goes “hm, now that it's stopped raining it might be time to go and get stuff for lunch”… and it starts raining again.03:10
TheMusoYeah that does suck.03:10
TheMusoNow that NSW has had a butload of rain, it seems its Tassy's turn now.03:11
TheMusos/now/this time/03:11
pittiGood morning05:28
TheMusoGood morning pitti.05:38
pittihey TheMuso, how are you?05:40
TheMusopitti: Not too bad thanks. Yourself?05:40
pittistill a bit tired, but well otherwise05:40
* bryceh waves to pitti06:31
pittihey bryceh, how are you?06:32
brycehgreat; closed a ton of bugs today06:32
pittioh, always good!06:33
brycehpitti, speaking of which, I have an SRU for a really critical bug that would benefit from being fast-tracked06:33
pittioh, sure06:33
brycehbug 77497806:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "xserver crashes in RecordAReply when XRecord is enabled in syndaemon" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77497806:33
brycehpitti, fix is uploaded to natty-proposed but I haven't filled in the paperwork and stuff.  I'll do that now.06:34
pittiadding natty task, processing06:34
pittiheh, weird fix :)06:34
pittithat indeed calls for some further explanation about regression potential of building without libxtst06:36
pittibryceh: processed06:36
TheMusopitti: damn. Had I known you were going to upload casper, I would have asked you to wait.06:38
TheMusoNo matter, I just had to make another upload.06:38
pittiit's a small package, the buildds will survive two uploads :)06:38
brycehpitti, thanks!06:48
brycehpitti, yeah I know... I wish we had the root cause figured out, but I suspect an earlier fix to record functionality that Chase did for a utouch bug exposed the codepath06:49
brycehpitti, aha not chase's fault; debian introduced the xtst/record dependency, and it was just plain buggy.  Chase's fix was a partial fix that papered over a worse problem but (apparently) left this crash bug.06:58
* bryceh will update bug report with findings06:58
pittiah, thanks06:58
glatzormorning bryceh and pitti07:04
pittihey glatzor, wie gehts?/07:05
glatzorpitti, I am fine. Making my first steps in gobject introspection land :)07:05
pittiooh, what are you porting?07:05
pittiglatzor: you know https://live.gnome.org/PyGObject/IntrospectionPorting ?07:05
brycehheya glatzor07:06
* bryceh needs to learn PyGObject at some point07:06
glatzorpitti, I am writing an aptdaemon client library in C to even get introspection python bindings :)07:07
pittiglatzor: ah, so you are learning about https://live.gnome.org/GObjectIntrospection/Annotations? :-)07:09
brycehpitti, ooooh the story of this bug is getting really interesting!07:32
chrisccoulson_good morning everyone07:54
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
didrocksgood morning07:55
pittihey didrocks07:55
pittimvo: guten Morgen07:57
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks and pitti07:57
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?07:57
didrocksguten morgen pitti07:57
didrockshey chrisccoulson!07:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - good thanks, how are you?07:58
pittiI'm great, thanks!07:58
mvohey pitti and didrocks and chrisccoulson! good morning07:59
chrisccoulsonhi mvo :)07:59
didrockshey mvo07:59
pittimvo: update-notifier is in a dire situation now, as all the notify_notification_new_with_status_icon() calls don't work any more08:00
pittimvo: i. e. in natty they stopped working (no status icons), and in oneiric it doesn't even build any more due to the new libnotify08:00
pittimvo: but don't we just open update-manager/apport/etc. anyway? can we just rip out all the notification stuff?08:00
mvopitti: right, I kept it for compatibility with e.g. xfce08:02
mvopitti: I have a look at it today08:02
pittichrisccoulson: ok to remove xulrunner-1.9.2-gnome-support xulrunner-2.0-gnome-support from oneiric?08:02
didrocks(oneconf as well is called by update-notifier)08:02
pittichrisccoulson: no rdepends, depends on NBS libraries08:02
glatzormorning mvo08:02
mvopitti: I need to look at u-n anyway for the apport hooks (re your mail from today)08:03
mvoglatzor: hey glatzor!08:03
pittimvo: I fixed the constructor call (not committed yet), but I wondered whether you just want me to remove the other notification stuff08:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - which libraries do they depend on? note that those packages literally only exist to pull in the dependencies. the actual dependencies are in the in the main packages08:03
pittichrisccoulson: ah, ignore me, it's not a separate source08:03
pittichrisccoulson: libnotify108:04
chrisccoulsonah, ok08:04
chrisccoulsoni guess they need a rebuild to pick up the new version08:04
chrisccoulsonbut, i'm not sure if there's much point, seeing as we're going to kill them soon anyway ;)08:04
pittichrisccoulson: the xulrunner packages depend on libreadline5-dev08:04
chrisccoulson(and i made a start on that last night)08:04
pittichrisccoulson: should be libreadline-dev now, but why -dev in the first place?08:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's bogus. i already dropped that from thunderbird and firefox08:05
pittiah, tahnks08:05
pittimvo: do we still need src/reboot.c? we already have that in the session menu and the logout dialog08:05
mvopitti: right, again for compat with other environments like xfce08:06
pittimvo: hm, so it seems this would all need to be ported to use an appindicator?08:06
pitti... which we then would need to suppress in unity/gnome08:06
mvopitti: if we rip stuff out I would prefer to just rip all the auto open out and essentially leave u-n as it is and replace with a new tool that is massively simpler08:07
mvopitti: i.e. one for xfce/ldxe etc and one for unity/indicators/auto-open08:07
pittimvo: ok, so the simpler fix for u-n would just be to display notifications, without attaching to status icons08:08
pittiwant me to do that for now, so that the package builds and works again?08:08
pittiwith notify-osd they aren't "attached" anyway08:08
mvopitti: I actaully wanted to work on this for natty but then there was the  of upstart session plans and I kind of hoped to use that08:08
pittiyeah, that'd make it much easier08:08
mvopitti: so notify-osd break this api? compared to notification-daemon? or is it removed in notification-daemon too?08:08
pittiso perhaps just _new_with_status_icon -> _new() would do it for now08:08
pittimvo: no, thet new libnotify 0.7 doesn't have it any more08:09
pittignome-shell doesn't provide this any more either08:09
pittiit's an API change08:09
mvopitti: ok, thats fine then, please just remove it then08:09
pittimvo: ok, will do08:09
mvopitti: thanks!08:09
pittithanks for the heads-up08:09
mvoyw, once thats in I will add the apport check addition and upload08:09
Tm_Tcdbs: your autojoin comment made me smile (:08:20
cdbsTm_T: why?08:20
Tm_Tperhaps I'm so used to have you around that it's a bit weird you're not (:08:21
pittimvo: hm, any idea how I actually get notification bubbles? haven't seen one from u-n in ages, it just pops up windows08:21
pitti(it builds fine now, but testing wouldn't hurt, I guess)08:22
pittimvo: oh, /apps/update-notifier/show_apport_crashes ?08:25
pittihm, that's already true08:26
pittipresumably it never gets around to actually showing it, as gtk_status_icon_get_visible(ta->tray_icon) never becomes true08:27
mvopitti: could you try setting /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch to false?08:28
pittimvo: trying that, also setting the interval to 008:29
pittimvo: look mom! notifications!08:32
pittimvo: tested for crashes and updates now, I'm happy08:33
pittimvo: pushed08:33
pittimvo: do you want me to upload, or do you want to work on it further anyway?08:33
* didrocks likes the "tested for crashes … I'm happy" (puttin things out of context can be so funny)08:34
mvopitti: I will add a additional checking before calling apport, but feel free to upload dosn't hurt if it will be uploaded twice08:34
* pitti mumbles something about "gsettings migration"08:34
pittididrocks: that's simple: no crashes -> no work for us -> we'll get fired08:34
didrockspitti: arghhhhh, right! let's ensure we have crashes :-)08:35
rodrigo__hi seb12809:06
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:06
seb128hey rodrigo__, how are you?09:06
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, I'm fine thanks, you?09:06
rodrigo__hi chrisccoulson09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks. started cleaning the python-gtkmozembed rdepends last night :)09:07
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo__, how are you? where is rodrigo_ and rodrigo? ;)09:07
rodrigo__rodrigo is always taken by someone in brazil09:08
chrisccoulsonby the end of the day, will you have become rodrigo________________?09:08
rodrigo__not sure where rodrigo_ is :)09:08
rodrigo__yeah, with all the disconnections I get recently :)09:08
chrisccoulsonwhat we should do is all have an arbitrary number of underscores in our names, and then remove autocomplete from IRC clients ;)09:09
chrisccoulsonthat might reduce the number of pings people get09:09
rodrigo__right, good idea09:13
rodrigo__so, you patch xchat and I do empathy to remove the autocompletion? :)09:13
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:14
seb128you need to break the text selection to prevent people to do copies ;-)09:14
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i'm sure we could do that too09:14
chrisccoulsonand we could even generate a random number of underscores automatically09:14
chrisccoulsonimagine the chaos!09:14
seb128easier you could just disable highlighting ;-)09:15
chrisccoulsonthat's too simple ;)09:15
didrockshey rodrigo__, seb12809:18
seb128lut didrocks09:18
seb128didrocks, how are you?09:18
didrocksI'm fine, thanks, and you?09:19
seb128didrocks, users complain that they can't install unity today due to you ;-)09:19
seb128didrocks, I'm fine thanks!09:19
didrocks(nightly build of Qt unfortunatly didn't fix it with -O1)09:19
didrocksoh, binNEw09:19
seb128didrocks, (seems you need to new compiz binaries)09:19
didrocksseb128: can you have a look at them? as I don't really want to new them myself :)09:19
pittibonjour seb12809:20
seb128pitti, hey! how are you?09:20
pittiseb128: pretty well, thanks!09:20
pittigdm is making progress, but still a bit buggy09:20
pittihalf of the time the greeter doesn't draw properly09:20
pittithat's with and without our patches09:20
seb128it's runtime buggy?09:20
pittiyou can navigate the window, but the user list isn't visible sometimes09:21
seb128pitti, did you figure if we still need the plymouth integration patches and why those are not upstream?09:21
pittiwe still need them09:21
pittino idea why this "plymouth integration branch" was never merged :/09:21
pittifedora still ships it as a patch as well09:22
seb128ok, I will ask on #gdm today09:22
seb128didrocks, seems like kde.xml got dropped from the compiz-plugins binary but not added to -default09:25
didrocksseb128: it's beeing added to compiz-kde09:25
didrocks  * move /usr/share/compiz/kde.xml wrongly set in compiz-plugins to compiz-kde09:26
didrocksin the changelog09:26
seb128didrocks, oh right (I didn't look at the changelog, just at the debs)09:27
didrocksno worry :)09:27
seb128didrocks, ok, compiz newed, looking at c-p-m09:28
didrocksseb128: thanks09:28
mvopitti: I send two branches your way for apport, please let me know what you think09:32
seb128didrocks, ok, I didn't check but compiz-plugins-main-dev could need a Replaces on compiz-fusion-plugins-main as well for lucid upgrades09:33
seb128didrocks, otherwise looks good09:33
seb128didrocks, i.e I didn't check if they have common files but I assume they do09:33
didrocksseb128: hum, I think files moved, but I'll have a look09:33
seb128didrocks, ok09:34
didrocks(was compiz-fusion dir=09:34
seb128didrocks, anyway not an issue for oneiric so newing those09:34
didrocksseb128: thanks :)09:34
seb128didrocks, well things like ./usr/lib/pkgconfig/compiz-animation.pc09:34
seb128or what that fusion namespaced as well?09:34
seb128should be easy to check anyway09:34
didrockslet me quickly check, I think it was in 0.809:34
pittimvo: ah, will do09:35
didrocksseb128: you're right, I'm adding the change to the vcs09:35
seb128didrocks, thanks!09:35
pittigah, today's live images failed to build due to compiz-plugins-main09:35
didrocksthanks for pointing it :)09:36
seb128didrocks, yw09:36
didrockscompiz is now the land of C/R/P :-)09:36
* pitti binNEWs09:36
seb128"FAILED: compiz-plugins-main (Queue item already accepted)"09:36
pittisorry seb12809:36
seb128pitti, hum, did you just hijack what I was discussing with didrocks for 5 minutes? ;-)09:37
seb128pitti, no worry, I just finished checking, out of the lucid replaces they were ok09:37
didrockspushed in vcs, will wrap that next upload09:39
pittiseb128: sorry, I just got the "failed to build" email from cdimage, and acted on it09:42
pittibad mid-air collision09:42
seb128pitti, no worry ;-)09:43
* seb128 hugs pitti09:43
* pitti hugs back seb12809:43
lucidfoxAre there any themes yet for gtk3-engines-unico?09:45
seb128lucazade is working on one and has it on his launchpad ppa or vcs09:47
cdbslucidfox: Yes, its Ambiance being developed by lucazade at lp:~lucazade/+junk/ambiance-gtk309:49
lucidfoxOoh, nice09:49
pittimvo: I did https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/apport/apport-checkreports-addition/+merge/63819 now09:53
lucidfoxOkay, it works. Doesn't look very Ambiance-y at the moment, but I presume this will change by the final release :)09:55
mvopitti: awsome, thanks!09:56
=== Guest99970 is now known as gord
ogra_hmm, did anyone else see hangs in oneiric when gnome-user-guide is installed ?10:01
ogra_i get "hung task" timeout messages from the kernel here for dpkg ...10:02
ogra_only for that one package and reproducable10:02
pittimvo: done as well; want me to upload that to oneiric now?10:04
seb128ogra_, I didn't but I don't know if that one got upgraded or installed since I use an upgrade from natty10:04
seb128it could be still the natty version10:04
ogra_well, on armel it definitely gets updated during a move from natty to oneiric10:05
ogra_so i would expect that on armel too10:05
ogra_what bothers me is that it seems to hang in the configure step ... usually i would expect the postinst to misbehave here10:05
seb128you are sure it's not just being slow?10:06
seb128or that you have io issues?10:06
ogra_but that would likely point to a different binary in dmesg and also i cant seem to find a postins script for the package10:06
mvopitti: please!10:06
ogra_seb128, dpkg stops right after the dmesg message shows up10:06
ogra_i left it sitting there over night10:07
ogra_so i doubt its slowness10:07
ogra_and i just heard the same issue from another armel user10:07
seb128seems armel specific then10:08
ogra_but what does that package do that others dont ? especially in the configure step10:08
ogra_i cant find a postinst, but there must be some command running that other packages dont use10:09
seb128nothing, it doesn't even has a postinst10:09
seb128well maybe not10:09
ogra_is there a trigger like scrollkeeper or so =10:09
seb128it's maybe the content of the deb which hits a dpkg bug10:09
seb128no, scrollkeeper has been deprecated10:10
seb128and triggers are run after the configure anyway10:10
seb128it seems likely the deb content hits a dpkg bug10:11
ogra_hmm, k10:11
ogra_i wonder why only this package hits it though10:11
seb128you should better take that discussion to #ubuntu-devel, out of mvo who might be able to help you I think it's out of the desktop domain10:11
ogra_installing or upgrading g-u-d was always slow in the past though10:12
ogra_like 5-10min just for that package10:12
seb128it has quite some content10:12
ogra_i checked the .list file ...10:12
ogra_nearly 7000 files10:12
saammOne of my friend bought Braid from Software Center, but sound is not working. Where should I report this?10:21
mvohey saamm, we don't currently have a official bugreport channel, its probably best to contact the braid publisher for now and report the problem there10:26
saammuhm isnt there a way that we file a bug in launchpad and it is reported in upstream as Ubuntu developers may have better contacts with app providers10:31
saammbraid has no support forum, page or anything...just an email :(10:32
seb128pitti, mvo: is there any reason update-notifier still need a systray at all nowadays?10:33
mvoseb128: compatbility with xfce and friends10:34
seb128mvo, how compatible? what does it use under unity which has no systray which is not available in xfce?10:34
seb128I though it was a service spawning commands only nowadays10:34
seb128like it does open update-manager or apport10:34
mvoseb128: in xfce they don't use it in auto-open mode (last I checked)10:35
mvoseb128: the longer term goal of me is to get rid of u-n by default and replace it with some simpler version that just supports the auto-open stuff10:35
mvoseb128: actually having the tray icons makes it all more complicated10:35
seb128well, why not just dropping the icon then?10:36
seb128xfce could use it in auto-open mode10:36
mvosaamm: I think we need a support channel for issues like this, but there is none currently, I will enquire about this.10:36
mvoseb128: but why force it on them if they don't like auto-open mode?10:36
mvoseb128: its low maintainence (for the most part)10:37
seb128mvo, why lower the ubuntu quality just to accomodate other desktops?10:37
chrisccoulsonpitti - will you let me know when you're ready to start building language packs for natty?10:37
seb128mvo, I've seen several bugs with syslog errors about the systray icon being rejected from unity, some users get clearly confused under unity by trying to use it10:38
seb128mvo, so either it should we an indicator or dropped imho10:38
saammmvo, ok thanks...I try to contact them through email...10:38
seb128pitti, is it worth downloading an oneiric daily iso to use in kvm or will it give no desktop between unity-3d not working and the unity-2d,qt,gcc issues?10:41
pittiseb128: dpeends on what you want to test10:50
pittiwith -vga vmware you can get to a desktop without the unity 2d drash10:51
pittiyou can ctrl+alt+t for a terminal and run things there10:51
pittichrisccoulson: yes, I will; still waiting for the export to happen10:54
pittiseb128: I tried installing gnome-session-fallback in a live system and then choosing gnome session in gdm, that works fine, too10:56
pittithe applications menu is empty, though -> missing dependency?10:56
seb128pitti, weird, gnome-menus should be installed10:56
seb128pitti, I will try that, I don't need much, I want to check the rdepends for the deprecated lib on a clean system10:57
pittithat's fine in a terminal10:57
seb128I've some non default things installed on mine and I might have uninstalled some others10:57
pittig-menus is isntalled, yes10:57
pittiseb128: I have yesterday's CD running, want me to try some stuff?10:57
seb128not sure why the menu doesn't work then10:57
pittilike purging, and teling you what's left?10:57
seb128pitti, no, I just want to poke around, do rdepends list and dump them on the etherpad10:58
seb128pitti, I will just rsync the iso over lunch and do that later but thanks for asking!10:58
pittihm, I can purge libgail-gnome-module and libpanel-applet2-0; only a recommends?10:59
seb128libpanel-applet2-0 is the old gtk2 bonobo lib10:59
pittiah, this image still has gnome-mag and libatspi1.0-010:59
seb128the current version is 410:59
seb128whatever is using libpanel-applet2-0 is broken11:00
pittiso yeah, as we figured out, tomboy and gbrainy are the only two culprits11:00
seb128I want to start building gtk2 and gconf rdepends lists and "what ship schemas" as well11:03
seb128I might use a pbuilder could be easier to script those11:04
pittiall but i386 are within limit11:06
pittidropping lsb-* and build-essential really helped11:06
cdbspitti: Congrats!11:07
cdbspitti: But, that's the Alternate CD, isn't it?11:07
pittiwe removed 12.6 MB, added 0.3, and changed -4.1 MB11:07
pitticdbs: yes11:07
pittidesktop failed to build today11:07
pittidue to the compiz split in NEW11:08
cdbsthe lives are still huge11:08
pittibut it should be in the archive now, I'll retry a daily build11:08
pittiseb128: gbrainy can certainly be unseeded; I don't quite remember, did we say yesterday that we could build totem with a --no-gnome something configure option?11:09
* pitti starts a new live build11:10
pittiseb128: ^ you might want to wait for that11:10
rodrigo__ugh, a lot of icons have disappeared after some cherry-picking update of gnome packages11:12
pittirodrigo__: --verbose ?11:13
pittirodrigo__: I recently split gnome-icon-theme11:13
rodrigo__so, should I install gnome-icon-theme-full?11:13
pittiso that it mostly uses humanity, and laternatively depends on g-i-t-full11:13
pittirodrigo__: I guess that would help, but it shouldn't break for a normal desktop in the first place11:14
pittiso I'm intersted what you did11:14
pittiwe might need to add the -full dependency to another package then11:14
seb128rodrigo__, what desktop or icon theme do you use?11:14
rodrigo__pitti, apt-get update all gnome-related packages11:14
seb128pitti, I think rodrigo__ is using gnome-shell11:14
rodrigo__yes, using gnome-shell11:14
pittiI think that ought to depend on -full indeed11:15
pittiit'll divert our package, though11:15
pittido we know whether the debian guys are actively developing it?11:15
pittii. e. would it help if I added it around beta-1 only11:16
pittior at least after DIF?11:16
pittior want me to add it right now?11:16
rodrigo__pitti, not sure, whatever you think is best11:17
rodrigo__installing -full works11:18
pittiit's "less confusing for early developers" vs. "more work with merging from Debian"11:18
pitti(right now we just sync)11:18
rodrigo__hmm, in fact, I had no icon theme set11:19
pittirodrigo__: gnome-shell certainly doesn't default to HUmanity11:19
pittiI  added -full to gnome-tweak-tool already11:19
rodrigo__pitti, no, I guess it's 'gnome' what it uses11:20
rodrigo__but as I said, I had no icon theme set11:20
chrisccoulsonhmmm, pywebkitgtk seems to have some patches in dpatch format (with a 00list file), despite the fact that the package is source format 3.0 (quilt), there is no dpatch build-depend and nothing in debian/rules which applies the patches11:20
chrisccoulsoni guess i can just remove those ;)11:21
* didrocks makes again a new Qt build11:30
mptmvo, hi. I have a question about app-install-data if you're free12:01
chrisccoulsonpitti, would you mind sponsoring http://paste.ubuntu.com/621666/ (pywebkitgtk) for me please? :)12:12
chrisccoulsoni can't upload that12:12
araseb128, hello12:13
mvompt: I'm am now12:18
mptmvo, it looks like indicator-weather got a .desktop file on Feb 14, but it's not in app-install-data-ubuntu. What's the process for being included?12:19
mvompt: it normally gets automatically included when the extraction runs (every ~2 weeks). let me check what happend to this one12:20
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mvompt: sometimes there are bugs, but it certainly was run after that12:20
mvo(did I mention that this stuff should move server-side ;)12:20
mptmvo, this looks like the version that added it: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-weather/11.02.13+repack-0ubuntu112:21
mptmvo, yes, I think we both have ;-)12:21
mvo"Furthermore, I think app-install-data-ubuntu must be destroyed" i should use a my new mail footer12:22
mvompt: do you think this is worth a sru? it looks like a overly agressive blacklist reggexp, I removed it now12:25
mptmvo, was it blacklisting indicator-*, or what?12:25
mvompt: yeah12:26
mptmvo, presumably it was added for a reason. What other items would end up in the index if that regexp was removed?12:27
mvompt: I can cherry pick indicator-weather, thats easy. for natty nad for oneiric I will just see what new stuff comes in12:28
mvompt: I will add it to natty and when the next SRU comes it will be part of it12:29
mptmvo, isn't that a bit risky if you don't know what else it allows? :-)12:29
mvompt: for natty I will just cherry pick indicator-weather, no risk here. for oneiric it is, but its oneiric :)12:30
mptthanks mvo12:30
mvompt: thank you for brining it up12:30
mptmvo, how does a package exclude a .desktop file it contains, to say "don't include this one in app-install-data"?12:31
mvompt: if it add "X-AppInstall-Ignore=true"12:32
mptthank you12:32
seb128ara, hi, sorry I was at lunch12:41
seb128ara, how are you?12:41
pittichrisccoulson: ah, can do; but isn't the removal of unapplied patches just introducing unnecessary delta?12:44
seb128shouldn't those just be added to the serie? if they are there that's for a reason or are they outdated?12:45
chrisccoulsonseb128, the patches are obsolete (configure.ac has "AC_SUBST(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS, "-I m4 -I .")" instead)12:47
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can add them back if you like. i just thought it was confusing having a series and 00list under debian/patches12:47
pittiit is12:48
seb128it is confusing, those who will work on the package will wonder if that's a bug to fix or not12:48
pittiwe can remove the patches from the debian svn as well12:48
pittichrisccoulson: woudl you mind sending the change upstream as well? or is it essentially dead, in favor of gir1.2-webkit-3.0?12:51
seb128did anybody else noticed that unity often need things to be run twice to be start in oneiric?12:52
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not sure. it looks pretty dead (rmadison shows the newest debian version is the one we based ours on, which is from september last year)12:53
chrisccoulsoni only made this change because i don't want to end up porting a load of universe apps to pygi ;)12:53
kinouchouhi seb128, didrocks and fredp12:53
didrockshey kinouchou12:54
seb128lut kinouchou12:56
seb128didrocks, ^ did you see my question?12:58
didrocksseb128: no, I didn't, sorry. No I don't need to run it twice, its starting right away here12:58
didrocksseb128: does it tries to fallback first?12:58
seb128like alt-f2 gedit enter doesn't start gedit there12:58
didrocksthe timeout is shorter12:58
seb128doing it a second time does12:59
didrocksoh this, so you mean, the places?12:59
seb128no, alt-f212:59
didrocksseb128: possible the race in places being more obvious now12:59
pittichrisccoulson: committed to Debian svn now13:04
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks :)13:04
pittiI committed the other relevant change as well, so we can sync13:05
rodrigo__ok, lunch time, bbl13:07
araseb128, I was the one at lunch now :)13:08
seb128ara, hey ;-)13:08
araseb128, there is a unity bug in natty: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/75397113:09
ubot2Ubuntu bug 753971 in unity "Display garbled upon restoring original resolution or connecting external displays" [High,Confirmed]13:09
araalready with 35 me toos and 17 systems affected (probably more)13:09
arashould it be critical?13:09
seb128jasoncwarner, njpatel, dbarth: ^ can we get somebody in dx to work on that, it seems really to be an issue for the certification guys13:09
arait does not seem to get enough attention as high13:10
araseb128, not certification only13:10
arait affects a lot of people13:10
seb128ara, the issue is not the bug settings, it's that dx doesn't manage to keep up with bugs13:10
arawell, people that use external monitors with laptops13:10
seb128so tweaking the settings there will not make a difference13:10
didrockshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/753971/comments/17 for why not critical13:11
ubot2Ubuntu bug 753971 in unity "Display garbled upon restoring original resolution or connecting external displays" [High,Confirmed]13:11
seb128ara, but agreed that's an issue, let's see if jasoncwarner dbarth or njpatel can get ressources to work on it13:11
seb128didrocks, ara: let's not argue on bug settings that's of no use, we surely agree it's an issue that need to be worked and that's what matters there13:11
araI am worried that many people trying to do a presentation with Ubuntu get this bug for the first time13:12
ara(people that normally wouldn't use a external monitor except for presentations)13:12
didrocksseb128: I didn't say I agreed with the bug status. But yeah, as you know, changing the status will not change anything :-)13:12
dbarthseb128: jay is on that13:13
seb128dbarth, can we get an eta on a fix?13:13
dbarthseb128: he has proposed a fix that ara should have now; the branch is at13:13
seb128dbarth, when? the fix he did before UDS has been SRUed but doesn't fix all cases and create new issues13:13
seb128so it needs extra work13:14
pittichrisccoulson: ok, uploaded to Debian and Ubuntu now13:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks :)13:14
aradbarth, well, a ETA to have a package that fix it13:15
seb128didrocks got the first fix from jay in the first SRU after natty but that's not enough13:16
seb128there is still some issues13:16
didrocksright, bug reopened the 2011/05/0313:17
didrocksseems the branch pointed has new fixes, but 1. it's not linked to the bug, 2. we didn't talk about it, 3. there is no merge proposal or review done13:18
dbarththe bug fix will be made available in the tarball for SRU2, planned for tomorrow13:18
seb128dbarth, thanks13:19
seb128ara, ^13:19
seb128seems like they worked on it but nobody bothered updating the bug or adding a comment to say so13:20
arait will be good to have an early PPA (without needing to wait to -proposed) to do some early testing13:21
dbarththe bug contains several issues, so i have asked for the bug to be split13:21
dbarthin order to reflect at least progress on the single monitor one, and put the driver part aside13:21
seb128dbarth, ok, makes sense13:22
seb128ara, would be nice but I'm not sure dx has daily builds running for the sru candidates series13:22
seb128xclaesse, hi, webkit 1.4.1 is in oneiric, I did the update yesterday (just for information)13:25
xclaesseseb128, will that go into gnome3 ppa, or should I import it in my own ppa?13:26
seb128xclaesse, it's already in the gnome3 ppa13:26
aradbarth, by "I have asked", are you saying that you are waiting on us to split the bug?13:27
dbarthnope, jay13:29
dbarthwho seems to know where to draw the line13:30
dbarthsorry, that was not really explicit13:30
araOK, thanks for the clarification13:32
xclaesseseb128, great, thanks :)13:42
seb128xclaesse, yw13:42
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
didrockshum, on this upgrade, should I select "lightdm"? ;)14:04
didrocksdone, if you don't see me tomorrow, you will know why :)14:05
pittichrisccoulson: binary debdiff of natty vs. oneiric .deb might help a bit?14:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, possibly14:13
didrocksok, Qt issue workarounded, time for a latter build with additional patch and fixing unity-2d :)14:20
ogra_there are no Qt issues ... just tell people to use arm :)14:22
ogra_works stable there ;)14:22
njpatelseb128, I'm pretty sure jay is working on it, but DBO or dbarth would know for sure14:24
seb128njpatel, dbarth replied and pointed to a vcs which has a commit from monday which reference to that bug14:25
seb128njpatel, thanks14:25
didrocksogra_: it's your fault then! that was some kind of propagana!14:25
* ogra_ does a silent evil giggle14:26
didrocks! :-)14:27
pedro_bug 79061315:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 790613 in gnome-python "accerciser crashed with AttributeError in __main__: 'module' object has no attribute 'PARAM_APP_DATADIR'" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79061315:03
seb128pitti, ^ do you know about that?15:03
pedro_seems that's causing accersicer to crash on oneiric, the qa folks are using it for automated testing15:04
seb128pitti, didn't you say that the dh_python2 move had compability and things didn't need to be upgraded together?15:04
pedro_accerciser rather15:04
pittiseb128: that's what I thought initially, and it worked with just pygobject15:04
pittibut apparently doing some more mix'n'match breaks; I just didn't see a reproducer so far15:05
seb128but gnome-python got migrated to dh_python215:05
pittiyes, apparently the debian reporter still had the older gnome-python installed?15:07
seb128pitti, well pedro_ and jibel say it's still an issue on current oneiric15:07
seb128pitti, but we synced current gnome-python which use dh_python215:08
seb128so I guess it will need debugging15:08
pittihm, how can I reproduce this? accerciser starts fine for me15:09
pedro_jibel, ^15:09
pittipedro_, jibel: ^ do you still get that on current oneiric? I apt-get installed accerciser, and run it15:09
pittithe program itself runs, but in the mainwindow I get a text that has a traceback15:10
pittiAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_label_widget'15:10
pittibut that's unrelated15:10
pittijibel's bug report's Dependencies.txt has the current python-gnome2, though15:11
jibelpitti, I still have it on current oneiric fully updated15:13
pittijibel: what do I need to click/run in the UI to make it crash?15:14
jibelpitti, but it crashes on 1 system which have been upgraded since jaunty and doesn't on another test system which is a fresh install15:15
jibelpitti, it crashes on start15:15
pittijibel: oh, interesting!15:17
pittijibel: that probably means we have a stale .pyc file somewhere15:17
pittijibel: could I have ssh on that test system, or could you play "remote hands" for me for a bit?15:18
jibelpitti, sure, I can be your hands and eyes for a bit15:20
pittijibel: what does "ls -l /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.*/gtk-2.0/*gnome*" say for you?15:22
jibelpitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/621791/15:23
pitti$ python -c 'import gnome; print gnome.PARAM_APP_DATADIR'15:24
pittiAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'PARAM_APP_DATADIR'15:24
pittijibel: merci beaucoup!15:26
jibelpitti, bitte15:26
seb128pedro_, do you think you could help to ack some of the desktop sru for natty?15:30
seb128pedro_, hey btw ;-)15:30
seb128pedro_, how are you?15:31
didrockshey pedro_ ;)15:31
pedro_seb128, doing good, you? :-)15:31
seb128pedro_, I'm fine thanks15:31
didrocks(especially unity one as another SRU is coming)15:31
pedro_seb128, yup i'll look into those today15:31
pittijibel: can you please give me the output of "dpkg -S applet.py"?15:31
pedro_hello didrocks :-)15:31
pedro_i was playing with launchpadlib lately15:31
pedro_to do some reports for the desktop team15:31
pedro_i'll have some news about that soon15:31
seb128pedro_, great15:32
jibelpitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/621794/15:32
pittijibel: merci15:32
seb128jibel, pitti: python-gnomeapplet is deprecated and got dropped from oneiric, we should maybe make gnome-panel conflicts on it or something so it get uninstalled15:33
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, hmm, not sure what the bug is, but couldn't start gnome-shell after updating firefox, it was complaining about missing libmozjs.so, so I created a link to /usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0/libmozjs.so in /usr/lib15:34
pittiseb128: right, that's how I missed it from my initial search here15:34
seb128not sure how we can assure that the deprecated binaries we dropped get cleaned15:35
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, you shouldn't need to do that. gnome-shell and gjs are using the sytem libmozjs we provide now (independent of firefox or xulrunner)15:35
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, do you have an outdated gjs installed?15:35
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, but it couldn't find it, it seems, so any idea what's up?15:36
pittijibel: can you keep the affected machine for another 10 min or so?15:36
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, do you have libmozjs185-1.0 installed?15:36
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yes15:37
jibelpitti, of course, that's my work laptop. I'll try to keep it on for more than 10 minutes :-)15:37
rodrigo_ah, but it has /usr/lib/libmozjs185.so.1.0.0, not libmozjs, so I guess gnome-shell needs rebuilding with that?15:38
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_ - not gnome-shell, it doesn't link against it15:38
chrisccoulsonthat's gjs, but the latest version already links against the new library15:38
chrisccoulsonwhat is the output of ldd /usr/lib/libgjs.so.0 ?15:38
rodrigo_oh, maybe I didn't upgrade that, let me check15:38
chrisccoulsonit sounds like you need to install the latest version :)15:38
rodrigo_libmozjs.so => not found15:39
rodrigo_indeed, there's an update15:39
rodrigo_sorry for the noise then :)15:39
chrisccoulsonheh, no worries15:39
rodrigo_and also, yoono extension doesn't work with latest firefox, but that's not your fault :)15:41
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, are you sure you want to use yoono? http://www.security-assessment.com/files/advisories/Yoono_Firefox_Extension_Privileged_Code_Injection.pdf15:48
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, hmm, didn't know about that15:48
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, any other twitter/facebook extension/apps you recommend?15:49
rodrigo_I like yoono because it allows you to keep and remove messages15:49
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, not sure. i don't really know what you use yoono for ;)15:49
rodrigo_twitter and facebook :)15:49
chrisccoulson(and that issue might be fixed, i just noticed it on the first page of hits when i typed it in to google)15:49
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, yeah, that pdf says fixed on june 200915:51
pittijibel: test package is built now in https://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa/+packages15:56
jibelpitti, that fixed the problem. Many thanks !16:01
pittijibel: yay16:02
pittijibel: nice working with you!16:02
jibelpitti, my pleasure16:02
* jibel now goes filing other accerciser bugs16:03
* pitti waves good night16:07
rodrigo_bye pitti16:07
ftaoh my!  libwebkitgtk-3.0-0-dbgsym 302 MB16:29
ftapitti, fyi, in oneiric, apport-retrace insists on replacing libc6-dbg by libc6-dbgsym, leaving apt confused as libc6-dbg is a dep of valgrind which i have installed16:42
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chrisccoulsondpm - any idea how we've got en-CA and en-AU translations for firefox currently in maverick?18:31
chrisccoulsonan ubuntu user reported a bug upstream to mozilla because firefox directs them to a broken URL on one of their servers (because they are running a locale that they don't support), and i've been contacted by them18:32
rodrigo_ok, going out for a bit, later all18:35
seb128rodrigo_, you should call it a day!18:35
seb128rodrigo_, enjoy ;-)18:35
seb128Laney, hey, just checking but do you have an eta for the new mono version landing in oneiric?18:43
* didrocks waves good evening18:43
seb128'night didrocks18:44
didrocksseb128: thanks, you too :)18:44
chrisccoulson325', mk,  m 654541418:55
Laneyseb128: do you need it for anything in particular?18:56
chrisccoulsondaughter had access to my laptop ;)18:57
Laneyand she learned perl already!18:58
davmor2Laney: One up on her dad then ;)19:17
broderhmm...before i try to write it, does anybody know of a script that will take a screenshot of all virtual desktops instead of just the current one?19:21
broder(preferably one that does so without having to visibly cycle between desktops)19:23
mterrypitti_, do you have an example of how to define new signals using PyGI?19:25
mterryHmm, OK.  Apparently you can still use __gsignals__19:31
seb128Laney, no, I'm just wondering why we don't get it early and add it as a transition so we have extra time to sort issues19:36
Laneywe've been trying to do them in debian19:36
seb128it's a bit reverse compared to what we do usually but I will not complain ;-)19:36
seb128since the ubuntu cycle is shorter we usually need to take a lead on those19:37
seb128it just feel weird to wait on debian, it could take over the oneiric cycle for example19:37
LaneyI think most of the main stuff is done19:37
Laneybut it's not clear that anyone will work on the universe stuff beyond us19:37
Laneyso we might end up breaking some packages19:37
seb128well if they need porting better to break them early than late19:37
seb128it will motive people to fix them19:38
seb128it will also give time to notice the issue and do the work19:38
Laneylets move to devel and ask directhex19:39
seb128Laney, ok19:43
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