[00:31] how about the "mwhudson chilts & fmarier" quiz team? [00:32] fmarier: sounds good :) [00:38] sounds good! :) [00:38] mwhudson: I thought you were a maybe? [00:39] chilts: i am getting better at making decisions, perhaps [00:39] you just needed a few morning coffees to help you through :) [00:40] funnily enough, i had my first proper coffee (i.e. not decaf) for a good few days this morning [00:40] I had a decaf this morning, but been drinking tea since [01:01] mwhudson: I thought you had given up? [01:01] mwhudson: or is coffee now a periodic thing? [01:02] thumper: not given up, just trying not to be addicted [01:02] uds drove a nail through that for a while [02:13] mwhudson: how long is the withdrawal period if you go cold turkey? [02:13] 2 weeks IIRC [02:14] fmarier: maybe 4-5 days? [02:14] i think it depends how much you're drinking when you quit [02:14] for me, hours 48-72 ish were the worst [02:15] ah, up to a week claims instant google results [02:15] * ajmitch can stop with caffeine any time he wants, honest [02:16] tailing off gradually seems to work though and is a lot less unpleasant [02:16] one cup a day for a week, one cup every other day for a week, one cup every three days for the next and then stopping seems to work [03:00] mwhudson: that solution requires three weeks of self control, and this is an addiction... [03:06] it took me 2.5 days to get over stopping coffeine [03:06] the headache on the 1st day was worst, then it was better, then fine [03:06] I sleep much better these days [03:07] .. I wonder if that's why I get a headache over the weekend [03:07] ibeardslee: yes, that used to happen to me all the time [03:07] then I realised what it was [03:07] you probably sleep in longer, or get coffee later [03:07] so the solution is a coffee on saturday and sunday morning [03:07] heh ;) [03:16] I hate code comments like 'File exists?', when the operation they are doing is "is readable" [03:19] & then the code explodes when it can't open the file due to permissions? [03:22] bonus points for using access(2) to do the checks [03:36] there are some interesting things in this code, like a global $param being stuffed all over the place [03:37] I also hate files which are named john.pm and have 'package Lucy;' in them ... it's very confusing [03:38] you think that john.retard would be more appropriate? [03:39] indeed [20:45] morning [20:55] morning [21:15] morning [22:27] morning [22:49] Morning [22:53] morning