
=== asac_ is now known as asac
pitti_Good mormorning05:44
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pittimterry: I don't have an example of defining signals in python, I'm afraid05:45
didrocksgood morning07:39
didrocksrobert_ancell: hey, I've been able to login! nice work :-)07:40
robert_ancelldidrocks, well, that's good news!07:40
didrocksindeed, I was fearing a little bit choosing lightdm by default yesterday in the debconf screen :-)07:41
didrocksand was planning to slack for an entire day07:41
didrocksbut again, no excuse then! :-)07:41
pittibonjour didrocks07:46
didrocksguten morgen pitti07:46
didrockspitti: thanks for pushing the SRU!07:47
didrocksIIRC, there was a verification failed bug, I have to find it to retarget for the dx team07:47
pittididrocks: bug 75078107:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 750781 in unity "Opening quicklist with launcher keynav returns focus to previous window" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75078107:50
pittididrocks: I watned to reopen it, but LP keeps timing out07:50
pittithey had a performance regression in this night's rollout07:50
pittiI'll keep trying07:50
didrockspitti: don't bother, I'll do it. Thanks for the link :-)07:51
didrocksindeed, timeouting here as well, with the ajax or static method07:51
pittididrocks: http://identi.ca/launchpadstatus/all07:52
didrockspitti: do you use identica or did they pointed this to you? :)07:52
didrocksok, nice to know it's under work07:52
lifelesspitti: that may be a different issue07:53
lifelesspitti: the slowdown we have is contention related07:54
pittididrocks: lifeless pointed it out07:54
lifelessCan you get an OOPS code for it ?07:54
didrockspitti: oh, you didn't confirm bug #772185 to be fixed?07:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 772185 in nux "launcher sometimes doesn't hide when there are windows beneath it" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77218507:54
pittilifeless: OOPS-1986B6507:54
pittididrocks: I'm not running natty-proposed07:55
didrockspitti: ok, I think I'll ask for pedro for this (the nux version in oneiric is exactly the same, so at least, for a first confirmation that's fixed)07:57
lifelesspitti: which task are you trying to reopen ?07:58
pittiseems I need to get back to oneiric's gdm to get user switching back07:58
pittithat's all broken with the current gdm3 in bzr07:58
lifelessthe ubuntu one, or natty, or upstream?07:58
pittilifeless: ubuntu and natty; I'm not allowed to reopen upstream07:58
pitti(I would, though)07:58
lifeless-> triaged? or fix committed ?07:58
didrockslifeless: all three should be reopened and the upstream should be remilestoned to sru207:58
lifelessso yeah this is our known issue07:59
didrocksmaybe unassigning Manuel as well so that the dx team can focus on this07:59
lifelessits waiting on a table lock07:59
lifelessanother hour or two and we should have a fix deployed08:00
didrocksexcellent :)08:00
lifelesscode is (hopefully) done, its in test now08:00
didrocksRAOF: web browser in gdm? really? how was that presented? :-)08:15
RAOFI don't know :)08:17
* didrocks still have a 4 months backlog on lwn :/08:17
didrocksoh, changing policykit08:17
RAOFchrisccoulson was also talking about it last week in here.08:17
didrocksRAOF: thanks for the link :)08:18
tjaaltoni can't start the unity session in oneiric, compiz is filling my .xsession-errors with "unable to load icon text-x-preview at size 48"08:35
tjaaltonlooks like it's bug 794556 (thanks Sarvatt)08:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 794556 in unity "Unable to load icon text-x-preview at size 48 in a loop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79455608:38
didrockstjaalton: try to see with the dx team then, they don't really read there08:38
tjaaltondidrocks: I confirmed the bug08:39
didrocksthanks :)08:40
seb128hey desktopers08:50
seb128hey didrocks pitti08:50
didrockssalut seb128!08:50
pittihey seb12808:50
seb128how are you?08:50
didrocksI'm fine, thanks, and you?08:54
seb128hey rodrigo_09:00
seb128didrocks, I'm fine as well thanks!09:00
didrockshey rodrigo_09:01
mvopitti: did anything change in dbus activation with regard to the environment? aptdaemon is dbus activated but it does not get the default system language anymore it seems in natty, that leads to issue with the apt ddtp translations.09:24
cdbsI can't boot with the latest lightdm in oneiric09:32
jibelcdbs, same here, looks like a problem with gnome-power-manager crashing and respawning too quickly.09:34
pittimvo: not really, no; dbus activated system services have never gotten any environment at all09:35
pittimvo: what did change, however, is that gdm now prefers to set $LANGUAGE and $LC_MESSAGES instead of $LANG09:36
mvopitti: and we do not set the LANGUAGE in /etc/default/locale anymore on a fresh install I just noticed?09:39
pittiI'm not sure09:39
seb128cdbs, open a bug, robert_ancell is not online and he's the only one to have a clue about it at the moment I think09:40
ftanot sure if it's the gdm->lightdm switch, but unity is no longer able to launch stuff not in /usr/bin09:56
alex3fhi, I'm experiencing #397096 in up-to-date natty, does anyone know something about it?09:57
ogra_fta, sounds like a PATH issue09:57
seb128fta, how do you run things?09:58
seb128alex3f, hi, that's not really a desktopish bug, try #ubuntu-kernel rather09:59
ftai have a game launcher, it used to work, now it's just spinning and nothing happens. yet, i still have /usr/games in my path09:59
seb128launcher in unity?09:59
seb128the launchers use the .desktop so it would probably be the glib update rather than lightdm10:00
seb128well just as a guess10:00
seb128does clicking on the .desktop for that game in nautilus work?10:00
alex3fseb128: thanks10:00
seb128do you get any error in .xsession-errors?10:00
ftato confirm it, i symlinked the game in /usr/bin and the launcher restarted to work10:00
ftano, nothing relevant  in .xsession-errors10:01
seb128does the .desktop has the path or just the command?10:01
seb128i.e does it rely on the games dir to be in the path?10:01
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone10:01
ftajust the command10:01
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you today ?10:01
brycehheya ho chrisccoulson10:01
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm good thanks.. how are you?10:01
seb128fta, ok, could be lightdm I guess10:02
chrisccoulsonhi bryceh10:02
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks10:02
didrockshey chrisccoulson10:02
chrisccoulsonhi didrocks10:02
seb128fta, strings /proc/$(pidof compiz/environ | grep -i path10:02
seb128fta, strings /proc/$(pidof compiz)/environ | grep -i path10:02
seb128ok, games is not in your path10:03
fta echo $PATH10:03
didrocksfta: that's because you modify it in you .bashrc, isn't it?10:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks, no, /usr/games is there by default10:04
ftasort of, i use tcsh ;)10:04
chrisccoulsonbut i guess compiz inherits its environment from lightdm10:04
brycehfta, *shudder*10:04
didrockschrisccoulson: right10:04
chrisccoulsonso it's entirely possible it has a different path10:04
chrisccoulson**compiz and anything else started by gnome-session10:05
seb128fta, open a bug on lightdm10:05
didrocksinteresting, lightdm doesn't read /etc/environment ?10:05
didrocksor just ignore latest :var maybe :)10:05
seb128it doesn't open the profile either10:06
seb128bug #79431510:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 794315 in lightdm "lightdm forgets to source /etc/profile and ~/.profile" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79431510:06
seb128but robert_ancell admitted he was not sure what all those shell scripts etc were still useful for10:06
seb128it's a bit of a mess to try to figure what is useful or legacy and to try to clean it10:06
ftaseb128, seems a wider problem. my login shell is tcsh and my ~/.login has a path with /usr/games in it, it doesn't work either10:10
seb128well tcsh is supposed to source itself its config files10:10
seb128it has nothing to do with the xorg session10:11
seb128you could as well log into a vt10:11
seb128games not being in the path is likely a dm issue though10:11
seb128it's probably just not sourcing some configs that it should source10:11
seb128speaking of dm10:11
seb128pitti, how is gdm going?10:11
seb128pitti, is it just blocked on this race on user loading issue?10:11
ftaseb128, n-m, wrong machine10:12
pittiI still have the redraw issue, and the plymouth integration is also broken10:12
pittiand of course it also breaks user switching, but that needs to be fixed in the indicator, I think10:12
pittibut I got sucked into other things yesterday; I hope I can continue on it today10:12
seb128pitti, do you still have 16_gdmserver_user_manager in the serie or did comment or drop it?10:13
pittiseb128: ah, I dropped it, as this should really be in accountsservice now10:14
pittisame for lightdm10:14
seb128pitti, that's what the indicator use for user switching10:14
seb128well it defines the methods the indicator need10:15
seb128that's why it's broken I guess10:15
seb128well I wouldn't block on the issues you listed10:15
seb128especially if lightdm is default10:16
pittibut I'll at least try to update the plymouth patch from fedora10:16
pittiright now it's really quite hideous10:16
pittioh, btw -- http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110609/ !10:16
* pitti dances happily10:17
pittiof course RAOF and chrisccoulson will ruin it all over again :)10:17
seb128so we have a 5 to 6mb margin10:17
seb128it would be enough for the old tb10:18
chrisccoulsonwha? what did i do? :)10:18
seb128chrisccoulson, you want to replace our nice integrated email client by yours ;-)10:18
chrisccoulsonis anyone here using desktopcouch atm?10:18
pittiseb128: 699 -> 703 is more like 4 by my school of maths :)10:18
chrisccoulsoni need it to work just so i can use it to test my lernid port to webkit10:19
pittiI have a couch besides me, but I prefer the chair for working10:19
chrisccoulsonbut it totally fails on me the one time i want to use it10:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - heh ;)10:19
seb128pitti, doh, I looked at the first which is 69710:19
seb128but that's amd64mac10:19
seb128chrisccoulson, check with the u1 guys I guess10:20
seb128chrisccoulson, well "using", I've indicator-weather running which use it10:20
seb128but I don't know anything about how to deal with it manually10:20
seb128I can try things for you though10:21
RAOFpitti: I've even shaved an extra ~4 MiB off mesa locally :).10:31
pittiRAOF: impressive! will that be enough for llvm?10:31
pittiRAOF: more static linking duplicate removal?10:32
RAOF-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 19M 2011-05-27 19:49 /usr/lib/libLLVM-2.9.so.1 :(10:32
RAOFYeah, now with added galliumness.10:32
pittiRAOF: gzip -cd /usr/lib/libLLVM-2.9.so.1 | wc -c10:32
pittisorry, gzip -c of course10:33
pittiso +6.6 and -410:33
pittiwell, that's not too bad10:33
pittiRAOF: can we use jpeg compression? :-)10:34
* RAOF heads to dinner.10:34
pittithat'll only cause bugs that are imperceptible anyway, right?10:34
chrisccoulsonpitti - i reckon nss/nspr/sqlite take up about 1.5MB in each of firefox and thunderbird10:38
chrisccoulsonso i coud probably get us 3MB by not shipping those ;)10:38
chrisccoulsonbut i would like to only do that for the CD though, as they frequently bump the requirement of those libs10:39
chrisccoulsonespecially nss/nspr10:39
ogra_seb128, fyi i filed bug 794938 for the login issues i see10:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 794938 in lightdm "lightdm dies with "Failed to fork: Cannot allocate memory" on login" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79493810:40
seb128try talking to robert_ancell as well when he's online maybe as well10:41
ogra_is robert on vacation atm ?10:41
pittino, just on the other side of the planet10:41
ogra_sisnce he doesnt seem to be around since a week or so10:41
ogra_ah, k10:41
seb128he is10:41
pittiI usually see him in the morning10:41
seb128he's just quiet on IRC10:41
seb128he leaves between 9 and 10 european time usually10:41
ogra_i'll try to catch him then10:42
seb128but he doesn't say anything if you don't talk to him ;-)10:42
ogra_ah, bad time for me, i usually dont start my day before 1010:42
seb128didrocks, did he reply to your comment earlier?10:42
seb128ogra_, emails usually work fine with him though ;-)10:42
ogra_well, my bug should have caused a mail for him now :)10:43
seb128also I'm not sure how much working on a logging manager and keeping a graphical IRC client work together :p10:43
ogra_thats why we have VMs :)10:43
didrocksseb128: he replied, yeah10:43
seb128pitti, rodrigo_: ok, glib 2.29 is in oneiric, looking at gtk 3.1 next10:45
pittiyay for gdbus-codegen10:45
* ogra_ shudders after his oneiric screensaver locked the screen once again ...10:46
ogra_centered panel clocks are sooo 80s10:46
seb128pitti, nice, debian merged some of our dbus diff10:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, btw, mike conley upgraded to oneiric last night. he gets the gnome-session fail screen immediately after log in now ;)10:47
seb128what session did he pick?10:47
pittiseb128: indeed -- multiarch patches can go to Debian now10:47
chrisccoulsonhe's using unity-2d10:47
ogra_do you guys plan to redo the screensaver UI ?10:47
chrisccoulsonseb128 - it looks like metacity aborts10:47
seb128pitti, they merged that and some other bits10:47
pittiseb128: so we can commit some of our delta to Debian's svn, which also helps them10:47
ogra_or will we have to live with what gnome gives us10:47
rodrigo_seb128, ok, cool10:48
seb128doh, wrong focus10:48
pittiogra_: I certainly hope we can get a better screensaver10:48
ogra_pitti, ++10:48
ogra_we should probably reconsider xscreensaver ;)10:49
seb128pitti, btw do you have an opinion about what dbus serie we should track or do you know who to ask about the 1.5 schedule?10:49
seb128pitti, we should probably update to either 1.4.10 (debian unstable) or 1.5.2 (experimental)10:50
seb128chrisccoulson agreed to work on gnome-screensaver to bring back the hacks support10:50
chrisccoulsonyep :)10:50
pittiseb128: I'm not really involved in dbus development, so I don't have a good answer, I'm afraid10:50
seb128pitti, ok no worry, I will ping the debian guys10:50
pittiseb128: personally I lean towards tracking unstable10:50
pittiseb128: as long as we don't have a particular reason to go to the 1.5 version10:51
pittiwe've got enough disruptions already :)10:51
seb128well the reason would be "it's in unstable serie leading to 1.6 but 1.6 will be after oneiric"10:52
seb128I will check if I can figure their schedule10:52
chrisccoulsonseb128 - your criteria for deciding something like that should be based on that of comment 6 in https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=656277 ;)10:55
ubot2Mozilla bug 656277 in Canvas: WebGL "Prevent loading WebGL textures from cross-domain images" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:55
chrisccoulson"can i still play angry birds?"10:55
seb128bah, angry birds in firefox sucks, I played it recently10:56
seb128no sound and it's slugish in hd, I had to play in sd10:56
seb128on a i5 cpu and a recent laptop config10:57
chrisccoulsonintel driver?10:57
chrisccoulsonyeah, accelaration is disabled because it just crashes10:58
chrisccoulsonit's only enabled for nvidia users10:58
didrocksand doesn't work with every sites :)10:58
chrisccoulsonb'ah, g-s-d just decided to reconfigure my screen layout for no reason10:58
chrisccoulsonthat happened yesterday too10:58
didrockschrisccoulson: oh btw, I have to sent the bug # to Pascal about this nvidia issue (we had a fight at the party at each unity bugs he was bothering me with, I was sending a firefox one ;)). But I couldn't find that one which is the prio #1 for preventing me using firefox10:59
seb128pitti, ok, I asked smcv, he said there is no schedule for 1.6, it's mainly blocked on some review and on lennart and keybuk to agree on how activation should work11:04
seb128"<smcv> at the moment we have systemd support merged, upstart support in an unmerged branch, and lennart saying "neither of these is actually the right approach" without suggesting what the right approach is"11:04
seb128"<smcv> seb128: if you can arrange for lennart and keybuk to be locked in a room until they agree on how activation should work, that would accelerate 1.6 :-)"11:04
seb128pitti, let's stay on 1.4 for now I guess ;-)11:04
pittiseb128: yes, I agree11:04
pittias long as our huge dbus patches still apply, that should be ok11:05
seb128well .8 to .10 is only bug fixes11:06
seb128I might have a go to update it but that will be next week, I want to do gtk 3.1 first11:06
seb128chrisccoulson, so do you want me to test your lernid update?11:17
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chrisccoulsonseb128, it also doesn't build ;)11:18
seb128ok, well lernid runs there11:18
seb128so I can test your port once it builds if you want11:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, you're on oneiric aren't you?11:19
pittichrisccoulson: please cofirm: new natty langpacks should NOT ship the ffox search plugins any more11:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, that's right. they're all in the firefox 5 beta language packs11:20
pittiPackage: language-pack-de-base11:20
pittiRecommends: firefox-locale-de11:20
chrisccoulsonpitti - are you ready to build those?11:20
pittichrisccoulson: I just did11:20
pittibut I noticed that I still have the searchplugins11:20
pittibut I can just rm them, no need to rebuild again11:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh,  you used what is in the firefox-next PPA?11:21
pittiI also removed them from langpack-o-matic11:21
pittichrisccoulson: yes11:21
pittichrisccoulson: wasn't that the plan?11:21
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks11:21
pittito unblock langpack builds11:21
pittibut once we upload them, we should actually get ffox into -proposed as well11:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, although i thought you were going to use the firefox build in proposed11:21
pittioh, we have one?11:21
pittithere's nothing in natty-proposed11:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - so, we should probably get firefox in to proposed first, so people don't lose their translations11:22
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's not uploaded yet :)11:22
pittiright, that's what I mean11:22
chrisccoulsonpitti - can you copy packages from https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa in to natty-proposed?11:22
pittis/edge.// :)11:23
pittichrisccoulson: if it had firefox, then yes11:23
pittithat's what we usually do11:23
chrisccoulsoni discussed briefly with micah, and we decided we should build firefox here before we copy to -proposed (as we're treating it as a security update, so we don't want to build firefox with -updates)11:23
pittichrisccoulson: I can also copy source only from any other PPA11:23
pittiright, makes sense11:23
chrisccoulsonok, so i can get firefox uploaded there11:24
pittichrisccoulson: I'll locally build the German langpacks for testing before I upload the lot11:24
pittichrisccoulson: shall I build a language for you as well?11:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - yes please :)11:24
pittichrisccoulson: any preference?11:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't mind. i can test any language really11:25
pittiFrench it is then!11:25
pittiand the English one11:25
chrisccoulsonpitti - it seems that mozilla have started the final beta build for firefox 5 - http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/7056b773830d11:25
chrisccoulsoni'll wait until those guys are awake before uploading, just to check if they've found any show-stopper issues11:26
seb128pitti, french is a good choice! can I help by testing?11:32
pittibinary debdiffs look good to me11:33
seb128pitti, so I should take a natty box, add the ~ubuntu-mozilla-security ppa and upgrade firefox and see if it's still working fine and in french?11:34
chrisccoulsonseb128 - we're going to put the packages in -proposed, so you can test it without adding that PPA11:37
chrisccoulsonunless you want to test before it goes in to proposed ;)11:37
seb128well did you need testing before it goes in proposed?11:37
pittichrisccoulson, seb128: http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/tmp/lp/11:37
chrisccoulsonit might be a good idea :)11:37
seb128I can, I've a box which I just use for testing11:37
pittinote that I don't want to upload the langpacks until firefox is in -proposed11:38
didrockschrisccoulson: have you seen my previous question about the nvidia issue?11:38
seb128ok, so I add the mozilla security ppa, upgrade and install the langpacks from pitti?11:38
pittias otherwise the recommends: firefox-locale-XX will not work, and the upgrade won't pull in the firefox translations11:38
chrisccoulsonseb128 - you can actually test the build that is in the firefox-next PPA (https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next)11:38
pittiseb128: it should work to add https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next11:38
chrisccoulsonyeah :)11:38
seb128ok, doing that11:38
pittiadd this, then install the .debs11:38
chrisccoulsonthat's basically what will go in to proposed11:39
pittinote that a dpkg -i also won't pull in the recommends11:39
chrisccoulsondidrocks, one second11:39
pittiseb128: ^ so you need to install that manually11:39
pittichrisccoulson: do you think we can get it into -proposed today or tomorrow?11:39
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, you just want the bug number?11:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - sure, that won't be a problem11:40
didrockschrisccoulson: yeah :)11:40
pittiso that the translation testers can get going over the weekend?11:40
chrisccoulsondidrocks, hmm, i can't find it now ;)11:42
didrockschrisccoulson: no worry, I couldn't find it as well11:43
chrisccoulsoni wonder if launchpad has helpfully expired it11:43
chrisccoulsondidrocks, there is bug 605567, which is the same issue11:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 605567 in firefox "Extremely slow painting of launchpad.net bug details page with nvidia driver" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60556711:44
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, thanks a lot! :)11:44
chrisccoulsondidrocks, who is Pascal btw?11:44
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didrockschrisccoulson: french mozilla community coordinator11:45
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ah, ok11:45
chrisccoulsondpm - did you see my question last night about the en-AU translations we seem to have for firefox?11:51
chrisccoulsondpm - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60985711:52
ubot2Mozilla bug 609857 in plugins.mozilla.org "Find Updates for plug-ins can lead to the wrong page." [Major,New: ]11:52
lifelessdidrocks: that bug can be edited now11:52
dpmchrisccoulson, I did, sorry, but much later on and I forgot to answer this morning. So this is probably a case of translations done in Launchpad which haven't made it upstream11:53
dpmlet me check...11:53
didrockslifeless: excellent! doing it now then :) thanks for the notice11:53
dpmchrisccoulson, yeah, translations were done in LP, but not in upstream:11:55
dpm* https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/firefox/+pots/firefox/en_AU/+details11:55
dpm* http://hg.mozilla.org/l10n-central/11:56
dpmSo that's another team translating in LP11:56
chrisccoulsondpm - ah, ok. thanks11:56
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chrisccoulsonb'ah, i just created the new tarball for firefox and forgot to update the translations12:07
chrisccoulsoni should add a hook to do that automatically ;)12:07
seb128mvo, hey, I think I asked you before but do we still need synaptic on the default installation?12:17
seb128grrrr update-manager12:19
seb128so adding ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next leads to update-manager saying the packages are not authentificated and it refuses to install those12:19
seb128mvo, help me ;-)12:20
seb128mvo, I did add "ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next" in software-properties (natty) why does it refuses to install packages from it?12:22
ogra_missed apt-get update ?12:23
mvoseb128: does apt-key list list the signing key for the ppa?12:23
seb128ogra_, I hitted refresh in update-manager 3 times so I guess it did it12:23
seb128mvo, dunno, how do I know what it the key for the ppa?12:23
ogra_i have seen key issues too in the past12:23
ogra_but not regulary reproducable12:24
seb128mvo, sorry to have dump questions :p12:24
ogra_seb128, the key is on the ppa page12:24
seb128ogra_, I see those every second time I add a ppa and update-manager doesn't even let you an "install anyway" option :-(12:24
ogra_wow, thats bad12:24
ogra_i saw them on two ppa out of like 10 i used last cycle12:25
ogra_and the errors were gone if i removed and added it again12:25
ogra_seems somethinmes the apt-key run doesnt happen12:25
seb128mvo, no it doesn't12:26
seb128ok, let's remove the ppa lines in software-properties and add it again12:29
seb128that worked, go figure12:29
seb128ogra_, mvo: thanks ;-)12:29
ogra_doesnt solve the core issue indeed12:30
seb128desactivating and activating the ppa line in software-properties or doing a refresh in update-manager didn't fix it, I had to remove the lines and add the ppa again12:30
seb128ogra_, right but that will do for today so that's ok ;-)12:30
ogra_btw, i always use the cmdline method12:30
ogra_so its not u-m but one of the backend tools12:31
seb128right, I know how to add a key, I just try to stick to what our user experience should be12:31
ogra_it could also be LPs fault indeed ... i'm seeing lots and lots of timouts today12:32
seb128there is a bug which makes keys not added in some cases and update-manager which let you select the upgrades and click install to return a dialog saying it can't because they are not authentification without having an install anyway option is the issue12:32
ogra_which is correct behavior12:32
seb128no it's not12:33
ogra_sure, u-m should complain if packages cant be authenticated12:33
seb128it should not let check those in the list to start and write in red "not authentificated" or something12:33
seb128or if it does let you check them it should let you do the "install anyway" thing12:33
ogra_you mean it should just ignore the entries it cant authenticate ?12:33
ogra_but then you will never know that this ppa doesnt actually work12:33
seb128no, I mean either it should not let you select them if they can't be installed or it should let you ignore the issue if it let you select them12:34
ogra_ah, now i understand, yeah12:34
seb128well it could write in the upgrade list "can"t be installed due to authentification issue"12:34
seb128the same way it doesn't let you select things that bring new depends or have conflicts on others12:34
seb128(out of the fact it doesn't give you the reason why those can't be selected)12:35
seb128it's just that letting me select 25 updates and click on install to display a "can't install" dialog and send me back to the list with my selection resetted is annoying12:35
seb128it means I spent a minutes selecting what I want to upgrade to get say "no" and to get my work wasted12:35
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti: ok, firefox upgrade and langpack worked well, I get firefox5 in french12:38
chrisccoulsonseb128, and you get french search plugins? (and no duplicates)12:39
seb128chrisccoulson, it seems to have dropped my bookmark though (I went to google.fr and click the star in the url bar before the update and the bookmark is not there now, it still shows in recently bookmarked though)12:39
seb128chrisccoulson, define "search plugin" ;-)12:39
seb128how do I test that?12:39
seb128the start page is an ubuntu google one in french12:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, next do the search box on the addressbar, there is a dropdown to let you select a search engine other than google12:40
seb128yeah, it's in french12:40
seb128it has wikipédia (fr)12:40
seb128no duplicate12:40
seb128it has also google, yahoo, etc12:40
seb128with google default12:40
chrisccoulsonthat's weird about the bookmarks. did it only lose the one that you recently bookmarked?12:41
seb128it's a test box, I've no bookmark12:41
seb128I just did one before the upgrade to test if they would be kept12:41
chrisccoulsonah, ok12:41
chrisccoulsonwas the browser still open whilst you upgraded?12:41
chrisccoulsonand it closed ok?12:42
seb128I restarted the box in between and reconnected to the ppa authentification issues in update-manager12:42
mvoseb128: hm, good point, u-m actually knows if they are authenticated or not, it could display that12:43
chrisccoulsonthat's odd. i'll see if i get the same issue here12:43
seb128mvo, one thing it would be nice also is that if you select 60 updates and 1 has authentification issues it could still install the 59 remaining ones ;-)12:43
seb128chrisccoulson, well maybe that's a local issue, don't bother12:44
seb128chrisccoulson, I will downgrade and try again to see what happens12:44
* ogra_ thinks it should just hide them and tell you that the "ppa <blah>" is missing the key12:44
ogra_*before* you can select anything12:44
chrisccoulsonseb128, it didn't happen on your main install did it? (that has already gone through this upgrade)12:44
seb128chrisccoulson, no, but that  one is on oneiric12:44
seb128I still have my bookmarks there ;-)12:45
chrisccoulsonok, that's good i suppose ;)12:45
seb128chrisccoulson, but yeah, I added just one bookmark, closed, restarted and upgraded, it could have vanished before the upgrade :p12:45
seb128chrisccoulson, it's still show up in the "recently bookmarked" though12:45
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's really weird :)12:45
seb128chrisccoulson, the start is yellow when I go on google.fr as well12:46
seb128so it thinks it's bookmarked, it's just not showing up in the menu12:46
seb128not showing up in firefox4 either after downgrading12:47
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh12:47
chrisccoulsoni bet it went in to "Unsorted bookmarks" ;)12:47
chrisccoulsonif you click on the star again, it will tell you where it is12:47
seb128right, it did12:47
chrisccoulsonthe unsorted bookmarks don't show in the menu12:47
seb128where is that categorie displayed?12:47
seb128there is no "unsorted bookmarks" sub menu either12:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - there should be an "Unsorted bookmarks" item in the bookmark menu, which will open a separate window12:48
seb128chrisccoulson, no, there is not12:48
chrisccoulsoni'm using firefox 7 here, so it might be different12:48
seb128I'm pretty sure it was in the bookmark menu when I added it before restarting12:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, you're right. there is no menu item for unsorted bookmarks in the old firefox ;)12:49
seb128so they are bookmarks with no way to access those out of typing the awesome bar?12:49
seb128weird user experience ;-)12:50
chrisccoulsonif you go to bookmarks -> Show all bookmarks, it will open the bookmark editor12:50
chrisccoulsonyou should be able to see it there ;)12:50
seb128the "checking for updates" dialog on first start is not translated in french btw12:50
seb128not sure if that's a bug in the translation or firefox12:50
chrisccoulsonthat's probably just missing translations12:50
seb128well out of those 2 issues firefox works fine and in french12:50
chrisccoulsonhas that always been the case?12:51
seb128I think so12:51
seb128I noticed it on natty after upgrading some boxes12:51
chrisccoulsonah, ok. that's ok then :)12:51
seb128I meant to check but I never did12:51
seb128is the "unsorted bookmark" thing new? it's a bit confusing12:51
seb128I think I usually use ctrl-d rather than clicking on the start, that does the right thing12:52
seb128well ignore me then ;-)12:52
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti: great work on the update, worked fine for my natty test box ;-)12:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure. you can choose to put your bookmark in the bookmark menu rather than in the unsorted section12:53
chrisccoulsonand then i think it remembers your selection after that12:53
seb128well that's a test box, I never bookmarked anything before12:53
chrisccoulsonbut in firefox 7, the unsorted bookmarks are exposed in the menu anyway12:53
seb128ok, so let's say it's a bug and firefox in the new version ;-)12:53
pittiseb128: nice, thanks!12:56
seb128mvo, btw did you see the synaptic question? seems apturl and software-properties still depend on it, do you think that can be solved this cycle?12:57
mvoseb128: I'm currently hunting a bug in apt that prevents translated package descriptons from properly showing, do you see that on your french oneiric machine too? i.e. are the long descriptions french in s-c?12:57
mvoseb128: I saw it, I think its solvable12:57
seb128mvo, they are in french in apt-cache show, is that different from s-c?12:58
mvoseb128: yeah, there is a issue with aptdaemon rebuilding the cache apparently as it runs in a LANG=C environment12:59
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seb128mvo, seems to work fine for me13:04
seb128in update-manager as well13:04
seb128mvo, but it might depends on some /etc/environment or something which is correctly set for me from old versions13:05
mvoseb128: ok, thanks! indeed /etc/environment maybe the missing clue and the reason why I had trouble reproducing this13:07
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pedro_hello folks13:16
pedro_smspillaz, are you around?13:16
pedro_smspillaz, i'm trying to verify bug 771391 , you're pointing to a test case program there but the link seems broken , can you point me to the right one so i can verify that fix? thanks!13:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 771391 in compiz "Unity launcher gets visible while screensaver is active" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77139113:17
didrockshey pedro_!13:19
didrockspedro_: don't forget nux as well which is in the unity land :)13:19
didrocksand thanks for the unity fix confirmation yesterday btw ;)13:19
pedro_salut didrocks, do you know anything about that bug?13:19
pedro_didrocks, ok i'll have a look to it today13:19
didrockspedro_: well, I asked for a test case to smspillaz, maybe better to wait on him for getting a working link13:20
smspillazhang on a minute13:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, firefox is uploading now13:25
* rodrigo_ lunch13:25
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, are you using the thunderbird 5.0?13:27
chrisccoulsonricotz, yeah13:28
ricotzchrisccoulson, do you consider it stable enough for productive usage?13:28
* ricotz isnt brave enough to use it yet since it is quite sensetive13:29
chrisccoulsonricotz, i'm not sure. i don't expect it's going to change much before release, so i don't think you'll have any issues with it13:29
chrisccoulsondo you use any extensions?13:29
ricotzchrisccoulson, hmm, i see -- i use enigmail and lightning13:30
chrisccoulsonricotz, heh. those are the worst ones for me ;)13:30
chrisccoulsonyou're not on oneiric yet?13:30
ricotzchrisccoulson, hehe, yes i am13:31
ricotzon oneiric13:31
chrisccoulsonoh, ok. so you should be able to get a working enigmail and lightning, but i've not tested those much13:31
chrisccoulsonand enigmail is based on the latest crack from upstream ;)13:31
ricotzhmm, sounds adventurous ;)13:32
ricotzi am using local installs of these extension, so no packaged ones13:33
ricotzi will investigate the current compatibility status of them and might try it ;)13:33
chrisccoulsonoh, you might have more difficulty then, as there's no new releases to support the latest version of thunderbird yet13:33
ricotzchrisccoulson, thanks13:33
ricotzyeah, that might be a problem13:34
pittichrisccoulson: thanks!13:38
pittichrisccoulson: still not in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+queue?queue_state=1 -- did something go wrong?13:58
pittichrisccoulson: oh, nevermind -- the security PPA, I presume13:58
pittiyep, it's building there13:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah :) (sorry, just went to grab a coffee)14:06
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chrisccoulsonpitti - your gnome-icon-theme split causes metacity to assert() on startup ;)14:28
chrisccoulson(because of a missing gtk-missing-image icon)14:28
m_conleyyeah, I just got bit by this one.14:28
chrisccoulsonthere's not a copy of that in hicolor, but it is shipped in the gnome theme (and is in gnome-icon-theme-full)14:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - metacity:ERROR:ui/ui.c:754:meta_ui_get_default_window_icon: assertion failed: (default_icon)14:30
chrisccoulsonthat's what m_conley sees by default when he tries to start a 2D session14:30
pittichrisccoulson: argh; I'll move it to g-i-t then14:30
chrisccoulsonawesome, thanks :)14:30
m_conleypitti: thanks!14:31
pittichrisccoulson, m_conley: is there a bug report about it already which I shoulc close?14:31
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, we just debugged it over IRC14:32
pittiok, then I'll just upload14:32
pittim_conley, chrisccoulson: uploaded; sorry for the hassle14:36
m_conleypitti: not a problem - thanks!14:37
alex3fmvo: ping :-)14:45
mvohey alex3f :)14:46
alex3fmvo: I know you're busy, I just wanted to ask if you had the time to look at my emails14:46
mvoalex3f: yeah, sorry for not replying yet, I have a look next, definitely today!14:47
alex3fmvo: that's great, thank you :D14:47
mvoyour welcome14:47
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mterryIs anyone else having network troubles on oneiric?15:20
rodrigo_mterry, a lot, although I was thinking it was my router15:21
rodrigo_mterry, disconnections and such?15:22
seb128hey mterry, what sort? the indicator applet keeps doing the wifi animation there but I'm on eth and that works15:22
seb128not sure if the wifi is functional though15:22
kinouchouhello seb12815:22
seb128lut kinouchou, ca va ?15:22
mterryrodrigo_, yes.  seb128, For the past few days, I've been seeing "silent" disconnections that make it seem like wifi is still connected even though no packets get through.  Have to restart NM.  Now, I can't even connect via wifi or eth015:23
cyphermoxmterry: I get this every once in a while, think it's wpasupplicant15:23
kinouchouyep seb12815:23
pittisoo - http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html15:23
cyphermoxbut I also get issues with my wifi router15:23
rodrigo_mterry, for me, it disconnects a lot, but had never to restart NM, it just connects again on its own15:24
cyphermoxpitti: cool15:25
cyphermoxmterry: rodrigo_, care to share at least /var/log/syslog if you see disconnections again, just in case there's something I can figure from it? (or open bugs)15:30
rodrigo_cyphermox, yes, sure15:30
mterrycyphermox, k.  right now the behavior I see is as if it never finds any devices, so never connects at all15:30
cyphermoxmterry: ah, doesn't see devices?15:30
cyphermoxhold on a second15:31
cyphermoxalmost everything is greyed out and it says "No devices availa15:31
mterrycyphermox, hrm...  let me open it back up to see exact ui15:33
DavieyHi, is Oneiric Unity desktop currently known to be broken?15:34
cyphermoxmterry: ok... because I see exactly this on one system here15:34
cyphermoxon my laptop everything is a-ok, though15:34
Davieyas in, currently when i login i get the wallpaper and mouse pointer.. no panels or icons.15:34
mterrycyphermox, so first, nm-applet appears as a one-pixel indicator until I restart network-manager15:35
seb128pitti, great work, who did that?15:35
cyphermoxmterry: arf15:35
seb128pitti, is that the linaro thing they showed up at UDS?15:35
mterrycyphermox, once restarted, it appears.  But everything is grayed out (including switches to enable networking).  It doesn't say "No devices available" but rather "Disconnected"15:36
cyphermoxmterry: let me see something, looks like there's some kind of issue between NM and things speaking to it15:37
stgrabertjaalton: just wondering, did you find a workaround for bug 794556 ? I've been trying to get a working X session for 30 minutes and haven't found anything that works (metacity crashes, compiz crashes even failsafe xterm doesn't seem to work ...)15:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 794556 in unity "Unable to load icon text-x-preview at size 48 in a loop" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79455615:37
mterrystgraber, install gnome-icon-theme-full15:37
mterrystgraber, are you using gnome-themes-standard?15:38
mterryI think it's missing a depends15:38
* Daviey tries that15:38
stgrabermterry: no gnome-themes-standard installed here. Installing gnome-icon-theme-full now for testing15:38
tjaaltonoh, I'll try that too15:39
mterrystgraber, hmm, well, we should figure out what is silently depending on it then and add the Depends15:39
stgrabermterry: it works! just installed gnome-icon-theme-full and everything starts now15:40
stgrabermterry: thanks!15:40
seb128we should rather move the icon in the standard icon set15:40
seb128pitti, ^15:40
* stgraber updates bug report with the workaround15:40
* Daviey reboots as he went on a kill frenzy15:40
mterryseb128, sure, if these machines don't have any non-default apps.  But I'm not sure who was actually requesting that file.  Probably unity now that I think of it15:41
tjaaltonyep, installing g-i-t-f worked for me too15:41
kinouchouseb128: You come for the RMLL?15:41
seb128kinouchou, dunno yet15:41
seb128mterry, IconTexture.cpp:#define DEFAULT_ICON "text-x-preview"15:42
seb128in unity15:42
mterrythere ya go  :)15:43
stgrabermetacity was also immediately crashing for me with an assert saying it couldn't find some default theme15:43
stgrabermight be the same issue (or not)15:43
* Daviey confirms that workaroud15:44
seb128softwares should handle missing icons15:44
seb128then we should figure what icons should be in the default set15:44
chrisccoulsonstgraber, pitti fixed the metacity issue already (see the scrollback)15:44
stgraberchrisccoulson: cool!15:45
chrisccoulsonstgraber, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-icon-theme/3.0.0-2ubuntu215:46
seb128mterry, is the "backup" icon in the oneiric control-center a deja-dup one?15:48
mterryseb128, yes15:48
seb128mterry, can I complain about people using switch button instead of checkboxes? ;-)15:48
seb128I though the switch button where of devices on,off only?15:49
mterryseb128, you mean for deja-dup?  That's an approved HIG use :)15:49
seb128mterry, nice work otherwise ;-)15:49
mterryseb128, also for capital-F Features.  Things like daemons or whatnot15:49
seb128dunno why but I keep being confused by those, I never know why state is on or off15:50
chrisccoulsonmaybe it's a theming issue, but i really hate them15:50
mterryseb128, yeah...  hopefully our theme will make it awesomely clear15:50
chrisccoulsoni hope so15:50
Davieygnome-appearance-properties been dropped?15:50
cyphermoxyeah :/15:51
Davieychrisccoulson: and replaced with? :)15:51
mvowhat are the buttons called by apple?15:51
chrisccoulsonDaviey, nothing. but you can install gnome-tweak-tool15:51
Davieychrisccoulson: nothing long term?15:51
chrisccoulsonDaviey, yeah, i think so15:51
tuhina082i had gnome 315:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm wondering how we are meant to handle people upgrading from older releases with a non-default theme selected15:53
chrisccoulsonthere's not really an obvious way for them to reset that now15:53
seb128chrisccoulson, upstream way would be to reset theme and wallpaper to the default GNOME3 ones15:53
tuhina082i had gnome3 then after some upgrade it never logged, failed to load session gnome15:54
seb128tuhina082, hi, try #ubuntu for user questions15:54
tuhina082failed to load session ubuntu15:54
tuhina082oh ok15:54
chrisccoulsonseb128, do you think we should do that too? (reset users theme on upgrade)15:54
chrisccoulson(if we're not doing that already)15:55
cyphermoxmterry: ok, so something got upgraded in the last few days that broke NM15:55
cyphermoxmterry: I'm tracking it down now, got a few ideas15:55
chrisccoulsonseb128, especially seeing as most people upgrading from natty with a customized theme won't have a gtk3 version of that theme15:56
mterrycyphermox, awesome15:56
chrisccoulsonor is that something that's been considered already?15:56
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm thinking about it, ideally if the user has one of the 2 light themes we should keep it15:56
seb128otherwise we can reset it15:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, makes sense15:56
seb128but we can't use the .convert thing if we need to have logic in the conversion15:57
chrisccoulsoni definitely think we should reset it to one of the defaults (ambiance or radiance). being left with no gtk3 theme after the upgrade from natty is not going to be very nice15:57
chrisccoulsonespecially with no way to configure it ;)15:57
seb128right, I'm just wondering if it's worth the effort to keep the specific light theme selected15:58
seb128rather than just resetting the default15:58
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm not sure15:59
seb128tuhina082, -> #ubuntu15:59
tuhina082this is desktop15:59
didrocksseb128: I still think it's important when possible, as it's such details which makes the difference15:59
seb128chrisccoulson, we can default to simply reset and if somebody wants to come with a solution to stay on an another theme if available they can send a patch for it16:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, so, i guess the easiest way to reset would be to just drop the entries from the .convert file for the schema wouldn't it?16:00
seb128the other way would be to migrate the key and to set the fallback if the theme is invalid to be the default ubuntu theme16:00
didrocksseb128: +1 on that16:01
cyphermoxmterry: libglib.16:01
seb128chrisccoulson, right16:01
cyphermoxmterry: try downgrading to libglib 2.29.4-0ubuntu1, see if you get farther. it seems a *little* more happy on my system16:02
mterrycyphermox, :-/ I believe it, but ideally such upgrades wouldn't kill NM16:02
cyphermoxmterry: totally agree16:02
cyphermoxI'll bring it back to the right version now and try if rebuilding NM makes it work properly16:03
seb128if there is a bug in glib somebody should report it to the glib bugzilla, ideally with a testcase or a patch16:03
seb128when did your issues start?16:03
cyphermoxjust don't know what breaks16:03
seb128glib only landed yesterday and mterry said he has issue for some days16:03
cyphermoxI know, but it's definitely not helping16:04
cyphermoxAFAICT here, I jumped from 2.28.6-0ubuntu1 to 2.29.6-0ubuntu1 and it stopped working properly (or at least, the menu doesn't display right at all, and even nmcli fails, though that gets built from the network-manager source package16:05
cyphermoxI think the greyed out items are due to something else16:06
seb1282.29.4 was in yesterday, 2.29.6 today16:06
seb128well there the indicator keeps doing the animation thing and none of the eth or wifi connections are checked16:07
cyphermoxyeah, I was seeing there same16:08
* cyphermox is testing the rebuild now16:09
seb128hum, and I get no bluetooth indicator16:09
seb128not sure if that's the same issue though16:09
cyphermoxneither do I, but Iḿ not sure if it was showing up before16:09
chrisccoulsoni have no bt indicator either, but bluetooth hasn't worked at all since i upgraded to oneiric16:09
cyphermoxah, bluetooth-applet just wasn't started here16:10
seb128I'm pretty sure the bluetooth indicator was still there earlier this week, I used it to turn on a device for a member call16:10
cyphermoxi'll test that now too16:11
seb128running bluetooth-applet on a command line leads to no indicator to be displayed for me16:11
didrocksseb128: I confirm now that you tell it16:12
didrocksdidn't notice, but it's not there anymore, it was last week as I'm sure I turned it on for my headset16:13
cyphermoxah, it works fine for me, and bluetooth is functional, i just sent a picture to my phone16:14
seb128you downgraded your glib right?16:14
cyphermoxno, that was with the new glib16:14
cyphermoxI have two laptops in front of me16:15
seb128other indicators work16:18
seb128it's a bit weird, several issues there16:18
seb128it's not an unity issue at least16:19
cyphermoxseems to really be NM, not the indicators16:19
cyphermoxhrm... rebuilt doesn't seem to change a thing16:26
seb128which makes sense16:26
seb128the library is dynamically loaded16:26
seb128likely a bug in glib16:26
seb128is it broken in 2.29.4?16:27
seb128they rewrote the g_atomic functions in 2.29.616:27
cyphermoxno, afaict it works properly there16:27
seb128since it's a rewrite it might be buggy16:27
cyphermoxlet me make sure, plus I think nm-connection-editor crashes, so maybe it will show up there16:27
seb128would be worth to maybe try glib trunk16:29
seb128should I be able to run nm-applet on a command line?16:31
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cyphermoxyes, if it's not already running16:31
seb128** (nm-applet:3848): WARNING **: <WARN>  request_name(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings service.16:31
seb128  Error: (9) Connection ":1.68" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings" due to security policies in the configuration file16:31
cyphermoxis NM running?16:31
cyphermoxanyway, the quickest test is to run "nmcli con" currently is hangs16:32
cyphermoxwith 2.29.4 is displays its output pretty fast16:32
seb128cyphermox, can you test a glib git build?16:33
seb128or do you want me to do it?16:33
cyphermoxoh, I can test it16:33
seb128cyphermox, check maybe with dan if there is a known issue?16:33
cyphermoxI just looking in git16:34
cyphermoxdamn, I can't type today16:34
seb128git is quite active it's hard to say what commit could fix what issue16:34
cyphermoxI meant NM git16:35
cyphermoxI'll prepare an updated package for glib and test that16:35
seb128no need to use a package I think16:37
seb128just do a git build and use LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run nm with the git version16:38
seb128if you want to do a package one hint is to comment the make check line in the rules16:38
seb128half of the glib built is spent on the testsuit16:38
seb128you can also comment the udeb and static build flavor and empty the corresponding .install16:39
seb128so it builds once instead of 3 times16:39
cyphermoxbah, I'll just use LD...16:39
cyphermoxwas going to see with git blame first too ;)16:39
seb128that's easier, I'm just telling about the other ones because after a few glib or gtk builds you have enough to build the things 3 times and run the testsuite ;-)16:40
cyphermoxnot sure it will fix things if it's really because of gatomic16:44
seb128well it was a random guess16:44
seb128did you try to ask dan if he knows about an issue?16:45
cyphermoxseb128: I did, he doesn't16:45
cyphermoxhe's still using 2.28.616:46
jibelis there a way to disable the "Oh no! something has gone wrong" window and just let the desktop crash ?16:47
seb128chrisccoulson, ^16:47
seb128dunno I never saw that error there16:47
chrisccoulsonno, it comes from gnome-session directly16:48
seb128we should just patch it out16:48
seb128let's blame it on vuntz ;-)16:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's annoying. it made it unnecessarily difficult to figure out what was wrong with m_conley's session too ;)16:48
seb128what was wrong?16:49
chrisccoulsonif it wasn't there, it would have been obvious right away that the window manager was crashing16:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, metacity was aborting at startup because of a missing icon16:49
seb128oh that bug16:49
jibelIt makes troubleshooting quite difficult with this window on the way.16:49
seb128yeah, we should just patch it out16:49
chrisccoulsonindeed. and the only way to get rid of it is to kill gnome-session, and then it's game over anyway16:49
seb128session restart brb16:49
vuntzchrisccoulson: tss, you can cheat16:51
chrisccoulsonvuntz, ??16:52
vuntzchrisccoulson: alt+right-click on the window, minimize16:52
vuntzbut don't repeat it, it's a secret :-)16:52
chrisccoulsonvuntz - if the window manager is crashing? ;)16:52
vuntzchrisccoulson: restart it from a console first?16:52
vuntzchrisccoulson: you'd be stuck without that window too anyway16:53
chrisccoulsonvuntz, i guess so. the problem in this case though was that the window manager wouldn't run at all ;)16:53
cyphermoxseb128: seems to work with a git snapshot16:55
seb128bah, didn't work as I wanted, the session didn't want to close I had to restart and got a disk check17:02
seb128ok, so I get the bluetooth-applet working again but I've to run it by hand for some reason17:03
chrisccoulsonseb128, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-session/ubuntu/revision/168 ;)17:08
chrisccoulsonjust testing it now17:08
pittigood night everyone17:14
cyphermoxnight pitti17:14
didrocksgood night pitti17:14
pittichrisccoulson: hm, firefox still building17:15
pittichrisccoulson: after it is built, do you want to give it another round of testing, or want me to copy to -proposed?17:15
seb128'night pitti17:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'd like to try it out first17:17
chrisccoulsonalthough, i need to actually set up a natty VM17:17
chrisccoulsondoes anyone else have a natty install? ;)17:17
pittichrisccoulson: ok; please let me know in scrollback, then I can do the copying tomorrow early morning and start uploading the langpacks17:17
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley-lunch
seb128"      N.B. no whales were actually harmed during the creation of this patch"17:26
seb128chrisccoulson, ;-)17:26
didrocksnobody never notice when I play on words in my changelog, will try to make jokes more obvious in the future :-)17:36
cyphermoxheh ;)17:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, heh :)17:37
cyphermoxseb128: in case you missed my message before, glib from git works; I'm trying to figure out what is breaking now17:37
chrisccoulsoni thought i would add a bit of humour to oneiric-changes ;)17:37
didrockschrisccoulson: shouldn't that be depending on session?17:37
chrisccoulsondidrocks, how come?17:37
seb128didrocks, do you plan on words?17:37
didrockschrisccoulson: like, in the gnome-shell session let's have the traditional behavior?17:37
didrocksseb128: play* (wasn't what I wrote?)17:37
didrocksI plan as well, but generally not on words :)17:38
seb128didrocks, yeah, typo from my side, I read it correctly, I just never noticed jokes in your changelogs ;-)17:38
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i don't think so. i just stopped the dialog from appearing entirely, because it's disruptive regardless of the session you're running ;)17:38
didrocksseb128: oh, there are some, but I wasn't making them obvious to stay serious :-)17:39
didrocksbut ok, I'll go crazy sometimes now : )17:39
didrockschrisccoulson: well, we can let the upstream behavior for those who wants to :-)17:39
seb128didrocks, you are welcome to work on that if you want :p17:39
seb128but I would better let a chance to users to use apport and debug than to lock their session with a close button17:40
seb128cyphermox, ok, thanks17:40
didrockswill have a look17:40
cyphermoxseb128: already breaking in nm_client_new()17:45
cyphermoxseb128: any idea what breaking in glib would make nm not answer to things over dbus?18:03
seb128cyphermox, not really, is n-m using gdbus?18:04
seb128you said trunk is working but not 2.29.6?18:04
cyphermoxis gdbus == dbus_g_**18:04
seb128no, that's dbus-glib18:05
seb128g_dbus which is in gio is gdbus18:05
cyphermoxright, that's what i thought18:05
cyphermoxwell, NM uses dbus-glib18:06
seb128cyphermox, thanks for checking that, I will have a look there if I spot something and let you know18:06
* cyphermox runs out to get lunch18:06
cyphermoxI'll be back in 5-10 minutes18:06
seb128cyphermox, no need to spend time on that for now you can work on something else, I will let you know if I need help on it later18:06
seb128cyphermox, enjoy18:06
seb128cyphermox, heh, take time to eat ;-)18:06
cyphermoxheh, it's just getting the food back here18:07
cndseb128, I'm trying to run oneiric, but metacity is failing18:11
cndany ideas?18:11
seb128cnd, upgrade gnome-icon-theme18:11
cndI've got the latest18:12
seb128dunno then18:12
seb128it's fixed in 2ubuntu218:12
cndupdating now :)18:12
seb128brb gtk testing18:12
chrisccoulsonhah, my daughter is crazy18:45
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, did she just patch the firefox javascript engine to make it faster?18:46
rickspencer3oh, that would be "brilliant", I guess ;)18:46
chrisccoulsonshe's not quite that crazy ;)18:46
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, did she recommend thunderbird as the default mail client for 11.10?18:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, it was all her idea :)18:47
highvoltagethe only thing crazy about that is that it's been proposed for like, 5 UDSs with the same result :)18:47
evmardo you guys have any numbers on how popular native mail clients are?18:51
evmari feel like i haven't seen anyone use one of those in years, but i admittedly live in a bubble (san francisco)18:51
chrisccoulsonevmar, good question. i think the thunderbird guys would be interested in that sort of information too18:53
evmarit's a hard thing to evaluate from feedback, because i suspect the sort of person who doesn't use webmail is the sort of person who's more likely to participate in mailing list / bug tracker discussions18:55
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's probably true. i'm not sure how we'd gather that sort of information in a balanced way18:59
chrisccoulsonperhaps if we had a way of gathering how much people used particular applications on their machine, we could work out whether they use a mail client19:00
chrisccoulson(and i think applications launches are already logged in zeitgeist, as the number of times they are used is displayed in software-center)19:01
chrisccoulsonhmmm, that number looks inaccurate. software-center tells me i've launched my browser 36 times, which sounds wrong ;)19:03
chrisccoulson(unless that's 36 times this week)19:03
chrisccoulson"Test Editor - Used: over 100 times". that's probably correct ;)19:08
=== m_conley-lunch is now known as m_conley
seb128cyphermox, ok, I backported http://git.gnome.org/browse/glib/patch/?id=c91720255261222d7be685f3a8f039706f04cce5 and uploaded to oneiric19:56
seb128it fixes the issue for me19:56
cyphermoxah, thought it could be the issue :)20:01
seb128thanks for trying to git build and confirming it fixed the issue, it made easier to figure where the issue was and to backport a commit20:03
cyphermoxsure. it was fun, too ;)20:04
cyphermoxnot everyday you get to start NM with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LD_PRELOAD bits of libnm-glib to debug stuff :D20:05
seb128right! ;-)20:05
cyphermoxseb128: is the stuff on versions still needing merging/updating, e.g. does it need to be done throughout the release or are we mostly on track?20:06
seb128cyphermox, everything which is red or orange ;-)20:07
seb128cyphermox, if you want to do updates from the list the ones that need work: gnome-user-docs (could be worth checking with mdke or the documeantion team), xscreensaver, yelp, that's about it from the default list20:08
cyphermoxbtw, I'm finishing up a merge proposal for libappindicator, then with some small changes in nm-applet I'm theoretically able to reduce the memory use and leaking by some more :)20:10
seb128cyphermox, otherwise on the non default list: liferea gnumeric gdl  bug-buddy anjuta gegl?20:10
seb128cyphermox, if you want to do merges or updates today feel free20:10
seb128didrocks and kenvandine are on sponsoring duties tomorrow so they should be able to clean any desktop merge request waiting20:10
seb128we are done with most updates so I will try to be better at sponsoring in the next weeks as well20:11
cyphermoxI'll do this and get back to indicator-network or usb-modeswitch tomorrow20:11
seb128is indicator-network still getting work?20:12
cyphermoxwell I kind of mentioned it in two sessions, I'm trying to have it speak to NM, but it's starting to be more trouble than I feel it's worth20:12
cyphermoxnm-applet already works ;)20:13
cyphermox(and rewriting usb-modeswitch-dispatcher in C is non-trivial)20:15
seb128you did settle in C for it?20:16
seb128well nm-applet works but the design guys think the indicator layout is much nicer20:16
seb128so it's worth spending some time on it if you can get it work20:16
seb128not to mention that it would mean you wouldn't need to keep maintaining a nm-applet patch which is probably non trivial20:17
cyphermoxthe nm-applet patch is getting simpler and simpler ;)20:17
cyphermoxbut yeah, indicator-network: it's in progress, there's a fair amount done already, but I have no idea if it will work. I think there's still lots to do before I can try to compile it20:18
seb128well it's a nice to have not a blocker in any case20:18
seb128try maybe to focus on the usb-modeswitch-dispatcher, it would allow to drop tcl from the cd right?20:18
seb128you would prorbably get a free beer from chrisccoulson if you win CD space ;-)20:19
cyphermoxI don't think it's going to be that much space ;)20:19
seb128tcl835 is 1mb20:21
seb128tcl8.5 is 1mb20:21
seb128that's not to be neglected20:22
seb128old tb needed 6mb over evo and there is like 3-4mb space today20:22
seb128so it's getting close if they can go back to that number20:23
seb128(seems like the new version is eating a bit extra space)20:23
cyphermoxdo you know how much extra?20:23
cyphermoxis it already on the cd?20:23
cyphermoxah, doesn't seem to be20:24
seb128tb? no it's pending on work to be done and on cd space20:25
seb128the old version needed an extra 6mb over evo, the new one is around 11mb it seems20:25
seb128so chrisccoulson has work items to see if we can bring it back to the old value, then we should be close to have the space20:26
cyphermoxare the other ifs already taken care of?20:26
seb128cyphermox, to get cd space? we got quite some work done already, it was 9mb over the limit until recently we are back under it20:30
seb128but it's getting difficult to find space20:30
seb128cleaning tcl would be welcome ;-)20:30
cyphermoxno, i meant are the other conditions for tb met?20:30
cyphermoxseb128: worry less, I'm working on usb-modeswitch20:31
seb128cyphermox, oh, yeah a few upstream things, like integration in e-d-s or better ubuntu theming20:35
seb128those seem to be in track though20:35
seb128the issue is rather on finding CD space for it20:35
jcastrokenvandine_: are you on 11.10?21:01
kenvandine_jcastro, yup21:01
=== kenvandine_ is now known as kenvandine
jcastrokenvandine_: I don't see anything about a battery icon in the new g-p-m control panel thing, any idea how to get a battery life icon?21:02
kenvandinei think it is missing the appindicator stuff21:03
kenvandineit isn't there now, i haven't really looked21:03
=== zyga-afk-bbl-sry is now known as zyga
rickspencer3does not appear that gtk webkit easily handles cookies for me :/21:20
* rickspencer3 watches hopes gets dashed on rocks21:20
rickspencer3why am I not surprised to find this API to be terribly documented?21:27
evmargtk webkit has like 2.5 people working on it, which feels like barely enough to just keep up with webkit trunk21:28
chrisccoulsonheh, don't say that. i'm currently porting everything in our archive using gtkmozembed to using webkitgtk instead ;)21:30
ogra_ubuntu had like 18 people working on it for teh first few years, which feels like barely enough to just keep up with debian unstable21:31
chrisccoulsonhmmm, weird - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/appmenu-bug.png21:56
chrisccoulsoni can see the tops of the characters on the menubar that's meant to be hidden ;)21:56
ogra_chrisccoulson, ever tried to type LS on people.c.c ?21:57
* ogra_ just typed that accidentially 21:58
chrisccoulsonLS? not ls?21:58
chrisccoulsonwhat's going to happen if i run that?21:59
brodernothing harmful21:59
broderthe details must be experienced for oneself21:59
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty sweet21:59
ogra_nice way to tell you you have capslock on :)22:00
chrisccoulsonit even has a manpage22:00
highvoltageheh, I thought I was the only one evil enough to install sl :)22:01
broderi have aliases in my standard dotfiles specifically to protect me from any sysadmin dastardly enough to install it22:01
chrisccoulsoni can't believe i'd never seen that before. i haven't lived!22:02
highvoltagenext think you'll say that you haven't seen apt-get moo yet!22:03
chrisccoulsonoh, i've definitely seen that :)22:04
highvoltageyeah but have you seen http://people.ubuntu.com/~jonathan/moo/ yet!22:04
ajmitchogra_: now you've got me curious about what the result of LS is22:05
ogra_just install sl :)22:05
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
ajmitchok, now we need this on the default install22:06
chrisccoulsonnoooooooooooooooooooooo. we need to save every last kb for thunderbird ;)22:06
highvoltagechrisccoulson: have you seen about:robots in firefox?22:06
chrisccoulsonhighvoltage, yeah22:06
mdeslaurogra_, chrisccoulson: you know what's even more evil than "sl"? The fact that command-not-found suggests to install it if it's not already installed :)22:08
chrisccoulsonheh :)22:08
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, do you know much about gtk webkit?22:39
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, i've not used it that much. what question do you have?22:39
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, well, it doesn't seem there is a built in way to tell it ot handle cookies for you22:39
rickspencer3I find that hard to believe22:39
rickspencer3but, you may be shocked to hear that the documentation isn't great22:40
chrisccoulsonyeah, the documentation is pretty bad :)22:40
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure about the cookies thing though. the first place i would have a look would be in epiphany though22:40
chrisccoulsonthat might have some clues :)22:41
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chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, so, you need to get the SoupSession from webkit, with webkit_get_default_session22:50
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, ok, I need to figure out how to do that in python22:50
chrisccoulsonthen you need to add a SoupCookieJar with soup_session_add_feature22:50
chrisccoulsonyeah :)22:50
chrisccoulsonrickspencer3, http://developer.gnome.org/libsoup/stable/SoupCookieJarSqlite.html22:51
chrisccoulsoni think that's what you want :)22:51
rickspencer3thanks chrisccoulson22:51
chrisccoulsoni just had a look at what epiphany does :)22:51
TheMusoI thought libsoup was GObject, and therefore coul dbe used with gobject introspectino/pygi.23:29

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