
mhall119paultag: my only concern is that you may be too awesome for facebook00:04
mhall119I mean, I bet your nook rooting project doesn't broadcast anybody's private information00:05
mhall119hmmm, makershed.com might be dangerous02:53
paultagmhall119: thanks :P03:00
paultagmhall119: interview went well, my recriter just called me and said that the responses were positive, and that they wanted another phone interview03:01
paultagnot sure if that's good or not, I mean, on-site is supposed to be sorta a final thing03:01
paultagI'm wondering if I did not get some points off and they want to make sure I'm unfit03:01
paultagFsck it. What happens happens.03:21
cjohnstonjono: jcastro http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html03:43
mhall119paultag: could be that you passed the technical, and now they want to ask you some "work culture" questions03:45
paultagmhall119: I really hope so, I'm so burned out on interview questions, I Just want to build something, damnit03:47
mhall119they didn't ask you the stupid "how would you calculate the number of gas stations in the city" did they?03:48
paultagmhall119: what *kills* me is that 5 minutes before that call I would have been real cocky about how well I did. Now, I'm shaken up and I don't know03:48
paultagmhall119: dude, so fucking many. Also these little pedantic fun questions03:48
mhall119I hate those03:48
paultagthere was this one that was nasty03:49
paultagtook me a few minutes03:49
mhall119that and the "do you know this obscure fact about some language on a certain hardware arch"03:49
paultagmhall119: aye. I much more dread the CS trick questions since that's what I do03:49
paultagand I'd much rather fail at something I'm not good at03:49
mhall119I like to ask them to put the question in the form of an actual scenario03:50
paultagmhall119: truth03:51
mhall119what was the nasty one?03:51
mhall119or are you under an NDA on these03:51
paultagmhall119: I'm under an NDA for some of it. Hold on, let me see the paperwork03:52
paultagmhall119: no, we're clean. This is a common question and therefore not subject to the NDA, since it's "in the wild" through no fault of myself03:52
mhall119was it "How would you go about collecting and broadcasting people's most private details while making them keep coming back to your service like addicts looking for a fix?"03:52
mhall119or was that one under the NDA?03:53
mhall119probably under the NSA03:53
paultagI can not confirm nor deny03:53
paultagmhall119: http://me.pault.ag/dft-nl03:54
paultagmhall119: given the data structure on the top, write a non-recursive function to print that result, without adding any data to the nodes, and in O(n) time03:55
mhall119aw, cs stuff03:55
paultagmhall119: well yeah :)03:55
paultagmhall119: give it a hack, it's not too too bad03:56
paultagI got the first part (printing them out in order) in about 3 minutes, getting the newlines caused me trouble03:56
paultagI don't think I can give my solution, and I can not confirm that was the actual question they asked me03:56
paultagbut if it's not, it's similar, I'd guess03:57
mhall119can you put this in the form of an actual scenario? ;)03:59
paultagmhall119: nope :)03:59
paultagmhall119: I'm going to rm that file, just in case03:59
mhall119then it's not really a problem is it? next03:59
paultagmhall119: it's a puzzle, and pullzes > problems04:00
paultagpuzzles *04:00
mhall119are they going to pay you to play with puzzles?04:00
paultagmhall119: yeah04:00
mhall119(would love to answer interview questions like this)04:00
paultagmhall119: they do, actually :)04:00
paultagif we can figure out a puzzle, we've optimized something04:00
paultagand optimization is key04:01
paultagthat's why O(n) is important, and not O(n!)04:01
paultagI need a massage04:03
mhall119I need a cs class, apparently04:04
mhall119or fewer, perhaps, as I can't stop thinking of recursion04:05
paultagmhall119: facebook and google are very CS heavy, which is good, but at the same time, it's not average04:05
paultagdon't worry, most languages have this built in04:05
paultag.sort() does not need to have you go through it with big-O notation04:06
paultagI'm going to go back to moping around, I'm really bummed. I wonder why he said it was positive, seems like that can't be true04:07
* mhall119 sends happy thoughts and optimism your way04:08
paultagmhall119: thanks man :)04:08
paultagI hope they call some of my 'refs for some love04:08
mhall119paultag: did the algorithm have to work for any binary tree?04:10
mhall119or just this one?04:10
mhall119wait, is 5 a child of both 2 and 3?04:11
paultagmhall119: no, just 2 -- and any binary tree04:11
mhall119ok, so 3 has only one child04:11
paultagunknown number of child nodes per depth04:11
paultagmhall119: right04:11
mhall119yeah, I'm throwing in the towel on that04:13
mhall119otherwise I'll be up all night04:13
* mhall119 might anyway now :(04:13
paultagmhall119: solve this and I'll buy you a beer when we meet up04:13
paultagit's actually fun04:14
paultagthe first part is fairly easy (and you can google for it, but that's cheating)04:15
paultagthe second bit is a bit tougher, but still fun04:15
paultagmhall119: fiture it out yet?04:41
paultagsed s/fiture/figure/g04:41
mhall119paultag: no, I'm distracting my brain04:52
paultagmhall119: :)05:01
nigelbpaultag: !05:20
nigelbpaultag: How'd it go?05:20
nigelbjono: you should see google doodle today ;)05:40
AlanBellwhat does the red button do?07:01
Rhondawhere do you see a red button?07:03
AlanBellah, it lets you play it with the keyboard07:05
jononigelb, nice!07:06
jononight all!07:07
* jono is tired07:07
RhondaAlanBell: I don't see any red button, just some strings on a guitar.07:07
AlanBellgrey keyboard button that goes red when you click it07:09
dpmmorning all07:33
nigelbMorning dpm.07:37
nigelbHello AlanBell and Rhonda :)07:37
dpmhey nigelb :)07:40
duanedesign;lo a;;07:53
duanedesign ugh07:53
duanedesignstill see i am sloelelihjly wingling in back in ti the fold07:53
nigelbI'm not quite sure what the 5th word there is :p07:54
duanedesigni need a light ed keyboard or better tyoing skills07:54
duanedesignthe sentence was ro read,  I am slowly getting recclimated07:55
duanedesigntoday is typo day for duane07:56
duanedesigni have been so distracted lately trying to get a 'dream job'07:58
duanedesignthr process has raken almost 4 weeks...07:58
nigelbduanedesign: did you get the job? :)07:59
duanedesignscratch that it has been 6 weekss, I have twi more weeks to find out08:00
nigelbdream jobs++08:00
duanedesignit has been two weeks since my interview snd i want to craft an email letting then knowi am still very interested08:01
duanedesignbut yet not come off 'pushy'08:01
duanedesignbut i want to be seen as someone who goes after things they want08:02
duanedesignnigelb: pm?08:03
nigelbduanedesign: yup08:03
jussihas anyone seen doctormo recently ?08:05
dholbachgood morning08:23
nigelbGood morning dholbach08:23
nigelbduanedesign: see PM :)08:23
dholbachh inig08:24
dholbachhi nigelb08:24
dholbachoops :)08:24
nigelbdholbach: Need more coffee? ;)08:25
dholbachyes :)08:25
jussiseems its typpo day in here.08:26
nigelbjussi: I see the irony in that sentence :)08:26
jussiyup :P08:27
jussi(it was deliberate) :D08:27
nigelbyeah right ;)08:28
kim0Morning everyone09:06
nigelbMorning kim009:11
kim0nigelb: hey man09:14
blackmoon-105hi, this is the right place for ask about ubuntu wiki (community documentation)?10:33
blackmoon-105i need to remove an attachment from a page10:33
=== daker_ is now known as daker
AlanBellblackmoon-105_: not really, but what page?11:10
blackmoon-105_AlanBell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Asus_N53?action=AttachFile    attachment:20_custom-ehci-hcd11:12
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
AlanBellyou can upload a new version here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Asus_N53?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=20_custom-ehci-hcd but it would take someone who can delete pages to delete it12:41
AlanBelltry in #ubuntu-doc for someone who can do that12:41
blackmoon-105AlanBell: overwrite is not allowed :-( I've aleady asked in #ubuntu-doc with no answer12:48
cjohnstonAlanBell: id assume that those are checked in through bzr since its on help.u.c12:50
AlanBellnot sure12:51
popey /community/ is a wiki12:56
popey / is not.12:57
popeydrop matthew east a mail. he has access12:57
* czajkowski hugs popey 12:57
popeybtw whats the issue?12:57
popeyI arrived to this late12:57
mhall119somebody drove their car into help.ubuntu.com on their way to work, any idea who that could be?13:00
mhall119they took out a mailing list too13:01
czajkowskimhall119: your a bad bad egg13:01
* czajkowski sends mhall119 to the naughty step 13:02
blackmoon-105popey: i must remove an attachment in the community wiki, but i  can't13:02
mhall119that sounds like a fun place to be, actually ;)13:02
popeywhy do you need to remove it blackmoon-105 ?13:02
blackmoon-105besause it's a duplicate file with another name13:02
popeyoh. not a massive problem then ☺13:02
popeyjust drop mdke at ubuntu.com a mail and ask for deletion and tell him why13:03
blackmoon-105popey: ok, thank you :-)13:04
dpmok everyone, calling it a day a bit earlier today15:26
dpmhave a nice rest of the day and I'll see you tomorrow!15:26
jonokim0, all set?15:31
kim0jono: yep15:31
jonokim0, ok, one sec15:31
jcastro<-- early lunch16:40
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
IdleOnejono: Where can I follow your Burnout session later on, lernid is not working for me in 11.10?17:41
jonoIdleOne, it should work17:42
jonoIdleOne, #ubuntu-classroom also17:43
jonobut I will be displaying slides17:43
IdleOnejono: yeah that is why I installed from PPA and tried running but no go. Get a bunch of errors - bug reported -17:43
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
nigelbdholbach: is your blog ipv6 only currently?18:14
dholbachnigelb, no?18:14
nigelbdholbach: hrm, it just fails for me. Works on my VPS though.18:14
dholbachis anybody else having similar problems?18:15
* nigelb traceroutes18:16
dholbachhow far do you get?18:17
koolhead17hi all18:17
koolhead17hi kim0  jono18:17
pleia2looks fine to me18:17
nigelbdholbach: I get as far as "so-1-3-0.0.pjr01.ldn001.flagtel.com (" and then * * * :(18:18
dholbachhum, that's clearly not part of my route18:18
nigelbyup, something wrong with my provider.18:19
nigelboh well, socks-proxing through VPS++ :)18:19
dholbachdaniel@miyazaki:~$ mtr so-1-3-0.0.pjr01.ldn001.flagtel.com18:19
dholbachFailed to resolve host: Name or service not known18:19
dholbachI can traceroute pjr01.ldn001.flagtel.com though18:19
nigelbI'm going to just blame my ISP for this. doctormo's blog doesn't work for me either :/18:20
dholbachok, good18:20
dholbachalright, and with that I'm going to call it a day18:21
dholbachbig hugs to all of you and see you tomorrow18:21
nigelbg'nite dholbach :)18:22
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
nigelbjcastro: ping21:15
nigelbjcastro: AlanBell and I have been tossing up ideas for Ada Lovelace day competition for Ubuntu Women Project.  One of the ideas was a competition for writing unity lenses.  Thoughts? :)21:16
jcastroI don't know what changes are coming for lenses in 11.1021:21
jcastroso I would lean towards something else as a competition21:21
nigelbjcastro: okay, glad I asked you in that case.21:26
nigelbAlanBell: ^^21:26
nigelbjcastro: Thanks!21:27
jcastrono worries21:27
jcastro<-- outta here, tty tomorrow!22:07
jcastroheya cjohnston22:09
jcastrowho else worked on status.ubuntu.com? Or was it all you?22:09
AlanBellthere is quite a lot of awesome in that status.ubuntu.com22:16
jcastroit's pretty great22:16
AlanBellhttp://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/u/sabdfl.html needs to be assigned more work items at uds-p22:18
davidcalleSeeing such a detailed About page on this kind of site is awesome.22:21
jcastroI got kind of doomed22:21
jcastromy line reset22:21
jcastroI was nice and under my line, now I am right on the line22:21
jcastrojono: ^^^ please don't fire me, I blame cjohnston22:22
=== scott-work_ is now known as scott-work
cjohnstonjcastro: Initial script is pitti's.. With mods by James W.23:07

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