
MrChrisDruifAloha NRWlion09:34
NRWlionMahalo bra09:34
MrChrisDruifPehea `oe?09:35
MrChrisDruifNRWlion; You know Mahalo means Thanks you?09:38
MrChrisDruifNRWlion; Have you got an askubuntu account?09:38
NRWlionMrChrisDruif: no i havent, why?09:38
MrChrisDruifI wanted another up-vote on my quicklist O:-)09:38
NRWlionand yes i know Mahalo means thanks09:38
MrChrisDruifWhat does bra mean? I only know of the object "bra"09:39
NRWlionbra = bro09:40
MrChrisDruifAhh :)09:41
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
dholbachwhat would I need to do to also get publishing access to Ubuntu News?17:17
dholbachI want to start a weekly update on Ubuntu Development today and not have to bother you every single time :-)17:18
jononigelb, pleia2, akgraner ^^17:18
nigelbdholbach: akgraner / pleia2 / nhandler would be the people I guess.17:19
dholbachhttp://daniel.holba.ch/temp/bla.html if you're impatient and want to have an idea what this is about :)17:20
pleia2dholbach: the easiest way is to send an email to the ubuntu-news-team list, that's one of the sources we pull from17:21
pleia2nhandler: have you seen akgraner? I haven't heard from her an UWN didn't go out yesterday :(17:22
pleia2it's been several days since I've heard anything17:22
dholbachpleia2, won't you have to reformat everything then?17:23
dholbachand relink, etc17:23
pleia2dholbach: if you want to add directly to the wiki, you can go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter and go under the "Next Issue (work in progress)" section that has the draft17:23
dholbachpleia2, I was thinking of http://ubuntu-news.org/ - isn't that what this channel is also about?17:24
dholbachthe wiki I know, yes17:24
pleia2oh, sorry, I thought you meant the newsletter :)17:24
dholbachI'm happy to add it there as well if people think it's useful there as well17:25
nigelbdholbach: I think it would be nice to go out with UWN too :)17:25
pleia2ugh, it looks like ubuntu-news.org is broken17:25
pleia2submitting another ticket...17:25
dholbachin which way is it broken right now?17:26
pleia2W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /srv/ubuntu-news.org/www/wp-content/db.php.17:27
pleia2when you try to log in17:27
pleia2and openid has been broken for over a month17:27
dholbachthat sounds rather broken indeed17:27
pleia2akgraner said she submitted a ticket about the openid thing17:27
dholbachlet me know about the ticket number as soon as you have it - it might be worth prodding the folks (vanguard and others) in #canonical-sysadmin about it regularly :)17:27
dholbachbut at least it seems like jcastro was able to login 2 days ago17:28
pleia2I was able to log in yesterday17:28
pleia2looks like they fixed the caching problem I submitted a ticket about though17:29
pleia2dholbach: cced you on the ticket, #1725617:29
pleia2once this is fixed I'll submit another about openid (akgraner never gave us the ticket number)17:30
pleia2currently we have to log in with our wordpress accounts over http, not good :(17:30
dholbachugh, yes17:30
pleia2anyway! once this is sorted we can give you a writing account :)17:31
dholbachthanks a lot17:31
pleia2when you write a post just let us know in here and we'll review it, once you have a few posts under your belt we can give you publishing access too17:31
dholbachsounds great17:32
dholbachI'll publish it in my own blog for the first round17:32
dholbachand put it into UWN17:32
nhandlerdholbach: When the site is fixed, there is an Ubuntu account that you can use to compose the post. Then just post a link here and we can approve it (if it is heavily formatted, otherwise, email works fine).17:38
dholbachthanks a lot17:39
nhandler(3rd method on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fridge/Submit)17:39
nhandlerpleia2: Out of curiosity, what were your views on posting content directly to the fridge rather than reposting it from another blog?17:40
pleia2nhandler: historically I think original content was welcome on the fridge, it just never really happened because there weren't people to write it, so I'm ok with it rather than just having reposts17:41
nhandlerpleia2: My biggest issue with having original content is that it ends up only being from the editors (in place of them using their personal blogs).17:42
pleia2nhandler: in theory I think we want to have some "reporters" who write articles who aren't strictly editors like us17:43
nhandlerpleia2: Right. But it would be nice if those articles weren't just about their own personal pet projects (although that requires more work)17:44
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pleia2nhandler: yeah, we should review our posting and editing policies in general, I haven't looked at the docs in too long17:54
pleia2nhandler: also, if akgraner doesn't show up do we want to push an UWN this weekend? I will be around most of the weekend17:55
nhandlerpleia2: I haven't been pulling links or doing anything like I did 2 weeks ago. I'm up for pushing a normal UWN (we won't have the translations/other stuff akgraner wanted to launch with) with your help17:56
pleia2sounds good17:57
pleia2I'll try to pull in some links over the next couple days17:57
pleia2I was talking to one of the california guys last night at our ubuntu hour and he was concerned that he still doesn't know how to contribute to UWN even though he wants to, so hopefully we can get some other things pushed soon to make a better path to contributions17:58
nhandlerpleia2: If we are just going with a normal UWN, should we wipe all of the old stuff (I think that might be best since it is a few weeks old now)17:59
=== nhandler changed the topic of #ubuntu-news to: Next Meeting: TBD Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Meetings | The Ubuntu News Channel - You report it, we publish it! Serving the Fridge, Ubuntu Weekly News, and other fine publications. | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam | http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN
pleia2probably :( sorry to have to get rid of all the work you put in17:59
pleia2actually, while the new isn't super "fresh" I think those are good articles that can stand the test of time18:01
pleia2we can pull some of them, but a few can stay :)18:01
* pleia2 goes back to work18:03
NRWliongood evening from Germany20:20
NRWlionnobody there?20:50

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