
ScottLholstein, do you think you could help with the team report for this (really last) month?  it would be due in seven days00:54
holsteinScottL: yes01:00
holsteini have a couple action items to get on01:01
holsteinScottL: im off tomorrow (so far)01:01
holsteini'll try and get cracking on it then01:01
holsteini think i'll get back too late tonite to catch you01:02
ScottLholstein, great!  thank you a lot :)  i'll help as well though01:43
* ScottL is happy because he got pulse to work jack tonight using pulseaudio-module-jack01:46
ScottLi managed to record sound from youtube via firefox via jacksink into ardour through my delta4401:46
falktx_ScottL: pulse routed to jack ?01:50
* falktx_ is interested on new methods01:50
ScottLeh, i'm using pulseaudio-module-jack to do it01:50
ScottLtonight was the first phase, just getting it working01:51
ScottLnow i'll try to quantify it better and see the performance01:51
ScottLi'll be honest, it is apparently unusable on the onboard audio01:51
ScottLbut on my delta44 is seems pretty damn good so far01:51
ScottLi'm curious how many people in ubuntu studio are using two audio cards01:52
ScottLmaybe i shoudl just disable my onboard in bios01:52
falktx_ScottL: but how do you make pulse to bridge to jack?01:54
falktx_pulseaudio-module-jack is the module, but you need to do something to trigger the bridge...01:54
ScottLapparently jackdbus is happening now02:01
ScottLi'm not really up on all the technical aspect but i'm following what david h. said basically on the -devel mailing list02:02
ScottLfalktx_, 02:02
falktx_ScottL: well, jackdbus does not do that02:03
ScottLdavid had said that things should "just work" now and it seems like it is02:03
falktx_jackdbus simply stops/starts jack as pulseaudio demans02:03
ScottLhere's what i did02:03
ScottLunmuted my speakers first with enyv24control :)02:03
ScottLthen i installed pulseaudio-module-jack02:04
ScottLrestarted machine02:04
ScottLstarted firefox, found video, and started playing it02:04
ScottLusing pavucontrol i made sure it was playing through delta4402:04
ScottLstarted qjackctl02:04
ScottLset jack for delta card and started jack02:05
ScottLoh, when i ran pavucontrol i think i actually set the stream to go through "jacksink"02:05
ScottLjack connections now show a jacksink input, routed it into ardour and recorded it02:05
ScottLfalktx_, and i thought pulseaudio-module-jack _was_ the bridge02:07
falktx_ScottL: yes, kinda. you still need to make pulse connect to jack manually02:09
ScottLfalktx_, in the qjackctl connections window i made the connection between the jacksink input and the ardour track02:11
ScottLfalktx_, did you see what i typed last about using qjackctl to connect from jacksink to ardour?02:16
ScottLis this what you are talking about?02:16
falktx_ScottL: beh, forget this02:20
falktx_I'm still happy with my pulse-jack thing02:20
falktx_if you use jack all the time, even if not making music, it makes sense to have pulseaudio always bridged02:21
ScottLfalktx_,  is there still confusion on how i made the bridge?02:21
falktx_my little script makes pulseaudio do that right from the login ;)02:21
ScottLis there something that i'm excluding perhaps or not explaining correctly?02:21
falktx_ScottL: you made the bridge when you selected the pulseaudio output as jacksink02:22
falktx_that is the key02:22
ScottLokay :)  good then02:22
ScottLi seem to be doing it right i assume02:23
holsteinScottL: your out right?05:49
scott-workbuenos dias13:12
scott-workailo: i made some changes to the help.ubuntu.com page mock-up:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox#help.ubuntu.com%20landing%20page13:40
ailoscott-work, You're working on having the whole documentation live in the wiki, right?13:42
ailoI'm assuming..13:42
scott-workailo:  i am using the sandbox just to play with it until we get the correct form then it will be put into https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio13:43
scott-workand i think all the user documentation should be located at help.ubuntu.com13:43
scott-worki also think that all the developer/contributer documentation should be in wiki.ubuntu.com13:43
scott-workwhich means that none of this will directly be located on the website (although we may see about mirroring it there)13:44
scott-workdoes that answer your question?13:44
* scott-work was unsure13:44
ailoscott-work, Yeah. I think it looks good. No need to have documentation on the main site then.13:45
ailoI like it13:45
scott-workgood :)13:46
ailoThen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio should really be clean and professional, right?13:46
scott-workalthough i still would like to make a few other aesthetic changes to make it prettier and more integrated with itself13:46
scott-worki would like it to be clean and professional, yes13:47
* scott-work worries that he isn't the right person to make it clean and professional though13:47
scott-workmy primary concern is making it13:48
scott-work1. contain thorough and essentially needed information for users13:48
scott-work2. make it immediate accessible via structuring without needing to hunt through pages13:49
scott-workthis is why i wanted to make https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio a landing page with broad links to other categories/wikis13:49
scott-workhopefully no more than three clicks will lead a user to the information they need13:50
ailoIt makes sense13:50
scott-worki think trying to squeeze all the links, especially with the inclusion of work flows, tutorial videos, etc, into the front page would be too much13:50
ailoI have this 5-categories-per-level theory13:52
ailoUnless it's an index, which should be ordered alphabetically or numerally13:53
ailoIf you have no more than 3-7 categories to choose from, you get a very nice overview of the information13:54
ailoIf the frontpage has 3-7 links/categories, then each of them could have either 3-7 categories/links or a full text on a subject.13:55
ailoSomething like that13:55
ailoBut, first, you need to know what the material is about and how to cagorize it. Which is a sub-category to something else and so on13:56
ailoAnyway, I don't have any clear opinions on the outlay of the front page at the moment. But, I do think it's good to do some sketches and work on what is possible graphically13:58
ailoAnd about categories/links - I'm sure there's all kinds of science for it. I base my 3-7 category amount on human perception. When we look at something, we can easily see those amounts without needing to count. It's easy to orientate.14:00
ailoAs for the actual categorization - I think I would like to follow other examples, like the standard Ubuntu Documentation and whatever comes to mind. It's a little chicken and the egg, though. Do you start with the categories, or do you base the categories on the material?14:02
ailoI would like to start with the material that I know for sure we need.14:02
ailoThis way, I know exactly what I need to work on right now :)14:03
ailoSo, that's why I would like to start with just gathering all the material I can find on Hardware issues and installation and try to condense that into some sort of readable text.14:04
scott-workailo:  that is why i was focusing on :  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/IntroTutVideos14:10
scott-worki wanted to identify what material or information users might need14:10
scott-workgranted the introduction sections probably should be moved to the website14:10
scott-workthis presumes that the introduction stuff would be for people who have not already decided to use or are using ubuntu studio and therefore should be on the website as an outreach program14:11
scott-workailo: please feel free to add or rearrange https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/IntroTutVideos as needed14:11
scott-worki would really like to develop an organizational chart to help us with doing the documentation14:11
* scott-work realizes this may be an iterative process and likely to change throughout the entire process14:12
ailoWhat is important here, I think, is to think from a non-Linux point of view when doing the front page14:14
ailoAny Linux specific issues should of course be highlighted, but they might not have the same priority for a common user as for a Linux user14:15
scott-workailo:  how inovled do you want to get with non-linux topics?14:40
scott-worki'm not adverse to including some helpful tips but i really didn't want to hold user's hands that haven't used linux before too much14:41
ailoscott-work, It's not that I want there to be additional topics, that are non-linux. Just that the form of the documentation can easily get unfriendly towards someone who doesn't know anything about Linux14:42
scott-worki was hoping that we might condense some topics that non-linux users would need and then provide links to existing documetnation14:42
scott-workoh, yeah, that makes sense ailo , i understand :)14:42
scott-workright, which is why i had structured the IntroTutVideo structure like i did, but i think that it's perhaps too much for the user documenation14:43
scott-workailo: do you think we should include "what is ubuntu studio" in the user documentation?14:43
* scott-work is second guessing himself too much14:43
ailoIt think the documentation should be just as readable to anyone14:44
scott-workailo:  then we will include the "what is ubuntu studio" stuff in the user documentaiton15:14
holsteinscott-work: team reports?15:14
scott-workholstein: sure15:14
scott-workailo: i don't mind doing the intial effort but i would certainly appreciate it you would proof read it afterwards15:14
scott-workholstein: what do you know about team reports15:14
ailoscott-work, Of course :). I will do my best with making it readable English. I will need someone who speaks English natively to double-check, though15:15
holsteinwell, i helped AKgraner do ours for our loco once15:15
holsteinits been a LONG time though15:15
holsteinAND, it could be differnt for us i suppose15:15
holsteinthey are monthly too?15:16
holsteinailo: i can do that15:16
holsteinjust hit me up15:16
holsteinailo: hello by the way15:16
ailohi holstein 15:16
holsteinscott-work: looks like we need one for april and may right?15:20
scott-workholstein: probably so and yes, they are montly15:23
scott-workwe will also need to update the "current" one, that is, the one with current in the link15:23
holsteinscott-work: im making april and may stubs15:23
* holstein looking for current15:24
* scott-work is finding his links15:24
scott-workmain ubuntu studio team reports page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports15:25
scott-workthe "current" team report:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/Current15:25
scott-workthis shows up on the master team report page via an <<include LINK>> on that page, this way the link is always current15:25
holsteinAH, of course15:25
holsteini was in /11/Current looking around ;)15:26
scott-workapparently, this was the last one that i had worked on or finished (don't remember):  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports/11/March15:26
scott-workit's not very formatted per their instructions, it just followed a form that i derived15:26
scott-workplease feel free to change forms15:26
holsteinscott-work: where are thier instructions?15:27
scott-workour TeamReports has the only instructions we were given, so reference them 15:27
holsteinand do we turn it in?15:27
scott-workwe don't as far as i know15:27
scott-workthey get it from the /Current one i believe15:27
holsteinso, its probably cool to just follow what you had goind on15:27
holsteinits nice and clean15:28
scott-workor change it if you think something works better :)15:34
scott-workholstein: did you see what i'm dorking with for the landing page for the user documentation?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox#help.ubuntu.com%20landing%20page15:34
scott-workignore the colors at this point15:34
holsteinlooking good15:35
holsteini like the 2nd header there too15:35
scott-worki'm still playing with the general format, including borders or not, playing with line weights, line types,15:36
scott-worki think i can include the sidebar into the main body part so it doesn't seem to be so detached, but so that it just seems to contain slightly different content15:36
scott-workholstein: that header was something that i was dorking with for a while, i don't like colors anymore but it's certainly a start15:37
scott-workalthough i think we could even make it more unobstrusive be eliminating the "ubuntu studio header" area :P15:37
holsteingood point15:38
scott-worknew iteration of help.ubuntu.com page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox#help.ubuntu.com%20landing%20page15:48
scott-worknot only did i manage to get the sidebar into the main body section i was playing around with different types of headings in the body15:51
scott-workhi falktx :)16:18
scott-workyou are a building guy today16:18
falktxbuilding guy?16:19
scott-workyou've been pushing releases for kxstudio today16:20
scott-workbuilding packages :P16:20
falktxlots of errors though16:21
falktxI'm trying to push the latest lilv, serd, sord, suil stuff too, so qtractor 0.4.9 can be build16:22
falktxalso mumble+jack, which has some issues too16:23
falktxit's tricky16:23
falktxscott-work: sorry about those mails...16:23
falktxsorry my network is just too bad, I'll be offline16:33
scott-worki don't even know what lilv, serd,sord, and suil are :(16:36
scott-workbut the kxstudio emails don't bother me16:36
scott-workanother iteration of the user documentation landing page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox19:19
scott-workholstein: ailo ^^^19:19
scott-workgive me your honest impressions and thoughts19:19
scott-worktell me it sucks if that's what you think19:19
ailoscott-work, I like the colors, but I don't think it's easy to read19:20
scott-workailo: do you think it is difficult to read because of the colors?  the text size? other reasons?19:25
scott-worki have trouble reading the new help.ubuntu.com pages anyways because of the font or the size or the background or the combination of all three!19:26
scott-workfor example, this page is difficult to read without any formatting:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Sandbox/Header19:26
ailoscott-work, I agree. The new Ubuntu default style is pretty poor, even after they improved it a bit19:27
ailoscott-work, On your page, I think the text is not sorted. It looks like a lot of text. I think it needs bigger headings, more space, that sort of thing19:28
ailoAnd I wouldn't mind creating a couple of more colored boxes19:28
scott-workailo: agreed, i tried using the default spacings and it doesn't really look quite organized19:28
scott-workailo: we could totally do that!19:28
scott-worki would like to do that and most people have not liked it before so i shy away from it now :/19:29
scott-worki did play with underlining headings and making them bolder, which was probably the best result anyways19:29
ailoI think you can skip most of the text too19:30
ailoAt least on the front page19:30
ailoJust keep the headers as links and maybe just a one line description19:31
ailoReally shorten it up. Make it more compact19:31
ailoDon't think we can decide on what Headers/Links there should be yet, but you could still work on the design idea19:32
scott-worktry it now (but i didn't remove most of the text yet)19:35
scott-workailo: most of the links are dummy links, i just added two somewhat related capitalized words together so that it would show up as a link, if you clicked it it would take to you a blank wiki page19:40
scott-workailo: but would you object to moving forward with the headers as shown?  i understand that we probably will be changing them as we progress, but at least this gives us a place to link to and from19:41
ailoscott-work, It looks better now, but I would still want to ditch most of the text in favor of just keeping Topics as links19:42
ailoAnd maybe a one-line description for each Topic19:42
ailoI don't know any good examples from the top of my head, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to look around a little19:42
scott-workailo: i agree with making the descriptions short and i will19:44
ailoscott-work, I think it would be nice to be able to see most of it in one window. And different topics could have different coloring perhaps19:45
ailoMaybe some topics belong together?19:46
ailoAnd then they could be in a box of it's own19:46
ailoSort of like you have done with the misc panel19:46
scott-workreading backscroll20:29
scott-workailo: sorry, had people coming to my desk for a while20:29
scott-workyeah, i agree that seeing it in one window would be good20:29
scott-workdo you think that some of the topics would belong together?20:30
scott-worki'm thinking that most of the heading would be greatly diverse, unless we backed up pretty far and used very gross categorizations20:30
scott-worklike Info    Usage    Support20:30
scott-workif we moved hardware under installation we could also move optimization under there as well20:31
scott-workor we could group them together in a colored box20:31
scott-worki imagine that there will be some redundancy, not necessarily of information but possibly links to that information20:32
scott-workhi thomashc :)20:59
thomashchello scott-work 20:59
ailoscott-work, I really don't know about the categorization yet, but I know I'd like something simple and clean. It's a help page right? It's a portal to information. I can't think further than that right now without getting a little dizzy. That's why I want to start compiling some basic material first21:31
astraljavaAnyone else have problems with playing flash videos with sound after the latest update? This on AMD64.23:11
iHakuDid I miss any important discussions in IRC?  My connection has been out for a little while.23:37
ScottLailo_, would you like to brainstorm which pages we think we need?  we can record them on the sandbox page23:48
holsteinScottL: im tied up with a few things for a bit23:48
holsteinbut, i still should be able to knock out the reports by the weekend :)23:48
ScottLailo_, maybe then we would be able to discren a pattern and derive some headings23:48
ScottLoh good, holstein  :)23:48

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