
kaushalAny idea about the comment #5 in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sun-java6/+bug/784604 when is it going to be available in the repos ?00:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 784604 in sun-java6 (Ubuntu) "a new java version is available for download (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:38
kaushalCan someone please comment about what does confirmed mean00:43
kaushaldoes it mean its acknowledged by dev team00:43
kaushalChecking in again for the query01:10
greg-gkaushal: confirmed usually means that at least one other person is experiencing the issue01:19
kaushalgreg-g: when is it going to be available ?01:22
hggdhkaushal, unknown ATM.01:33
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benonsoftwareDo you know why in Launchpad when I try to Triage a bug it's disabled?10:34
autraYou're part of bugsquad only ?10:36
autra(too late :-(  ))10:37
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brendandlp issues on a bug day. crikes11:36
evfoolyep brendand, lp keeps timeouting here too11:59
=== pedro_ changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Today is a Bug Day! : http://is.gd/SGIi1a | Ubuntu Bug Squad - next meeting 6/9/11 | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
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brendandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/793291 should be Low Importance, as it's pretty much a corner case14:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 793291 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "DoS window manager with extremely long error (affects: 1) (heat: 1134)" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:38
RedSingularitybrendand: done14:42
brendandRedSingularity - thx14:42
RedSingularitybrendand: no prob :)14:42
pedro_brendand, is that a window manager crash or a nautilus crash?14:47
pedro_can't reproduce it here btw14:48
brendandpedro_ - well no, the whole window manager doesn't crash.14:48
brendandpedro - if you run that code no window appears14:48
brendandpedro_ - but if you run it with a shorter name then one does14:48
brendandpedro_ - sometimes you see the window flicker and appear briefly before disappearing14:49
hggdhwhy is it a DoS?14:50
pedro_the title is really confusing..14:51
pedro_anyways that's something to send upstream, they might have a better idea on what's going on there14:54
hggdhbrendand, one exercise left is to find out up the minimum size ;-)14:54
pedro_as brendand said is really a corner case14:54
brendandpedro_ - do you know anywhere i could look to see if the window manager/nautilus actually crashed?14:55
roadmrbrendand: maybe .xsession-errors14:55
pedro_brendand, ~/.xsession-errors14:55
pedro_roadmr, was faster, hello btw!14:55
brendandpedro_ - astonishingly, this could be a bit more severe than i thought14:58
brendandpedro_ - once i run 'nautilus `python -c "print 'A' * 1000"`' in a terminal, compiz starts going a bit nuts14:58
brendandpedro_ - corrupts launcher and dash in the area where the window would have gone14:59
pedro_ah maybe because the window is gigantic14:59
brendandpedro_ - so might be a compiz thing, just a really big window is a good way to make it happen14:59
RedSingularityhggdh: meeting at 1900 UTC correct?14:59
pedro_brendand, i'm trying with metacity , wait a sec15:00
pedro_brendand, yeah looks like a window manager issue, its crashing metacity15:01
pedro_i'm getting a nice BadAlloc15:01
* brendand wishes people would file bugs where you don't have to do 30 mins of your own investigation to figure out what they meant15:08
pedro_is changing (add/remove) tags working for anybody?15:08
pedro_in lp of course :-P15:08
pedro_here is just showing me the loading icon and then nothing is changed15:09
brendandpedro_ - i still reckon it's low importance. quite the corner case. i think 1000 chars does it at the moment15:09
pedro_brendand, yup indeed15:09
CarlFKis there a cli to extract the stuff between ---[ cut here ]- and ---[ end trace ?15:10
hggdhRedSingularity, correct15:15
pedro_it says 1700 UTC hggdh RedSingularity15:19
hggdhpedro_, argh! Foiled again by the Google Calendar :-( thanks15:20
jibelCarlFK, perl is your friend, something like: perl -ne "print if /^---\[cut here/ ... /^---\[end/" path/to/your/trace.file15:20
jibelCarlFK, modify the regex as needed of course15:21
CarlFKjibel: yeah, just thinking if there was a util it would have other fancy features too15:22
jibelCarlFK, perl has many other fancy features ;-)15:22
roadmrperl is so fancy15:22
brendandpedro_ - the bug is in the window manager not nautilus, but seems to happen in both window managers (metacity and compiz). should i move the original to compiz and raise a new one in metacity, or 'also affect' metacity?15:26
pedro_brendand, that sounds good, yes please15:26
pedro_brendand, thanks for looking at the issue!15:27
CarlFK[    0.000000] Your BIOS is broken; DMAR reported at address 0!15:27
CarlFKhow do I dump the bios so I can compare it to a 2nd box that doesn't error?15:28
hggdhCarlFK, when looking for an utility, it _may_ help running 'apropos'15:30
hggdhCarlFK, for example, 'apropos bios'15:31
CarlFKohh cool15:31
hggdhCarlFK, from the output I see 'biosdecode (8)       - BIOS information decoder' <- this may, or may not, help15:31
hggdhCarlFK, a caveat... it all depends on the search argument (and if there actually is anything that deals with it)15:33
hggdhCarlFK, but... this sounds like a bad BIOS. This may, or may not, work: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=24579415:39
CarlFKenable virtualization - good chance that's the diff between the 2 boxes15:41
CarlFKthese boxes have really annoying bios setup, so I didn't want to have to try and walk though each screen looking for the diff15:42
brendandpedro_ - in metacity do you see any 'blurring' in the area where the window should have been?15:45
brendandpedro_ - that's what i get in compiz15:45
CarlFKhggdh: yep. virt was different.  synced them, now both crash :)15:47
pedro_brendand, nope i don't see that, that's probably due to the compositor15:50
pedro_brendand, i just see a 'huge' window15:51
hggdhCarlFK, heh15:51
brendandpedro_ - i thought metacity crashed?15:51
pedro_brendand, yup i'll open the bug about it in a few since it's a memory crash need to get a valgrind log15:52
RedSingularityhggdh, me too.  I have 1900 written here.16:05
hggdhRedSingularity, you may need to update the entry, we did change from 1900 (every other week) to 1700 every week16:06
hggdhRedSingularity, what foiled me is Google calendar never showing UTC16:06
RedSingularityhggdh: yeah.  Looks like someone updated the page already.  good.16:07
brendandcompiz bug tracker has only 38 bugs? something fishy about that to me...16:09
charlie-tcahuh? we changed the bugsquad meeting to weekly?16:23
charlie-tcahggdh: go to calendar settings, add a time zone, utc, and click on show all timezones16:25
charlie-tcaIt will then show both UTC and normal timezones side-by-side16:25
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hggdhcharlie-tca, still... I cannot see the additional TZ :-(16:36
charlie-tcahggdh: probably told you wrong again. take a look here and find this - http://imagebin.org/15752816:40
braiamHi loganaden17:02
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loganadenbraiam hi17:06
hggdhcharlie-tca, you told me right, it is Google vs. Me ;-)17:08
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pedro_BugSquad Meeting in ~10 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting17:50
pedro_not here at #ubuntu-meeting don't forget about that17:50
pedro_BugSquad Meeting in ~5 minutes at #ubuntu-meeting17:55
pedro_BugSquad Meeting now at #ubuntu-meeting17:59
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drowned1723hi everyone, got a question about filing a bug-report and wheter my problem is even a bug20:21
drowned1723ma ubuntu 11.04 is not booting after installing the latest updates (which included newer versions of xserver, gdm and plymouth)20:22
drowned1723can i revert these packages to the old ones and should i report a bug?20:23
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brendanddrowned1723 - if the updates weren't from -proposed then you should report a bug20:39
hggdhdrowned1723, ideally you should report a bug first -- even on a -proposed kernel (may be a regression)20:40
brendanddrowned1723 - what hggdh says is true actually20:40
drowned1723happened on a clean install of ubuntu 11.04, just 1 day old.20:41
drowned1723i will report a bug against plymouth20:41
brendanddrowned1723 - why plymouth?20:41
brendanddrowned1723 - plymouth is just a splash screen20:41
drowned1723i would say it's a graphics problem, as the kernel wasnt updated20:42
hggdhdrowned1723, if you can add (screenshots are OK) the boot messages it may help20:43
drowned1723no boot messages, as the screen goes blank immediatly after grub beeps20:43
brendand1. Hold Shift during Grub boot delay to access the boot menu.20:44
brendand2. Select your actual Ubuntu boot line and press "e" to edit it.20:44
brendand3. Select the "linux" line and at the end of the line, remove "splash" and "quiet".20:44
brendand5. Press "F10" to boot the custom boot line.20:44
hggdhtry a recovery startup, or edit the kernel options to take out the graphical options20:45
brendandas above20:45
hggdhheh. brendand was faster ;-)20:45
drowned1723i updated grub via livecd to not include the quiet splash. still the same20:45
brendandhggdh - with instructions and all ;)20:45
drowned1723and grub won't show the menu when hitteing shifgt20:45
hggdhdrowned1723, even on a recovery boot?20:46
drowned1723how do i get into recovery boot? via grub menu?20:46
hggdhoh. You do not see the grub menu...20:46
roadmrdrowned1723: you need to use the left shift key, just keep it pressed while booting the computer, grub menu *should* come up20:47
roadmrdrowned1723: also you mentioned grub beeps, that's when you need to hit shift (if grub beeps, it means you enabled the GRUB_INIT_TUNE20:47
drowned1723i kept hitting it, not keeping it pressed. i should try that.20:48
drowned1723it wont even show the blinking cursor thats normally displayed beore the splash screen20:48
drowned1723reinstalling grub from live cd didn't help either20:49
roadmrit's really strange that grub died altogether :-/20:49
hggdhanother option is to boot from a liveCD (or the alternate ISO), and select to mount your root disk20:50
drowned1723i mounted my root partition, chroot into it, edited /etc/default/grub to not include quiet splash and did grub-update20:51
drowned1723that's also where i enabled GRUB_INIT_TUNE20:51
hggdhyou can also change GRUB_TIMEOUT="-1"20:52
hggdhthis will cause grub to wait until you select an entry20:52
roadmrum, well if grub is picking up changes, it means it's not entirely dead :)20:53
hggdhfor reference, this is my grub setup: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622821/20:54
hggdhtime to restart after upgrades BRB20:56
drowned1723i changed GRUB_TIMEOUT="-1" and will try reboot..brb21:00
brendanddrowned1723 - if plymouth is off (quiet splash removed) then the bug can't be in plymouth21:01
drowned1723we will see, after the restart ;)21:01
brendandroadmr - i don't understand his problem :/21:02
roadmrbrendand: I have no idea either, he said after updating, I've done that and I'm still running21:03
brendandroadmr - hardware specific?21:03
roadmrbrendand: maybe, if he upgraded the kernel, but there are usually no nasty regressions like that on minor updates21:04
roadmrhis drivers might not have migrated to the new kernel but then again, he'd get at least a splash or some text before crashing21:04
brendandroadmr - kernel hasn't changed for natty21:05
brendandroadmr - since release - has it?21:05
brendandroadmr - i don't recall any SRU's going past21:05
roadmrbrendand: you're right, it's still -821:05
roadmrbrendand: however, -10 is already in -proposed21:05
brendandroadmr - that's not going anywhere because of a regression.21:06
hggdhthere was, IIRC, a nasty regression on current natty -proposed21:06
roadmrbrendand: wohoo, well I know of at least one bug reporter that was using -1021:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 792013 in linux (Ubuntu) (and 9 other projects) "linux: 2.6.38-10.44 -proposed tracker (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,In progress]21:07
drowned1723i'm back. was able to boot into recovery mode using low graphics.21:07
roadmrdrowned1723: hey, great to see you made it!21:07
brendanddrowned1723 - what gfx card to you have and what kernel version are you on? (uname -a)21:08
brendanddrowned1723 - and welcome back :)21:08
drowned17232.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP21:08
drowned1723gfx is a radeon 6800 i think.21:08
hggdhthe best (guaranteed) way of finding the kernel build is via /proc/version_signature21:08
brendanddrowned1723 - that hasn't changed then since release21:09
drowned1723ages old, still using AGP21:09
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drowned1723i haven't used proprietary drivers, but the default one21:10
brendanddrowned1723 - 'radeon'?21:10
drowned1723i guess? where can i check that?21:10
brendandlspci -vvnn21:11
brendanddrowned1723 - have to find the card in there and look at the kernel driver in use field21:12
drowned1723Kernel driver in use: radeon21:12
drowned1723i'm confused21:14
brendandmy daughter - lol :)21:16
brendandnote to self - keep computer out of reach21:16
drowned1723so, how do i proceed, to find the screwup in my system?21:18
brendanddrowned1723 - you really don't see any messages when  booting?21:24
drowned1723no messages. immediately showing a black screen.21:26
drowned1723i havent tried starting it from the grub menu yet. but there is no quiet splash in the bootoptions, just the way i have configured grub21:27
drowned1723i'll try booting the normal option from the grub menu, see if there are any messages. brb21:28
drowned1723now i'm completely confused. the normal boot option booted whitout splash right into gnome 2, as it's supposed to. only it's very low resolution like in recovery mode21:35
drowned1723and system->pref->monitors won't detect my monitor, which worked perfectly fine before the updates21:36
roadmrdrowned1723: does everything else work fine? could you check the video driver you're using, as you did earlier? could you run xrandr -q and see which resolutions are listed, and which one you're currently using?21:39
drowned1723max resolution listed is 1024x768, but it should be full HD21:42
drowned1723kernel driver in use: radeon21:44
drowned1723everything seems to work fine, sound, video (flash) etc.21:48
drowned1723seems to me, that EDID is not read succesfully21:49
roadmrand  this worked well prior to the upgrade, right? for instance, do you see the full list of resolutions if you boot with a livecd?21:51
roadmrhehe sorry for asking two questions :) I guess the more interesting one is the second: a livecd shows you the full list of resolutions, correct?21:52
drowned1723yes it does. and it correctly sets the resolution to 1080p21:52
roadmrdrowned1723: ok, so I think you might be on the right track with the EDID thing21:52
drowned1723edid is handled by which package? xorg?21:53
hggdh<sigh/> latest Oneiric updates seem to have broken gdm/wireless21:53
roadmrdrowned1723: I think so. Maybe comparing the /var/log/Xorg.0.log files could yield a clue; the one from your broken installation, and the one from the LiveCD21:53
roadmrhggdh: heh on Oneiric I don't even get a panel and/or Unity, I have to launch a terminal and work from there21:54
roadmrdrowned1723: You could file a bug on xorg, if you decide to do so, I think the copy of the LiveCD Xorg.0.log would be useful, to be attached to the bug in addition to what apport does21:56
drowned1723guess i have to restart into the livecd and copy the xorg.0.log. anything else i should look for/copy while i'm at it?21:56
roadmrdrowned1723: I don't think so, I think filing a bug is the way to go, apport will attach package version information and relevant log files, just add the LiveCD one afterwards21:57
drowned1723ok, will do that.21:57
roadmrdrowned1723: that way all the relevant info is in one place and we're not exchanging information piecemeal like we've been doing21:57
roadmrdrowned1723: thanks :)21:57
roadmrdrowned1723: here's some info on what the X team likes to see in their bug reports: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting21:58
drowned1723btw: if i force the older version of xorg to be installed via synaptics, are there going to be severe consequences for my system?21:58
roadmrdrowned1723: as long as all the other dependencies get correctly downgraded, I don't think so, but I can't offer any guarantees :P21:59
roadmrdrowned1723: you could also ask in #ubuntu-support about the downgrading thing, someone in there might have some experience with that22:00
drowned1723thanks. i will file the bug report, attach the live-cd-xorg-log and then try to downgrade.22:01
drowned1723thank you all for your help, very much appreciated =)22:01

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