
kim0Morning everyone09:15
* hazmat gives up on unity14:15
hazmatare there any union or overlay filesystems for which you can capture a useable delta against the base fs14:19
niemeyerHey Ensemblers!14:27
kim0hazmat: aufs ?15:13
_mup_ensemble/update-install-docs r242 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com15:37
_mup_factor out source installation into a developer-install doc15:37
hazmat kim0 i don't think any of them real expose deltas is a particular useful way.. aufs has some  internal files it uses for inode pointers, which  it looks like which make it conceivable but potentially brittle15:39
kim0zfs snapshots with 'zfs send' ? :)15:42
hazmatkim0, hmm.. not sure if thats appropriate, there are some nice time slider interfaces for zfs auto snapshot integrated into nautilus but snapshot browsing is a pretty easy.. what i was wondering about was some sort of preview mode against a hook, that could take a snapshot of the fs, and the running processes, before the hook, compared to an after hook environment, that could be presented to an end user as the actions of a hook15:45
hazmatalong with the delta of changed relation data15:45
kim0system wide diff15:46
kim0hazmat: and it'd have to work on regular filesystems too right? (ext3/4?)15:46
hazmatkim0, indeed, and its not clear to me if that's either realistic or useful by itself, the process changes is rather difficult to capture meaningfully, if there's an internal change in a process state..15:47
hazmatjust brainstorming on what dry run might look like15:48
kim0perhaps it might be simpler to try hooking runs of service/cp/mv ?15:48
kim0but that list is never complete15:48
hazmatkim0, indeed.. some hooks might not use shell as well, but an arbitrary binary (formula in go? ;-) we'd have to hook syscalls and presenting that an intelligible diff to an admin might be a challenge15:51
kim0hazmat: or perhaps another way to look at it, might be to request prepending commands with a sudo like prefix, just like (svn mv, svn rm) ...etc Instead of allowing running arbitrary executables .. pros and cons of course15:53
hazmatkim0, its also unclear since its a dynamic system, if such a preview is truly reliable.. a remote state change could change the local behavior from the preview at any time.15:55
kim0yeah, it's a hard problem :)15:55
_mup_ensemble/trunk r247 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com16:15
_mup_merge resolved-install-should-start [r=niemeyer][f=794129]16:15
_mup_Resolving an install_error should automatically attempt a transition to start16:15
_mup_if the install error is resolved successfully.16:15
=== deryck_ is now known as deryck
niemeyerNice review queue again16:42
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r272 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com16:49
_mup_More corner cases dealing with concurrently removed services16:49
jimbaker`niemeyer, could you take a look at expose-hook-commands in review - it's independent of the two other branches i'm working on17:00
niemeyerjimbaker`: Yeah, will clear it up today17:00
jimbaker`i also just adjusted expose-provision-service-hierarchy to indicate it's WIP w/ the changes in expose-watch-exposed-flag, should have done that earlier17:01
jimbaker`the good thing about that is that the move to the stateful api did in fact unexpose some subtle timing bugs17:02
niemeyerjimbaker`: Interesting17:07
niemeyerI'll get some lunch17:11
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r273 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:11
_mup_test_service_unit_watching now loops properly17:11
kim0niemeyer: hey, let's do the sync'up meeting in 90mins17:36
kim0Another thing .. I'll need some help from the team to identify bitesized bug17:37
kim0Basically, I'll start a campaign to go out and get people interested in contributing to Ensemble. For that, we'd probably need a list of bitesized bugs that we can point people to17:38
kim0This has worked well for Unity, so hopefully for us as well17:38
kim0so we'd need a tag a few bugs as "bitesized". Or maybe file new bugs if appropriate. This can be easy to fix bugs, or nice to haves that are not too uegent for the team and are low barrier for a newcomer17:39
kim0if we can have 10-15 bugs tagged/created, that'd be awesome17:40
kim0let me know what you guys think17:40
kim0I'll probably file some new bugs for important formulas I'd like to see written, and I'll pimp them to the respective communities. But where I need the help most, is code bugs (improve test coverage, fix a small bug ..etc)17:46
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r274 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:48
_mup_Remaining tests now also loop17:48
jimbaker`kim0, meeting on #ubuntu-cloud in 30 minutes, right?18:30
kim0jimbaker`: yeah18:31
jimbaker`kim0, sounds good18:31
_mup_ensemble/set-transitions r230 committed by bcsaller@gmail.com18:36
_mup_merge forward18:36
kim0uno, dos, tres19:00
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r275 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:01
_mup_Assert expected log lines19:01
kim0niemeyer: hazmat bcsaller jimbaker`: anyone up for the meeting 19:01
kim0#Ubuntu-Cloud please19:01
niemeyerkim0: Here, and there19:01
jimbaker`kim0, over on #ubuntu-cloud, waiting for the meeting to start :)19:02
niemeyerjimbaker`: The meeting ended..19:20
jimbaker`niemeyer, yes19:21
niemeyerjimbaker`: I though you were going to say something?19:21
kim0koolhead17: hey o/19:21
koolhead17kim0: hey man.19:22
jimbaker`niemeyer, didn't really have anything to add to what was said about the progress on expose19:22
kim0koolhead17: how's it going buddy19:22
koolhead17just happy happy :)19:22
kim0koolhead17: haha :)19:23
jimbaker`there are some interesting details about ensemble internals, but not germane for that particular meeting i think19:23
koolhead17kim0: and yes puppet CTO follows all the tweets wit hashtag puppet :D19:23
kim0koolhead17: that would make sense :)19:24
kim0koolhead17: working on some cool stuff lately ?19:24
hazmatjimbaker`, perhaps for the standup then..19:24
koolhead17kim0: yes. KVM and CFengine19:24
jimbaker`hazmat, of course19:24
hazmatbcsaller, niemeyer, jimbaker` standup time?19:25
niemeyerYep, let's go19:25
koolhead17hazmat: niemeyer jimbaker` hello all :P19:25
jimbaker`niemeyer, hazmat sounds good19:25
* koolhead17 wants to meet someone from ensemble team in berlin :)19:25
bcsallerin mumble19:25
kim0koolhead17: so what exactly are you doing with those I'm interested :)19:25
koolhead17kim0: in KVM learning the networking modes and CFengine just started and finding very confusing. 19:26
koolhead17you were right about CFengine19:27
kim0koolhead17: haha :) Yeah that I'm sure about .. the oldest and cruftiest afaik19:27
kim0koolhead17: man you should try ensemble :P We have a formula authors tutorial now Yaay https://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs/write-formula.html19:28
koolhead17i might say adious to it tomorrow  after spending some more hours. there is no ubuntu community documentation 4 CFengine and Puppet :(19:28
* koolhead17 clicks19:28
* kim0 joins real life .. back in an hour or two19:30
niemeyerhazmat: Would you mind to lower down the mic volume a little bit?19:42
niemeyerbcsaller: Re. [16], on this point:20:48
niemeyerWhile I made these changes its worth noting that they are not exactly20:48
niemeyerthe same as a missing config.yaml means the service takes no options.20:48
niemeyerSo, for example, file not found isn't considered an error.20:48
niemeyerbcsaller: This distinction is in usage of the interface, not on the interface itself20:48
niemeyerbcsaller: I totally agree with your understanding of what the user should see when the file is missing, though20:49
bcsallergustavo: ok20:49
niemeyerbcsaller: Our disagreement is just that the API of Metadata and Config should be equivalent, despite those details20:49
niemeyerbcsaller: re [19], in many cases the parenthesis were simply NOOP20:50
niemeyerbcsaller: When it's used for wrapping, there are no issues20:50
niemeyerbcsaller: E.g.20:50
niemeyer> +                    "%s is not a valid configuration option." % (option))20:50
niemeyerbcsaller: This is a bit like saying (1) + (2), etc20:51
bcsalleryeah, some got moved around and then not removed after not being needed for formatting20:51
niemeyerbcsaller: On [22], the point raised was mostly about the ordering of arguments20:52
bcsallerI was explaining the history, I got your point :)20:52
niemeyerbcsaller: Not how regex_validator takes exactly the same arguments of match20:52
niemeyerbcsaller: Ah, ok, I'm the one who misunderstood then, sorry20:52
niemeyerbcsaller: I don't see how the change would keep the validation API, given that every other function takes a single argument and went through a different path entirely20:53
niemeyerbcsaller: But now that things have changed, this is a moot point anyway20:54
bcsalleryeah, that wasn't the plan orig :)20:54
niemeyerbcsaller: The API is still not matching.. not sure if I have the latest work?20:58
bcsallerI'll check it again, there should be one code path 20:59
niemeyerbcsaller: It still has "optional", no parse_serialization_data, parse is taking different kinds of data, etc21:00
niemeyerbcsaller: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/622012/21:01
niemeyerbcsaller: This is the relevant part of MetaData21:01
niemeyerbcsaller: ConfigOptions is doing exactly the same thing in all of those cases.  It feels like a good idea to have the same API on both.21:01
bcsallerI didn't know you needed that level of parity, I can work on changing it21:02
niemeyerbcsaller: There are two kinds of file.  Both of them are within the formula.  They both require the same kind of API from the application.  Why would these two APIs be different?21:04
_mup_ensemble/security-specification r241 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com21:04
_mup_additional escalation scenarios, outline next steps broadly21:04
bcsalleryou're right, I was focused on the wrong things21:04
niemeyerbcsaller: The watch_config has exactly the same issues re. exists_d than what we're discussing with jim21:16
niemeyerbcsaller: Let's just move it on, though21:16
niemeyerhazmat: One more for us to look at ^21:16
niemeyerbcsaller: It's looking good.. [16] is the only mildly boring issue to look at21:25
niemeyerbcsaller: I've posted a few other comments in the merge proposal, mostly stylistic, though21:25
bcsallerok, great21:25
niemeyerbcsaller: It's approved too, thanks for pushing it through21:25
bcsallerI'll give it another pass and then push it 21:25
niemeyerbcsaller: Just sort that API issue first, please, and it's good to go.21:26
bcsallerand move the next branch into review21:26
bcsalleryes sir :)21:26
bcsallerthanks for the review 21:26
* niemeyer quickly finds a dictator's hat to wear21:27
niemeyerbcsaller: np, sorry for the trouble :)21:27
SpamapSstarting to package txzookeeper21:31
SpamapSmocker.py should be dropped and a dependency on mocker added..21:32
niemeyerSpamapS: mocker was meant to be embedded in projects21:41
niemeyerSpamapS: So this is fine21:41
niemeyerSpamapS: It's not polluting the global space, and is only for testing21:41
SpamapSIf its not generated, it will likely get rejected by an overzealous archive admin. :-/21:48
niemeyerSpamapS: The mocker upstream explicitly designed mocker for it to be embedded in projects.21:48
SpamapSYeah, thats a grey area. Since its only a build time thing, I'll cross my fingers.21:49
niemeyerSpamapS: It's used for testing, and tests shouldn't ever break if mocker changes.21:49
niemeyerSpamapS: It's a well considered thing in this case21:49
SpamapSDebian policy doesn't really take into account upstream's intentions. ;)21:49
niemeyerSpamapS: I was actually against even having a mocker package, but since the Ubuntu One guys (or Launchpad, maybe) wanted very much, I couldn't really see a reason to prevent it21:50
SpamapSthey changed the language21:50
SpamapSI digress!21:50
SpamapSIt used to say must not21:50
SpamapS"Debian packages should not make use of these convenience copies unless the included package is explicitly intended to be used in this way."21:50
niemeyer"explicitly intended"!21:51
SpamapSYeah, that used to say must not use them, and it didn't take into account those intentions. I think.21:51
SpamapSThat or I was just being overly excited about something silly. (latter far more likely)21:52
niemeyerSpamapS: I understand the perspective.. the issue in this case is that it'll be really bad if mocker changes and tests are broken because of that21:52
niemeyerSpamapS: Tests are supposed to verify the application.. if the test framework breaks/changes, the whole purpose of the system is gone21:52
SpamapSYeah, and there's no sane reason to be using the test framework in two projects at the same time.21:53
SpamapSThat said, the mocker.py in txzookeeper is missing a license.21:55
SpamapSWill consider it licensed under MIT since the setup.py licenses the whole thing as such.21:57
hazmathmm.. that should get updated to the released one with license info, i might have pulled that from landscape when i was first working on txzk21:58
hazmatthe mocker module that is21:59
niemeyerSpamapS: trunk actually has one21:59
niemeyerSpamapS: It's BSD, IIRC21:59
SpamapSI'm comfortable submitting it with a blanket MIT license because the BSD and MIT licenses allow re-licensing and the same basic rights.22:01
SpamapSIf you guys update it we can change the debian/copyright file then22:01
niemeyerSpamapS: The license says the text should be preserved, but I won't fight over that. :-)22:05
niemeyerSpamapS: I assure you the upstream will never go after you on that. ;-)22:05
SpamapSSince the file as distributed had no such text.. we're safe. :)22:06
hazmatits still technically a copyright violation if that was yanked22:08
* SpamapS decides he may as well re-read the license portion of the policy manual again to see if his memory is dead wrong on this too. :-P22:08
SpamapShazmat: I believe at the time you received the file, it had no license. ;)22:08
hazmatactually that's still in there22:08
hazmatSpamapS, i belive, your belief reflects a statement that in the scope of the multiverse, could be known as reality 22:09
_mup_ensemble/bootstrap-shutdown-environment r248 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com22:09
_mup_bootstrap operates on only one environment, shutdown next.22:09
SpamapSI'm reading the manual because this situation has come up so many times.. it has to have a better resolution than "bug the upstream to add a copyright and license header to everything"22:10
niemeyerSpamapS: There isn't one, likely.. the problem is that something without a license defaults to being proprietary22:10
hazmatSpamapS, that's an acceptable answer afaics, i can add it in22:10
niemeyerLuckily, in this case, we have good access to the upstream, and nothing like that is necessary. :-)22:11
SpamapS"Note that under international copyright law (this applies in the United States, too), no distribution or modification of a work is allowed without an explicit notice saying so. Therefore a program without a copyright notice is copyrighted and you may not do anything to it without risking being sued! Likewise if a program has a copyright notice but no statement saying what is permitted then nothing is permitted."22:13
hazmatthere is an existing copyright notice22:13
hazmatat least in the mocker.py of txzk22:13
SpamapSexplicit notice saying so.. I'd say Kapil's debian/copyright file is sufficient ;)22:14
_mup_txzookeeper/mocker-license r39 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com22:14
_mup_update mocker to latest release, which includes license header22:14
SpamapShazmat: copyright yes. license, no.22:14
SpamapSI think the debian/copyright file you put in is technically a blanket license22:15
hazmatniemeyer, can i get a +1 on this trivial http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/622062/22:15
niemeyerhazmat: +1!22:16
hazmatSpamapS, its not clear how that's possible on aggregate work.. but i guess deb frowns on those22:16
SpamapSthe question is, did you have a right to re-license Gustavo's work... the answer is of course yes, but I need to have evidence of that to put in the debian/copyright file.22:16
niemeyerSpamapS: I think debian/copyright is something else than what we're debating about22:17
* SpamapS has had 2 uploads to Debian rejected for these reasons.22:17
niemeyerSpamapS: If not, I'd be happy to learn22:17
SpamapSwell there are two copyright files in the discussion22:17
_mup_txzookeeper/trunk r39 committed by kapil.foss@gmail.com22:17
_mup_[trivial] merge mocker-license which updates mocker to 1.1 which includes a license header for packaging [r=niemeyer]22:17
hazmatSpamapS, hopefully that helps22:17
niemeyerSpamapS: Isn't debian/copyright the _package_ copyright (debian/*)?22:17
SpamapSthere's the one Kapil put in txzookeeper's trunk, which serves as a blanket MIT license for the rest of the code...22:17
SpamapSand then there's the one I'm tidying up for upload to Debian22:18
SpamapSThe former is just a reference work at this point. The latter is used by the Debian and Ubuntu projects as an assurance to their users that they can in fact use the software.22:19
hazmatoff to dinner, back in a bit22:19
SpamapShazmat: thanks, that may be enough, I'm going to ask around a bit22:19
SpamapSI think I've spent way too much time on this, since the new trunk has the licensed code.. the matter is pretty much resolved22:20
niemeyerjimbaker`: expose-hook-commands looks very nice and tiny, thanks22:22
SpamapS./txzookeeper/tests/mocker.py: BSD (3 clause) 22:22
jimbaker`niemeyer, thanks22:22
SpamapSCan we make a tarball release of txzookeeper?22:56
SpamapSit seems that packaging from VCS is totally legit23:02

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