
=== MitMaro_ is now known as MitMaro
michaelh1Hey, I'm getting a timeout error when trying to attach a GCC bugzilla entry to a gcc-linaro launchpad ticket00:11
ovnicrafthello i am trying to branch a project bzr branch lp:openobject-server/6.0 and tell me is not a branch00:12
MarkAtwoodim unable to push or pull from bzr on launchpad00:13
wgrantMarkAtwood, ovnicraft: Launchpad is still coming up from maintenance.00:13
wgrantCodehosting is not quite back yet.00:13
wgrantmichaelh1: Do you have an OOPS ID?00:13
MarkAtwooddoes launchpad have a "launchpad is up/down" url that can be checked?00:13
ovnicraftwgrant, ok00:13
michaelh1wgrant: I didn't write it down, but on refresh I see the bugzilla ticket has been attached...00:14
michaelh1wgrant: oh, cancel that, too many tabs open.  Reproducing...00:15
michaelh1wgrant: Error ID: OOPS-1985CE16800:15
wgrantmichaelh1: Thanks, looking.00:16
ovnicraftwgrant, there are people who don't want to use that social network called indeti.ca00:17
MarkAtwoodovnicraft, you dont need an account to look at a feed on it00:17
MarkAtwoodand its also on twitter00:17
MarkAtwoodwhich you also dont need an account to look at a status00:18
ovnicraftthat its better00:18
wgrantovnicraft: Major downtime like this is also announced on https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/launchpad-announce. But identi.ca is accessible to anybody in a web browser or as RSS/Atom feeds.00:20
wgrantAnd it has everything.00:20
ovnicrafti prefer follow the twitter aaccount00:21
wgrantOr that.00:21
W3ird_N3rdhmm.. er is dus toch iets aan de fritzbox wat niet is in te stellen00:42
W3ird_N3rdsorry wrong chan00:43
=== mbarnett changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
komputesThe project Twinkle (C#) https://launchpad.net/twinkle is incorrectly the upstream link and suggested upstream for twinkle (sip) https://launchpad.net/twinkle/+packages. How can I correct this?02:13
spivkomputes: is the right upstream registered in Launchpad?02:21
komputesspiv: not sure, couldn't find it - correct upstream is http://mfnboer.home.xs4all.nl/twinkle/index.html although i'm emailing the maintainer to find out where he wants bugs reported02:22
spivBasically the page to edit the upstream link are https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/twinkle/+edit-packaging etc02:23
spivI guess if upstream doesn't publish their branches there's not much we can do (except remove the incorrect link, of course)02:24
komputesspiv: can you please do that for now?02:25
komputesonce i get the maintainer's response, I'll register the project with the bug URL02:25
komputespublishing branches upstream is not a requirement to register a project is it?02:26
spivIt just makes it more useful :)02:26
spivOk, links deleted I tihnk02:26
spivkomputes: I suppose the link between launchpad.net/twinkle and the 'wink' source package in hardy is also wrong?02:28
komputesspiv: seems that way to me, i don't see a relation02:29
spivThat's what I thought.  Ok, I've removed that one too.02:30
michaelh1wgrant: hey, I'm getting the same timeout on a different bug when adding http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=49030 to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.5/+bug/689887/+choose-affected-product02:37
ubot5gcc.gnu.org bug 49030 in target "ICE in get_arm_condition_code, at config/arm/arm.c:17180" [Normal,New]02:37
ubot5Ubuntu bug 689887 in Linaro GCC "armel ICE gcc 4.5" [Medium,In progress]02:37
michaelh1wgrant: Error ID: OOPS-1986DX602:37
wgrantmichaelh1: Hm, that's not good. Thanks, we're investigating.02:38
komputesspiv: error ID OOPS-1986CC7 after creating the project02:40
wgrantkomputes: Where did you get that link?02:41
wgrantThere's a ' ' instead of a '+' in the URL.02:42
lifelessmichaelh1: what were you adding the task onto ?02:42
michaelh1lifeless: gcc upstream02:42
lifelessso a bugwatch02:43
michaelh1lifeless: yes02:43
brycehlifeless, bug #794802 looks kinda bad02:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 794802 in Launchpad itself "OOPS-1986EA9 trying to add 'linux' task to a bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79480202:55
brycehlifeless, I think it might be a regression from today's launchpad update02:56
wgrantbryceh: We're investigating that now.02:56
wgrantIt is.02:56
brycehwgrant, ok great02:56
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: Bug updates slow, may fail (particularly Ubuntu bugs). Fix coming soon | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
lifelessbryceh: michaelh1: we've updated part of the db schema - this should help with the issue04:12
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james_wwere there any API/blueprint related changes in either of the rollouts?04:52
james_wwe're seeing some odd behaviour correlated with the time of the rollout04:52
wgrantjames_w: What's the issue?04:52
james_wspecifically some sort of double reporting04:52
james_wI haven't really verified with the URL yet04:52
james_wAPI I mean04:53
james_wyou can see on the graph that it has just doubled in size, and this is because the db is getting double entries04:53
wgrantjames_w: Interesting. Nothing like that should have changed.04:53
james_wwgrant, ok, I'll keep digging04:57
poolieo/ james_w05:09
james_wok, so it's not launchpad05:29
james_wjust some code I added today that is behaving completely not as expected05:29
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araHello guys! I have seen that bug 151129 is marked as Fix Released \o/09:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 151129 in Launchpad itself "Can't subscribe to a tag" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15112909:39
araNow... how do I subscribe to a tag?09:39
araI have been looking around the UI, but I don't seem to find it09:39
maxbara: The new UI may not have been turned on for everyone yet09:40
araBut I can see the new options in Edit bug mail, i.e.09:41
maxbIf you go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/some-project, and click "Subscribe to bug mail", do you see "(more options...)" at the bottom?09:42
arano :(09:44
araOK, I guess I'll just wait09:44
lifelessits on for everyone09:44
lifelessara: what project are you trying to subscribe to tags on ?09:45
araI tried Ubuntu (in general) and in the linux package specifically as well09:45
lifelessara: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux, top right you should see09:46
lifelessView full publishing history09:46
lifelessView full change log09:46
lifelessSubscribe to bug mail09:46
lifelessEdit bug mail09:46
lifelessConfigure bug tracker09:46
lifelessdo you ?09:46
araah, OK, I was looking at bugs.lp.net/ubuntu/+source/linux09:47
lifelessUI fail09:47
arammm, a bit confusing that it is not under bugs09:47
wgrantmaxb: It's been turned on for everyone for a few hours.09:47
lifelessara: well, its not meant to be bug specific09:48
lifelessbut we only funded the bugs part of it so far09:48
wgrantara: The links are there too.09:48
aralifeless, still, I can't see where to subscribe to a particular ta09:48
wgrantara: What happens if you edit your subscription on "Edit bug mail"?09:48
lifelessunder the bug counts09:48
lifelessara: click on 'are added or changed in any way'09:49
lifelessara: then 'bugs must match this filter'09:49
lifelessthen tags09:49
aralifeless, OK, found, thanks09:49
arathanks for the support09:50
lifelessde nada09:51
apwis it known that you cannot change status on any task on a bug with nominations ?  (at least thats how it seems)10:41
lifelessapw: see topic10:44
apwlifeless, eta for the fix to roll, as not one bug i want to change is changable and i can only queue so many updates in my head10:46
lifelesswe're qaing the fix at the moment10:47
apwso is that 3 hours best case or 1, wondering how long to go away for10:47
lifeless15 minutes?10:48
apwlifeless, thanks10:48
lifelessit may not work of course, but I think it will10:49
apwyep i understand theres no guarentee, just looking at a lower bound10:49
lifelessapw: care to try again ?11:04
apwlifeless, doing11:04
apwlifeless, seems borked still to me11:05
apw(Error ID: OOPS-1986DY50)11:05
lifelessand we'll continue11:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 794715 in linux (Ubuntu Hardy) "Hardy Xen i386 DomU: CONFIG_COMPAT_VDSO disabled" [Undecided,New]11:06
apwlifeless, my test case is trying to make that linux task Invalid11:06
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dholbachthanks for the update in the topic!11:23
wgrantapw: We've identified the remaining issue, but it's going to take a while longer to fix. We've increased the timeout, though, so it should work now. Could you try it again, please?11:52
apwwgrant, trying ... yes that worked11:52
wgrantIt's not going to be fast yet, but at least it will work.11:53
apwwgrant, all i want ... launchpad is never fast11:53
jmlbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/29761413:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 297614 in Launchpad itself "QA verification of fixes in Launchpad is non-obvious and error-prone" [Low,Triaged]13:30
jmlbdmurray: that's the bug I meant.13:31
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nigelbrockstar: ping, around?16:54
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rockstarnigelb, hi17:42
nigelbrockstar: hey, just wanted to check with you about tarmac.  Does it need its on LP user?17:42
rockstarnigelb, nope.  I run it as my user.17:42
rockstarnigelb, but on the box you run it on, you'd better believe it needs its own UNIX user.17:43
nigelbrockstar: ah, okay!17:43
rockstarOtherwise a malicious script could read out all sorts of fun things from your user account.17:43
rockstarnigelb, if you get stuck, there's always #tarmac17:44
nigelboh, nice! /me joins :)17:44
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mptHow is muting bug mail different from unsubscribing?18:29
mptIs it about retaining access to private bug reports, or something else?18:30
benjimpt: muting is mainly for when you subscribe to a bug target but aren't interested in a particular bug18:33
benjiit can also be useful if you are a member of a team that is subscribed to a bug and you're not interested18:34
mptSo basically what we used to call "ignore" subscriptions back in the old days :-)18:36
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RaminduI'm in a spot of trouble at LP18:48
RaminduI have a project on LP18:48
Raminduand I wanted to set a certain branch as the Translations focus18:48
Raminduso when I did that18:48
Raminduit set that branch as the DEVELOPMENT focus as well, essentially making the original development focus trunk disappear18:49
Raminduis it possible to revert this?18:49
abentleyRamindu, sure, it's easy to change the development focus.19:01
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MBarviankiko: ping23:05
MBarviankiko: hi!23:05
kikohey there23:05
MBarviankiko: I was wondering if you could rename a project for us?23:05
kikoMBarvian, hah, I can't anymore. ask flacoste :-P23:06
MBarvianflacoste: ping23:06
kikothey revoked my admin access!23:06
MBarviankiko: no problem. thanks anyway!23:06
kikosure thing23:06
MBarviankiko: anyone else I could contact? :P23:09
lifelessfile a ticket on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/23:10
MBarvianlifeless: done.23:11
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
Melhello Peaple, can  some one help me please . i  still sending accepted packages to  Launchpad . but never  get  build correctly .  can  some help me  please ?. i'am new  to this  PPA  world23:15
Melcan some one help  here ?23:22
pooliehi Mel, still here?23:31
poolieyou get an acceptance mail?23:32
pooliedo they show up in the ppa's web page?23:32
Mel OK: pidgin_2.9-2ubuntu.tar.gz23:33
Mel OK: pidgin_2.9-2ubuntu.dsc23:33
Mel     -> Component: main Section: net23:33
Melpidgin (2:2.9-2ubuntu) natty; urgency=low23:33
Mel  * Initial release (Closes: #nnnn)  <nnnn is the bug number of your ITP>23:33
MelYou are receiving this email because you are the uploader of the above23:33
MelPPA package.23:33
poolieok so it was attempted to be built, it just failed23:35
Melyes.  and  i  don't know  why its  failed23:36
Melcan i post here the link of the log ?23:36
poolieso the interesting bit is near the bottom23:36
pooliemake: *** [build] Error 923:36
pooliedpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 223:36
poolienow i wonder why that happened, so i look further up23:36
poolie> configure: error: The intltool scripts were not found. Please install intltool.23:37
pooliethat's the problem23:37
poolieyou need to declare a build dependency on intltool23:37
poolieor whatever package contains it23:37
poolieotherwise it won't be present when your thing is built23:37
Melok,  thats means  iniltool  doesnt  exit  on the  Server !!? or in my  machine ?23:39
Melpoolie !!23:42
poolieyou have to declare all build dependencies other than the most basic ones23:45
Melhow to  ? shall i  add them to   control  file ?23:46
poolieMel: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html23:55
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged:
lifeless          http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/23:58
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
pooliehello lifeless23:58
lifelesshi poolie23:58
Meli will   have  a look . i  downloaded old  source   (copied  control file from there) i hope it will work this time23:59

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