
techmikthe folks in mythtv-users pointed me at this post after i showed my backend dmesg: http://bit.ly/ixN1d201:48
Zinn[bit.ly] Mailing List Archive: Re: format_to_mode() does not recognize V4L101:48
techmikdmesg in question: http://pastebin.com/eiH7Lng101:50
Zinn[pastebin.com] partial mythbackend log - Pastebin.com01:50
techmiksection of dmesg about device: http://pastebin.com/tsvPWUFt01:54
Zinn[pastebin.com] [ 19.212893] h826d: module license 'AVerMedia TECHNOLOGIES, Inc.' taints kerne - Pastebin.com01:54
tgm4883techmik, I'm confused02:01
tgm4883lets start with the mythtv version you are on02:01
tgm4883dpkg -l mythtv*02:01
tgm4883pastebin that02:01
Zinn[pastebin.com] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked - Pastebin.com02:04
tgm4883!logs | techmik02:04
Zinntechmik: MythTV logs are stored in /var/log/mythtv/   You can use mythbuntu-log-grabber from the Applications menu to automatically post the most relevant logs to our pastebin.02:05
tgm4883techmik, use that02:05
tgm4883need to grab the full version02:05
tgm4883but my guess is that you aren't using mythbuntu-repos02:05
ZinnThe Mythbuntu team provides updates for MythTV and Mythbuntu package using the Mythbuntu Repos http://mythbuntu.org/repos02:05
tgm4883in which case I ask why not02:05
tgm4883that issue you linked to has been fixed for a bit now02:05
techmiki did not build... i installed from apt-get, but the driver is "home built" from http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/AVerMedia_AverTV_Hybrid_Volar_HX_%28A827%29#Getting_it_to_work02:06
Zinn[linuxtv.org] AVerMedia AverTV Hybrid Volar HX (A827) - LinuxTVWiki02:06
techmiktho mine is 626, not 82702:06
tgm4883does it work outside of mythtv?02:06
techmik(us version)02:07
techmiktvtime, anyway02:08
tgm4883techmik, so what is the full version number of mythtv that you are running on your backend?02:09
tgm4883should be something like02:09
techmikmythbackend version: fixes/0.24 [v0.24-243-g9ba3ece] www.mythtv.org02:10
tgm4883thats not the full version, but would show me what I want to see02:10
tgm4883now I have to go look up when that was02:10
tgm4883techmik, thats the version that shipped with 11.0402:11
techmiki should be newer?02:11
tgm4883!repos | techmik02:11
Zinntechmik: The Mythbuntu team provides updates for MythTV and Mythbuntu package using the Mythbuntu Repos http://mythbuntu.org/repos02:11
techmiki can build if it'll help02:11
tgm4883techmik, no need to, we already do02:12
tgm4883you just have to install mythbuntu-repos and update as normal02:12
techmikfinally got a 6 core.... ilove to build android now =)02:12
tgm4883just select the 0.24 fixes and update and you'll be set02:12
techmikwow.... i got picture!! it was delayed, and i had no soud, and it was jerky, but that was the 1st tie i saw apicture.....02:40
techmiki haver everything working now except sound in what i record with mythtv... i installed mythvideo and watching my other videos in myth works fine and i have sound......04:51
rileypanyone using mytbbuntu diskless my clients have the wrong time and its a new setup in lucid11:37
rileypthus mythtv does not work as time on client and server are different. Internet not working and after an kernel update suspend is broken as hal is not installed... Oh boy.....11:40
rileypAnyone want to help me through this11:40
patdk-lapheh, it was so broken I gave up on it11:42
patdk-lapand used iscsi diskless boot instead11:42
rileypIve fixed it up so auto login  is enabled in /etc/gdm  and hopefully the time will stay good after editing /etc/default/rcS to utc=off11:42
=== hpeter_ is now known as hpeter
* mrand dreams of a day when one of the countless people that have gotten diskless to work would just document the steps.15:24
CyberKnetAbout to buy some new hardware and I noticed that instead of BIOS the Sandy Bridge board I was about to get was UEFI... in fact most everything I've seen so far was. Since I've never used UEFI before I wanted to make sure that there weren't any issues I should know about that might prevent me from using mythbuntu, or might make my installation experience troublesome.15:28
tzangergood afternoon... it appears that last week there was an update to 10.10 that bumped the schema from 1254 to 1257, but not everything got updated... does anyone know how I can track this down?15:59
tzanger(I see that my weekly backups last week was 1257 and the week before 1254, and when I try to run anything it says the db schema is newer than expected)15:59
sabhainZinn pastebin16:26
ZinnHi sabhain, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.16:26
Zinnwhen pasting more than 5 lines of data please use http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com so you don't flood the channel.  Then please post the link in the channel.16:26
sabhainIf running 2 diskless front-ends from the same images, where LIRC is the only difference between them, why would a dpkg -l report different versions of mythtv packages on the two systems?18:22
superm1because you built one of them after the lirc sru maybe?18:35
sabhainsuperml .. pretty close.  I think one of them must have been booted and remained so before an image update.19:03
sabhaincleaning it up now.  diskless working quite well.19:04
superm1glad to hear diskless is still working well  considering there's not much work that's gone into it for a few releases19:05
sabhainI've found the wiki to be VERY close .. it's a useful stepping off point.  Only a couple of issues here, and many of them related to my use of mediamvp (and atftp) previously before upgrading.19:05
sabhainjust took an 8.04 system right to 10.04 with limited problems, and have moved my front ends from an NFS root setup to diskless.19:06
superm1Gibby did put some work into the wiki recently i think19:06
superm1so that probably helped a lot19:06
superm1the graphical U/I never got finished though for setting it up  from MCC19:07
sabhainaside from having bought too new of an Nvidia PCI-E card, which made audio over HDMI difficult .. it's been ok19:07
superm1surprising that's been troublesome, it's nearly always "Just worked" for audio over HDMI for me19:07
sabhainanother guy here is doing the same thing, and we'll compile our notes to the forum.19:08
sabhainI have one system with onboard NVdida (a Zotac) .. and that worked out of the box.19:08
sabhainmy other has onboard nvidia (but too old for vdpau) so I added a GT430 card .. and alsa doesn't accurately recognize it.19:08
sabhainI can get it to recognize it by using an alsa-linux-driver package ... but that breaks gdm / X.19:09
sabhainnot worth fighting in my mind .. so I just plugged the RCA back in.19:09
sabhain2 or 3 years from now when I touch these things again, it'll be out of the box and I can do the HDMI audio then.  Not a deal breaker for me.19:11
sabhainthe only real battles I've had with this have been forcibly blacklisting nouveau (need to do it inside pxelinux.cfg) and a time mismatch between a front end and the backend.19:12
techmik67is there a recommended utility i can use to test that my usb tuner is actually receiving audio, before i assume its a config problem with mythtv-setup?19:17
superm1sabhain, there's actually a crack-of-the-day alsa PPA out there. it might help you in this HDMI audio problem with out breaking gdm and X19:20
superm1as for blacklisting nouveau, can't you just set up the initramfs to not include it too?19:20
sabhainsuperml, what I found was that the startup script would fire nouveau (I presume for the splash screen??) and blacklisting it in modprobe.d wasn't enough.  So in the defaults of the pxelinux.cfg directory, appending "blacklist-nouveau" put me out of it's misery entirely.19:43
superm1sabhain, well after you blacklist in modprobe.d the initramfs neesd to be rebuilt i think with said change, but anyway, you sorted it out, so no worries19:44
superm1CyberKnet, most uefi hardware can still run in legacy mode19:44
superm1so even if you do find problems using uefi, you'll be able to go into the firmware settings to change it19:44
sabhainis the alsa crack of the day a 1.0.24?  One I found only updated the utils and mixer .. didn't bring alsa up to date, just the utils & alsamixer.  Maybe I have the wrong one.19:45
superm1eg most devices are class 2 uEFI  devices19:45
superm1there's one that has all the kernel modules in DKMS format19:45
superm1that's the one you're looking for19:45
qwebirc55939I've just installed the latest mythubuntu on my HTPC - when i watch TV I see a horizontal split of my screen and the same prgram in both halfs - I guess this is because I have a double tuner - what do I need to to see only one screen.21:22
tgm4883qwebirc55939, no, that is because you are using bob2x with an ati card21:29
tgm4883IIRC, which means you need to go into your playback profiles and choose a different deinterlacer21:29
qwebirc55939okay - is this a case of trial and error - or is there a listing?21:31
qwebirc55939Thanks for the help tgm4883.21:36
CyberKnetAnyone with some insight to mythbuntu and UEFI?22:02
techmikanyone caree to help with what i think is a configuration issue? i feel like i am just a tiny bit away from being setup with my weird setup.... i can watch other recorded stuff on either the frontend of the machine with the backend, or the laptop over the network, and it both looks and sounds good...... when i "watch live tv" from either machine, it seems to record fine, i play it back, no sound........22:03
techmiki also ran "mythavtest" and it throws a "you may not be configured correctly" error22:04
b0sf1anybody who got a few minutes to help me a little with a mythbuntu 11.04 install with pvr-150 ?23:58

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