
valoriegood meeting, sorry I missed it00:32
valorieotoh, going to Berlin for the DS!00:32
valoriegot sponsorship word today00:32
ScottKvalorie: Congratulations.00:37
valoriewill you be attending?00:38
valorieand thanks00:38
ScottKNope.  Pesky stuff like work gets in the way.00:38
ScottKOTOH I got sent on a work trip for 4 days of meetings a 15 minute drive from my Dad's house last week, so it's not all bad.00:39
valoriebtw, looking for good things between Gnomies and KDE people in the future00:39
valorieoh, that's cool00:39
valorietwo Gnome people attended the sprint00:40
ScottKvalorie: If Gnome actually was wiling to work on cross-platform stuff that'd be nice.00:40
valorieand I got to talk with both of them about building ties and cooperation00:40
valoriethat's my goal00:40
ScottK(See Sebastian Trueg's mail on shared-desktop-ontologies for a recent example)00:40
valoriepast history is past00:41
ScottKThat's current00:41
ScottKgimme a minute00:41
valorieor for what shall I google00:41
ScottKkde-core-devel <4DEF22C0.3090504@kde.org>00:44
valorieah, I'm not on that list00:44
valorienot being a developer00:44
* ScottK isn't a KDE developer either.00:45
ScottKI can't post to it, but I am subscribed.00:46
valorieif you have any suggestions of people I should buttonhole, please tell me about it00:48
valorieI'll set up some meetings in Berlin if necessary, or do it via email, or both00:48
valorieI see this as part of the mission of the CWG00:49
ScottKNo idea.  I just don't have the impression that they're very interested in cross desktop collaboration on terms other than other people do what they want.00:49
ScottKNot that I think it's much of a priority for Canonical either.00:49
valoriebut Canonical is a company00:49
ScottKI get the sense of KDE trying to work with everyone and not having a lot of luck.00:49
valorieand there I have no influence00:49
valorietherefore, we need to speak to Gnome people who want the same thing00:50
ScottKWhat percentage of Gnome upstream development is done by Red Hat employees?00:50
valorieand connect them00:50
valoriebut it isn't ALL00:50
ScottKI think it's not a lot different.00:50
ScottKThere are non-Canonical people that contribute to Unity too.00:50
valoriebut in both communities there are those who want to cooperate00:50
valoriethose people are not necessarily yet talking to one another00:51
ScottKIt would be interesting to see some evidence for this.00:51
valorieif that can be facilitated, I want to do it00:51
ScottKThere was a prototype of Evolution using Akonadi at Gran Canaria.00:51
valorieI'll be spreading the word, and hope to set some useful stuff up in Berlin00:52
ScottKAkonadi is not tied to any KDE tech.  It can be used by anyone.00:52
ScottKNow that Kmail has it's Akonadi release, I think it's a good time to renew the push to use it more broadly.00:52
ScottK(It will be released by the time of the meeting)00:53
valorieZeitgeist is becoming cross-platform00:53
ScottKsteveire: Is kdepim going to have a release to go with kdepim 4.7 beta 2?00:53
valorieI spent quite a bit of time with Seif Lotfy at the sprint00:53
valorieas did Trever00:53
ScottKGnome originally rejected Zeitgeist because it was on Launchpad.00:54
valorieyeah, he's having some trouble with the Gnome community00:54
ScottKApparently the only cross-platform tech they are interested in is on git.gnome.org.00:54
ScottKThe reason Zeitgeist moved to cross-platform was, at least in part, because Gnome rejected them.00:55
ScottKAlso there was this Kubuntu guy that shared a room with Seif at UDS Brussels and kept showing off his shiny Plasma Netbook stuff.00:55
valorieright, and he's giving me some Gnome people to talk to00:56
valorieSeif now has a KDE desktop installed00:56
valorienot sure on which distro00:56
valorieprobably fedora, which we can blame trever for00:57
ScottKdebfx: According to his patch pilot report jdstrand took care of it.01:00
JontheEchidnadebfx: turns out pinotree had a 4 line patch that could do the whole thing :P02:06
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: http://tinyurl.com/3oksd6x06:22
debfxJontheEchidna: lol, didn't know extractrc could do that too :)09:33
steveireScottK: Yep. For 4.7 we should be on the SC schedule11:02
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
debfxit's amazing how much useless stuff we have on the dvd, like 185MB latex docs11:22
debfxwhy don't we drop that and add useful packages like firefox and thunderbird11:31
ScottKdebfx: I'd be fine with that, but I think it should have some discussion.11:59
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
didrocksdebfx: ScottK: thanks to agateau, we have now an excellent qt transparent binding for indicator. I just packaged and tested it. As appmenu, it need a Qt patch (successfully built in my ppa) and a new plugin package (sni-qt).14:13
didrocksScottK: I think you are the best for NEWing the package once I've pushed it?14:14
ScottKdidrocks: We already have appmenu patches for Qt?14:14
didrocksScottK: this one is for application indicators (systray)14:15
didrocksyeah Qt and KDE apps doesn't use the same API14:15
didrocksso only KDE apps are exposed in appindicator14:15
didrocksnot Qt apps like mumble/skype14:16
ScottKSo I know KDE is interested in trying to migrate the new systray protocol to Qt.14:16
ScottKThis should be coordinated with them.14:16
didrocksso, that will give another reason to use the sni protocole :)14:17
ScottKWhat is sni protocol?14:17
didrocksyeah, I think agateau is already aware?14:17
ScottKYes, I'm sure.14:17
didrocksSystem Notification I(nterface?)14:17
didrocksSystray rather14:18
ScottKHow is this different than what we already did for systray/dbusmenu in KDE (I know it's in Qt, but design wise)?14:18
didrocksScottK: it seems similar to me, adding a directory with plugins (where the new package install one)14:18
ScottKI thought the goal was to move KStatusNotifier to QstatusNotifier14:18
didrocksbut let's wait for agateau :)14:18
* didrocks makes some additional tests meanwhile14:19
didrocksStatusNotifierItems in fact14:21
ScottKYeah.  That's it.14:21
ScottKSo is what you're proposing the QStatusNotifierItem implementation?14:22
agateaunot exactly14:22
agateauScottK: it turns existing Qt systemtray icons into StatusNotifierItems14:23
agateauScottK: applications do not know about it14:23
agateauScottK: which is quite interesting for a certain proprietary VoIP application icon14:23
ScottKMight be useful a useful concept for Wine and Java too (not in a Qt context)14:24
ScottKSo this is somewhat the opposite of QStatusNotifierItem?14:24
agateauI don't see it like that14:24
agateauI think there is a need for an explicit QStatusNotifierItem class/library14:25
ScottKWhich apps would have to port to.14:25
ScottK(I got that)14:25
agateaubecause right now I am mapping the QSystemTrayIcon API to the SNI protocol14:25
ScottKIs this SNI protocol documented anywhere?14:25
agateaubut there are features in SNI you can't reach with QSystemTrayIcon14:25
ScottKHas it been discussed outside Ubuntu?14:26
agateauSNI comes from Plasma: http://www.notmart.org/misc/statusnotifieritem/index.html14:26
agateauIt has been discussed with Qt devs, but nowhere else yet14:27
ScottKOK.  What's Qt's position on this?14:27
agateauThey want it14:28
ScottKOK.  I'd like for fabo to review the patch if he has time.14:28
agateausounds good to me14:29
* ScottK recommends the last 15 minutes of backscroll to fabo.14:29
agateaupatch is quite invasive on the QSystemTrayIcon class though14:29
ScottKSo we should get an upstream review/ack on the patch I think.14:29
ScottKWe don't want to regress other use cases.14:29
* fabo looks14:29
agateauScottK: fabo: regarding regressions, it is important to understand that as long as the sni-qt package is not installed, Qt should behave as before14:31
debfxagateau: do you think upstreams wants to make QSystemTrayIcon use SNI or only provide a separate SNI class?14:31
ScottKAs long as the patch is correct I'd imagine.14:31
didrocksScottK: agateau: I tested mumble and skype (had to install it for that :/) with and without the sni-qt package and confirm that I have it as an indicator in the first case and in the systray without it14:32
ScottKagateau: True, but I expect if it works well we'll want to include it for many of the same reasons unity-2d would want it.14:32
agateaudebfx: the problem for upstream is that creating a QSystemTrayIcon class in QtGui is that it would introduce a dependency from QtGui on QtDBus which they don't want14:33
ScottKdidrocks: OK. Keep in mind that from our (Kubuntu) view it's all systray, just two different implementations.14:33
agateaudebfx: having it done has plugins (like appmenu) avoids that14:33
didrocksScottK: that's the reason why I tried the systray in unity and gnome-panel, should work in kubuntu I guess14:33
ScottKIt'd be interesting to test in lxde.14:34
agateauScottK: what I meant with "should behave as before" is that the patch "just" introduce a plugin system for QSystemTrayIcon14:34
ScottKThat's make should tell you if you got your dependencies right.14:34
agateauScottK: then the sni-qt provides a plugin which implements SNI support14:34
ScottKagateau: OK.14:34
agateauScottK: regarding KDE support, I developed most of it running KDE :)14:35
ScottKagateau: Of course.14:35
didrocksScottK: I can already push the sni-qt package if you want to make a review of it14:37
ScottKdidrocks: Let's get fabo's review of the Qt patch first.14:37
didrockssure then :)14:37
ScottKAlso I can review the packaging, but I'm not qualified to review the upstream code.14:38
didrocksScottK: I got a look at agateau's code (to prepare the review I'll do as MIR team member), seems good to me14:38
ScottKThis is poor timing to introduce any new Qt features upstream.14:39
ScottKI'd like to understand the plan for this though.14:39
agateauScottK: not sure there is much of a plan: it's just that lack of SNI support in Qt apps was considered a problem to fix14:45
agateauScottK: I agree the fact that Qt 4.8 is branched and there won't be 4.9 is unfortunate from a timing point of view14:46
agateauScottK: but I expect Qt 5 will still come with systemtray support and it won't be much different from Qt 4, so this work can be re-used/adapted14:46
ScottKagateau: Agreed, but I'd like (as we did with the appmenue work) to get them on board before we patch our stuff.14:47
agateauScottK: sure. I am going to Qt contributor summit next week, and will probably discuss this then14:48
agateauScottK: it's a bit early to request a merge though, I think14:48
QuintasanI AM A FREE MAN14:49
jussiQuintasan: did you get your parcel yet? 14:49
Quintasannot yet, Freescale is being lazy and my support request is still unassigned14:49
QuintasanBut I'm apparently done with my tests14:50
yofelQuintasan: if you're free do kdenetwork 4.6.4, it's the only thing left and has patch rejects, and I'm a bit busy currently14:50
Quintasansure, let me go to shop and buy myself a beer14:50
Quintasanjussi: Do you think it is worth calling them and annoying them about my support request?14:51
jussiQuintasan: thought to try their online chat? 14:51
Quintasannah, phone call14:51
jussiQuintasan: it may be quicker and cheaper to try it first14:52
Quintasanjussi: pestering mode on14:53
jussiQuintasan: http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?nodeId=0514:53
* jussi disappears for a bit14:54
macoScottK: KC approved the blueprints right? so skaet can mark the kubuntu accessibility one as approved for oneiric?15:36
shadeslayervalorie: wohoo i'm coming as well!!!15:38
* Sput notest that he had to put a lot of work into Quassel in order to support SNI properly (including fallbacks and whatnot), and would be really glad if that stuff moved into Qt proper so he could just use QSystemTrayIcon15:40
ScottKmaco: Sure.16:07
JontheEchidnaneat, now we're not only undersized for i386, but for amd64 and amd64+mac as well16:28
ScottKKewl.  Wait 'til 4.7 hits.16:30
JontheEchidnaheh, yeah16:30
afiestasapachelogger: http://www.weebls-stuff.com/songs/Narwhals/ Xd...16:32
* apachelogger wonders whether clicking that is a good idea ^^16:33
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how did that happen?16:33
debfxI hope we don't have to ship gtk2 and 316:42
apacheloggerScottK: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-oneiric-kubuntu16:42
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I think that booting firefox and jiggling around the langpack order fixed things16:42
apacheloggerScottK: to make it work all our specs need to be in a state of approved, can you please take care of that16:43
ScottKYes.  In just a bit.16:43
apacheloggerdespite KC being approver for most of them it appears I cannot approve stuff16:43
* apachelogger finds that rubbish16:43
apacheloggerScottK: awesome, thanks16:43
davmor2apachelogger: it's a great song but it will be stuck in your head for months16:43
* apachelogger wonders where to get food today16:44
JontheEchidnacan't be worse than nyan cat16:44
davmor2apachelogger: Some where that sells food, don't try a diy store for gods sake ;)16:45
macoyeah, despite the evidence kindergarteners like to provide, paste isn't really food16:45
JontheEchidnahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5PiXt6INSM (earworm warning)16:46
davmor2JontheEchidna: did you hear the narwhal song?16:47
JontheEchidnadavmor2: yes16:47
JontheEchidnareminded me of the badger song16:47
apacheloggerwho wants to minute the meeting? 16:57
steveireafiestas_office: pong btw17:09
afiestas_officesteveire: kdelibs is not building because a kdeuiproxy test17:11
afiestas_officelet me get the error17:11
afiestas_officekdelibs/kdeui/tests/kselectionproxymodeltestsuite.h:84:7: error: ‘TestData’ is not a template type17:13
steveireOk, I'll check it out later17:15
steveiregit dif17:17
steveireOops. Focus follows mind again :)17:17
apacheloggersomeone should use a webcam to implement focus follows eyes 17:19
JontheEchidnalibqt4-dbg lost some weight, I think something's broken.17:22
debfxdidrocks: ^17:25
didrocksdebfx: on "debfx | I hope we don't have to ship gtk2 and 3" or something else?17:26
debfxdidrocks: about libqt4-dbg17:26
debfxdidrocks: CXXFLAGS := $(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CXXFLAGS) -fno-strict-aliasing17:26
debfxshould fix it17:27
didrocksoh yeah, right17:27
didrocksfixing this then if you want sorry about it17:27
JontheEchidnathanks :)17:29
didrocksyw, sorry for it in the first place ;)17:29
JontheEchidna400 MiB space freed on any upgrade makes me paranoid to go through each of the packages looking for space changes :P17:29
JontheEchidnaafter of course scanning the list to see if half my packages are being removed17:30
didrocksJontheEchidna: you always install the -dbg package btw, not the -dbgsym?17:30
JontheEchidnayeah. -dbg is a convention within some packaging teams in debian17:30
JontheEchidnaand since I do development on KDE apps for Kubuntu, I always have the -dbgs installed17:31
didrocksJontheEchidna: sure, in all package, no need to create delta removing them, but I'm used to only install dbgsym in ubuntu :)17:31
JontheEchidnait's a thing of convenience. I don't have the -dbgsym repo enabled, actually17:32
didrocksas we don't handle Replaces: on them automatically AFAIK17:32
didrocksyeah, make sense then :)17:32
ScottKapachelogger: I think I did them all.  Please let me know if I missed anything.17:33
=== debfx changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Packaging 4.6.4 for natty | Merges: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
* debfx wishes one could unsubscribe from blueprint metadata changes17:35
mgraesslinScottK: just an idea: would you be interested to pull in the KWin-Wayland patches for 11.10?18:02
* ScottK looks at apachelogger.18:02
Quintasanyofel: PING18:03
mgraesslinthe impact on KWin codebase is rather low (luckily) and my current approach is to automatically compile Wayland support if present in EGL mode18:03
apacheloggerwayland ftw18:05
QuintasanWe have rejects in kdefilesharing patches18:06
* Quintasan is working on it18:06
Quintasanapachelogger: one of kubuntu users suggested on identi.ca that we approach luckybackup as our backup application18:14
* Quintasan looked at it18:14
QuintasanI won't spoil the fun for you apachelogger18:14
yofelQuintasan: thanks18:23
cndI want to fix the qt + wacom bug, but krita just spins in a loop pegging my processor in oneiric18:24
cndanyone know of a fix?18:24
Quintasanapachelogger: do we want kubuntu_05_samba_sharing.diff to remove desktop files from kdenetwork?18:25
Quintasanoh wait18:26
Quintasanthis is one hellish patch18:26
Quintasankubuntu_05_samba_sharing.diff 18:27
apacheloggersupposedly it should go away in 4.718:27
apacheloggerthat patch is part of rbelem's filesharing work IIRC18:27
Quintasantries removing desktop files from filesharing/simple and somehow fails at it18:27
ScottKcnd: I'd try to fix it in Natty.  Probably easier to bring a fix forward than the reverse.18:28
JontheEchidnayou could just remove that chunk and put any new filesharing .desktop files that appear in not-installed18:28
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: do you haz time to prescreen a blog post?18:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I am still funemployed, so yes18:28
JontheEchidnathough hopefully not for long, I might have a lead18:28
cndScottK, too late, had to update my develop machine to oneiric for other work :)18:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: are you becoming engineer at boeing?18:29
ScottKcnd: vm?18:29
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: mail is on the way18:29
cndScottK, can't easily do multitouch in a vm18:29
ScottKkoffice hasn't changed and kde hasn't changed much yet, so I suspect something lower in the stack is causing problems.18:30
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: I don't think KDE SC is an acceptable term any more :P18:31
JontheEchidnayay brand confusion18:31
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Those desktop files are in source tree, not in final package18:31
QuintasanWell, what ever18:31
ScottKJontheEchidna: You are supposed to say KDE Frameworks, KDE workspaces, and KDE applications instead.18:31
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: right, the patch removes them by anti-diffing them, but if those change even slightly things breaks. better to just leave them alone in the source and not install them18:32
apacheloggerthe reason that is confusing is because the whole module stuff is utterly pointless and actually bad for all sorts of stuff18:33
JontheEchidnaI just call it KDE, tbh18:33
* rbelem kicks Quintasan 18:34
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: too much awesome? can that be possible at all? 18:34
* apachelogger kicks Quintasan too18:34
* Quintasan kicks apachelogger back with a round house18:34
Quintasanrbelem: What the hell?18:35
ScottKapachelogger kicks Quintasan and rbelem wakes up.18:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you notice my subtle doctor who reference?18:36
JontheEchidnauhh! I have failed18:36
apacheloggerwanna try again? :P18:36
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://paste.kde.org/8022718:36
Quintasanlike this?18:36
Quintasanrbelem: What did I do? Why are you kicking me?18:37
ScottKQuintasan: No.  He's just waking up. It's apachelogger.18:37
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: presumably18:37
QuintasanScottK: 18:37
Quintasan[19:34:29] -*- rbelem kicks Quintasan 18:37
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: actually two of them, combined they make for the overall image18:37
rbelemQuintasan, coz you were talking about my patch :-D18:37
ScottKOh.  Missed that one.18:37
Quintasanrbelem: Yeah, you remove desktop by anti-diffing and it breaks :P18:38
Quintasandesktop files*18:38
rbelemQuintasan, hum...18:38
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oh, Lord President is one of them18:38
* JontheEchidna slaps self18:39
JontheEchidnanot sure about the other one18:39
apachelogger"Ascend into creates of pure awesome" ... in end of time p2 lord president says "we will ascend, to become creatures of consciousness alone"18:40
Quintasannot found18:40
Quintasan!package pkg-kde-tools18:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package pkg-kde-tools18:40
apacheloggeralso mind my typo there18:40
Quintasan!info pkg-kde-tools18:41
ubottupkg-kde-tools (source: pkg-kde-tools): various packaging tools and scripts for KDE Applications. In component main, is extra. Version 0.9.3ubuntu10 (natty), package size 92 kB, installed size 548 kB18:41
Quintasan!info pkg-kde-tools oneiric18:41
ubottupkg-kde-tools (source: pkg-kde-tools): various packaging tools and scripts for KDE Applications. In component main, is extra. Version 0.14.0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 106 kB, installed size 664 kB18:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: /2/ is only in one-eye-rick18:41
yofeland natty-backports18:42
QuintasanDAMN YOU WIKI18:42
JontheEchidnadid you do --save-after-login?18:57
Quintasanof course18:59
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
Quintasan!info libktorrent-dev19:03
ubottulibktorrent-dev (source: libktorrent): development files for the KTorrent Library. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.5-2 (natty), package size 85 kB, installed size 976 kB19:03
Quintasanyofel: I'm not sure if pkg-kde-tools are in natty-backports :/19:03
yofel     0.14.0ubuntu1~natty1 019:04
yofel        500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-backports/main i386 Packages19:04
Quintasanwhy the hell it is lower that 0.9 then?19:06
ScottKQuintasan: natty-backports is not-automatic.  You need to specify you want the package from it.19:07
ScottK(or mess with pinning)19:07
* Quintasan reverts to older boost and ktorrent19:08
QuintasanScottK: I'm building against libboost1.42 and ktorrent 1.0.519:09
Quintasanis this what we want?19:09
ScottKNatty or Oneiric?19:09
Quintasanfor natty19:09
Quintasanyofel: Will upload to PPA soonish19:10
yofelQuintasan: er wait, which packaging did you use?19:11
Quintasanand downgraded deps19:11
yofelbzr from 4.6.3-0ubuntu1 right?19:11
yofelwe don't want the oneiric packaging in natty19:12
Quintasanwe want old ones or not?19:12
yofelwe want the natty packaging for the natty packages19:13
yofelif you're trying to use pkg-kde-tools from O then you've got the wrong one19:13
* Quintasan abandons the warship19:14
QuintasanWTF IS THIS19:22
Quintasanyofel: this is confusing19:22
Quintasanwhere the hell is the old pacakging ~_~19:23
yofeleither older bzr rev, or ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa19:24
* Quintasan testbuilds and uploads19:35
apacheloggersheytan_: pingy19:35
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
sheytanapachelogger pongy19:36
ScottKmgraesslin: Would you please join #ubuntu-x and talk to tjaalton about it?19:36
apacheloggersheytan: can I get a blog header for kde multimedia19:37
apacheloggerperhaps just http://apachelog.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/headerphonon.png?w=940&h=198&crop=1 with KDE instead of phonon everywhere?19:37
sheytanapachelogger you didn't deserve one!19:38
apacheloggerawww :(19:38
apacheloggery not? :'(19:38
sheytanyeah, cause you don't like python.19:38
apacheloggerwell, it is a horrible language :P19:39
apacheloggerjava > pyth0rn19:39
sheytanapachelogger we all know that you're coding in python, somwhere in a basement, only to not let one know. You even bought a python snake. I saw you in a petshow :D19:41
sheytanadmit it :D19:41
* Quintasan found out something very interesting about apachelogger19:41
QuintasanScottK: ^^19:41
apacheloggeryes, I am addicted to .prn, get over it19:42
Quintasan.py rather19:42
sheytanapachelogger you see? Wasn't so hard to get the header :D19:42
apacheloggersheytan: even if I did, I'd do so under contract and probably non disclosure agreement :P19:42
sheytanooh :D 19:44
sheytanyou'll get one in a minute19:44
Quintasansheytan: reupload business cards please19:44
Quintasanyofel: uploads to ppa:ninjas/ppa?19:44
sheytanQuintasan oh, i forgot. Sorry. sec19:45
shadeslayerokay so ... in another 18 hours, i shall be free of exams \o/19:45
shadeslayer2 months of holidays, dedicated to GSoC and Kubuntu <319:45
* Quintasan has a party tomorrow19:45
Quintasanyofel: Uploadan19:45
yofelyeah, ninjas19:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: holidays?19:48
apacheloggernever heared of that19:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: summer holidays ... well .. technically ... 19:49
* apachelogger googles19:49
sheytanapachelogger living in a basement made you that kind of men. Trust me. 19:49
apacheloggerreads like "time so that one can waste time" *shrug*19:49
sheytanwith a python snake ;D19:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am going to berlinz btw19:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: kool :)19:49
apacheloggersheytan: snakes are all sorts of awesome19:49
sheytanapachelogger no, i hate them.19:50
apacheloggerawww :(19:50
Quintasanmgraesslin: ping19:50
Quintasanyofel: uploaded19:51
yofelgood, if that builds and someone tests I can release it19:54
sheytanapachelogger :http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/4855/headerkde.png19:55
apacheloggersheytan: thank you :*19:55
sheytanapachelogger you'll thank me when you come back home :*19:56
sheytani'm waitin' :)19:56
* sheytan fuck! Forgot that this chat is logged ;/19:57
apacheloggerplenty of ways to interpret both statements right there19:57
Quintasanapachelogger: we want a snapshot of plasma-active in repos?20:04
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes20:05
apacheloggerfor that we need 4.7 first though20:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude, you've still not replied what the targets for ARM + Kubuntu are this cycle20:08
apacheloggerfailed to compute20:09
apacheloggerwhat do you mean?20:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: anything particular that we are supposed to do for ARM this cycle?20:09
apacheloggersee blog post & mobile todo20:09
apacheloggerKRF: is all amarok sexy in master yet?20:10
* Quintasan is yet to receive his AAARRRRRM device20:10
shadeslayerxoom has a unlocked bootloader?20:11
shadeslayerWorth try to support : No20:11
apacheloggerapparently my arm device should be waiting in upper austria already20:12
apacheloggeror some arm device at least ^^20:12
shadeslayeri hear tegra has linux support coming soonish20:12
Quintasanjussi: lol @ Freescale20:12
apacheloggershadeslayer: define linux support20:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: proper kernel builds etc20:13
* apachelogger points out that android uses linux20:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: proper kernel builds?20:13
shadeslayerwhich support powermanagement and other important bits like sound etc20:13
apacheloggerfrom nvidia?20:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, they had something called linux4tegra20:14
apacheloggerehm, I think l4t is something different20:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh ... what is it?20:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: so .... if we have a unlocked bootloader ... can we sensibily boot kubuntu on it and make plasma active run?20:16
apacheloggeroh indeed l4t is the drivers20:16
bambeeshadeslayer: linux4tegra ? it's an outdated base system based on karmic :D20:16
apacheloggershadeslayer: no20:16
bambeelinux4tegra is actually dead, see the page20:17
apacheloggeran unlocked bootloader is only the first requirement20:17
apacheloggerin a long chain of requirements20:17
shadeslayerbambee: yes, but another page says they're going to revive it soon20:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: like>20:17
apacheloggerkernel support20:17
apacheloggerif you dont have a kernel there is no way to run kubuntu on it20:17
apacheloggergraphics driver (with gles support), touch screen driver, powermanagement, sound driver etc. etc.20:18
shadeslayerwell ... like i said20:18
shadeslayerdoes not have loads of critical features that nvidia is required to provide 20:18
shadeslayerbbiab call20:18
shadeslayerright so20:22
shadeslayerTegra is out of the question20:22
shadeslayerbambee: http://developer.nvidia.com/node/19086 >> RETURNING20:23
bambeeshadeslayer: the ac100 devs are waiting it since few months now :'(20:25
shadeslayerbambee: i'm thinking of picking up a wetab when i'm in berlin in August20:25
bambeewetab <320:26
bambeeso you will test kubuntu for tablets :)20:27
shadeslayerbecause thats the only tablet that looks feasible   right now20:27
bambeeI don't know If I want an omap4 or a wetab.... (ARM ftw)20:29
jussiQuintasan: wot? 20:29
shadeslayerbambee: i'm stuck in the same situation20:29
mgraesslinQuintasan: pong20:30
shadeslayermgraesslin: aw, we had a meeting about 30 minutes ago20:30
mgraesslinsorry was watching Big Bang Theory :-(20:31
shadeslayermgraesslin: basically QA stuff20:31
shadeslayer<3 BBT20:31
shadeslayerbambee: whats the cheapest price you can find on the wetab?20:31
apacheloggerbambee: wetab is insanely heavy20:32
apacheloggernot a particular consumer device20:32
apacheloggerdevelopers: yes, consumers: no20:32
apacheloggerit is like having a tablet pc without keyboard really20:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: wow really?20:33
bambeeapachelogger: really?20:33
apacheloggerbambee: yeah, not something I'd like to hold with one hand for long20:34
bambeebut wetab is x86-based. omap4 is arm-based :P20:34
bambeeARM is for lord users 20:35
apacheloggerbambee: the only sensible omap4 tab at this time is the HTC flyer20:35
apacheloggerand that hits with 600 EUR20:35
bambeeI was talking about the development board. (pandaboard)20:35
apacheloggerthat is not very much for lord user though :P20:36
bambeewell :P20:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerbambee: there's no sane way to get touch input in the pandaboard20:37
apacheloggersure there is20:38
apacheloggerusb touch screen20:38
apacheloggerunlike beagle the panda has a usb port IIRC ^^20:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: sure, but try finding a 10" touch screen with a usb inpuit20:38
apacheloggerwhy 10"?20:39
apachelogger7 is very sufficient20:39
apacheloggerand about 50 EUR20:39
apacheloggerfirst hit on google20:39
* shadeslayer looks20:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: do we have drivers for that?20:40
jussiapachelogger: and if you take the times to make a few comments and ratings you get free moneyz :P20:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: the only usb touchscreen  i have available in india is like 2.520:40
* apachelogger points out that many touchscreens built into tablets appear to be usb screens20:40
apacheloggerlike my tablet has one I think20:40
jussishadeslayer: its compatible with eepc, so I guess we do20:40
shadeslayerquite interesting, i thought mostly touchscreens had proprietary connectors20:41
shadeslayeralrighty, i have to finish this last chapter and revise20:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: surely you should be able to find cheap usb touch screens sold by some company in china20:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: well .. import duties here are like 35%20:42
shadeslayerso even if there's some cheap device, shipping + imports make it quite expensieve20:43
apacheloggerI am decently sure you should be able to find one for like 10 USD20:43
shadeslayeri mostly order whatever i need via http://9circuits.com/20:43
shadeslayerwill check later on20:43
apacheloggerit is not like there is a lot of tech in that thing :P20:44
shadeslayerwill talk tomorrow, cya20:45
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer for d_ed21:12
* kubotu gives d_ed a nice frosty mug of beer.21:12
d_edhey mr apachelogger21:13
apacheloggeryou just made my day21:13
d_edI introduced 3 KDE developers to "pink fluffy unicorns" today.21:13
d_edas well as a song about narwhals.21:13
apacheloggeryou are awesome!21:13
d_edwell I like to think so21:14
d_edthanks very much21:14
apacheloggersheytan: you should have a look at kubuntu-devel list and make a mockup for awesome ligthdm theme :P21:15
apacheloggersheytan: also I might have to poke you about a mockup for a KDE soundmenu21:16
apacheloggeri.e. like that thing https://github.com/Caccc/Gnome-shell-extension-Mediasplayers/raw/master/screenshot.png21:16
apacheloggerexcept bettar21:16
kubotuapachelogger meant: "except bettarrr"21:16
d_edooh, wow. I like your bot.21:16
d_edI assume kubotu is a bot21:17
d_edotherwise I've just offended someone21:17
DarkwingDuckHey apachelogger, We are switching to whiteboards on the blueprints or, are we keeping up with the wiki?21:17
apacheloggerskaet is working on getting us a setup, so I suppose we might as well switch21:18
apacheloggeronce I figured out how that stuff handles unassigned items21:19
apacheloggercause if they do not show up that breaks the "browsing for things to do" use case21:19
apacheloggerd_ed: lol, like people always mistake me for a bot ^^21:19
skaetapachelogger, can you just assign them to kubuntu-dev team?  when there isn't someone already signed up.  Would that work?21:20
sheytanapachelogger login mockup already done, not one time. I did some for KDM-plasma. let me show you21:20
apacheloggerskaet: yep, would be an option I suppose21:21
skaetapachelogger, that's what robbiew did for the ubuntu server ones.21:22
apacheloggerskaet: I'd still think it should be able to handle no assignee though ;)21:22
skaetapachelogger, no arguments,  patches welcome...  ;)21:23
yofelfolks: natty 4.6.4 packages in ninja PPA need some testing21:23
* apachelogger runs as he fears python might be involved21:23
apacheloggeryofel: will they break my system, cause I am tyring to do important work :P21:24
yofelas they'll go into the updates ppa they shouldn't :P (I would rather brake your system though than the one of lord user :PP)21:24
DarkwingDucksometimes I hate apt21:25
yofeler.. break21:25
yofelDarkwingDuck: huh?21:25
DarkwingDuckHow do you install recommended packages automagiclly?21:25
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it does that by default21:25
yofelshould at least21:26
sheytanapachelogger http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7461/basegi.jpg21:26
apacheloggerd__ed: http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7461/basegi.jpg21:26
apacheloggersheytan: for documentation purposes you might actually want to send that to david's mail on the kubuntu-devel ml21:27
DarkwingDuckapachelogger, yofel It's not... http://paste.ubuntu.com/622848/21:27
apacheloggersuggested != recommended21:27
sheytanapachelogger i need to remake it still :)21:27
DarkwingDuckrather... Suggested packages21:27
yofelDarkwingDuck: for apt-get --install-suggests21:28
yofel(see manpage)21:28
DarkwingDuckYeah, i was digging manpages.21:28
apacheloggeror if you want you can also make that permanent21:28
* DarkwingDuck hates those too21:28
apacheloggerAPT::Install-Suggests "true";21:28
apacheloggerin /etc/apt/apt.conf21:28
apacheloggeryou might want to consult lord google though21:28
JontheEchidna^that is correct21:29
apachelogger< not as forgetful as he thought21:29
apacheloggerNightrose: where am I staying for DS?21:29
JontheEchidnayou can also just do this: http://i.imgur.com/sbLB2.png21:29
yofelnice :)21:30
DarkwingDuckYeah, I just did a fresh install (HD Went out) Have not replaced Muon yet.21:30
DarkwingDuckBut I refuse to open kpackagekit21:30
d__edI like the mockup, I can make that.21:31
shadeslayersheytan: dude, use imgur21:31
shadeslayerimageshack blocks me :/21:31
JontheEchidnaMuon uses/sets the system APT settings, so you'll have to give your password to change those, but it's otherwise just as simple as hitting a checkbox21:31
DarkwingDuckI decided not to RAID my HDs. I think I'm going to use the second bay as a dev HD21:31
yofelsheytan: nice mockup :O21:31
shadeslayersomeone post that mockup to imgur will ya21:32
* JontheEchidna drags link to pastebin plasma widget21:32
JontheEchidna<3 pastebin plasma widget21:32
apacheloggerclearly plasma is a drag21:32
JontheEchidnathe image is a bit big...21:33
JontheEchidnahmm, the applet gave me the red circle-and-slash of death21:34
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: wait a bit21:35
apacheloggertotally weird bug that is21:35
shadeslayer^^ indeed21:35
shadeslayerd__ed: plz2make that mockup a reality21:36
apacheloggerI have not used the private ppas in ages21:36
apacheloggerW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ninjas/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found21:36
apacheloggermust ahve done something wrong :(21:36
sheytanshadeslayer wait till tomorrow :)21:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: where are you accomodating for DS?21:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: the hostel21:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats pretty much all i know about accomodation, Claudia hasn't sent me the details yet21:38
sheytanapachelogger if you could talk to someone who's writing the menu bar plasmoid to allow make the font bold and change it's color for oneric, i would make more mockups for ya :D21:38
shadeslayeryofel: testing21:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, I should poke claudia about accomodation then I suppose21:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: afaik everyone is getting accomodation ... 21:39
apacheloggersheytan: meet agateau, author fo the menubar plasmoid21:39
shadeslayerunless you didn't apply for it21:40
Nightroseapachelogger: heh dunno21:40
Nightrosechose one of the hotels on desktopsummit.org?21:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: I wouldn't even know where to apply21:41
* apachelogger notes that workflows are all messed up these days21:41
shadeslayerfooey : Need to get 790 MB/880 MB of archives.21:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: you had to send a email to kde ev21:41
apacheloggerNightrose: how about appartment for a selected few?21:41
* apachelogger likes the appartment accomodation style21:41
Nightroseapachelogger: could also work of course21:42
Nightroseapachelogger: but i already have a room - just fyi21:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh, I did that, though only about travel reimbursment21:42
apacheloggerNightrose: awww :(21:42
apacheloggerNightrose: also, Mamarok was complaining that we are still not married21:42
apacheloggerwe should fix that, even though there is no bug report21:42
Nightrosei agree21:42
* apachelogger finds the ds site very confusing21:45
apachelogger"Please note: Booking of accommodation for sponsored attendees is done by the travel committees of GNOME and KDE, so if you have applied for sponsorship or are planning to do so, you need to contact the travel committees who will make the booking for you in a hostel close to the location. Do not book the accommodation yourself, or else the travel committee will not be able to reimburse you."21:46
* apachelogger wonders whether he is a sponsored attendee21:46
apacheloggerNightrose: what qualifies a sponsored attendee?21:47
Nightroseapachelogger: did you get an email from claudia saying the eV will reimburse you?21:47
apacheloggertravel, yes21:47
Nightrosethen you'll likely not get one of those rooms21:47
apacheloggerI see21:47
apacheloggerI should apply for a job at canonical and go to DS on work time ^^21:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: but you're only 18 right? :P21:48
shadeslayer19 in human years or 19 in unicorn years>?21:49
apacheloggertxwikinger: can I crush on your couch? ^^21:50
apacheloggerah, right wrong person21:51
apacheloggerBlizzz: can I crush on your couch? :P21:51
* apachelogger should really not split attention between 3 screens21:52
sheytanping me someone for a test please21:58
shadeslayersheytan: ping22:00
sheytanshadeslayer thanks :)22:00
sheytanbet time, bye all :)22:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you see the "No more release schedules" thread?22:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: from what i've seen in the 2 mails that are on kde devel, from a upstream POV it looks tempting, but its a packagers nightmare 22:03
yofelis it? If everyone does releases when they think it's best it would be so. But if they still coordinate and give us a batch to package it would be managable22:07
shadeslayeryofel: the problems would happen post archive freeze imo22:10
shadeslayerwould be kind of a mess22:10
shadeslayerwe have kdelibs 4.7 but kdeedu is 4.6 xD22:11
yofeltrue, as long distros have a fixed schedule having a random release mess would make stuff hard to package (in time)22:12
yofelif you can talk about time there22:12
shadeslayeryep, but i guess its for the best for distro's like Arch who have a rolling release schedule22:12
yofeltrue, but that doesn't help us22:13
shadeslayer^ only creates more issues for us22:13
shadeslayeryofel: i wish we had a rolling release pocket tho :P22:13
yofelwell, our PPAs are something like that, and makin a rolling-release fork of kubuntu isn't something I want to maintain22:14
yofelthen again, unstable is a rolling-release too in a sense22:14
shadeslayerPPA's get disabled on upgrades, and then you have to go add them again when we have a new release and then you spend 5 minutes figuring out which PPA to add and what not22:19
yofeldidn't they add the possiblity to not disable a PPA? If we had that it might be managable. We would essentially have to develop for 2 releases in parallel though22:20
yofelwell, let's see what they decide on. I can live with a messy 4.7/8, but please make 5.0 something sane22:21
shadeslayerGermany's legal drinking age limit is 18? 22:21
shadeslayeryofel: KDE 5 does not exsist22:21
yofeldunno, frameworks 5 and apps 5012 then22:21
yofelI'll keep calling it KDE22:22
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerPlatform 11 xD22:22
yofelas long as 'KDE' exists in that sense22:22
shadeslayerso i can come and drink in germany \o/22:23
yofeland yeah, age is 18, at least for things stronger than beer I think (been a while since I was at that age ^^)22:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: i delegate alcohol mentorship to you22:23
yofelk, 4.6.4 doesn't crash at login, good sign22:25
shadeslayeri haven't opened stable in quite a while22:26
shadeslayerneon ftw22:26
yofelI have my desktop on natty, helps in these cases ^^22:26
shadeslayeri'll run oneiric on my next laptop ... which i'm going buy soonish22:27
yofelI would use neon once someone of us fixes gtk theming there, not sure how that is done (or do we need an oxygen-gtk build?)22:27
shadeslayeroh yeah22:27
shadeslayeryofel: doesn't work22:27
shadeslayeri've manually built it22:27
yofelah, guess I could do that too22:27
shadeslayerdunno why firefox doesn't pick it up22:27
shadeslayerprobably need to set some var or something else22:28
shadeslayerok i'm sleeping, night all22:28
* Quintasan goes to bed as well22:28
yofelhm, can't see anything broken so I guess I'll write up a release announce and copy it over22:29
yofelcan someone with a kde svn acc. edit www/sites/www/info/binary-4.6.4.inc so the page shows we have packages please? Thanks23:55
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Merges: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo

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