
SIR_Tacoargh... 30min storm... hours of work haha00:03
markithi, I was looking for kdissert package, that should be in 11.04 but is not... or am I missing something?00:04
SIR_Tacomarkit: not semantik?00:06
markithas been renamed?00:06
SIR_Tacoaccording to the repo it says "Replaces: kdissert"00:06
markitSemantik (previously Kdissert)00:07
markitSIR_Taco: thanks a lot!00:07
SIR_Tacono problem00:07
SIR_TacoIf I get called out again... I'm going to lose it lol00:10
SIR_Tacohmmm 11.10 seems to use about 30% less memory (currently anyway)00:27
BluesKajstoem hit kingston area? my bell sat feed is dropping , must be the uplinks that are affected, ...it's nice and clear here , near Manitoulin00:27
BluesKajerr storm00:27
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: yea, quickly passed, but high winds and brought trees down and power/telecom lines all over.... think I should get paid city roads dept wages, if I have to chop trees up to clear roads lol00:29
SIR_Tacosithlord48: yea, well I'm about 15mins north00:30
sithlord48but kingston where ?00:30
SIR_TacoOntario, Canada00:30
BluesKajsithlord48, kingston ontario00:31
sithlord48ah we haz one in NY too ..00:31
SIR_Tacosithlord48: yes you do :)00:31
sithlord48i was gonna say your not all to far then :D00:31
BluesKajevery prov and state in north america has one :)00:31
sithlord48oh well then guess that makes them less special then lol00:32
BluesKajwell.maybe not mexico00:32
SIR_Tacosithlord48: still only about 5 hours haha00:34
SIR_Tacowas in Manhaten a few weeks ago00:34
sithlord48im about 3 hours north of NYC..00:35
SIR_Tacowell then you're only about 3 hours from Kingston, Ontario then haha00:36
SIR_Tacomaybe 400:36
sithlord48i used to live by the peace brige in buffalo prolly closer00:37
OerHeksi'm abour 3 hours east of NY ..00:37
BluesKajbuffalo is west of toronto , kingston is east00:38
BluesKajwell sw00:38
sithlord48good to see more kubuntu users around :D00:38
BluesKajlots of ppl migrating from ubuntu due to the desktop fiasco00:39
OerHeksthnx to unity, i guess00:39
bigbrovaram glad when people migrate from Unity to Kubuntu. I am more glad when there migrate from Mac/ Windows to Kubuntu :p00:40
sithlord48well i guess its balancing out didn't we lose users when kde4 droped00:42
SIR_Tacoyea I suppose...00:42
SIR_Tacoit was a little rough, but it wasn't the whole 'night and day' that a lot of people make it out to be00:42
BluesKajlots of ppl hated kde4 at first including me, but even I got used to it00:43
SIR_Tacowell... really at that point (4.0), it was the lesser of two evils... Gnome still drives me nuts00:44
BluesKajgnome is too cartooney for my taste , those default icons ?..gimme a break00:44
SIR_Tacoit has it's niche like every desktop00:49
sithlord48i got used to kde4 i like it in the beggining but it was hard to use and i was tring to do things very often how u would in kde3 like files on the "desktop"00:50
sithlord48would say by 4.1 i was used to it and by 4.2 most all the issues i had were fixed00:51
SIR_Tacoyea, I can see that sithlord48.... I think now, as far as I am concerned, 4.3 is pretty well at par with 3.x00:51
BluesKaj4.7 is released but I couldn't find a link .the RC1 ppa will probly be out in 10days or so00:52
sithlord48yea i was looking forf 4.7 too but there are aparenly packageing issues00:52
SIR_Taco4.6.3 I meant00:52
BluesKajwas told to stay away til RC is out00:53
sithlord484.5 was on par w/ 3.x but just a bit rought but now i think its smoother then 3 was even w/o effects00:53
SIR_Tacosithlord48: I agree00:53
sithlord48and if you have not tried 11.10 its really fast in my vm i want to install it on my netbook i prolly will soon too00:54
SIR_Tacosithlord48: I'm running it right now... and it's about 30% lighter on memory usage (so far)00:54
sithlord48awesome! that will hlep on the netbook00:55
SIR_Tacothat's with desktop effects00:56
sithlord48wonder if the kernel's extra power requirements are curbed already w/ a newer kernel00:56
SIR_Taconot sure... don't have it installed on my laptop, it's the critical system :)00:57
sithlord48nice and my netbook has 2GB of ram that will help00:57
sithlord48but my mobo died so i bought a new one from a local.. only problem the girl broke the headphone jack's grounding so i get one channel w/o messing w/ the plug (not good while driving )00:58
SIR_Tacosithlord48: how's your soldering? lol00:58
sithlord48thats what im about todo .00:58
sithlord48i have the other mobo .i will ahve to use the mic port i took the outer metal from my headphone jack to try to fix the other one easily but it failed.00:59
BluesKajlater ...game on00:59
DragnslcrAnybody know a way (other than restarting KDE/X) to fix "Either KLauncher is not running anymore, or it failed to start the application." errors when trying to use the Quicklaunch?01:00
SIR_Tacosithlord48: you're going to replace your headphone jack with the mic jack?01:02
sithlord48from the other laptops mobo it will just be the wrong color , i broke my good one to try to fix that one01:02
SIR_Tacosithlord48: but your mic jack will likely be mono, not stereo01:03
sithlord48SIR_Taco:  good point i didn't think of that ill have to check that first01:03
SIR_Tacosithlord48: I'm sure it'll be mono01:03
sithlord48well thx for the pointer01:04
SIR_Tacojust trying to save you some work01:04
sithlord48well thank you ..01:04
SIR_Tacono problem01:04
sithlord48i have other sound cards i can take jacks from or maybe fix this one idk how.01:05
sithlord48lesson learned don't ever buy  laptop from teenage girl they abuse them...01:05
macosithlord48: id think thatd be teenagers in general01:06
sithlord48friend of the familys kid happend to have the same netbook w/ broken display it was that or buy a new netbook01:06
SIR_Tacosithlord48: if you have a multi-meter that will check attenuation, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out01:07
sithlord48for some reason i didn't think she ever used the jack01:07
sithlord48SIR_Taco:  yea i have all those here and @ work (i fix office equipment for a living)01:07
sithlord48the good iron is at work where i will prolly do the swap01:07
SIR_Tacosithlord48: ah ok, then you know what you're doing :)01:08
sithlord48yes SIR_Taco01:08
sithlord48that netbook saves me from carrying large service manuals so its well worth it even w/o using it for music in the car01:10
SIR_Tacosithlord48: yes, I can understand that... been trying to convince my Cheif of that for years... want to give him a call and tell him that too? lol01:11
SIR_Taco*Chief even01:12
wizeoneanyone here an expert with printers? or know how to get a canon mf3200 working?01:43
SIR_Tacowizeone: doesn't seem to be supported, form what I can see01:46
wizeoneso my google skills didnt let me down.. canon did 8(..01:51
SIR_Tacowhat kind of a printer is it? (other than Canon...) there's no Linux drivers on the canon site?01:51
wizeoneits a MF3200 imageclass.  only thing on their site is winblows.  google didnt lead me to anything except alot of people trying to get it working.01:52
SIR_Tacowizeone: the only thing I found that "worked" was someone installed Windows XP through Virtual Box, installed the drivers, and exprted everything as PDF, then printed it via the virtual XP box01:55
SIR_TacoI just got called into the station, I apologize, but I have to go01:55
wizeoneSIR_Taco, yea i saw that one too. i have it the other war(damn microshaft and install limits)..  kubuntu 11.04 on vmserver on win7x6401:57
wizeoneSIR_Taco, thanks for taking the time to try and help01:59
wizeonewhats a good app for podcats? amarok cant fast forward(least for me) and rythembox only grabs the last episode. is there one that you can tell it to get like the last 5 episodes?02:02
szalpodcats? =^·^=02:02
szalah, that's better02:06
sithlord48i lost power, and my server didn't want to boot.. but its all better now, night all02:08
wizeonenother question.  i website i go to has a java based webchat app and firefox is telling to to install missing apps but then it cant find one.  what package do i need to grab to fix this?02:10
SIR_Tacook... back... for now... but wave 3 of the storm is coming suposedly03:24
TheFriendlyOnesI think somthing is wrong with my kubuntu system, a bunch of my programs crash because of SegFaults04:14
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thangaveldoes anybody know why The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16) occurs??06:29
silv3r_m00nhi there07:15
silv3r_m00nI went to system settings > system administration > font installer and installed some fonts using the Add button over there , where are these fonts installed ?07:16
Tm_Tsilv3r_m00n: my bet is ~/.local/share/fonts07:20
silv3r_m00nI installed for system wide07:21
Tm_Tah, then it's /usr/share/fonts/07:21
Tm_Tor /usr/local/share/fonts/07:21
silv3r_m00nis there somekind of rule that for webpages opened in say firefox , the system first checks for fonts in /usr/local/share/fonts and then /usr/share/fonts07:23
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LediusHas anyone here had a problem that KDE interface freeze in every few seconds?09:14
LediusFor example if I am writing to terminal at some point text stop appearing to the screen, but if I change terminal window with mouse the text that I wrote and didn't appear to the screen comes visible.09:15
LediusSame kind of problem happens with other programs...09:16
Apple_CatLedius: That sounds like it could just be something up with konsole09:24
Apple_CatLedius: Oh except you say it happens in other programs, could you explain what happens?09:24
LediusApple_Cat: I have notice it at least in opera web browser where for example it might be that when I change the tab only some part of window is updated but not all.09:33
LediusThis problem came with the 2.6.38 kernels I think.09:34
LediusOne possible sollution is to use older kernel but I would like to use newer kernel if possible...09:35
giantpunehi boys.  i have just installed gimp from the repon ( kubuntu 11.04 x86_64 ).  and it fails to start.  when i run the command "gimp" in the terminal, it gives me this...09:36
giantpune(gimp:25450): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 009:36
giantpuneSegmentation fault09:36
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giantpuneanybody have any ideas about how to make it work?09:37
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LexSmoothподскажите как на русскоязычный канал попасть*09:41
giantpunei read this thread   https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=57948  and it mentions that the theme apparently can cause this.  so i ran "sudo gimp"  because my root uses different theme than the normal user one.  and gimp starts that way.  so would this be a bug in gimp or the theme engine?09:42
jussigiantpune: Id suggest heading overt to gimpnet and asking the gimp guys (Im not certain of whther they have a channel here)09:43
jussi!ru | LexSmooth09:43
ubottuLexSmooth: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:43
jussiwell that was nice, I answered his question without know it :=)09:44
bigjoolsI've got two separate machines now where kwallet is not storing passwords (and I get an occasional error from kwallet about repeated failing access), is this a known bug?09:46
JinHello, I have a problem with my wireless09:52
Jincan anyone help me?09:52
szalJin: not with that abundance of information of yours :P09:56
Jinhey szal09:57
davemachi using 11.04, my mouse scrolls left and right with the tilt button but i want left tilt to emulate middle button. any ideas?09:57
Jinwell, my problem is with my wireless, in order for me to connect to any wireless, I'll have to restart my computer so that when my ubuntu 11.04 starts automatically, it gets connected to a wireless automatically, but if I disconnected, then I will no longer be able to connect back or connect to any other connection unless if I do the restart so that it connects automatically09:59
Jinbut if I wanna switch my connection, then I'll have to set it as start automatically then restart so that it connects automatically to it09:59
Jinin windows operating system, it works perfectly10:00
Jinso anyone can help?10:00
giantpunejin, i had a similar issue and was able to fix it.10:01
giantpunelet me see if i can find the instructions i followed10:01
Jinthanks giantpune :-), I appreciated :-)10:01
giantpuneJin, this is what i copy/pasted from the internet.  i followed it and it worked great in kubuntu 11.04  http://pastie.org/private/uhgco6tsryngchhxbkkaq10:03
giantpunewireless connects now first time, and when it disconnects, it reconnects all by itself10:03
Jinthanks giantpune10:04
JinI'll follow it too10:04
Jinbut I have another question10:04
JinI have followed instructions to fix my click pad and enable the right click10:05
Jinbut somehow later, all of a sudden10:05
Jinright click doesn't work anymore and the problem returned back like I did nothing10:05
Jindo I have to do the instructions again?10:05
giantpunethat is beyond my expertise10:05
Jinthanks giantipune :-)10:07
giantpunei guess if i see you back here soon then i can assume those instructions worked for you too.  if i dont see you, then they probably didnt.  and in that case, oops10:07
shellmy008hi there10:08
shellmy008can someone help me?10:09
shellmy008i got an issue with permissions10:10
shellmy008i think it's polkit-1 files10:11
shellmy008i did a clean install of kubuntu but i cant  copy files to external drives10:12
shellmy008so anyone here who can help me??10:14
pjpj_hello, can someone tell me how to add new users with kubuntu, thanks.11:07
PiotrNpjpj_: open up your system settings, and there, in administration group, you will find user management module11:11
pjpj_ah, found it :)  thanks PiotrN. i looked at system settings betfore and couldn't find it however i've just noticed that it was scrolled of the screen11:13
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sslx4hello, can i ask a quick question11:51
PiotrNdont ask if you can ask, just ask :)11:52
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:52
sslx4okay, just got an ati 5770 vga, and did a fresh install on my rig11:52
sslx4Running amd64 11.04 on phenom x3, mobo has 880g vga and got a discrete ati 5770. fireglx driver works fine with the discrete card, how can i enable the integrated graphics (want to run 3 monitors)11:54
PiotrNoo, that's out of my experience, so wont be able to help you here11:55
PiotrNi do know, that it will be very hard, or imposible to make intel and ati work together...11:55
PiotrNati/amd has ifinity (or something like that)11:56
PiotrNbut in conjunction with intelll11:56
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:56
sslx4880g is an amd chipset :) btw, in the ati control center it is shown as unknow disabled adapter, and in the hardware info widget it's shown corectly11:56
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:57
PiotrNah, sorry11:57
PiotrNcheck the pages listed11:57
PiotrNisnt the integraed card disabled in bios ?11:57
PiotrNwell, it's really not my area, so i wont pretend that i can help :)11:58
PiotrNgood luck though :)11:58
sslx4because i have 2 vga monitors and one dvi, dvi and vga1 are connected to the 5770, and vga2 to the integrated11:58
Abbattarhello i've a problem with install latest version kdevelop. I installed it on my comp. but i can't install kdevelop-php. it that the enter: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:27 (find_package):   Could not find module FindKDevelop-PG-Qt.cmake or a configuration file for package KDevelop-PG-Qt. but befor i'v installed  kdevelop-pg-qt  &  kdevelop-php-docs12:06
Abbattaron kubuntu 10.1012:07
Taggnostrduring the last update there was an update for flash, but since then the flash plugin doesn't seem to work anymore. Is this a known issue? If I try to install it from the adobe site it tries to open an apt: link and firefox doesn't recognize it12:09
TaggnostrI tried to uninstall and reinstall the flash plugin and tried other browsers as well but it still doesn't work12:13
giantpuneTaggnostr, try using the firefox plugin "Flash-aid".  it seems to work better than the flash-installer package12:14
Taggnostrgiantpune, thanks, trying12:15
Taggnostrgiantpune, that worked, thanks again12:21
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sorush20can anyone hear me?12:54
sorush20can anyone hear me now?12:55
sorush20can anyone hear me now?12:58
Apple_Catsorush20: Yes, there just isn't anyone talking in the room13:00
ryrychI get kernel panic randomly, watching videos via Youtube, Vimeo, etc. No matter what browser I am using. Screen: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/06/09/20110609_002.jpg13:29
ryrychSometimes I also get ‘usual’ black screen: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/06/09/20110609_005.jpg13:31
ratz_hi friends13:33
ratz_i have installed kubuntu 11.04 on my hp netbook 110-3000. since morning i have been trying to install flash player for my browser. somehow i m not able to get it right13:34
ratz_pls help me13:34
DeltaEpsilonagain Kubuntu shut down by itself :(13:40
ryrychDeltaEpsilon: maybe the same problem I have written about above?13:41
ratz_any one who can help me sort out this problem please?13:43
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ratz_i have installed kubuntu 11.04 on my hp netbook 110-3000. since morning i have been trying to install flash player for my browser. somehow i m not able to get it right13:44
BluesKajratz_, install flashplayer-installer13:46
ratz_BluesKaj: will it work with apt-get ?13:47
ratz_BluesKaj: E: Unable to locate package flashplayer-installer --- i get the following error13:48
BluesKajratz_, mkae sure you have all the repositories enabled in kpackagekit , including canonical partners and 3rd party software sources13:50
ratz_BluesKaj: where would i get info on it?13:51
BluesKajlook in the kmenu / apps/system. ratz_13:52
souravi have java installe on my system, still I am not able to execute java applet in web browser or load a webpage which has java applet. Why? Does it has something to do with setting path, if yes, how can I set path?13:53
BluesKajsourav, you asked in #ubuntu as well, what desktopare you using ?13:55
souravBluesKaj: kubuntu13:55
BluesKajratz_, sourav , install kubuntu-restricted-extras13:56
BluesKajratz_, the same goes for you13:56
souravBluesKaj: Hi, I am getting 'kubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.'...14:00
BluesKajsourav, what browser?14:05
souravchrome 1114:05
BluesKajsourav, got a URL to test ?14:09
souravBluesKaj: <keepvid.com>, this is a web app where we can paste youtube.com links and download videos, when I try, it's saying, "download java"...14:11
BluesKajsourav, the downloads on that site are windows exe apps , they don't work on linux14:14
sorush20I have a problem my audio devices in not being detected as a output device in the sound devices phenone section of systems settings14:14
BluesKajsorush20, is puleaudio installed ?14:16
souravI have used the web app, before, when I had fedora..few days back I migrated to kubuntu and hasn't been since then, any way thanks for your consideration...14:18
sorush20BluesKaj: yes, when I installed the kubuntu I got a message on first use that devices are disabled do you want to ignore them completely .. I clicked yes.. but Now I'm not sure what I did14:18
BluesKajjsou I don'r understand what java has to do with links or youtube ..youtube uses flash not java14:18
BluesKajsorush20, reinstall alsa-base and alsa-utils , then reboot14:20
souravBluesKaj: when I try "pulseaudio ", I get http://paste.kde.org/80167/14:20
souravin the terminal14:20
BluesKajand do not choose to ignore them completely. if the message pops up again , choose manage devices14:20
BluesKajsourav, if you want to install something use apt-get , not ~/Downloads14:23
BluesKaj~/Downloads is a directory14:23
BluesKajerr folder14:24
souravmy pwd is '~/Downloads', not a command14:24
sourav*present working directory14:24
BluesKajthen you shouldn't pastr it14:24
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szalwhat's the preferred way to configure network interfaces when not managed by NetworkManager?14:26
BluesKajwell pulseaudio is installed from the repos by default , and having an intregrated soundcard I don't need it ...I just use the digital passthru spdif option14:27
BluesKajszal, dhcp or static ?14:28
szalBluesKaj: static14:28
BluesKajszal, I have tutorial if you'd like to try it : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html14:29
DeltaEpsilonryrych: I didn't get your message14:30
DeltaEpsilonryrych: have you managed to solve the auto shutdown problem?/14:30
BluesKajor have you tried that one already szal  ?14:30
szalno need to convert anything, I just need to give my 2nd NIC an IP so I can use it as gateway to my LAN14:30
BluesKajszal, are both NICs ethernet?14:31
szalBluesKaj: yes; one is connected to my ADSL modem, the other to the other machine (i.e. LAN)14:34
szalBluesKaj: http://privatepaste.com/download/6763e9bace <- you think this'll work?  "gateway" address is the other NIC's14:35
BluesKajszal, I dunno , my lan has individual connections to the router/modem14:40
szalk, then it's trial and error ;)14:41
BluesKajszal, I can't figure out your setup , how are connecting from the other pc to the 2ndNIC ?14:41
szalyou mean physically?14:42
larsjaaa_[akonadiserver] void Nepomuk::Search::QueryServiceClient::close()14:42
larsjaaa_ops, sorry14:42
szalLAN cable (don't remember if crossed or not, but works)14:42
BluesKajszal, but what is the cable connection on the 2nd pc ?14:44
BluesKajok, then I'm confused ...14:44
szalADSL modem (public IP) -> PC1 NIC1 ( (just so it has an IP address)) -> PC1 NIC2 ( -> PC2 (
szalno router involved14:45
szalworks flawlessly w/ openSUSE where setting up shared Internet connection is a matter of 2 mouse clicks14:47
BluesKajok szal , maybe if you list all the IPs in /etc/hosts.allow like so : https://privatepaste.com/bd49dd9725 ...this helped me14:55
szalBluesKaj: no need for playing w/ the hosts rules, just needed that IP address for NIC 2, routing and masquerading I set up earlier..  now it works15:10
szalnah, simple iptables rule15:11
BluesKajiptables ...never use it15:12
BluesKajszal, did you run 'route' to find the IP ?15:13
szalBluesKaj: what IP?15:13
BluesKajfor the 2nd nic15:14
szalnah, I defined it15:14
BluesKajiptables option?15:15
szaliptables doesn't care what you call your NICs as long as you can identify them for setting up the rules, if necessary15:16
szalthe only rule for this setup is that the interface that connects to the outside world cannot be on the same subnet as the one that connects to the LAN15:18
jimmy51_what's the recommended route for creating a custom kubuntu live cd?15:18
BluesKaj!aptoncd | jimmy51_15:24
ubottujimmy51_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:24
sithlord48moring #kubuntu :D15:29
KeeaanuI am able to join yahoo chat room after verification. but the participants all of them leave automatically, and kopete doent show participants. any idea why its happening?15:43
Keeaanuthere people?15:44
sithlord48Keeaanu: not sure but kopete has been known to have issues w/ yahoo. (but i can't help as i dont' use it)15:48
Apple_CatI just started using bitlbee for yahoo chat, wow what an amazing program16:03
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markithi, I've set the system try to always show printer icon, then I right clicked it and selected "quit". Now if I re-enter the system try settings, I've not more the printer icon to set to "auto" or "always", how on earth can I restore it?16:47
markitvery frustrating and scaring... UI should never paint you in a corner this way16:48
KeeaanuI have kubuntu/ubuntu 10.04 on my old pc. upgrading to 11.04 has graphics problem. i want to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04, except those graphics related packages; how can i do that?16:48
KeeaanuI have kubuntu/ubuntu 10.04 on my old pc. upgrading to 11.04 has graphics problem. i want to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04, except those graphics related packages; how can i do that?16:49
BluesKajKeeaanu, how did you upgrade to 11.04 , livecd clean install ?16:50
Keeaanui tested with a live cd, screen frozen; i understood outta googling that my graphics card doesnt support new packages;16:51
KeeaanuI want to keep the graphics stuff as it is; but upgrade the rest.16:51
BluesKajKeeaanu, which graphics card ?16:53
Keeaanuits a nvidia 610016:53
Keeaanunforce n43016:53
BluesKajonboard ..laptop ?16:54
Keeaanuonboard; pc16:54
Keeaanusorry i dnt know how to send private msgs here.16:55
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:55
KeeaanuBluesKaj: any suggestion?16:57
BluesKajit's very difficult to upgrade a pc without using the default drivers , but I think when you upgrade you can choose the recommended driver in kmenu/apps/system/additional drivers , that will probly solve your graphics issue.16:58
BluesKajKeeaanu, you can't upgrade directly from 10.04  to 11.04 by using the internet unless you upgrade to 10.10 first then to 11.0416:59
Keeaanui can do that; but my graphics card doesnt support 10.10 and 11.04; i want to upgrade all packages except those video drivers and all.17:00
Keeaanuhow can I do that.17:00
BluesKajKeeaanu, how do you know it's not supported ...the livcd only uses a rudimentary default driver , it's not the same as the recommended driver on a full install17:01
Keeaanuhonestly; I knew it didnt work; since I tried installing. But, is there way to do the partial/selected package upgrade?17:02
Keeaanuwell, thanks. I give up.17:03
BluesKajyou don't know , becuase you didn't install the recommended driver which is different than the default17:03
* BluesKaj shrugs and shakes his head... a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing17:07
SporkWitchssh tunneling issue; i connect with "ssh -D 9999 [server address]" and login just fine, plug either "localhost:9999" or "" into firefox4, and the result is instantly loading blank pages; logging off the SSH conncetion results in the browser giving "can't connect ot proxy" messages, so i know i'm connceting.  i also know the permissions on the server side are good, because Bitvise Tunnelier works fine in windows to set up a proxy for Firef17:08
SporkWitchanyone have any suggestions for the above issue?17:10
SporkWitchssh tunneling issue; i connect with "ssh -D 9999 [server address]" and login just fine, plug either "localhost:9999" or "" into firefox4, and the result is instantly loading blank pages; logging off the SSH conncetion results in the browser giving "can't connect ot proxy" messages, so i know i'm connceting.  i also know the permissions on the server side are good, because Bitvise Tunnelier works fine in windows to set up a proxy for Firef17:13
BluesKajssh  -X  serveraddress in order to run graphical apps like browsers17:20
BluesKajSporkWitch, ^17:20
=== szal_ is now known as szal
greywalkhello. how do i make the destop folder spread on the whole screen? (i just want to go back to the classic look of the destop)18:44
Peace-greywalk: rigth button18:46
Peace-on the destkop18:46
sithlord48greywalk system settings->workspace behavor -> workspace change it to a folder view18:46
Peace-greywalk: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/06/09/plasma-desktoplW1745.jpg18:47
Peace-sithlord48: o wow  :S too long18:47
sithlord48and they moved it from that kcm lol18:47
Peace-sithlord48: right button is faster18:48
sithlord48seams to be the only way now the opitons in workspace behavor are only desktop and netbook ..18:49
greywalkhttp://i041.radikal.ru/1106/de/52a691404099.png - this is what i have and i want that the desktop folder to cover the whole screen (not as it is now)18:53
greywalkit is set to folder view18:53
ahelhi! i'm installing a new system. what is the usual space needed by kubuntu with full kde and some space to develop simon?19:03
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antrahi all19:05
Peace-ahel: mmm i have 10 gig for root19:06
Peace-antra: then i have made a home shared with other system19:06
antrai have just installed kubuntu and i want to use my internet usb key but it doesnt seem to work here,what can i do19:07
Peace-antra: sudo apt-get install wicd-kde ?19:07
ahelPeace-:  ty :)19:09
antraantra@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install wicd-kde19:10
antra[sudo] password for antra:19:10
antraReading package lists... Done19:10
antraBuilding dependency tree19:10
antraReading state information... Done19:10
antraE: Unable to locate package wicd-kde19:10
antrais this what is supposed to happen19:11
ahelantra: not at all19:11
ahelare you able to ping?19:11
antrahehehe guessed so, what should i do19:11
ahelping -c 5 google.com19:12
antraantra@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install wicd-kde19:13
antra[sudo] password for antra:19:13
antraReading package lists... Done19:13
antraBuilding dependency tree19:13
antraReading state information... Done19:13
antraE: Unable to locate package wicd-kde19:13
antragoogle.com ping statistics ---19:13
antra5 packets transmitted, 1 received, 80% packet loss, time 9583ms19:13
antrartt min/avg/max/mdev = 1034.586/1034.586/1034.586/0.000 ms, pipe 219:13
ahelantra: you have a very bad connection19:13
antrayeah, thats why i want to use my usb key :(19:14
ahelprobably apt cannot contact your repository in order to transmit you the package you want :/19:14
antraive just done apt-get update and it seems to be going on fine19:15
antrarather slowly though but yes its going fine19:16
ahelsorry i don't use *ubuntu for 4 years, i don't think i'm the right person able to help you :)19:16
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jimmy51_what's the quickest way to tell if i'm running 32 vs 64 bit?19:46
macouname -m19:46
jimmy51_does that mean 64 bit?19:47
sourcemakerare there anroid users connected to a vpn server?19:47
SporkWitchssh tunneling issue; i connect with "ssh -D 9999 [server address]" and login just fine, plug either "localhost:9999" or "" into firefox4, and the result is instantly loading blank pages; logging off the SSH conncetion results in the browser giving "can't connect ot proxy" messages, so i know i'm connceting.  i also know the permissions on the server side are good, because Bitvise Tunnelier works fine in windows to set up a proxy for Firef19:59
BluesKajSporkWitch, hang around for the answer this time  ssh -X  -D 9999 [server address]20:01
SporkWitchBluesKaj: thanks mate, and sry i missed it before, deployed environment and i forgot how to scroll the log in IRSSI lol20:02
BluesKajSporkWitch, not sure if it will work , but that's all I could think of20:04
SporkWitchBluesKaj: no joy (regular user or root), will have to keep mucking about20:07
BluesKajSporkWitch, bummer :(20:08
SporkWitchBluesKaj: ok, the -X flag DID work, it's something to do with the "foxyproxy" plugin20:11
SporkWitchBluesKaj: which means that flag is what did it, because i tried using the normal config instead of foxyproxy last night too, with no luck.  thanks again for the help, mate!20:12
BluesKajSporkWitch, -X means the graphics will run your monitor thru ssh ..I use it on our LAN occasionaly20:14
BluesKajerr on your monitor20:16
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Joshunhow come there is only 1 op, and even that is a bot22:08
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DeltaEpsilonJoshun: because this channel does not really need one22:14
Joshunits just that irc's usually have people on the ops22:14
Joshunalthough this is more of a community one22:14
DeltaEpsilonJoshun: there are ops here22:14
Joshuntheres only floodbot though22:15
Joshunwell FloodBotK122:15
DeltaEpsilonthey usually don't op themself22:15
Joshundo most people just join #ubuntu instead then22:16
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
tan_Using an USB headset with microphone I can't get Kubuntu to use the microphone - how can I make the mic work?22:37
sithlord48whats good #kubuntu ?22:57
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tan_Using an USB headset with microphone I can't get Kubuntu to use the microphone - how can I make the mic work?23:34

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