
dpmgood morning everyone07:05
RawChidGood morning :)09:26
dpmmorning RawChid :)09:43
RawChidHey dpm, if I do a merge proposal. Where is the field "commit message" used for?09:48
RawChidThere is also Description of change09:49
dpmRawChid, the 'commit message' field is for the submitter to specify a particular commit message you'd like to be used when merging your branch into trunk. If unspecified, the person doing the merge will choose a commit message himself/herself09:59
dpmThe description of change is to explain, in words, what the change is about. This is quite valuable as an overview of the changes for the reviewer.10:00
RawChidAh, loud and clear10:00
RawChidI still haven't solved the authentication problem with set-pot-prio. Weird thing is when I paste the URL in my browser, I DO get a response!10:04
RawChidI asked in #lp, but no answer yet10:05
dpmRawChid, try asking on #launchpad-dev or pinging the help contact on #launchpad10:20
RawChidYeah, I'm asking now again10:20
RawChidAre you sure the code did worked for you? Because I found 2 errors when I checked out your code10:21
dpmRawChid, it did work before I introduced the errors, yes :) I saw you fixed them in your branch, thanks10:23
RawChidOke, good to know that the login DID work :)10:24
RawChidYou use KDE?10:24
dpmI use Ubuntu with GNOME10:25
RawChidI wondered because of the kwallet notifications10:26
dpmwell, that comes from your system, not mine :)10:27
dpmin any case, perhaps authentication in launchpadlib does not work too well in Kubuntu?10:29
dpmI'd recommend reading10:29
RawChidI use natty, Gnome!10:29
RawChidThanks for the link10:29
dpmand https://help.launchpad.net/API/ThirdPartyIntegration10:29
RawChidHmm, staging is getting a code udpate. It looks like I can get the pot from production without a problem :-D10:44
RawChidI found it. I was authenticating to staging, but the pot URL is to production10:50
dpmoh, that was it then :) then we should just add the 'staging' part to the URL if we're logging into staging11:01
dpmgood work11:01
RawChidYeah, I now have launchpad.distributions["ubuntu"] to get the first part of the URL11:02
dpmRawChid, on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~rachidbm/ubuntu-l10n-tools/pot-priority/revision/10, could you try to keep the line under 80 characters? It's just to follow standard python practice. I.e. instead of putting everything on one line, just add the missing '+' sign on the original line 8711:14
RawChidOh yeah, good point.11:22
RawChiddpm, I don't understand you comment of whitespave11:23
RawChidwhitespace*, I did not see that in the search branch11:23
RawChidOf does the diff on launchpad ignores it?11:24
dpmRawChid, there were lots of unnecessary spaces at the end of statements and on blank lines. It might well be that LP's diff ignores it, but they were on the file11:24
RawChidOke, I'll keep that in mind11:25
dpmcool, thanks :)11:25
RawChidAny suggestions on assistance to prevent this? (maybe certain IDE or somehting)11:26
RawChidSorry for bugging you dpm, but I have another question :P. in pot-prio you suggested --source and --template. I guess also --prio is needed then?11:30
dpmRawChid, I don't know if gedit can highlight superfluous whitespace. There was a really useful developer plugin, let me dig out the name. I use gvim.11:31
dpmbtw, don't worry about asking questions ;)11:31
dpmlet me have a look at the comments I put on the priority setter tool...11:32
RawChidI radically changed the code of pot-prio at the moment11:34
RawChidI've used eclipse, gvim and now geany for Python. Enabling "show line endings" helps ;)11:38
RawChidNews about my --prio question?11:40
dpmRawChid, yeah, I've just looked at it and updated the TODO accordingly: you're correct, we need a priority option as well: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-l10n-tools/trunk/view/head:/ul10n_tools/lp_set_pot_priority/__init__.py#L3611:42
RawChidOk, good to know11:44
dpmRawChid, I also merged in https://code.launchpad.net/~rachidbm/ubuntu-l10n-tools/get-team-info - I saw that the changes were simple and made sense. So no need to submit a merge proposal, you can mark it as merged now :)11:52
RawChidHehe, great11:54
RawChidI hope to make a big MP on pot-prio later this day :)11:55
artnayupstream translations of gconf2 overwrote LP translations 13 hours ago13:19
TLEdpm: hey13:41
TLEIs this schedule https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule the one in effect now?13:41
dpmTLE, yeah, I sent you the e-mail confirmation as requested. The only thing is that the language pack export for natty is still not ready, so pitti can't create the packages yet. I'll wait for a couple of hours and if it's not there yet I'll ping the LP folks13:46
dpmin fact, let me ping them now13:46
TLEdpm: ok yes, I got confused for a second13:47

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