
dpmgood morning all07:34
happyaronmorning dpm, :)07:34
dpmgood afternoon happyaron :)07:34
andrejzgood morning dpm, afternoon happyaron :)07:39
dpmhey andrejz ;)07:40
happyaronandrejz: :)07:41
andrejzgot some good news. number of visits on slovenian ubuntu mirror has increased by 40% in May 2011 compared to May 2010 :)07:42
TLEdpm: hey10:27
TLEdpm: I have been looking a little around the wiki, where was it that you wanted us to document the tasks under sustainable translations?10:28
TLEput the under Actions here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTranslationsCoordinators ?10:28
TLEor is there some dedicated space?10:28
dpmTLE, sorry for the delay, I haven't done it yet, let me see if I manage today.11:08
dpmhey RawChid :)11:11
RawChidHola dpm, do you have time to discuss my code?11:12
dpmRawChid, sure. Could you give me the link to your branch again?11:13
TLEdpm: no problem, the only reason I ask is that I keep asking myself (and then eventually you) the same questions, might make sense to start documenting11:14
RawChiddpm: https://code.launchpad.net/~rachidbm/ubuntu-l10n-tools/pot-priority11:15
RawChidWe discussed to have a central place for the list of RELEASE_NAMES, now I'v put it in ul10n_toolsconfig, I doubt that's a good place, but didn't know a better one...11:17
RawChidI couldn't find how to get a list of names from Launchpad. Second, if retrieved from launchpad, this will slow down the script unnecessary IMHO11:18
dpmTLE, if you've got any question in mind already, feel free to post it here and it will be saved in the log. I'll then make sure it gets documented11:19
dpmRawChid, I think it might still be better to get the releases from LP, as the script won't be slowed down too much (we're already connecting to Launchpad even if we're not fetching the release names). If you want to postpone that for now, it's fine, but I'd like to ask you to change one thing: right now whenever a new release is opened we'll need to change the code (whereas reading from the LP API would spare us that step). While this is ok'ish fo11:23
dpmr now, the code should probably only be changed in one place. Now it needs to be changed in two places (adding a new release to the list, and setting the default release)11:23
RawChidHm, okay. And what is the default release at the moment?11:25
dpmI meant the default release you set on the script (I think you set it to natty).11:26
RawChidYes, that is what I've done. But I want to know which YOU want/need to be default11:27
RawChidSo Natty is good?11:27
dpmRawChid, I think one really nice thing would be to detect the release the user is running, and make that the default11:28
dpmRawChid, I think you should be able to get the Ubuntu release names with the series_collection property from https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#distribution11:28
RawChidI've investigated that part of the API, but didn't come far.11:28
RawChidOke, default is the one that is on users system, sounds good to me11:29
RawChidSo it would be an idea to make a function in launchpadmanager.py get_distro_codenames() ?11:32
dpmRawChid, here's how you can do it:11:34
RawChidOMG, it could be so simple11:34
RawChidI was think way to difficult :S11:35
dpmyeah, the LP API is very nice when it provides the thing you need. If what you need is not exposed in the API, then you're generally screwed :)11:37
dpmRawChid, and here's how you can detect the distro the user is running:11:37
RawChidGreat, I'll change that. And will take over your implementation of the CSV reader11:38
RawChidDo you agree with  function in launchpadmanager.py get_distro_codenames() ?11:40
dpmRawChid, yeah, I think it's exactly the place where it should be11:41
dpmwhen you're implementing that function, you might want to discard all the '*-series' series from the list it returns, since these are only series that have been registered, but not yet open (i.e. there are no translation templates we can modify there)11:43
RawChidAnd things as warty and hoary are still interesting? :P11:46
dpmwait, there's probably a property that tells if a series is active or not, let me read the documentation11:49
dpmRawChid, yeah, there is an 'active' property on https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html#distro_series, so you should only return those series where series.active == True11:50
RawChidOke, great11:52
RawChidHm, this is more a Python question. I can loop al the series, and add each (active == True) to a list. But I guess there is a more clever way to do this in Python12:14
RawChiddpm, if you know more reading material on this stuff :)12:16
dpmRawChid, that's also how I'd do it (initialize an empty list, iterate over series, append the active series names to a list), I don't know if there is a cleverer way, you might want to ask on #python12:19
TLEif you are talking about reducing a list based on a parameter in the elements in the list, you can do that with a list comrephension with an if in12:21
RawChidYes, I think something like that12:23
TLE>>> h=['active','active','inactive','active']12:23
TLE>>> g=[a for a in h if a=='active']12:23
TLE>>> g12:23
TLE['active', 'active', 'active']12:23
TLEI even _think_ that is the "Pythonic" way of doing it ;)12:24
RawChidI agree, but I need to do some more reading to invent such a solution by myself :P. Thanks TLE!12:25
TLEnp, well, plenty of good reading around12:26
RawChidI'm open for suggestions ;)12:27
TLEI just finished Dive into python, that's nice, but also book length12:27
TLEIf you are looking for something shorter, I sure there are some nice tutorials around, but I don't know any of the top of my head12:28
dpmyeah, dive into python is really nice and well written. I haven't read it all myself, rather some chapters for reference when I needed to find out about something in particular12:28
TLEBut actually I can really recommend Dive into Python, because you just "dive in" right away, and he really docusses on teahcing you the elegant way of doing stuff12:29
TLEif you want to do python 3 else http://diveintopython.org/12:30
RawChidHehe, already downloaded :)12:30
TLEThe only real bummer is that I bought a dead tree version, because I wanted to support the Author and all, and I ended up with one (part of a bunch of book printed that way) with a printing error in12:31
TLEso there was no horizontal lines in all the code examples12:31
TLEdo you have any idea how difficult it is to read code without - and _ ;)12:31
TLEBut that is the fault of the printing company not the author12:32
TLEin any case if you get the same idea as me about supporting the Author I would recommend just using the online version and sending him a donation ,)12:32
dpmRawChid, here are the two approaches: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/622503/12:35
RawChidHm, now I know why I wanted to prevent getting them from launchpad. I printed the optional series in help. Should I just remove the series from help text?13:05
TLEdpm: hey13:17
TLEabout the Maverick language packs, did you say that the last ones that were build were diffs, so that we could not use those for testing, or was it merely that they could not be used for the FF update stuff13:18
dpmTLE, sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant the second: i.e. they could be used for testing, but not this particular time due to the FF changes13:20
dpmfor the FF changes we need a full export13:20
TLEyes ok, so we wait for response on the email you just wrote, about whether ff5 i actually comming to maverick, and if not, we are good to go, otherwise we wait, right?13:23
TLEdpm: ^^13:30
dpmTLE, sorry, I was away for some minutes. Ack on your last sentence13:31
RawChiddpm! Don't know if you saw my MP already, but I forgot something, so I do a resubmit right now14:33
dpmRawChid, sure, no worries14:37
dpmRawChid, have you actually tested it before submitting it? I see a couple of things that probably stop it from it working properly:14:40
RawChidYes I tested it. I didn't knew the "header check" isn't necessary anymore14:42
RawChidNO offense, do you test your code before submitting? Because you're CSV reader only save the last entry ;)14:43
RawChidforgot an ident ;)14:43
RawChidI'll remove that header thing14:44
RawChidHm, it contains more errors, I did the resubmit a bit hasty :'(14:47
dpmRawChid, good point ;) I didn't test my last commit, no, I just tested the DictReader stuff in a console and just made a checkpoint commit to have the csv stuff in - I now realize that the missing indentation makes it only save the last template. But on the other hand, whenever I submit a merge proposal to someone else's branch I do always test it, so that the reviewer doesn't have to play catch with bugs introduced by the branch. I'm not complain15:01
dpming, though, you say you did test it, so it's fine :-)15:01
TLEdpm: jost wrote to the list about a small post ponement, so now we can just start the cycles when the packs are ready15:11
dpmTLE, which list?15:14
TLEjust to let people know why we haven't announced testing starts, when it's on the schedule15:16
dpmah, I don't seem to have received the message, let me refresh again...15:16
serfusi did :)15:17
dpmok, it was just my Evolution being slow :)15:17
dpmTLE, read the message, ack and thanks ;)15:17
TLEno need to thank me for that, that is the task I agreed to ;)15:19
serfussomething is funky with synaptic, but i have to leave now.... i will probebly nag you guys with this later15:19
TLEjust entered the 10's: Made a twitter account, found a few feeds to follow and hooked it into gwibber, I feel so connected15:20
dpmanyway, I need to go earlier today, so I hope everyone has a nice rest of the day15:25
TLEyou too15:25
dpmRawChid, if you've got more changes, do submit them, but I might not be able to look at them until tomorrow. Keep up the good work!15:25
RawChidNo problem, thanks in advance. I'm not going to work on this for the next days15:34

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