
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rodger_nc said: ubottu: It is not a problem after the boot - it is a problem before I ever get to loggin.01:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (bigaspiefevr appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)04:25
ubottullutz_ called the ops in #ubuntu (mrguser spams)08:49
ubottupsycho_oreos called the ops in #ubuntu (antalyameltem onjoin spamming)09:30
elkyMadpilot, melissa is me. no such spam09:33
Madpilotguy just cropped a k-line09:34
elkygood enough for me09:34
elkyah, he got topped while i was starting irssi09:34
Madpilotseconds before your alt joined #u09:35
Madpilotanyway, suddenly it is 0135, I do have to be at work in not enough hours. Night, all.09:36
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
bazhangnot sure how explaining cloud computing is on topic for #ubuntu13:29
ikonialets clear it up13:29
bazhanghe's been given a ton of links/videos and is calling them crap and continuing to ask for an explanation, not support for cloud computing per se13:30
ikoniayes, I'll end it13:30
ubottuIn #ubuntu-devel, pitti said: ubottu: who is your father?13:46
bazhangtravisbrown seems to be misinformed, or other13:47
jdstrandhi! is there someone here who can help me reprogram ubottu for who is alerted via '!regression-alert' in #ubuntu-devel?13:48
jussijdstrand: sure!14:04
jussijdstrand: just give me a list and Ill sort it for you :)14:05
jdstrandjussi: awesome, thanks14:10
jdstrandso the current list is: cjwatson, jdong, pitti, slangasek, ScottK, mdz, kees, ttx, marjo, seb12814:11
jdstrandI think a more appropriate list would be:14:12
jdstrandcjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey14:12
jdstrandjussi: ^14:12
jdstrandjussi: oh, I missed one: pgraner14:13
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, slangasek, ScottK, mdz, kees, ttx, marjo, seb128: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive14:13
jdstrandjussi: so cjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner14:13
jdstrand(these are updates for staff changes)14:13
jussi!no, regression-alert is <reply>cjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive14:14
ubottuI'll remember that jussi14:14
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive14:14
jussijdstrand: Hows that?14:15
jdstrandjussi: perfect! thanks :)14:15
Tm_T!bot > jdstrand14:15
ubottujdstrand, please see my private message14:15
jussijdstrand: Tm_T is trying to point out that you can submit factoid requests your self, the same as I did it with !no, regression-alert is <reply>blah blah14:16
jussithat will forward them here.14:16
jdstrandthanks. noted14:16
jussijdstrand: anything else we can help with?14:17
jdstrandjussi: nope. thanks so much :)14:17
Tm_TI think we should find a way to make our little services a bit more known on developer channels14:18
Tm_Tthey're in heavy use on support channels so they usually know what and how (:14:19
* Daviey calms the panic.14:20
* jussi hugs Daviey14:21
* Tm_T hides14:21
jdstrandDaviey: I updated the list for tech leads for foundations, desktop, server, and security, the release manager, the QA manager (in lieu of tech lead) and key community members14:22
jdstrandwell, I didn't update it, jussi did, but you get the idea14:22
Davieyjdstrand, Yeah.. sounds good to me... I just saw regression-alert twice and thought things must be really very bad. :)14:22
jdstrandhehe :)14:22
* jdstrand -> idles out14:22
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (e5ysr6tu appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)15:31
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (dfhdgy appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)15:33
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (e547 appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)15:40
ikoniahello edbian15:53
edbianikonia: hi15:54
ikoniawhat's up ?15:54
edbianWhat is the policy with people that don't speak English well but are asking for help?15:54
edbianI feel it's very rude to say 'go to <your language> channel'15:55
ikoniaask them to join their correct channel, there are factoids for help15:55
LjLyou can tell them nicely that maybe they could also try their native language's channel15:55
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:55
ikoniaok - I appreciate that, but the policy of the channel is the #ubuntu channel is an English based support channel15:55
LjLbut if someone wants to speak english, i don't think it matters if they speak it badly15:55
ikoniayou can always help them in PM15:55
edbianI can't guess their native language (they aren't speaking it!)15:55
LjLedbian: /whois often provides a clue15:55
edbianLjL: Sometimes they speak it so badly that it gets in the way of support.  I don't understand what they're asking.  They don't understand what I'm saying.15:56
edbianLjL: /whois is a good idae15:56
LjLedbian: in those cases i think there's no other recourse than telling them playing that you're sorry, but you just can't understand their english :\15:56
edbianikonia: So #ubuntu is officially English?15:56
ikoniaedbian: correct15:56
edbianThat helps my conscious15:56
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (rtutyu appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY)15:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:57
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:57
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)15:57
edbianHow annoying :/15:57
bazhangtuhina is jungli?16:19
ikoniampt %1--16:21
ikonianot one of his known nicks16:22
ikoniatuhina [~tuhina@]16:22
ikoniaSUG [~r00t@]16:22
ikoniahe's currently online using "sug"16:22
genii-aroundWell, whoever they are, didn't bother to pastebin the next set of errors to get more assistance16:31
dasherwow, good job bazhang proving you're a total inept fuckin retard16:42
dasherhow many dicks did you have to suck to get ops in #ubuntu16:42
dasherwe know you didn't do it by skills16:42
dasherfuckin little ass kissing faggot, watch me evade your lame rage ban16:43
dasherno wonder #ubuntu gets botflooded daily. you guys are living jokes of technical support16:43
dasherbazhang, funny how many people say you are too stupid for ops in #ubuntu, but that doesn't stop little ass kissing fairies like yourself from getting ops16:45
dashermmmm... stick your tongue up rww's asshole a little further16:45
dasherhttp://www.lemonparty.org <-- rww, bazhang and IdlePrick16:46
rwwwho are you and why do you like me16:46
dasherrww: hey, I need someone to do free technical support for a multibillion dollar corporation16:46
dasherare you chump enough?16:46
charlie-tcadasher: please stop the insults now16:47
dasheryou already run #ubuntu like nazi germany16:47
rwwnah, sorry. I'm busy doing paid technical support for the government right now16:47
dashercharlie-tca, go fuck yourself16:47
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!16:47
ubottucharlie-tca called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()16:47
ubottudasher called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()16:47
macoi don't see any gas chambers in #ubuntu, sorry16:47
ubottudasher called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()16:47
dasheranother government sap16:47
dasherno wonder you're a fuckin chump16:47
dasheris it a union job?16:47
dasherfailed ban16:48
dashercomeon ubuntu idiots16:48
dasherwant me to show you how to ban right?16:48
macothere was no ban there16:48
rwwk, I'm not seeing in BanTracker where I have anything to do with this, so I'll go back to not caring.16:48
macoso the ban didn't fail, it just plain was not used16:48
dasherdurrr, i use fuckbuntu, because i can't use a real os16:48
topylidasher: please calm down. you don't want to be banned from here16:48
topyliit's not a good situation to be in16:48
dashertopyli, like i give a shit16:48
macotopyli: are you sure about that?16:48
dasheri'll evade your lame bans and be back in #ubuntu later today16:49
dasherlike i've been doing for 6+ months16:49
topylistaff please note ^16:49
ubottudasher called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()16:49
bazhangplease to kline16:49
rwwah, I guess they have other nicks. someone let me know if you figure out who that is, I'm mildly curious (:16:50
bazhanga ton of them16:50
bazhangand the /remove in #ubuntu was not a ban16:50
ikoniawhat was that about16:50
bazhanghe was being very insulting and offtopic in #ubuntu16:51
charlie-tcaHe was being very rude and insulting here, too16:51
ikoniaKNUBBIG: hello16:51
KNUBBIGikonia: hey, I'll be right out, just wanted to check if I had the right channel for ubuntu ops :) so byebye and thank you for your work16:52
macoi mentioned the channel in -ot as "the place to go when banned/kicked to talk to an op"16:54
macoapparently some didnt know it existed16:54
IdleOnespam in -ot17:04
ikonia7:06 -!- Flutiju` [~shura@2a01:e35:8ad4:ed60:21d:7dff:fe06:b9cb] has joined #kubuntu17:07
ikonia7:06 -!- Flutiju` [~shura@2a01:e35:8ad4:ed60:21d:7dff:fe06:b9cb] has joined #kubuntu17:07
ikoniabets ?17:07
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
IdleOneSinflesh: still unable to type in #ubuntu?20:23
SinfleshCannot send to channel: #ubuntu20:24
oCeanso 'yes', stil unable :)20:24
LjLSinflesh: try parting it and joining again20:27
LjLSinflesh: (and avoid changing your nickname while connected from webchat)20:27
IdleOnecache_surplus: Can we help you?20:31
cache_surplusnot yet20:32
cache_surplusill let you know20:33
tsimpsoncache_surplus: please don't idle here if you don't have an issue for us20:33
cache_surplusinteresting how you are the only op to say something20:33
IdleOnecache_surplus: in that case please part the channel as we do not allow idling in here20:33
IdleOnebecause we don't20:33
cache_surplusyou mean you dont like people talking about you behind your back either?20:34
cache_surplusthats cool, i can view the logs later20:34
IdleOneI don't care what people say about me.20:34
rwwI guess it's one of those days...20:37
IdleOnenot sure how his comment makes sense to not idling in here20:38
CoreySome people's kids...21:31

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