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ScottKSpamapS: For what releases?00:24
ScottK(multipath-tools backport)00:24
SpamapSScottK: lucid thru natty00:30
SpamapS@pilot out00:43
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
ibook_powerpcHello, I am interested in Ubuntu testing and creating bug reports. could you help me/00:51
ScottKibook_powerpc: You probably ought to ask in #ubuntu-bugs.00:52
ibook_powerpcthank you, I will head over there now.00:52
ScottKSpamapS: As long as kpartx rdepends get tested, sure.00:55
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hallynok there's definately a toolchain problem here04:25
hallynwhen I take the lucid ipsec-tools sources and try to compile them in oneiric, it fails with:04:26
hallyngcc-4.6.real: error: unrecognized option '-R'04:26
hallyn(I get the same with other versions, including the debian one i was trying to sync)04:27
hallynfwiw i get the same error in debian sid.04:27
hallyn(that is, compiling sid's own ipsec-tools inside a debian sid VM)04:27
hallynall right, got a test case for a workable bug.  Suspect i'tll be called a bugfix rather than regression, but i'll file anyway05:25
pittiGood morning05:28
hallyngood evening :)05:31
hallynall right, filed bug 794373 on it.  have low hopes05:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794373 in gcc-defaults (Ubuntu) "gcc now returns -1 when passed -R" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79437305:36
* hallyn checks the bzr branch for an obvious clue05:37
hallynhistory suggests doko_ is the one i should talk to tomorrow :)05:40
* hallyn out05:40
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dholbachgood morning06:53
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didrocksgood morning07:55
brycehpitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/774978/comments/3808:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Natty) "xserver crashes in RecordAReply when XRecord is enabled in syndaemon" [Undecided,Fix committed]08:30
brycehpitti, ^^ root cause analysis for bug08:30
pittibryceh: ah, finished reading -- "oops"08:31
pittiso XRecord has been a kind of mis-feature, and dropping it shouldn't cause much disruption indeed?08:32
brycehpitti, yep that's my take08:32
brycehXRecord is a dumbass08:32
brycehlooks like it's not going to be a regression from maverick at the least08:32
smbHi, a while ago I had been adding two debdiffs to a bug report against ifenslave. Since then nothing changed there and I am pretty sure I missed a step in getting any attention. (bug 714904)08:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 714904 in ifenslave-2.6 (Ubuntu Natty) "/etc/network/if-up.d/ifenslave is missing (installed under if-pre-up.d)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71490408:33
brycehpitti, what is needed next before we can roll it out to -updates?  Do you need folks doing testing on natty-proposed?08:35
gesersmb: don't forget to subscribe the sponsors team (~ubuntu-sponsors) if you need sponsoring for an upload08:42
smbgeser, Oh, that was it then...08:43
smbDoing that08:43
smbgeser, Thanks08:43
brycehsmb, aren't you core dev?08:44
smbbryceh, No. I maybe want at some point. But currently only package uploader for kernel08:44
smbStill need to learn a few things for the "normal" package world08:45
brycehsmb, ahh.  Well you got my +1 for core dev if/when you need it08:46
smbbryceh, cheers. :)08:46
pittibryceh: right, to check for regressions and that the patch fixes it08:52
tkamppeterpitti, WDYT about deprecating the "usblp" kernel module? It causes too many uglinesses and Mike Sweet wants to have it deprecated, too (instead of taking our patch on the "usb" CUPS backend)?08:56
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tkamppeterpitti, ping09:07
tkamppeterSomeone had already the problem of one free software project working actively against another, like for example if emacs would do "rm -f ~/.vimrc" on startup?09:09
brycehtkamppeter, ahh that would be awesome!09:10
pittitkamppeter: cups itself only speaks to the raw USB nodes now?09:10
tkamppeterpitti, in CUPS upstream one has to decide whether to let it speak to libusb or usblp at build time.09:11
pittitkamppeter: that is, drop usb-backend-both-usblp-and-libusb.dpatch and drop usblp from our kernel?09:11
tkamppeterpitti, that is what I always wanted and what Mike Sweet wants, too.09:12
pittias cups is pretty much the only thing talking to USB printers, I'm fine with that09:12
pittiis that CONFIG_USB_PRINTER=m?09:12
pittiapw: ^ do you think we could just disable it?09:13
tkamppeterI only created the patch as there were drivers depending on the kernel module. The only free driver doing that is foo2zjs and that only for uploading firmware into HP cheapo lasers.09:13
tkamppeterpitti, but it is no problem for me to patch that out in our package.\09:13
apwpitti, for oneiric ?09:14
apwpitti, and could we just blacklist it for testing ?09:14
pittihm, thinking in broader Debian terms, shipping a blacklist file in cups might be more appropriate09:15
tkamppeterpitti, more a problem but less for us is that foo2zjs upstream will probably not accept it, but this author is really "dickköpfig" (pitti, I do not know it in English). There is also a second issue (see my talk with bryceh09:15
pittias in Debian you also have other kernels, and you can also use other spoolers09:15
tkamppeterbefore my talk with you.09:15
pittitkamppeter: which patch will foo2zjs not accept?09:15
pittitkamppeter: "stubborn" seems close09:16
tkamppeterpitti, thx.09:16
pittiapw: so on second thought, cups should perhaps just blacklist it09:16
smbpitti, stubborn. :)09:16
tkamppeterpitti, the patch which I will introduce to make foo2zjs' firmware upload script independent of the "usblp" kernel module.09:17
apwpitti, ok09:17
pittitkamppeter: and blacklisting usblp would mean we don't need the patch?09:17
tkamppeterpitti, then we can drop the patch on CUPS' "usb" backend, but we will have to introduce a patch on the firmware uploader script of foo2zjs. I am much more comfortable with this.09:18
pittitkamppeter: ok09:18
pittitkamppeter: I'm fine with dropping the patch and adding a blacklist file09:19
pittitkamppeter: will that cause problems on upgrade?09:19
pittitkamppeter: i. e. folks who currently have a printer set up through usblp and then get it blacklisted -- will the URIs differ?09:19
tkamppeterpitti, especially there are several segfault bugs on the "usb" backend of CUPS and I fear they are from our patch.09:19
tkamppeterpitti, there are differences in the URIs when a printer reports its serial number only via libusb and not via device ID, but here we could perhaps write some migration script. I can do the appropriate investigation with my bunch of HP printers.09:21
tkamppeterpitti, but please do already the switchover (remove usb backend patch and add usblp blacklist) ASAP, so that testing by Oneiric users start and bug reports of non-HP users help to make the migration script (to be added later by me) covering everything.09:23
pittitkamppeter: btw, do you know the status of the cups-avahi patch? will Mike take it eventually?09:24
tkamppeterpitti, in addition, the "usb" backend is a core piece of the OS, used by everyone, the firmware upload script is only a second-class application, as the default application for that is the implementation in HPLIP.09:24
tkamppeterpitti, I had some personal mail exchange with him, and he finally got a copyright agreement with Red Hat, so the patch will go in, but not with 1.5.0, but with 1.5.x with x > 0.09:26
pittiah, nice09:26
tkamppeterHe does not like the usblp/libusb hybrid patch for the usb backend, he wants usblp deprecated, as I said, so go ahead ...09:27
tkamppeterpitti, he also said that he will provide Ghostscript patches for IPP Everywhere printer support in time for Ghostscript 9.03 and so for Oneiric.09:28
pittitkamppeter: did he ever mention an opinion about the PDF filters?09:28
pittithat's probably the biggest change that we have09:29
tkamppeterpitti, yes, he wants them, but he needs copyright agreements of the Japanese authors and this seems to be not yet completed.09:29
pittiah, thanks09:29
tkamppeterpiiti, the other issue I want to talk about with you is a violation of etiquette between free software prrojects.09:30
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps you have seen my talk about emacs and vi before we started our longer talk now.09:31
tkamppeterSomeone had already the problem of one free software project working actively against another, like for example if emacs would do "rm -f ~/.vimrc" on startup?09:32
pittiI've seen that line, but no other discussion09:32
tkamppeterpitti, it got overrolled by our talk about CUPS.09:32
tkamppeterpitti, it is the foo2zjs project with its stubborn author.09:32
tkamppeterpitti, if you look into the file /usr/sbin/hplj1000, you find the following lines:09:33
tkamppeter#       Remove HPLIP proprietary rules!09:33
tkamppetermodel=` echo "$MODEL" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' `09:33
tkamppeterrm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/*hpmud*laserjet_${model}*09:33
tkamppeterrm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/*hpmud_support.rules09:33
tkamppeterOnce it solve the problem we discussed earlier, about the mysterious disappearing of UDEV rule files.09:34
pittitkamppeter: *tsk*09:34
pittiso that's what removed your rules?09:34
pittithis belongs patched out indeed09:34
pittinot that the hplip rules generator would make any more sense, though09:35
pittiit's two badly architectured programs fighting each other..09:35
tkamppeterpitti, and second, it is a violation against the etiquette of making free software.09:35
tkamppeterpitti, it should be even SRUed urgently.09:36
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tkamppeterpitti, but HPLIP is not actively fighting against other projects.09:36
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tkamppeterpitti, I will patch this out and SRU it. I will tell you when the SRU is up so that you can accept it quickly.09:38
pittiok, thanks09:39
pittitkamppeter: right, but hplip's "create rules on the fly which then create other rules" is not exactly state-of-the-art as well09:39
tkamppeterpitti, HPLIP is installing an additional package triggered by UDEV rules. The package contains additional rules.09:40
tkamppeterpitti, this can theoretically happen also if a piece of hardware triggers a driver download via Jockey.09:41
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apwdoes anyone know if we have branches for anything other than 'stable' in debian and if so what the url form is for those?10:01
debfxapw: debian branches on launchpad?10:04
geserapw: yes, LP has Debian packaging branches for stable, testing, unstable and experimental10:05
apwdebfx, yeah am trying to find the name of the y10:05
pittitkamppeter: pushed to bzr, but I can't test it here (no printer)10:05
apwunstable version of iscsitarget, and lp:debian/unstable/iscsitarget doesn't seem to work10:05
RAOFapw: lp:debian/sid/iscsitarget should work.10:06
* apw tries that10:06
geserapw: lp:debian/iscsitarget10:07
smbboth give us a version that according to the debian page is not unstable10:07
apwgeser, that version is actually only the version in debian stable10:07
apwgeser, as does the /sid/ version10:08
apwi suspect the package importer is broke10:08
apwi wonder who owns that now10:08
geserapw: you are right: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/iscsitarget.html#2011-05-24%2007:35:18.16605910:10
geserapw: LP uses the Debian codenames to differentiate between the branches (see https://code.launchpad.net/debian/+source/iscsitarget)10:10
apwgeser, ahh thats a handy view, i should have guessed at the form, doh10:11
apwgeser, any idea if the fact there is a bug number in the error report means its being dealt with or should i whine as it suggests10:13
smbSo https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/714622  sounds like some manual intervention is needed for now. Who would be doing that?10:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 714622 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "import fails when lp branch has been push --overwrite'n" [High,Confirmed]10:13
geserapw: no idea, but I guess pinging some UDD folks won't hurt. At least you know then what's the current status of that bug is10:16
pitti!?! I try ssh and all it does is fail with "get_sock_port: getnameinfo NI_NUMERICSERV failed: ai_family not supported"10:20
ubottupitti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:20
pittithat still worked an hour or so ago, but I might have dist-upgraded10:20
apwpitti, well the kernel didn't change :)10:21
pittihm, I'll just try a reboot, I guess10:22
apwpitti, welcome to M$10:22
pittithe only dpkg thing I did in the last hour was purging the old 2.6.39-2 kernel, so I doubt that's it10:23
pittiso, M$ it is, rebooting helped10:25
saammOne of my friend bought Braid from Software Center, but sound is not working. Where should I report this?10:25
saammis there an irc channel for paid apps support?10:26
pittimvo: ^ would you know?10:28
seb128pitti, they are discussing it on #ubuntu-desktop it seems10:30
mvopitti: just replied in #ubuntu-desktop10:31
saammbraid has no support forum, page or anything...just an email :(10:32
p0shi. i'm having trouble configuring the keyboard layout on ubuntu server = console keyboard layout (ubuntu server has no X). /etc/default/keyboard is ignored, dpkg-reconfigure console-common is ignored. any developer around who wants to help investigating?10:36
p0sbugtracker entry = https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/78008510:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 780085 in Ubuntu "Keyboard language detected during netboot setup is ignored after installation" [Undecided,New]10:37
p0snevermind, "dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" worked. however the bug that the keyboard configuration during setup is not stored is still ignored.10:54
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.10:55
tkamppeterpitti, did you give your Samsung away?10:56
pittitkamppeter: for a fair while now it has printed very poorly, so we have have pretty much stopped using it; it's still somewhere in a box in the cellar, we didn't unpack it yet after moving10:57
tkamppeterpitti, OK, you switched to the perfect paperless office (cell phone tickets, ...).10:57
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tkamppeterWhat is update-apt-xapi good for?11:05
mvotkamppeter: it udpates the apt xapian index that is used for quick searching in software-center11:07
tkamppetermvo, thx, it is taking 100% CPU currently.11:07
mvotkamppeter: it should finish soon, usually takes only a minute or so11:08
tkamppetermvo, OK, it finished already.11:12
ohsixpitti: should i just run apport-retrace -u as root or is it easy to setup fakechroot11:12
pittiohsix: it's not that easy, I'm afraid11:12
hrwcjwatson: according to wiki you are archive admin today - can I ask for passing gcc-4.6-armel-cross binary packages though NEW queue?11:25
cjwatsonhrw: OK, will look shortly11:26
hrwcjwatson: thanks11:27
apwcjwatson, there was a bzr command for 'releasing' a branch that at least tagged it, what was that called again11:34
pittipoolie: oh, thanks for the ecryptfs warning -- I guess I'll downgrade the kernel then..11:35
ogra_apw, debcommit -r ?11:36
apwogra_, ahh that might be the one11:36
ogra_(requires a proper debian/changelog and tags accordingly)11:36
apwit is _so_ confusing that half the stuff is debfoo and the other half is bzr foo11:36
apwit makes one feel so stupid11:36
ogra_we should have an alias ;)11:37
ogra_bzr debrelease :)11:37
ogra_or some such11:37
pooliepitti: glad it helped somebody11:37
poolieit gave me a nasty feeling11:37
pooliedoes not seem to have damaged anything, touch wood11:38
cjwatsonapw: you can use 'bzr tag' too if you prefer11:42
apwcjwatson, i thought there was something which took you from UNRELEASED to oneiric and commited it and tagged it in one, seems not11:43
cjwatsonnot AFAIK.  dch -r && <build> && <review> && debcommit -r && debsign -S && debrelease -S ubuntu  # is my usual workflow11:44
cjwatson(bzr-builddeb installs a hook that causes 'bzr tag' to automatically use the top version number from debian/changelog if not given another argument)11:44
cjwatsonhrw: accepted11:46
hrwcjwatson: thanks!11:53
apwcjwatson, i've finished up the module-init-tools merge back with debian, had it reviewed to death, tested it to death, and am about to upload it... did you want to look it over as it was your suggestion12:07
cjwatsonnah, don't block on me12:07
cjwatsonif other developers have reviewed it, that's fine12:07
apwcjwatson, ack12:08
cjwatsonI'll just complain about it if it's wrong.  Deal? :-)12:09
apwcjwatson, yep, i have tested it as much as i can without it being in the archive, even ppad it but only natty as we don't have oneiric ones yet12:09
cjwatsonwe don't have oneiric PPAs?  I wonder why not12:10
apwi was told they wern't enabled yet, though that may be old new now12:10
cjwatsonwhen was that?12:10
cjwatsonthey should have been enabled as part of bringing up the new series12:11
sorenI've been useing Oneiric PPA's for a long time.12:11
apwlate last week i think it was ... hmmm ...12:11
sorenI'd say well over oa month.12:11
cjwatsonthat's more like what I'd expect.  just try them?12:12
sorenWe build for all of lucid, maverick, natty and oneiric for every commit to trunk in OpenStack. I seem to remember adding Oneiric to that list shortly after oneiric was installable.12:12
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/builders/ shows oneiric PPA builds in progress12:14
cjwatsonso I think you were misinformed12:15
apwcjwatson, seems so, thanks, i did all my manual builds against up to date oneiric chroots so i am happy12:15
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tkamppeterpitti, SRU for foo2zjs is on its way, see bug 783389.12:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 783389 in foo2zjs (Ubuntu Natty) "HP LaserJet 1020 (on USB) stopped working in 11.04, worked in 10.04" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78338912:29
OdyXtkamppeter: can you prepare this in the Debian git repository ? ^ I can upload in short time if needed.12:43
pittitkamppeter: ah, thanks12:45
pittihttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110608/ \o/ -> almost there size-wise12:45
seb128pitti, \o/12:46
seb128pitti, how "almost"? cjwatson said we can count on 703mb isos so they are under12:47
didrocksexcellent :)12:48
didrockshum, compiz-plugins and compiz-plugins-main, let me see what brings them12:49
pittiseb128: ah, so much the better12:49
pittinext CDs will drop gdm, thus another -600 kB12:49
didrocksargh, I forgot one rdepends in compiz itself(done for -plugins, not for -plugins-main)12:49
didrocksone sec, doing the change12:50
seb128don't tell chrisccoulson though, he will try to get tb in ;-)12:50
* chrisccoulson grins12:50
didrockshum, no it deps on compiz-plugins-main-default12:51
cjwatsonprobably built with compiz 1:0.9.4+bzr20110606-0ubuntu2, which depended on compiz-plugins-main12:52
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cjwatsonhm, no12:52
didrockshttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.oneiric/rdepends/compiz-plugins-main/compiz-plugins-main seems to tell this12:53
cjwatsonthat's only generated every four hours FWIW12:53
didrocksbut yeah, compiz is ubuntu3 in the manifest12:53
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cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/oneiric/ubuntu/latest/livecd-20110608.1-i386.out looks odd; I think it may just be Task field skew or something, not worth immediately worrying about12:55
didrockscjwatson: ok, let's wait for further build then. Why do you find it weird btw?12:57
cjwatsonit's odd that it's showing up in "The following extra packages will be installed" - except for the kernel stuff (which is done in a different way), that indicates that dependencies and the Task fields are out of sync, since normally any dependencies should be included in the task that's being installed12:58
cjwatsonhence my tentative diagnosis12:58
didrocksoh ok, thanks for the explanation :)13:00
Daviey@pilot in13:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: Daviey
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tkamppeterpitti, the SRU for foo2zjs is ready, can you accept it? Thanks.13:13
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seb128cjwatson, did you see the gparted guy comment on your patch from yesterday? he's asking what distribution you recommend to work on that13:24
cjwatsonseb128: yeah, I saw, in my queue to reply13:39
seb128cjwatson, ok, thanks13:40
mvolynxman, Daviey: squid-deb-proxy trunk should be in good shape now (debconf, udeb, pkg blacklist). would be nice if you could give it a critical look before I upload13:43
Davieymvo: super, where is it?13:50
mdeslaurslangasek: I want to document in our CVE tracker why we're going to ignore CVE-2010-4708 (pam_env reading user dirs by default). Your commit that reverts the change mentions that it's "under discussion". Where has it been discussed? I've looked at the pam list archives, but couldn't find it.13:51
ubottuThe pam_env module in Linux-PAM (aka pam) 1.1.2 and earlier reads the .pam_environment file in a user's home directory, which might allow local users to run programs with an unintended environment by executing a program that relies on the pam_env PAM check. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4708)13:51
mvoDaviey: lp:squid-deb-proxy and there bzr-buildpackage13:53
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Davieymvo: okay, thanks.. Do you want me to test the udeb?13:54
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mvoDaviey: that would be cool13:54
Davieymvo: okay.. will have to do that later today then.. Patch piloting at the moment.13:56
Davieymvo: okay.. will have to do that later today then.. Patch piloting at the moment.13:56
mvoDaviey: no rush13:58
lynxmanmvo: having a look right now :) thanks for your effort ^14:02
lynxmanmvo: looks good to me :) let me know when you're building the new one for oneiric14:06
pitticjwatson: I'm currently looking at my "mailing out component-mismatch deltas" work item14:14
pitticjwatson: I'm a bit confused how that output is actually generated -- I don't see a cron job nor a script for that on lillypilly nor cocoplum?14:15
cjwatsonpitti: cocoplum:~lp_archive/dak/cron.sync etc.14:18
pitticjwatson: I suppose it does something like > component-mismatches.new && mv c-m.new c-m.txt14:18
cjwatsoncronned as lp_archive@cocoplum14:18
pittiso we could slide in a diff and mail it out to the last uploader of that source package, and/or the release team14:18
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks14:19
pitticjwatson: there's uncommitted changes there (for natty->oneiric) -- is this branch supposed to be committed to directly?14:21
pittibzr info at least doesn't have any pull location14:21
Davieycyphermox: Hey.. are you watching bug 794010?14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794010 in liferea (Ubuntu) "[oneiric] FTBFS with libnotify 0.7" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79401014:21
cyphermoxI wasn't subscribed, no14:22
cyphermoxDaviey: but I was just bringing it up because I had looked at liferea already14:22
Davieycyphermox: Okay.. should i upload his fix, or hold out :)14:23
cjwatsonpitti: yeah, it is.  committed, thanks14:23
cyphermoxDaviey: ah, upload, no need to hold on for that14:23
mvolynxman: I will probably upload later today then to oneiric14:25
Davieycyphermox: ok, thanks :)14:25
lynxmanmvo: cool, ty14:25
apwif one has a package which will be uploaded to oneiric and backported to lucid, but there will be a depedancy on a specific version of a support package, which will be each at different versions in the two releases ... is there a sane way to represent those dependancies?14:28
pittiapw: you mean like depends: support (>= 1) [lucid] | support (>= 2) [oneiric]?14:30
pitti(that doesn't work)14:30
apwpitti, yeah thats the sort of thing, or perhaps14:31
pittiapw: if the earlier version of the support package is sufficient, why do we need a newer depends in oneiric then?14:31
cjwatsonapw: just change the dep in the backport14:31
apwpitti, cause the support will have to be fixed there too14:31
cjwatsonpitti: sufficient in lucid-updates, not in lucid release pocket14:32
pittiyeah, manual backport it is14:32
apwso there is no range operators, shame14:32
pittithere is <=14:32
cjwatsonthere kind of are but it isn't worth the hassle14:32
pittibut with dependencies you can only do "and" outside and "or" inside, and no negation14:32
cjwatsonyeah, you end up applying de morgan's laws all over the place14:33
pittiso you can't do ( (>= 1.1) & (< 2) || (>= 2.1))14:33
apwpitti, a14:33
apwand that is what i'd want ... sigh14:33
cjwatsonyou can, you just have to unpack it14:33
cjwatsonbut as I said, not a lot of fun14:33
cjwatsonand I think it's ultimately less clear and maintainable than a manual backport14:34
pittisupport (>= 1.1) | support (>= 2.1), support (< 2) | support (>= 2.1)14:34
pittibut that's rather unreadable14:34
apwpitti, gurgle14:35
pittiapw: ... manual backport :)14:35
debfxor use lsb_release to generate the dependencies in debian/rules14:35
apwheh yeah14:36
pitti^ if you are going to need to backport it 20 times per cycle, that might be worth it14:36
apwpitti, its the LTS backport kernels so ... for every upload to oneiric14:36
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tkamppeterpitti, the SRU for foo2zjs is ready, bug 783389, can you accept it, so that the SRU gets quickly into the updates? Thanks.14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 783389 in foo2zjs (Ubuntu) "HP LaserJet 1000/1005/1018/1020/P1005/P1006/... (on USB) stopped working in 11.04, worked in 10.04" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78338914:50
pittitkamppeter: yes, I saw it; I'll get to it14:50
tkamppeterpitti, about CUPS, the postinstall is not doing "rmmod usblp", it should do, as otherwise many printers will disappear.14:54
pittiah, until the next reboot, right14:55
tkamppeterpitti, yes, and some machines like servers (or my desktop PC) reboot rarely.14:55
pittitkamppeter: pushed15:00
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.15:04
tkamppeterpitti, I will add a script to migrate the USB URIs. I will tell you when this is done. Before that you should not upload. CUPS.15:05
tkamppeterpitti, ping15:58
=== wcchandler is now known as AdmiralAckbar
pittihi tkamppeter16:00
Laneymdz: I think you meant oftc in your blog post16:01
mdzLaney, good catch, will fix16:01
tkamppeterpitti, I have found out that /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced is broken. This program is called by CUPS when running commands like "lpinfo -v" and it segfaults most of the time, perhaps due to too long input strings.16:02
Laneybtw I am working at getting Ubuntu upload history into UDD16:02
tkamppeterpitti, input strings from the CUPS backends which it calls without arguments.16:02
Laneyan all-changes list would be useful for this ...16:02
mdzLaney, cool!16:02
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pittitkamppeter: can foo2zjs please be fixed in oneiric as well? without that, it can't progress into -updates16:06
pittitkamppeter: deviced crash> ugh, how come that this hasn't been discovered before? usblp URLs are shorter?16:06
tkamppeterpitti, no. Some time before I have already seen that "lpinfo -v" was incomplete but did not find the time to investigate more deeply.16:07
tkamppeterpitti, so I will now upload the foo2zjs as I have uploaded it as SRU, also to Oneiric, simply to unblock the process. The libusb support in foo2zjs will come after finishing CUPS.16:09
=== AdmiralAckbar is now known as wcchandler
RoAkSoAxmvo: howdy! I have a quick question... I'm using python-apt and getting a server list with aptsources and the get_server_list(). When I run a small script that solely does that, the function returns "[['Main server', 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu', False], ['Server for United States', 'http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/', True]]" however, when I run exactly the same in another application on which I've integrated my script, it returns "[['M16:10
RoAkSoAxany ideas why?16:10
mvoRoAkSoAx: I'm in a meeting currently, but if you could push your script somewhere I can have a look later16:11
mdzRoAkSoAx, your message was truncated, try putting it all in a pastebin16:11
tkamppeterpitti, foo2zjs for Oneiric uploaded, bug 783389 should close soon.16:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 783389 in foo2zjs (Ubuntu Natty) "HP LaserJet 1000/1005/1018/1020/P1005/P1006/... (on USB) stopped working in 11.04, worked in 10.04" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78338916:13
RoAkSoAxmvo: script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/621822/ result of running script: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/621824/ Result of the same code integrated in application applitcation: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/621823/16:14
RoAkSoAxmdz: ^^16:14
RoAkSoAxI'm integrating this in cobbler16:14
lynxmanRoAkSoAx will we have some time today to talk about cobbler+orchestra?16:31
pittitkamppeter: thanks16:32
RoAkSoAxlynxman: sure, just let me get this done16:39
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: cool :)16:39
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RoAkSoAxlynxman: ok testing now16:54
RoAkSoAxlynxman: what's up :)16:54
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: cobbler, did you have time to give it a look?16:55
Laneycould someone please score up haskell-src-exts?16:55
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: want your feedback, badly :)16:56
cjwatsonLaney: done16:56
cjwatsonall builds are either success or failed, not needs-build16:56
RoAkSoAxlynxman: yeah been reviwing it these couple of days16:56
RoAkSoAxlynxman: what are your concerns16:56
RoAkSoAxdo you wanna take this elsewhere?16:57
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: just make sure that all is solid16:57
cjwatsonoh, blasted ubuntu-build16:57
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: as you want :)16:57
lynxmancjwatson: *wink*16:57
RoAkSoAxlynxman: u tell me :P16:57
lynxmanRoAkSoAx: okay let me PM you16:57
cjwatsonLaney: done16:57
brodercjwatson: ooc, are you planning to merge initramfs-tools 0.99 anytime soon? i want to get the fix for debian bug #625224 (i.e. our bug #565047), and get it sru'd too, and was wondering if i should wait for the merge, try to do the merge myself, or cherry-pick the patch17:21
ubottuDebian bug 625224 in initramfs-tools "xhci-hcd has the wrong module name" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/62522417:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 565047 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Unable to install off USB 3.0 port (HP Envy 15 Laptop)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56504717:21
cjwatsonbroder: I think I was waiting to hear where Keybuk had got to with /run17:22
broderah, ok17:22
cjwatsonif it's urgent, feel free to cherry-pick17:22
broderi don't think it's super-urgent - i've already worked around it locally17:22
hallynoh ffs17:31
hallynDaviey: are you around?17:31
hallynoh what am i thinking17:32
hallynRoAkSoAx: around?17:32
hallynRoAkSoAx: do you mind sponsoring ipsec-tools merge for me?17:32
RoAkSoAxhallyn: sure... where do you have it at?17:33
hallynRoAkSoAx: ^ thanks17:34
hallynthat is, dget http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1.dsc17:35
RoAkSoAxhallyn: btw.. is ti building now? I tried to merge it before but it FTBFS due to not being able to find a required library17:35
hallynand http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1_source.changes17:35
hallynRoAkSoAx: yeah, see the DEP3 in last patch in series17:35
macoev: can i get a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~maco.m/ubiquity/791446/+merge/63197 ?  slangasek had suggested making a custom widget for qt that implements the same api as the gtk one, but it turns out the .ui compiler for qt cant handle custom widgets and barfs, making this the-way-that-actually-works (tested by charlie-tca and JontheEchidna)17:35
hallynRoAkSoAx: problem wasn't not finding a library, but configure got confused bc gcc changed its behavior wrt unknown arguments17:36
RoAkSoAxhallyn: ahh I see now17:36
hallynhighlights a culture diff between gcc and kernel...17:36
hallynbut i digress17:37
Davieyhallyn: always17:37
evmaco: looking :)17:37
hallynDaviey: thx, but then i remember RoAkSoAxwas looking to exercise his newfound superpowers :)17:37
RoAkSoAxhallyn: if you don't mind I'll point it to bug #78711417:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787114 in ipsec-tools (Ubuntu) "Please merge ipsec-tools 0.8.0-3 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78711417:37
Davieyhallyn: ah, super17:37
hallynRoAkSoAx: oh, yeah.  i shoulda looked for that.  thanks!17:38
hallynRoAkSoAx: now, one thing we might consider,17:41
RoAkSoAxhallyn: which one?17:42
hallynRoAkSoAx: as you see i fwded the patch to a debian bug.  i've not heard back from the debian maintainer in two days of emailing him, but are we supposed to wait for debian to get the fix, and then sync that?17:42
macoev: thanks. i'll try to figure out what check_returncode does17:43
evmaco: cool, thanks!17:43
RoAkSoAxhallyn: not necessarily... I personally upload to Ubuntu most of the times and still fw to debian17:44
RoAkSoAxand if there's something else to merge/sync I do it later17:45
hallynRoAkSoAx: ok, cool17:45
hallynthanks again, ttyl17:45
RoAkSoAxno prob ;)17:47
macoev: er, check_returncode looks like its all about wget. is that what im supposed to be looking at?17:47
slangasekmdeslaur: CVE-2010-4708> was being discussed on the pam upstream committers list17:47
ubottuThe pam_env module in Linux-PAM (aka pam) 1.1.2 and earlier reads the .pam_environment file in a user's home directory, which might allow local users to run programs with an unintended environment by executing a program that relies on the pam_env PAM check. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-4708)17:47
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lynxmanping mvo17:47
evmaco: yes, but it calls UI-specific code17:48
evso you'd want to factor that out17:48
evinto a separate function17:48
evwhich each UI class provides17:48
macooh bleh sorry my ubiquity branch on this machine is out of date17:48
slangasekmdeslaur: the argument from my side was: don't break compatibility with a feature in a security update, all the actual documented cases where this is exploitable involve coupling pam_env with other modules we don't use by default17:49
slangasekmdeslaur: I'm not wedded to keeping it enabled by default indefinitely, however, and am happy to consider disabling by default or (perhaps better) dropping the feature entirely17:50
RoAkSoAxhallyn: may I ask why the changes to the init script were dropped?17:52
_Groo_hi/2 all17:54
_Groo_ could anyone tell me why nspluginwrapper is segfaulting in nautty?17:54
hallynRoAkSoAx: oh i meant to revisit that.  But the changes would have beceom more intricate; were not applied to the racoon.init;  and should be sent to debian IMO.  Otherwise on every sync we introduce needless chance for regression in init script17:55
hallynRoAkSoAx: so IMO the thing ot do is push it as is; open a bug for the init scripts (which patches attached);  and try to get it in through debian17:56
RoAkSoAxhallyn: ok since I';ve seen those changes have been carried over most of the releases17:56
_Groo_i make a 1.4.2 nspluginwrapper package, but its segfaulting too17:56
RoAkSoAxhallyn: did you fw that to debian already?17:56
_Groo_something is dead wrong, but i cant point my finger at what it is17:56
hallynRoAkSoAx: no17:56
RoAkSoAxhallyn: cause I think if we want to do that... we still need to carry the diff in Ubuntu so it don't get lost17:57
hallynwell it has to be a new diff in any case17:57
RoAkSoAxand then fw the change as "we applied this in Ubuntu please consider using it"17:57
hallynRoAkSoAx: my assumption was that it's not very important (since, again, the racoon init script wasn't converted)17:58
hallyni can make that change if i have time this afternoon;  if not this afternoon, then it won't happen (by me) for two weeks.17:59
hallyn(but again, i don't understand the urgency)17:59
RoAkSoAxhallyn: right, but AFAIK, the diff makes the init script LSB compliant, which I think we should keep17:59
RoAkSoAxhallyn: I guess I'll have to consult to a higher power for input on it :)18:00
RoAkSoAxzul: ^^18:00
RoAkSoAxzul: should we keep or drop the changes to the init script: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1/18:01
zulsubmit it to debian but i would keep it for now18:02
RoAkSoAxzul: k thanks for the inpout18:03
hallyn(again we can't 'keep' it, it needs some tweaking.   tweaking leads to bugs.)18:03
hallynok, when i finish up with libcap bug i'll roll a new version, and submit debian bug18:03
RoAkSoAxhallyn: I think that'd be the best cause that way we ensure that we keep the diff, and that we can forward it to debian, without having to lose the change overtime18:05
RoAkSoAxhallyn: so, if the maintainer accepts it, we can just sync18:05
RoAkSoAxi wonder why it hasn't been forwarded before though18:05
RoAkSoAxsince the diffs seems to have being carried over from breeze18:06
macoev: i see set_download_updates() is already defined in both PageGtk and PageKde, so im adding a similar function for enable..., but when i call them from check_returncode, will it magically pick the one from the right page?18:06
mdeslaurslangasek: I don't have a preference, I just want to fill in the info so we know what to say when people ask why we chose to ignore that particular CVE. Is the pam commiters list a public one?18:07
slangasekmdeslaur: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=20101019215007.GB15393%40altlinux.org&forum_name=pam-patches18:10
mdeslaurslangasek: ah, cool. Thanks for that.18:11
slangasekmdeslaur: actually, it looks like I already concluded in that thread that the upstream should default to off, but this never went into effect18:11
mdeslaurslangasek: ok, mind if I revert it to off in oneiric?18:13
slangasekmdeslaur: I should probably get that change made upstream first, so we don't get flamed for turning off a feature locally that we pushed into upstream in the first place ;)18:14
slangasekmdeslaur: do you think this behavior change warrants a mention in the oneiric release notes?18:14
slangasekif not, I'd say it should at least go in the debian/NEWS file18:14
mdeslaurslangasek: ok, I'll let you handle it. Honestly, I don't know what pam_env is actually used for in our case, so I don't think I can answer that.18:15
slangasekI have never seen ~/.pam_environment in the wild18:16
slangasekTollef wrote the original patch IIRC; there was never a corresponding example added to /etc/skel18:16
hallynRoAkSoAx: can you think of any good reason not to also convert racoon.init?18:26
RoAkSoAxhallyn: no not really, maybe it has been previously but lost throughout the years... maybe it was introduced at a later stage and was never looked at18:27
hallynRoAkSoAx: ok, i'll re-add it.  pls do double-check my logic :)18:27
RoAkSoAxhallyn: will do :)18:28
jcastrojhunt: DBO says that the "scale addons" plugin will do what you want (for bug 787643); I have no idea how it works though, but might help you find what you need.18:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787643 in unity "provide ability to select window by partial name/title" [Undecided,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78764318:36
jtaylorthat bug is set to opinion not wishlist, mistake?18:39
hallynRoAkSoAx: new version at http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipsec-tools_0.8.0-3ubuntu1 seems to work for me18:39
RoAkSoAxhallyn: thanks! I'll take a look at it after lunch18:40
Keybukarchive.ubuntu.com has no AAAA record18:53
savidHi, I'd like to make my appindicator show dynamic text instead of an icon.  All of the code examples I can find just show how to do an icon.  How do I make it so that it shows text instead?18:54
savid(I'm using python, btw)18:54
ScottKsavid: You might have more luck in #ayatana.18:54
sladensavid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/40918/how-do-i-create-a-dynamic-quicklist19:01
brodersladen: quicklist is different from an indicator19:02
sladensavid: apt-get source indicator-datetime19:02
hallynRoAkSoAx: meanwhile I opened bug http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62982819:04
ubottuDebian bug 629828 in ipsec-tools "LSB-ify ipsec init scripts" [Normal,Open]19:04
sladensavid/broder: if you still can't find an answer;  I'll try and figure out an example and pop up it up on the design blog highlighting your example19:09
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Laneydirecthex: yo, seb128 is asking about uploading 2.10 - think we can do that any time soon?19:41
tkamppeterpitti, hi19:43
tkamppeterpitti_, hi19:44
jhuntjcastro: awesome, thx!19:50
jhuntjcastro: only 1 problem - enabling it kills unity. I'll update the bug...19:57
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jhuntjcastro: done.20:00
jdstrand@pilot in20:12
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand, Daviey
directhexLaney: are we ready on that? i'd love to get 2.10 in20:19
directhexLaney: i've been away for 2+ weeks, dunno if anything changed in the last 16 days20:20
Laneythere's a few failures20:20
directhexoh, wow, progress20:21
Laneymight be alright to do though20:23
directhexLaney: imho yes. good enough for main, anyway20:23
directhexLaney: worth mentioning to meebey, or will he freak out?20:24
directhexubuntu-as-exp argument, of course20:24
Laneyyou try it...20:24
cndanyone know how to get past the "oh no! something has gone wrong!" window?20:33
cndit pops up when I log in no matter what session I choose20:33
cjwatsonKeybuk: fortunately, gb.archive does, thanks to datahop :-)20:34
cjwatson(as a result, I suspect a majority of my incoming traffic might actually be IPv6; I should measure that sometime ...)20:35
Davieycjwatson: Because i get faster connection over ipv4, i actually fudge my dns to ignore the AAAA record :{)20:35
cjwatsonv6 is often marginally faster here20:35
cjwatsondespite being tunnelled20:36
cjwatsonI guess HE's peering is a bit better than my own ISP's20:37
stgraberI usually get similar speed but strangely, lower latency using IPv6 (tunnelled using HE) than IPv4 here20:37
alexsnhey guys, is there a bug with unity where super+1-9 keys doesn't work?20:37
cjwatsonyeah, there's usually not much in it between the two for me20:37
Davieymaybe it has improved since i added my fudge..  i should test it again20:38
sebnercnd: I'll file a bug later. Thanks for your help anyway!20:39
Davieycjwatson: although, lack of AAAA on security.ubuntu.com is less than stellar.20:39
cndsebner, huh?20:39
sebnercnd: I'm the touchpad guy :)20:40
cndsebner, can you be more specific?20:40
stgraberhttp://pastebin.com/Ej52Qsit (ipv6) vs http://pastebin.com/tyexLSrC (ipv4) for transatlanic latency, only 2ms of diference today, though I've seen it being up to 10ms faster on ipv6 :)20:40
sebnercnd: We communicated over email about my touchpad problem (not being able to enable/disable it)20:41
cndI communicate with a lot of people about their touchpads :)20:41
stgraberas for speed, I have around 9.8MB/s on IPv6 and 10MB/s on IPv4, so not too big of a difference ;)20:41
sebnercnd: I figure, I'm sorry20:42
cndsebner, no problem!20:43
* sebner hugs cnd :)20:44
Keybukcjwatson, Daviey: 6 is faster here20:45
Keybuksince it's native20:45
Keybukwhereas 4 goes through NAT :(20:45
DavieyKeybuk: residental or work connection?20:46
DavieyInteresting, /me stops his OT chatter.20:48
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RoAkSoAxhallyn: ping21:02
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hallynRoAkSoAx: yo21:02
RoAkSoAxhallyn: alright looks good to me... though the only minor change is in nthe changelog for: debian/ipsec-tools.setkey.init: LSB init script is it is no longer a remaining change but rather/ you've rewritten differently the LSB implementation21:04
RoAkSoAxhallyn: so I'm gonna go ahead and just change that if that's ok with you (the changelog)21:04
* hallyn flexes his bicepts - that's right, baby21:04
hallynRoAkSoAx: cool, thanks much21:04
hallyni *would* say i should go follow up on core-dev, but given the little multipath SRU fiasco earlier this week, i think i'll hold up :)21:05
RoAkSoAxhallyn: hehe I think that you should just give it a try21:05
RoAkSoAxhallyn: it's been a year already since you've first starting working with packages21:06
hallyni'll probably try after dublin21:06
RoAkSoAxhallyn: btw... quilt as a Build-Dep is not necessary cause the source formain is already 3.0 (quilt) :)21:13
smoserso i'm looking at merging rsyslog21:14
hallynRoAkSoAx: hm?  don't think i added that21:14
smoseri'm running an amd64 system (on ec2).21:15
smoserif i install the debian package (from the debian archive build), version 5.8.1-121:15
smoserand switch out its config with ours, everything is fine.21:15
smoserbut if i build that 5.8.1-1 inside oneiric sbuild, and try those binaries, then rsyslog will restart on every message it receives.21:16
smoseri believe that its all the same source, just a different compiler /build environment21:17
smoseri'm looking for suggestions on how to continue debugging.21:18
smoseri believe that the final comment bug 775703 was pitti_ seeing this same behavior21:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 775703 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "Please merge rsyslog 5.8.0-1 (main) from debian unstable (main) (dup-of: 794230)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77570321:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794230 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "Please merge rsyslog 5.8.1-1 (main) from debian unstable" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79423021:18
smoserwhen you see it, it *looks* like rsyslog just keeps complaining about the /dev/xconsole, but really, its getting restarted by upstart each time it gest a message21:19
brodersmoser: that sounds like21:19
broderyeah, upstart restarting it21:19
broderhave you tried attaching a debugger?21:19
broderoh, i see21:20
smoserno. thats the next step i suppose.21:20
RoAkSoAxhallyn: uploaded!! thanks!21:26
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smoserhm... broder so if i try to attach to the process , it dies.21:31
smoserie: gdb -p 2720021:31
smoserAttaching to process 2720021:31
smoserptrace: No such process.21:31
smoserah... well that make sense now.21:56
smoseri'd run 'sudo -p PID', which would generate a syslog message from sudo, which woudl cause it to crash.21:56
=== mthaddon changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Launchpad down/read-only from 22:00-23:30 UTC for a code update | Oneiric Alpha 1 released | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jdstrand, Da
keesslangasek: btw, I've committed a fix for LP: #794531 to the debian PAM repo, if you want to take a look.23:04
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slangasekkees: w00t23:41
slangasekkees: oh, you only suppressed the error message, I was going to fix it to actually know about RTTIME :)23:41
keesslangasek: ah, sorry, yeah. my original intention was to suppress it, so I still want to get that in. fixing to know about RTTIME is an additional nice-to-have.23:47

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