
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: can you give more details on your ec2 setup, costing 1.01 (if I recall)00:25
cyberangerI'm trying to do the math to see where your usage meets mine00:26
cyberanger(or more accurately, why my numbers seem to shoot higher than a linode)00:26
pace_t_zulucyberanger: no problem ... i gotta run right now ... but i'll definitely help you out later00:31
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: thank you00:52
wrstcyberanger: you around?03:37
wrstcyberanger: this stinking setup the modem gets an ip address, but the router on the wan gets a local ip address needless to say portforwarding is not working any ideas?03:41
wrstoh it says its a router... goodness03:43
cyberangersmartmodem setup03:43
cyberangeryep, the guy reset the modem, for the laptop03:43
wrstcyberanger: this is how they set them all up i don't know why03:43
wrstmy parents is the same way03:43
cyberangerand went by their default03:43
wrstany idea on how to get it to work or is their a way03:44
cyberangermine was the same, but I told it to act dumb03:44
cyberangerwhat modem?03:44
wrstcomtrend ct-5072t03:44
* wrst goes to try his old modem brb03:45
* cyberanger regrets being better versed on motorola gear atm03:49
cyberangerwrst: turn off network bridge mode, still looking over the manual a little further, but that's what's gotta happen in the end03:51
cyberangerlemme see for more details still though03:51
wrstwell that didn't work03:52
cyberangerthat didn't, the login details with
cyberangerand you'll need the username and password used for pppoe (which is different)03:54
cyberangerand you'll need the username and password used for pppoe (which is different)03:57
wrsthmm cyberanger am I still here?04:02
Unit193You are here...04:04
wrstthanks Unit193 i'm not happy with my new modem, that's more than a modem, that i just want to be a modem!04:05
Unit193I had to setup one in bridge mode >_>04:06
Unit193Modems can be a pain... (We just have a dumb cable modem :D )04:07
cyberangerI've had to tell mine not to be in bridge mode (which is your issue wrst)04:08
wrstcyberanger: I can do that if I could log in04:11
cyberangerand you couldn't?04:11
cyberangerhttp:// user root password 1234504:12
wrsttried it cyberanger they have changed the default IP and the password04:12
chris4585wrst, I love my current modem, its the only thing I have to use for wireless and a router and a port for a phone04:13
wrstevidently this is linux based because the ssh port is open also which is mighty stupid to have port 80 and 22 open by default if you ask me04:13
wrsti'm guessing if i do a reset I can start from scratch but I'm guessing the settings couldn't be to bad to figure out?04:13
cyberangerwrst: on who's side, your lan or there's04:23
cyberangeryeah, I'd hold off on reseting for a little while, less it reset to a real blank state04:23
wrstthe modem cyberanger best I can tell I can't port forward until the modem is setup differently04:23
cyberangeryeah, so you may need to bug customer service about it (perhaps metion needing to port forward for something they'd use, like xbox live)04:28
wrstyeah I guess I will call them yet again tomorrow04:29
cyberanger(since they seem to be backing a customer into a corner, might be best to find something commonly port forwarded)04:29
cyberangerit's gotta be done in that modem04:29
wrstyeah i bought the modem so I shoudl be give the user name and password04:30
cyberangeror better yet, tell them you have a linksys wrt54gl router, and you'd like the bridge mode removed04:30
cyberangersince it interferes with port forwarding04:30
cyberanger(and perhaps gently press the static ip thing, see if they'd be willing to charge 5 a month or something, I mean, just to feel them out, see why they removed that ability)04:31
wrstyeah I had a feeling there would be more hurdles with this, I don't understand why anyone would want something set up like this?04:31
cyberangerAT&T does it, Verizon does it, name a provider and I'd bet they do it04:32
wrstbut why?04:32
cyberangersimplicty, some now ship it as a full wireless router too04:32
cyberangerwho sets that up, if you or I do not04:33
wrstdoesn't seem simple since its just a modem seems overly complex04:33
cyberangerI'd put money on geek squad or the ISP04:33
cyberangeryeah, but why are you in it, and who else would do what your doing?04:33
wrstwell I will sadly call them tomorrow thanks cyberanger i'm heading for bed04:33
wrstlike you said cyberanger xbox04:34
cyberangerand it's potentally a revenue source04:34
cyberangerand linksys router04:34
wrsttalk to you tomorrow thanks again04:34
cyberanger(since it has no wifi built in, do metion that)04:34
cyberangerok, night wrst04:34
Unit193Another reason to stick with linux as I don't like webapps05:33
wrst_workmr. twayneprice could you give me some wisdom from your great brain please? :)13:15
twaynepriceI'm trying out irccloud.com as a replacement to quassel.  I really like the idea of it being web based.13:17
wrst_workthat's interesting twayneprice I may need to give that a try13:18
wrst_workespecially with my recent internet troubles13:18
twaynepriceYea, that is what was prompting me to look into it.13:19
wrst_workthat looks pretty cool twayneprice13:20
twaynepriceI've want to see if it monitors the network while I'm not logged in, though.13:20
pricewThis is a test.13:20
wrst_worklooks like it does :)13:21
twaynepriceCool.  It did.13:21
wrst_workthat is nice13:21
wrst_workseems like the whole world of everythign is eventually going to run in a browser anyway13:21
twaynepriceIt looks like it will eventually be a paid subscription, thought.13:21
wrst_workI was noticing that also13:22
wrst_workbut still is a cool looking deal13:22
twaynepriceI like everything running in a browser.13:22
wrst_workbut would appear most people using irc are going to be peolpe wanting everything for free :)13:22
twaynepriceYea, I'm not really sure that could charge for it.  They should just throw a google ad up on the right side of the page.13:24
wrst_workyeah that doesn't bother me at all :)13:24
twaynepricewrst_work: tab auto complete even works.13:26
wrst_worktwayneprice: quick twin lakes question for you, the modem they set up is a little more than a modem evidently it assigns a local IP address to my router, instead of the external IP address, and port forwarding of course doesn't work, you have any ideas or do I need to call them *again* ? :)13:26
wrst_worktwayneprice: it looks a lot like the java freenode webclient that is out there on steroids13:27
twaynepriceugh!  Do they use ppoe?13:28
wrst_worktwayneprice: I don't know what they use as they have the routers default password changed13:28
twaynepriceHmmm.  Do they allow you to use your own modem?13:29
wrst_workyes they do, and actually I'm supposed to own that modem or atleast I bought it but they have everything locked down13:29
wrst_workI thought about just doing a reset on it, but I have no clue on the setup13:29
twaynepriceAh.  I would try to call them and get the login info.  Not just for the modem but the ppoe.13:30
wrst_workI just fear that may be a difficulty again, nothign seems easy with those guys13:30
twaynepriceYou are probably right.13:31
wrst_workbut I mean if people use xbox live they need port forwarding13:31
* wrst_work prepares for another day on the line with twin lakes telephone :\13:33
wrst_worktwayneprice: do all dsl providers use pppoe?13:35
twaynepriceI think that is how most of them do.  That allows you to just add your own equipment without calling them.  With the cable modems, I have to call them and give them the mac address of any new modem I buy.13:36
wrst_workok i suspect they will do it some how different :)13:37
twaynepriceIt could be worse.  You could have the modem mounted at the top of the pole, Green Acres style.  :)13:38
wrst_workI guess so13:38
wrst_workthey will be getting their daily 8 AM call from me13:38
wrst_worktwayneprice: that's about how I have felt this week :)13:42
wrst_workhello vychune13:44
vychunehow you doing13:44
wrst_workgood vychune how are you?13:45
vychuneneed a job13:45
wrst_workohh, what do you do vychune?13:45
vychunenot much im only 1913:46
wrst_workyou are in memphis?13:46
wrst_worksurely there's stuff to do there, but with the way things are...13:46
vychunewhat do you do13:49
wrst_workvychune: more or less an accountant work for a small company so get to lots of stuff13:50
wrst_workwhich I like my day doesn't get too boring that way :)13:51
wrst_worktwayneprice: wish me luck! or better yet may really need prayer on this one... I'm calling them again :)14:00
wrst_worktwayneprice: that was some more phone call14:07
twaynepricewrst_work: Did you get it straightened out?14:08
Xpistoswrst_work ? you work?14:08
wrst_worktwayneprice: what do you think? ;) they are going to have someone call me :\14:08
vychuneXpistos LOL!14:09
twaynepricewrst_work: Did you sigh real loud when they told you that?  Sometimes that help.  :)14:10
wrst_workha ha well I didn't mean to twayneprice, but I may have just as a reflex action :)14:11
wrst_workI've had to really monitor my attitude this week its been a good test, they seem to try they can't help it that they don't know what is going on14:12
twaynepriceYou didn't recently pray for more patience, did you?  :)14:13
wrst_workNO twayneprice certainly not!14:13
twaynepriceHmmm.  Must be Satan then.  :)14:14
wrst_worktwayneprice: you might be interested in this: http://www.proclaimonline.com/14:21
twaynepriceThat does look interesting.14:27
wrst_workI thought you might like that14:31
twaynepriceThere are certainly a  lot of options in that area.14:31
wrst_workyes I like the cloud aspect and don't like the cloud aspect of that14:32
twaynepriceI dont have net access at church.  I really wouldn't want to depend on the net for service anyway.  They probably download the set to a local pc.14:36
wrst_workI would guess so, yeah I'm not too keen on total dependence on the net access14:36
wrst_worknetritious: good morning, and you need to renew your loco membership ;)14:36
netritiouswrst: good morning, yes was here to ask about it lol14:37
wrst_worknetritious: I think I can take care of that for you14:37
netritiousdo I just click join again or can you un-expire me wrst14:37
netritiousah cool...that would be awesome14:37
wrst_workI don't know netritious going to check and see14:38
wrst_worknetritious: you should now be back at ait14:39
netritiousawesome ty wrst14:40
netritioushow's everyone?14:40
wrst_workno problem I was afraid you had forasaken us ;)14:40
wrst_workI'm good netritious everything still busy out west?14:41
netritiousyes too busy, but busy is good14:41
netritioussoftball season is over :-/14:41
wrst_workis that good or bad?14:42
netritioussad to see it go every year since it's like the only time I ever go outside lol14:42
netritiousminus mowing the yard14:42
wrst_workha ha maybe a fall league is in order? :)14:43
netritiousheh nah is for my daughter..think she is done when the season is over lol14:44
* cyberanger invites netritious to the ocoee river for some rafting, to the cumberland platu for some rock climbing, or to the nearest ice rink for ice hockey (not sure what that last one has to do with outside, but sounds fun to me)14:44
* netritious accepts all invites which allow me to sit on my arse lol14:45
wrst_worknetritious: or just play more music the music you play gives you a work out14:45
netritiousman you aren't kidding...sore form last night14:46
wrst_workha ha14:47
netritiousand even though I haven't been hanging out here still doing stuff with ubuntu14:47
netritiousI also stalk the IRC logs from time to time to get the jist of what I miss14:47
wrst_worknetritious: well just good to know you still stalk us :\14:48
wrst_worknetritious: you still dabbling with ubuntu server?14:49
netritiousright now working on using ubuntu as a router and VM host...little soho deal for demos14:49
netritiousalso (FINALLY) worked out netboot and automated installs from my local ubuntu repo14:50
netritiousso yeah wrst_work, still working with ubuntu server...LTS anyway14:50
netritioushardy and lucid14:50
netritiouslet's just say netbooting has changed my life14:51
wrst_workyes I wouldn't think working with non-lts on a server that matters really would make sense14:52
wrst_workthe netbooting sounds cool maybe you can teach us all sometime ;)14:52
netritioustrue, but I've met a few people that use ubuntu server and just upgrade every version np...I haven't been as lucky with upgrades14:53
netritiousit's VERY easy14:53
netritioussudo apt-get install dnsmasq14:53
netritioushas everything you need14:53
netritiousdhcp server, dns forwarder, and tftp server14:54
netritioustons of info on google, but the comments in the conf file is best14:54
netritioussudo apt-get install apache2 (you don't need a lamp stack for netbooting)14:55
netritiousor lighthttpd14:55
cyberangernetritious: netbooting from your repo, it was the udeb files that tripped it, wasn't it14:56
netritiousgrab a netboot.tar.gz file from ubuntu's repos..getting link14:56
netritiousthat was part of it cyberanger but really I just had to append the debian-installer dir in the official repos to make it work14:57
netritiousgive me a quick sec to boot "ole-faithful" over here14:57
cyberangerI prefer the full dhcp server (isc-dhcp aka dhcp3-server) and bind9 personally, didn't know dnsmasq was also a tftp server though, cool)14:57
wrst_workcool netritious14:58
netritiousyou can use that too, but it is much more complicated that dnsmasq14:58
netritiousjust saying for local netboot installs dnsmasq is handy14:58
wrst_workand netritious I accidently updated to 11.04 server, i try to keep one release behind but when I updated to 10.10, i upadted my system the next day and didn't pay any attention and boom i had 11.04 but its working well but I don't do anything complicated either14:58
cyberangerI've setup both (aside from tftp) and it seems to be the same, but dnsmasq has it's perks, no doubt14:59
netritiousnice wrst14:59
wrst_workwell netritious not nice, but nice that it worked :D14:59
cyberangerand bind9 is easier to setup slaves, lan zones14:59
netritioushaha true14:59
cyberangerwhich is why I did that (slave opennic zones, build my zone)15:00
netritiouscyberanger: oh certainly, but if you have a dedicated machine or a dedicated VM then dnsmasq is light...15:00
cyberangeroh, and wrst_work you've setup dnsmasq wether you know it or not, via dd-wrt15:00
netritiousfor a full blown DC I would use dhcp3-server and bind915:01
netritiousyep ... any linux/unix based router distro uses dnsmasq15:01
cyberangeryeah, lighter for sure (idk by how much, since I cannot recall dnsmasq doing more than forwarding, well, it has simplistic config, but idk if one could build a zone with it as simplisticly, or for that matter, slave one)15:02
cyberangerand with lighthttpd, perfect size15:02
cyberangervs apache15:02
netritiousyou can't...it's more like a lightweight workgroup enabler15:02
wrst_workcyberanger: yep15:03
wrst_worki've seen that :)15:03
netritiousdnsmasq can't do slave zones15:03
netritiousat least, it's just meant to be forwarding15:03
netritiousbut has built in tftp and dhcp too15:03
netritioushi ubuntulol_15:05
cyberangeryeah, which isn't quite my style, but it's still a cache, so it does work, dhcp is there too, one config (however in some ways, that's also a curse, when I've plugged mine in temporally to subsutite a router outage, I can take a config file and just write it)15:05
cyberangerubuntulo1_ is a mute, it sees and logs, but apprecates the hello15:05
cyberangerI'm still suprised about the tftp server (I was so sure that was a seperate daemon when I messed with dd-wrt)15:06
cyberangernetritious: got the kernel set to route traffic, and the IP Masquerading setup?15:07
netritiousit's ugly and I don't like it though15:07
cyberanger(the worst thing I ran into was ppp setup, which you don't need, and I rarely use)15:08
netritiousand I need a special config for what I'm trying to do and hitting a few road bumps, but I'll figure it out...i almost always do15:08
cyberangerugly how?15:08
netritiouseh just the instructions I followed they do work15:08
cyberangerubuntu's been my router for a year now (maybe more come to think of it)15:08
cyberangerdid they tell you to echo 1 > /proc/something_slipping_my_mind_atm15:09
netritiousbut I don't like how some of the procedures are implemented15:09
cyberangeror edit a config for every boot15:09
netritiousnah...let me get the link15:09
netritiousit's at help.ubuntu.com15:09
cyberanger(reason I ask is there seems to be 100 different ways people have done it)15:10
netritiousyes, I noticed that cyberanger...why I used the ubuntu help lol15:10
netritiousI always try to see if thee is a doc at ubuntu *somewhere* before asking google15:11
cyberangeroh, yeah, that likely makes it a bad one (I didn't like how ubuntu's docs were stale on the matter, tried it and some wordpress and blogger methods, really liked one in perticular)15:11
cyberangerI do both, I've noticed for enough things, esp. things that are niche to most of the community, still worth looking15:12
netritiouswell I am all ears, unfortuantely have my daughter here today just back last night from week long vacation with grandma and grandpa, so will be in and out....she is on her computer atm though lol15:12
cyberangersorta fact check each against the other15:12
netritious*unfortunate that I can't spend more time hanging out15:12
netritiousnot unfortunate my daughter is here:D15:13
cyberanger9/10ths of that isn't what your doing, but 1/10th maybe what you need15:13
cyberangerand I cannot recall how he did the iptables bit, I'd edit /etc/network/interfaces and add a line to lo15:14
netritiousty cyberanger15:14
cyberangerifpreup iptables-restore > /etc/iptables.rules15:14
cyberangerand use iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules to generate15:14
cyberangernetritious: no problem, his method was extremely close to what I started with (haven't deviated too much from it that I'm aware of)15:15
cyberangerclosest to what I needed (not alltel but virgin mobile and t-mobile dual setup)15:15
cyberangerand cleanest at that time, used on lucid and natty fine (think he used hardy, which you also have)15:16
wrst_workoh cyberanger i talked with you a little bit about my modem... I have yet another call in...15:16
cyberangermaybe it helps netritious, if it doesn't lemme know another time in better detail, maybe I've come across it15:17
cyberanger(I fetched all the udebs, did seem to fix things on a netinst, but still felt like there was an easier way, thank you for finding it)15:18
cyberangerwrst_work: how'd that go?15:18
wrst_workcyberanger: TBD waiting on a call15:19
cyberangeroh, them to call you?15:19
wrst_workcyberanger: TBD waiting on a call15:19
wrst_workyes I called them and the guy I talked with well didn't know much so hopefully will get it fixed today15:19
cyberangerum, reading that, sounds like google + nod, ok, we'll see what we can do *jots some notes*15:20
wrst_workcyberanger: only problem if they use pppoe i don't know the user name and password and the guy on the phone really didn't seem to know so I will wait and see :)15:21
wrst_workbut atleast I can see that I'm online at home, hello wrst!15:21
netritiouscyberanger: are you using debmirror?15:22
cyberangerI'm hoping for you, but it really feels like poor practice to me, not following what seems to be standard for any other company15:22
netritiousto create and maintain your mirror?15:22
cyberangernetritious: yes, still am (tweaked version of your script)15:22
netritiousin your section= ....15:23
wrst_workcyberanger: these are good guys there, but yeah... not exactly at the top of the tech world but the 10/1 speed is pretty nice downloaded a 565MB file in about 8 minutes15:23
netritiousfor each section add <section>/debian-installer,15:24
* cyberanger does this now, waits to enable it for when I'm clocked out15:25
netritiouscyberanger: so if you have section=main,restricted you would change to section=main,main/debian-installer,restricted,restricted/debian-installer15:26
cyberangernetritious: thanks a bunch, much simplier than debmirror & rsync udebs only, merge (I did notice most if not all were in a subsection like that, just didn't see that answer from that I guess, glad you did)15:26
cyberangerdoes that work on the anl mirror too15:27
cyberangerI bet it does, the way their syncing15:28
cyberangerwrst_work: I still dunno why they didn't leave your settings alone15:31
wrst_workcyberanger: I'm beyond that :)15:31
wrst_workI don't know why they do lots of things :D15:31
cyberangersure they had to tweak some, but come on, they set you back to new customer15:32
wrst_workcyberanger: I'm pretty sure they are trying to get everyone to dhcp for the simplicity in the setup15:32
wrst_workI tried to and was willing to pay for the static IP out of convenience but they could never get it set up15:32
cyberangernot sure what that simplifies (except the how-to scripts they maybe reading from, or at least something like that)15:34
cyberangerenough of my setup needs a static setup, why I grabbed a vps (and will be again this month)15:35
wrst_worktwayneprice: they were about to send someone out on my issue with the modem, I don't think the guy understood but is going to have the dsl department contact me16:23
twaynepricewrst_work: fun, fun, fun16:23
wrst_workha ha yes twayneprice lots of it now they want to set me up a static IP!16:23
twaynepricewrst_work: I bet their static IP accounts get the router that passes the public through and their dynamic IP accounts use the router that does nat.16:25
wrst_workI'm guessing you are right twayneprice, I'm still a little bumfuzzled by the whole deal I don't think I'm asking fo anything too far out there I was just gonig to use dyndns that you suggested yesterday and live happily ever after :)16:26
twaynepriceno, like you said, anyone with a xbox will have the same problem.16:28
wrst_workbut they will likely sell them one of their modem/wireless router combo deals16:30
wrst_workI sorta know what they are up to and I like tinkering with my router :)16:30
wrsttwayneprice: they got it fixed somehow :)16:36
wrstmay my power never ever go off :)16:36
twaynepricewrst: Cool!!  Static IP or passing a dynamic through?16:37
wrstpassing the dynamic through, now to get everything else set up, at least I have learned something twayneprice :)16:37
twaynepriceThat'll work. Now you just have to set up the dyndns.16:38
wrstyes I may have to bask in this glory for a moment first :D16:38
twaynepriceIs that angels singing that I hear?   :)16:39
wrstha ha16:39
wrstI see the light16:39
twaynepriceThe rapture will probably happen any moment now and you won't get to use it.  :)16:40
twaynepricewrst: ????  No reply?   Aw crap, I missed it.  :)16:44
wrstha ha twayneprice16:55
wrstits on october 21 I've got a few months twayneprice :P16:55
twaynepriceI guess, since we missed the one back in May. :)16:57
wrsttwayneprice: http://www.speedtest.net/result/1333920945.png17:04
wrstI was really wanting him to say december 2012 at least he would have had company17:04
cyberangerI'm guessing they're clueless, but that fixes your issues17:19
cyberanger(sounds like they're giving you a dhcp ip, and that static, unnecessary)17:19
wrstyeah I'm still dhcp cyberanger but I can access things now17:20
cyberangersorry, late send17:20
wrsttwayneprice: its nice to be in the 21st century now17:20
wrstcyberanger: that's ok we expect :P17:20
cyberangeryes, the 21st centery, where irc is (still) cool ;-)17:21
electricusgoogle homepage is cool today.. you can play the guitar!17:28
electricusand you can record your own song :-)17:29
wrstLes Paul would have been 96 today18:04
twaynepriceInteresting.  I just watched this a couple of months ago:  http://www.hulu.com/watch/91100/les-paul---chasing-sound21:20
wrsttwayneprice: i'm giving that a little watch as I have time cool stuff21:37
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: you around?22:52
wrstcyberanger: got all my issues fixed don't know if i told you or not23:27
cyberangerwrst: that's great, wish I did23:28
wrstwhat's wrong cyberanger?23:51
cyberangerwrst: you know me, always a project being worked out23:51
wrstahh well likely problems of your own doing? :)23:52
cyberangerno, well, unlikely23:52
wrstoh ok those aren't fun23:58

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