
pcprattsI get a warning: WARN: uid is 0 but '/etc' is owned by 100000:02
pooliehi spiv, i hope V is better?03:20
Rhondapoolie: uh, how do you manage to get uid 1000 as owner for /etc?05:37
poolieRhonda: i think you have me confused with pcpratts07:20
RhondaErm, right.07:44
dholbachgood morning08:23
nigelbFolks, I'm working with iamfuzz to get a list of ftbfs where its failing because of the toolchain change.  Hopefully, that can drive some people to jump in and fix them. (apart from myself)08:37
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gesernigelb: if you have some candidates with a good internet connection, you can point them to the openarena-* ones (the source packages are 36-400 MB big)09:51
geserfixing them is pretty easy as the problematic binary gets build in debian/rules09:51
* tumbleweed is happy to sort those out09:53
tumbleweednigelb: doko filed bugs for a fair number of the toolchain related FTBFSs, didn't he?09:54
gesertumbleweed: thanks, using something like "$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE)-gcc -Wall $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -lz debian/qvmbrute.c -o debian/qvmbrute" should do it09:58
geserthat's for openarena-{085-data,maps,misc,players,players-mature,texutures), that's in total around 800 MB of source packages to download10:00
tumbleweedgeser: 085-data looks like an argument-order issue, with -lz too soon10:02
* tumbleweed has a local mirror on my desktop these days :)10:02
gesertumbleweed: yes, exactly10:03
nigelbtumbleweed: probably. But I want to catch as many as I can.11:04
nigelbtumbleweed: Do you suggest I use the bugs that doko filed or scroll through the build failures to catch more, if any?11:16
tumbleweednigelb: I don't know, I assume the onse he filed are a good start. But the build failures are the most accurate source, obviously11:17
nigelbtumbleweed: I'm working with iamfuzz to get a list by 20th and get folks to work on them (of course work on those bugs myself too!)11:18
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
tumbleweednigelb: great. I'm sure there are a bunch of us who'd happily help + mentor those11:18
nigelbtumbleweed: :)11:19
Laneynigelb: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=no-add-needed;users=peter.fritzsche@gmx.de;exclude=tags%3Apatch11:29
Laneyyou might be interested in debian failures too ...11:29
nigelbLaney: oooh, that's neat.11:30
nigelbLaney: what's the binuitls-gold?11:30
Laneya different linker which uses --no-add-needed11:31
nigelbLaney: So, essentially, its the same thing that happens in Ubuntu.11:31
nigelbThen, this goes to my list as well :-)11:32
Laneysome of those might have unforwarded patches in ubuntu11:32
nigelbhrm, possible. The build I fixed a few days back in Ubuntu got fixed in Debian too with my patch :-)11:33
Laneygood chap11:34
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
=== med_out is now known as medberry
aboudreaultI try to build a package... my dev machine is lucid. and the pbuilder env is lucid. However. I always get this message: You should recreate aclocal.m4 with macros from libtool 2.2.6 Debian-2.2.6a-1ubuntu115:10
lucidfoxWhat package is it?15:11
aboudreaultthough I ran: aclocal, automake, autoconf15:11
aboudreaultwhat's the problem, the libtool should be the same, no?15:11
aboudreaultlucidfox, it one of our packages. spatialite.15:11
aboudreaultlooks like my ltmain.sh is not regenerated. will delete it explicitly.15:15
cjwatsonrun libtoolize too (or just use autoreconf instead of running all the tools separately)?15:17
aboudreaultyeah, just ran autoreconf, I didn't know that utility.15:19
aboudreaultalright, it fixes the issue.15:20
geseraboudreault: better use autoreconf, a missing run of libtool caused recently a weird FTBFS in oneiric (pidgin)15:21
aboudreaultI see. thanks15:21
aboudreaultthere is no libiconv on ubuntu?16:22
aboudreaultha, it seems to be in libc.16:24
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
Quintasandebfx: ping18:57
debfxQuintasan: pingpong18:58
Quintasandebfx: Why doesn't pbuilder-dist save my sources.list?18:58
Quintasandebfx: I logged in with --save-after-login, all packages are there18:58
Quintasanbut sources.list are replaced18:58
debfxQuintasan: the source.list is defined in pbuilderrc18:59
* Quintasan has nothing in there18:59
=== ximion1 is now known as ximion
debfxQuintasan: pbuilder-dist probably passes the options directly to pbuilder19:00
Quintasanherp derp19:02
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Laneyaway until Tuesday if someone else wants to take over pushing GHC up to the top of the hill22:48
Laneyhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/ghc.html very almost gone22:49
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursula
cjwatsonLaney: I can keep it going, I think22:56
cjwatsondid some rescoring just now22:56
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Laneythere's some FTBFS I haven't gotten around to giving back yet22:57
cjwatsonyeah, was doing a bit of those22:58
cjwatsongitit for one :-)22:58
Laneysometimes the tracker doesn't show all of the bdeps for some reason22:58
cjwatsonalso a bunch of Build-Depends: ghc6 in applications22:59
cjwatsonbut I assume that will need to involve the Debian Haskell team22:59
Laneyyeah, they don't matter so much23:00
Laneytransitional to the rescue23:00
Laneybut if you get bored ;-)23:00
cjwatsonat what point can I unblacklist and sync haskell-dummy?23:00
Laneynow should be fine23:01
Laneyprobably want to remove ghc6 from the tracker though23:01
cjwatsonOK, cool, will do that in a bit23:01
cjwatsonI removed it from the archive, will that do?23:01
Laneyas in libghc6*23:01
Laneyotherwise the dummies will interfere23:01
cjwatsonoh, right, hmm23:01
cjwatsonmaybe wait 'til it all goes green then?23:02
Laneyactually they shouldn't match is_affected23:03
cjwatsonmm, right, haskell-dummy Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)23:04
Laneyit probably confused the tracker because of the untransitioned packages23:06
Laneybut there's none of those left any more23:06
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
=== simgunz is now known as sjkwizard
sjkwizardis it possible to add xflux (http://stereopsis.com/flux/linux.html) to the ubuntu official repository?23:26
sjkwizardops...i mean fluxgui (that include xflux)23:27

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