
rickspencer3lamalex, I just pulled unity again, and it still doesn't make00:38
rickspencer3is it suppose to compile?00:38
nawkwhat is Applications Matching?  (BAMF)00:38
lamalexrickspencer3, what's the error/01:07
lamalexi haven't tried today01:07
lamalexbut afaik it should01:07
lamalexthere was a bug earlier in the week but gord said he fixed it01:08
rickspencer3lamalex, let me pastebin it01:08
lamalexrickspencer3, my girlfriend is on her way over and im making dinner so if i dont respond.. probably why01:09
lamalexrickspencer3, you probably need to update nux01:09
lamalexlike 99% sure that's it01:09
rickspencer3so pull and make nux01:09
rickspencer3then try again?01:09
rickspencer3huh, it says there are no revisions01:10
lamalexi would clean your build dir too01:10
lamalexhm really?01:10
lamalexlemme try01:10
lamalexwhat revno do you have on nux01:10
rickspencer3I probably haven't properly told unity where to find the nux I just built01:10
lamalexinstall it..01:11
rickspencer3lamalex, I've got a couple of other things going on01:11
rickspencer3maybe someone can help me troubleshoot it tommorow01:11
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didrocksgood morning07:40
oSoMoNgood morning07:59
MacSlowgood morning folks08:13
andyrockgood morning08:16
andyrockthumper, ping08:24
dholbachcan somebody please have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono/+bug/770478 and give an update?08:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 770478 in Ayatana Design "bfb does not conform with Ubuntu Brand Guidelines" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:44
thumperandyrock: pong08:54
andyrockAbout it: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-767075/+merge/6385208:55
thumperandyrock: ok, I'm happy with the code but I'd like njpatel to take a look at what it actually does :)08:55
thumperandyrock: I'll poke him about it08:56
andyrocki did what you said... but launcher.cpp has a lot of `mistake` in this sense08:56
thumperwhich sense?08:56
thumperconst& type mistakes?08:56
andyrockstruct time...08:56
thumperah... yeah... I know08:57
thumpera little at a time08:57
andyrockok thx08:57
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dholbachsince now some of you woke up....11:02
dholbachcan somebody please have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono/+bug/770478 and give an update?11:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 770478 in Ayatana Design "bfb does not conform with Ubuntu Brand Guidelines" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:02
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Saviqdbarth: pinging you13:04
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njpatelandyrock, https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/launcher-devices-improvement/+merge/54100 ... can you re-propose against trunk or unpropose if it's already fixed please?13:27
njpatelandyrock, also, excellent work on the merge proposals :)13:27
njpatelandyrock, if you want to review something like we discussed at UDS, https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/launcher-devices-improvement/+merge/54100 seems like a good one (while someone from the launcher team gets round to reviewing it)13:28
andyrocknjpatel, about this (https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/launcher-devices-improvement/+merge/54100) it's not fixed then i re-propose it as soon as possible13:31
njpatelandyrock, I _just_ asked MacSlow to take another look at it :) Is that okay or should he wait?13:32
njpatelandyrock, woops!13:33
njpatelandyrock, I messed up my links!13:33
MacSlowandyrock, so I should wait with taking another look?!13:33
njpatelandyrock, I meant to say: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-677594-workspaces/+merge/50730 needs to re-proposed against lp:unity or unproposed13:33
njpatelandyrock, https://code.launchpad.net/~marcobiscaro2112/unity/fixes-724045/+merge/63461 is a branch that you should review and leave the review as a comment on it13:34
andyrocknjpatel, he should wait since https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/launcher-devices-improvement/+merge/54100 is a very old proposal merge13:34
njpatelMacSlow, ^13:34
njpatelandyrock, okay, can you leave a comment in the merge proposal saying that it's on hold please13:34
MacSlownjpatel, andyrock: ok13:34
* njpatel changes it's state to "Work in progress"13:35
andyrockabout this (https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-677594-workspaces/+merge/50730) i have to unproposed this (already fixed)13:35
Nafaiall of this activity is exciting to see :)13:36
* njpatel has merged >5 branches into trunk in the past couple of hours from contribs. They work too quickly! ;)13:36
njpatelOR we review too slowly :D13:36
NafaiI'm hoping to start contributing soon myself13:37
NafaiI've started to get a feel for the Unity codebase13:37
evfoolhi there, are there any guidelines on Quicklists>13:45
andyrocknjpatel, about the marco biscaro's merge proposal14:00
andyrockthe code seems good, i'm building it14:00
andyrockbut according to me if the option show_dekstop of the plugin scale in ccsm is activeted14:01
andyrockthe scale doesn't work...14:01
andyrockoptions show_dekstop of the plugin scale is unchecked by default btw14:02
njpatelwhat does "show_desktop" in scale do?14:03
andyrockccsm->scale->bindings->click dekstop to show dekstop14:04
andyrocknjpatel, anther thing.... marco biscaro maybe have forgotten  _launcher->SetLastSpreadIcon (NULL);14:06
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njpatelandyrock, excellent, make sure that's all in your comments so whoever reviews has that info to hand too, and marco can try and fix it14:15
tedgDBOut, Did you notice that mterry has a BAMF merge request in queue?14:57
DBOuttedg, is it the really old one?14:57
DBOutotherwise no14:57
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tedgDBO, two days old.  I know that's a long time for you youngin's ;-)14:57
DBOtedg, 75% of my life14:58
tedgDBO, Is libbamf linked to GTK?15:03
DBOtedg, it might be15:03
tedgDBO, Why?15:03
DBOi think its actually only linked to glib, gdk, and gdk-pixbuf...15:03
DBOi remember removing the last gtk call a ways back15:04
Nafaihrm, I should look through the bitesize bugs and see what I should try to tackle15:04
tedgAh, but GDK makes it care about GTK2/3 though.15:05
andyrockDBO, about this: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-767075/+merge/6385215:15
DBOyeah I figured I would get the ping soon :P15:16
DBOandyrock, yeah?15:16
andyrock:) I thought that we could use the coordinates of box_geo15:17
andyrockthat are connected to autohide_offset15:17
DBOandyrock, and use the center of the box geo!15:18
DBObrilliant :)15:18
andyrockbox_geo.x + box_geo.width/215:18
andyrockif box_get.x = 015:18
andyrockwe have center.x!15:18
DBOlove it15:19
DBOmake it so15:19
andyrockDBO, it seems to work... i am testing it15:34
andyrocki changed the position of something btw15:35
andyrockjust small thing15:35
DBOjust tell me when to re-review15:36
NafaiDBO: any clues on my focus issue?  Or anything I can do to help track it down?15:37
DBONafai, I looked at it the other day and it stumped me for a bit too15:37
DBOoffhand I didn't find anything, I need to get a little more time to gander at it (sorry things are a bit crazy)15:37
Nafaino problem, it's not high priority :)15:38
NafaiI can only imagine what you guys' schedule is like15:38
jcastroandyrock: heya, I was thinking that the community hackers should have a weekly meeting, something like say wednesdayish, since most of you are in europe it seems, what time you think would be best for everyone?15:52
jcastroit would be something like "hey here's what I'm working on, I could use help here" or "Here's something I learned about foo", etc.15:53
Nafaijcastro: that would be great to have a meeting, it certainly would help me get involved more15:53
jcastrojust trying to think of a good time that would catch everyone15:54
Nafaithat's certainly hard15:55
andyrockjcastro, good idea15:57
andyrockjcastro, let use UTC+015:58
andyrock15:00 UTC+0 for me is good!15:58
* Nafai translates that into his time15:59
jcastro8pm my time, that makes it 5pmish your time iirc Nafai16:00
Nafaiyeah, that would work fine for me16:00
andyrockDBO: the code is here: https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-76707516:01
andyrockBDO, 95% of the case it works fine16:01
andyrockDBO, but sometimes it doesn't work16:02
DBOI will look at it16:02
DBOhold on though16:02
DBOin a meeting :/16:02
andyrockDBO, thx16:03
andyrockjcastro, i dont'understand16:07
jcastroandyrock: which part?16:07
andyrockjcasto, 8pm my time, that makes it 5pmish your time iirc Nafai16:08
jcastrooh, just doing the time zones for me and Nafai, it's all good, 0UTC seems like a good time as any16:08
andyrock15:00 UTC is now :)16:09
Nafaiyeah, 9 AM is generally good for me16:11
andyrockNafai, where do you live?16:11
NafaiUtah, USA16:13
andyrockjcastro, you have to write a blog post to ad it16:16
Nafaiandyrock: where are you?16:16
andyrockNafai, I'm from Italy16:17
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andyrockNafai, my dream is a trip in america :)16:20
andyrockUSA sorry :)16:21
Nafaithere are some cool things to see here16:23
DBOandyrock, still in a meeting but can you see any reason why it might be failing?16:27
andyrockDBO, let me think and try a little more16:29
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andyrockNafai, i know! :)16:41
Zhenechtedg, lintian is available on ubuntu too *hint* ;>17:13
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andyrockDBO, when an icon is unfolded its folding_angle = 0 right?17:38
DBOandyrock, indeed17:38
andyrockinsted when an icon is foled its folding_angle is between 0 and 117:39
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DBOandyrock, correct17:41
andyrockDBO, then this is not necessary: http://pastebin.com/rrWBtbSG17:43
DBOi think thats a leftover from when we allowed them to fold both top and bottom17:44
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andyrockDBO, i know but it slows down the execution if no icons is under the mouse! :)17:48
DBOmmm a very small amount :P17:49
DBObut okay I see your point17:49
tedgZhenech, Heh, I think English should just adapt to my typos ;-)17:51
DBOThe New Ted Dictionary17:53
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cyphermoxtedg: thanks for the review, I just responded19:57
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