
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
fta2mdeslaur, fyi, just upgraded a lucid server, pam once again broke cron. 1.1.1-2ubuntu5.308:40
fta2mdeslaur, n-m, it auto-installed the bogus one before, and i missed it as cron failed to inform me08:43
mdeslaurfta2: 1.1.1-2ubuntu5.3 is the one that fixes cron, how could it have broken it?12:51
mdeslaurfta2: what are the symptoms?12:51
mdeslaurfta2: ah, sorry, didn't notice your other comment12:53
fta2mdeslaur, i guess i depend too much on logcheck and cron. i should probably turn some of my tools to daemons rather than cron jobs13:16
mdeslaurfta2: well, the broken pam was only in the archive for a few hours, and it's unlikely to ever happen again13:19
fta2pam_limits(cron:session): Unknown kernel rlimit 'Max realtime timeout' ignored13:19
fta2pam_limits(sshd:session): Unknown kernel rlimit 'Max realtime timeout' ignored13:20
mdeslaurfta2: that's unrelated to the update13:20
fta2yep, i know, it's oneiric13:20
fta2but it's another unexpected issue with cron13:20
fta2...showing me that i really need to cut my dependency on cron13:21
mdeslaurfta2: looks like http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=62522613:24
ubot2Debian bug 625226 in libpam-modules "pam_limits: Unknown kernel rlimit 'Max realtime timeout' ignored" [Minor,Open]13:24
mdeslaurfta2: could you please file a new launchpad bug against pam and link that one?13:25
fta2mdeslaur, bug 79453113:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 794531 in pam "pam_limits: Unknown kernel rlimit 'Max realtime timeout' ignored" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79453113:32
mdeslaurfta2: cool, thanks13:33
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
m_conleychrisccoulson: #thunderbird-unity14:03
chrisccoulsonm_conley, there now ;)14:04
m_conleychrisccoulson: ping20:35
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley20:35
m_conleychrisccoulson: hey - I was wondering if you happened to know which version of libebook and libedataserver was going to be shipped in O?20:36
chrisccoulsonm_conley, good question :)20:36
chrisccoulsonthat might be a question for seb128 in #ubuntu-desktop20:36
m_conleychrisccoulson: it just occurred to me that it'd be an awful shame if I did all this work, and then all of the APIs changed on me with a version bump. :)20:36
chrisccoulsonalthough, he's finished for the day20:36
m_conleychrisccoulson: alright, I'll ask him tomorrow.  Thanks!20:36
chrisccoulsonm_conley, so, i guess it will be 3.2 we ship with20:37
chrisccoulsonwe're currently on the stable gnome 3.0 packages, but we'll start tracking the unstable 3.1 packages soon (including e-d-s)20:38
m_conleychrisccoulson: ok, good to know.20:38
m_conleychrisccoulson: Is there a timeline for Unity to be on gtk3?21:00
chrisccoulsonm_conley, this cycle21:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: cool - do you know when that'll land?  I appear to have broken my Unity. :p21:01
chrisccoulsonoh, how did you manage that?21:02
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m_conleychrisccoulson: I installed Evolution 3.1, and it brought all of that GTK3 business with it21:02
m_conleychrisccoulson: I can get into Gnome3 alright...but switching back doesn't appear to work.21:03
m_conleyIs there a way for these two to coexist?21:03
chrisccoulsonis this on oneiric?21:03
m_conleyHm - no, Natty.  I guess I'm behind the curve.  Oh, and maybe it matters that I'm using Unity 2D. :p21:03
chrisccoulsonah, ok. i'm not too sure about that :)21:04
chrisccoulsonit seems to be working ok in oneiric (the gtk2 unity is running alongside all the gtk3 stuff)21:04
m_conleychrisccoulson: maybe I should get Oneiric on this machine.  Is it relatively stable right now for me to grab it?21:04
chrisccoulsonbut theming is all messed up still, as there's no gtk3 port of ambiance yet21:04
chrisccoulsonm_conley, it seems to work ok atm, but there's no guarantee it won't break ;)21:05
m_conleyhooray! :)21:05
chrisccoulsoni'm quite conservative with applying updates normally though. once my machine works, i generally stay a few days behind with updates to see if anybody elses machine breaks21:05
m_conleychrisccoulson: that's a good plan.21:06
m_conleyi remember it being particularly difficult with Natty21:07
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i really hate arm21:12
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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