
gemunu_Hi all.Im doing my first php project using Eclipse IDE .Can anyone tel me what is JDBC04:26
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jonoburnout session in just under 30mins!18:32
jono15mins until the burnout session - be sure to have Lernid installed - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/05/new-lernid-release-please-test/18:44
pleia2classbot will paste the URL of the slides at the beginning of the session and in the topic for folks who are just using regular IRC18:44
jonohi everyone!19:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Classroom - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom || Support in #ubuntu || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/8rtIi || Questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat || Current Session: Burnout: Detecting it, avoiding it, preventing it - Jono Bacon - Instructors: jono - Slides: http://is.gd/sD9xlm
ClassBotSlides for Burnout: Detecting it, avoiding it, preventing it - Jono Bacon: http://www.jonobacon.org/files/jonobacon-burnouttalk.pdf19:00
jonohi everyone and welcome to my session on burnout!19:00
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/09/%23ubuntu-classroom.html following the conclusion of the session.19:00
jonothanks to you all for joining me today to learn about what burnout is, how we can detect when it is happening, and importantly, how we can avoid it19:01
jonoin this session I am going to run through a series of slides - you should Lernid for this session and you can see the slides19:01
jonoplease be sure to click the Session tab to see the slides19:01
jonoyou can also get the slides at http://www.jonobacon.org/files/jonobacon-burnouttalk.pdf19:01
jonoalso, as you can see from the slides and the older Ubuntu logo, this slide deck is a little old, but the information is still very much valid - I think many of you will find this a really insightful session into your own risks of burnout19:02
jonoI am going to deliver the presentation, and then we will have a Q+A at the end of the session19:02
jonobut...before I go on, remember, I am not a doctor - I am sharing some personal experience and some information I learned, but you should always seek a doctor for medical advice...I am the last person you should listen to for medical consultation19:03
jonoso, without further ado...let's roll!19:03
jonoso, click the Session tab in Lernid, and let's go19:04
jono[SLIDE 2]19:04
jonoso, let's look at an example of burnout19:04
jonoI burned out once, and it sucked - it affected my professional life, my personal life, and my health19:04
jonoI had been at Canonical for just over a year, and I just didn't feel myself19:05
jonoI felt demotivated with work, unhappy in my relationship, but had no idea what to do to bring me the satisfaction I used to enjoy in my work and private life19:05
jonothings felt quite empty19:06
jonoI started snapping at people, getting behind on work, and bringing stress home - in a nutshell, things sucked19:06
jonoreally sucked19:06
jonohaving no knowledge of burnout and what it was, I was wandering around in the dark of my own psyche, and fortunately I figured it out19:06
jonosome years later, while writing The Art of Community, I wanted to pass on some advice to help people not get into the same situation, and this is when I found an article19:07
jono[SLIDE 3]19:07
jonoit was in the magazine MIND by Scientific American, and the article focused explicitly on the topic of burnout19:07
jonoit talked about the same symptoms I had - the stress, the lack of motivation, the effect on my home life - it really resonated with me19:07
jonobut then it painted the picture in a *really* interesting way19:07
jono[SLIDE 4]19:08
jonoit talked about something called the 'burnout cycle'19:08
jonothis cycle was a set of 12 stages that outlined the different elements of burnout19:08
jonoeach stage outlined the common symptoms and issues that happen as burnout progressively gets worse19:09
jonothis is an important point - burnout often does get worse if you don't treat it - it doesn't always just go away, as such, knowing the stages help you to identify the problems and treat them19:09
jonowhile each stage progressively gets worse and worse, not everyone suffers from each stage - sometimes you may skip a stage19:09
jonofortunately I got over my burnout19:10
jonoand now I understand why19:10
jonowhich is my inspiration for this session19:10
jonoto help others not suffer the same issues19:10
jonotoday I am going to run through these different stages19:10
jonoas I run through these stages, take a good, honest, hard look at yourself and see which stages apply to you - this could provide some insight into if you feel you are burning out19:10
jonothis is an important point19:11
jonoopen up GEdit and note down which stages apply to you19:11
jonofeel free to share them in the chat channel19:11
jonopart of dealing with burnout is finding others to help you through it, including fellow sufferers19:11
jonolet's start with stage #119:12
jono[SLIDE 5]19:12
jonotypically the first stage is a feeling of needing to demonstrate your value - maybe you don't feel other people see the good work you do19:12
jonoat this point you may work a little more to show you are putting the hours in, or try and make certain people aware of some of the things you do to show your value19:13
jonoat this stage insecurity is beginning to set in and you feel this urge to prove yourself19:13
jono[SLIDE 6]19:13
jonoat stage #2 you start working longer and harder19:13
jonoyou are putting more and more hours in and starting feel increasingly tired19:14
jonoyou feel you need to prove your value as a hard worker, but you also feel like other people are not seeing the fullest extent of your work19:14
jonoyou still feel insecure in whether people know your full value...and whether you actually bring anything19:14
jonoyou also start finding it increasingly difficult to switch off - thoughts of your work keep springing into your head when in bed, in the shower, with loved ones etc19:15
jonoyou find yourself constantly checking your email, maybe sneaking off to check it when with friends or family19:15
jono[SLIDE 7]19:15
jonoon to #319:16
jonowith all this extra work and longer hours, you start depriving yourself of important needs19:16
jonoyou sleep less, you start drinking a lot more coffee or inducing more caffeine19:16
jonoyou probably start eating crap and other unhealthy food19:17
jonowhile you can sustain a lack of sleep and bad nutrition for a while, you start feeling the effects of it - you feel stodgy and tired, and you start looking more to caffeine and other means to keep going19:17
jonowith all this work you are also spending less time with your friends and family, but you play it off as "being really busy right now", and they generally go along with it19:17
jono[SLIDE 8]19:17
jonoat #4 you start getting jittery and antsy19:17
jonoyour insecurities about what you are doing are worse than ever, and you start feeling paranoid that other people maybe don't have your best interests at heart19:18
jonowith this insecurity and paranoia you feel threatened by some people...maybe your boss, your colleagues...19:18
jonoin your own mind you know something is up...you feel shitty and stressed...but you dismiss at other things that are causing it - people...the company...they are the fault19:18
jono[SLIDE 9]19:19
jonowe then get to #519:19
jonothis is when other people start getting worried about you19:19
jonoyour values start become to be skewed - it is easy to dismiss other non-work related elements in your life as "distraction from work", and you de-prioritize them19:19
jonoyou see your friends and family far less than you used to, and even when you do you just want to get back to work and not be with them - this adds to the frustration, the last thing you need is someone's birthday or baby shower with all this going on in your life19:20
jonoyou start viewing other things in your life as irrelevant - video games, movies, music...they all seem like things that you can't "justify the time for"19:20
jonowork becomes your only focus...you start stressing about if you were to lose your job, how would you pay your mortgage?19:21
jonoyou are filled with stress about work, and the lack of friends and family time starts adding to the stress - people complain that they never see you, and your partner is getting frustrated with all of this19:21
jono[SLIDE 10]19:21
jonoat stage #6 you really deny the issues that are happening to you - it is too painful to accept what is going on19:22
jonoyou start losing your temper more and more with people, you become intolerant and frustrated with your colleagues and friends19:22
jonoyou blame others for the problems that are going on - why don't people work as much as me? why don't these people get it? I haven't got time for all this nonsense!19:22
jonoyou start complaining and blaming others for the amount of work you have to do - you have too many emails, too many meetings, too many things to do and not enough time19:23
jonoyour lack of sleep and nutrition, and lack of stress-relieving time with friends, family and hobbies means the stress keeps mounting up19:23
jono[SLIDE 11]19:23
jonoat stage #7 you are in a serious state of burnout19:24
jonoyou start to withdraw from friends and family more, you find yourself feeling more and and more depressed, and we probably start seeing more tears from you19:24
jonoyou feel this build-up of stress inside you and you feel you have to get rid of it - you feel constricted by it, but you don't know how to get rid of it19:24
jonounfortunately, this is when people can look to unhealthy avenues to relieve this stress - you might start drinking more, and possibly using drugs to help you relax19:24
jono[SLIDE 12]19:25
jonoat stage #8 friends and family start some really erratic behavior from you19:25
jonoyou look tired, unhappy and disheveled19:25
jonopeople around you start becoming quite concerned - some colleagues and friends may talk to you about it and express their concerns19:25
jonoat this point your manager may express concerns about productivity or even encourage your to take some time off19:26
jono[SLIDE 13]19:26
jonoat stage #9 you feel completely worthless and feel like you bring little if any value19:26
jonoyou have a real lack of confidence and are filled with insecurity, and start believing that nothing can solve the problems you have19:27
jonolife starts to feel mechanical and like a series of steps - you don't care about your work anymore, you get little pleasure from it19:27
jonoat this stage you are feeling really depressed and like few options exist to relieve the depression19:27
jono[SLIDE 14]19:28
jonoat stage #10 you feel lonely and empty - your friends and family see you less due to your erratic behavior19:28
jonoyou start indulging more and more in drink and drugs, and possibly in illicit activity such as escorts to relieve the tension19:29
jonoyour sleep is heavily disruptive, you are eating like crap, and likely overeating to help provide some comfort - as such, you may be putting more and more weight on, which adds to your issues of self-confidence19:29
jono[SLIDE 15]19:29
jonoat this point you are suffering from serious depression19:30
jonoyou feel lost and unsure how to get back on track19:30
jonoyou are tired, feel beaten down, and feel like you threw away so many good things in your life19:30
jonothe future feels pretty bleak - you don't see much of a way out of your current situation19:30
jonoin a nutshell: life is crap right now19:31
jono[SLIDE 16]19:31
jonothe final stage is the worst19:31
jonothis is often when people consider drastic solutions such as suicide19:32
jonoyou are on the verge of serious mental and physical exhaustion and problems19:32
jonoso...that summarizes the different stages19:32
jonopretty depressing stuff as you get further down the line19:33
jonoand it provides some insight of how much worse burnout can get as it progresses19:33
jonoso, lets talk about solution19:33
jonoso, lets talk about solutions19:33
jonothere is a simple solution to much of this19:33
jono[SLIDE 17]19:33
jonowe are a *community*19:34
jonopart of what we should do is make an awesome Ubuntu, but we need to look after each other too19:34
jononow you can see the stages of burnout, we should look for these stages in others too19:34
jonoin many cases those who suffer burnout will not know that it is affecting them19:34
jonoit is important for us to be able to see it in our friends and help them see it too19:35
jonoso something you can *all* do is to help look out for these risks of burnout19:35
jonokeep an eye for the symptoms in others and if you see something, having a private chat with them and sharing your feedback is a good thing to do19:36
jonoa kind voice sharing some concerned words in a gentle way can often encourage people to tend to the issue when it is in the earlier stages19:36
jonoif someone in our community is frustrated, shouting at people, and being erratic...remember, it might be burnout19:37
jono[SLIDE 18]19:37
jonoso lets look at some guidance for different types of folks19:37
jonoif you are a manager or leader:19:37
jonoalways provide support for your team19:38
jonoa great manager (a) helps people be successful and (b) helps them be happy and comfortable in their work19:38
jonomany managers focus on (a) and rarely look at (b)19:38
jonoif a member of the team is burning out, be there for them as a friend as well as a manager19:38
jonohelp them to restructure their objectives19:38
jonoand give them plenty of moral support19:39
jonoI have seen this many times in my role as Ubuntu Community Manager - some folks just hanker after a pat on the back19:39
jonothis validation can mean huge amounts for different people19:39
jonowe all need validation19:39
jonoI wrote a blog entry up about this at http://www.jonobacon.org/2009/07/30/on-validation/19:40
jonoif you work in a team, such  as an Ubuntu community team, always be there to help your teammates deal with burnout19:40
jonoalso be there to help grow a team spirit - remember a lot of the earlier issues with burnout is people feeling insecure about their work19:41
jonohelp your teammates to feel like valued contributors and provide lots of validation19:41
jonoif you are experiencing burnout yourself:19:42
jonoalways talk to your manager first19:42
jonoshare your concerns and feelings, reach out to him/her to help you solve them19:42
jonowhen you know you are burning out, enforce stricter work hours - don19:43
jonodon't get sucked into the "working longer" issue19:43
jonoalso take regular breaks and be sure to chill out away from work - on you games console, with friends/family, wherever19:43
jono[SLIDE 19]19:44
jonoand that, my friends, wraps up the presentation19:44
jonowe have 15mins for Q+A19:44
jonoin Lernid, press the QUESTION button and ask questions19:44
jonooh, before I go on19:44
jonoI have always been a firm believer that how you percieve problems and challenges can shape your success in life19:45
jonoI wrote this up recently at http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/05/28/problems-open-doors-to-solutions/ - be sure to check it out19:45
ClassBotagoole asked: how do you deal with burnouts when your workplace is also your home ?19:46
jonoagoole, I work from home too19:46
jonothe risk of home-working is never stopping working19:46
jonoI think it is really important that you separate out your work area - have a place where you work, and at the end of the day close it up and go back the following morning19:47
jonoalso be sure not to skip lunch and breaks19:47
jonolots of people do that (I did) and it screws them up19:47
jonoI find a great solution is to have lunch and watch YouTube videos or TV when you eat19:47
jonoit just helps you unwind a little19:47
ClassBotAlmeneses asked: ¿What if I'm a student? ¿who to talk to?19:47
jonoAlmeneses, talk to your friends and also your teacher - teachers are often great at helping with these kinds of burnout issues19:48
ClassBotjuank_prada41 asked: Thanks for this session Jono, I just have a question. What if burnout happens to your partner? what can you do about it?19:48
jonothanks juank_prada41!19:48
jonoI have seen this with my wife before - first be a reassuring and friendly voice19:49
jonobe there to know you are a team19:49
jonowhen my wife has a bit of burnout I reassure her that I am here for her and say we are "Team Bacon" and that we will solve it together19:49
jonoreassurance but also helping your partner to understand the issues and bring clarity to them is important19:50
ClassBotThere are 10 minutes remaining in the current session.19:50
jonoit is also important that you don't lecture your partner and get on your high-horse, that can cause defensiveness - just be patient and be a listener with a focus on solutions19:50
ClassBothannes57 asked: What can i do, to be more confident in making decisions? The hole time everything is working fine. but everytime i have to decide something, i won't be really sure doing the right thing.19:50
jonohannes57, decision-making is something that we learn as we get older - a lot of the work in decision-making is having your own confidence that you can make a decision19:51
jonoa lot of decision makers feel insecure about screwing things up or not having the authority to make the decision19:51
jonobuild your self confidence first, and reassure yourself that you are the right person to make the decision19:52
jonoyou should read Making Things Happen - it is a great book on this kind of topic19:52
jonoalright, we are out of questions!19:52
ClassBotiheartubuntu52 asked: Jono - How can one get all the things done, yet remain cool, calm, collected and not get burned out?19:53
jonoiheartubuntu52, developing your own workflow is something that developers over the years - I recommend that you figure out who inspires you and learn from them19:53
jonoI learned everything I know about my current workflow from other people19:53
jonoand trial and error in seeing how it works19:54
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jonoyou should also strive to develop a sensor in your brain for when you feel stressed19:54
jonoalright, I think we are done19:54
jonothanks for the questions, folks!19:54
jonoand thanks for joining me today!19:54
jonoremember, "I got your back" -  let's be there for each other!19:55
ClassBotThere are 5 minutes remaining in the current session.19:55
ClassBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/09/%23ubuntu-classroom.html20:00
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