
ScottKmicahg: I'm not concerned about who deals with it, I just want to be able to remove boost1.42 shortly after DIF.00:23
micahgScottK: heh, ok, I'll take gnash too if no one beats me to it00:26
micahgScottK: I think we'd like to remove xulrunner in the same time frame so either way it needs to be fixed :)00:27
kaushalWhen is JAVA6 U26 going to be available in Ubuntu ?01:08
kaushalchecking in again for the query01:19
micahgkaushal: java is in the partner repo for lucid and later, it will be available as soon as the partner devs get a chance to do it01:20
kaushalmicahg: is there a Bug opened in Launchpad01:20
micahgkaushal: I don't see one01:21
kaushalmicahg: when you say partner devs ?01:21
kaushalis it from canonical or community or Sun01:21
micahgkaushal: the devs responsible for the partner archive (Canonical)01:22
kaushalmicahg: ok01:22
kaushalcan i get some sort of information as and when its available ?01:22
micahgkaushal: you can subscribe to the appropriate $RELEASE-changes mailing list on lists.ubuntu.com01:23
kaushalI dont see it on that list01:24
kaushalnot sure i understand that01:24
micahgkaushal: i.e. lucid-changes, maverick-changes01:24
kaushalmicahg: Thanks01:29
kaushalYour message was rejected01:40
kaushalmicahg: What could be the issue ?01:40
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dholbachgood morning06:53
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hrwhow to request debian sync for package?09:35
Rhondahrw: Not needed at the current stage of development, it happens automatically.09:36
RhondaUnless you want to sync from experimental. See requestsync in ubuntu-devtools package.09:36
Rhondaubuntu-dev-tools actually09:36
hrwRhonda: regina-normal is at 4.6-1.1 in oneiric compare to 4.6-4 in debian09:36
hrwand 4.6-1.1 ftfbs09:37
hrwI am now checking -4 to build09:37
Laneyif the package has Ubuntu modifications then you need to explicitly request it09:38
Laneyafter checking that they are no longer needed09:38
RhondaAh, wait09:38
RhondaThat's 4.6-1.1ubuntu309:38
RhondaSo it can't be synced, it requires a merge.09:38
Rhonda… unless all changes got incorporated, then an explicit sync request is needed explaining why the diff can get dropped09:38
Rhondahrw: Please be precise, it's 4.6-1.1ubuntu3 in oneiric, not 4.6-1.1  :)09:39
hrwso the proper way is to check ubuntuisms in package, merge/fix them, request review/sponsoring?09:43
RhondaSounds proper09:49
hrwif ubuntu changes are not required how should I solve debian/changelog? use Debian one or merge Ubuntu one into it?09:50
Rhondaif they aren't required file a sync request and explain why they can get dropped09:51
RhondaThere's a wiki page explaining what should be in such a sync request, though "requestsync regina-normal" should get you a decent template to start with.09:52
hrwok. let it build and I go for a haircut in meantime09:53
ScottKhrw: I already requested a sync for regina-normal.12:23
hrwScottK: noticed12:24
hrwScottK: anyway I do not consider that time wasted - learnt few things12:24
ScottKGood way to look at it.12:24
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c_kornhello, if a debian/control file has the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field set it is included in the package's Original-Maintainer field which is then called invalid by lintian. am I doing something wrong?13:19
RhondaAre you using lintian from Debian or from Ubuntu?13:21
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pcprattshi, I am trying to make a website installer, but lintian doesn't like files in /var/www.  what is the standard place to put a website to keep lintian happy?13:54
sorenpcpratts: /usr/share, typically.14:08
pcprattssoren: okay thanks14:11
pcprattshow should I modify the apache config files?14:15
pcprattsI could create a parser and modify that way14:15
pcprattsoh wait, I remember apache has a sites-available14:16
PiciI could be wrong, but I think I've seen packages stick things in /etc/apache2/conf.d/14:16
pcprattsyeah, phpmyadmin does that14:17
pcprattsbut I am making a new site root14:17
pcprattsokay, thanks for the help.14:20
pcprattshello all, I am working on lintian errors.  how do I add something as a conffile?15:07
pcprattsis conffile a file with a newline separated list?  or maybe things go in control?15:07
cjwatsonpcpratts: man dh_installdeb15:12
pcprattsk, thanks15:12
cjwatsonalso http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-config-files for policy on usage15:14
cjwatsonhttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-conffiles.html#sE.1 for file format15:14
cjwatsonpcpratts: ^-15:14
pcprattscjwatson: thanks, it is going in etc/cron and etc/init.d so I am sure the are config files15:15
cjwatsonif it's going in /etc, debhelper should do it for you automatically, as long as you're using a sufficient debhelper compat version15:16
cjwatsoni.e. with modern packaging it should just work, so the question is why you aren't using modern packaging :-)15:16
pcprattscjwatson: oh, okay.  I am writing a rules file manually, and doing other stuff, is there something easier15:19
pcprattscjwatson: I am using some dh commands, but not everything15:20
cjwatsonI'd need to see the full source package to advise15:21
cjwatsonI always use /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny and customise from there as advised in 'man dh'15:21
cjwatsonbut you must be doing something pretty overly manual in order not to benefit from debhelper's conffiles default; that's been around for a long time15:22
pcprattscjwatson: okay, I'll take a look at that.15:23
pcprattscjwatson: oh haha15:23
pcprattscjwatson: is is pretty empty and looks like it is using make.  I don't use make15:24
pcprattscjwatson: this is just a php/mysql website with mostly java programs doing the backend, so I build with ant15:24
cjwatsondebian/rules should be a makefile15:25
cjwatsonsure, it often calls something else to do the hard work15:25
pcprattscjwatson: yeah, but then I just call ant15:25
cjwatsonbut not having debian/rules be a makefile is Really Really Weird.15:25
pcprattscjwatson: okay, okay, yeah it is a makefile, my mistake15:25
cjwatsoncan I see your source package, please?15:25
pcprattscjwatson: sure what parts15:26
cjwatsoneverything in debian/15:26
pcprattscjwatson: how should I get it to you15:26
cjwatsontarball on a website?15:27
cjwatsonor   for x in debian/*; do echo "===== $x ====="; cat "$x"; done   and put the output on paste.ubuntu.com15:28
cjwatsonpcpratts: you must call dh_installinit and dh_installcron *before* dh_installdeb; normally up before dh_strip15:30
cjwatsonthe tiny rules file approach gets the ordering right for you15:31
cjwatsonalso you should not call dh_installdeb or dh_installcron in the install: target15:31
pcprattscjwatson: okay, yeah, I just added those last two15:32
pcprattscjwatson: trying to follow advice15:32
cjwatsonand dh_installinit and dh_installcron in binary-arch probably ought to have -a options, to match the other commands there15:32
cjwatsonfix that and it should wwork15:32
cjwatsonoh, also, you need to move dh_installdeb after dh_shlibdeps15:33
pcprattscjwatson: okay awesome.  I'm trying it now15:34
pcprattscjwatson: I guess I didn't quite understand the tiny rules file approach15:34
pcprattsthis is what the website looks like if anyone is interested: http://www.xanthusbase.org/15:35
pcprattsany biology researcher can install the website for their bacteria that they study15:35
cjwatsonthe general idea is that you have a very short template which Does The Right Thing in general, and then you add override_* targets for any case where your package's behaviour is at all unusual15:35
cjwatsonit saves, for example, having to remember which the correct order to call dh_* commands in is15:36
pcprattsyeah, okay15:36
pcprattsjust curious, are you funded by any company?15:36
pcprattsI am always amazed there is someone on that can help15:37
cjwatsonyes, I work for Canonical15:37
pcprattsif all the lintian errors are gone, is a package automatically accepted in ubuntu?15:38
tumbleweedno, packages need manual review by ubuntu developers to be accepted (and then another round of review by the archive admins)15:40
pcprattscjwatson: okay, those errors are gone.15:40
Laneythere's no way lintian could catch many errors15:40
tumbleweedwhen possible, please aim new packages at Debian rather than Ubuntu, ubuntu universe has a fair number of uncared-for rotting packages, we don't want to add to them.15:41
* tumbleweed finds myself saying this a lot at the moment, we should add an ubottu factoid15:42
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU15:42
* tumbleweed doesn't see "deprecated"15:42
Laneyjust checking.15:43
pcprattshmm, I don't have any systems currently that run debian15:45
pcprattsbut I will look into it, thanks15:45
pcprattsI have pretty standard dependencies15:45
tumbleweedLaney: well, the REVU wiki page starts with a big disclaimer, that's a start15:46
* Laney s/may/will/15:47
pcprattsLaney: haha, I get paid to do this15:47
pcprattsso I will15:47
pcprattsbut yeah, I have other projects too15:47
pcprattswill have to bring another computer from home making the number on my desk equalling 815:48
Laneyyou can run a virtual machine or maybe in a chroot (depending on what the software is)15:49
pcprattsthat that's true15:49
pcprattsI don't tend to like to work in a virtual machine15:49
pcprattsbecause lots of what I do is computationally intense15:50
tumbleweed!no revu is <reply> REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu-specific packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU  Please consider maintaining new packages in Debian rather than Ubuntu, they can be easily synced across.15:53
Pici!no revu is <reply> REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu-specific packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU  Please consider maintaining new packages in Debian rather than Ubuntu, they can be easily synced across.15:58
ubottuI'll remember that Pici15:58
tumbleweedPici: thanks15:58
Laneysilly bot with selective hearing15:59
tumbleweedI got a PM reply saying it was awaiting moderation :)16:00
pcprattsI have these two errors:16:27
pcprattsE: openmods: section-is-dh_make-template16:27
pcprattsE: openmods: no-copyright-file16:27
pcprattsbut I have a copyright file16:28
pcprattsand I checked that I don't have any template files16:28
Laneyrun lintian --info *.changes and you'll get more information16:28
pcprattsokay thanks16:29
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fabrice_spHi. Does anyone see where the error is there: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73222469/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.deal.ii_6.3.1-1.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz It builds fine in amd64 (see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/deal.ii/6.3.1-1.1)20:19
fabrice_spstrange enough it last 4 hours in i386 before failing and 45 minutes in amd64 for full buiding.....20:24
geserfabrice_sp: make[1]: *** No rule to make target `common/Make.global_options'.  Stop.20:37
gesersearch for "Error 2" in that log20:37
fabrice_spgot it! thanks geser20:38
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pcprattsin a deb package, I am trying to put a package in /etc/apache2/sites-available/23:48
pcprattsoops, package = file23:48
pcprattsI see it when I open the deb with the archiver23:49
pcprattsbut I don't see it when I install the deb23:49

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