
Pendulummhall119: don't worry, I'm not taking over from him ;-)00:42
mhall119Pendulum: that's what he said, about 1 week before he took it over from us01:09
mhall119Pendulum: don't under-estimate your abilities01:10
mhall119and, more importantly, don't udner-estimate how badly nigelb is going to want to get away from maintaining Summit01:10
Pendulummhall119: I have no energy for any new leadership positions any time soon. I have learned how to say no over time :P01:10
mhall119Heh, nigelb didn't have a chance to say no, because we never asked ;)01:11
mhall119during UDS, cjohnston and I were like "by the way, you're the new maintainer of summit.  Good luck"01:11
mhall119we only hurt the ones we love01:11
mhall119because everyone else it smart enough to stay out of arm's reach01:12
* Pendulum starts backing away01:12
pleia2you forgot the part where nigelb was like "ok!"01:25
pleia2I think he took on about 4 years of work this cycle :)01:25
mhall119i don't recall him saying "ok"02:50
mhall119I do recall him saying "no! no! no way! no!" on a couple of occasions though02:50
cjohnstonmhall119: how who would be the best way to do that?03:19
mhall119best way to do what?03:46
cjohnston mhall119> cjohnston: might be worth it to just ask the sysadmins first if it would be easier to get a new server for those sites we're upgrading03:46
mhall119ask in #canonical-sysadmin03:47
YoBoY  /msg -bip backlog 105:05
YoBoYgood morning05:06
mhall119already? oy05:08
YoBoYyes 6am...  need a big cup of cofee05:11
nigelbmhall119: We could ask the sysadmins if they're okay with virtualenv.05:12
nigelbmhall119: That would give us a way to isolate the different setups using different versions of django and south05:13
nigelbpleia2: You know me too well :D05:15
mhall119nigelb: you ask, I'm late for bed05:17
nigelbmhall119: ok, I'll ask in -sysadmin how their feels towards virtualenv are :-)05:17
nigelbmhall119: IS doesn't like virtualenv.05:26
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=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
=== newz2000 changed the topic of #ubuntu-website to: #ubuntu-website The Ubuntu Web Presence Team | Ubuntu Website Mailing List: http://goo.gl/PqlXc | More Info: http://goo.gl/8FjAQ | Community Web Projects Mailing List: http://goo.gl/M8Wqu | Community Web Projects on Launchpad: http://goo.gl/K3LOu
* newz2000 tries to remember how to de-op20:10
cjohnstonunop #ubuntu-website20:10
cjohnstonin a chanserv msg20:10
cjohnstonyou rock.. mhall119 nigelb et al  /topic20:11
* nigelb hugs newz200020:12
cjohnstonnewz2000: nhandler is going to try to help us with the channel20:23
nhandlercjohnston, newz2000: You guys should be all set. Feel free to remove some flags from UbuntuIrcCouncil if you want, but leaving them will make it easier for us to help you out in the future if necessary20:41
cjohnstonty nhandler20:41
newz2000thanks nhandler20:42
nhandlerYou are welcome20:44

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