
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
* IdleOne lines up the chairs for meeting20:57
* IdleOne grabs broom and sweeps20:57
pleia2oh dear, we're mising the bot20:58
pleia2AlanBell: where is mootbot-uk?20:58
pleia2bots aren't allowed to take vacations :)20:59
AlanBellerr, no idea20:59
pleia2ok, we can do without20:59
AlanBelltry meetingology instead21:00
pleia2same commans?21:00
AlanBell(bugs excepted)21:00
AlanBellI have a simultanious meeting in #ubuntu-uk-project21:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jun  9 20:01:14 2011 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.21:01
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.21:01
pleia2Hi everyone, who all is here for the meeting?21:01
pleia2[LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Meetings/Agenda21:02
pleia2so the only thing on the agenda right now is blueprint review21:02
pleia2so we can quickly go through blueprint items and give updates21:03
pleia2[TOPIC] Oneiric Blueprint progress21:03
meetingologyTOPIC: Oneiric Blueprint progress21:03
pleia2[LINK] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-o-ubuntu-women-project-goals21:03
pleia2akgraner, hypatia, any updates on your mentoring items?21:04
pleia2how about nigelb?21:04
pleia2ok, they might not be around :) I can give updates on mine21:05
pleia2I went ahead and updated our leadership voting wiki with the new dates: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/LeadershipElectionProcess21:05
pleia2so on July 7th we'll get that process rolling21:06
pleia2as far as the wiki stuff, I still need to toss up a test moin install (I installed python-moinmoin on my server this week, haven't gotten to configuring yet)21:07
pleia2once we have that we can go about fixing the bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org21:07
pleia2as far as the "Best Practices" document goes, I haven't started it yet21:08
pleia2I'll probably start it in july21:10
pleia2(maybe get a skeleton wiki page up this week)21:10
pleia2any questions about the blueprint?21:10
pleia2ok, we can open things up to general updates and announcements then21:12
pleia2[TOPIC] General Updates, Announcements, etc21:12
meetingologyTOPIC: General Updates, Announcements, etc21:12
pleia2anyone can jump in :)21:12
nigelbpleia2: No updates from me on BP items, waiting to work with akgraner once she's better.21:13
pleia2ok, thanks :)21:13
pleia2it never formally made it to the blueprint, but any updates on ada lovelace day planning?21:14
nigelbAlanBell and I briefly tossed around ideas for Ada Lovelace day.  Summarised at http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/RKITOIjo1B.  More feedback welcome :-)21:14
AlanBellyes indeed :)21:15
pleia2oh great21:15
pleia2anything else?21:16
IdleOneWould mentioning that the IRCC can now approve Ubuntu membership be relevant to UWP?21:17
* pleia2 adds a few notes to the pad21:17
pleia2sure, link?21:17
IdleOne https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Membership21:17
pleia2so if you've been shy about applying for membership and you have a lot of contributions on IRC, that's a path you can take for Ubuntu Membership :)21:18
IdleOneAlso the Forums Council I believe21:18
pleia2the ubuntuforums.org folks also have one now if you're very active on the forums: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Forums/Membership21:18
IdleOnethat's all I got :)21:20
pleia2oh, and full details about what Ubuntu Membership is are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership21:20
pleia2me too, anyone have anything else before we wrap up?21:20
pleia2ok, thanks everyone :)21:21
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jun  9 20:21:32 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell . (v 0.1.4)21:21
meetingologyMinutes:        http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-women-project/2011/ubuntu-women-project.2011-06-09-20.01.moin.txt21:21
* pleia2 gives meetingology a cookie21:21
IdleOne!cookie > meetingology21:22
ubot4meetingology, please see my private message21:22
meetingologyubot4: Error: "please" is not a valid command.21:22
ubot4meetingology: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:22
meetingologyubot4: Error: "Error:" is not a valid command.21:22
ubot4meetingology: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:22
meetingologyubot4: Error: "Error:" is not a valid command.21:22
ubot4meetingology: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:22
IdleOnewhat did I do21:22
pleia2quit breaking the bot! :)21:23
nigelbIdleOne: stop making the bots fight :P21:23
pleia2AlanBell: these meeting minutes aren't so pretty as the old ones :)21:23
AlanBellyeah, sorry21:24
AlanBellpatches welcome21:24
pleia2where does meetingology code live?21:24
AlanBellpatches *very* welcome :)21:26
pleia2any reason you moved away from the inline with logs way you did it with mootbot-uk?21:27
AlanBellwell it is a full rewrite, from TCL to python21:27
AlanBelland debian people did the framework of the python version21:28
pleia2I liked that a lot since it made the ToC be like the current "agenda" and put things into context21:28
pleia2so was it an actual decision to change it, or just an artifact of the rewrite?21:28
AlanBellI loved the old way21:29
Pendulumaww, sad to miss the meeting, but my neurosurgeon called and that was rather more important ;-)21:29
AlanBellhowever I do like the summary of actions21:29
AlanBellpleia2: the idea is that it should also be able to re-process meeting logs21:30
AlanBellso you would point it at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/09/%23ubuntu-women-project.txt and get a new formatted minutes21:31
* pleia2 back to work21:33
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: 14 July 2011 @ 20:00 UTC
AlanBellMootbot-UK is back22:00

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