
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
Micneed help installing a server image in ubuntu server 10.04, the server image is a tar file with 11 vmdk files and a nvram file06:25
Sysixubuntu isn't ubuntu server (and what does "server image" mean?)06:56
sagarchalisehi, is it possible to change `space` key functionality in thunar to some custom actions ??07:05
TheSheepno !!07:10
jozefkwhy this message is coming over and over again? W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com natty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>07:55
jozefkis there any chance for this message to be gone after day or two for example?08:14
jozefkwhy this message is coming over and over again? W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com natty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>09:19
=== Wizard_ is now known as Wizard
cYmenHow do I stop xubuntu from displaying the contents of my home on the desktop?11:54
TheSheepcYmen: settings->desktop->icons->icon type->none\11:56
TheSheepcYmen: also, it doesn't do that11:56
TheSheepcYmen: by default it displays the contents of the directory Desktop11:57
cYmenTheSheep: I don't have that directory.12:02
cYmenTheSheep: If I set that to none all icons are gone but I like having removable media there.12:02
TheSheepdid you remove your Desktop directory?12:03
cYmenPossibly... :)12:03
TheSheepwell then12:04
cYmenWell, how do I get it back? :)12:05
cYmenI can create the directory but it doesn't have the desired effect. ;)12:05
TheSheepshould work12:08
TheSheephttp://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs <-- this is the spec of that feature12:09
moneedhelpsorry I am new since today with xubuntu and I need some help with my display, does anyone could help me ?12:16
moneedhelpit's 3hours I try to fix it but noway :-(12:17
cYmenTheSheep: Had to set it in .config/user_dirs.dirs but now it works fine. Thanks!13:24
cYmenI'm having some trouble with .gvfs15:13
cYmenI was getting errors which are now gone after I unmounted it15:13
cYmenbut since I have no clue what it does, can anybody give me any advice?15:13
sokubanwhat's the correct command to load xfce to put in a .xinitrc? startxfce4 brings up a totally different theme than what logging in through gdm would19:08
charlie-tcaAre you starting xubuntu session or xfce session?19:11
sokubancharlie-tca: I guess I want to start a xubuntu session then, I'm not sure if there is a difference19:11
charlie-tcathey are totally different19:12
charlie-tcaxubuntu session puts the xubuntu wallpaper up, xfce session puts up a wallpaper with XFCE in the center19:12
charlie-tcaif you are not getting either one, perhaps you are not starting xfwm419:13
sokubancharlie-tca: ok, basically, I want a .xinitrc because I need to put "export LC_COLLATE=C" in it, and I need to know the command I should exec; sounds like I want the xubuntu session if that's what is the default19:13
sokubancharlie-tca: and I was getting the xfce session with startxfce419:13
sokubancharlie-tca: Now I wouldn't be surprised if you are going to tell me I shouldn't export stuff in .xinitrc, I'm just used to that from my old distro; if there is a more proper place in ubuntu do tell19:14
charlie-tcaI have never used .xinitrc, myself, but if you are starting the session, you would have to start xfsettingsd, xfce4-settings-helper, xfce4-session, xfwm4, xfdesktop4, xfce4-panel19:16
charlie-tcaI don't really know how to do it with .xinitrc. I use GDM or LightDM to start the sessions19:16
sokubancharlie-tca: ok, thanks; I'll try xfce4-session alone because I have a hunch that also might be it but19:17
sokubancharlie-tca: I also plan on keeping on using GDM (going to link .xinitrc to .xsession which I believe it should read)19:18
sokubancharlie-tca: hmm, that gives me the same "xfce session" as before19:20
sokubancharlie-tca: not sure if starting the rest will change anything or not, because obviously xfwm, xfdesktop, and the panel are working anyways19:21
charlie-tcaI don't know then. Maybe make sure the ~/.dmrc has Session=xubuntu    in it19:21
sokubancharlie-tca: maybe it would be easier to try to export that variable with gdm somehow; I've never used gdm before so would you have any idea?19:22
charlie-tcanot necessarily. Many times xfwm4 will fail to start, since Xfce is very modular, every module can run indepent of the rest19:22
charlie-tcaI don't. I install using a normal installation, and let the developers set it for me19:23
sokubancharlie-tca: ok, thanks for you help19:23
sokubancharlie-tca: ok, so I put the thing in /etc/profile and forgot about the whole .xinitrc stuff and it's all fine19:35
charlie-tcaglad you found  a solution19:35
jozefkwhy this message is coming over and over again? W: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com natty Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>21:08
feydim having issues deleting files to the trash on my non-OS drives21:23
jozefksudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup > sudo apt-get update > sudo apt-get check, autoclean, update (again) > mv sources.list.backup back to sources.list > apt-get update21:36
jozefkthat worked :P21:37
GridCube:D new install of xubuntu 11.04 on my sisters computer :D22:12
GridCube:D now to figure out how to make her printer to work22:13
charlie-tcaum, install the driver?22:14
GridCubeactually i need to install the propietary drivers from hp22:16
charlie-tcaoh, bad times ahead...22:16
GridCubeso this "directories menu" panel element, can it be forced to work properly? i mean to clic on a folder and open it instead of the complex >mouse over, show everysinglefileofthefolder >open folder?22:19
GridCubefirst reboot, wish me luck :D22:35
GridCubemmmm ubuntu doesn't come whit rar management :/22:39
Sysiinstall unrar22:39
GridCubeinstalling xarchiver whit its complements22:40
GridCubei've found out that xarchiver does a better job on big rar files22:40
Sysixarchiver is just a frontend for using extracktion apps22:41
GridCubethen why does it work where file roller doesnt?22:43
charlie-tcaGridCube: you can change that to Thunar %F22:44
charlie-tcait will then open thunar instead of giving that long list22:44
GridCubeyes i just created a thunar launcher, it is sad that i can not have a "places" list so i could open ... oooo i can make one :D creating a launcher box whit several thunar launcher binded to each folder i would like to open22:46
* GridCube pats himself in the back22:47
GridCubethe software center is loading and loading and loading but never actually loads22:47
Sysisynaptic's better anyway :P start from terminal and see if it says something22:51
GridCubethe thing is that im not the one who will be using this computer, i want it to work purrfectly22:52
GridCubenope, starting it from a terminal says nothing22:54
GridCubecan i safely uninstall ristreto? or i need it for something thunar does?22:59
TheSheepyou can uninstall it23:00
TheSheepit's the first thing I always do23:00
GridCube:D great23:04
raevolanyone else noticing thunar taking a long time to launch the first time it's run after boot?23:21
charlie-tcasoftware center is broken, isn't it?23:58

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