
Unit193wrst: Still around? That is quasseldroid?00:26
wrstUnit193: still around and no internet00:32
* wrst fumes00:32
Unit193Person I know has a "cdma hero running rooted 2.1" do you know *offhand* if quassel will run on it?00:34
wrstit should I think00:38
chris4585so when I try to take a screenshot I get this interesting mess http://i.imgur.com/r45O9.png02:21
chris4585also evoking the print screen button also makes a nice snap shot sound02:22
chris4585I take that back.. it seems to work now02:23
Unit193What flavor?02:23
chris4585wrst, this is what I was trying to show you the other day http://i.imgur.com/kD7Yq.jpg02:24
chris4585Unit193 ?02:24
Unit193Ah! Oneiric w/ Gnome [4~302:27
chris4585yes 11.10 with gnome302:27
chris4585I'm honestly loving it02:27
Unit193And the funny errors? ;)02:30
chris4585there really aren't too much02:30
chris4585its beyond usable02:31
Unit193I'm testing the daily versions of Xubuntu for that team. They also have to undo some things Ubuntu did :/02:34
wrstchris4585: cool02:41
cyberangerwrst: internet status?04:01
cyberangerUnit193: yes, it should, it's been tested on a gsm hero, the only difference is the guts it them04:02
Unit193What version?04:40
wrstcyberanger: no internet11:27
pricewwrst: wanna try stringing a cable from my house to yours?  :)12:46
wrstpricew: that woudl be great!12:50
wrstpricew: you have any idea what can help "motivate" an ISP to fix your service12:53
pricewTwin Lakes, right?12:59
pricewwrst: I've got a friend there.  What is your phone number?13:08
wrstpricew: they were out yesterday and said it was working, but didn't :/13:10
wrstand I don't doubt he had it working either but didn't when I got home and that's just on my laptop I was going to handle the router set up etc13:11
wrstI explored other options but they really are still the best option they just aren't customer oriented I don't think if that makes sense they are always nice but they just don't seem too capable13:12
pricewHe's checking with the DSL department .....13:26
wrstwow thanks pricew, I really think there is somethign on the setup I wanted to keep a static IP, but I had opendns, and I asked the guy to just use their default stuff on my win 7 laptop and I woudl get the rest going later but I fear something is out of whack with all of that13:27
wrstI think they changed backbones and I don't think my static IP will work now but I may be wrong13:27
pricewThat's odd.  So, your Win 7 laptop was working when he left?13:30
wrstyes, but he turned it off and disconnected the network cable... kinda wish he had left it on :)13:32
wrstand that's all I was wanting to get internet working on something and I can handle the rest easy enough13:32
wrstI felt sorry for the guy doing the repairs because he told me he didn't know much about computers :D13:32
wrstI'm going to call the repair dept. again to let them know where I left the key etc when they open up13:33
pricewwrst: Yea, many times it is a "phone guy" that has been given the task of doing computer networking and they just don't have the background.13:47
wrstno and I feel sorry for them really, because its not their fault, I have to admit I have had to remind myself to be patient :)13:48
wrstbut they are really nice guys they can't help it they just don't know13:48
wrstpricew: they are supposed to have someone on it14:06
pricewwrst: cool.14:07
wrstbut they did on monday and tuesday also pricew :\14:07
pricewMy friend there is a computer guy, so maybe he can help them.14:10
wrstI hope so I'm starting to get a little frustrated14:10
pricewwrst: I know how you feel.  I went throught the same thing with Charter.14:11
wrstyeah I'm about ready to pull the plug on them if they don't get it today14:11
pricewDo you have other options?14:12
cyberangerto some extent though, I'd think patience is up14:26
cyberangerunless they give you a clear(er) reason for this mishap14:26
cyberangerpricew: realistic options, not really (I asked the same question)14:27
wrstpricew: I do have a cable option but its not better than the current option14:27
wrstbut if they can't fix it, that may be the only one :)14:27
cyberangerwrst: hughesnet and celluar too14:28
cyberangerbut that to me is a last resort in your area14:28
wrstyeah cyberanger that's worse than what I have already :)14:29
cyberangerwell, I am not a fan of hughesnet with other choices14:30
cyberangerbut saying it's worse than what you have, while what you have is a droid14:30
cyberangerkinda says something14:31
cyberanger(to clarify, it says celluar works for you, dsl isn't)14:31
cyberangerI can only think of one time where I didn't have a great backup, visiting family in Hot Springs, AR14:33
cyberangerlast year a cable in Benton, AR was damaged (wound up being a fiber optic line covering both providers and then some)14:34
cyberangerI didn't have the boost phone from the trip two months earlier, hadn't had the virgin mobile data card working yet (it was stubborn to setup)14:35
cyberangergot the dial up modem on that trip (was planning to anyhow, just as a backup and travel tool)14:38
cyberangerand that was a huge repair (at least one town in tourist season, and parts of one city, at least)14:38
cyberangerdone in under 18 hours14:39
cyberangeryours is 3 days, 4 days? if they haven't told you why, I'd (politely) ask14:39
cyberangerall I can say wrst is I'm glad the droid works14:40
wrstha ha cyberanger14:42
wrstwroking on day 514:42
cyberanger(to me, this looks like a time to root it, grab cm7, install sshtunnel, use sshtunnel and then start tethering)14:45
cyberangerexcept, perhaps waiting for stable internet or at least time to focus wouldn't hurt14:46
cyberangerwrst: is yours just the original droid?14:47
cyberanger(my G2 is a pain to root, compared to most, but to me still easy, just time to get it right)14:47
cyberangerbbia(very short)b, gotta punch in14:48
wrstok pricew looks like they had me setup at their office on dhcp and a static IP at my house, which is what I suspected14:57
pricewwrst: So, you think they got it up?14:58
wrstno the guy is going to the house i think they will have to change the modem or something out15:01
wrsti wanted to keep a static IP but just told them to forget it :015:01
wrstmeant :)15:01
pricewYou would think they could change everything from the office.15:04
wrstyesterday the guy had to go get a modem sepcifically for a static ip he said... not for sure how all that works pricew15:04
wrstall that seemed strange to me pricew15:09
pricewWhat would they do if you had your own modem?15:10
wrstbeats me pricew15:10
wrstthey really push for you to buy even a router, I guess to help them with support15:10
pricewIn fact, I probably have an extra dsl modem at home somewhere.15:11
pricewIf you don't want to rent theirs, that is.15:11
wrstwell pricew I have 3 now after they proclaimed my modem was bad yesterday15:11
pricewMaybe you should start your own DSL service.  :)15:11
wrstI may need to have a modem yard sale15:11
cyberangerwrst: that is serously not right15:21
wrstwhat's not right cyberanger?15:22
cyberangerneeding a different modem for static15:23
cyberangerneeding to give up a static, and needing a guy to head down there to do that15:24
cyberangerfor dsl, really not right15:24
wrstoh I know cyberanger15:24
cyberangerdsl is just a tunnel15:24
wrstbut they will eventually hunt and peck and get it working or I will call the cable company tomorrow15:25
wrstcyberanger: they have been nice and have really tried I think they just don't know much15:26
wrstpricew: does twin lakes have a IT person that helps out with the DSL stuff?15:26
cyberangerwrst: is the dsl modem set up as a dumb modem, or a "smart modem"15:26
wrstcyberanger: I don't know... I'm thinking the whole system is pretty dumb right now ;) what's the difference?15:27
cyberangerdifference is you can tell ubuntu to handle it, if it's dumb15:27
cyberangeror your router, for that matter15:28
wrstyeah cyberanger I normally use dd-wrt router, but for just getting it to work I have a Win 7 laptop sitting on the desk just wanting to get internet to it then I can handle the rest :)15:28
cyberangerwrst: tell dd-wrt to grab an address over ppoe, you should be running then15:29
cyberangerunless they've really screwed up15:29
cyberanger(not giving you a static you already had, did they explain that?)15:29
wrstcyberanger: I have it working now I beleive with dhcp which is fine just to have something working15:31
cyberangeris it dhcp or dhcp over pppoe15:33
wrstjust dhcp15:33
cyberangerhrm, that's odd15:33
wrstor I beleive cyberanger that is correct I'm not really for certain15:33
cyberangerthe modem is set for a smart mode, if it's just dhcp15:33
* cyberanger wonders about your isp15:34
wrstcyberanger: I do too, they are great at phone service and repair, just not with the internet, it gets very frustrating, but they people are so nice its hard to get flat out mad15:41
cyberangerwrst: well, ask if they're hiring, I prefer that stuff, and I'm nice (well, ok, I have my moments ;-))15:43
wrstha ha they could use you cyberanger15:44
wrstcyberanger: I know most of the repair guys so I just left a key so they could let themselves in if the lets you know what I think about them15:44
wrstjust frustrated they couldn't get it fixed15:44
pricewwrst: A friend of mine helps them with their IT stuff, but I think that he just helps with their "internal" needs.  So, is it fixed?15:46
cyberangerwell, some ways it does15:46
cyberangerunfortunately, still doesn't explain this mess15:47
wrstpricew: supposed to be, had to move to dhcp i just don't think they knew how to set the other up15:47
pricewwrst: cool.  Maybe you can tackle the static IP stuff on another day.  :)15:48
wrstpricew: I really think they would do well to hire someone, on their internet side think it would end up saving them money and having much happier customers15:48
pricewProbably so.15:49
wrstpricew: if it doesn't change often I won't really care, I take care of some stuff on comcast and it hasn't changed in two years15:49
wrstbut I just feared with the setup they have everytime the modem restarted I would have a new IP address15:49
pricewever used dyndns.com?15:51
wrstpricew: I think I may use that for our opendns setup at church15:52
* wrst wonders if he is thinking of the right thing so checks it out15:53
pace_t_zulucyberanger: pong15:53
wrstnope pricew thinking of something else but I might do that15:54
wrstprobably a lot easier than gettting a static IP :)15:54
pricewyup.  :)15:54
wrsthmm and I see FREE pricew thats my favorite word15:56
pricewyup, mine too!15:56
wrstand that's my wifes mission number one15:57
cyberangerwrst: my favorite is sucess, but free is up there15:58
wrstcyberanger: i'm just cheap15:58
* wrst wonders if pace_t_zulu has quit drooling over the latest Mac news15:58
cyberangerand if they were sucessful, in keeping your ip, it'd still be free15:59
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: see pm15:59
pace_t_zuluwrst: what news?16:01
wrstthe OSX nes from this week about 10.7 :)16:01
pace_t_zulucyberanger: no issues with that whatsoever16:01
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea... i'm bout to renew my ios developer program membership16:02
pace_t_zuluwrst: thinking about enrolling in mac developer program16:02
pace_t_zului'd have access to 10.7 developer preview 416:02
pace_t_zului currently have access to ios 5 :D16:02
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: what about android16:06
* cyberanger loves open sause, it tastes great16:06
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i reckon i have access to android as well16:10
pace_t_zulucyberanger: do you really think google is open source?16:10
* pace_t_zulu thinks google isn't really that open16:11
cyberangerdepending on the item (this case android) yes16:15
cyberangerand android is, sure there are blobs I'm sure (there is in ubuntu for that matter)16:15
pace_t_zulucyberanger: no... my point is they develop in a closed environment ... they occasionally snapshot the closed evironment to appease the open source folks16:23
cyberangeryeah, but does anyone do anything more (aside from openmoko)16:24
cyberangerMaemo is dead (which I hate, but it is)16:24
cyberangerone of Meego's backers ditched it for WM716:24
cyberangerfor a system that was fully closed for years, it's more progress in less time16:26
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ping16:56
pace_t_zuluwrst: ping17:00
wrstpace_t_zulu: pong17:02
pace_t_zuluwrst: pm17:02
wrstwaiting :)17:03
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ping17:05
cyberangersorry, ran to fetch lunch17:54
pace_t_zulugoing to grab lunch... afk18:05
Unit193DynDNS used to have better addresses to pick from18:31
cyberangerthere are other providers18:33
Unit193I got to keep my .homelinux one :D18:34
wrsthello infocop411 if that is your real name18:40
=== infocop411 is now known as cyberanger
cyberangerhey wrst18:45
cyberangercharter is toying with me18:45
wrstha ha atleast you are connected cyberanger!!18:46
cyberangerwrst: I've got too many connections18:48
cyberangerkeeping me from the internets is as easy as keeping silvester stalone from boxing18:49
wrstcyberanger:  don't think i want to be that well connected :)18:51
wrstits good to get away from being connected18:56
cyberangerOne way or another though, it has to be ground zero or some disaster of equal magnitude to keep me offline18:56
cyberangeroh, I disconnect myself, but I ensure I've got options18:57
cyberanger(a curse from some logistic & anaylis backgrounds I guess)18:57
cyberangerI like the power of pulling the plug, somebody else doing it just doesn't fly18:58
wrstcyberanger: I understand that, but hopefully my plug will be hotter now, supposed to havea  10/1 connection now19:19
cyberangerwhen girls hog the phone line, it's for calling boyfriends19:25
cyberangerwhen a geek hogs the line, you hear modem noise19:25
cyberangerI grew up hogging the line, then glued to the cable modem19:25
pricewwrst:  Welcome to broadband.  :)19:53
wrstha ha pricew it should beat the 3.0/256 that I had19:54
wrstand I thought that was flying from where I had been19:54
pricewI got 30 on speedtest.net the other day from my cable modem.19:55
wrstpricew: that's just showing off ;)19:55
pricewThat's as long as it stays up.  I sometimes get 0/0 for days at a time.  :)19:56
wrstha ha19:58
wrstthat's what I have had working on 5 days, but I think its up now19:58
wrstwhat usually causes your down time pricew?19:58
pricewFaulty equipment the last three times.  2 times was a signal booster and the other was some kind of grounding block.20:00
wrstnice hey atlest they know what went wrong ;)20:03
cyberangerwrst: it's always helpful to know what failed, unfortunately the ISP's don't make that easy20:05
cyberangerpricew: signal booster, wifi?20:05
pricewcyberanger: it was to boost the cable signal. Something like this:  http://wall-brackets.manufacturer.supplierlist.com/productsimages/tvsignalbooster_143672.jpg20:16
cyberangerah, intresting, never heard anyone use them for actual cable though (not that it couldn't be done, just never heard it done)20:21
pricewYea, I think I've just got a weak signal.20:22
wrst_I have internets!23:05
wrst_yay indeed gotta restart it a time or two23:06
cyberangerpricew: happens (I've thought about doing that myself to compensate with signal loss)23:07
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst

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