
JackXuHey, latest Xubuntu, screen brightness won't change on a Samsung N150 (Atom 1.66). Hotkey gives brightness indicator, but no change, and my brightness changes in Power Settings don't "save"00:58
JackXuAny ideas?00:58
holsteinJackXu: how about in gnome?00:59
holsteinor unity?00:59
holsteinhave you tried that with a live CD ?00:59
JackXuNo Gnome, and in Xu, it wouldn't change before, but i rebooted it while on battery and now it's stuck at 20%01:00
holsteinright, xubuntu is running XFCE01:01
JackXuYeah, lol, just sounded funny to say "Xu"01:01
holsteinwhat im wondering is.. is there a scenario in which you have encountered normal functionality ?01:01
JackXuI looked, I don't even have a "VGA" or anything graphical in my /proc/acpi dir01:04
holsteini found a bug01:04
ubot2Ubuntu bug 574250 in udev "SAMSUNG N150 Laptop : Brightness issue" [Undecided,Fix released]01:04
holsteindown the page a bit01:04
holsteinsudo add-apt-repository ppa:voria/ppa01:04
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:04
holsteinsudo apt-get install samsung-tools samsung-backlight01:04
holsteinJackXu: as long as you are comfortable with ppa-purge, it wont hurt to try it01:05
JackXunot familiar with it, not afraid to try01:05
holsteinJackXu: well, just so you know whats going on, and you're not just copy and pasting randomly01:06
holsteinlooks like a nice PPA https://launchpad.net/~voria/+archive/ppa/01:06
holsteinJackXu: you'll want to reboot after installing those pacakges01:07
JackXuok, and i should probably nab all of them?01:08
holsteinwell, those 201:08
holsteinsamsung-tools samsung-backlight01:08
holsteinJackXu: open a terminal01:08
holsteincopy and paste in..01:08
holsteinsudo add-apt-repository ppa:voria/ppa01:08
JackXuYup yup01:09
JackXuI'm installing them now01:09
holstein^ that will add that source and give you access01:09
holsteinJackXu: AH, ok01:09
JackXuyeah, add rep, update the rep listing, install the packages01:09
JackXui understand more or less, just don't know what to type/ or understand all the commands "&&" does both or something, but i don't  know when to use or not use them01:10
JackXuholdstein: thanks for the help, gonna reboot now and let you know if it didn't work01:11
holsteinJackXu: it'll get more common though01:11
JackXuwhew, lol, big learning curve01:11
holsteini just didnt want to drop a bunch of copy and paste in commands without telling you what they do01:11
JackXuappreciate it01:11
jackxuholstein: it worked, keyboard brightness, and the fn- keys work too, nifty control panel and all. thank you01:25
holsteinjackxu: :)01:41
jackxuholstein: :)01:44
ranilynnmy internet wont work01:53
ranilynnhi everyone my internet won't connect even though it detects wireless networks it just says ralink 802.11 bg WLAN then disconnected followed by my home internet02:23
ranilynnhi everyone my internet won't connect even though it detects wireless networks it just says ralink 802.11 bg WLAN then disconnected followed by my home internet02:23
holsteinranilynn: i would try a different driver... maybe even the windows driver with ndiswrapper02:24
ranilynncan i install the windows driver?02:24
holsteinranilynn: assuming you have a known good access point, and you know the machine is the issue02:24
holsteinranilynn: you dont install the windows driver, you use it with ndiswrapper02:25
holsteinranilynn: is it a known good access point?02:25
ranilynnholstein: it has to be my laptop connects to the internet and i've reset my modem/router02:25
ranilynnholtein: it's a good access point02:25
holsteinranilynn: do you have a windows driver handy?02:26
holsteinyou'll just need the .inf part02:26
holsteindriver.inf or whatever02:26
ranilynnholstein: no i don't have them handy02:26
* holstein looking02:26
holsteinranilynn: would you like to look at the manufacturers site?02:27
holsteinsee if you can dig them up02:27
holsteini usually go for the XP ones02:27
ranilynnholstein: i went to the manufacturer's site for the linux ones to get 404 not found02:27
holsteinranilynn: right, we are interested in the XP ones right now02:28
ranilynnholstein: ok02:28
ranilynnholstein: i'm at the manufacturer's website under windows support02:29
holsteincool, go for it... you'll want to unzip it02:29
holsteini was thinking more like, at the dell site or whatever02:30
holsteinbut, give it a go02:30
ranilynndoes it matter which ones i go with or just pick one02:31
holsteinranilynn: i would suggest, again, going to the manufacturers site, such as dell or toshiba, and getting the drivers for XP02:31
holsteinbut, you can just get them, and try them02:32
ranilynnok i'm doing that02:32
holsteinranilynn: tell me what chipset you have, and we'll look at other potentially easier options02:34
ranilynnhow do i find the chipset02:35
holsteinopen a terminal02:35
holsteinand you'll see it there02:35
holsteinyou can run02:35
ranilynnand hp only has lightscribe drivers02:35
holsteinlspci -v02:35
ranilynndo you want me to paste this to you02:36
holsteinranilynn: before we do any of this, can you plug it in to a router, and check for, and apply upgrades?02:36
holsteinranilynn: you can pastebin if you want02:37
ranilynnalready did that02:37
holsteinor just paste that one line*02:37
ranilynnthere's a lot of lines02:37
holsteinranilynn: hmmm, it doesnt seem to be picked up02:40
holsteinranilynn: what is the unit?02:40
holsteinhp mininote?02:40
ranilynnhp slimline02:40
ranilynnholsein: hp slimline s5150t02:47
ranilynnholstein: would my win7 backup disk have the drivers?02:48
holsteinranilynn: maybe.. are you plugged in?02:49
holsteinyou need to get a package02:49
holsteinsin a terminal02:49
holsteinsudo apt-get install ndisgtk02:49
holsteinyou can run that from the menu (called windows drivers, or something like that)02:49
ranilynnit's running02:50
ranilynnnow should i reboot when it's done?02:50
holsteinndisgtk is running?02:50
holsteintry that driver02:50
holsteini extracted it from the .exe on the HP site02:51
holstein*didnt say ralink though02:51
ranilynndo i just copy all this into terminal02:51
holsteinranilynn: you have ndisgtk running?02:52
holsteinthats what i thought you meant by 'its running'02:52
ranilynnit's already done02:52
ranilynni put that in and hit enter02:52
holsteinso, download that driver02:52
holsteinranilynn: put what it?02:52
holsteinthat URL?02:53
holsteinyou need to download it, right?02:53
holsteinyou did that?02:53
holsteinthen, point ndisgtk at the downloaded netathr.inf02:54
holsteinit'll either magically fire up, or you'll need to do some research02:54
philipballewcan someone help me with recovering my files off a messed up flash drive03:35
holsteinphilipballew: sure03:36
holsteinsudo apt-get install testdisk03:36
holsteinand use photorec03:36
philipballewsudo photorec i assume. my friend was copying files from a flash drish drive when the drive was while still in the laptop came up with a message saying unsafe removel of hardware03:38
philipballewthen the files on the flash drive were not in the folder03:38
philipballewholstein, photorec can not find file headers, i get errors when it starts the recovery03:56
holsteinmaybe they didnt go at all03:56
holsteinif it got pulled before the files got actually written03:56
philipballewwell the files would still be there untill something is wrotten over03:57
holsteinphotorec'll copy them then03:57
holsteinim not sure about headers03:58
holsteinit doesnt preserve filenames03:58
philipballewmaybe i'm doing it wrong03:58
holsteinplausible :)03:59
holsteini had to try several times the first go around03:59
philipballewif ubuntu ever goes mainstream i expect a bunch og gui programs will be written for terminal programs04:00
philipballewill probably still use terminal stuff though04:01
philipballewhttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/recoverdeletedfiles/   this is the guide im using04:03
holsteinphilipballew: but, you didnt delete them04:05
philipballewno i did not. i belive osx's default is to when you drag and drop it copys is04:07
holsteinmost every OS i know of assumes copy from different disks04:08
holsteini mean, if you lost them in a copy04:08
holsteinjust go to the original04:08
holsteinthe USB stick is the original?04:08
philipballewyeah it is04:09
holsteinnah, that doesnt make sense04:09
philipballewthe files were orinigaly on the flash drive04:09
holsteinwell, there still there then04:09
holsteinjust let photorec copy all the stuff off, and weed through it04:10
philipballewill try. it keeps giving a weird error04:13
holsteinjust let it chew on the whole thing04:13
philipballewhow so?04:14
holsteini mean, i just select the options as they come04:14
holsteini dont remember the particulars04:14
philipballewthe guide im using seemes good04:14
holsteineh, i just read the options04:15
holsteinchoose a source and destination and wait04:15
philipballewsounds easier then it really is04:16
holsteinwell, best case scenario, in a couple hours, you got a bunch of files to go through04:17
holsteindata recovery is not trivial, thats why those recovery folk do so well04:18
holsteinbut, im sure you can sort it out04:18
philipballewholstein, what type of partition would it be?04:26
holsteinphilipballew: whatever type it is04:27
holsteini forget the options, but i just go with the most appropriate for the partition type04:27
philipballewhaha. i think this flash drive is coroupted :(04:27
holsteinsure, but if its showing up, photorec is the deal04:28
philipballewit mounts though04:28
holsteini had one on my phone that died04:28
holsteinit didnt mount04:28
holsteinbut, it showed up after a LONG wait04:28
holsteini even tried writing a new table04:28
holsteinthen, i just let photorec chew on it overnight04:28
holsteingot all the stuff04:28
holsteinthis was actually a microSD card04:29
philipballew_i'm probably just doing the options wrong04:29
holsteinphilipballew_: maybe04:29
holsteinis it just an ext3 or 4?04:30
holsteinsomething normal?04:30
holsteinor FAT?04:30
philipballew_its fat i belive04:30
philipballew_maybe ntfs04:30
holsteini pretty much go with the defaults04:30
philipballew_its just a simple flash drive04:30
holsteinpretty sure i did intel as type04:31
holsteinand did the whole disk04:31
philipballew_ill try it04:31
holsteinphilipballew_: are the errors relating to the destination maybe?04:31
philipballew_holstein, it sayd there are zero files to recover04:33
holsteinphilipballew_: thats not good04:33
holsteinare you pointing to the right place?04:33
holsteini mean, you can mount it right?04:33
holsteinand you see files on it?04:33
philipballew_no. i dont see files on it. yes it mounts. i think the files were lost when they were being copied off them and the drive glitched04:35
holsteinphilipballew_: thats very odd04:35
holsteinif photorec dont see anything to save, then you can give up i say04:35
holsteinthats my go-to for jobs like that04:36
philipballew_well they were being copied and the drive somehow unmounted and yet it was still in the drive04:36
holsteinphilipballew_: :/04:36
holsteinyeah, who knows04:36
philipballew_then it said dont remove stuff without saftly ejecting04:36
philipballew_i dont know. crazy stuff04:36
holsteinyeah, you should unmount in OSX too04:37
philipballew_thats what is weird because it was still phsyically inside the drive. intresting04:40
ApOgEEhi all04:59
philipballew_ApOgEE, hello!04:59
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dvz-wuz good ppl05:42
coalwaterif i have a command that needs a display, and i can pass it the display as a parameter, can i start it on an ssh and let it start on the running session that has x server running?12:11
geirhaYes, if you know the displaynumber of the remove display, you can do  ssh user@remote DISPLAY="displaynum" command13:26
geirhaIf you want the remote command to use the local display, then  ssh -X user@remote command13:28
coalwatergeirha, could u please explain the -X parameter13:37
geirhaIt enables X11 forwarding13:39
geirhassh -X user@remote    will do some magic and set a DISPLAY variable on the remote end, which in turn means that any X11 programs you run from the remote shell will be displayed on your local display.13:40
coalwaterok that's cool but i think it needs a port13:41
coalwater** Message: err: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-MF6a6ExfDr: Connection refused13:41
geirhaThat seems unrelated to X11 forwarding.13:48
Sidewinder1bodhi_zazen, And a hearty Good Afternoon to you! Or is it an hearty/..18:18
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philipballewholstein, I managed to get all the data off from last night! thought i'd let you know21:58
elks294how would i view connections under http or https22:12
elks294or network ports in use22:12
elks294im running a newsreader and downloading but want to confirm port 443 is being used22:13
elks294ok nevermind22:23
coalwaterelks294, use network tools, ull find a netstat tab, try active network services option and choose scan22:23
coalwateror u can just run 'netstat' on terminal22:23
elks294i seen netstat but cant scroll up22:23
elks294the list is too long22:24
elks294how do i get to top of list in terminal22:24
coalwateruse | less or | more, or use shift + page up22:24
coalwateror output the whole output in a file22:24
coalwaterusing >22:24
coalwaterlike netstat > output.txt22:25
coalwaterthen u can do a gedit output.txt22:25
coalwaterso many options :P22:25
coalwateri like the pipe + less22:25
coalwaterlike netstat | less22:26
elks294shift + pgup does not get me to top of list22:26
elks294its cut out22:26
coalwaterthen use |less or | more or > output_file.txt22:27
elks294what is |less or| more22:27
coalwaterlets try a fast command22:28
coalwaterlike try "lshw | less"22:28
coalwaterthen u can scroll up and down with arrows22:28
coalwateror use "more" instead of "less"22:28
coalwaterlittle different functionality22:28
coalwatertry both22:28
coalwatermore can't go back up i suppose22:29
elks294now its saying log file:22:29
coalwaterwhat did u type?22:29
elks294lshw | less22:30
elks294''lshw | less''22:31
coalwaterlshw is just a command that has a huge output, just like netstat, the output it self isn't important, it's just the way u scroll22:31
coalwateru can use it with netstat22:31
elks294how do i get back to terminal its sitting at END22:31
coalwaternetstat | less22:31
elks294and the says log file:22:31
coalwaterpress Q22:31
coalwaterletter q22:32
elks294that works22:32
coalwaterany time :P22:33
coalwateru should try the output file once when ur done too22:33
coalwaternetstat > out.txt or something, then u'll find that file created, u can open it with gedit or any program22:34
elks294found what i needed22:35
kristian-aalborghi ppl22:40
kristian-aalborgmy usb pen is acting up22:40
kristian-aalborgthis is a "netinstall" ubuntu for which I added a desktop etc22:40
kristian-aalborgI'm wondering if I miss some lib or other? first the thing automounted at /mnt/disk - second time around it won't mount22:41
kristian-aalborgalso, holstein - yo!22:42
holsteinkristian-aalborg: wow22:44
holsteingood timing22:44
holsteinwhats up?22:44
kristian-aalborgnot much apart from me saying "yo" and cursing about that USB pen22:44
holsteinyeah, who knows22:45
holsteinkristian-aalborg: its showing up though right?22:45
holsteinjust not mounting?22:45
holsteinsee if it shows up in sudo fdisk -l22:45
kristian-aalborgit does22:45
kristian-aalborg/dev/sdb1               1         985     7911981    7  HPFS/NTFS22:46
holsteinand you can manually mount it?22:46
kristian-aalborgFailed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error22:48
kristian-aalborgI also got out of nowhere the last time I tried22:48
holsteinyeah, who knows.. those things go bad22:49
kristian-aalborgthis is quite new - 8 gb thingy22:49
holsteinunfortunately, those things come bad sometimes22:49
holsteinive had more than 5 new ones bad out of the box22:50
holsteinanyways... i would just reformat it22:50
holsteinsee how it acts on a nother machine too22:50
kristian-aalborgdamn it... this time I go with ext222:52
kristian-aalborgthis dude I'm giving some stuff can get serious about file system, I shall not pander to his primitive system!22:52
kristian-aalborgsorry if this is a bit o/t - but anyone know how I can check the status of a dropbox upload?22:54
holsteini just look at the applet in the tray22:57
holsteinif it looks susupicious, i kill it, and re-start dropbox22:57
charlie-tcaI look at the website interface to see if it made it, when I need to verify one.23:01
holsteincharlie-tca: good call23:03
holsteinkristian-aalborg: ^^23:03
holderHow can I test if my ISP is throttling my bittorrenting?23:04
kristian-aalborgyeah, I don't have much success with the nautilus implementation.... I'll use the browser interface, I guess23:04
holsteinholder: id probably call them up and ask23:08
kristian-aalborghttp://www.ext2fsd.com/ <--- anyone tried this (on Win)? Looks pretty solid...23:28

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