
Sarvattargh, all browsers unusable while the oneiric upgrade is in progress :P02:41
Sarvattwoohoo upgrade failed, lets see how broken it is on reboot02:54
Sarvattso yeah, somehow added 10 seconds to my bios progress bar time, recovery mode is busted, keyboard/mouse doesn't work with lightdm, unity is usuably ugly and http://sarvatt.com/downloads/wtf.png ...03:11
brycehSarvatt, :-/03:14
Sarvattthink I'm about done with gnome :)03:15
ScottKThat sounds either good or ominous.03:16
ScottKNot sure which it is.03:16
Sarvattah I see, gnome-shell is the only thing that works atm apparently03:21
Sarvatt(yet not installed by default)03:22
* RAOF as always has the working system.03:41
SarvattRAOF: screenshot plz? :)03:43
RAOFhttp://cooperteam.net/Screenshot.png :P03:45
SarvattRAOF: woohoo04:11
Sarvattthanks man, installing gnome-themes-standard fixed things04:11
Sarvattnow to figure out why i can't boot the oneiric kernel when the previous oneiric kernels installed under natty work fine04:14
Sarvattudev complaining about not being able to write to /run/udev and it just sits there04:14
Sarvattguessing its a udev problem and those earlier initrd's weren't updated with the broken udev04:14
bjsniderRAOF, you're using a lot of ram there04:21
RAOFSarvatt: Odd.  My initramfs complains about that and then boots fine. :)04:21
RAOFbjsnider: Oh, yes.04:21
SarvattRAOF: hrm I waited about 45 seconds before giving up each time04:22
RAOFbjsnider: ram/swap: 3.6GB,84% s2.8GB,27%04:22
* Sarvatt boots in <1004:22
SarvattRAOF: does lightdm work for you?04:22
RAOFAgain, yes :)04:22
bjsniderRAOF, i gues you have a few virtual machines running?04:23
Sarvattoh latest lightdm is from may04:23
RAOFUptime ~4hrs.  No VMs; my system just eats ram for no obvious reason.04:24
Sarvattgoing to have to ssh in and see if i can figure out why keyboard/touchpad/trackpoint dont work, absolutely nothing in the logs04:24
RAOFIt's not udev being broken and not marking the devices as input?04:24
bjsniderRAOF, you have gobbled up that much ram in only 4 hours?04:25
bjsniderthat's rdiculous04:25
bjsniderthis is linux04:25
RAOFOh, much less than 4 hours; it's pretty much static :)04:25
Sarvattoh you know that might be it, i didn't boot the oneiric installed kernel with gdm yet04:25
SarvattRAOF is a mono fan.. :P04:25
bjsniderRAOF, you can check in top or whatever which process is using that much04:26
RAOFThe real killers are firefox at 900MiB res and evolution at 1100 MiB res.04:26
bjsnideror are they all high04:27
RAOF(As always).04:27
bjsniderwell, i don't use either, so maybe that's why i don't ever have that much ram usage04:27
bjsniderit doesn't even get that high with virtual machines running04:28
bjsnideri haven't even bothered to install a swap partition04:28
Sarvattok stuff is "working", now to see if xorg-edgers "works"04:35
Sarvattgetting worried about my mesa packaging fork :)04:35
Sarvatthmm lightdm upstart script stops because of [ ! -f /etc/X11/default-display-manager -o "$(cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager 2>/dev/null)" = "/usr/bin/lightdm" ] || { stop; exit 0; }04:49
Sarvatt but the gdm one never starts04:49
Sarvattthe udev-fallback-graphics upstart script always fails, i always get a text plugin plymouth splash on the inteldrmfb, moving lightdm out of the way didn't help, definitely some udev bustage here05:04
RAOFYeah.  I'm not sure whether my update intel plymouth integration patch actually works because I don't think that plymouth is working right :).05:07
Sarvattdang I coulda tested it on natty05:08
RAOFWell, it doesn't *crash* and I'm pretty sure it doesn't mess up the graphics state; the only question is whether it actually copies the entirety of the framebuffer to the new front buffer before setting setting it as scanout.05:09
Sarvattdowngrading to natty udev/libudev fixed it \o/05:09
SarvattRAOF: downgrading to natty udev also makes plymouth work again if you want to test it05:10
RAOFHm, funky.05:10
Sarvatti've got xorg-edgers going, lemme ppa-purge05:10
Sarvattwill let ya know in about 2 minutes if it works05:11
Sarvattoh of course now i see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/78761005:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 787610 in udev (Ubuntu) "udevd fails to start: bind failed: Address already in use (affects: 6) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,New]05:12
SarvattRAOF: works fine and actually makes gdm look 100x better05:14
Sarvattbecause you get the purple background instead of black05:14
RAOFTime to clean up and upstream with a ‘Originally-written-by: Someone at Redhat’ :)05:15
Sarvattof course i'm sure its 100% broken with current git05:16
RAOFOh, of course.  sna.05:16
SarvattI think krh originally wrote it05:16
RAOFI'm sure he's on intel-gfx@.  He can pipe up if he wants to :)05:17
SarvattI hear sna works on !gen6 if you want to try it05:17
Sarvattgen6 for sure needs the xserver stuff :(05:18
Sarvattif you could tell me if chromium works on yours that'd be much appreciated :)05:18
Sarvatti might enable it for select generations in xorg-edgers05:18
Sarvattwould be nice if it was just opt-in with an xorg.conf option actually..05:19
Sarvattlessee if lightdm works with natty udev05:19
Sarvattcnd: looks like you can blame lightdm for your Oh no! error05:27
cndSarvatt, I was using gdm...07:40
Sarvattcnd: oh sorry, i switched to lightdm and after fixing udev so keyboard/mouse worked i got the fail whale every login with that07:42
Sarvatthmm dri2proto 2.5 was never released, now x-x-v-intel depends on 2.607:47
RAOFHey, ccache!  FASTER!09:10
tjaaltontook 9min to build mesa on my new box09:16
LLStarkscnd: can two-finger middle-click tap be done in ubuntu without causing the problems of two-finger scrolling?09:18
LLStarksit's only a tapbutton command09:18
RAOFtjaalton: Is that a full package build, or just dri?09:28
tjaaltonRAOF: full09:28
* RAOF hates you and your shiny fast system :P09:28
tjaaltonjust a 4core, 8 thread snb with ssd09:29
ScottKDo I want wayland support patches in kwin this cycle?18:05
ScottKUpstream is offereing.18:05
tjaaltonScottK: we are not going to do anything special with it, but some people might want to test it. what exactly do those patches enable?18:25
ScottKtjaalton: Dunno19:03
tjaaltonScottK: got a link to a commit?19:36
ScottKtjaalton: I asked mgraesslin to join us here (or you can join #kubuntu-devel)19:37
tjaaltonScottK: nah that's fine, was just curious19:48
brycehScottK, no you probably don't care about having wayland support patches in kwin yet20:04
brycehScottK, it's nice that upstream is providing them, but it's going to be at least another release or two before there's really enough of interest for you to care about20:05
brycehScottK, you probably can just wait until they're in your regular kwin release20:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKbryceh: Thanks.20:45
tjaaltonthe "wayland-clients on kwin" news can be found on phoronix22:08
Sarvattgonna have to stop intel updates for a few days, dont trust that dri2proto wont get released as 2.5 yet and would be screwed if i uploaded it as 2.6 :P22:29

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