
=== asac_ is now known as asac
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, there?13:46
bhearsumwhat's up?13:46
chrisccoulsonhi bhearsum. do you have any idea roughly when build 5 of the beta will be pushed out to users?13:46
bhearsumhmmm, i haven't seen anything official. i'd bet on tomorrow or monday if i had to13:48
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, is there any issue with us making this build available for people to test before that happens? we're doing a restructuring of all our language packs alongside the firefox 5 update, and we could do with getting people to test the entire upgrade (ie, firefox + new language packs) quite soon (preferable starting before the weekend)13:52
bhearsumif we have to rebuild 5.0b5, do you have the ability to rebuild on your side, without bumping the Firefox version number?13:53
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, yeah. we have "b5" in the version numbering of the package anyway, as i provide these builds in a PPA and our packaging system mandates that version numbers always increase13:55
bhearsumso if we had to rebuild 5.0b5, you could push out the same rebuild as "5.0b5"? or would it have to be 5.0b6?13:56
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh, i get you now. yeah, we can do that too (we version our source package as 5.0~b5+build1, so we always leave the door open for being able to do a rebuild)13:56
bhearsumyeah, i don't see why that would be an issue then13:56
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks13:56
bhearsumnp, thanks for checking!14:02
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chrisccoulsonm_conley, do you know if there is another beta build of thunderbird scheduled any time soon?15:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: hang on - let me grab the last meeting minutes...15:01
chrisccoulsonthose are public aren't they? i guess i should actually read them sometimes ;)15:01
m_conleychrisccoulson: I though so - the final beta build is coming this week15:02
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks15:02
chrisccoulsonbdrung_, are you planning to update eclipse this cycle?15:06
chrisccoulsonyou have a work item on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance/ :-)15:06
bdrung_chrisccoulson: yes, at least we will have 3.6.215:21
chrisccoulsonbdrung_, excellent, thanks!15:22
chrisccoulsondang, my firefox build died because my laptop ran out of disk space15:35
chrisccoulsonoh my15:38
chrisccoulsonemptying my trash folder has so far freed 20GB, and it's still going :/15:39
* fta always bypasses the trash15:39
chrisccoulson30GB now, and it's still going15:40
chrisccoulsoni hope there was nothing in there that i wanted ;)15:40
bhearsumchrisccoulson: so, turns out we're trying to ship 5.0b5 today :)15:41
chrisccoulsonbhearsum, oh, cool. so you might end up shipping before our builds are done then ;)15:41
ftagrr, the oneiric toolchain is really broken16:37
chrisccoulsonwhat's up with it?16:53
chrisccoulsonm_conley, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-June/002709.html ;)17:21
m_conleychrisccoulson: ha! :)17:22
chrisccoulsonwe decided to just kill it :)17:22
m_conleychrisccoulson: good idea. ;)17:23
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ftachrisccoulson, i build ch with gcc 4.5 on both natty & oneiric. same sources. on oneiric, the <video> tags doesn't work, it does on natty17:29
ftachrisccoulson, if i copy the codecs .so from natty to oneiric, it works17:29
ftachrisccoulson, bug 79517119:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 795171 in chromium-browser "<video> tag broken in oneiric only" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79517119:00
chrisccoulsonfta - did you try compiling with the oneiric gcc and natty linker?19:14
ftai didn't19:14
chrisccoulsonjust to rule out one of them19:14
ftaoneiric gcc is 4.6, but ch ftbfs with it, hence 4.519:15
ftabut i didn't change binutils, difficult to downgrade19:15
chrisccoulsondo you have a natty chroot? you could try it the other way around if you do (ie, install the oneiric binutils in natty)19:17
chrisccoulsonfta - do you know if the problem is specific to i386 too?19:20
ftabut if you care to test on x64 ;)19:21
ftait's easy19:21
chrisccoulsonon youtube, i get a black window with "undefined" in white text19:23
chrisccoulsonis that what you see too?19:23
chrisccoulsonin any case, it's not working on amd64 either ;)19:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, i get the same on every video19:24
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ftaok, rebuilding on natty with binutils from oneiric..20:00
ftai don't have a desktop with natty to test20:01
ftachrisccoulson, ^^20:02
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chrisccoulsonfta - hi, sorry, i went for some food20:58
chrisccoulsoni don't have a natty desktop to test on either, but the binary should run on oneiric shouldn't it?20:59
chrisccoulsoni'm going to set up a VM for natty later on though20:59
chrisccoulsoni need to do some other verification work20:59
ftachrisccoulson, https://launchpad.net/~fta/+archive/sandbox/+packages21:00
ftachrisccoulson, basically, +natty1 is pure natty, and +natty2 is natty+binutils from oneiric21:03
chrisccoulsonfta - ok, thanks. i'll install that once i have a VM for natty set up later21:04
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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