
mrdebwhat is new in 111000:58
alex_mayorgaWho do I talk to get the new version of Icedtea packaged?02:35
alkisgIs there any way to do the equivalent of `aptitude why package` with the packages available by default on oneiric? (e.g. apt-get)04:43
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IdleOnealkisg: install apt-rdepends. I'm not sure that is exactly what you want but I think it is.05:12
alkisgIdleOne: so it cannot be done with the packages available by default on oneiric? OK, thanks, I can just install aptitude again then :)05:13
IdleOneI'm not sure05:14
IdleOneshould be05:14
IdleOnealkisg: the output of apt-rdepends is much more detailed than aptitude why05:16
alkisgIdleOne: AFAIK apt-rdepends lists the dependencies, but not why a package was installed05:17
alkisgSo it won't tell you if you manually installed a package, or if it was installed because of the dependency list05:17
alkisgI'm looking for the second case :)05:18
IdleOnebut aren't depends installed automatically05:19
alkisgapt-get purge --auto-remove package-a05:20
alkisgIf package-a depends on package-b, and nothing else depends on package-b, then package-b will be removed,05:20
alkisg*unless* you manually installed package-b05:21
alkisgThere are cases where that last part is significant...05:21
alkisgE.g. I may want to know why dnsmasq is still on my system after removing ltsp-server. aptitude why wlil tell me that I installed it myself.05:21
IdleOnemakes sense05:22
photonGod, what have you guys done to ubuntu with unity?09:55
photonIs there any way I can install Ubuntu with Gnome?09:56
cwilluphoton, you know that gnome is also breaking gnome these days, right?10:10
cwillu(i.e., "classic gnome" is going away upstream, apparently)10:10
cwilluthis is probably as good a time as any to migrate to xfce or kde :p10:10
elrosphoton, you can take the plunge, upgrade to oneiric, install gnome-shell and then remove ubuntu-desktop and unity10:17
elrosor you can install lxde and wait a few months for gnome to get fixed, fall in love with lxde and forget about gnome altogether10:18
photonwhy does gnome need fixing? and how well will Ubuntu work with a non-default wm?10:20
elrosubuntu works well with all kinds of window managers, and very well supported ones get official status, like kubuntu and xubuntu now have10:40
elroslubuntu (based on lxde) is likely to get official status in this cycle, you can join #lubuntu if you have questions about it10:41
photonthank you, elros10:41
eagles0513875hi guys :D13:16
eagles0513875apw: spoke too soon i dont have wifi now :(13:16
eagles0513875apw: network widget on kde is broken again lol then again nothing new lol13:33
yofeleagles0513875: that *is* on the known issues list :P13:44
eagles0513875yofel: when is that widget not on the known issues list14:03
yofelyou have a point there...14:04
charlie-tcaLost all sound, sound card, locale, and path in Oneiric?14:26
charlie-tcaseems that path in /etc/environment, /etc/bash.bashrc, /etc/login.def, and ~/.bashrc are now ignored14:27
CarlFKI am getting a kernel crash on shutdown.  where can I hook a script to start netconsole early in the shutdown process?14:53
Ian_Corneanyone know where unity goes to look for the icon it displays in an application?15:42
coz_Ian_Corne,   probably in /usr/share/icons15:54
coz_Ian_Corne,  somtimes   /usr/share/pixmaps15:54
coz_Ian_Corne,  if the application is not in the default list of icons  it will be in /usr/share/pixmaps,, in other words,, if the onboard icons dont have an icon for that particular application,, it "generally" will be in /usr/share/pixmaps15:55
Ian_CorneI'm trying to give eclipse the eclipse icon :)15:56
Ian_Corneit should look in the executable's dir  for an icon if it doesn't find it tbh15:58
coz_Ian_Corne,  oh hmm.. which icon is it using?  a default one?15:59
Ian_Corneit was using a square with a question mark in16:08
Ian_Corne"sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/icon.xpm /usr/share/pixmaps/eclipse.xpm" fixed it16:08
* cwillu_at_work makes /opt a fuse mount that tracks down and stabs the creator of any packages that end up there16:12
Ian_Cornehah, i put it there myself :p16:27
Ian_Cornewhat's wrong with it?16:27
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ScislaCIs gnome-settings-daemon known to have issues for others currently?19:44
ScislaC(I'm assuming it's the issue as everything is unthemed)19:45
trismScislaC: try installing gnome-themes-standard, there aren't many gtk 3 themes in the repo yet19:46
ScislaCtrism: ahhhh, will do19:48
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SudoKingi get 404 errors when I dist-upgrade22:15
Andre_GondimSudoKing, try change your mirror22:30

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