
NRWliongoooood morning ubuntu-world09:01
MrChrisDruifAloha NRWlion10:24
* NRWlion is nervous as hell due to the upcoming job interview10:30
MrChrisDruifDon't be10:37
MrChrisDruifThey're human too...10:38
MrChrisDruifJust in a slightly different position, but I think they will have some slight nervousness as well...(depending on the experience in interviewing people to hire for jobs)10:39
NRWlionits a three vs one interview. three of them vs me ;)10:39
NRWlionso i think they may have a little advantage10:39
MrChrisDruifThree vs one....not a good company then10:40
NRWlionlecture is over10:41
NRWlionwish me luck!10:41
NRWliong2g there now10:42
MrChrisDruifGood luck and take care NRWlion10:42
ghoulmann(here anyway)13:40
NRWlionghoulmann: its 2.40 pm in europe13:41
ghoulmannNRWlion: hmm. not quite germany. where are you?14:22
NRWlioni am located in Bochum, North-Rhine Westfalia, GER ;)14:24
ghoulmannhow wrong of me. Ich war ein jahr im Heidelberg. Mein Deutsch ist immer noch scheiss (trotzdem?)14:26
NRWlionghoulmann: your german is better then my english ;)14:27
ghoulmanndoch. that is far from the truth.14:28
ghoulmannall my peers taught me at Uni is "affentittengeil"14:28
ghoulmannand how to drink with Gadamer.14:29
NRWlionghoulmann: i could teach you ;)14:37
ghoulmannNRWlion: I may take you up on that. Maybe I'll switch gnome to german in a couple of weeks to get started.14:38
ghoulmannI hatte 8 jahre Deutsch studiert. I habe nur in Deutschland eigentlich gelernt. oh god that's bad.14:40
NRWlionghoulmann: feel free ;) offer is active and will not expire ;)14:42
ghoulmannsehr danke?14:42
NRWliondanke sehr ;)14:42
ghoulmannshitstorm. lol14:42
ghoulmannas in oh shit i got it wrong.14:43
ghoulmanni could use some quick terms translated: linux appliance, patch, virtual machine, and script.14:43
NRWlionhang on14:45
NRWlionim in class14:45
ghoulmannno rush.14:46
NRWlionlinux appliance = Linux Geräte / Apparat, Patch = Patch, virtual machine = "virtuelle Maschine" / Virtualisierung, Script = Script14:47
ghoulmannperfect. I owe you.14:47
NRWlioni definitely will take you on this one ;)14:48
NRWlionmy little bro needs english teaching ;)14:48
ghoulmannWell, I'm a veteran English teacher...when I'm on vacation in two weeks, we can try to exploit this technology and get some learning done.14:49
NRWlionghoulmann: just kidding ;)14:50
NRWlioni have some projects to get done so i am busy the next weeks14:50
NRWlioni am part of a commission planning to install a regional press officer for civil protection14:50
ghoulmanni love the ubuntu community. diversely qualified and passionate people.14:57
* NRWlion too14:58
NRWlionhi jono15:57
jonohey NRWlion15:57
NRWlionhow is it going16:02
popeyooo, that works then16:59
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nhandlerakgraner: If you are leaving, we will also want to give someone else full access in this channel. Possibly UbuntuIrcCouncil until we have a new council?18:51
NRWlionhi there21:36

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