
pooliei wonder how that person went with the retry-lock thing00:24
spivGood morning01:00
spivGar, unity or compiz or something has lost my mouse buttons again.03:00
spivHmm, closing a bunch of firefox and gnome-terminal windows at random got it back :/03:01
pooliehi spiv03:19
poolie-> fixreleased :)03:19
spivpoolie: oh wow, that little categorise_failures.py patch has changed it from taking most of a minute to about 3 seconds.04:02
spivI thought it must be broken because the process was only visible for one refresh of top(1) :)04:03
poolieway to go :)04:13
gourjelmer: attempt to update git repo, has given me: http://pastebin.com/8nVnUNmn05:09
pooliehi gour05:23
gourmorning poolie05:24
leo2007how to view the commit with id b97184973?05:29
lifelessbzr diff -c revid:b9718497305:31
spivIn general you can just do "bzr log -r REVID" (or "bzr diff -c" as lifeless says), but that doesn't look like a revid from bzr.05:32
leo2007lifeless: thanks.05:32
leo2007spiv: not if it is a sha1.05:32
spivWell, bzr revids aren't sha1 hashes, or truncations of them.05:33
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pooliespiv, still here?07:33
pooliei might do bug 79463107:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 794631 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "package importer has toasted lp:ubuntu/sysvinit" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79463107:35
spivI am07:35
poolieby requeing that package07:35
pooliejust wondered if you had touched the importer recently07:36
poolieto deploy max's fix07:36
spivpoolie: you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/793393 ?07:36
ubot5Ubuntu bug 793393 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Please upgrade jubany's bzr-builddeb" [Undecided,New]07:36
poolieyes, though the specific relevant change is https://code.launchpad.net/~maxb/udd/import-ordering-fix-take-2/+merge/63335 i think07:36
spivI'd been hoping the thousands of spurious failures would clear up a little faster :(07:36
pooliedue to the lp outage?07:37
pooliefrancis suggested perhaps we should ask the losas to shut it off during an lp downtime deploy07:37
spivYes, I think that's probably a good idea07:37
pooliegenerally speaking automation is better than additional manual steps, but...07:37
spivIt's not going to give wrong results, it just avoids effectively DoSing the import queue for a day07:37
lifelessI'd like it if we don't give the losas -more- things to do during the downtime.07:38
spivThe importer ought to be able to clear that backlog faster, of course.07:38
spivI'm not sure why it's so slow07:38
lifelesscan you probe LP and see if its showing the readonly warning ?07:38
spivIf there's an API for that, then that's probably fairly easy07:38
lifelessthe API doesn't work during downtime.07:39
lifelessThe OAuthToken table can't be written to07:40
lifelessit *may* work for readonly requests.07:40
poolieso we can see if the error you get is comprehensible07:40
poolieastr at least some errors are socket.error07:40
lifeless(Another reason why I want to go to plain old 'its down down down' but make that fast.07:40
poolieso, there's no clear "are you down" api?07:42
lifelesssearch for readonly mode in the html of https://launchpad.net/07:42
poolieor a socket error reading that page could also indicate we should make a cup of tea instead07:43
lifelessalso a 500 or 400 on that page07:43
lifelessall signs that Something Is Wrong Fred07:43
pooliemaybe it should return a float :-)07:43
lifelessthe other thing you might like to do07:43
lifelessis to keep a track of the overall failure rate07:44
lifelessand if it shoots up for any reason, stop and wait for an admin07:44
lifelessthis will help you if e.g. a bad bzr build gets on the machine07:44
pooliei see what you mean but that would be exactly wrong in the current situation07:44
pooliewhere things will suck immensely for 1-2 hours, then get better07:44
lifelessthere is a integration pattern around this whose name I temporarily forget07:45
pooliei know07:45
pooliei wonder if an "is lp up" function would be accepted into lplib?07:45
poolieistm it's the sort of thing that should be there, rather than having crappy implementations everywhere07:45
lifelessmy key constraint is: we are taking things-losas-need-to-do-during-rollout and throwing them out. So as long as you don't add to that load, I have no particular interest in how you solve it ;)07:46
lifelesspoolie: yes, putting it in lplib makes sense to me07:46
pooliei thought you would say that07:46
pooliewas interesting francis said the opposite :-P07:46
lifelesshe did ?07:46
lifelessI shall have to have words with that boy :)07:47
pooliethat's what i said07:47
pooliejust pragmatism vs long term view i think07:47
lifelessstuart is automating the inner loop of the deploy and working out07:47
spivpoolie: ok, bzr-builddeb and udd are now current on jubany, and the sysvinit import requeued as requested by maxb07:54
pooliei already requeued it, but that should be harmless07:54
pooliethanks anyhow07:54
spivAh :)07:54
vilapoolie, spiv: There was a discussion about adding some canaries to mass_import so that we stop adding imports if either lp or another mirror went offline07:55
poolielet's do it07:56
vilahelllo :)07:57
vilaI can't remember if there was a bug for it though07:58
spivI think I've figured out this fetch problem.08:08
spivJust because inventory X is present and parent of the set being streamed doesn't mean we can safely assume X's CHK pages will be streamed from a fallback08:10
spivBecause the fallback may have an inventory Y that is a present parent that has a same CHK root node as X08:11
spivSo it will also think it doesn't need to send those CHK records, leaving the client sad.08:11
spivAnd this is happening with lp:debian/experimental/libffi + fallbacks.08:12
vilajelmer: http://webnumbr.com/imported-branches-on-launchpad is the summary of your recent mail storm regarding imports right ? If so, keep going ! :D08:15
jammorning all08:20
jamspiv: I should also note one clarification from your stacking invariant post08:21
jamwe currently *exclude* both parents08:21
jamnot keep the set relative to P1 *and* the set relative to P208:21
jamit is R - (P1 + P2), not (R - P1) + (R - p2)08:22
jamsince both parents are in the stacked-on-location08:22
jamI can see an argument for doing it the way you said, but that is not how we do it today.08:23
spivjam: Hmm, I'm having trouble relating what you just said to what I wrote.  Is this referring to the paragraph beginning "What about revisions at the stacking boundary with more than one parent?"?08:24
jamlet me see if I can quote it08:25
jam"All of their parent revisions must be present" is not accurate08:26
jamall of the inventories for their parent revisions08:27
jamI think the confusion was just "revision" vs "inventory"08:27
jamwe do hold both parent inventories, because it makes it easier to determine the minimum file texts to hold for the child revision.08:28
jamI don't think it is because you may get a fetch from one vs the other parent, more that it means fewer file texts08:28
spivAh, yes, I think it should say "inventories" rather than "revisions" there.08:28
vilajam: still ok to pair ?08:46
jamvila: in just a little bit, yes08:47
vilajam: ok, find me on mumble ... hehe yeah08:47
spivOh good, I think I see a spurious failure that manifested in get_testament_sha1 (due to a LP timeout) that is reported better now that I fixed that code to use add_cleanup08:49
spivNice to see fixes have a visible effect.08:49
spivOk, time to pick up V etc.  Have a good day folks!08:50
fritz[]poolie, u there?08:53
fritz[]I've updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/680529?comments=all08:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 680529 in Bazaar ""Lock was renamed into place, but now is missing"" [High,Confirmed]08:54
jamfritz[]: poolie is probably done for the day, but you might see him around09:00
fritz[]can you help?09:01
Riddellgood morning bazaar09:12
vilaRiddell: _o/09:19
jelmerhi Riddell, vila, jam09:22
jammorning vila09:22
vilajelmer: heya09:22
jamhi Riddell09:22
vilajelmer: seem my previous comment about imported branches ?09:22
jelmervila: yes, thanks :) That should indeed be the result of my work09:22
jamfritz[]: are you seeing the warning everytime with your patched version of bzr + qbzr, or only with stock bzr or ?09:22
fritz[]jam: everytime09:26
fritz[]with stock bzr09:26
fritz[]qbzr isn't part of bzr?09:26
jelmerfritz[], no, it's a separate plugin (https://launchpad.net/qbzr) although it's bundled with the windows bzr installer09:28
pooliehi fritz[], all10:31
poolievila, jam, are you going to work on bug 721211? i'd be happy if you did10:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 721211 in Bazaar "bzr merge --weave gives superfluous content conflict" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72121110:35
jampoolie: we're working on it now. So far it looks like a genuine conflict10:36
vilapoolie: we *are* digging right now10:36
maxbUrgh, the silly package-import queue from the downtime is going to take all day to clear :-/10:38
bialixhi, I have question about revision specifiers10:39
pooliewe were talking before about either making it detect lp is down and back off; or asking the losas to turn it off when lp is upgraded10:39
bialixI want to have `bzr log -r after:$REVISION..-r-1`10:39
pooliehi bialix, maxb10:39
bialixhi poolie!10:39
pooliei should go and cook though10:39
bialixthere is -r before:XXX10:39
bialixhow can I do -r after:?10:40
maxbThe problem with after is which parent do you choose if there are multiple ones?10:40
bialixleft hand parent revision is $REVISION10:41
bialixso basically I want `bzr log` excluding $REVSION10:42
poolienight all10:43
jelmerenjoy your evening poolie10:45
Riddellbialix: what version of bzr does bzr-explorer depend on?  for https://code.launchpad.net/~jr/bzr-explorer/781204-fix-deprecated-usage/+merge/6339810:53
jamvila: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/53058410:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 530584 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "File conflict when merge back packaging branch to upstream" [Medium,Triaged]10:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 364336 in Bazaar "bzr merge should allow user to ignore changes in deleted files" [Medium,Confirmed]10:58
bialixhi Riddell11:05
bialixRiddell: we don't have a strict policy11:06
bialixbut new release will definitely be targeted to at least 2.3 or 2.411:06
Riddellhmm, python programming, I should have known :)11:06
Riddellbialix: so that change should be ok?11:07
bialixguys, with bzr 2.3.3 I have C:\work\Bazaar\plugins\scmproj\tests\test_project.py:1077: DeprecationWarning: bzrlib.plugins.scmproj.tests.test_project.TestSub11:09
bialixprojects_v1.failUnlessExists was deprecated in version 2.4.11:09
bialixwhy bzr 2.3 told me about Deprecations in 2.4?11:09
Riddellit's a warning from the future, very sci fi11:09
bialixspiv around?11:10
spivbialix: only slightly11:12
bialixspiv: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/79495411:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 794954 in Bazaar "bzr push to smart server error: bzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'No module named pwd')" [Undecided,New]11:13
bialixjust yesterday I've upgraded my server11:13
bialixany thoughts?11:13
bialixor I should just rollback to older version11:13
spivbialix: what does the server's bzr.log say?11:14
* bialix looking11:14
spivbialix: there's no obvious unguarded import of pwd in bzrlib, perhaps a plugin added one?11:14
spivUnexpected errors from servers log tracebacks to the server's log11:15
spiv(I suppose you could try bzr serve --no-plugins to confirm)11:15
bialixspiv: my server usually runs as windows service11:17
bialixthere is nothing in .bzr.log11:17
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bialixspiv: it seems I've hit https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/66017411:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 660174 in Bazaar "locking a branch should not try to import pwd when running as a windows service" [Medium,Confirmed]11:18
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spivbialix: huh, odd11:18
bialixspiv: it works ok if I run bzr serve as regular user11:18
bialixso that's indeed that bug11:18
spivThat bug does look likely11:19
spivSeparately it would be good to have 'bzr serve' keep a log file when run as a windows service11:19
spivMy memories of configuring windows services are a decade old though so I'm not quite sure what that would involve.11:20
spivYou could explicitly set BZR_LOG in the environment of the service I guess11:20
bialixnot only BZR_LOG but everything else as well, like BZR_EMAIL11:22
bialixthe only problem here is that I have no way to set env variables, and I have to use some batch wrapper11:24
bialixRiddell: sorry for the delay with review, I should be able to review and land your changes this weekend11:24
vilaha, was commenting on the bug...11:25
vilabialix: yup, wrapper sounds the most reliable way to work around the issues there11:25
bialixvila: but wrappers have their own cons11:26
vilabialix: try to reach some point where you at least get some feedback about the failures11:26
bigjoolsis there any reason why a "bzr pull" would update loads of files and then finish with "bzr: ERROR: [Errno 13] Permission denied" ?11:26
vilabialix: *then*, once the bugs are identified, we can address them11:27
vilabialix: does windows logs give you at least some traceback *now* ?11:27
bialixvila: of course, I just need to write a patch, but not right now11:27
bialixspiv: thanks for your help, I know what to try next11:28
vilabialix: no, that's not what I'm saying, I think you'd better write a wrapper to get useful feedback as I suspect there are several cases where the server will fail for different reasons (log and locks being my first suspects)11:29
vilabialix: so it will probably be easier to work around the issues by setting env variables in a wrapper11:29
vilabialix: as they may be several ones needed11:29
bialixor provide fake pwd module11:29
vilabialix: and then we could work on making the wrapper useless11:29
vilabialix: I think this one is needed to prompt the user so that won't help11:30
vilabialix: hmm, may be not, the bug report traceback points to locks indeed to we're trying to get a valid user11:31
vilas/to/so/ grr11:32
vilas/indeed to/indeed so/ I meant11:32
bialixvila: lol: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/660174/comments/911:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 660174 in Bazaar "locking a branch should not try to import pwd when running as a windows service" [High,Confirmed]11:34
vilahehe, did the execption explained "why" in your case ? :D11:36
spivbialix: not that I know of, sounds like a bug report including traceback is warranted11:38
bialixspiv: bug report to python itself?11:39
spivbialix: oh, sorry!  I meant bigjools!11:39
spivTime to eat dinner.11:40
bigjoolsspiv: no traceback :(11:40
bialixbon appetit11:40
vilabigjools: nothing in .bzr.log either ? At least a path ?11:40
bialixjam has suggested to set username for SYSTEM user, I don't know how11:40
mgz<bialix> or provide fake pwd module <- you're already on the wrong codepath by that point11:41
bialixmgz: yep, I see it now11:41
vilabigjools: is your .bzr.log owned by you ? Nah, would have failed earlier :-/11:41
bialixmgz: os.getuid does not exist either11:41
mgzreally, bzr shouldn't be relying on having a user for server-like operations11:41
bialixmgz: right11:41
bialixhow can I fix that?11:42
vilabigjools: I vaguely remember bugs related to file/dir owner but... What kind of branch is that ?11:42
bigjoolsah here we go11:42
mgzbut making getuser_unicode return something bogus like "service" for windows when there's no local user might be the easiest workaround11:42
mgz`if sys.platform == "win32" and not "USER" in os.environ` or something11:43
bigjoolsvila: here's the error: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/622469/11:43
vilamgz: in the lock code you mean or in get_user_unicode (hi by the way ;)11:43
mgzI mean osutils.getuser_unicode11:44
vilabigjools: grr, rename not telling us which one, I hate that11:44
mgzwhich is what uses the python getpass module, which is where the issue is.11:44
bigjoolsvila: yeah :/11:44
vilathe vagueness clarifies a bit, I'm pretty sure we ran into this recently11:45
vilamgz: does this ring a bell ?11:45
mgzseems a little familar...11:45
vilabigjools: bzr version ? 2.3 ?11:45
bigjoolsvila: 2.1.411:46
mgzhm, yeah, probably a fix not backported then11:46
bigjoolsit's what's on lucid I guess, this is a machine in the Canonical DC11:46
vilaha, that's why11:46
bigjoolsvila: I'll see about getting it upgraded11:47
bigjoolsin the meantime, fingers crossed that most of the files got pulled :)11:47
vilabigjools: it's a bit hard to predict what can happen there, but if I had local access, I'd try a 'bzr st' and a 'bzr revert'11:48
vilato at least get some reasonable confidence the tree is in sync with the branch11:48
bigjoolsvila: ah yes it says "working tree is out of date"#11:49
bigjoolsand just hanging now ...11:49
vilalp tree ?11:49
bigjoolsyeah :)11:49
bigjoolsit's returned11:49
vilabzr revert [--no-backup] (unless you fear there was some uncommitted changes there)11:50
bigjoolsthey can be blown out anyway11:51
bigjoolsok same error11:51
jambialix: set an env variable for the system user. I'm not 100% sure how. Though you could set it globally, I guess11:51
vilatwo ideas: search for files with "incorrect" owner, inspect .bzr/checkout for left over (pending deletion and limbo)11:52
vilabigjools: and while the clock is tickiling, consider re-creating the tree from scratch (modulo shared repo etc)11:53
bigjoolsvila: found the problem, files owned by other people.  Thanks for the help.11:57
bigjoolsis bzr more helpful with the error in more recent versions?11:57
ubot5Ubuntu bug 491763 in Bazaar "unhelpful OSError from rename inside transform" [Medium,Fix released]11:58
vilabigjools: it should, this bug is part of 2.211:59
vilawell, this *fix* is part of :)11:59
bialixjam: after I finally translate that to Russian I found the way to set System env variable, it was easy actually. I was puzzled by Russian Windows11:59
bialixI think I need to set BZR_LOG as well there11:59
bigjoolsvila: cool :)12:01
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maxbGrr, what?! sysvinit import failed12:56
fullermd's why you use bsdinit instead   :p12:56
maxbwtf, there are sysvinit branches on launchpad12:57
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Riddellhttps://code.launchpad.net/~jr/bzr-builddeb/changelog-closes-bugs/+merge/63248 is ready to merge in for anyone who has permissions13:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 63248 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "Konqueror crashes when using zip:/ kioslave with sigegv 11." [Medium,Fix released]13:07
jelmerRiddell, more than happy to :)13:09
jelmerRiddell, I think you should join the team too, though13:10
jelmerRiddell: done, with minor tweak to mention the bug # in the changelog13:14
Riddelljelmer: needs james_w to accept me into the team14:04
james_wRiddell, which team?14:04
maxbjames_w: Can I ask you to rename all the existing ~ubuntu-branches branches at https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sysvinit/+branches to something that the importer will not collide with, and requeue --full sysvinit? It's already been tried once today, but it failed - and I think it failed because it got confused by those remnants from the past14:10
james_wmaxb, I have 6 meetings in the next 2 hours, so if someone else can do it it would be quicker14:12
james_wmaxb, I'll certainly get to it after that if no-one else has14:12
maxbsure, no problem14:13
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maxbHrm. We are getting new UDD import failures that say "debian woody is marked but not imported"14:51
maxbHas anyone been deleting woody branches?14:51
james_wmaxb, maybe the ordering change?14:52
james_wI don't see why though14:52
james_wI don't think woody branches are on LP are they?14:52
james_wone of the import_package.py functions does a "if it's a debian series that isn't on LP and there are any debian branches at all then we don't have to import it"14:54
james_wthat might be what is breaking14:54
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jbluehey all, i'm curious what others are doing regarding tags and releases.  I'm looking for a way to do a 'bzr export' which also somehow dumps the revision or tag information as part of the export, in order to identify what revision that export came from.  I'm not very fond of having to update a hard-coded revision in the sources or readme docs.. but is this what is generally done?  Any other elegant ways to manage revision information in an export?17:13
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gourjblue: like CVS $id?17:39
jbluegour: yeah I was thinking of that as well.. it was pretty useful for it's time17:39
gourfrankly speaking, i do not see need for it, but i understand it may be useful for you17:40
jbluenormally I wouldn't do an export, and just create a branch, whould would contain the lastest revision info17:41
jbluebut often times we're deploying to systems which don't have bzr, and making a full branch seems wasteful17:42
gourwhat do you mean 'deploying to.." ?17:46
jbluegour: making a program/application available for use17:47
gourjblue: hmm..so where would you like to see revision? e.g. in 'about dialog' or so?17:47
jbluenot necessarily, it could simply be dumped into a "VERSION.txt" file or something off the root of the export.. but would be automated when the export is created.  But making it part of the sources via 'CVS $id' type functionality would also be useful, on an export.17:49
gourjblue: see this http://www.mail-archive.com/ella-animation@lists.launchpad.net/msg00050.html (if it helps)17:50
fullermdThe way I do such a thing is 'make light checkout ; run script to stuck info somewhere ; rm -rf .bzr'17:51
jbluefullermd: would you be able to post that script somewhere that I can take a look?17:54
fullermdIt's not a specific script, just $DO_WHATEVER.  'bzr revno > foo.txt', or whatever.17:56
jblueah ok17:56
jblueright, I guess I could just roll my own17:58
jblueecho $(bzr tags -r `bzr revno`) > VERSION.txt17:58
jbluefor example17:58
jbluewas just curious if there was a more common way of doing it17:59
abentleyvila: around?17:59
vilaabentley: I'm EODing at this minute :-/18:00
vilaI may pass around later but probably not for long18:01
abentleyvila: I'll email you.18:01
fullermdjblue: Frex, in the first place that came to mind, I do some sed'ery to get the revid into a .h file.18:01
fullermdJust another thing to do as part of the "make tarball" script that already does things like build the docs (hardly anybody will have the necessary toolchain), etc.18:03
* gour is researching about bento18:04
gour..as build & packaging tool18:04
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maxbI've failed at getting the udd import ordering to do precisely what I want, again19:19
jblue/win 419:20
maxbjames_w: Please don't requeue sysvinit after all. I'm going to go and work on take 3 of the import ordering code19:24
james_wmaxb, ok19:24
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jblueis is possible to pull a specific change from one branch into another?21:10
jbluefor example, I have a branch with 5 revisions.  I make another branch off that one, at revision 2, and I want to merge in the changes from revision 4 off the original branch21:15
jbluewithout including revision 3 or 521:15
jbluethink I found it.. --change21:18
maxbjblue: You can't *pull* in such a scenario, but you can merge. bzr merge -c revspec ../otherbranch21:50
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jbluethanks maxb, also found that I can something like: bzr merge -r 43..44 .. which has the same effect22:00
maxbYes, -c X is just shorthand for -r before:X..X22:00
mhall119is there a way to pass bzr builddeb a specific gpg key to use for signing?22:30
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