
PolahJorge: Pides tu pregunta en #ubuntu-es, es el canal de ayuda en español.00:00
SmashcatAh done it - permissions had to be 700 for the script it was calling as root00:00
Polahquaestio, correct.00:00
nit-witCat-Meow, b=not sure really you have about 1400 aps installed in a regular install, your guess would be aas good as ours. You might install conky so you can see what is being used.00:00
julieSmashcat, told you :P00:00
quaestiobrown_fern: no worries, the system is really new and relatively powerful (4 GB ram, asus e-350, but it is a netbook, so no disc drive), so I'll definitely use the full ubuntu distro. My only problem is the small usb stick00:00
rationalOgrelouet: are you running sudo mkfs.vfat? or just mkfs.vfat?00:00
Smashcatjulie: Well, not exactly ;-) It was 755 before, so was running fine from the cmd line00:01
julieSmashcat, I didn't give sufficient details indeed00:01
brown_fernquaestio: Wow, was I off-base! :-[00:01
Smashcatjulie: Well thanks anyway ;-)00:01
rationalOgreCat-Meow: run sudo dmesg -C then wait for it to happen, after reboot run dmesg and see if it says anything at the top00:02
Cat-Meowalright thank you00:02
julieSmashcat, BTW did it show the error in your syslog?00:03
anadonHey, I'm using the Ubuntu 11.4 x64 live CD to try and diagnose an issue with my MALBAL Lotus laptop.  I'm trying to find out the extent of damage to my SSD, and whether the MOBO is about to die because of kernel panics that occur half the time when booting this CD.  If this is not the right channel, what is?00:03
Smashcatjulie: heh, my little script works now so I can shut down the machine from a web browser. Ah, didn't check for an error after it worked. I chmodded the file first00:03
louetrationalOgro: yes. What does "Device partition expected, not making filesystem on entire device '/dev/sdc' (use -I to override)" means ?00:03
quaestiobrown_fern: no prob, what counts is your willingness to help, thx! looking forward to using ubuntu :-)00:03
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rationalOgrelouet: Oh, you need to have partitioned the drive first00:04
rationalOgrelouet: is there a /dev/sdb1?00:04
julieSmashcat, I don't see the point of clicking a button in your browser to restart instead of the regular option on top right :P00:04
Polahanadon: Are you experiencing kernel panics when the SSD is unmounted?00:04
runknerhi, i cant use åäö leeters in apache, what should i do00:04
rationalOgresorry /dev/sdc100:04
rationalOgrelouet: sorry /dev/sdc100:05
Smashcatjulie: This machine lives in the bottom of an arcade cabinet - there's no keyboard or maouse attached, just joysticks/buttons. So now I can shut the machine down from my phone instead of just pulling the plug out of the wall ;-)00:05
Polahjulie: I've noticed that using the built-in GNOME shutdown doesn't actually shut the power off. It continues to power my USB ports, since my mouse light stays on. I set up a script to shut down properly and halt power to the USB ports as well.00:05
Smashcatjulie: It boots into MAME00:05
rationalOgreanadon: We hear you, if someone is able to answer, they will. Wait a few minutes then re-ask the question.00:05
julieSmashcat, I see, well that is nice automation00:06
juliePolah, that has to do with power saving options00:06
rsharmaHi, I would like to know how can i remove the Kubuntu apps installed inside my Ubuntu system00:07
SmashcatAnyway thanks! later00:07
Polahjulie: There's no option in my power management to halt power to the USB ports when shutting down.00:07
juliePolah, not what I meant but are you sure you're choosing to shut it down and not hybernating or putting it to sleep?00:08
brown_fernquaestio: Well thank you! Hey, still consider alternatives to Ubuntu for this particular stick anyways, I install to USB stick also but use 4 GB sticks as the cut-off for Ubuntu. Can one go lower than that? Of course, but they then dip into user space, or the area where user-based changes would be made. Good luck with it in any event!00:08
anadonHey, I'm using the Ubuntu 11.4 x64 live CD to try and diagnose an issue with my MALBAL Lotus laptop.  I'm trying to find out the extent of damage to my SSD, and whether the MOBO is about to die because of kernel panics that occur half the time when booting this CD.  If this is not the right channel, what is?00:08
Polahjulie: Yes. It still powers my rear USB ports, so I just have a little button on my panel that runs shutdown -P instead.00:08
rationalOgreanadon: What do you mean by "extent of damage"?00:08
runknerhi, i cant use se swedish chars in apache2, what should i do00:08
sakshaUbuntu is great!00:08
Polahanadon: Did you see my message above? Do you still get kernel panics on a LiveCD with the SSD unmounted?00:09
juliePolah, that's weird!00:09
res22_saksha: hell yeah00:09
rationalOgreanadon: i.e. do you normally use Ubuntu or something else?00:09
sakshafuck wind00:09
LjLsaksha: mind your language please, and keep it about ubuntu support00:09
anadonrationalOgre: I don't know if I'm looking at near or total system failure or just that the SSD needs replacing.  I've never dealt with hardware damage to this extent before.00:10
anadonrationalOgre: I usually dual boot Ubuntu and win 7 pro00:10
Polahanadon: Have you considered running SMART tests from Ubuntu's Disk Utility. Assuming SSDs have SMART tests or some kind of equivalent00:11
rationalOgreanadon: Ok. Are you getting tons of bad sectors?00:11
anadonThe BIOS told me that the SSD was all of a sudden dead--totally00:11
BBHoodI have a dual boot setup (Natty and Win XP) with two different hard disks.  Using a live CD, I can see both of them, but booting into natty, I can only see the linux disk.  How do I mount the windows disk and have it always done at startup?00:11
anadonalso, io errors often happen when I boot the CD, which I think points to a mobo failure00:11
sakshaAnyone know any mirc client better than xchat?00:12
Azelphursaksha: mirc client? do you mean IRC?00:12
nawkUnity 11.04 is an epic fail00:12
rationalOgreanadon: sounds like a possibility. try installing smartmontools00:12
b0n1i added the script 11_Windows in /etc/grub.d the source of the script is : http://pastebin.com/Cdef7J1f00:13
b0n1i have windows as /dev/sdb100:13
b0n1i cant see any entry in the boot list of grub and i dont know why00:13
b0n1on update-grub i get ... Adding Windows... but the boot list remains the same00:13
rationalOgreanadon: And see if you can bring up the smart information for the drive00:13
nawkmang, it looks like as soon as you uncheck(i.e. disable) Desktop Wall, your WM breaks00:13
anadonrationalOgre: do you know what a mobo failure looks like exactly00:13
sakshaforgiveness is that I understand little of computer00:13
Azelphur!better | saksha00:14
ubottusaksha: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:14
yassinehi all im trying to boot from ubuntu live cd but when i try to hit the test ubuntu button nothing happens absolutly nothing00:14
b0n1i have 2 linux installed so i dont know what grub actually is active . but i tried it on both with no success00:14
rationalOgreanadon: A total failure would be a complete inability to boot the system.00:14
yassineanyone have an idea what could be the problem?00:14
Polahyassine: Could be a corrupt burn on the CD.00:14
rationalOgreanadon: What you have would be an intermittent or sporadic failure.00:14
tmgeveryone is talking about unity fails and i noticed it to be best ui i was using so far... am i alien ? ;p00:14
sakshaI downloaded xchat but I guess there is something better?00:14
rationalOgreanadon: Possibly of just one of the bridge chips.00:14
Polahsaksha: Depends what you're looking for.00:14
nawkThis is true even if you are back in Ubuntu Classic00:14
Azelphursaksha: xchat is a very good client, it's one of the best. But ultimately it depends on what your looking for00:14
Azelphurtmg: not really, I like unity too, I think people just get angry with the change00:15
rationalOgreanadon: Either way, you're looking at probably sending it back to Malibal to be repared.00:15
Azelphurtmg: usually the people that are too stupid to form a constructive argument, xD00:15
rationalOgreanadon: The question is,  is the ssd dead too? Or is it just the mobo.00:15
tmgAzelphur: ahh... well , i agree :)00:15
b0n1Azelphur,  but there are some bugs with unity , i think thats the major argument against it00:15
rationalOgreanadon: where are you seeing the IO errors? While booting?00:16
BBHoodactually hold that thought, I must depart00:16
Azelphurb0n1: yep, doesn't work for everyone it's pretty new tech, if it doesn't work for you you should be filing a bug report rather than coming here and saying "Unity sucks" or something else dumb :)00:16
anadonrationalOgre: looking into it now...I'm seeing them while booting, then I have to force shutdown and try again00:16
AzelphurYou can always use gnome 2 in the mean time.00:16
nawkDoes anyone want to try (or dare to) unchecking Desktop Wall in CCSM00:16
rationalOgreanadon: paste the output of dmesg somewhere00:17
nawkin 11.0400:17
b0n1Azelphur, i am not someone who is claiming Unity sucks everywhere i just tell my experience and i did already do some bug reports00:17
Azelphurnawk: been there done that, my laptops are unity+cube :D00:17
IstanI just set up a VPN connection to a server on my ubuntu laptop, suppose someone was monitoring my traffic would all my traffic be encrypted (incl DNS requests and URL requests?)00:17
nit-witnawk, did it long ago, t will remove the side panel, would you like a link?00:17
Azelphurb0n1: that's fair enough :)00:17
b0n1just wanted to tell tmg  the reason why there are some people that dont like unity00:17
louetrationalOgre: sorry for late. It's a usb key. So there's only one partition. I use it to put ubuntu.00:18
brcasperi can't wait until gnome 3 is fully supported... if it's ever gonna be00:18
nit-witbrcasper, it is in fedora 15, try it out.00:18
Polahbrcasper: Apparently 11.10 might support it, but they'll stop distributing with GNOME2/3 preinstalled so if you install fresh on it then you'll have to install GNOME manually afterwards. Of course, I might have read wrongly and be mistaken.00:18
nit-witarchinux as well00:18
rationalOgrelouet: right but the single partition should be /dev/sdc100:19
rationalOgrelouet: /dev/sdc is the whole drive. You have to have a partition to write a filetable on first.00:19
brcaspernit-wit, i happen to be using it with natty with really minor issues...  it's almost perfect, at least everything i tested so far... i don't like RPM-based distros, prefer ubuntu00:19
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tmgb0n1: so, if you want to point some bugs for me just do that, you can even talk to me in priv (even im not a developer of it i can talk in deep)00:20
louetrationalOgre: so should it be sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n Mint /dev/sdc1 ?00:20
Steve973Hello.  Does anyone have any ideas for a front end for mysql?  not an admin tool like phpmyadmin, but something that makes it easy to create forms for data entry.00:20
flaikshey there!00:20
flaikswondering if someone could help me out, using ubuntu 11.04 with an atheros ar928x wireless card, and wont list any networks, its showing as using a driver and active in lspci, but with iwlist says cannot scan00:21
rationalOgrelouet: yes, if you already have a partition on sdc it will be sdc1 to mkfs00:22
PolahSteve973: An HTML form generator type thing?00:22
anadonrationalOgre: Ok, all SMART tests point to disk failure.  How do I check the mobo?00:22
Steve973Polah yes something for the web.00:22
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html_inprogresshow do i remote connet from ubuntu 10.10  2gb ddr2 and 64 2.1 ghz to a atom 1.6 ghz 1 ddr3  windows 7?00:23
nawkAzelphur, nit-wit: yes, enabling 3d desktop (or just simply unchecking Desktop Wall) in ccsm kills my WM00:23
nawkAzelphur, nit-wit: *Even* in "Ubuntu Classic"00:23
flaiks"#iwlist scan" gives me "wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down"00:23
louetrationalOgre: the problem is that I can't make any partition on /sdc00:23
nit-witnawk, what is it that you want?00:24
louetwith gparted*00:24
tmgbtw. im looking to chat with someone from ubu staff, any hope to get one here or i have to process with official way >00:24
anadonrationalOgre: Ok, all SMART tests point to disk failure. How do I check the mobo?00:24
Coreytmg: What do you need, exactly?00:24
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nit-wittmg, not likely.00:24
rationalOgrelouet: what error is it giving you when you try to make the partition?00:24
Polahtmg: We're all volunteers. We can help you with problems. Use Launchpad if you have a bug to report. Anything else that you feel you need an actual Canonical staff member for, you'll have to use email/phone I imagine.00:25
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MiLLohey guys, does anyone know how to set the sidebar on the left of natty to autohide00:25
nit-witnawk, here is alink that might help if your looking for thr ciube etc.  http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/00:26
brcasperdoes anyone know why installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras package apparently fucks up pulseaudio?00:26
flaiksanyone have any experience with my problem ?00:26
rationalOgreanadon: I'm sorry, diagnosing a failing motherboard is long and involved. You can google the subject if you like. Basically it involves stripping the system down to bare bones, shutting off stuff in the bios, then re-enabling and reinstalling stuff 1 at a time until you find out what is failing. If you make it all the way through and it still does it then you most likely have a bad motherboard.00:26
brcasperin 11.04 by the way00:26
html_inprogresshow do i remote connet from ubuntu 10.10  2gb ddr2 and 64 2.1 ghz to a atom 1.6 ghz 1 ddr3  windows 7?   how do i connect to ubuntu to windows 7 ?00:26
nit-witbrcasper, this is a mixed channel swaring will get you banned.00:26
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: define what you mean by "connect"00:26
louetrationalOgre: it's not written. Just only that it didn't work.00:27
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: oh wait, you mean remote desktop00:27
rationalOgrelouet: did you try doing it with fdisk?00:27
html_inprogresstensorpudding,  remote connect and send files to windows00:27
rationalOgrelouet: it's a bit more tricky than gparted but many times it works when gparted fails.00:27
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: try the Terminal Server Client?00:27
brcaspernit-wit,  i don't get what i did wrong00:27
html_inprogresstensorpudding,  whats that ?00:28
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: or you mean file sharing? that's a bit trickier00:28
nit-witbrcasper, I don't care personnaly but the F*** word is not allowed.00:28
IRC1my computer gets all decimal numbers over 3 places seriusly f***ed up!, if you typed 22 div 7 you would not believe your eyes!00:28
rationalOgrelouet: just curious, is the device mounted right now?00:28
louetrationalOgre: yes. First "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc"00:28
flaiksokay so if I want to use a windows driver with ndiswrapper which version would be best,windows 7 ?00:28
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: to send files to windows, you need to enable folder sharing00:28
louetthen sudo umount /media/4860-5CES00:29
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: if you share a folder in windows, it will be reachable from the ubuntu desktop00:29
brcaspernit-wit,  my mistake00:29
rich__What do people use as a replacement for JeOS and vmbuilder?00:29
html_inprogresshow do i do that ? or do you got a link ?00:29
brcasperanything about the issue?00:29
louetrationalOgre: finally mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n Mint /dev/sdc1  (with sudo)00:29
html_inprogresstensorpudding, im on a local network00:29
nit-witbrcasper, I didn't want to se you kicked, when you need help.;)00:29
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rationalOgrelouet: run sudo umount then try sudo fdisk /dev/sdc00:30
MiLLohey sorry to post again - but my side bar in natty (on the left hand side - with all the launchers) has stopped being autohide.  Does anyone know why this happens, and how do I reset it to go to autohide again.  Thanks00:30
louetrationalOgre: it's not mounted I think00:30
louetrationalOgre; and after fdisk ?00:31
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Share-files-with-someone00:32
rationalOgrelouet: well, you'll have to work your way through fdisk setting up the partitions then write them to the partition table.00:32
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: that's how you make files available in windows to be shared00:32
rationalOgrelouet: once done there then you can try mkfs.vfat blah blah /dev/sdc100:32
louetrationalOgre: wow00:32
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: you'll want to enable read/write permission00:32
rationalOgrelouet: fdisk -l /dev/sdc only lists the partition tables00:32
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: then you ought to be able to see the computer on the Network place in Ubuntu00:33
rationalOgrelouet: what's the output of fdisk -l /dev/sdc00:33
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)00:34
sje46hello, I put an entry in /etc/fstab so my computer automatically mounts my windows partition, however my regular user doesn't have permission there00:34
sje46What can I do to fstab to give me permission?00:34
tensorpuddingsje46: install the NTFS Configuration Tool from the Software Center00:35
jonesst1if its in fstab it should mount on boot.....00:35
louetrationalOgre: what do you precisely need with fdisk ?00:35
rationalOgrelouet: when fdisk comes up hit p<enter>00:36
rationalOgreand it should print the current partition table00:36
tensorpuddingsje46: NTFS-3g allows for user mapping so that users can have permissions to edit files on the disk00:36
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tensorpuddingsje46: NTFS uses ACLs which are not similar to permissions in Linux; by default mounted NTFS volumes are given permissions only to the administrator00:37
louetrationalOgre: qomething like "W95 FAT32  ??00:37
BalliverHey guys, I updated my flash today (update manager told me there was an update) and now it is not working in chrome, anyone else recently update with this problem know a fix or any tips for trouble shooting this?00:38
rationalOgrelouet: so it says /dev/sdc1 * 1 <somenumber> <someothernumber> 95 "W95 FAT32"00:38
sje46tensorpudding: but when I mount the partition using nautlus, I dont have to use any of that...I have permission00:39
sje46so I already have teh tools00:39
louetrationalOgre: yes, just under system00:39
tensorpuddingsje46: when you mount it with nautilus, you're mounting it as that user00:39
tensorpuddingsje46: but when it's mounted via /etc/fstab, it's mounted by root00:40
yoghrt1hello, I have a question, can I upgrade any debian based distro simply by changing /etc/apt/sources.list (as shown here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apt-get-upgrade-debian-lenny-5-to-debian-6-squeeze/ )?00:40
flaiksso i installed the atheros drivers with ndiswrapper, still nothing00:40
tensorpuddingsje46: by using that configuration tool it should allow you to specify better permissions00:40
rationalOgresje46: in /etc/fstab your options for the NTFS mounts should have gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002 I believe00:40
LjLyoghrt1: that's not the recommended method for Ubuntu00:40
LjL!upgrade > yoghrt100:40
ubottuyoghrt1, please see my private message00:40
flaiksso in ndiswrapper its showing the card as active and functioning, but wont scan for any wireless networks00:42
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rationalOgrelouet: (d)elete that partition and then make a (n)ew one. (The letters in parens are the commands you will use)00:42
flaiksin the networking menu at the top bar, just says wireless disabled, but i have the enable wireless box checked00:42
brown_fernflaiks: a Ubuntu Forum user with your same Atheros chip and a similarly sounding problem, started his/her quest toward bliss in the following "solved" thread. Though, while they say the device "won't turn on," you indicate otherwise for your situation. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1682285&highlight=ar928x00:43
MiLLoanyone have any ideas on how to hide the launcher sidebar in unity/natty? it's supposed to be set to autohide but now it's stopped00:43
flaiksbrown_fern, tyvm00:43
louetrationalOgre: sudo fdisk -d /dev/sdc ?00:43
louetand sudo fdisk -n /dev/sdc ?00:44
rationalOgre louet no00:44
rationalOgrelouet: just run sudo fdisk /dev/sdc00:44
rationalOgreand it will take you into the fdisk curses application00:44
rationalOgrewell, not curses00:44
rationalOgreit's kinda an interactive shell00:44
brown_fernflaiks: That page looks a bit convoluted though, I followed it for a time and just decided to turn it over to you. :-D   You welcome, if happens to help at all.00:45
rationalOgrethen you hit d00:45
rationalOgreand enter00:45
rationalOgreand it will delete the partition table00:45
rationalOgrethen hit n, and enter.00:45
rationalOgrethen follow the steps, when it asks you for partition type you want 0c00:45
Rollinanyone with ati gfx + ubuntu 11.04 + latest software updates that does not get a black screen on bootup? (dellstudio 1558 here)00:45
DavidePalmAre there any issues with 11.04 64bit vs the 32bit version?  Any benefits to installing the 32 bit over the 64 bit even though I have a 64 bit system?00:46
macnixI have the most annoying network interface problem on 10.04.02 64bit which I just can't figure out00:46
louetrationalOgre: what about the number of partition. I stay on 1 ?00:47
macnixifconfig output is good, I can ping it, but none of the services are available00:47
yoghrt1LjL, why it is not recommended?00:47
macnixit just hangs when I try to connect via ssh or http to anything but the primary IP00:47
milambermacnix: check the router config?00:48
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macnixsame setup works on one server, but does not work on the other one...00:48
rationalOgrelouet: yeah00:48
LekeFlyWhy does my machine ALWAYS crash at boot.. argh even Live CD of Ubuntu, KillDisk, CentOS everything it just frezes00:48
macnix@milamber this is a server with an ISP, don't have access to the router00:48
macnixI did use nmap however00:48
macnixrunning it locally00:48
nimbioticsHello. I recently 'upgraded' to 11.04, but my laptop is not taking it very lightly; It slows down to almost a halt very often and crashes every now and then. I'm planing on installing from scratch but I'd like to ask wether its worth the time or not to install 11.04 or if I should stay with 10.04. THX in advanced00:48
milambermacnix: does your isp allow you to run it remotely?00:49
macnix@milamber this is the full picture https://gist.github.com/93472542fb4d0ca5cc2700:49
macnix@milamber you mean run nmap remotely?00:49
milambermacnix: yes00:49
macnixyes, sure I can00:50
taahahowto disable update on ubuntu 11.0400:50
macnixbut if nmap doesn't return anything for the other IPs when I run it locally, on the server, why would it work if I ran it remotely?00:50
brown_fernDavidePalm: I'm far from an expert, but on 64-bit systems I'd most definitely go with the 64-bit OS, that's what I do for my own systems. I'm not aware of any negative issues with 64-bit Ubuntu, myself.00:50
milambermacnix: does it show the right ports as interesting?00:50
louetrationalOgre: after last cylinder, I just have "command (m for help). Nothing else to do ?00:50
macnixit doesn't show any ports for the additional IPs00:50
louetI already typed n00:51
macnixonly the primary one, eth000:51
macnixeht0:0 & eht0:0 don't return any open ports00:51
macnixsorry eth0:0 & eth0:100:51
rationalOgrelouet: t00:52
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rationalOgrelouet: then 0c00:53
Shinta7how do i get dropbox for linux00:53
macnix@milamber if I run traceroutes to the IPs, they stop at the firewall so I can't get to the actual machines, to confirm that the IPs have been allocated correctly00:53
rationalOgrewhen it asks what you want to change to00:53
k-rAd-can natty read and write to HFS+ partitions without corruption.  a backup drive.  sensitive info.00:53
louetrationalOgre: 0=zero ?00:53
rationalOgrelouet: yes00:53
rationalOgrelouet: you can just use c00:53
macnix@milamber but they all respond to pings and they didn't until I set them up on the server00:53
benccI'm setting soft nofile and hard nofile in /etc/security/limits.conf. it affects all user except root00:53
rationalOgreyou don't have to have the 000:53
nimbioticsIs it worth updating to 11.04? TIA!00:54
macnix@milamber I have NEVER had this problem before on Ubuntu and did quiet a few multi-IP setups00:54
rationalOgreit will say something about changing to W95 FAT32 (LBA)00:54
milambermacnix: it really doesn't seem like an ubuntu problem. sounds like a network setup issue. 1 sec.00:54
rationalOgrelouet: do you want it to be bootable?00:54
louetrationalOgre: done! It's the last step I hope?00:54
louetrationalOgre: no00:55
rationalOgrelouet: ok00:55
vlt_Hello. Can anyone recommend a cli music player that will play wav files from local file system and can play without gaps when I skip to the next track (or even cross-fade)?00:55
k-rAd-can natty read and write to HFS+ partitions without corruption.  a backup drive.  sensitive info.00:55
louetI'll select it when I boot00:55
macnix@milamber that's what I thought, but I need ammo if I'm going to tell the biggest DC in Europe that they got their network config screwed :D00:55
rationalOgrelouet: then, use w to (write partition table and exit)00:55
Dwade09how do i find how much mem my video card has?00:55
rationalOgreand then you can sudo mkfs.vfat blah blah /dev/sdc100:55
macnix@Dwade09 lshw is your best bet00:56
DavidePalmIf I re-install a fresh copy of 11.04, will this mess with my current installation of GRUB?  Will it cause me to have to reconfigure grub to access my windows 7 partition?00:56
Dwade09thanks macnix00:56
BIGbigvlt_: mocp00:56
macnix@Dwade09 np ;)00:56
louetrationalOgre: "The partition table has been altered" what's that?00:56
louetjust after typing w00:56
rationalOgrelouet: That's what you want to happen00:57
rationalOgrelouet: Now you can run the mkfs.vfat command (using sudo of course)00:57
louetoh yes yes wait00:57
louetrationalOgre: so it's "sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32  /dev/sdc1" (with the 1 or not?)00:58
rationalOgrelouet: WITH the 100:58
rationalOgrelouet: we went through all that trouble in order to GET the 100:59
Dwade09macnix,  i saw it done it, but it does not show video mem http://pastebin.com/YsUpVHjS00:59
louetrationalOgre: I have "unable to open /dev/sdc1"01:00
Dwade09macnix, http://pastebin.com/mwK3wzCh sorry last link was dead to me01:00
milambermacnix: what is the output of route -n?01:01
PupenoHow do I run glipper? If I run it from a console, even in background, it dies when I kill the console.01:02
rationalOgrelouet: what does "sudo mount" say with regaurd to /dev/sdc01:02
rationalOgrelouet: You could also use sudo mount | grep sdc01:03
macnix@milamber sorry, got a brew01:03
louetrationalOgre: nothing happens, it simply goes to next lign01:04
rationalOgrelouet: Ok, so it's not mounted at all.01:04
rationalOgrelouet: Does your usb drive have a write-protect feature on it? (like a little switch you flip to make it so you can't write to it)01:05
louetrationalOgre: nothing of that01:05
hwrdprknsDoes anyone have a good tutorial for setting up VNC on an ubuntu server edition?01:05
milamberrationalOgre: did you have him run df?01:06
vlt_hwrdprkns: Just install xvnc4server01:06
brown_fernDavidPalm: If Ubuntu 11.04  and grub found your Windows 7 the last time and you did not need to manually configure any files, then you should not need to reconfigure any files the second time it's installed. Though that's the lazy way to do it, I'd ask more informed people than myself about preventing grub from reinstalling. For your reading, should you need to configure Grub2. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:07
hwrdprknsvlt_: thanks01:07
macnix@Dwade09 ok, it doesn't show memory, but it tells you detailed info about the device01:07
rationalOgremilamber: no. was checking to see if it was mounting the device.01:07
macnix@Dwade09 since it's Intel, I would think you assign it memory in BIOS01:07
macnix@Dwade09 it's a guess01:07
macnix@Dwade09 I googled for this https://encrypted.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=Mobile+4+Series+Chipset+Integrated+Graphics+Controller+version+9+memory&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=01:07
hwrdprknsvlt_: wait, do i have to add a different repo?01:07
hwrdprknsfor that to work01:07
milamberrationalOgre: the output of that may be helpful for you to help troubleshoot?01:08
macnix@Dwade09 which is the output from lshw -C video01:08
vlt_hwrdprkns: Don't think so.01:08
Shinta7is there a repositroy for dropbox for ubuntu 11.04?01:08
Dwade09thanks macnix01:08
Giggaflopi've been told that my problem is that traffic leaving the tun0 interface is using the source ip of the eth0 interface by the openvpn guys. anyone know what that means?01:08
GiggaflopShinta7, get it from dropbox themselves01:08
GiggaflopShinta7, or ubuntu-tweak01:08
metoodropbox is as fast as ubuntu one01:09
rationalOgremilamber: I don't see how considering it's not mounted, which is as it should be.01:09
macnix@milamber updated the pastie with route -n output https://gist.github.com/93472542fb4d0ca5cc2701:09
milamberrationalOgre: hokay :)01:09
rationalOgremilamber: just can't figure out why mkfs.vfat is failing.01:09
metoobut dropbox has a better gui01:09
gohdanmetoo: dropbox is way less secure though01:09
macnix@milamber direct link https://gist.github.com/93472542fb4d0ca5cc27#file_route_n.output.sh01:09
rationalOgremilamber: getting "unable to open /dev/sdc1" from sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdc101:10
metoodropbox is https, afaik01:10
Giggaflopmy problem is that traffic leaving the tun0 interface is using the source ip of the eth0 interface01:10
matt444I'm having trouble with wmii.  I try to tag a window using Mod + 2, however it moves ALL windows to this new tag01:10
rationalOgrewhere /dev/sdc1 is a properly partitioned usb drive01:10
gohdanmetoo: it was the transport i was was referring to. its the method in which it verifies the particular user01:10
macnix@rationalOgre double-check with fdisk -l ?01:10
macnix@rationalOgre sudo !!01:10
louetrationalOgre: I also tried to fix the problem from windows and the same problem (permissions is denied)01:11
rationalOgremacnix: just went through the fdisk process01:11
macnix@rationalOgre so you're 100% that sdc1 is the new partition on the USB that you've just created, yes?01:11
rationalOgrelouet: So, either there's a write protect feature on it somewhere that you aren't seeing, OR the thumb drive is just failing.01:11
ZeZu nvidia-${VER}-kernel-source  is just the module source and is installed to /usr/src/nvidia-current-${NV-DRV-VER} ??01:12
rationalOgremacnix: Yep. I walked him through it step-by-step.01:12
macnix@rationalOgre oh, ok01:12
macnix@rationalOgre any odd flags?01:12
macnix@rationalOgre actually, they shouldn't make a difference...01:13
macnix@rationalOgre could it be another process blocking access to the drive?01:13
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macnix@rationalOgre unplug/plug maybe01:14
macnix@rationalOgre oh, sorry, just noticed that you were helping louet out actually01:14
rationalOgremacnix: Worth a shot.01:14
rationalOgrelouet: try unplugging it and plugging it back in, then sudo umount /media/whatever-it-is01:15
macnix@louet yes, give it a go and triple check that it's not write protected. but then it wouldn't have re-written the partition table if it was01:15
macnix@rationalOgre am I right?01:15
macnix@milamber any ideas?01:16
milambermacnix: no, everything looks ok . . . still working on it though01:16
macnixanyone else care to jump in on the multi IP issue I'm having on lenny lts ?01:16
rationalOgremacnix: I think that's correct. But then I have no clue why it's failing at this period01:16
macnix@milamber cool, thanks01:17
macnix@milamber I attempted to figure out a fix twice, with a few days in between, so I've triple checked everything on my end01:17
stercorHow do I install grip?01:17
louetrationalOgre: there's nothing in /media01:17
metoodon't install ubuntu to a flash drive before you know what the alignment is01:17
macnix@milamber it feels like I'm missing something, but I don't know what01:17
rationalOgrelouet: ok01:17
metooyou may lost about one third of performance01:18
louetshould I type sudo umount /dev/sdc1 ?01:18
rationalOgrelouet: now try sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdc101:18
rationalOgrelouet: no, that's it's device node, not a mount point01:18
macnix@milamber think I took my networking experience as far as I could : )01:18
rationalOgremacnix: what's the multi-IP issue?01:19
macnix@rationalOgre this explains the problem https://gist.github.com/93472542fb4d0ca5cc2701:19
louetrationalOgre: if there's no error message ?01:19
milambermacnix: have  you restarted networking?01:19
rationalOgrelouet: then unplug it and plug it back in01:19
macnix@milamber yes, like 10 times :)01:19
rationalOgrelouet: and it should mount to the desktop01:20
macnixservice networking restart is not doing it01:20
macnixno output, it just won't restart it01:20
macnixI had to do /etc/init.d/networking restart01:20
macnixwhich I found peculiar01:20
macnixand everything stalls for a few minutes...01:20
milambermacnix: that seems like an issue.01:20
macnixwhich also feels funny01:20
mrdebwho is using 11.04 right now? is it stable now01:20
macnixlet me do a reboot01:20
macnixproper power cycle01:21
macnixok, server APC rebooting01:21
louetoh sh*t01:21
jburkholder42mrdeb: I have no problems with it01:21
louetthere's nothing on the desktop01:21
gohdanpablo: if you do not have a support question, than please refrain from filling the screen with garbage01:22
rodger_ncWhat config file do I change in ubuntu 11 to stop unity from installing.  I keep getting the out of range error on boot, after a few second of black screen it resets "I suppose" to generic ubuntu.01:22
macnix@milamber taking its time to come back up..01:22
macnixit should be instant, I'm not running anything on it01:22
macnixand it's very decent hardware01:22
louetBut in shortcuts, the key's recognise01:22
macnixproper HP server01:22
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rationalOgrelouet: hrm, if you click on the shortcut does it open?01:23
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xangua!classic | rodger_nc01:23
ubotturodger_nc: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".01:23
antoiner_roquentDoes anyone know of a good resource I could educate myself on how to use proxy for internet browsing/irc within Ubuntu?01:23
milambermacnix: related maybe? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/66335201:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 663352 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "No way to stop/start networking without network management" [High,Triaged]01:23
rodger_ncubottu: It is not a problem after the boot - it is a problem before I ever get to loggin.01:24
louetrationalOgre: unfortunately no01:24
macnix@milamber spot on!01:24
macnix@milamber reading about it...01:24
gohdanmrdeb: not sure what the general consensus usually is on the issue, but i assume if one requires a more stable environment, it is best to choose (or stick with) an older LTS release01:24
milamber!bot | rodger_nc01:25
ubotturodger_nc: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots01:25
rationalOgrelouet: Then I'm sorry, I have no clue. I've taken it as far as I can.01:25
brown_fernmrdeb: I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 right now, any problems that I'm having with it are small, such as "unity" not detecting that I've clicked on the menubar. Did you need any help with something that someone here might be able to assist you with?01:26
macnix@milamber hmm, from what I read, that bug refers to the desktop version01:26
macnixok, server is back up, still same output from nmap01:26
macnixI did a manual ifup eth0:001:26
macnixsame output: ifup: interface eth0:0 already configured01:26
mrdebbrown_fern: no01:27
milambermacnix: it might apply to other versions also, just noticed there. is your computing machine back up?01:27
macnix@milamber yes01:27
macnixok, so if I take ifdown eth0:001:27
macnixI no longer see it in ifconfig output01:27
macnixwhich is normal01:27
Lesterwoodhey guys this isn't really about ubuntu, but i have 2 machines thus 2 keyboards and 2 mice01:28
Lesterwoodis there a way to reduce the amount of keyboards and mice, maybe a kvm switch01:28
macnixso when I do ifup eth0:0, this is the ouptut: ssh stop/waiting \n ssh start/running, process 199801:28
milambermacnix: does ifconfig eth0:1 give you anything?01:28
allballsAnyone watching this channel suffer the same 11.04 nvidia-96 fiasco I ran into the other day?01:28
macnixyes, the 3rd ip01:28
mrdeballballs: what fiasco01:28
macnix@milamber so all 3 IPs appear in ifconfig (same as in my pastie)01:29
mrdebwhat is "wxgtk"?01:29
allballs10.10 -> 11.04 removed -96 -- now I have no nvidia support.01:29
brown_fernLesterwood: A KVM switch would let you use your hardware as you're suggesting...01:29
mrdeballballs: good to know. can you use lts?01:29
rodger_nc11.04 boots with unity and my video card does not handle this - so "during the boot process" after a 10 seconds of a black screen - the boot continues with a different monitor drive ("I guess") and it finishes the boot process and lets me log-in.   How do I stop the X unity process during the boot so 11.04 never uses unity?01:29
mrdebuse lts and then upgrade your gpu01:29
macnix@milamber nmap only returns the open ports for eth0, nothing for eth0:0 or eth0:101:29
louetrationalOgre: no problem, thank you very much. I think I'll simply change it and I hope you'll have me to forgive all my grammar mistakes01:29
allballsI followed a ticket on launchpad, pretty pervasive problem.01:29
gohdanmrdeb: allballs: my point exactly01:30
mrdeballballs: u sure it's a problem?01:30
allballsimagine my shock when I rebooted my newly upgraded box to find no X ;)01:30
rationalOgrelouet: you did fine, best of luck to you.01:30
macnix@milamber nmap reports them as being down: Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.42 seconds01:30
allballsmrdeb: apparently the root cause lies with nvidia. they haven't written binary for xorg 1.10 (or something like that)01:30
macnix@milamber but ifconfig reports them as being up...01:30
mrdeballballs: oh hehe01:30
gohdanmrdeb: right, i don think it is a "problem" at all. must be a new "feature" in natty01:30
mrdeballballs: what is yoru nvidia gpu type01:31
milambermacnix: i trust nmap :/01:31
macnix@milamber this is really pulling my leg right now01:31
macnix@milamber me too01:31
mrdebgohdan: you sound like sony01:31
allballsI'm going to buy a replacement video card. My FX 5500 is way, way old.01:31
macnix@milamber so where is the disconnect?01:31
brown_fernLesterwood: They come in 2 or 4 computer types (or more which is outside of this conversation), with VGA ports  (which DVI adapters can be fitted to) and PS/2 ports or USB 2.0 ports.01:31
mrdeballballs: yeah. get a 7x or 8x card. they are nice01:31
mrdebor better yet, upgrade the motherboard01:31
robin0800rodger_nc, log out and choose classic01:32
matt444Anyone know how to save a wmii tag?01:32
KanocXhello, why do i have to type two times "reboot", to reboot the system?01:33
brown_fernlesterwood: some have audio inputs too. It's just a matter of what you need, every feature, and how modern it is, brings up the price.01:33
milambermacnix: how many software engineers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? trick question - that's a hardware problem :)01:34
milambermacnix: not sure about that, but i am checking now. situation just brought that winner of a joke to mind.01:34
macnix@milamber hehe, good one :)01:34
milambermilamber: it could be a nic thing. i might be wrong, but i don't think *all* network cards support multiple ips.01:36
milambermacnix: it could be a nic thing. i might be wrong, but i don't think *all* network cards support multiple ips.01:36
macnix@milamber it's a very decent NIC card... let me get the info01:36
macnix@milamber NetXtreme BCM5723 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe01:36
finalbloggeris there anyone01:37
finalbloggerwith cakephp knowledge01:37
macnix@milamber HP ProLiant DL120  standard spec01:37
S_AI am trying to configure client and server for vendor dhcp options.01:37
macnix@milamber even the HDDs are HP FFS!!01:37
S_Athe ubuntu server side seems to be fine. I tested with wyse client also But I am not getting how to configure on my linux dhclient. I am not getting proper .conf01:38
S_Aany help01:39
rationalOgremacnix: what nmap command are you using?01:39
S_Athese r server conf01:39
fr00gIn my fstab file, there is currently "errors=remount-ro" for my hdd, is access time disabled or enabled? If I add noatime,nodiratime will it slow down?01:39
macnix@rationalOgre nmap -T5 -sV -PN01:39
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macnix@rationalOgre nmap -P0 gives me the same output01:40
gohdanmrdeb: hehehe >:D *I* sound like sony!??  youtu.be/niJWmdnxEFc  feels appropriate01:40
mrdebgohdan: is wxgtk needed01:42
rodger_nctry this again.  Before we get to login -  Before the splash screen and tom tom drums - during the boot process - I get an "over range" error.  For about 10 seconds the monitor light flashes which indicates it is not connected to anything.  After about 10 seconds of black screen where the computer appears to be broken, the computer appears to boot on something other than the original attempt...01:42
rodger_nc...and gets to the splash screen so I can log in.  I log in with Unity 2D.  However, I do not want my computer to "black out" so I need to change the boot process to use a different default monitor style so I do not get the "over range" error.  How do I do this?01:42
mrdeb is wxgtk needed01:44
Skaperenwell, it seems that Ubuntu downloads updates during install even if I don't check the box to allow that (I never do)01:44
gohdanmrdeb: probably not... unless something you need pulled it in as a dependency01:44
mrdebgohdan: do you knwo what it is01:44
rationalOgremacnix: What targets are you feeding nmap? The ip's you set?01:44
Skaperenbut the bad part about it is that it is loading a bad video driver01:44
macnix@rationalOgre yes, all 3 of them01:44
macnix@rationalOgre only eth0 works. eth0:0 & eth0:1 are both down01:45
Skaperenif I unplug the network while installing, I get a system that works fine ... except the unity won't run ... don't care about that01:45
macnix@rationalOgre disabling/enabling ufw doesn't make a difference01:45
Skaperenbut if the network is plugged in, it changes the video driver from nouveau (which works) to nvidia (which is broken)01:45
feydI cant delete files into the trash on non-OS drives. Running Xubuntu 11.04 - any suggestions?01:46
ranilynn_my wireless has crapped out and under internet i have the option to connect but it never does01:46
mrdebSkaperen: leave cable unplugged in install, then later intsall the driver01:46
Skaperenmrdeb: why ... the driver is bad01:47
robin0800rodger_nc, in /etc/default/grub remove splash from the boot line01:47
braxtonHello, can someone help me configure my Logitech F310 Gamepad?01:47
braxtonI would like to make one of the analog sticks control the mouse.01:47
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber hang on. the other server which has IPs set up in the same way01:47
Skaperenmrdeb: I need to avoid installing it ... I guess that means I need to avoid upgrades01:47
mrdebSkaperen: what is wrong with the driver and which ubuntu are you using01:47
braxtonI'm trying to use it with minecraft, it that helps.01:47
gohdanmrdeb: i am only slightly familiar with wx and its ilk so... dont take my words as gospel01:47
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber gives me the same nmap output: Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.60 seconds01:47
Skaperenmrdeb: 11.04 amd64 ... the bad driver (nvidia) results in major bit splatter over the video display01:48
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber however, I can connect to those IPs01:48
mrdebgohdan: i dont know why it need gstreamerbase or other program01:48
mrdebSkaperen: oh ok. how about installing from nvidia01:48
Skaperenmrdeb: if I install w/o network, I get "nouveau" instead of "nvidia" ... nourveau works fine01:48
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber so nmap must be working on the physical interface01:49
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber not the different IPs associated with it01:49
feydCan anyone help me with deleting stuff to the trash can in XFCE?01:49
milambermacnix: ok01:49
Skaperenwhat is meant by "installing from nvidia" ? ... downloading from nvidia's site?01:49
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber ok, this is progress.01:49
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber the question is, why can I ping the IP but not connect via SSH on that same IP?01:50
Skaperenmrdeb: I want to run with the nouveau driver because it works01:50
mrdebSkaperen: ok, so use it for now and dont installn nvidia01:50
Skaperenmrdeb: is there a way to configure video to always stay with that driver even if I upgrade the system?01:50
thegoodcushionare the programs dos2unix and unix2dos installed by default on ubuntu 11.04?01:51
S_Aany suggestions to my issue01:51
mrdebyes, but im not sure how with apt01:51
mrdebother than not upgrade it01:51
Skaperenmrdeb: one guy at work at the same issue ... he does upgrades about every day and got nailed with a bad driver01:51
milambermacnix: ssh server config?01:51
Skaperenmrdeb: to avoid getting the bad driver, something has to be set to make it not happen01:51
macnix@milamber but then what about HTTP? It hangs just like SSH01:51
Skaperenmrdeb: or else I can't do any upgrades at all01:51
Skaperenmrdeb: but I'm not sure how to do that because it's a different package, not just a different version01:52
mrdebSkaperen: there must be a way to configure apt to avoid installing the driver update. try in synaptic settings also?01:52
robin0800Skaperen, the nvidia should not get automatically installed just available in additional hardware drivers01:53
hiexpoSkaperen, just deselect it01:53
macnix@milamber sshd has the default config, it's not bound to a specific address01:53
Skaperenhiexpo: deselect nvidia?01:53
Skaperenhiexpo: will that work even if it is not yet selected?01:53
macnix@milamber by default, AFAIK, it listens on all network interfaces01:53
rationalOgre macnix did you add routes for the ip's/interfaces?01:53
hiexpowhat driver are you worried about upgrading Skaperen01:53
Skaperenhiexpo: "nvidia"01:54
macnix@rationalOgre don't think so. this is the route -n output: https://gist.github.com/93472542fb4d0ca5cc27#file_route_n.output.sh01:54
Skaperenhiexpo: it has "nouveau" now ... if I upgrade it will replace "nouveau" with "nvidia" ... since "nvidia" is (currently) broken, I want to avoid that and stay with "nouveau"01:54
hiexpook go in synaptic and you will see aselection marked for upgrades open it and deselect nvidia01:54
robin0800Skaperen, it won't01:55
rodger_ncrobin0800: I will do this and BRB01:55
Skaperenrobin0800: it won't what?01:55
ViN86bo ringer here01:55
robin0800Skaperen, it will not upgrade the driver01:56
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milambermacnix: can you ssh to either of the alias ips locally?01:56
rationalOgremacnix: sudo route add -host dev eth0:001:56
Skaperenrobin0800: but it did upgrade the driver on a computer at work (doing a general upgrade of everything)01:56
macnix@milamber no01:56
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber I think I'm onto something01:57
Skaperenrobin0800: need to blacklist "nvidia" somehow ... before it gets installed, to prevent it from being installed01:57
brown_fernLesterwood: Consider some of these KVM switches by TRENDnet. http://www.trendnet.com/products/products.asp?cat=105    Also, let me know that your not away-from-keyboard by simply saying something.01:57
macnix@rationalOgre will try your suggestion after this01:57
robin0800Skaperen, only if nvidia is in use in the first place01:57
rationalOgremacnix: ok01:57
ubuntuguyHow do I use the bluetooth in ubuntu, like send files01:58
Skaperenrobin0800: I suspect the driver switched because something else switched dependency, previously depended on nouveau, and now depends on nvidia01:58
macnixrationalOgre milamber if you look at the pastie, I had the gateway in the wrong place01:58
Skaperenrobin0800: thing is, if nvidia gets in there, I'm hosed and have to re-install01:58
ubuntuguymy iphone isn't showing up and I connected it01:59
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber  I've put it on eth0, works the same (or doesn't work...)01:59
robin0800Skaperen, if you wish to blacklist it do so01:59
macnix@rationalOgre giving the route -n thing a go01:59
macnix@rationalOgre sorry, route add01:59
Skaperenrobin0800: how is that done?  is it just a deselect?  (i thought that could only be done if it has already been selected)01:59
milambermacnix: restart networking?02:00
rationalOgremacnix: once you have, try sshing to that IP02:00
macnix@milamber output is: restart: Unknown instance:02:00
macnix@rationalOgre yes sir, that works when doing it locally02:00
robin0800Skaperen, the blacklist file is in /etc/modbrobe.d02:01
rationalOgremacnix: Should be able to do it remotely now as well.02:01
macnix@rationalOgre does not work remotely02:01
robin0800Skaperen, the blacklist file is in /etc/modbprobe.d02:01
macnixsame output when ssh-ing with -vvv02:01
Skaperenrobin0800: that just blacklists loading the module ... I wanted to blacklist the package ... but, OK, I'll try just blacklisting the module02:02
Skaperenrobin0800: BTW, the 11.04 installer has a number of problems that are new since after 10.10 ... do I need to file separate bug reports on each?  And is there any hope of getting a fixed ISO before 11.10?02:04
feydCan anyone help me with deleting stuff to the trash can in XFCE?02:04
tioxGoodness, the place looks dead. Good for me because I have a question.02:06
Skaperentiox: g/l02:06
tioxIs there anything special I can install for Ubuntu if my PC has a "Dolby Sound Room"emblem stuck on it?02:06
ubuntuguyWhen I try to send file over bluetooth in ubuntu I get "Unable to find service record" what does this mean? How can I fix it?02:06
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macnix@rationalOgre @milamber ssh-ing on anything but eth0 IP doesn't even hit the sshd process02:07
rationalOgremacnix: remotely, correct?02:07
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Skaperentiox: I bet that's some Windows software that was pre-installed on your PC when it was made ... do you believe it is hardware?02:07
macnix@rationalOgre yes02:07
macnix@rationalOgre it works locally thought02:07
macnix@rationalOgre after the route add thing02:07
tioxNot entirely sure. At the momentI am having issues with window decoration in Firefox, lol02:07
rationalOgremacnix: Ok.02:07
macnix@rationalOgre ticket for networking?02:08
braxtonHow can I calibrate my Logitech F310 gamepad?02:08
braxtonI mean configure?02:08
macnix@rationalOgre issue for networking team I meant02:08
macnix@rationalOgre I still don't get why do the pings work?!?!02:08
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber I can ping the bloody IPs, but that's it02:09
Skaperentiox: what is it you want to do that makes you think this "Dolby Sound Room" will do it for you?  If you want to edit audio files, try "audacity"02:09
braxtonDoes no one know how to configure a gamepad here?02:09
rationalOgremacnix: where did you get the ip's from?02:09
rationalOgremacnix: are they all IP's you own?02:09
milambermacnix: nc -zvw 1 <host_here> <port_here>02:10
tioxOh, no, I was just curious if it held any significance as far as drivers for Ubuntu.02:10
Skaperentiox: you thought it was some hardware02:10
tioxSo it's a software thing. Alright.02:10
Skaperentiox: can't say for 100% sure ... but I am about 98% sure02:11
gohdanubuntuguy: the phone is receiving the file or the computer?02:11
macnix@milamber all are successful02:11
ubuntuguyI'm trying to send files to phone02:11
macnix@milamber but that's since the route add02:11
hiexpoSkaperen, what nvidia car you have ?02:11
Skaperenhiexpo: not card ... just chip on mainboard ... 6150SE02:11
macnix@milamber I ran that nc on the server02:12
macnix@milamber running it locally it just hangs02:12
gohdanubuntuguy: "Unable to find service record" is a cryptic and general OBEX push error02:12
milambermacnix: doing it remotely?02:13
szalanyone can give me a hand w/ dual-booting 2 Linuxen (*buntu and openSUSE)?  for some reason I can't get *buntu to boot on its own; I have it up now through Super Grub2 Disk, but that's of course not a lasting state of affairs..  I'd preferrably like to chainload one from the other, doesn't matter in what order02:13
macnix@milamber hangs02:13
macnix@milamber oh, hang on02:13
braxtonCan someone help me configure a USB gamepad?02:13
macnix@milamber only for eth0:0 it hangs, eth0:1 seems fine02:13
macnix@milamber let me try this a few times02:13
hiexpoSkaperen, so it is the nvidia nForce 430,02:14
milambermacnix: have you tried ssh to eth0:1?02:14
Skaperenhiexpo: if you want all the gory details on it ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177790502:14
szalmoin milamber..  where do I have to put you? ;)  #kubuntu-de?  or Arch-Linux-related?02:14
macnix@milamber yes, eth0:1 works02:14
hiexpoSkaperen, oh your on ubuntu 11.04  ?02:14
Skaperenhiexpo: it's definitely NOT a 430 ... I have a 430 on another machine at work ... maybe the same chip, but definitely not a 430 card here02:14
Skaperenhiexpo: yup, 11.04 for this machine with the problem02:15
hiexpoSkaperen, wanna solve the problem revert to 10.04lts02:16
ranilynnhi all my wireless will detect wireless networks but won't connect can anyone help02:16
macnix@milamber rename eth0:0 to eth0:2, restarting networking02:16
Skaperenhiexpo: then no unity02:16
macnix@milamber nice, we're getting somewhere02:16
hiexpoSkaperen, so unity is broke anyways02:16
rationalOgremacnix: Don't forget to update your route02:16
macnixSIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address \n Failed to bring up eth0:2.02:16
Skaperenhiexpo: really?02:17
hiexpoSkaperen, yup02:17
macnix@rationalOgre do you think it's related to the error?02:17
gohdanubuntuguy: might want to try repairing the devices and see if you can get by with that. otherwise may want to stick around for someone more familiar with bluez02:17
rsharmaHi guys, I have a question - After Ubuntu 11.04 will the Ubuntu OS drop the GNOME enviorment and completley replace it with UNITY?02:17
macnix@rationalOgre ok, so all the routes got re-created after restarting networking02:17
ubuntuguyHow do I "fix" device?02:17
hiexpoSkaperen, it has many problems to work out and very bad reviews02:17
MKULTRA2K12i highly doubt that rsharma02:18
macnix@rationalOgre and they're using this very weird IP address which doesn't appear anywhere in my ifconfig02:18
Skaperenhiexpo: when I boot the liveCD 11.04 ... it works fine there ... and I actually like the new UI02:18
rsharmaOh alright, because I honestly just can not get used to UNITY, it is more of a netbook release then a desktop in my oppnion02:18
macnix@rationalOgre where does route take it's config from? or how does it create route -n rules?02:18
ranilynn hi all my wireless will detect wireless networks but won't connect can anyone help02:18
xanguarsharma: unity is the default desktop from now on02:18
robin0800rsharma, no unity is on top of gnome instead of gnome shell02:18
Skaperenhiexpo: once installed to HD ... then troubles02:18
rsharmaCan you explain, "gnome shell" I am kind of new right now02:19
hiexpoSkaperen, yes because of the updates of coarse02:19
macnix@milamber rationalOgre ok, so I'm pretty sure someone else is using my IP address02:19
Skaperenhiexpo: so you think I should give up on unity and give it a try again at 11.10 ?02:19
MKULTRA2K12i like 10.1002:19
milambermacnix: possible.02:19
ZeZuAre the linux-headers-${version} not configured ?   I know modules build ok but If I try to build my own I always get an error that they are unconfigured ...  I know I've gotten past this before but I think I cheated and installed the source and use the make command to prepare the headers instead of doing it the "ubuntu" way02:19
macnix@milamber rationalOgre not sure how that's possible, but otherwise SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address doesn't make sense02:19
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: I have 10.10 on my desktop at work02:19
gohdanrsharma: gnome shell is a gnome environment meant for use on netbooks02:19
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: it works quite well02:19
MKULTRA2K12i need a job lol02:20
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: do you have usable programmer skillz?02:20
mrdebMKULTRA2K12: good luck02:20
MKULTRA2K12not really02:20
hiexpoSkaperen, i would personally but that is me i run 10.04 and no problems that i can not work out   but i also understand linux so that also helps02:20
MKULTRA2K12yeah ive built linux from scratch so ubuntus cake02:20
hiexpoSkaperen, unity was a mistake02:20
rationalOgremacnix: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html02:20
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: so you want beginner entry level?02:20
milambermacnix: nmap -A <ipaddress>02:21
MKULTRA2K12i know a little bit of bash scripting02:21
robin0800rsharma, go to gnome.org to find details of gnome shell02:21
Skaperenhiexpo: a mistake in what respect?  buggy?  too much 3D needed for existing video drivers?02:21
macnix@rationalOgre even without the routes, I can still ssh now into all IPs from the server02:21
macnix@rationalOgre remotely, only 1 & 3 works, 2 doesn't02:21
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: we have bash scripting down tight02:22
hiexpoSkaperen, chronical just don't have that worked out yet02:22
* rationalOgre is baffled02:22
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: we're expecting to have 3 to 6 Java/Python openings around Aug or Sep02:22
rodger_ncrobin0800:  No deal - changing GRUB did not fix the issue and neither did putting in alternate NVidia Drivers - Still get the "Over Range" error during boot.  Any other suggestions?02:22
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: prefer 5 years programming experience with at least 1 in either language02:22
milambermacnix: is 2 the one you did the route add command on?02:23
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: job/intern experience, just taking a class doesn't count ... but if you have an FOSS project in either, that's a big pluss02:23
robin0800rodger_nc, you did run update-grub?02:23
macnix@milamber I added them all, but when I restarted the networking, only the default route remained02:23
SkaperenI guess all the job talk is O/T ... I will shut up02:23
macnix@milamber still, locally, I can ssh into any of the 3 IPs02:24
rodger_ncrobin0800:  I noticed my Monitor is unknown.  But there does not appear to be a way to pick a monitor from a list.  There used to be a way to do this. Any suggestions?02:24
macnix@milamber remotely, only into 1 & 302:24
rsharmaOh alright, are their alternatives then that will use GNOME?02:24
mrdebhi. can yhou recommend a cairo dock or something like that ot easily configure02:24
mrdebfor the left side like unity02:24
milambermacnix: remotely do: nmap -A <ipaddress>02:24
robin0800rodger_nc, nvdia?02:24
Skaperenhiexpo: so I guess maybe they should have made a system where one can run either UI, or more than two, etc02:25
rationalOgremacnix: So are these IP addresses ones you rented from your ISP?02:25
pecarhi, how do i share my internet conection with ubuntu 11.04?02:25
macnix@rationalOgre yes, assigned by them02:25
Skaperenhiexpo: I would have liked to see a "multi-ubuntu" that installs all the various major WMs/UIs and (with a menu to checkbox what is wanted or not)02:25
hiexpoSkaperen, yup not putin all in one they are losing  to fedora and mint now02:26
rationalOgremacnix: Ah02:26
macnix@milamber I'm on OSX, need to install nmap first...02:26
macnix@milamber will be a few mins02:26
macnix@milamber can run it from a different host though...02:26
Skaperenhiexpo: mint has exactly the same driver issue ... I tried it02:26
rodger_ncrobin0800:  blast it!  No!  I figured the boot process would re-read the config GRUB file.  Is the command Sudo update-grub02:26
milamberSkaperen: you can do that, just install the desktops and you can choose which you want at login?02:26
rationalOgremacnix: post your sshd_config please02:27
hiexpoSkaperen, i have seen many have went to lubuntu   also02:27
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Skaperenmilamber: what I meant was a combo ISO that has them all together at initial install time02:27
robin0800Skaperen, you can use ubuntu minimal and install what you want02:27
robin0800rodger_nc, yes02:27
Skaperenrobin0800: well, at least for 11.04, I clearly need to do installs offline02:27
mrdebwhat is a good, workign cd burning program02:27
MKULTRA2K12k3b works great mrdeb02:28
Skaperenwhich means I am probably better off with 10.04.2 or maybe 10.1002:28
MKULTRA2K12md5sum's and everything for your iso images in k3b mrdeb02:28
Skaperenmy dad still has 9.04 :-(02:28
macnix@milamber ok, got it02:28
macnix@milamber IP2 has been taken by someone else02:29
macnix@milamber going to do a pastie02:29
rsharmaIs Kubuntu a good alternative to GNOME or Unity?02:29
* hiexpo suggest 10.04 @ Skaperen 02:29
MKULTRA2K12rsharma, id use xubuntu02:29
Skaperenrsharma: if you like KDE, yeah02:29
hiexporsharma, kubuntu is kde02:29
rsharmawhy xubuntu?02:29
MKULTRA2K12xfce is like gnome, and you can even snap in some gnome components to xfce02:29
gohdanxfce is the new gnome02:30
robin0800Skaperen, I realy don't buy your assertion that updates wiil change nouveau to nvidia that must be a bug02:30
rsharmais KDE good as gnome?02:30
MKULTRA2K12xfce is far easier to compile from source so i imagine its lighter than gnome02:30
rsharmaor will it also be taken down just like gnome?02:30
gohdanlxde is the new LXDE02:30
gohdans/LXDE/xfce brain fart02:30
xanguarsharma: use what you want, this is not a poll place; and gnome was not taked down :S02:30
SkaperenI do have a couple graphical apps I'd like to write ... but I want to make sure they work in all desktops/WMs02:30
MKULTRA2K12if they switch to unity, you can apt gnome back on your system02:30
hiexporsharma, kde is kde gnome is gnome maybe you should downlode the kde version and see if you like it02:31
rsharmawell, gnome is going to be replaced isn't it?02:31
fallenagnelhey. i was looking for some advice. IM CONFUSED!02:31
milamberSkaperen: the 2 big cross platform widget sets are gtk and Qt02:31
MKULTRA2K12id put kde, gnome, and xfce on my ubuntu system02:31
hiexporsharma, he told you that      andno02:31
hypatiafallenagnel: ask away02:31
robin0800rsharma, gnome3 will be in 11.1002:31
Skaperenrobin0800: well it did happen on one guy's 2nd desktop at work ... and happened just yesterday, too02:31
RoastedWhat's the max amount of files that can reside in a single folder on an EXT4 partition?02:32
rationalOgremacnix: So your ISP released one of the IP addresses back into the general pool?02:32
html_inprogresswhich is a lighter  resouce useage office suite, :::   open office or libre office02:32
rsharmaalright then02:32
gohdanRoasted:  over 9000?02:32
MKULTRA2K12Roasted, see ext wiki for information02:32
milamberhtml_inprogress: they are essentially the same02:32
macnix@rationalOgre bloody amateurs! It seems so...02:32
RoastedMKULTRA2K12, or I can ask here :D02:32
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber  https://gist.github.com/b00fb694d4226173e32802:32
Skaperenrobin0800: and it happened during the install I did at home this evening, when I installed WITH a network connection ... it upgraded automatically during install (and I didn't check the box) and I got the bad driver02:32
milamberhtml_inprogress: libreoffice forked from open office02:32
Skaperenrobin0800: redid it w/o network, got the good driver02:32
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber  thanks guys, mystery solved. I've learned some really nice tricks with nmap btw ; ).02:33
hiexpohtml_inprogress, i like libre now seems to be much faster02:33
Roastedgohdan, eh, really? I'm using a program called deja dup, and it slices my stuff into 10.0mb increments to back up... I'm at nearly 6,000 files on my EXT4 samba share now :(02:33
Skaperenrobin0800: so it seems to be a very recent update02:33
sw0rdfishhey guys to change the port i just add a line in /etc/ssh/ssh_config and make it like this right? --> Port 444402:33
MKULTRA2K12Roasted, says 4 billion @ creation, for entire file system so probably less02:33
sw0rdfishIt used to work for me like that before02:33
rationalOgremacnix: time to call and chew out yer ISP >:D02:33
szalhtml_inprogress: there's no difference in system footprint for OOo and LO02:33
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber now to give my hot-shot ISP a nice shower for trying to BS me with some really smelly HS02:33
macnix@rationalOgre indeedy deed02:33
MKULTRA2K12sw0rdfish, i wouldnt do that, ssh is insecure02:34
RoastedMKULTRA2K12, I was curious about one folder in particular. I knew the number was HUGE overall but for one specific individual folder I wasn't sure if there was a max.02:34
MKULTRA2K12ssh can run 1000 logins a minute02:34
Roastedssh, insecure?02:34
sw0rdfishMKULTRA2K12, :o really, I thought it is the way of the day02:34
Skaperenssh is secure ... but there are some "issues"02:34
MKULTRA2K12lol like 1000 login attempts per minute?02:34
robin0800Skaperen, raise a bug because it broke your system02:34
macnix@rationalOgre @milamber  once again, much appreciated you sticking with this until I figured it out. at one point, I've started to lose hope... You both have diamond nuts ; ).02:34
milambermacnix: this is the ip you were trying to get? http://lexi.lazu.co.uk/  ??  http works on this one?02:34
gohdandont listen to him. he has been MK ULTRA'd02:35
rodger_ncrobin0800: I updated grub - no change - still get "over Drive" I even tries it with "nomodeset" - I would like to find a way to set my monitor correctly.  Any suggestions?02:35
milambermacnix: but it is not you?02:35
fallenagnelok. my laptop has a i7-2630QM  2.00GHz processor. Im trying to get 11.4 sorted. i posted on the forum since i upgraded from 10.10 cos its really laggy. i've decided to reinstall.. im backing up my data and looking which iso to download. of course i want 64bit but i have 8gb of ram. 1) will all my ram still work in 64bit ? 2) can i use the 64bit download that seem to say AMD all over it even though its not an AMD CPU02:35
Skaperenrobin0800: yeah, I apparently need to ... just gathering more info so far02:35
sw0rdfishMKULTRA2K12, what other alternative is there02:35
macnix@milamber yes, that's the machine. It has 3 IPs pointing to it02:35
rationalOgremacnix: glad you got it sorted, sir. Give em hell!02:35
mrdebfallenagnel: yes, amd is just the structure. it will work on your i702:35
hypatiafallenagnel: 8gb ram will work just fine in 64bit.  and the "amd" thing is a historical artifact; it'll work fine on intel02:35
MKULTRA2K12sw0rdfish, you can lock down ssh, but i wouldnt switch the port before doing so02:35
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: I moved my public exposed sshd from port 22 to port ... nope, won't tell YOU what that is :)02:35
macnix@milamber all with proper PTR02:36
sw0rdfishlock it down, how?02:36
fallenagnelAWESOME! thanks guys/girls02:36
milambermacnix: well, i just got to it using the ip you ran nmap with, so it seems to be working now.02:36
sw0rdfishSkaperen, how did you do that02:36
milambermacnix: glad you got it resolved.02:36
SkaperenMKULTRA2K12: the issue is all the hack attempts flood the logs ... making it very hard to find legitimate issues with the ssh logins02:36
fallenagneldidn't wanna dl it and waste my time02:36
Skaperensw0rdfish: config file(s) in /etc/ssh02:36
hypatiayou're welcome, fallenagnel - the onely thing is, if you have no specific need for 64bit, the only restriction of running 32 bit is that individual processes can't be more than 3gb, but it will support all your ram02:36
rodger_ncrobin0800: I mean "Over Range" error02:37
sw0rdfishin my ssh_config there was no line like the usual one --> Port 22....... so i just added "Port ####"02:37
sw0rdfishbut its not working02:37
html_inprogressszal, hiexpo,milamber, i need speed  and this link is what im runing        http://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8&ion=1&nord=1#sclient=psy&hl=en&safe=off&nord=1&site=webhp&source=hp&q=acer%20aspire%20one%20d255e&aq=0&aqi=g5&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=6782d3fc39a1f682&ion=1&biw=944&bih=408&ion=1&pf=p&pdl=30002:37
Skaperensw0rdfish: gotta restart the whole thing02:37
sw0rdfishi did do /etc/init./ssh restart02:37
rationalOgresw0rdfish: Did you edit ssh_config or sshd_config?02:37
rationalOgrewrong one, sir02:37
sw0rdfishoh there is a differnce?02:37
Skaperenoops ... do the other one02:38
macnix@milamber the PTR is set in my ISPs control panel which checks it with the DNS servers. But because someone else has assigned it before, even if my end is all good, their network is routing all the traffic to that server.02:38
rationalOgreplease try again02:38
sw0rdfishok thanks guys :)02:38
gohdanhtml_inprogress: whoa! tinyurl!02:38
rationalOgressh_config is the CLIENT config02:38
robin0800rodger_nc, there are graphic modes and other stuff in that grub file you changed but think it might be a driver error and this might not fix it02:38
Skaperensw0rdfish: ssh>>d<< for the daemon02:38
meLon_What do I need to do to be able to install LVM/encrypted fs using DESKTOP cd and *NOT* alternative?02:38
rationalOgresw0rdfish: sshd_config is the daemon config02:38
macnix@milamber so they need to give me another IP and apologise profoundly for setting me on a wild goose chase02:38
hypatiameLon_: the next version :(02:38
rationalOgreall you did was changed the default port your client would look on.02:38
hypatiameLon_: it's not yet supported02:38
macnix@milamber and doubting ubuntu!!! imagine the travesty!!! :D02:38
sw0rdfishworks like a charm02:38
html_inprogressgohdan,  im still learning all, that im doing,  and im not sure how to do it02:38
meLon_hypatia, Could you explain what you just said?  What isn't supported yet?  What doesn't support what is supported?02:39
Skaperensw0rdfish: it does just what you tell it do ... now I wonder what port you configured your client to try connections to :)02:39
robin0800meLon, you can't you need the alternate cd02:39
hypatiameLon_: the regular installer doesn't yet support LVM/LUKS in natty02:39
sw0rdfishso how do you lock it down, and make it secure like making a special host key that users need to have to login02:39
rodger_ncI'm thinking that my monitor can handle 60 HZ but it set to 50 because it is "unknown".  How do I change my monitor type??02:39
milamber!info abiword natty | html_inprogress02:39
ubottuhtml_inprogress: abiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-0.3build1 (natty), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4480 kB02:39
smerdykovhi chan02:39
pim_Anybody here knows about lilo?02:40
gohdanhtml_inprogress:  tinyurl.com welcome to the internetz02:40
robin0800pin lilo is dead?02:40
hypatiagohdan: no need to be mean :/02:40
sw0rdfishis there a tutorial you guys can guide me to :)02:40
meLon_Thank you hypatia.  How can I connect to the internis.et via my wireless card?  I am unable to use the alternate cd because of th02:40
smerdykovdoes anyone have any experience with the linuxant driver?02:40
hypatiameLon_: you don't need to connect to the internet during install02:40
Skaperenhmmm ... that's something else I'd like to do ... my video comes up at 60 Hz ... I'd like to take it down to 50 Hz02:40
meLon_hypatia, I cannot get passed the part which asks me what repos to use, because of my lack of internet.02:41
hypatiameLon_: hmm do you mean during the installer?02:41
* Skaperen installed 11.04 w/o internet about an hour and a half ago02:41
hypatiameLon_: i ask because i did the alternate installer w/o wireless like 2 days ago02:41
gohdanhypatia: i was being facetious.. poes law much?02:42
pim_robin0800 no it is working, but it complains that '/dev/sdb is not on the first disk' and now when i boot my kernel it says: no filesystem could mount root02:42
shinta7how can i edit the the GRUB so that instead of having it set to auto boot into ubuntu if i dont do anything that it will boot into windows?02:42
meLon_Yes hypatia.  Using the alternatate cd I am unable to install.  It wont go passed the repo selection02:42
hypatiagohdan: poe's law suggests that you should try to be nicer :)02:42
zroyschSo I just installed ubuntu minimal to a Toshiba satellite p15s479 and it rebooted. I got to the grub menu, selected ubuntu, and then its just a black screen. Been this way for about 15minutes. Help?02:42
hypatiagohdan: because the random user may not see your sarcasm, and may just see meanness :/02:43
mrdebzroysch: i got that also. with regular cd it boots02:43
robin0800pin lilo is older than grub and we are now on grub202:43
zroyschmrdeb: strange02:43
xangua!info startupmanager | shinta702:43
hypatiameLon_: gimme a sec, looking for screenshots02:43
ubottushinta7: startupmanager (source: startupmanager): Grub, Usplash and Splash screen configuration. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.13-5 (natty), package size 114 kB, installed size 1360 kB02:43
pim_robin0800 yeah that doesn't help me, i need lilo02:44
rationalOgresw0rdfish: http://blog.dbugs.org/2007/08/29/ssh-security/02:44
smerdykovI am trying to get the microphone to work on my Lenovo G555, and it seems that the only audio driver that will work is the linuxant one02:44
gohdanhypatia: fair enough and noted.02:45
fallenagneli will have to admit. i dont *fully* understand the advantages and disadvantages of 64bit over 32bit. Kind of sad really but hey... at least i admit it haha02:45
smerdykovwhich kills all my other audio when I try to install it02:45
shinta7xangua thank you ill check it out02:45
* gohdan will use smiley faces to indicate sarcasm from now on :)02:46
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hypatiagohdan: hah02:46
milamberfor natty do you still have to install pae for > 4 gigs of ram?02:46
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hypatiafallenagnel: 64bit: being able to address more ram.  32 bit: being less fussy :)02:46
brown_fernfallenagnel: For general help while installing. https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/amd64/index.html02:46
xanguamilamber: if you use 32bit....yes02:46
mrdebmilamber: 64 bit02:46
pim_Anybody knows what a kernel panic with: "no filesystem could mount root" could mean?02:47
html_inprogresswhich is the differance of  ::: vs   open office vs libre office02:48
hypatiaPAE is autoinstalled if the installer sees more than 3gb ram though02:48
mrdebhypatia: u sure02:48
hypatiamrdeb: yup02:48
mrdebhtml_inprogress: licensing02:48
html_inprogressis that all ?02:48
juliepim_, it means the root device specified when you installed the boot loader is wrong02:48
gohdanhtml_inprogress: libre office is currently being merged back into open office02:49
pim_i figured that, so I checked with df-h02:49
meLon_Is it possible to connect to a wireless network using the alternative cd?02:49
hypatiahtml_inprogress: various new features have been implmented in libreoffice that ooo was slow to accept02:49
milamber(08:37:04 PM) hypatia: you're welcome, fallenagnel - the onely thing is, if you have no specific need for 64bit, the only restriction of running 32 bit is that individual processes can't be more than 3gb, but it will support all your ram02:49
gohdanhtml_inprogress: so there is no clear distinction between the two of them at the moment02:49
milambersorry, that just caught my attention, so it is still will work w/ all your ram w/ pae kernel enabled02:49
rodger_ncWhere is Xorg.conf in Ubuntu 11.04??02:50
juliewell what do you want to know pim_?02:50
sallex7find Brasil02:50
hypatiammelhow far into the installer is it asking for you to pick the repo?02:50
pim_julie and df -h shows /dev/sdb5 mounted on /, so i put: root=/dev/sdb5 in lilo.conf...02:50
robin0800rodger_nc, there isn't one02:50
html_inprogressi have a atom  1.6 ghz  1gb ddr3 160 some gb of hdd, i need it totally free, fast and it just works02:50
milamberrodger_nc: there has not been a default xorg.conf for a long time. you can create one if you need to.02:50
juliepim_, and when you run lilo, do you get any error?02:50
brown_fernfallenagnel: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64-bit#32-bit_vs_64-bit02:51
pim_yeah, it says /dev/sdb is not on the first disk, however the windows os will boot fine from the lilo config02:51
milamberhtml_inprogress: did you try abiword?02:51
pim_julie so its a bit weird, and google only tells me to disable ide disks02:52
fallenagnelBrown_fern: yeah i was just reading that. pretty interesting. going to read more about it and learn something! haha. always like to learn new things02:52
pim_julie and I found this: http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/aic7xxx/1998-September/001583.html which suggests it's not a big deal02:53
html_inprogressdid i forget to same its for windows 7? so i can perove that there is "free and safe things out there ",,, and saying to to my gf02:53
rodger_ncthe nvdia configuration settings want to save to a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf  so - it created one - now what do I do with it to update what ubuntu does?02:53
juliepim_, few things to consider:  is the fs on the device supported by the specified kernel;  is the device name the same from the system you're checking and in the one you're trying to run... I've had similar issues in the past and this can be difficult to fix02:54
brown_fernfallenagnel: So do I, in fact, I wanted to post that last URL but got so caught up reading the article that it took awhile to get around to posting it, good luck with your installation!02:54
flyback11 is one giant memory leak02:54
robin0800rodger_nc, just use nano to edit it and save it02:54
pim_julie yes, I am able to boot into the kernel via a grub installation on another disk02:55
pim_julie so the fs is supported, and the device names should match02:55
juliepim_, that actually doesn't confirm the device names are the same02:55
rodger_ncrobin0800: are you saying that there is no defualt but IF one exists in the folder then X will use it??02:55
pim_julie so how would I chek that?02:55
Mr_Giraffehi, my laptop's internal speakers aren't being unmuted when I plug in my headphones. this wasn't a problem in 10.04, but it is now. any suggestions?02:55
robin0800rodger_nc, yes02:55
juliepim_, when I got that problem, it was caused by a change in the kernel configuration02:55
rodger_ncrobin0800: thanks BRB02:55
sinahi everyone02:55
sinajust a quick question02:56
sinais openssh-server installed by default in ubuntu-server 10.0402:56
pim_julie I didn't do any manual changes02:56
robin0800rodger_nc, nvidia creates it not ubuntu02:56
juliepim_, and it used to work?02:56
braxtonCan anyone here help me with some X events?02:56
braxtonI need to know how to indicate left mouse button "pressure" on joy2key02:56
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pim_julie, no right now it doesn't work with lilo, however it boots the kernel from another disk with grub on the mbr02:57
sinais openssh-server installed by default in ubuntu-server 10.0402:57
fallenagnelBrown fern: thanks. Hopefully all will go well. thanks for your help02:57
braxtonPlease help, I'm so close to configuring this controller correctly and I want to finish it! D:02:57
jribsina: no02:57
sinajrib: thanks.02:57
juliepim_, can you show me your lilo.conf on pastebin?02:58
juliepim_, I would also be nice to see your syslog02:59
rodger_ncrobin0800: is there an "update-x" like there was an "update-grub"?02:59
milamber!restartx | rodger_nc03:01
ubotturodger_nc: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:01
robin0800rodger_nc, no you can either stop and restart x or simply reboot03:01
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doogluscan I find a complete list of the packages that are installed by default?03:03
edbiandooglus: dpkg -l03:03
dooglusI've removed something I shouldn't have, apparently03:03
edbiandooglus: what was it?03:03
rodger_ncrobin0800: I was afraid of that.  I rebooted and the "System > Preferences > Monitors" still shows only 50 Hz and I can't change it to 60 even though the config file shows it can be between 50 and 75.03:03
dooglusedbian: that's what I'd like to know03:03
dooglusedbian: my desktop wallpaper has stopped redrawing itself03:03
pim_julie sure: http://pastebin.com/e8XRGzCy ->lilo config http://pastebin.com/CKf9tcjz -> syslog03:04
dooglusedbian: I thought that so long as I kept ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-desktop installed, they would make sure everything I needed was kept, due to their dependencies.  but it seems there's more03:04
edbiandooglus: yeah they do.  run nautilus in a terminal03:05
dooglusedbian: I don't think nautilus has a terminal mode03:05
edbiandooglus: ?03:05
dooglusedbian: if I type 'nautilus' in a terminal, it opens its own window03:06
gohdandooglus: its called emacs :)03:06
braxtonCan someone please help me with key mappings in joy2key03:06
juliepim_, the syslog you gave me is from the system that's running and not the one that fails, right?03:06
rodger_ncrobin0800: at least I am getting the 3D effects now that I changed the drivers03:06
Mr_Giraffehi, my laptop's internal speakers aren't being unmuted when I plug in my headphones. this wasn't a problem in 10.04, but it is now. any suggestions?03:06
dooglusgohdan: that's what I usually use03:06
braxtonI'm using the -X option, which sends X events, but I don't know how to indicate left mouse button pressure.03:06
edbiandooglus: Did it also re-draw the background?03:06
dooglusedbian: I don't use nautilus ever - I don't know what usually draws the desktop for me; I use xfce403:07
edbiandooglus: Ahhh,  In gnome, nautilus draws the background.  Hang on03:07
pim_julie the system that fails is the one that is running, as i said: i can boot into the kernel using grub from a different disk03:07
dooglusedbian: xfdesktop is running03:07
edbiandooglus: That would have been my guess :P03:07
dooglusedbian: but that's beside the point - if I've removed one package I needed, I may well have removed more too03:08
dooglusedbian: and so I'd like a complete list of what's originally installed, to diff with my current package list03:08
edbiandooglus: oohhh, a list of default packages installed.  That's gonna be hard.03:08
robin0800rodger_nc, can you change the refresh rate using the monitor preferences ?03:08
rsharmaHi I would like to know if that Adobe CS4 Master can now work on Ubuntu via Wine03:09
py9371whats going on with th economy03:09
dooglusedbian: my original aim here was to write docs for how to set up a development environment for a package I'm working on, and I didn't want to have anything non-default installed before I started03:09
braxtonIs there nobody here who can help me?03:09
dooglusbecause the users of the guide won't have it03:09
py9371looks like we in risk of great depression in the next 12 months03:09
py9371Maybe because its almost time for electino03:09
braxtonDo any of you at least know of a channel that could assist me?03:09
edbiandooglus: 11.04 ?03:09
Nexxusi have an .iso file which is a movie that i would like to write to a DVD disk, what program will allow me to properly format it so it will play when inserted into a DVD player?03:09
dooglusedbian: yes03:09
gohdandooglus: throw an installer in a vm. minutes later.. list of pkgs03:09
juliepim_, how do you chose which disk to boot from?03:09
dooglusgohdan: good idea03:09
dooglusgohdan: I've been trying to think which of the computers here I could reformat - but a vm would work03:09
dooglusgohdan: I installed XP a few days ago too in a VM03:10
edbiandooglus: gohdan That's the best way IMO03:10
milamberNexxus: brasero?03:10
dooglusgohdan: I'm surprised there's not some metapackage keeping the essential stuff installed though03:10
py9371haha google... apple.. and general electric up.. ebverything else is down03:10
milamber!info ubuntu-minimal natty03:11
ubottuubuntu-minimal (source: ubuntu-meta): Minimal core of Ubuntu. In component main, is important. Version 1.220 (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 60 kB03:11
WallySo can I ask for Gentoo in an Ubuntu Channel?03:11
gohdandooglus: or just apt reinstall  the WM if thats all youre having problems with03:11
gohdanWally: nope. '/j #gentoo'03:11
Wallygohdan: it was a dare but anyway.03:12
WallyWhats up in Ubuntu land03:12
oMg-iTz-eXyeah I sadly missed it :|03:12
dooglusmilamber: I have ubuntu-minimal already, but something else seems to be important...03:12
gohdanWally: just dont let the op overlords hear you. Big Brother wont be pleased comrade...03:12
Nexxusmilamber: no when i use brasero it just puts the file on the disk i remember there was a program that would make it possible to create a DVD with a title screen and everything03:12
Wallygohdan: trust me it won't happen again03:12
dooglusgohdan: the WM is installed, as are the things it depends on - there's some other package which isn't depended on, but which I seem to need03:12
gimpy1308Any idea why I can't change my background on 10.04?  I select an image, hit ok, nothing happens.  No error, no change.03:12
juliepim_, forget my last question but from what I can see my previous point was right, you gave me the syslog from sdb1 not sdb503:13
braxtonHELP? Please? Does anyone know the X-event that indicates mouse pressure or movement?03:13
pim_julie In the bios? Let me try to explain. I have a disk 'A' which contains a working grub version. This grub version can boot linux. This linux kernel, however, is not located on disk 'A' but on disk 'B'. What I am trying to accomplish is that lilo is installed on disk 'A' and will also boot either linux or windows (which are both on disk A).03:13
rsharmaDoes Adobe CS4 Master Collection work with Ubuntu 10.04?03:13
mrdebwhy does thunar need gvfs now and not hal03:13
Wallyrsharma: No?03:14
WallyThere's nothing suggesting it would work with Wine either.03:14
milamberNexxus: avidemux?03:14
pim_julie excuse me: I am trying to install lilo on disk 'B' and also the linux and windows installations are on disk B03:14
gohdan!tell rsharma about winehq03:14
ubottursharma, please see my private message03:14
rsharmaNot even through Wine?03:14
Wallyrsharma: it'd lag a bit03:14
WallyAnyway its lunch time.03:14
pim_julie so if I really want to boot into linux, I go to the bios and select disk 'A', it will then boot the linux install on disk 'B'03:14
rsharmaAH alright, because I have remoeved my Windows partition completley. Getting tired of viruses/laggy os's and admiring ubuntu by heart03:15
milamberdooglus: i think you are looking for Debootstrap/chroot03:15
Nexxusmilamber: thanks03:15
rsharmaI just need CS4 for editing my website and such03:15
WallyViruses are only there if you use IE / Download illegal software.03:15
rsharmaI guess its worth a try03:15
WallyWait.. Dreamweaver? Yuck03:15
rsharmaI don't03:15
WallyThere's plenty of better Apps out there than Dreamweaver.03:15
rsharmaYeah, I prefer dreamweaver?03:15
juliepim_, just to make sure I get this right, it means that both boot options try to load root on sdb5?03:15
Wallyrsharma: also using memory sticks that mates have count too03:15
rsharmaWAit, their is a replacement to the complete Adobe suite?03:15
Wallyrsharma: Adobe Suite is crap.03:16
rsharmaHow so?03:16
Wallyits bloated big time.03:16
WallyWe even have trouble running it in OSX03:16
WallyI mean seriously 800mb for Adobe Acrobat Pro?03:16
pim_julie that is correct, however I did not manually configure grub on 'A'03:16
rsharmais their an alternative in this case?03:17
juliepim_, this means that the difference is with the kernel as I initially suspected03:17
gohdanWally: are you serious?03:17
Wallygohdan: i'm dead serious03:17
pim_julie why? they both load the same kernel03:17
gohdan800MB? wow. just... wow03:17
juliepim_, if that was the case, they would both work03:17
MGMTdoes banshee work from the volume dropdown thing for anyone else?03:18
gimpy1308Wally: #ubuntu-offtopic03:18
juliepim_, they just use the same root partition03:18
Wallygimpy1308: I didn't start it03:18
pim_julie in /boot i have only 1 vmlinuz file03:19
Wallygohdan: sorry about the PM ;)03:19
rsharmaWally, is it ok if i can pm you some few questions if you don't mind03:19
Wallyrsharma: I'm not the guy to PM.. I primarily use debian and Mac OS X03:19
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:19
WallyOh god.. I hate those bots.03:19
rsharmaI understand, but some questions kinda personalish if you don't mind03:19
Wallyrsharma: by all means.03:19
Wallybefore an channel nazi kicks you03:20
pim_julie and it seems to be booting the kernel as well, only it says: "no filesystem could mount root"03:20
* Wally braces for the bot command of "Channel Nazi"03:20
jonesst1i guess the channel nazi torepdoed him03:21
juliepim_, I know it loads a kernel both ways...  all I'm saying is that it's not the same one03:21
dooglusmilamber: no, I'll use virtualbox and install from an iso, so I get the same results as a proper fresh install03:22
juliepim_,  is it possible for you to show me the syslog file that contains entries related to your last unsuccessful boot?03:22
milamberdooglus: that's an equally good option. happy documenting :)03:22
milamberdooglus: out of curiosity, are you going to use docbook?03:22
dooglusmilamber: no, just an INSTALL.txt I think03:23
dooglusmilamber: it's only for people wanting to work on the sources, not for general users03:23
pim_julie I wouldn't know where and if those are kept03:23
dooglusmilamber: also, I don't like docbook03:23
rodger_ncrobin0800: THAT is the problem!  I can't change the refresh rate because that application does not show all the ranges.03:23
milamberdooglus: just curious. good luck.03:23
rationalOgrepim_: /var/log/syslog & syslog.103:24
rationalOgrepim_: after that they are gzipped03:24
juliepim_, if you restart your system in bad mode and then in good mode and check the syslog right after I think it will contain both03:24
juliethanks rationalOgre03:25
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pim_ok let me try that03:25
rationalOgrejulie: np03:25
sw0rdfishrationalOgre, :o03:25
sw0rdfishoh I just saw it right now, thank you sir.03:25
robin0800rodger_nc, think you can fix the refresh rate in xorg.conf but don't know the option03:25
=== Xerrao[Detached] is now known as Xerrao
braxtonDoes NO ONE know how to help me? At all?03:27
rationalOgrerodger_nc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:28
braxtonPlease, I'm begging you.03:28
jonesst1braxton did u say whats wrong?03:28
braxtonMultiple times.03:28
braxtonI'm using a program called joy2key.03:28
braxtonI need to know how to emulate mouse movements, if at all possible.03:28
braxtonThe program is used for gamepads to translate their buttons into keypresses.03:29
jonesst1ok, i doubt i can help03:29
braxtonThere is an option, -X, that allows one to use X events.03:29
braxtonWell, great.03:29
juliebraxton, continue03:29
braxtonWell, julie, I would easily be able to map the buttons to keypresses.03:30
braxtonI just don't know how to use the axes for mouse movements :(03:30
braxtonThere are two other options of output other than X events.03:31
braxtonThere's -raw-terminal and -ascii03:31
braxtonI think that's what they're called03:31
braxtonWould I be able to use either of those to indicate that the mouse moved?03:31
juliebraxton, you could somehow generate mouse movements based on arrow keys (probably in raw terminal mode)03:32
braxtonSo you would want me to remap the gamepad buttons to the arrow keys and then remap those to mouse movements?03:33
juliebraxton, that sounds like a functional solution03:34
braxtonI'm confused.03:34
EnsignAnyone can help with flashplayer?  I can't play any video (youtube....etc) Thanks.03:34
braxtonSo then if I actually used those keys on the keyboard, they'd move the mouse?03:34
juliebraxton, but I would never encourage putting any efforts on such a complex setup which will certainly give worse results than using a 10$ mouse03:35
braxtonjulie, I'm using an actual game controller. I'm trying to use it to play a game.03:35
juliebraxton, perhaps you should clarify how you want to use it, like in which game?03:36
braxtonWell, minecraft.03:36
braxtonThe controller has four axes I would like to utilise:03:36
braxtonTwo for directional movement, and two for rotation of the view.03:37
juliebraxton, and does minecraft use joysticks or just the mouse?03:37
braxtonJulie, it uses wasd and the mouse to move the view.03:37
braxtonCan you help move the mouse?03:37
Jeremy3Dwhat is the best software for creating tutorials (screen capture videos)?03:37
braxtonXvidscreencap, Jeremy3D.03:38
Jeremy3Dty brainproxy03:38
hiexpoJeremy3D, ffmpeg03:38
juliebraxton, sorry but what you're saying doesn't make sense...  do you want the joystick to do both joystick actions and mouse actions?03:38
braxtonjulie, it's not a joystick, it's a game controller, similar to an xbox controller.03:39
juliebraxton, to me it's the same03:39
rationalOgrebraxton: this of use? http://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/events/keyboard-pointer/keyboard-pointer.html03:39
juliebraxton, do you want that game controller to do both game controller and mouse actions?03:39
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braxtonjulie, yes03:40
braxtonUsing joy2key I think this is possible.03:40
juliehow would your system determine if the action taken is to be applied as a game controller or a mouse?03:40
juliewhy don't you just use a mouse?03:40
braxtonBecause I would like to use a game controller to play this game?03:41
braxtonThe game controller would move the mouse and emulate keypresses03:41
braxtonThat's all I want it to do.03:41
juliebraxton, that still doesn't answer why you wouldn't use a mouse to do mouse work03:42
braxtonWhat are you trying to get out of me? I just want to use a game controller instead of the mouse and keyboard!03:42
juliebraxton, I already told you...  even if you hire a pro to do it for you for 2K$, it will be buggy as hell03:43
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jamescarris there a way for me to start a service as non-sudo?03:43
braxtonjulie, what do you think I am doing?03:43
gohdanjulie: he reasoning aside, there are many uses  for emulated mouse. accessibility requirements for instance. joy as mouse sure could have helped me when i broke my arm last winter03:43
braxtonjulie, I have a USB game controller I just bought.03:43
juliecontrolling a mouse through a game controller can not work well03:44
braxtonI don't need PRECISE mouse movement, and that's irrelevant anyway.03:44
braxtonI just need Minecraft to know when I pointed left or right03:44
braxtonHaven't you ever played a first-person shooter or something on an xbox or a playstation?03:45
Gir-i couldn't care less about mouse movement XD03:45
juliebraxton, the only way to do it properly would be to integrate it as a low level driver so it could at least manage the location on the screen03:45
braxtonYou're not using the sticks to point directly at something, you're just using them to turn.03:45
juliebraxton, sorry I can't help you03:45
braxtonThank you for trying, at least.03:46
Gir-but the flow feels better when its precise, why am i interrupting a conversation-*shoops da whoops*03:46
gohdanbraxton: you can use a regular joystick as a mouse. maybe searching through some accessibility mailing lists might uncover something to assist you03:46
hiexpobraxton, have you googles     >    http://cosp.org.pk/forums/ubuntu/how-to-set-up-a-gameport-gamepad-or-joystick-in-ubuntu-t72.html03:46
BigMac1i have a fresh install of ubuntu, but software center won't open, the taskbar says "opening software center" then disappears03:46
jonesst1is there anywahere on 10.04 lts to give networkmanager some presets like dns serverIPs?03:48
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braxtonhiexpo: I don't see how that article helps me03:48
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doogluswhen I installed 11.04 in a virtual machine, it had a checkbox for 'download updates while installing'.  I left it unchecked, but it's still downloading stuff.  can't I just install from the .iso?03:49
dooglusmaybe it was just getting the package lists03:50
gohdandooglus: if the system you are trying to reproduce has been updated you should probably grab the newer versions as dependencies change over time03:50
gohdanand it is probably grabbing security updates or something03:51
dooglusgohdan: sure, but was going to update after installing, not during03:51
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rationalOgrebraxton: did you compile and install joy2key?03:52
rationalOgrebraxton: from source? Or use a repository/ppa?03:52
SnakkahHas anyone ever experienced a kernel panic immediately after unmounting and powering down a USB external hard drive using the Safely Remove option? Just happened to me and I'm a little confused.03:52
braxtonI used it from source, rationalOgre. I think I may have found my solution.03:53
BigMac1LOL, the reason software center wouldn't open was that it was already open *slap forehead*03:53
julieSnakkah, you may have to boot from an install or restore disk and scan your partition03:53
rationalOgrebraxton: the README file in the download tells you all about how to do all this03:54
rationalOgrebraxton: Including where to find the x events03:54
Snakkahjulie, do you think it could be a hardware problem?03:54
julieSnakkah, it's hard to say but more likely a filesystem problem03:54
braxtonrationalOgre: I've found a program for linux that's got a GUI and mouse movement already in it, but does it say anything about X mouse events?03:55
Jeremy3Dbraxton, downloaded xvidcap but i get blocky images when i capture. any idea why?03:57
rationalOgrebraxton: the README? says you can look in /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h03:57
julierationalOgre, I think braxton is now talking about a different software03:58
braxtonJeremy3D: Look in the options.03:58
rodger_ncI have an xorg.conf file in /etc/x11 and it seems to be ignored completely - anyone know how to fix this issue? does it need special permissions to work?03:58
rationalOgrejulie: Could be.03:59
braxtonOkay, how do I install libxtst?03:59
hiexpoJeremy3D, what are you tring to do record your desktop   as you do whatever your doing ?04:00
danubhey all. having a problem with KML, but I dont know where to go get info on it. I can't seem to get KML to flood fill a polygon. anyone know where i can go to find out why?04:00
gohdan!tell julie about PM04:01
ubottujulie, please see my private message04:01
DrkCodemanDoes 10.10 support ltsp?04:01
lambdaqdoes `lsof` has a mode like `tail -f` ?04:02
gohdanjulie: and its not really a "mess" or "emulation". just piping things around until they find the desired IO04:02
juliegohdan, sure04:02
Jeremy3Djust trying to make a video tutorial, hopefully with audio04:02
braxtonThis should be much simpler than my previous question. How does one install libxtst?04:03
hiexpoJeremy3D, than use ffmpeg04:03
chazz_tsc1Do we have any Sendmail experts on the channel? I asked on server and was met by a long silence...04:03
DrkCodemannvm found a youtube video so that answers my question i doubt anyone in here has the expertese to answer it04:03
danubbraxton: sudo apt-get install libxtst04:03
braxtondanub: Package not found.04:03
xangua!attitude | DrkCodeman04:04
ubottuDrkCodeman: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:04
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julieisn't it libxtst-dev?04:04
hiexponow be a good time to learn linux and how to compile things than04:04
Jeremy3Ddownloading now hiexpo04:04
danubsudo apt-get install libxtst604:04
braxtonjulie, would that include libxtst?04:04
danubbraxton: 'apt-cache search libxtst'04:05
danubuse apt-cache search to find packages04:05
UbentoboxHey everyone, I have an asus netbook that I recently installed Natty on and I have no launcher bars.  I have tried to attempt a reinstall but my pendrivelinux works on every computer in the house but on netbook it is not recognized as a boot device even though its enabled in cmos.  The default bind for Terminal doesnt work.  Any suggestions to fix this?04:05
Jeremy3Dhiexpo, is it a stand alone player or an addon/codec for xvidcap?04:05
braxtondanub: Apparently my libxtst6 is up to date, but the config file's not recognizing it or something.04:06
juliegood point danub04:06
k-rAd-how do i set the permissions of a HFS+ drive so as to be agreeable with my user:user ubuntu settings for backup retrieval purposes ?04:06
juliebraxton, you're probably missing the one I mentionned, libxtst-dev04:06
Wallychown k-rAd-?04:06
danubsudo apt-get install libxtst*04:06
Wallychown user:user location04:06
danubthat will install the main/dev/debug packages04:07
Wallyyou might want to seit t as recursive04:07
braxtonjulie: I'll try that, I guess.04:07
k-rAd-Wally, did that.  my Music folder however remained unreadable.  and its very slow to copy as sudo user and nautilus04:07
WallyYou're moving from Mac OS X to Ubuntu?04:07
k-rAd-Wally, i put natty on my 2010 mac mini04:07
Wally.As a VM?04:07
k-rAd-Wally, exclusively.  with all my data on a HFS+ journalled partition thats case sensitive04:08
Wallyah you're the case sensitive type :P04:08
EnsignNeed help with FlashPlayer.... No video is working...any idea?04:08
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash04:08
k-rAd-Wally, i felt it was the right choice under snow leopard04:08
WallyWhat about Lion? :P04:08
k-rAd-i would like to migrate to ubuntu04:09
brown_fernbraxton: Consider using "apt-cache showpkg libxtst-dev" at the command line to see if something is in fact a package before trying to download it.04:09
k-rAd-my data from HFS+ is only copying at 627KB/s to my internal drive.  it seems much slower than on mac os x04:09
braxtonWell, I got that package.04:09
braxtonNow it's telling me my Qt's out of date.04:10
braxtonBut I'm pretty sure I've already installed it and whatnot.04:10
k-rAd-i will need ubuntu for my future04:10
danubbrown_fern: thats what 'apt-cache search $package' will do, except it will also show you packages that $package is in04:10
Ubentoboxdoes anyone here know how to fix the natty install problem with netbooks? No launchers exist, terminal bind doesnt work.  Someone suggested change resolution but have no idea how to find to access that module04:10
UbentoboxI created a folder on desktop just to open the file browsing04:11
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: have you considered shift/alt/f2 to get a text console then using nano to edit the x config?04:11
ubuntuguyDoes "kompozer" offer global menu support yet?04:11
danubthat's why i wont go to natty. unity is just not a good layout for me04:12
brown_fernbraxton: What are you working on, if you don't mind my asking, you were asking about what might be a good fit for you in the way of a channel a long time ago, are you programming? there is ##programming , for instance, it currently has 150 approx. users right now.04:12
Ubentoboxsec ill try that again but I couldnt get terminal to open04:12
jmick8i like natty04:12
brown_fernbraxton: I am not a programmer myself, I was just wondering.04:12
chazz_tsc1ubentobox: oops, ctrl/alt/f204:12
k-rAd-is 632 KB /s to a native ext4 drive very slow or is the 69 hours i'm getting just a messed up estimate ?04:12
danub632, that seems really slow04:13
braxtonbrown_fern: I wasn't talking about programming at all, I'm trying to get this gamepad to work on ubuntu. :304:13
Ubentoboxthank you04:13
Ubentoboxterminal now works04:13
Ubentoboxat least I can get THAT far04:13
Ubentoboxnow gotta figure how to fix the damned thing04:13
chazz_tsc1k-rAd-: I've seen speeds that slow when working with notebooks a lot04:13
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chazz_tsc1seems ext3/ext4 forces a commit on every write on portable machines04:14
juliek-rAd-, I've always found HFS access to be very slow on other systems04:14
Ubentoboxdoes anyone know if the netbook missing launch bars is a resolution setting or something else04:14
Ubentoboxi know a bunch of people had that problem04:14
Jeremy3Dbraxton, do you know what settings i need for audio?04:14
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: that's actually a separate console. Your X desktop is at ctrl/alt/f704:14
danubhaven't done a read/write test in linux for a while, but when i do copies in my windows partition, im getting 6000+ KB/s from drive to drive (on my netbook)04:14
xiongWhat just happened? I'm not even sure how to describe it clearly. All my windows moved to different workspaces. They all shifted one to the left; and the windows on the left-most wrapped around.04:15
brown_ferndanub: I thought that I had only seen the use of "apt-get install (package_name)" , that's what I was responding to, but you'd know better than I would about syntax at the command line, I don't spend enough time there, not as much as I should.04:15
Nicolas_Leonida2how do I give remote access to mysql? in the firewall04:15
xiongTrue that I had just moved *one* window from one workspace to another. I don't see how I provoked this, though.04:15
UbentoboxChazz_tsc1: Well I installed the "desktop" as it was intended to replace a redundent netbook version.  I get the actual desktop and icons up, but the launcher bars themselves are completely gone04:15
jmick8are you using natty?04:16
TheFriendlyOnesWhats the problem with my setup if most my programs have segmentation faults at some point04:16
Ubentoboxyeah its Natty04:16
jmick8it auto hides04:16
Ubentoboxi ctrl/alt/f7 and i get a desktop, icons, no launchers04:16
chazz_tsc1TheFriendlyOnes: hardware memory error?04:16
Ubentoboxhow do I unhide them?04:16
Ubentoboxbecause i cant access them at all04:16
julieTheFriendlyOnes, are these programs you wrote yourself or presumably stable programs?04:17
jmick8what did you intall on04:17
TheFriendlyOneschazz_tsc: I dont think so04:17
Ubentoboxwhat did I install on?04:17
Ubentoboxwhat specific are you meaning04:17
UbentoboxOS? hardware?04:17
jmick8desktop laptop or netbook04:17
jmick8or what04:17
julieTheFriendlyOnes, chazz_tsc1: segmentation faults are not hardware issues04:17
TheFriendlyOnesjulie: Presumably stable: vlc, rekonq, pyroom, ktorrent, etc...04:17
robin0800jmick8, it does not auto hide by default its windows dodge is default04:17
jmick8then its a display issue04:18
julieTheFriendlyOnes, are you by any chance running 64 bit apps on 32 bit OS or vice-versa?04:18
Ubentoboxyeah, someone suggested it might be a resolution04:18
Ubentoboxnatty trying to run at a higher res or something04:18
GanymedeOkay...this is going to sound stupid...but how do I enter "SXcpGJ" into a cell in LibreOffice? I tried setting the formatting to text and entering "SXcpGJ" into a cell but it changes into "Sxcpgj".04:19
jmick8have you tried fixing it04:19
TheFriendlyOnesjulie: I'm on 64bit but I might be running 32bit04:19
chazz_tsc1julie: The key to my mind here is "_eventually_ segfaults". Points to an occasional error, which often is memory...04:19
GanymedeActually OpenOffice.org Calc.04:19
Ubentoboxim not sure how, all i have is create launcher/folder/etc and change background image04:19
Ubentoboxnothing about resolution04:19
Ubentoboxif I knew where the launcher was located for that I could find ti04:19
Ubentoboxforget if its in bin or something but dont even know its name04:19
julieTheFriendlyOnes, you might want to try compiling one of those programs to see if it becomes stable04:19
gohdanhow do i make gnome 2 panels sit on the bottom layer underneath other windows?04:19
Ubentoboxdoes this command still work in ubuntu?    xrandr -s 1024x76804:20
juliechazz_tsc1, a segmentation fault is an error generated by the OS to protect overall memory integrity, it is not hardware related04:20
TheFriendlyOnesjulie: Well, my major concern is its progressing into unstable-ness, my writer pyroom used to work, now it gives segfault when i try to start it 100%04:21
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chazz_tsc1julie: Yes. No question. I'm thinking collateral damage, however; once memory starts messing up, anything can happen.04:21
jmick8are you using the netbook now?04:22
strata_gohdan: right click on the top panel and click new panel04:22
julieTheFriendlyOnes, although I doubt that would be the problem, chazz_tsc1 may be right in suspecting a possible hardware fault04:23
julieTheFriendlyOnes, chazz_tsc1:  download memtest86 and have it check your RAM04:23
Ubentoboxim on my winbox and going to the netbook04:23
k-rAd-i believe the permissions inside a Music folder in HFS+ to be owned by user:user however the folder itself won't allow user:user nautilus entry.  any unix permissions gurus can lend a hand ?04:23
Ubentoboxi tried that command btw and it said cannot access display04:23
jmick8hit the windows key04:23
TheFriendlyOnesjulie: Ok ill try that now04:24
gohdanstrata_: i meant to have them underneath - as in hidden - windows on the desktop. i would like them to be on the bottom _layer_ as opposed to having them autohide04:24
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chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: of course. c/a/f2 is not terminal, but a different console. Different user space, even.04:24
DouglasKQuestion: My router has an IPv6 connection to the internet, supports automatic IPv6 addy assignment (via SLAAC/STateless DHCPv6, SLAAC/RDNSS, Stateful DHCPv6).  How do I get Ubuntu 11.04 to work on ipv6?04:25
bigaspiefevr[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   bigaspiefevr Dantonic totem semitones_tea pcartier DouglasK k-rAd- john1400 Cleo ^Zaz Ganymede vansonwing lapaga chiques_ churly Nicolas_Leonida2 rich__ 04:25
juliechazz_tsc1, the difference between a console and terminal is really a negligeable technicality, consoles are even called pseudo-terminals04:25
gohdanstrata_: just want the gnome sensors applet to be visible as long as a window is not maximized or been dragged on top04:25
Ubentoboxok have netbook right here now04:25
semitones_teawhat is it with this sasl spam?04:25
GanymedeI'm going to just go ahead and not believe that SASL thing I  just got.04:25
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jmick8try hitting the windows key04:26
Ubentoboxhave a "home" key04:26
Ubentoboxno windows key04:26
Ubentoboxbut hitting that does nothing04:26
strata_gohdan: not sure i am following what you are saying. you can move the window selector applet or sensor applet to the bottom panel and remove it from the top panel if that's what you mean.04:26
chazz_tsc1julie: so why do I have to log in to c/a/f2 when I'm already logged in to c/a/f7? There is no X screen associated with c/a/f2, which is why x commands don't work there...04:27
jmick8wow dud i dont know04:27
jmick8you can try reinstalling04:28
Ubentoboxlol thats one problem04:28
Ubentoboxi made a pendrive04:28
jmick8are you dual booting04:28
Ubentoboxit works as a boot on ALL computers04:28
Ubentoboxi plug into this04:28
Ubentoboxnot recognized boot device04:28
UbentoboxUSB booting enabled in cmos04:28
FloodBot1Ubentobox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
gohdanstrata_: i understand.  i dont want the panel placed at the bottom of the window, i would like it to be on the bottom _layer_. similar to how normal windows operate when one sits on top of another.04:29
DantonicI am trying to install 11.04, but the installation is not recognizing my current partitions as being available for install.  I have the main SATA drive partitioned with a NTFS drive with windows and an extended partition for Linux 10.04.  The installer sees the whole thing without the subpartitions, and wants to just delete and install on the whole drive.   Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?04:29
Ubentoboxis there a command that opens up a sub terminal window in xwindows?04:29
juliechazz_tsc1, I don't get your point...  c/a/f* are all different pseudo-ttys (or consoles as you may call)04:30
juliechazz_tsc1, nothing stops you from calling an X command from a different tty04:30
gohdanstrata_:  just trying to reclaim my precious vertical real estate without having the panel autohide is all.04:31
DrkCodemananyone here etremely good?04:31
jmick8i would be if i had a spliff04:31
strata_gohdan: but you still have the top panel i assume? have you tried cairo dock?04:32
DrkCodemanthis channel is useless lol04:32
jmick8i always use the forum04:32
chazz_tsc1julie: How to explain? Calling an x command on tty2 will not affect the xserv on tty7. I believe ubuntu starts x only on tty7 ordinarily.04:32
DrkCodemanjmick8: yeah but it will probaly take a bit more than the forums04:33
hypatiaUbentobox: might want to learn how to use screen/byobu, then you can have as many terminals as you want04:33
chazz_tsc1julie: also, I believe I can log in as different users on tty2 and tty3 for instance04:33
juliechazz_tsc1, set your DISPLAY variable properly on any tty and calling an X command will open in your X04:33
SuperMiguelis there a way to get 10.10?04:33
jmick8whats the issue04:33
DrkCodemanSetting up a Thin Client04:33
juliechazz_tsc1, you can log in as a different user04:33
jmick8no idea04:33
juliechazz_tsc1, these are different pseudo terminals04:33
gohdanstrata_: i do indeed have the top panel, set to autohide at the moment. which iss not the desired behavior.  cairo dock seems like a bit over kill, as i only have the gnome sensors applet on that panel04:33
hypatiaSuperMiguel: http://releases.ubuntu.com/04:33
strata_DrkCodeman: ltsp is my current occupation04:33
jmick8oh well04:33
DouglasKDoes Ubuntu 11.04 support IPv6 autoconfiguration via Stateful DHCPv6?04:34
DrkCodemanstrata_: sweet :D04:34
dooglusso I installed 11.04 to check what packages are auto-installed.  it's exactly these, plus their dependencies: hyphen-en-us language-pack-gnome-en language-support-en libreoffice-help-en-gb libreoffice-l10n-en-za linux-generic mythes-en-us openoffice.org-hyphenation ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard04:34
SuperMiguelis it true that 10.10 is way more estable than 11.04?04:34
DrkCodemanstrata_: 10.10 work well with LTSP server?04:34
chazz_tsc1julie, yes. I would not want my xserv on tty7 to be affected by what someone on tty2 does...04:34
Ubentoboxis there a way to access the preferences gui controller?  If I can navigate to its location via folder (which I can) I can just open it and change that way04:34
DantonicWhy is 11.04 not recognizing my partitions?  it wants me to repartition my whole drive04:34
Ubentoboxbut I dont know what the module is called04:34
gohdandooglus: and which ones are you missing? :)04:34
strata_DrkCodeman: haven't used it yet. my client uses 10.0404:34
dooglusgohdan: I didn't check yet04:34
juliechazz_tsc1, the X server rules are IP based, not tty based04:35
DrkCodemanstrata_: and is it hard to configure the users sessions?04:35
DrkCodemanlike application wise to dummy it down04:35
rodger_ncrobin0800:  I fixed it with this - sudo apt-get install startupmanager - then ran the startup manager and no more "over range" issue04:35
bdacanayNintendoBoy13 v Larry94 brawl in #daedalusx6404:35
strata_gohdan: right click top panel go to properties and uncheck autohide?04:35
gohdanstrata_: ugh... :?04:35
DouglasKDoes Ubuntu 11.04 support getting an IPv6 addy via Stateful DHCPv6?04:36
dooglusgohdan: I'm not missing any of them, except for the kernel ones, but that's because I installed the -pae version of the kernel04:36
djhow do i install xorg?04:36
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dooglusgohdan: so I'm confused.  it may be that logging out and in will fix the desktop thing04:36
DouglasK(sorry for the repeat, ment to send the 2nd one to another channel)04:36
Ubentoboxok is there a command to open the preferences gui>04:36
DrkCodemanstrata_: can i pm you about thin clients real quick only couple things i need this for my work lol04:36
strata_DrkCodeman: by default, it's pretty smart as far as sessions go. if you want to get crazier you can do other types of filesystems and ldap04:36
gohdanstrata_: autohide does not place it below other windows04:36
Ubentoboxlike how with a game you run it, and for console version you type nogui after it04:37
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jmick8i tried a few commands but got nothing04:37
strata_gohdan: change orientation to Bottom04:37
robin0800rodger_nc, many thanks good tip04:37
strata_DrkCodeman: yes04:37
djmasterhow do u install xorg ?04:37
gohdanstrata_: does not understand layers04:37
chazz_tsc1julie: if you don't have x actually running on tty2, trying to run something that expects gui will fail with "can't get screen". That's what was happening with ubentobox.04:37
Xgateshey guys04:37
rodger_ncdrove me crazy - found the answer @http://ubuntuguide.net/signal-out-of-range-problem-after-ubuntu-11-04-natty-installed04:38
brown_fernDouglasK: http://www.worldipv6day.org/how-to-join/index.html   and   http://www.worldipv6day.org/ipv6-enabled-websites/index.html   I personally don't know much about the switch to Internet Protocol version 6, but happy IPv6 day just the same! :-D04:38
Xgatesanyone using shrewsoft with ipsec? I'm wondering if you install shrewsoft it works pretty easy out the box04:38
DouglasKbrown_fern: Thanks!04:38
juliechazz_tsc1, just try it instead of pointlessly arguing.... "export DISPLAY=YOUR-IP:0.0" and then type "xterm"04:38
brown_fernopps, sorry about the length everyone.04:38
jmick8Ubentobox: try resarting it04:38
gohdandooglus: if all else fails im sure a stick of dynamite will resolve your issue04:38
Ubentoboxnothings been changed04:39
jmick8you get the picture04:39
Ubentoboxits been this way for 2 weeks04:39
rodger_ncbrown_fern: I thought IPv6 day was yesterday - that is in my time zone in the USA - :)04:39
Ubentoboxso its had plenty of restarts lol04:39
Ubentoboxsee im wondering if I can cheat it, since I can cerate shortcuts04:39
jmick8it helped me with a few of my issues04:39
Ubentoboxim wondering if I can shortcut to the preferences gui04:39
flaikshey im having an issue with my atheros ar928x wireless card04:40
Ubentoboxbut I dont know WHAT that module is or where its located so cannot make the link04:40
flaiksi have the enable wireless checkbox checked, and its not listing any networks, I tried grabbing the latest ath9k driver and manually compiling/installing it, still didnt help the issue04:40
chazz_tsc1julie: did that, earlier today, without the export step. thing is, ubentobox would have gotten the same desktop he has on tty7 if he had exported.04:40
brown_fernDouglasK: I hope it actually helps, it looks like a high-spirits and feel-good page to me, but that's who is helping to organize the transition from what I've been told.04:40
rodger_ncrobin0800: I hate using software that I have no idea what was written into it - have to be careful of backdoors... Don't know what files startup manager changes but it worked04:41
chazz_tsc1julie: and he would have again been unable to set resolution. What worked for me was editing xconf with nano directly which can be done from a non-gui tty04:41
juliechazz_tsc1, the export part is just part of the current shell's environement and not related to the whole machine04:41
dooglusit occurs to me, as I continue butching my system, that I could just use the VM...  doh!04:41
juliechazz_tsc1, you are right about editing the settings, but I'm following you less and less04:41
Dantoniccan anyone help with an 11.04 installation?  the installer won't show my partitions04:41
flaiksive tried googling around for the last hour and a half04:41
flaiksnothing, still having this problem04:42
chazz_tsc1julie: pas de probleme... we've strayed pretty far afield. I propose we leave it alone.04:42
misingnoglicHey, on my computer, my C drive and D drive got mixed up, and now my computer can't boot into windows. It can boot into ubuntu though, is there any way to fix this problem on ubuntu? (Or do you know any other way to fix?)04:43
Ubentoboxwhich windows mis?04:43
robin0800Dantonic, select back and choose manual or something else04:43
bullgard4Why does '~$ pstree -Alap' show the process NetworkManager twice, the second time in curly brackets?04:43
UbentoboxI know  win7 had a massive problem with dual boot and would corrupt the boot sector04:43
misingnoglicwindows 704:43
codeshahhey guys, I changed /etc/group but how do I reload it?04:44
jmick8i dualbooted fine with wiin704:44
misingnoglicis there any way to just delete ubuntu then? I don't really use it04:44
flaiksanyone have any expeirence with ath9k, or anything atheros related in 11.04 ?04:44
Ubentoboxprob what it is.  your bootmgr is probably all wonky at the moment.  I had to completely reinstall because the drive allocation tables were completely jacked04:44
Ubentoboxwell mis04:44
chiques_Hello room!04:44
earthmeLonJust installed alternate cd.  Where the heck is GDM? !04:44
Ubentoboxif you reinstall windows over the current04:44
Ubentoboxit will go to windows.old on your c drive04:45
chazz_tsc1Gentles: My sendmail config is messed up, and when I let the internet touch it, spammers promptly take it over. Anyone here know something about setting smtp-auth correctly?04:45
Dantonicrobin0800, without manual it selects an IDE drive I have in the system that is a storage drive.  with manual I try to select the SATA drive, but it doesn't show it's partitions, it simply wants to either install on the whole drive or create new partitions... this would destroy my current Windows OS partition04:45
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Ubentoboxyou can grab your data files and appdata but have to reinstall almost all programs04:45
chiques_I just upgraded to 11.04 and are having a problem in Gnome. When I size or switch windows they go blank white, anyone else experiencing this?04:45
misingnoglicShit, are you sure that's the only way?04:45
Ubentoboxthen delete windows.old once your done moving over browser shortcuts and such.04:45
Ubentoboxyou can try others but it involves manually editing some very delicate files04:46
misingnoglicI just need to change the drive names I think04:46
robin0800Dantonic, think you need the alternate cd for special! cases04:46
Dantonicrobin0800, what's that?04:46
semitonesis it possible to get help with avahi-daemon here?04:46
chazz_tsc1misingnoglic: that's not an easy task, means playing registry games.04:46
Ubentoboxjust be prepared for a full reinstall of windows mis04:46
gohdandooglus: vm is not a solution in the least bit. perhaps you should restate you initial question/problem and hope for more assistance04:46
SuperMiguelfor a i7 cpu, 16gb of ram and SSD drive is it worth it to go with a low memory window manager like fluxbox, instead of gnome?04:46
jmick8why would you waste your memory like that04:47
semitonesavahi-browse -a on my desktop sees itself and my laptop, but on my laption, avahi-browse -a only sees itself. Why could that be?04:47
earthmeLonJust installed alternate cd.  Where the heck is GDM?!04:47
celthunderSuperMiguel: depends..i have plenty of cpu/ram/etc but i use xmonad because it does everything i want how i want...go for that aspect for best results04:48
hypatiaearthmeLon: are you sure you installed the alternate, not the server?04:48
robin0800Dantonic, its a different installer from dos if you like cli or text based much better partitioner04:48
earthmeLonYes, hypatia I am sure04:49
celthunderchazz_tsc1: yes04:49
Ubentoboxoh I might have found a way around the problem with my netbook04:49
kunnisHey, I'm playing with Ubuntu 10.10, and I'm trying to install an app, and it says to run sudo apt-get install python-pyopencl.  I run that and I get the error E: Unable to locate package python-pyopencl   Any thoughts on what I should do next?   I'm new to Ubuntu04:49
Ubentoboxanyone know where alacarte menu editor is stored?04:50
Dantonicrobin0800, I just don't get why it won't just recognize and install over my current linux partition... I mean it worked when I installed 10.0404:50
Ubentoboxif I can navi to that file and open it while in c/a/f7, i can add a menu option for a terminal window04:50
hypatiaUbentobox: does alt-f2 work for you?04:50
SuperMiguelcelthunder, for a laptop is there a recomendable windows manager?04:50
earthmeLonhypatia: does alternate require internet to install GDM?04:51
Ubentoboxyou mean ctrl-alt-f2?04:51
hypatiaearthmeLon: alternate doesn't require internet to install anything04:51
chazz_tsc1celthunder: What can I tell you that will help with diagnosis and correction?04:51
hypatiaUbentobox: no, alt-f2, lets you run commands04:51
celthunderSuperMiguel: it's a matter of opinion...but wit hthat said...waht are you looking for in your wm? a full de? tiling? effects? mostly keyboard or mouse commands?04:51
Ubentoboxthats not the problem, I am trying to access the display function on netbook xrandr to change display resolution to see if my launch bars are just off screen04:51
DouglasKAs far as I can tell, 11.04 doesn't support IPv6 address auto config from an IPv6 connected router.04:51
celthunderchazz_tsc1: pastebin your main.cf04:51
earthmeLonWhat would explain GDM not being on my drive then, hypatia ?04:51
hypatiaearthmeLon: i have no idea, sadly04:52
Ubentoboxhypatia: nope alt f2 doesnt do anything04:52
flaiksanyone had any luck with madwifi in 11.04 ?04:52
celthunderSuperMiguel: also do you want a DE with a nonstandard wm inside it?04:52
gohdanearthmeLon: the alternate cd contains the same pkgs as the regular ubuntu live media except that it uses the debian text based installer04:52
flaiksmy ath9k driver wont work with my ar928x at all, been searching for 2 hours now around foruns & google04:52
earthmeLonWhat would explain GDM not being on my drive then, gohdan ?04:53
bullgard4kunnis: packages.ubuntu.com tells me that maverick should provide the package python-pyopencl. Did you allow multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list?04:53
celthunderflaiks: ath9k should work for that ....(i'm pretty sure...)04:53
SuperMiguelcelthunder, i have a 13" laptop im using strictly for college use, writing papers, writing code, and webbrowsing.. I dont want any graphics or effects04:53
kunnisbullgard4  Nope, I just have a stock install04:53
kennettHeadphone jack isn't working on my laptop.04:53
robin0800Dantonic, I had two hard disks but the live cd could only see one of them04:53
kunnisbullgard4  Tell me what I should google for, and I'll do it04:53
celthunderSuperMiguel: give xmonad a try then...took me a bit to get used to it but seriously...it saves a ton of time in the long run04:53
earthmeLongohdan: hypatia there is no init script for GDM04:54
Dantonicrobin0800, maybe I'll try removing the IDE hard disk and see what happens04:54
flaikscelthunder, hmm it detects the wireless card fine, but when I have my ethernet unplugged, and wireless enabled in the manager applet, it doesnt show me any networks, card works fine in win7, and when i iwlist scan it shows network down04:54
SuperMiguelthen should i install the alternate cd? instead of the regular gnome install?04:54
SuperMiguelso i dont have all the gnome bload04:54
celthunderflaiks: so iwlist shows it04:54
Ubentoboxafk a moment04:54
bullgard4kunnis: Please nopaste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file04:54
flaiksyes it does04:54
celthunderSuperMiguel: yeah go for minimal add what you need04:54
Dantonichow disappointing04:54
kunnisbullgard4   do I just uncomment the multiverse lines?04:55
flaikscelthunder, yes, but the little led for my wireless card on my laptop is turned off, using the key combination does nothing to turn it on04:55
bullgard4kunnis: Yes, please do.04:55
flaikscelthunder, and when i "iwlist scan" it says "wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down"04:55
gohdanSuperMiguel: openbox is sweet as sugar compared to gnome04:55
celthunderflaiks: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up04:56
earthmeLonJust installed alternate cd.  Where the heck is GDM?!04:56
robin0800flaiks, missig nic firmware?04:56
celthunderflaiks:also kill the networkmanager daemon04:56
Dantonicok removing hard disk04:56
SuperMiguelgohdan, how does open box compare with xmonad04:56
celthunderearthmeLon: /etc/init.d/gdm start ?04:56
celthunderearthmeLon: it should also be in your PATH somewhere04:56
robin0800earthmeLon, did you install it04:57
flaikscelthunder, not it says No Scan Results04:57
kunnisbullgard4  After changing that file, do I need to run any commands before trying my apt-get again?04:57
Ubentoboxok back04:57
flaikscelthunder, should i try unplugging my ethernet now and scanning ?04:57
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chazz_tsc1celthunder: that's /etc/mail/sendmail.cf?04:57
earthmeLoncelthunder:  there is no init script for GDM04:57
bullgard4kunnis: Probably not.04:57
gohdanrobin0800: hahaha04:57
=== jads is now known as aymore
flaikscelthunder, okay so im not getting any scan results, but the led for wifi is lit up04:58
celthunderearthmeLon: apt-get install gdm04:58
flaikstried unplugging ethernet, still not scanning04:59
kunnisI had to do an apt-get update trying the install04:59
earthmeLonseriously? Install GDM post install? Sounds sketchy man04:59
nbprashanthHi. I am trying to build a deb for a library. When i ran dpkg-buildpackage, i got an error saying it could not find .a files. The library built is a .so. How can i work this out??04:59
celthunderflaiks: ok so iwconfig essid "ssid";dhclient wlan0....assuming you don't have a wpa network04:59
bullgard4Why does '~$ pstree -Alap' show the process NetworkManager twice, the second time in curly brackets?04:59
earthmeLonseriously? Install GDM post install? Sounds sketchy man celthunder04:59
flaikscelthunder, unfortunatly, i do lol04:59
celthunderearthmeLon: i don't even use gdm...and honestly don't see why you'd want it in the first place04:59
celthunderearthmeLon: also...it can't hurt to install it after if it's not installed it's not going to show up05:00
gohdanSuperMiguel: its not a tiling wm for one. for tiling i personally find 'awesome' to be more appealing05:00
earthmeLonGDM starts gnome. Its a necessity for default ubuntu installation. That is why I any other people would want it05:00
celthunderearthmeLon: it's not neccessary05:00
Ubentoboxok so I managed to navigate to the usr/bin folder where it looks like all of the x-window and such stuff is05:00
SuperMiguelgohdan, tiling?05:00
Ubentoboxwhich module do I want to run to change my desktop resolution?05:00
Itqandoes ubuntu 11.04 come with mesa installed?05:00
celthundergohdan: xmonad/awesome are very similar depending on what you look for...05:01
celthundergohdan: i just listed the one i used first05:01
earthmeLonThis is ridiculous.05:01
blickerI have 2 servers - one has fast sas drives, other has slower sata drive - the sata drive server loads images slow - my load and iostat is very low - how can I tell its the drives guys?05:01
qinearthmeLon: gdm can start kde too ;)05:01
celthunderUbentobox: if you have an nvidia card nvidia-settings if an intel card xrandr ati...dunno05:01
kunnisbullgard4  Well I'm making progress, apt-get is now saying something about "Depends: nvidia-current but it is not installable"05:02
celthunderqin: moron..he just wanted to complain didn't actually WANT a solution05:02
gohdancelthunder: indeed. the beauty of free software. tons of choices.05:02
Itqananybody knows wher i can find openGL.dll from mesa?05:03
chazz_tsc1celthunder: that's /etc/mail/sendmail.cf? I don't have a "main.cf"...05:03
celthunderchazz_tsc1: sure05:03
celthunderchazz_tsc1: i usually do postfix sorry05:03
kunnisbullgard4  I think I need lucid?  Maybe?05:04
SuperMiguelcelthunder, have u used xmonad on a laptop? still good because of the limited space (low screen resolution)05:04
celthundergohdan: :) indeed05:04
celthunderSuperMiguel: 10.1" netbook running it05:04
gohdanSuperMiguel: then again, if sheer performance in a wm is your goal: few things are as light as 'twm' :)05:04
celthunderSuperMiguel: saves a ton of space actually05:04
chazz_tsc1hmm. celthunder if you're a postfix guy perhaps the m4 file is a better starting point05:04
Chainerdoes anyone know if ATI video cards support multiple monitors on ubuntu (kind of like TwinView for NVIDIA)?05:04
flaikscelthunder, i ran that command, got http://pastebin.com/cGf836S105:04
Ubentoboxwhat is the default display for c/a/f7 for natty is it nautilus?05:05
bullgard4kunnis: No, you'll not need Lucid.05:05
blickerI have 2 servers - one has fast sas drives, other has slower sata drive - the sata drive server loads images slow - my load and iostat is very low - how can I tell its the drives guys?05:05
qinUbentobox: Unity or Gnome (Classic)05:06
chickadee-afkooh! i'm not banned here! O.O05:06
bullgard4kunnis: Please allow [restricted] in /etc/apt/sources.list .05:06
UbentoboxI am pretty sure its Unity05:06
* chickadee-afk goes over to #ubuntu-offtopic05:06
qinUbentobox: s/or/and05:06
Ubentoboxok this has to be a default resolution issue05:07
Ubentoboxbecause some windows I open are way off the edge of the screen05:07
chazz_tsc1celthunder, here's the cf file... http://pastebin.com/WnKUaTEW05:08
Ubentoboxso i gotta figure how to change the resolution of my display to fit my netbook05:08
celthunderUbentobox: what graphics card05:09
celthunderor company at least05:09
Ubentoboxits an asus netbook05:09
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: can you use nano in c/a/f2 to edit xorg.conf in /etc/X11?05:09
celthunderUbentobox: xrandr -display LVSD1 -mode <resolutionyo uwant>05:10
Ubentoboxsec will check05:10
celthunderUbentobox: to see valid resolutions run xrandr without parameters05:10
Ubentoboxits open but is blank05:10
Ubentoboxwhen i attempt to run xrandr it tells me cannot open display05:11
gohdananyone know how to drop the gnome 2 panels to the bottom layer instead of sitting on top of and obscuring the other windows?05:11
kunnisbullgard4  Thanks, it looks like it's running now05:11
Ubentoboxi cant open a terminal in the c/a/f7 only the other c/a/f1-605:11
jack_^^Ubentobox: dont use it in ssh05:11
Ubentoboxyeah but jack I cant open it anywhere else05:11
Ubentoboxonly terminals i can access are through c/a05:12
flaiksim going to try building the madwifi ath_pci module05:12
=== chickadee-afk is now known as chickadee
flaiksand use that05:12
jack_^^Ubentobox: if you have a GUI and it wont open your display environment variable is probably not set.05:12
Ubentoboxi have no launcher bars so i cannot open anything05:12
jgornickHey guys, running 10.04 with Apache 2.2.14 and was wondering if anyone has had any issues with following symlinks in your apache configuration.  It seems the last time my 10.04 did an update for Apache, I can no longer follow sym links.  Anyone else experience this?05:12
celthunderUbentobox: uhm ok you can set the display xrandr uses05:12
Ubentoboxi tried the xrandr command but it wont let me change it05:12
jack_^^jgornick: i believe there is a configuration change you can make to follow symlinks05:13
Error_404__Hello a quick question, what's Joli OS based on, I know it's Ubuntu but which version???05:13
celthunderUbentobox: add --screen :0 or whatever your x display is on05:13
jgornickjack_^^, configuration outside of Options FollowSymLinks ?05:13
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Error_404__sorry forgot the version number, it's 1.205:14
flaikshmm okay05:15
flaikscelthunder, so the madwifi ath_pci module def did not work05:15
flaikscelthunder, oh, wait, wlan0 is now scanning!05:16
celthunderflaiks: ok can you turn off wpa for a bit or lookup wpa in command line (i just use an insecure network cause i have a VPN needed to get on to get to the internet on my network anyway)05:16
celthunderflaiks: :) there we go05:16
Ubentoboxchazz, I am in the X11 folder in f7 environment, dont see the xorg.conf file anywhere05:17
celthunderflaiks: and networks found?05:17
bullgard4kunnis: Enjoy Ubuntu!05:17
celthunderchazz_tsc1: ok looking at your pastebin now sorry kind of skipped by me before05:17
chazz_tsc1celthunder: np a busy night for you05:17
flaikscelthunder, yep it found my network as well, now, the network manage tool in the toolbar at the top wont list any networks, but i can work around that and just manually add mine in the network manager tool05:18
flaiksand hope it works05:18
flaikscelthunder, another pretty big problem, I dont remember my wifi password HAHA so ill wait until my other family members are up to get it from them and test it out05:18
Ubentoboxchazz_tsc1: should I look in the Xsession.options ?05:19
flaikscelthunder, tyvm for your help though, very much apreciated!~05:19
ShikhinWhy do I always get something like this:05:19
Shikhinubuntu NetworkManager[1004]: <info> (eth1): deactivating device (reason: 2).05:19
celthunderflaiks: lol ouch if you didn't change it it's probably on the bottom of the router05:19
flaikscelthunder, ah okay, so it only scans with sudo, thats why i wasnt getting anything before, and that's why the tool wont show anything05:19
flaikscelthunder, any way to bypass that ?05:19
celthunderchazz_tsc1: you set on using sendmail? if you switch to postfix i can help you out i'm trying to google for the sendmail equiv of the line i use05:20
brown_fern Chainer: If I were you I'd look on the Ubuntu forums where lots are people are talking about Multi-monitor support with ATI, thought with the expected tone of problems typical of a forum setting. http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php05:20
celthunderflaiks: uhm no you need root to mess wit hthe network card...05:20
flaikscelthunder, hmm okay, do I need root to connect to a network ?05:20
bullgard4Why does '~$ pstree -Alap' show the process NetworkManager twice, the second time in curly brackets?05:21
celthunderflaiks: networkmanager should be running as root (or at least the daemon should be or if using iwconfig/dhclient/dhcpcd/ifconfig yes yo uneed sudo/ a root terminal05:21
flaikscelthunder, networkmanager being the app ?05:22
Ubentoboxok so I can open the Xsession.options.  Is there any way to edit this short file to fix the display size?  The only options currently shown are    "allow-failsafe", "allow-user-xsession", "use-ssh-agent", and "use-session-dbus".  am i even looking in the right place to make edits to fix screen res?05:22
ShikhinAnyone on my problem?05:22
chazz_tsc1celthunder: the line won't be usable if you find it in sendmail.cf. See http://pastebin.com/bJVscv0G for the MC file05:23
bullgard4Shikhin: In what situation do you obtain this message?05:23
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox, celthunder - back in a bit, quick errand05:23
flaikscelthunder, because that's not scanning any networks for some reason05:23
Chainercool, thanks brown_fern - it seems like there is a way, which may or may not be as easy as twinview05:24
Shikhinbullgard4: Everytime I switch on and Network Manager starts. I want to use eth1, so don't know whether this is harmful or anything.05:24
DantonicI don't get it05:24
Dantonicwhy doesn't the installer recognize my partitions?05:24
bullgard4Shikhin: I do not know if this is harmful either. "eth1" usually stands for your wireless connection Do you use a wireless connection successfully?05:25
Shikhinbullgard4: eth1 is a wired connection in here. wlan0 is the wireless connection, and works properly.05:26
bullgard4Shikhin: So I would not mind for the moment.05:27
Shikhinbullgard4: I need eth1 to network boot some other machine. I was having some DHCP configuration problems, when I noticed this line. Wondering if it is hampering anything or not.05:28
SuperMigueldoes ubuntu have trim support for ssd drives?05:28
bullgard4Shikhin: What do you mean by "network boot"?05:29
Shikhinbullgard4: PXE boot.05:29
celthunderChainer: ok looking05:30
chazz_tsc1celthunder, ubentobox: back. U': it's odd that you don't have an xorg.comf; that seems to be the main control file for the entire x system.05:31
Ubentoboxyeah i cannot find it anywhere05:32
quiescenschazz_tsc1: i don't know where you've been but the default has been not to have an xorg.conf for a couple releases now05:32
Ubentoboxi thought I got somewhere when something said look for a monitors.xml in the ~/.config/ file05:32
milamberUbentobox: ubuntu has not had a xorg.conf file for a long time'05:32
Ubentoboxbut not even one there05:32
celthunderchazz_tsc1: no it's not xorg.conf mostly isn't needed anymore05:32
milamberUbentobox: you can create one if you need to05:32
Ubentoboxmilamber do you know how to change Unity resolution through editing a file?05:32
celthunderUbentobox: did you try adding the --screen to the xrandr line i gave you05:32
Ubentoboxmy netbook seems to have installed at the WAY wrong reso, so I have no launchbars05:33
chazz_tsc1quiescens: I stand... er, sit corrected. I have one, but I did an upgrade... and when my x blew out (bad driver) I fixed it by editing xorg.conf05:33
Ubentoboxcant open terminal unless if find the module in the file browser05:33
bullgard4Shikhin: I do not know enough about Preboot_Execution_Environment (PXE) and its proper relation to DHCP. As far as I understand one does need PXE only once and then never again.05:33
Ubentoboxanyone know just what command I have to put in a "create launcher" to get terminal to pop up?05:35
Ubentoboxif I can create one that is not a tty terminal this might be easier05:35
gohdanhow do i get 'sensors' to output the temperature in fahrenheit?05:36
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: tried /usr/bin/xterm?05:36
tensorpuddingthere's already one for gnome-terminal05:36
brown_ferngohdan: "sensors -f"05:36
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: Or usr/bin/gnome-terminal05:37
bullgard4Ubentobox: gnome-terminal05:37
hardkorWho can help me, please?05:37
bullgard4!ask | hardkor05:37
Ubentoboxok thanks chazz05:37
ubottuhardkor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:37
flaikscelthunder, hey how can I start/stop the networkmanager daemon, I wanna see if restarting the nm-app will help with it scanning05:37
Ubentoboxok one problem down.  Ok NOW that im in terminal in the f7 environment, how do I figure out just wtf is going on with my resolution lol05:38
Ubentoboxok it says my current resolution is 1024x60005:38
flaikscelthunder, or, how can I get it so wlan0 is up at boot ?05:38
bullgard4Ubentobox: xrandr05:39
Ubentoboxyeah thats what I ran05:39
brown_ferngohdan: If you have questions about a given command try "sensors --help" or "man sensors" , where 'man' is short for manual.05:39
gohdanbrown_fern: do you know how i would 'watch' and grep that? 'watch sensors | grep Core' prints nothing05:39
celthunderflaiks: yeah05:39
Ubentoboxi tried xrandr -s 1024x768 but its not one of the available modes05:40
flaikscelthunder,  ?05:40
Ubentoboxis it possible its just stuck above my screen?05:40
bullgard4!prefix | Ubentobox05:40
ubottuUbentobox: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:40
brown_ferngohdan: No, I don't.05:40
milamberUbentobox: i came in to this convo late. have you tried to login to "classic"?05:41
Ubentoboxi cannot even get that option05:41
TheFriendlyOnesjulie: Memtest says im all good05:41
Ubentoboxi tried about 2 weeks ago something about trying to change users and being able to select environment05:41
Ubentoboxbut wasnt able too05:41
chazz_tsc1Ubentobox: it is possible. Can you drag the host window down, to see that?05:41
celthunderUbentobox: -s isn't the right parameter05:42
celthunderUbentobox: i gave you the right ones earlier05:42
Ubentoboxyeah you said ...05:42
celthunderflaiks: you wanted to use network manager to connect at startup or something else?05:43
Ubentoboxxrandr -display LVSD1 -mode <resolutionyo uwant>05:43
gohdanbrown_fern: nvm. you have to enclose the watched command in "quotes"05:43
Ubentoboxits on the resolution its supposed to be atm05:43
Ubentoboxaccording to xrandr05:43
celthunderUbentobox: then...05:43
flaiksokay perfect05:43
Ubentoboxbut stuff still seems to try and display OUTSIDE the screen05:43
flaikscelthunder, so using wicd i was able to visuall scan/connect to wifi =D seems like problem solved, ill just get rid of the nm-app and use wicd from now on!05:44
chazz_tsc1celthunder - did you see my last pastebin?05:44
milamberUbentobox: what is the resolution you are trying to achieve?05:44
Ubentoboxits the max reso for the netbook.  what im trying to do is find my launchers05:44
flaikscelthunder, naw, i'll use wicd,  but is there a way to have wlan0 up automatically, rather than having to "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up" every boot ?05:45
celthunderUbentobox: did yo uadd any05:45
Ubentoboxit acts like my screen is at a lower res then desktop IS05:45
celthunderflaiks: wicd has a daemon that runs and starts up wlan0 on startup05:45
dvz-lo there, anyone know why when running "fsck" or with(out) any parameters is only returning "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16" on the Ubuntu 9.10 livecd?  not sure if that's a normal response or not05:45
flaikscelthunder, ah, so with wicd installed, should have no problems then =D05:45
celthunderdvz-: fsck /dev/sda or whatever ?05:45
flaikscelthunder, im gonna remove nm-app, and then reboot with wicd installed, see if its up by default05:45
milamberUbentobox: are you using more than one monitor?05:46
Ubentoboxno its just the netbook05:46
celthunderflaiks: should be btw wicd breaks with python3 i believe05:46
milamberUbentobox: what is the netbook?05:46
Ubentoboxsec ill get link05:46
celthunderflaiks: can't remember if that was the issue and it was a while ago since i used wicd05:46
chazz_tsc1TheFriendlyOnes: Shame it wasn't that easy. Can't think, off the top of my head, what else would cause that.05:46
flaikscelthunder, hmm okay, i'll keep that in mind, wicd seems to be working for now though05:46
dvz-scratch that05:46
bullgard4Why does '~$ pstree -Alap' show the process NetworkManager twice, the second time in curly brackets?05:47
celthunderbullgard4: cause the first one is the daemon the second the client (guessing)05:47
Ubentoboxhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220355 is the netbook i have05:47
TheFriendlyOneschazz_tsc: Yea, idk but more and more stuff is breaking and giving segfaults so im might do a fresh install see if that fixes any05:47
chazz_tsc1TheFriendlyOnes: How old is your hardware? You could be looking at a PSU or motherboard flaking out///05:48
|Petrus|hi.  I've got 2 nVidia GTX 480 video cards.  I haven't been able to get SLI working for FreeBSD/amd64, so I was wondering whether or not it is known to work in Ubuntu?05:48
chazz_tsc1TheFriendlyOnes: Power supplies seem to last somewhere between one and five years before they die. They are pretty cheap and easy to replace.05:49
bullgard4celthunder: As you mentioned the word "client" there must be a "server". Do you think that the daemon is the server?05:49
chazz_tsc1bullgard4: Yes, generally that's what daemons are.05:49
celthunderbullgard4: yeah05:49
milamberUbentobox: try: xrandr --size 1024x60005:50
TheFriendlyOneschazz_tsc: Its a labtop, new version05:50
bullgard4celthunder: I will think it over. --  Thank you very much for your comment.05:50
DrkCodemananyone else agree the new layout for ubuntu 11.04 is garbage?05:50
bullgard4chazz_tsc1: Thank you.05:50
celthundermilamber: --size isn't a parameter...or i missed it you mean --mode i think05:50
Ubentoboxok tried that, but it hasnt done anything, launcher still either NOT present or above the current desktop05:50
_ohmWhen I type "make" I see a lot of the same messages repeat themselves when compiling from source. This has been going on for 3+ hours. Is it possible that it is in an infinite loop?05:50
chazz_tsc1TheFriendlyOnes: ever dropped? Infant mortality?05:50
|Petrus|hi.  I've got 2 nVidia GTX 480 video cards.  I haven't been able to get SLI working for FreeBSD/amd64, so I was wondering whether or not it is known to work in Ubuntu?05:51
celthunder_ohm: unless you're on a shitpc compiling ghc or a kernel nothing should really take 3 hours05:51
Ubentoboxis there a setting somewhere in a file I can force the launcher to the bottom?05:51
Dantonicwould someone take a look at my fdisk -l and suggest why the ubuntu installer does not recognize any of my partitions?  http://pastebin.com/LD6wqTy305:51
Ubentoboxat least then I could see what the gui settings THINK everything is?05:51
ChainerDrkCodeman: i was not a fan of unity, but you can choose Gnome (Classic) when logging in05:51
milambercelthunder: was there an error message?05:51
Chainerand that gives you the older gnome interface05:51
_ohmceltunder, using qemu to emulate ARM05:51
Ubentoboxyeah I think I am going to try that, how do I pull up the gnome interface?05:52
Ubentoboxi cannot exactly click the signoff button in launcher05:52
milamber_ohm: you need to provide more information. did  you type make one time and your computer has been compiling since?05:52
celthundermilamber: ?05:53
celthundermilamber: ah nvm i see it05:53
_ohmI'm currently trying to compile ROOT on a QEMU system emulating arm, I did the regular ./configure, make, make install. However make has been going on for quite a long time.05:53
bullgard4DrkCodeman: Please discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic.05:54
Visual3dis there a console command to show which package is broken?05:54
brown_ferngohdan: That works very well with the sensors command, thank you. ( watch "sensors -f | grep temp1" )         remove the "()"  of course.05:54
bullgard4Visual3d: Yes. apt-get update05:55
Ubentoboxhttp://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-restore-the-default-gnome-desktop-panels-in-ubuntu just tried this to open a gnome setup but im probably doing the wrong tutorial LOL05:55
milamberVisual3d: sudo apt-get --fix-broken05:55
milamberUbentobox: did you run the xrandr command i gave you?05:56
Dantonicwould someone take a look at my fdisk -l and suggest why the ubuntu installer does not recognize any of my partitions?  http://pastebin.com/LD6wqTy305:56
Ubentoboxnothing changed05:56
Ubentoboxit was at those settings prior to command05:56
milamberUbentobox: no error message, nothing?05:57
Ubentoboxi hoped typing it would refresh its attitude problem but nope05:57
Ubentoboxjust next terminal command05:57
|Petrus|hi.  I've got 2 nVidia GTX 480 video cards.  I haven't been able to get SLI working for FreeBSD/amd64, so I was wondering whether or not it is known to work in Ubuntu?05:57
Ubentoboxok sec, whats the page up in terminal?05:57
_ohmI'll head to bed and come back if it still isn't done, by that time it'll be going for 10-12+ hours05:57
chazz_tsc1|Petrus|: considered DLing an ISO and trying?05:57
Ubentoboxive had this problem so long i forget how to scroll up05:57
gohdanbrown_fern: cool beans. now the final mystery is how to get it to grep both Core and temp1 at the same time05:57
|Petrus|chazz...I've got an ISO here.05:58
bullgard4Dantonic: I cannot see any reason for that.05:58
celthunderchazz_tsc1: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.mail.postfix.user/212363 doe that help some05:58
|Petrus|I will try it...just wanted to find out if anyone else had done it first, is all...I guess not.05:58
milamberUbentobox: have you tried enabling panning?05:58
celthunderchazz_tsc1: listed in the first post is some stuff about authing for certain network relay for others05:58
chazz_tsc1|Petrus|: Not may of us have that kind of hardware power to play with...05:59
Ubentoboxmilamber: how do i do that?06:00
|Petrus|chazz...oh.  My apologies.  I wasn't aware this setup was rare, honestly.06:00
Ubentoboxi see it in the xrandr list06:00
milamberUbentobox: xrandr --panning06:00
bullgard4Dantonic: I'd assume that your Ubuntu installer (disk) is at fault.06:00
Ubentoboxok when I run the xrandr commands its just spamming me with usage06:01
* |Petrus| could probably just go and buy Windows...but I really prefer foss *nix of some kind, to be honest.06:01
Ubentoboxi typed in "xrandr --panning"06:01
chazz_tsc1|Petrus|: Most users who spend that kind of hardware money have more bucks than sense.06:01
Ubentoboxsame with the "xrandr -display LSDV1...." command06:02
Dantonicbullgard4, actually it's not I tried an old 9.04 disk and same problem.  I think it may have to do with a grub repair I did a few months ago when I was having problmes with my bootloader06:02
celthunderlpetrusl:  what's your issue with sli...it should work06:02
milamberDantonic: Your pastebin includes a line that reads: Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary. that could lead to data corruption and may have something to do with your problem06:03
chazz_tsc1celthunder: translating that back from postfix to sendmail as best I can, it looks like I have already done all of that...06:03
abhinayis there any third-party repositories to install Python2.7 from binaries on Maverick ?06:03
Dantonicbullgard4, so basically I have a boot loader NTFS partition, next to that is the NTFS windows partition... then there is an extended partition which contains the logical partitions for Linux, swap and just an extra FAT storage partition06:03
celthunder|Petrus|, what's not working with the sli? also nice hardware...very nice...this guy takes donations <--06:03
Dantonicmilamber, any idea how I can fix that?06:03
celthunderchazz_tsc1, the first post i think was sendmail06:03
|Petrus|celthunder...I haven't tried it yet...I'm burning the CD now.06:04
milamberDantonic: if you can backup your data and repartition06:04
Ubentoboxmilamber: I tried "xrandr --paning 1024x768" and i get a xrandr usage help spew06:04
Dantonicmilamber, bullgard4 even gparted only sees one whole partition it doesn't see the separate ones... but the disk utility shows them06:04
celthunder|Petrus|, kk06:04
milamberwhat happens when you just do: xrandr --panning06:05
Dantonicmilamber, I'd really rather not do that... unless I absolutely have to06:05
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bullgard4Dantonic: I see. May be you should focus on fixing a Grub problem.06:05
Ubentoboxwhen I do just: xrandr --panning it does the usage spew again, asking for parameters06:05
Dantonicbullgard4, how Do I fix this problem?06:06
Dantonicbullgard4, I don't really know what's going on or how to diagnose it06:06
gohdanbrown_fern:  watch "sensors | grep 'Core\|temp1'"  Oh Yeah!06:06
bullgard4!grub | Dantonic06:06
celthunderDantonic, wha'ts your issue? sorry wans't reading your convo06:06
ubottuDantonic: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)06:06
* gohdan puts on glasses CSI style06:07
* celthunder kills someone so gohdan has someone to arrest06:07
milambercelthunder: xrandr --fb 1024x600 --panning 1600x006:07
celthundermilamber, ?06:07
Dantoniccelthunder, the 11.04 installer and gparted do not recognize my hard drives partitions here is my fdisk -l: http://pastebin.com/LD6wqTy306:07
Ubentoboxlol probably meant me celthunder06:08
gohdancelthunder: please pick steve balmer :)06:08
milambercelthunder: wrong keys then tab, sorry06:08
* gohdan DEVELOPERS!06:08
Corey!ot | gohdan06:08
ubottugohdan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:08
milamberUbentobox: xrandr --fb 1024x600 --panning 1600x006:08
Ubentoboxstill getting usage issue06:08
CoreyDantonic: Odd, usually fdisk falls over and parted saves the day.06:08
milamberUbentobox: pastebin it06:09
Dantonicthe disk utility shows all the partitions Corey06:09
celthunderDantonic, did you mkfs all the partitions?06:09
celthunderDantonic, or are they all just thrown in the partition table without actually having been made06:09
Ubentoboxhaha im trying to but i have no terminal header just the actual window (partly why i think my desktop res is LYING)06:10
chazz_tsc1celthunder: There are some sendmail .cf items in that post but they apply to a very different problem than what I'm getting. My issue is that people are apparently making an end run around my authentication and there doesn't seem to be anything about that in the thread you posted.06:10
abhi_tcsmy ubuntu natty narwhal changed its look on its own06:11
milamberUbentobox: are you still in a gui?06:11
abhi_tcsthe top bar went from translucent black to solid white06:11
quiescensmaybe its grown sentient and is trying to take over the world06:11
celthunderchazz_tsc1, kk sorry idk then :( but yeah enable auth before relay works is what i had to do06:12
abhi_tcsquiescens :D06:12
Ubentoboxim in a terminal i created a shortcut to via the gui right click --> create launcher06:12
Dantonicsorry xchat crashed06:12
Ubentoboxbut terminal has no header06:13
Dantonicdid I miss anything?06:13
chazz_tsc1celthunder: That is exactly what I'm doing; I've followed all instructions I can find for enforcing relay only from authusers, and unaths are still getting past. Oh, well... back to the forums, see if anyone chooses to answer...06:13
Lasivianin rc.local does anyone know if this: sudo -u lasivian screen -d -m runsim.sh , Needs a & on the end or not?06:13
milamberUbentobox: ok, Alt + F7 should allow you to use the arrows on the keyboard to move the window to a position where you can see it06:14
chazz_tsc1GTG, Eyes are falling out of my head, been staring at the screen too long... got to find some pretty girls to star at in RL.06:14
Ubentoboxmilamber: http://pastebin.com/6BK5gACS06:15
Dantoniccelthunder could grub be causing the issue?06:16
Ubentobox;p yeah my terminal has no bounding header haha06:16
Ubentoboxits just a damned white space with terminal inside06:16
Dantonicwhat if I delete the boot partition?06:16
milamberUbentobox: ok, now add the output of this to the pastebin: lspci | grep VGA06:17
Dantonichow could grub cause the partitions to not be seen? is that possible?06:17
celthunderDantonic, did you mkfs all the partitions?06:17
celthunderDantonic, or are they all just thrown in the partition table without actually having been made06:17
celthunderDantonic, i think you disconnected as i was typing last time06:18
Dantonicyeah sorry06:18
Dantonicmkfs? how do I do that?06:18
Dantonicthey may have just been made automatically when I installed ubuntu and windows in the past06:18
DantonicI didn't make them from the command line06:18
celthunderDantonic, do the filesystmes actually exist...aka can you mount them?06:18
Ubentoboxmilamber: http://pastebin.com/cNr5wnvp06:19
DantonicI use these drives every day.... I use my windows and linux partition06:19
plucHey! I'm trying to bind my touchpad's "right mouse click" to a keyboard button using xmodmap -e "keycode 135 = Pointer_Button3".... but for some reason, after executing, the key doesn't do anything. Any ideas?06:19
celthunderDantonic, in the installer can't you set your mount points manually06:19
Dantonicit asks me to repartition the whole drive... wouldn't that destroy everything?06:20
yarddogbe careful partitions06:21
yarddogi just had one partition my driver right out06:21
cognac-gammahi all how to fit a 10.04.02 release on new laptop? No wired connection, wireless drops off every 20 min, these are less important. how make ubuntu to use the DRIVERS?06:21
meuslixis anyone able to help me figure out how to turn xubuntu 11.04 into ubuntu 11.04, or to at least try the unity desktop?06:22
Dantoniccelthunder "you have selected an entire device to partition. If you proceed with creating a new partition table on the device, then all current partitions will be removed"06:22
xxmmaanncan you help me sound and video not work in open office impress ???:)06:23
meuslix10.04 is going to maybe not have all the drivers you need on a new machine cognac06:23
celthundermelter, apt-get install unity or ubuntu-desktop or something like that06:25
meuslixi think they give away free disks, though, cognac, somewhere, google "free ubuntu disk" you will find06:25
celthundermelter, depending what yo uall want with unity06:25
Lasivianwhere do I put a startup script to run in rc.local? i'm trying "sudo -u lasivian ./runsim.sh" and it runs from commandline but not from rc.local, says "command not found", thanks06:25
celthunderDantonic, yeah don't do that manually mount them where yo uwant them?06:25
meuslixthanks celt06:25
milamber!shipit | not anymore meuslix06:25
ubottunot anymore meuslix: Canonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/06:25
cognac-gammashall i rather try 11.04?06:25
Dantoniccelthunder hmm but aren't they already mounted?06:26
Dantonicotherwise how are they showing?06:26
milamberLasivian: is the runsim.sh file in your home directory?06:26
Dantoniccelthunder sorry I'm sort of a nub at linux06:26
Lasivianmilamber: it's in lasivian's home directory, not roots06:26
Lasivianthat's probably the problem isn;t it06:26
meuslixwhat if i just want to run gnome?06:27
celthunderDantonic, mount them how you want and chroot in and install...it's the same thing the installer ultimately does or debootstraping does etc06:27
meuslixcan i do that from xubuntu?06:27
milamberLasivian: i would say give a fully qualified path06:27
Lasivianmilamber: thanks06:27
milamberLasivian: let us know if that works06:27
Dantoniccelthunder can u give me an example of how to do that?06:27
Lasivian./home/lasivian/runsim.sh still fails06:28
Lasivianoh, duh..06:28
celthunderDantonic, yeah sure one sec helping someone in another channel06:28
Lasivianyeah, runs without the . now06:29
thangaveldoes anybody know why The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16) occurs??06:29
Dantoniccelthunder ok thanks a lot06:29
milamberLasivian: good06:29
meuslixwhat happened was i thought i would like xubuntu, so i installed 11.04, and now i find out it won't stretch my desktop acros two screens, it just mirrors the image on both. so i need a desktop that will let me use both screens. i don't even know that unity will do it, but ubuntu 10.04 always worked with it06:29
alvaro_quien por ahi06:30
jtannenbaumon 10.10, I keep connecting wirelessly to my WPA-protected router and then disconnecting seconds later06:30
Ubentoboxok so I am at the login screen to try and get the Classic to work...  I see a sort of start bar on the bottom of screen, a login gui that has my username, and a button for other with login and cancel, but no otpion to select unity or classic06:30
gohdan!es | alvaro_06:30
ubottualvaro_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.06:30
alvaro_ok gracias06:31
Chainermeuslix: i'm using xubuntu with an nvidia card, and i can stretch my desktop across two screens. if you also have an nvidia card, i might be able to help06:31
meuslixuben, click your username so the password box appears06:31
Ubentoboxnm got that06:31
meuslixthen a selection box will appear in the toolbar06:31
Ubentoboxauthentication failure?06:31
celthunderDantonic, ok still here?06:31
thangaveldoes anybody know why The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16) occurs??06:31
meuslixi have a x1300 radeon06:31
Ubentoboxafk bio06:32
Dantoniccelthunder yes06:32
mozeeeI need an English to English professional Dictionary! does anyone can help me?06:32
meuslixthe monitor setting shows both monitors06:32
thangavel<mozeee> : serach in google..06:32
meuslixon ubuntu 10.04 i had to uncheck "mirror screens" then it would let me move them around06:33
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.06:33
meuslixi like the mirrored screens for watching movies :)06:33
Dantoniccelthunder so from what I see gparted only sees the extended partition containing the logical partitions, and it sees it as unallocated space.... it doesn't include in this the windows partition space06:33
Dantonicidk if that means anything06:33
meuslixdantonic, you still use windows?06:34
Dantonicmeuslix, yes06:34
milambermozeee: on the flip side, english to english? professional dictionary?06:34
thangaveldoes anybody know why The PPP daemon has died: A modem hung up the phone (exit code = 16) occurs??06:34
milamber!patience | thangavel06:35
TrebbleBassJust installed Ubuntu Server 11.04, looking at the df -h output I'm wondering what all these additional ones are (I only created /, /swap and /home) - is this normal - http://pastebin.com/Y899bapL06:35
ubottuthangavel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:35
celthunderDantonic, go to a terminal mkdir /tmp/a or something06:35
meuslixdo you have partitioning softwae on your windows boot?06:35
Chainermeuslix: i believe to install ubuntu, the command is sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:35
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:35
mozeeemilamber: what do u mean?06:35
Dantonicmeuslix I have partition magik on cd06:35
milamber(12:32:38 AM) mozeee: I need an English to English professional Dictionary!06:36
meuslixi am going to try it when i get done updating, chainer. i thank you much06:36
Chainerthen you use the xubuntu command here to remove all your xubuntu stuff: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome06:36
celthunderDantonic, what did you want as a / partition?06:36
Chainerno problem06:36
meuslixdantonic, are you able to see all the partitions correctly from windows is what i would ask first06:36
mozeeemilamber: most of the time I'm ofline and i have no internet access!06:36
meuslixi don't want to remove the xubuntu06:36
Dantoniccelthunder excuse my ignorance what do u mean?06:36
Dantonicmeuslix I haven't tried06:37
ChainerI should warn you though, when i tried using dual monitors with Unity, sometimes it was buggy in that the dock would appear on the left side of my right-hand monitor, and I wouldn't be able to drag windows over it06:37
milambermozeee: you just need an english dictionary?06:37
celthunderDantonic, which partition did yo uwant as / when you're done installing?06:37
ChainerBut you have a different video card so perhaps it will work for you06:37
meuslixwhen i ran 10.04 i had all the available sessions06:37
meuslixand i would just choose which one i want06:37
milambermeuslix: you don't have to remove the other desktops. when you add new ones they will become options at the login.06:37
Dantonicmeaning as my main linux install?  I guess that would be my sda5 partition06:38
Chainerright, but if you want to get rid of the xubuntu applications that you don't need or free disk space, the option is there06:38
celthunderDantonic, ok so mount /dev/sda5 /tmp/a06:38
Lasivianhrrm script is refusing to run a cd command, not sure why: http://pastebin.com/5ctbx6RY06:38
celthunderDantonic, then cd /tmp/a06:38
meuslixok, i am going to close this xchat, and i will come back in a minute to tell you if it worked06:38
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:38
milamberLasivian: leading / before home06:39
TrebbleBassJust installed Ubuntu Server 11.04, looking at the df -h output I'm wondering what all these additional ones are (I only created /, /swap and /home) - is this normal - http://pastebin.com/Y899bapL06:39
celthunderDantonic, mount -t proc proc proc/06:39
celthunderTrebbleBass, didn't look at it but if you have a proc and dev that's right06:39
celthunderTrebbleBass, and a sys06:39
Dantoniccelthunder be very literal when u type commands, I'm gonna type just like u do...06:39
Ubentoboxok im back06:39
celthunderDantonic, ok06:39
UbentoboxI managed to get classic working with bars06:40
brown_fernmozeee: You could ask in ##English .06:40
Ubentoboxand I THINK i found something explaining how to fix it but going to try right now06:40
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:40
TrebbleBasscelthunder: /dev                  3.9G  196K  3.9G   1% /dev06:40
TrebbleBassnone                  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm06:40
TrebbleBassnone                  3.9G   44K  3.9G   1% /var/run06:40
TrebbleBassnone                  3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /var/lock06:40
Dantoniccelthunder done06:40
Lasivianmilamber: ARGH! so simple, thank you very much :)06:40
TrebbleBassopps didnt print on one line, sorry celthunder06:40
milamberLasivian: details details. it only gets worse :)06:40
celthunderDantonic, mount -t sysfs sys sys/06:40
celthunderDantonic, mount -o bind /dev dev/06:41
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:41
milamber!pastebin | TrebbleBass06:41
ubottuTrebbleBass: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:41
celthundermilamber, he did pastebin it06:41
celthundermilamber, i was just to lazy tor ead it sorry06:41
meuslixok, update manager still going06:41
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:42
meuslixi just installed from disk like an hour ago, so apparently, not ready yet06:42
celthunderDantonic, did you have anything besides a swap partittion and a /  that you wanted?06:42
gohdan!cn | metbsd06:42
ubottumetbsd: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。06:42
Dantonicnot really... do u suggest setting up other system partitions celthunder?06:43
celthunderDantonic, it's fine yo ugot what you need then06:43
celthunderDantonic, ok one sec i need to find a file06:43
celthunderDantonic, wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.20_all.deb06:45
TrebbleBasscelthunder: is that normal?06:45
celthunderTrebbleBass, yeah06:46
TrebbleBasscelthunder: where is the 3.9GBs coming from for each of those - or simply taking it from the 20GB of /?06:46
Dantoniccelthunder ok06:46
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celthunderDantonic, ok cd to a different directory06:47
celthunderDantonic, like /tmp06:47
=== P4R4N01D1 is now known as P4R4N01D
celthunderDantonic, mv that file you just downloaded to /tmp (mv /tmp/a/debootstrap_1.0.20_all.deb /tmp/06:48
celthunderDantonic, sorry shoulda told you to change directories before06:48
Dantoniccelthunder np... done06:49
TrebbleBassthxs celthunder06:49
celthunderDantonic, ok dpkg -i debootstrap06:50
celthunderDantonic, er replace debootstrap with the file you just downloaded and moved06:51
Dantoniccelthunder ok done06:51
celthunderDantonic, you want a 32 bit install or 64 (if you have a 64 bit processor i recommend 64)06:53
meuslixwoo-hoo!!!!!!!! update manager lik 98% done06:53
celthundermeuslix, error:  last 2 percent cannot complete user too happy06:54
meuslixit should show the number instead of making me guess how close it is06:54
meuslixi just want to try the command chainer gave me06:55
meuslixi love sudo06:55
celthunderDantonic, what window manager/de did yo uwant? or just the stock ubuntu whatever06:55
ChainerIsn't that what you were installing just now?06:56
celthunderDantonic, also video card yo uhave06:56
meuslixjust to all you cats that help us dumb users, i want to say thanks06:56
meuslixnot yet06:56
meuslixi was updating a fresh install when you gave me the command06:56
Dantonic2celthunder, well idk... just whatever would normally come with the installation CD... I have an ATI HD 577006:56
meuslixi have it saved06:56
meuslixit said, a package manager is already in use when i typed it before06:56
Chainerah, i see... fresh xubuntu?06:57
meuslixbtw, the xubuntu channel was zero help06:57
celthunderDantonic, ok idk what ubuntu's ati drivers are i'll look them up later for now lets start with this06:58
Dantonic2yeah I can install those later don't worry about it...06:58
meuslixbut it didn't show ubuntu-desktop in synaptic06:59
meuslixlike before i had a fresh ubuntu 10.04, went to synaptic and installed lubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, and xubuntu-desktop07:00
meuslixso i thought it would work the same way to install xubuntu, then the sessions i wanted07:00
celthunderDantonic, debootstrap --arch amd64 natty /tmp/a http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/07:02
meuslixanyone know if mangler is ever going to make it into an ubuntu relese?07:02
celthundermeuslix, mangler works fine in ubuntu...07:02
* meuslix don't like ppas07:02
Dantonic2celthunder, E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/natty07:03
meuslixis it actually added/supported in 11.04?07:03
celthunderDantonic, ok one sec07:03
Ubentoboxanyone know why when i type "unity --reset" i get the following responce?07:04
chiques_Assuming I have a firewall router and my ubuntu home directory is encrypted, how vounerable am I to this ? http://agmetalminer.com/2010/12/01/the-wikileak-files-%e2%80%93-china-computer-hacking-hits-us-manufacturing/07:04
celthunderDantonic, can you ls /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/ for me please07:05
celthunderck, you're on freenode type /join #blender07:05
celthunderck, or /quit or /server to join a nother server07:06
Dantonic2celthunder, http://pastebin.com/PjribNsu07:06
ckcelthunder, newby07:06
celthunderDantonic, ok cd to /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts and wget rofltech.net/natty07:07
celthunderDantonic2, that should get you the right script apparently the debootstrap version i gave you was a bit old but :) it's fine07:08
celthunderDantonic2, then run the other command again07:08
Dantonic2ok done celthunder07:08
celthunderDantonic, run the debootstrap command listed earlier again please07:08
Ubentoboxmilamber: you still here?07:08
UbentoboxI got it working.  Friggin FINALLY07:08
robinschanyone knows how to get list of reserved words in bash?07:09
Dantonic2celthunder, retrieving07:09
milamberUbentobox: yessum07:09
Ubentoboxunity plugin is disabled by default07:09
Ubentoboxi had to install compiz07:09
Dantonic2celthunder, so what's going on now? It's installing?  will it whipe out the old installation?07:09
Ubentoboxthen had to enable unity07:09
Ubentoboxit had 3 conflicting keybinds07:09
robinschi want to know how to get list of all the reserved words07:09
Dantonic2I don't need the previous ubuntu install07:10
celthunderDantonic2, it' s dling the packages and installing them in /tmp/a which is your /dev/sda507:10
robinschin bash like for and while07:10
milamberUbentobox: glad you got it worked out07:10
celthunderDantonic2, when it's done you still have a few things to do but :) you're well on your way to a working system07:10
Kartagisrobinsch: man bash07:10
Dantonic2celthunder, cool!  now that partition had 10.04 on it... which I don't need it should I have deleted it first?07:10
celthunderDantonic2, uhm...well it's overwriting it now....hopefully they don't conflict too much07:11
Kartagisrobinsch: or google for bash reserved words07:11
celthunderDantonic2, but at least all yoru data will still be there?07:11
celthunderDantonic2, sorry didn't realize you wanted to delete your oter install07:11
celthunderor even had one07:11
Dantonic2celthunder, well I didn't need any of that data.. all the data is in the "storage" partition07:11
Dantonic2the fat partition07:11
celthunderDantonic, :) ok then07:11
Ubentoboxanyhow since this is set im going to bed. LOL good luck to everyones problems, hope they get fixxed like mine did and good night!07:12
Dantonic2celthunder, so what else will need to be done?07:12
=== Ubentobox is now known as ubentobox-zZzZZz
celthunderDantonic2, you'll need to chroot in and setup grub and make a user...set a root password check for any required stuff the natty defaults missed etc07:13
Dantonic2celthunder, so will this undo my previous grub install?07:13
Dantonic2meaning until I reset it up I won't be able to loginto my windows partition?07:13
Brian_11_04Hi, I'm trying to setup X so when I login it will automatically lunch an MS RDP connection and display on Desktop #4.  The command is 'tsclient -x filename.rdp' can you help me figure out how to do this?  Thanks in advance07:13
celthunderDantonic2, was it set to boot from /dev/sda5 before?07:14
celthunderBrian_11_04, add it to a .xstart file referenced in your .xinitrc07:14
Dantonic2celthunder, it was one of the boot partitions on the boot menu... yes it would ask me at startup and that was one of th entries07:14
Dantonic2I gotta wake up in 5 hours to go to work :(07:15
Dantonic2I hate work07:15
celthunderBrian_11_04, such as .xinitrc contents :  ck-launch-session .xstart .xstart contents:  <gnome-session/xmonad/openbox/whatever> <\n> <theline you just gave>07:15
celthunderBrian_11_04, depending on your window manager depends on the moving it to another desktop07:16
meuslixthis xubuntu firefox can't find a flash plugin07:16
celthundermouslix 64 bit or 32 bit install? flashplugin install method used?07:16
Dantonic2celthunder, ok it's installing what happens if I leave it like this and go to bed?07:16
meuslixi wouldn't even need an extra workspace if i could get my multiple monitors to show07:16
celthunderDantonic, it finishes installing mostly07:16
celthundermeuslix, uhm what graphcis card?07:17
meuslixright now i got stuck on two screens with same output07:17
celthunderDantonic, want me to give yo uthe rest of the instructions so you can finish them later?07:17
Dantonic2that'd be great celthunder thanks07:17
meuslixati radeon x1300 on a very old machine running xubuntu 11.0407:17
and_Iwhere can i download the Ubuntu-chroot-bootloader-v1 for my android ?07:18
meuslixpieces of machine are probably older than most of the room07:18
celthunderand_I, xda-developers07:18
itai1hi there, how do i find my server's netbios name ?07:18
celthunderitai1, in linux your server shouldnt hae a netbios name...that's an ms thing07:18
meuslixfirst, you tell me where the open netbios is07:18
celthunderDantonic2, ok chroot /tmp/a /bin/bash07:18
celthunderDantonic2, passwd07:19
itai1celthunder, look here : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/extremly-slow-samba-536370/page2.html07:19
Brian_11_04celthunder : thanks I'll play around with that for a while and see what happens07:19
celthunderDantonic2, adduser <username you want for your normal user> add him to group wheel optical storage power and users groups when it asks for what groups to includ ethem in07:20
celthunderDantonic2, also audio group sorry missed that one07:20
celthunderDantonic2, ok with that done you can then check your /etc/fstab and add the partitions yo uwant automounted somewhere07:20
itai1celthunder, sorry, got disconnected , i'm trying to find out why our smb server is so slow, in my google searches i came upon this post which suggests using the netbios name in the smb.conf07:21
celthunderDantonic2, and this is where i'm no use you need to setup grub..theres a handy ubuntu wiki thing on it i believe07:21
meuslixi been on ubuntu for a long time, but this the first time i ever went xfce from the start, and i do not like xfce 4.x07:22
celthunderDantonic2, but then after that you should be able to reboot and have a wonderful life07:22
pcbobfi have a question whenever someone is ready07:22
celthunderpcbobf, just ask07:22
celthundermelter, lol xfce is now as bloated and crappy as gnome...or getting there07:22
meuslixi'm so freaked out by how ugly the default is compared to what my gnome looked like beforei went to sleep with this installing07:22
celthunderer meuslix sorry taht was for you sorry melter07:22
pcbobfi have a hp tx1000 notebook hp and my external monitor won't work ... i just installed 11.04 please help07:23
meuslixi actually like gnome07:23
meuslixbut i haven't tried gnome 307:23
Dantonic2ok celthunder thanks so much... I should be able to figure out grub I've done it in the past I have some pages bookmarked for that07:23
meuslixi've been a gnome user since like 0607:23
Dantonic2Thanks a lot for the help07:23
celthunderDantonic2, then with that done you're good to go :)07:23
meuslixcelt is cool guy07:23
meuslixnow who said open netbios?07:24
* meuslix pants07:24
itai1meuslix, me07:24
celthunderpcbobf, grpahics card ?07:24
celthunderpcbobf, nvidia/ati/intel?07:24
pcbobfgt someting07:24
celthunderpcbobf, nvidia-settings07:24
meuslixitail, why you need open netbios?07:24
pcbobfi can't even find out from hp07:24
Fudgehi, does chown user.user work the same as user:user07:24
meuslixthere was a time i would already be sniffing you07:24
celthunderfudge user:user sets user:group idk about user,user probably not07:25
meuslixthere must be a more secure solution to your need07:25
itai1need to find out my netbios name07:25
pcbobfi just choose the recommended driver07:25
* meuslix suggests turning it off07:25
pcbobfit worked when i installed07:26
celthunderpcbobf, nvidia-settings and then turn on twinview for second monitor07:26
meuslixthat's what i need on my radeon07:26
pcbobfso i goto system settings?07:26
celthundermeuslix, idk if ati has there own thing but you can use xrandr for dual displays07:26
meuslixbut i can't find the sright settings box07:26
meuslixdo i have it?07:27
meuslixor i have to get it through a complicated ppa?07:27
celthundermeuslix, try xrandr without any parameters for your video display names07:27
meuslixi think that might be too hard for me07:27
celthundermeuslix, then xrandr --display <internal/firstdisplay> --mode <resolution you want> --display <display2> --mode <resolution you want --right-of <otherdisplay>07:28
meuslixi don't like editing config files and such, i want a gui interface, that's why i use ubuntu07:28
pcbobfwow .. i feel stupid07:28
celthunderpcbobf, that work?07:28
pcbobfi guess the new interface threw me07:28
pcbobfi was using ubuntu 907:28
celthundermeuslix, then mess with the ati stuff or try the command i just gave you don't complain if stuff doesn't work if you don't like the solutions or don't at least try them though07:29
meuslixlike on ubuntu 10.04, i plugged my monitors in, it saw them, i could move a picture of them around and tell it where i wanted them and such07:29
tim__ Hey all. When I turn on compiz I lose Maximize, minimize and close buttons. Compiz --reset and compiz --replace don't work.07:29
pcbobfjust one more quick question..... is the secondary display still accellarated in most nvidias?07:29
celthunderpcbobf, yeah should be07:29
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pcbobfi'mma reboot07:29
pcbobftysoo much celthunder07:29
meuslixi ain't complaining, but i use my multiple monitors for entertainment, and i move the orientations around a lot. sometimes right of is not good enough07:30
celthundernp lol you just missed a small checkbox07:30
celthundermeuslix, then replace it with where yo uwant it07:30
celthundermeuslix, --left-of --above --below etc should all work and you can set to degree and on top of each other and etc07:30
celthundermeuslix, btw most graphical stuff just runs the command line commands anyway not like you're doing much different07:31
meuslixwell, if the ubuntu-desktop package works, maybe it will have the tool i'm familiar with07:31
meuslixbecause i never installed that tool, i don't know it's name07:32
meuslixi think it just don't come with xubuntu07:32
celthundermeuslix, what tool?07:32
meuslixi'm sorry if i sounded ungrateful, yo, you guys have been a big help already07:32
hidn_shadowsHey guys, I'm running on 10.04 and software center froze in the middle of a download. It was stuck on 52%... now it won't let me do anything until I get rid of that damaged file. Where would it be stored?07:32
celthundermeuslix, lol i'm a bit of an ass...just ignore me :)07:32
celthunderhidn_shadows, the db lock file? apt should tlel you07:33
meuslixit was in ubuntu 10.04 default install from the main top panel settings>preferences>monitors07:33
meuslixit is not here07:33
meuslixit sees my graphics card fine07:33
hidn_shadowscelthunder, what command do I run? I'm not a very advanced user07:34
meuslixand both monitors display the same thing07:34
nit-withidn_shadows, run this command in a terminal sudo apt-get -f install07:34
meuslixit even tells me what cards they are07:34
celthunderhidn_shadows, rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock07:34
celthundermeuslix, that's a gnome thing..and btw :) it likely calls the same command i just gave you in some form07:35
meuslixjust for clarification, this is the first time in 5 years that something didn't just work right out of the box on ubuntu for me07:35
hidn_shadowsnit-wit it told me to run a dpkg command, and I did... lemme check to see if that fixed it07:35
celthunderhidn_shadows, ignore what i said then sorry07:35
celthundermeuslix, nice07:35
meuslixso where do i get mangler for xubuntu 11.0407:36
* meuslix goes googling07:36
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, now when I try to download the Furious ISO manager it says E:I wasn't able to locate a file for the fuseiso package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package. (due to missing arch):07:36
meuslixi gotta get a flash plugin for firefox 4, any ideas?07:37
celthundermeuslix, one sec07:37
meuslixis it ok to say i do not like this ubuntu release?07:37
meuslixso far07:38
meuslixi think it's this new xfce07:38
ryan-cHow can I turn avahi off?07:38
celthundermeuslix, lol idc i don't even use ubuntu...i hate it07:38
meuslixit's so horrible07:38
ryan-cin natty07:38
celthunderryan-c, service avahi stop07:38
meuslixwhich distro you use?07:38
celthundermeuslix, arch07:38
ryan-ccelthunder: I said I want to turn it off, not stop the service07:38
meuslixi heard about arch07:38
nit-withidn_shadows, I would look in synaptic-custom filters-broken to see if there is any thing there, you might be missing a dependency .07:38
ryan-cI don't want it to start automaticlly ever07:38
meuslixi think linus uses arch07:39
celthundermeuslix, arch also have servers of debian and an lfs install or two07:39
meuslixdebian with gnome 3 looks good07:39
ryan-cUsing arch is idiotic07:39
meuslixbut i like ubuntu07:39
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, so where is that? and whatever I try to download says it can't find Fuseiso...07:39
celthunderryan-c, coming from the idiot who can't figure otu how to stop a service in ubuntu07:39
meuslixwhy is it idiotic?07:39
celthundermeuslix, because he's an idiot07:39
bourne help07:40
celthunderbourne, help with?07:40
meuslixi thought that was the whole point of linux07:40
ryan-cmeuslix: the packages are unsigned, MitM can root your box when you update.07:40
meuslixto do what you want07:40
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bournei accidently modified the permission of my file system07:40
meuslixbut you can turn it off, right?07:40
ryan-ccelthunder: I know how to stop a service07:40
celthunderryan-c, yes...that's a flaw...i'm not too worried about it07:40
bourneby runnin command07:40
bournesudo chmod 777 /07:40
pratzhey guys i am trying to install yeahconsole on my ubuntu 11.04 , but getting an error, i used to run it on 10.04 with no issues07:41
bournei cant login now07:41
celthunderbourne, LOL ouch07:41
ryan-ccelthunder: I want the service disabled so that it won't autostart07:41
ryan-c that is different from starting it07:41
bournehow do i recover07:41
pratzhere is the error "X Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)"07:41
meuslixi think this ubuntu default desktop i'm installing will be good07:41
ryan-c`update-rc.d avahi-daemon disable` doesn't work07:41
pratzhey guys any idea ??07:41
silv3r_m00nhi there07:41
bourneplease help07:41
meuslixryan-c, which distro you use?07:42
silv3r_m00nI have a font file (ttf) I need to edit its name , how ? (not rename)07:42
celthunderbourne, uhm well ..i'm laughing to hard07:42
nit-withidn_shadows, synaptic is in the application menu.07:42
ryan-cmeuslix: ubuntu natty07:42
bournecelthunder, help me07:42
meuslixi just installed xubuntu 11.04, isn't that natty?07:42
celthundermeuslix, pm?07:42
hidn_shadowsnit-wit you mean the system menu, right?07:42
nit-withidn_shadows, you find it eh07:43
celthunderbourne, uhm login to a terminal07:43
pratzhey guys i am not able to run yeahconsole on ubuntu 11.0407:43
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, yeah I have it open07:43
celthunderbourne, and then start by sudo su - and chmodding your /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files back to something better than 77707:43
bournecelthunder i logged in to the root shell using the recovery mode07:44
nit-withidn_shadows, synaptic-custom filters-broken to see if there is any thing there, you might be missing a dependency .07:44
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, nothing's under the broken tab...07:44
nit-withidn_shadows, look up the app you want to install.07:44
nit-witin synaptic07:44
celthunderbourne, ok07:45
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, using a quick search gives me nothing07:45
Avi_I am able to login through ssh into an ubuntu server locally. But, when I try to login from a different location, I cannot login. Connection is refused. "nmap <public ip> -p 22"shows the port as filtered. Please help.07:46
bournecelthunder let me try07:46
celthunderAvi_, put the server in a dmz07:46
ryan-cAvi_: either connection is refused or nmap lists the port as filtered - which is it?07:47
celthunderAvi_, and make sure 22 goes to the server07:47
nit-withidn_shadows, in synaptic-settings-repositories, first tab 4th box down universe repositiry click it on the reload in synaptic and look for the app again, follow these instructions to the letyter.07:47
Avi_celthunder: that has already been done in the router dmz settings07:47
Avi_ryan-c: both07:48
ryan-cAvi_: You're mistaken.07:48
pratzhey guys i am getting this error "X Error of failed request:  BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)"07:48
ryan-cnmap listing the port as filtered means it's dropping all packets07:48
pratzi am trying to install yeahconsole07:49
ryan-cconnection refused means the server responds that the port is closed07:49
pratzany idea guys07:49
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, the software restricted by legal... box? I'm following your instructions07:49
celthunderpratz, doing what07:49
Avi_ryan-c: it shows connection refused when logging in via ssh07:49
ryan-cAvi_: run `tcpdump -n port 22 and host not `echo $SSH_CLIENT | awk '{print $1}'` on the server and try sshing in from outside again07:50
pratzcelthunder: i am trying to run yeahconsole (drop down terminal )07:50
hidn_shadowsnit-wit Ohhh I think I know what you mean, on the repos management page?07:50
nit-withidn_shadows, with a quick web search it was identified as being in the universe repo, thats al I know.07:50
ryan-cdoes the syn packet make it to your host?07:50
nit-withidn_shadows, I will assume "repos management page?" is where I have sent you. It's called software sources.07:51
Avi_ryan-c: for tcpdump, it says:tcpdump: no suitable device found07:51
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, yeah software sources window, second tab right?07:52
ryan-cAvi_: try with sudo07:52
nit-withidn_shadows, first tab universe repo on.07:52
Avi_ryan-c: yes with sudo its working now07:52
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, yes it is. Do I uncheck and recheck?07:53
ryan-cdo you see a connection attempt when you try to ssh from outside?07:53
nit-withidn_shadows, checked would be on07:53
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, it is on, it has been on. I don't quite understand what you're telling me to do07:53
Avi_ryan-c: it says connection timed out07:53
nit-withidn_shadows, have you run a regular update to load the software refrences to your setup.07:54
dz2which package can I use for my camera in my laptop?07:54
ryan-cAvi_: do you seen any output from tcpdump?07:54
Avi_ryan-c: yes its still running07:54
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, you mean with update manager? I haven't had the time as of late. I'm guessing now's a good time to make time to run it?07:54
ryan-cdid it print anything?07:54
Avi_ryan-c: yes it is printing07:55
bourneanybody please help07:55
bournei accidently run a command07:55
ryan-cAvi_: pastebin the output07:55
nit-withidn_shadows, you might need another repo opened like the canonoical in the second tab, or the backports in the 3rd tab, hard to say I'm just guessing, it shows on my setup.07:55
bournesudo chmod -R 777 /07:55
bourneand now i cant get into the system07:56
bournewhat i do07:56
gohdanbourne: dont use the enter key as punctuation please07:56
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lotuspsychjeanyone knows what this means: NetworkManager[877]: nm_setting_802_1x_get_pkcs11_module_path: assertion `NM_IS_SETTING_802_1X (setting)' failed07:57
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, I'll try activating the backports option, and run update manager. Do you think that should fix my problem?07:57
landingonwateruuh.. problem with sound. suddenly It sounds like its under water. anyone experienced that ?07:57
nit-withidn_shadows, you can update ina terminal with sudo apt-get update    or hit the reload in synaptic, or the update manager07:57
hidn_shadowslandingonwater, you aren't by chance using an equalizer, are you?07:57
bournei accidently modifiled my filesystem permissions by running command  " sudo chmod -R 777 / " and now i am unable to get into the system ... what should i do? please help07:58
landingonwaterhidn_shadows: Dont think so. USing analog stereo duplex output07:58
slack-mhey guys07:58
slack-mi have an ubuntu server, how in da HECK do i get my mail remotely?07:59
landingonwaterhidn_shadows: think It was caused by running Urban Terror actually07:59
slack-mi can check it with alpine and its there07:59
Coreyslack-m: A pop3 or imap server, generally.  Dovecot seems to be the way to go.07:59
nit-withidn_shadows, I have no idea I have the app in my set up it is on it was most likely a dependency of something else.07:59
ubottuIMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol07:59
slack-mand it recieves n sends mail just fine07:59
bournei accidently modifiled my filesystem permissions by running command  " sudo chmod -R 777 / " and now i am unable to get into the system ... what should i do? please help08:00
bournei accidently modifiled my filesystem permissions by running command  " sudo chmod -R 777 / " and now i am unable to get into the system ... what should i do? please help08:00
FloodBot1bourne: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, I'm getting a long error message now after I hit reload...08:00
slack-mCorey, hey, I'm using webmin n virtual servers, dovcot iirc did not work right at all for me, i had to go back to procmail to keep all the services working properly08:01
slack-mCorey, i cant afford long downtimes08:01
silv3r_m00nhow to check what font file a browser is using to display a particular language or unicode characters ?08:01
Coreyslack-m: Then you're likely doing it wrong. :-)  Dovecot's fairly straightforward to get working properly, not sure what webmin breaks to change that.08:02
nit-withidn_shadows, can you save and paste it to a pastebin?08:02
tadpole_jacksonare there any special considerations i should make for running ubuntu in a low memory environment, such as 256mb of ram?08:02
slack-mCorey, i tried this from a fresh install at one point with zero luck, procmail+sendmail keeps everything going08:02
Coreyslack-m: ...neither one of which is a POP3/IMAP server.08:02
slack-mCorey, if im doing something wrong, how about some advice instead of just telling me im wrong08:02
Avi_ryan-c: http://imagebin.org/15747208:02
DJonestadpole_jackson: For a low memory system, you're probably better looking at xubuntu or lubuntu08:03
lotuspsychje!xubuntu | tadpole_jackson08:03
ubottutadpole_jackson: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels08:03
bournewhat can i do... is there any way to reset my ubuntu permission settings08:03
ryan-cAvi_: I think the filter isn't working right08:03
tadpole_jacksonlotuspsychje, thank you, will i be able to do that type of install off of a standard ubuntu ISO image?08:04
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, http://pastebin.com/nLafzV5q08:04
ryan-ctcpdump -n host CLIENT_IP08:04
ryan-cwhere CLIENT_IP is the ip of the client you're connecting from08:04
DJones!requirements | tadpole_jackson08:04
ubottutadpole_jackson: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu08:04
ryan-cand seriosuly, just copy/paste the text in the terminal to pastebin, don't take a screenshot08:04
lotuspsychjetadpole_jackson: yes standard xubuntu iso08:04
tadpole_jacksonno i mean i already have an ubuntu CD08:05
Blou_Aap_i kicked unity and went back to Gnome via logging in with 'Classic' but I can't get skype icon back in notifiaction, even though the notification applet is attached to the panel. How can I get Sjkype back to normal again ?08:05
Avi_ryanc: i cannot copy it because it is still running08:05
lotuspsychjetadpole_jackson: you have to redownload a xubuntu iso08:05
ksinkarhi guys, is anyone of you using github?08:05
Avi_ryan-c: it is not possible for me to know the client ip08:06
DJonestadpole_jackson: On a low memory system using ubuntu, I've also found that its better to use the alternate install cd which uses a command line installation rather than the graphical live cd will work better08:06
ryan-cAvi_: You have a firewall blocking connections08:07
ryan-cnot sure if it's your iptables or your router/firewall08:07
Avi_ryan-c: the local ip with the port has been port forwarding in the NAT settings in the router08:08
Avi_ryan-c: the local ip with the port has been port forwarded in the NAT settings in the router08:08
nit-withidn_shadows, hard to say could be as simple as the key missing for the medibuntu and the mirror kicking back an error, or the apt list may need a look. you can pastebin  cat /etc/apt/sources.list08:10
ryan-cAvi_: Your port forwarding is wrong08:10
Avi_ryan-c: how to correct it?08:10
ryan-ci have no idea what router you have or how to configure that08:11
Avi_ryan-c: what setting is wrong?08:11
albackeranyone in ubuntu 11.04 having problems with graphics (intel) ?08:11
ryan-cAvi_: I don't know, and I need to go to bed.08:12
Avi_ryan-c: ok thanks for the suggestions.08:12
boomboorumCannot kill a process from nor 'top' neither from 'pkilll' - what should I do. (And no, I cannot restart now)08:13
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, http://pastebin.com/edHfZRvQ08:15
o2oowho could tell me where could I find a package's deb in an ubuntu source site?08:15
o2oowho could tell me where could I find a package's deb in an ubuntu source site??08:15
o2oofor example, I want to find kdesvn in http://ubuntu.cn99.com/08:16
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boomboorumOh, ok. Never mind guys,  kill -9 [process id] did the job08:17
sb2gr??e, mal ne frage ich such schon seit ner ganzen weile ein ordentliches how to f?r ubuntu 10.04 postfix/dovecot08:17
Flannel!de | sb208:18
ubottusb2: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.08:18
nit-withidn_shadows, the apt list looks okay,  see errors like that at times as long as the setup is okay I don't worry. The medibuntu key might be loaded with this command though. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBC26B60C5A278308:18
hidn_shadowsnit-wit so the packages should download correctly now?08:19
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nit-withidn_shadows, I think it is just a server error you can change servers in the software soures in the first tab area, that command will load the medibuntu key .08:20
XanoMy Ubuntu htpc is connected to the network using a WPA2 protected network, which means it needs the keyring to be unlocked every time the machine boots. However, as it also doubles as a server, I need the machine to be able to boot and start all services (including wifi) without any action of my part. I am looking for a way to remove the need for logging in to the keyring.08:20
mah454How can i configure ssh with xinetd ?08:22
nit-witXano, if you edit the network manager in the desktop to auto login and all users, that may work not sure.08:23
Xanonit-wit: Well it does auto login, but since I also auto login my Ubuntu user account, I need to manually login to Keyring for the network manager to be able to grab the network's password08:24
hidn_shadowsnit-wit, whaddya know, I opened update manager, and look what it is.. fuseiso update... fingers crossed though08:25
nit-witXano, I have no idea sorry, there is a #ubuntu-server channel as well for kicks.;)08:25
Xanonit-wit: thanks :)08:26
Blou_Aapdo they make gnome crash alot on purpose so that im forced to use Unity?08:28
xzpeterhi all, is there any suggestion on ubuntu proxy switcher software?08:29
nit-witBlou_Aap, just for you.;)08:29
hidn_shadowsnetwork proxy on the panel works for me, xzpeter08:29
Blou_Aapfeels like it :(08:29
nit-witBlou_Aap, you messing with compiz in the classic when this happens or have a tweaked setup.08:30
ShikhinI configured my wlan0 using the Ubuntu Network Connection to have static IPs. Now when I uncomment the commented line in the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622348/ (/etc/network/interfaces), the internet stops working. Anyone on "why"?08:31
Blou_Aapno, I downloaded some new gnome stuff through software center though08:31
Blou_Aapbut it didnt give problems for weeks08:31
Blou_Aapuntil NOW08:31
xzpeterhidn_shadows: hi, do you mean the basic proxy manager in ubuntu? actually, I have many proxy settings, I have to change them rapidly to reach different sites08:31
hidn_shadowsBlou_Aap, have you tried restarting? Sometimes, especially if you hibernate a lot, things go haywire08:32
Blou_Aapi did restart ye08:32
Blou_Aapand i switched of hibernat and all that suspend crap08:32
xzpeterI have no problem setting proxy, but I need some kind of a switcher to switch from different proxys08:32
hidn_shadowsxzpeter, There's this little thing called Vidalia... use that tool wisely, and you'll only need one proxy08:33
Blou_Aapthose things are so unstable08:33
fdsaDose anyone know how to get Anarchy online to stop crashing ? im running it thru wine08:33
Blou_Aapregret clicking that upgrade to 11.04 button so much now08:33
Dattebayoi only want to have gnome3 on my login session and want to remove ubunto desktop how can i do it?08:33
Blou_Aapeverything was perfect until 11.04 came along08:33
xzpeterhidn_shadows: Ok... I'll check that, thanks. what do you mean by: I'll only need one proxy?08:34
hidn_shadowsfdsa, you could try running it in VBox using windows08:34
fdsaSek shadow's asking my rl friend. hes into all this linex stuff. Me, im use to a normal comp rofl08:35
hidn_shadowsxzpeter vidalia is a manager for a little poorly-known proxy called Tor... you can constantly use new identities by clicking a button... use it wisely though, and you can get, lets just say, Heavy suspicion for using it... lot's of bad people do, and they get caught a lot of the time08:35
hidn_shadowsxzpeter not trouble, mind you, as long as you're using it for legitimate purposes, just heavy suspicion08:36
fdsaThis comp aparently dosent have windows. Ive tryed everything just about. got it past it not being able to talk to the server08:36
hidn_shadowsfdsa vbox is a virtual machine, I'm not talking about GRUB08:36
xzpeterhidn_shadows: en... it seems that isn't what I am looking for :(08:37
icomerahi, I got unable to fina a medium containing a live file system when installing from live cd, anyone can help?08:38
hidn_shadowsnit-wit thanks a ton man, it works now... now, to the next part of this multi-objective quest... perhaps pick a lock to open a window, to unlock a door, to go do some more stuff?08:38
nit-withidn_shadows, cool, you have to pick the lock blindfolded.;)08:39
hidn_shadowsD: Get the drill... oh, but the drill needs lemons collected to charge it... and I have to go get a drill bit from an unhappy shopkeeper >.<08:40
ShikhinI configured my wlan0 using the Ubuntu Network Connection to have static IPs. Now when I uncomment the commented line in the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622348/ (/etc/network/interfaces), the internet stops working. Anyone on "why"?08:40
hidn_shadowsExcuse me while I noclip through reality, nit-wit, and thank you very much for helping me08:41
nit-withidn_shadows, scarry part is I understand it.08:41
hidn_shadowsnit-wit I just realized... I learned more about life from Half-life and zelda than I did from school...08:43
chapel_Hi, in tor browser for ubuntu I can not load the plugins, but I can do it with windows since about: config plugins allpill scan. what I can do to load the tor browser plugins  in ubuntu08:43
Blou_Aapany one know how I can use my galaxy tab 10.1 as an extra display in ubuntu ?08:43
hidn_shadowschapel_ have you tried just using torbutton in standard firefox?08:43
chapel_not i like much more tor browser08:44
chapel_for ubuntu08:44
fdsaDownloading Vbox now to give it a go.08:45
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hidn_shadowschapel_, then I'm sorry I can't help you08:46
chapel_hidn -shadows i have standard firefox with torbutton but i want to have tor browser with the plugins for ubuntu08:46
hidn_shadowsGood night everyone, thanks for helping08:46
llutz_Shikhin: eth1 and wlan0 are both in the same subnet? eth1 is set as default-route when active or has the higher metric?08:46
Shikhin llutz_: eth1 and wlan0 are both in the same subnet.08:47
ShikhinI don't understand the second question though.08:47
Shikhin(and both use static IPs)08:47
chapel_Hi, in tor browser for ubuntu I can not load the plugins, but I can do it with windows since about: config plugins allpill scan. what I can do to load the tor browser plugins  in ubuntu08:47
llutz_Shikhin: check "route -n" and "ifconfig" if both ifaces are active.08:48
mrguserwatch youtube08:48
mrguserwatch youtube08:48
mrguserwatch youtube08:48
llutz_Shikhin: basically: without further configuration, you cannot have wifi  + ethernet  active at the same time in the same subnet08:49
llutz_mrguser: stop spamming08:49
mrguserwatch youtube08:49
mrguserwatch youtube08:49
mrguserHacking site google08:49
llutz_!ops | mrguser spams08:49
ubottumrguser spams: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!08:49
deploymentI had to uninstall grub-pc and grub-common.  I have reinstalled without reboot but a config screen for Grub-pc has appeard asking me to check the command line for grub, it's blank... what do i put08:49
a2yHow do I restore maximize, minimize and close buttons when running compiz? compiz --replace and compiz --reset doesnt work.08:50
Shikhinllutz_: This is it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622374/ (of course, with the lines in /etc/network/interfaces commented out). Further configurtion? So it is possible, right?08:50
folivoradeployment: I might have to point grub to partition where you've installed grub....08:51
llutz_Shikhin: you want to use google with "ethernet bonding howto" :)08:51
chapel_Hi, in tor browser for ubuntu I can not load the plugins, but I can do it with windows since about: config plugins allpill scan. what I can do to load the tor browser plugins  in ubuntu08:51
deploymentfolivora: HD0,108:51
deploymentfolivora: how do i write out the cmd line08:51
Jordan_Udeployment: Blank is normal, leave it as is and continue to the next question.08:52
folivoraa2y: have you disabled them, or does your window manager crashed ?08:52
Drake|Hey is there an easy way to resize my partition in ubuntu.? The problem is that its mounted as /08:52
nit-witdeployment, that line is blank hit enter the chose the mbr with the space button next prompt mbr=sda08:52
Drake|or actually debian but yes08:52
llutz_Drake|: get a live-cd and gparted08:52
folivoraDrake|: live-cd.08:52
Drake|aah ofc.. why didnt i think of that :D08:53
Drake|to early  :p08:53
deploymentnit-wit: Grub Install device?08:53
deploymenti got lots of options here.08:53
folivoradeployment: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:54
folivoraThere is about everything....08:54
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chapel_hello, in tor browser for ubuntu I can not load the plugins, but I can do it with windows since about: config plugins allpill scan. what I can do to load the tor browser plugins  in ubuntu08:55
scarleoHi, I get a debian background in grub after updating to Natty. I suppose that is not meant to happen. How can I fix it?08:55
nit-witdeployment, I don't remember all the words, hyou get two prompts the first you described, is for adding additional kernel line stuff, I doubt you need any. The second is where to put grub it goes to the mbr which if your drive is sda the grub goes in sda use the space bar to put a astrix next to the sda.08:55
Jordan_U!screenshot | deployment08:56
ubottudeployment: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.08:56
deploymentI'll screenshot it.08:57
nit-witdeployment, after your done just to be sure you can run sudo grub-install /dev/sda      again aI assume the hd is sda, not sdb...etc08:57
nit-witdeployment, cool I will look08:57
Shikhinllutz_: Don't understanding what Ethernet Bonding does...08:57
deploymentSorry i'm working on two systems, this will take a moment to do08:59
llutz_Shikhin: it might increase bandwidth in some situations. with wifi+ethernet the benefits would be minimal, so don't waste time to set it up. just make sure not to activate your ethernet while wifi is active08:59
sreejumy system hangs when i close chrome after browsing08:59
sreejuwhat to do? please help me09:00
chapel_hi, in tor browser for ubuntu I can not load the plugins, but I can do it with windows since about: config plugins allpill scan. what I can do to load the tor browser plugins  in ubuntu09:01
Shikhinllutz: I basically want eth1 for network boot. Can I simply change the IP address/subnet?09:01
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llutz_Shikhin: depends on your network-layout09:02
deploymentJordan_U: http://imagebin.org/15747409:03
deploymentnit-wit: http://imagebin.org/15747409:03
Jordan_Udeployment: Do you know which of those your BIOS is set to boot from? What is "Virtual_Disk"?09:03
deploymentI have a usb 250GB plugged in09:04
llutz_Shikhin: you might add "allow-hotplug eth1" and "up ifconfig wlan0 down" "down ifconfig wlan0 up" statements to your /e/n/interfaces. But i'm not sure if that will work when mixing ifupdown and networkmanager.09:04
deploymentand ubuntu is installed on a morror array09:04
llutz_Shikhin: imo you should use only 1 method to configure your network, either ifupdown (/e/n/interfaces) OR network-manager09:05
sreejumy system hangs when i close chrome after browsing09:05
Shikhinllutz_: How do I disable the network manager?09:06
user1help me please..09:06
Jordan_Udeployment: "morror array"?09:06
sreejui tried reinstall but same problem09:06
sreejuplease help me09:06
deploymenttwo disks acting as one.09:06
Jordan_Udeployment: Ahh, "mirror".09:06
deploymenti guess making a Virtual disk09:06
llutz_Shikhin: use sysv-rc-conf (needs to be installed) to disable networkmanager start09:07
deploymentYeh sorry no array, what am i on about !!09:07
pratzhey guys i am using tilda terminal and byobu, but when i press F2 it creates a new terminal for me, but i want to use F2 for vim Project plugin, any ideas how i can disable F2 for byobu ??09:07
Shikhinllutz_: I guess if I change the subnet of eth1, it won't conflict with network manager?09:07
deploymentJordan_U: should I pick that one?09:07
llutz_Shikhin: it shouldn't09:07
Jordan_Udeployment: It depends. What is you BIOS set to boot from?09:08
deploymenti guess this drive. i can't really check now :(09:08
deploymentI'm sure it this.09:08
llutz_Shikhin: but you cannot easily change subnet for ifaces, they were given by your router/lan-layout09:08
llutz_Shikhin: so using 192.168.100.xx won't work in your network09:09
sreejuplease help me to solve my problem09:09
ShikhinUm, I use wlan0 for internet and it has a static IP address. I use eth1 for JUST network boot, so I guess, if I just simply change the subnet it *should* work, right?09:09
Jordan_Udeployment: Is the external drive just a data drive?09:09
cannonfoddercan someone help me figure out why i cant run this bash script    http://pastebin.com/KUw3RSvL09:09
llutz_Shikhin: if you use it only for network-boot, you don't need to configure it at all09:09
pratzhey guys i am using tilda terminal and byobu, but when i press F2 it creates a new terminal for me, but i want to use F2 for vim Project plugin, any ideas how i can disable F2 for byobu ??09:10
Shikhinllutz_: ?09:10
deploymentJordan_U: Yeh09:10
susundbergsreeju: please put up some details, like your os, os version, chrome version09:10
Jordan_Ucannonfodder: Can you pastebin the contents of run.sh?09:10
susundbergsreeju: and you could also define 'hangs' little better -- does mouse move?09:10
sreejui am using ubuntu 10.04 , chrome 1109:11
cannonfodderJordan_U ok09:11
susundbergsreeju: does ctrl+f1 work?09:11
deploymentJordan_U: On my ubuntu HDD i have just noticed i don't have a swap drive or anything. I only have the one partition, is this an issue?09:11
sreejunothing working09:11
susundbergno sorry, ctrl+alt+f109:11
sattu94cannonfodder: also make sure it is an executable chmod +x filename09:11
Jordan_Udeployment: Then I would select both "sda" and "sdb", that way it will work no matter what your BIOS boots from. Do *not* select any partitions.09:11
susundbergsreeju: and this happens every time when you close chrome?09:11
Shikhinllutz: ?09:11
sreejucapslock and scrolllock light blinks09:11
deploymentJordan_U: OK09:12
llutz_Shikhin: your pc acts as bootp-server?09:12
sreejumouse not moving09:12
cannonfodderJordan_U http://pastebin.com/u6Pe8fdQ09:12
deploymentJordan_U: On my ubuntu HDD i have just noticed i don't have a swap drive or anything. I only have the one partition, is this an issue? -- in general..09:12
Shikhinllutz_: I don't use 'bootp'.09:12
sreejuyes every time when i close it is like this09:12
llutz_Shikhin: how do you "network-boot then?09:13
susundbergsreeju: the blinkling leds suggest kernel panic, but that really should not happen on userspace application closing ..09:13
Shikhinllutz_: My PC acts as a DHCP server.09:13
susundbergcheck your kernel.log from /var/log/kern.log -- it should have something. While it tells what is going wrong, there must be something terribly wrong in your system ..09:13
sreejuit started when i install a unstable version09:14
Jordan_Ucannonfodder: My guess is that you're trying to run a 32 bit applications on a 64 bit machine, but you don't have any 32 bit libraries installed.09:14
sreejubut i removed that09:14
llutz_Shikhin: i'm afraid i lost you. try changing subnet, if it works for your,, fine...09:14
susundbergsreeju: unstable version of what?09:14
cannonfodderJordan_U hmm strange09:14
Jordan_Udeployment: It depends on how you use your computer.09:14
sreejuchrome unstable09:14
cannonfodderim on 32 bit but cant figure it out09:14
susundbergsreeju: well there is something terribly wron in that version. Report chrome bug09:15
susundberg.. and go back using stable version09:15
deploymentJordan_U: Well this is running some softwar ecalled FOGProject it's a tool to reimage machines.09:15
sreejunow i installed stable version chrome 11.something09:15
sreejubut that problem continues09:16
deploymentJordan_U: I also wish to add a smtp service to ubuntu some time soon.09:16
meuslixi couldn't sleep09:16
Jordan_Ucannonfodder: Actually, looking at it again it's probably just a buggy script. I'm too tired to fix it right now, and you should really ask the project itself for support.09:16
meuslixbut i still got no flash plugin09:16
onceltucahi could someone help me with a script that runs e.g ls in a new tab?09:17
sreejuwhat to do? any solution?09:18
deploymentJordan_U: Well this is running some softwar ecalled FOGProject it's a tool to reimage machines.09:18
deploymentJordan_U: I also wish to add a smtp service to ubuntu some time soon.09:18
deploymentJordan_U: Is this type of this ok without the other linux partitions?09:19
Jordan_Udeployment: I'm sorry but I need to get some sleep.09:19
nit-witmeuslix, you need flash?09:19
deploymentJordan_U: OK :)09:19
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
onceltucahi how do i run a command in a new terminal tab?09:25
llutz_onceltuca: gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default -e command09:26
pratzhey guys i am using tilda terminal and byobu, but when i press F2 it creates a new terminal for me, but i want to use F2 for vim Project plugin, any ideas how i can disable F2 for byobu ??09:26
Shikhinllutz_: Fixed it simple by changing the subnet (to
ShikhinThanks. :-)09:27
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
onceltucallutz_: it just opens a new terminal window and cleses again quickly. i wat to be able to use the opened termianl09:28
llutz_onceltuca: gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default09:28
llutz_onceltuca: add as many " --tab-with-profile=default" statements as tabs you want09:29
jattcreates a new window not a tab09:29
psycho_oreos!ops| antalyameltem onjoin spamming09:30
ubottuantalyameltem onjoin spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!09:30
onceltucallutz_: the screen closes at once whe running gnome-terminal --tab-with-profile=default -e ls09:31
MadpilotAnyone else seen the on-join spam that psycho_oreos did?09:32
Terminatorantalyameltem did it to me too..09:32
Terminatorwhat Madpilot says..09:33
Terminator* antalyameltem heeft verlaten (K-Lined)09:33
psycho_oreosthanks, that was rather quick09:33
lashaguys i got lots of problems with new ubuntu 11.0409:36
lashawhy every window movement in unity can be laggy, with drivers installed even09:36
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lashaand they spoiled compiz, anyone knows how to make desktop cube on unity ?09:37
deploymentI have ubuntu installed on one partition, no swap.  how do i add one?09:37
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lashai am quitting ubuntu if i fail with compiz again09:39
Guest78864hey wass up guys?09:39
lashathey made linux look like a boring mac haha thats what, whatever i knew to do with 10.10 basically isnt useful knowledge with natty anymore09:40
llutzdeployment: do you want to use hibernation?09:41
* RenaKunisaki presses C-up09:41
deploymentllutz: nope09:41
llutzdeployment: then just adding a swap-file would do, no need for a partition. performanceloss is marginal09:41
lashaso anyways, does anyone know if i need ccsm ? or simple compiz setting manager?09:42
deploymentllutz: OK how do i do that, and chuck it's working..09:42
photonlasha: they changed the UI in 11.04?09:43
llutzdeployment: as root do: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 vount=104857609:43
RenaKunisakiI'm getting some errors in syslog every time mpd changes tracks09:43
RenaKunisakiJun  9 02:37:46 akira pulseaudio[4178]: module-alsa-card.c: Failed to find a working profile.09:43
RenaKunisakiJun  9 02:37:46 akira pulseaudio[4178]: module.c: Failed to load  module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="1" name="1" card_name="alsa_card.1" tsched=yes ignore_dB=no card_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1""): initialization failed.09:43
RenaKunisakiJun  9 02:37:46 akira pulseaudio[4178]: main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: //bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.09:43
lashaphoton: to unity u mean ?09:43
FloodBot1RenaKunisaki: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
llutzdeployment: then " mkswap /swapfile && swapon /swapfile"09:43
deployment dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 vount=104857609:43
deployment dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 vount=104857609:43
deployment dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 vount=104857609:43
FloodBot1deployment: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:43
photonlasha: they did?09:43
RenaKunisakioh come on floodbot it was only 3 lines09:43
llutzdeployment: as root do: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576            SORRY typo09:43
lashaphoton: yes, are u asking me or its a rhetoric question?09:44
Guest78864where can i download latest version of Ubuntu?09:44
llutzdeployment: then add to your /etc/fstab: "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0"09:44
photonlasha: no, I am asking you. I am still using 10.0409:44
lashaphoton: yes dont leave 10.0409:44
deploymentmkswap /swapfile && swapon /swapfile/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 009:45
photonlasha: seems like I'll have to switch to another linux distro soon then.09:45
lashaphoton: they will kill ubuntu the next release when it wont have old interface anymore09:45
deploymentllutz: oops, didn't mean to flood !09:45
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deploymentllutz: 1 moment, i will complete..09:45
photonlasha: I thought they were going with gnome 3?09:45
deploymentllutz: dd didn't work09:47
deploymentllutz: didn't like vount=09:47
lashaphoton: same here i liked 10.10 though09:47
llutzdeployment:there was a typo in my 1st line , as root do: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=104857609:48
llutzdeployment: its "count=" not "vount="09:48
photonlasha: I just read http://www.geekwithlaptop.com/why-does-ubuntu-11-04-disappoint ... seems like they managed to kill their own OS.09:48
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lashaphoton: i dont know the differences between gnomes gnome shells and unities and ubuntu anymore09:48
deploymentllutz: i have fond a line in the file09:50
deploymentUUID=4cf5f1fc-201d-4085-8744-6c061c7417f3 none            swap    sw              0       009:51
lasha photon: The 11. 04 preinstalled user interface is called Unity and it is very weak. Video acceleration is very slow, it lets the impression that it does not even exist09:51
inktrihow can i make ubuntu layout apache2 like the default way (using /usr/local/apache2, etc)?09:51
lashaphoton: that is the main kill haha its very slow09:51
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llutzdeployment: "swapon -s"09:51
slkwrMay I kill anyone here please?09:51
deploymentllutz: this partion OS was copied from another PC and then exspanded. hence why no swap09:51
JinI have a problem with my wireless09:51
JinIs anyone here good with wireless?09:52
llutzdeployment: then delete that old line09:52
llutzdeployment: "swapon -s" should only give one swap (the /swapfile) in use09:52
slkwrwhy the download ftp server for ubuntu dvd is not supporting the resume option?09:52
JinIs there anyone here can help me?09:52
bindi!anyone | Jin09:53
ubottuJin: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.09:53
deploymentllutz: what add swapon to the end?09:53
photonlasha: can you at least install gnome 3 or won't they allow that?09:53
bindi!details | Jin09:53
ubottuJin: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:53
llutzdeployment: you create the swapfile with dd?09:53
deploymentllutz: yeh, and then next bit looked OK.09:54
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:54
llutzdeployment:then "sudo  mkswap /swapfile &&sudo swapon /swapfile"09:54
llutzdeployment: then add to your /etc/fstab: "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0"09:54
JinI have a problem that is if I connected a wireless connection and I disconnected to connect to another, I won't be able to connect to the other and I won't be able to reconnect back to the original one09:54
llutzdeployment: now run "swapon -s". it should only give one swap (the /swapfile) in use09:54
deploymentllutz: OK. then reboot I guess..09:54
Jinso that I'll have to restart my Ubuntu 11.04 back again so that it connects automatically09:54
Jinthen I'll be connected09:54
llutzdeployment: no need to reboot09:54
Jinand sometimes, it doesn't work good ("The Connection")09:55
zambaok, seriously.. how can i get flash and java working for my 64-bit installation of ubuntu?09:55
deploymentllutz: OK. can i explore the swap to see if things have been added. check it's in use..09:55
zambai'm using natty09:55
llutzdeployment: now run "swapon -s". it should only give one swap (the /swapfile) in use09:55
llutzdeployment: if swapon -s gives no output, you failed09:55
llutzdeployment: "free -m" should list swap now too09:56
deploymentfilename /swapfile09:56
llutzdeployment: you succeed, its done09:56
lashaphoton: as i checked fedora and opensuse have gnome 309:57
llutzdeployment: 1GB swapfile added09:57
lashaso anyone knows how to install gnome 3 ?09:57
deploymentllutz: Thank you... :)09:57
JinSo anyone can help?09:57
llutzlasha: there is a ppa for that, prepare to break your system09:57
lashallutz: sure!09:57
lashallutz: i dont like my current system anyway, couldnt configure it09:58
photonllutz: you mean like from the already broken state ubuntu 11.04 is in?09:58
trap24how to unhide title-bar of any program in unity09:58
trap24why is unity so (*$&( up09:58
photonlet's make that the question of the day.09:58
photonwhy is it?09:58
lashai dont know what they are thinking in canonical09:58
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".09:59
llutznobody is forced to use unity (yet)09:59
lashathey came to mac interface so near that i am sick, like did what windows did09:59
optikkoreexcuse me all but does anyone have any recommendations as to the best software to watch live tv (ie MythTV)09:59
photonif they force me, I'm switching to some other distro.09:59
llutzwho cares?09:59
lashallutz: what will happen to poor future haha09:59
trap24llutz: its really sad for GNOME,.. was a way cooler the classic-original one.09:59
photonllutz: I do, and many other pissed off users do, too.10:00
lashallutz: is that gnome classic the same performance or better than 10.10?10:00
lashallutz: cause unity performance is near to 010:00
llutzlasha: idk, i don't use natty10:00
lashallutz: hmm ok thats a good choice :P hope they hear all this in canonical and change plans out from unity10:01
optikkoreuse lubuntu its freaking great10:01
lashalinux mint is best i would assume after ubuntu10:01
llutzthere are about (felt) 1000 different wm/de out there, pick what you like10:01
photonlasha: lubuntu?10:02
photonoptikkore: lubuntu?10:02
llutzuses lxde, and it might have a reason that lubuntu became official *buntu now when gnome3 arrives10:03
optikkorephoton: aye its ubuntu with all the fat trimmed and uses openbox10:04
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deploymentllutz: Sorry to be a pain but can we inscrease this file to say 2 or 3 GB ( Swap file)10:07
psyxanyone using urxvt here?10:08
jjidohello, which package do I need to get the x11 headers and Xlib? I tried compiling Qt and I get an error "Basic Xlib functionality test failed!"10:09
psyxnobody using urxvt in here?10:12
shellmy008what's that psyx10:12
psyxterminal emulator10:12
psyxlike propably your gnome-terminal10:13
ubottuUnk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:13
delxI'm trying to execute a bash-script with has a setuid bit for www-data - as root, the scripts prints for 'id' 'www-data' as wished - but if I run this as a different user, the setuid is not working. Is setuid ONLY working for root?10:13
shellmy008ok i'm sorry can't help psyx i use vim or konsole10:14
psyxdelx of course not setsuid is for unpriviled users10:14
psyxto use programms which need root rights10:15
delxpsyx, but why isn't it working for non-root users?10:15
trap24how to replace the GNOME desktop switcher which is LINEAR with that of UNITY which is SQUARE,.. in the Classic GNOME ?10:15
psyxdid you set it correctly10:16
pilot51I'm getting block read errors when trying to move or copy a partition on my SSD, badblocks also found several bad blocks, but SMART shows no read errors or reallocated sectors. Why might this be happening? Is there any way to find which file(s) are affected?10:16
delxpsyx: -rwsr-sr-x 1 www-data www-data 72 2011-06-09 11:05 /usr/local/bin/matrix-clear-cache.sh10:16
psyxhm seems to be correct10:18
psyxah mom10:18
slkwrwhere can I get iso dvd for ubuntu on resuming support server?10:18
psyxno u have tot change user and group to root10:18
szalslkwr: there is no DVD ISO10:18
delxpsyx, but I want it to run as www-data!10:18
psyxdoesent matter, for that u have the uid flag10:19
pratzhey guys anyone using tilda terminal, if anyone then i want the tilda to occupy the complete screen10:19
RenaKunisakipilot51, possibly bad connection to the drive?10:19
pratzcurrently the top panel and bottom pannel are visible10:19
psyxchange user and group to root and try to run it has www-data10:19
RenaKunisakiI was worried when my USB HDD started giving I/O errors but it seems it was the USB hub that was failing...10:20
IledenHi! How can I mount an ext4 file system so that i have full access to it as user? Using -o uid=MYUID isn't supported by ext4 mounting, it seems...10:20
psyxhave to leave10:20
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shellmy008i think i have the same issue10:21
pilot51RenaKunisaki: I sort of doubt it. The bad blocks are the same each test & haven't had issued until trying to modify the partition in gparted10:22
shellmy008new install and cant copy my back up files , when i look on the right  only owner can read&write10:22
delxpsyx, still not working!10:22
shellmy008even in root i cant copy anything10:22
shellmy008delx psyx has leave10:23
slkwrof course there is ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/oneiric-dvd-i386.iso10:23
slkwrbut it doesn't support the resuming option10:24
chompingHi guys, I'm running server in the cloud UEC and I'm wondering that why my instance able to run without a ramdisk or initrd. Can someone explain what really the purpose of initrd with ubuntu? Why was it able to run?10:28
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drbobbhi, I'm installing with the alternate CD, and using LVM. The installer fails at setting up grub, with an error like "grub-probe: error: no mapping exists for .."10:30
drbobbI googled this error and most if not all reports are about setups involving dmraid - while I'm not using dmraid, only LVM10:31
IledenHi! How can I mount an ext4 file system so that i have full access to it as user? Using mount -o uid=MYUID isn't supported by ext4 mounting, it seems...10:34
gregologyhello all, I'm stumped and I'm not sure what words to google.10:36
gregologyI want to run a command in the user environment of my TV server remotely, any ideas?10:36
gregologyas in ssh into the TV server and run a command (VLC) so it starts on the screen10:37
royale1223gregology: use vnc10:37
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:38
`blackmk4does vlc have a little app to send commands to the video player from the terminal?10:38
gregologyI was hoping to run it from a php script10:40
jjidoI found I was missing libxext-dev. bye...10:40
gregologyso I can turn any device with a web browser into a remote control10:40
Moral_Is there an easy way I can download gcc 4.5 with all it's dependencies10:41
Moral_I /really/ do not have time to download and compile10:41
Moral_everything and all of their dependencies10:42
xet7I installed Ubuntu 11.04 to USB stick with full disk encrypted and now it says /boot has serious errors, how can I fix it? boot is ext2 I think, and if I ignore errors it boots still correctly.10:42
xet7fsck maybe or something?10:42
apersonMoral_↬ sudo apt-get install gcc-4.5?10:42
Moral_aperson, doesn't work10:43
apersonMoral_↬ what 'doesn't work' about it?10:43
Moral_It's not in the package lists10:43
drbobbhello can anybody advise me on the grub-install error: Found Ubuntu 11.04 (11.04) on /dev/mapper/BOBO_VG0-NATTY_ROOT10:43
drbobbgrub-probe: error: no mapping exists for `BOBO_VG0-NATTY_ROOT'10:43
UnkHi guys.. is there something called "Ubuntunizer"  A customer of my has a framework in production like that, and can clone and rapid install ubuntu systems..10:43
UnkIs this a PXE like installation?10:43
Unk(And they do RDIST after the bare methal installation)10:44
apersonMoral_↬ it *should* be10:44
nmesisMoral_ maybe you should put the repo10:44
Moral_alright Maybe I messed something up, give me asec10:44
Moral_Yeah, I royally f'ed up gcc trying to manually install it10:46
trap24are people annoyed of switching application in Unity due to lack of TaskBar10:47
nmesisMoral_ gcc 4.5 is not in my package list too10:47
apersonnmesis↬ odd, it's in mine10:47
trap24or they are annoyed due to the separated menu bar ?10:47
Moral_oh man10:47
apersontrap24↬ that's sorta a ot question and not really for this channel10:47
Moral_I /really/ screwed up.10:47
nmesisaperson maybe because im using 10.04?10:47
apersonnmesis↬ Moral_'s link shows it's in the repos10:48
CQhello, anyone know what the fix is for the linux power usage kernel bug? what kernel should I downgrade to? I have a laptop runnig pretty hot10:48
apersonmaybe it's in backports?10:48
deploymentOk this is stuid, how do you rename the machine in ubuntu 10.410:48
Moral_i beleive10:49
CQdeployment: and /etc/hostname10:49
trap24CQ: well, i'm into 10.04 & smtimes 11.04 on MSI, Intel.. run it all 4 days long.. but it never heats up ? is there such a BUG ??10:49
apersondeployment↬ sudo hostname set hostname10:49
pratzhey guys really any one using tilda terminal ??10:50
CQtrap24: see http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTM3NQ10:50
apersonerr, sudo hostname hostname10:50
CQand http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1739770.html10:50
trap24why do ubuntu eats up my battery too soon, although i do same under Win 7 :??10:51
nmesisMoral_ , add this line in source.list10:51
nmesisdeb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free10:51
trap24why do ubuntu eats up my battery too soon, although i do same under Win 7 :??10:51
Anarhisthi, how do i clear the previous documents in the unity interface?10:51
judHey people. I've got a list in a text file. it's long and i want to eliminate the repeats. Suggestions?10:52
trap24when I try to see previously open tabs in firefox using the button on top-left of the screen, the unity bar pops up above it :((10:52
trap24why do ubuntu eats up my battery too soon, although i do same under Win 7 :??10:52
Sidewinder1!repeat > trap2410:52
ubottutrap24, please see my private message10:52
Anarhistjud, look at sort command, man sort10:53
jattjud: sort -u10:53
trap24when I try to see previously open tabs in firefox using the button on top-left of the screen, the unity bar pops up above it :((10:53
silv3r_m00n1hi there10:53
silv3r_m00n1using the xml given in this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts   , makes fonts look good , but google chrome stops displaying languages other than english , any idea how to fix it ?10:54
Moral_nmesis, GPG error: http://ftp.us.debian.org unstable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY AED4B06F473041FA10:55
Moral_brb googling10:56
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, try changing the fonts used by chrome to something which has the full (or the fillest) set of the characters10:56
silv3r_m00n1Anarhist: there is no font which includes indian languages like hindi etc10:56
folivoraGday. Has anyone got working Iphone4 + usb + nattu tethering combo?10:56
silv3r_m00n1the reason I use that xml , is that it makes ms fonts look very smooth and proper10:56
silv3r_m00n1firefox and other browsers don't have any problem with that , but chrome stops displaying any non english fonts , though all fonts are installed on system10:57
=== KNUBBIG_ is now known as KNUBBIG
nmesisMoral_, maybe you should build it yourself now.10:58
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, most likely cause is that chrome uses system fonts always, with no fall back mechanism10:58
Moral_gonna work on it tomorrow10:58
Moral_thanks sir10:58
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, also if anything can show the hindi characters on your system, that means that there is at least one font with these chars which is installed10:59
KNUBBIGHey, is there a way to tell Ubuntu to use PPAs for older versions? E. g. tell Natty to use PPAs with packages for Maverick?10:59
johnfIs anyone running natty on nvidia with nvidia GT220? I cannot get X to run since the upgrade. System just locks up10:59
silv3r_m00n1Anarhist: yes firefox , rekonq and opera all show hindi fine , but chrome fails (when I put that xml in ~/.fonts.conf)11:00
szalKNUBBIG: why would you want that?11:00
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, file the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug?no-redirect11:00
szaljohnf: error logs please11:00
KNUBBIGszal: because there is a PPA for e. g. eclipse 3.6 for maverick, but it contains no packages for natty11:00
silv3r_m00n1Anarhist: but is it an ubuntu bug ? or a google chrome bug ?11:00
KNUBBIGszal: I know I could install it manually but I'm generally interested in this11:00
szalKNUBBIG: how about complaining to the PPA maintainer?11:01
CQtrap24: there is a fix coming really soon see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76013111:01
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, file it on the package chrome in ubuntu11:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 760131 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Power consumption raised significantly in natty" [High,Triaged]11:01
KNUBBIGszal: well that's not that easy and I may have to complain about many PPAs11:01
silv3r_m00n1Anarhist: ok11:01
Sidewinder1silv3r_m00n1, Just by your descrption, sounds more like a Chrome issue than ubuntu.11:02
royale1223!info smstools11:03
ubottusmstools (source: smstools): SMS server tools for GSM modems. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.11-1 (natty), package size 301 kB, installed size 1156 kB11:03
Moral_how do you tell which ubuntu version you have11:03
Moral_ie 10.0411:03
Lee_Moral_, cat /etc/issue11:04
szalMoral_: cat /etc/issue11:04
KNUBBIGor cat /etc/lsb-release :)11:04
Trond--When I mark text, where it may be, and then mark text again another place; I go back to the first place I marked text and it is no longer marked. I can only mark text one time in Ubuntu. Is there someway around this so I can mark text multiple times; like marking in firefox, marking in pdf-viewer and gedit for instance?11:05
user12can someone help me with pinging localhost11:07
silv3r_m00n1Anarhist: ubuntu bugpad says "google-chrome-beta" does not exist in Ubuntu. Please choose a different package. If you're unsure, please select "I don't know"11:08
Sidewinder1Trond--, Not sure this will workl; try holding down the "control key" when you mark.11:08
Anarhistsilv3r_m00n1, just select 'i don't know' somebody will categorise it11:08
Anarhisti guess11:08
pratzhey guys can i minimize thunderbird to system tray, i am using ubuntu 11.04 ??11:09
Anarhistpratz, which interface are you using?11:09
pratzAnarhist: do u mean desktop env , gnome11:09
user12no one?11:10
Trond--Sidewinder1, seems to work, but would be better to just mark with the mouse.11:10
KNUBBIGuser12: please describe your problem more exactly11:10
Anarhistpratz, i meant the interface of gnome, the regular one or the unity thingy... there's 'to tray' applet that can do this11:11
Sidewinder1Trond--, Did you try mouse and control?11:11
user12KNUBIGG: localhost.localdomain localhost 64.37.6X.XX is my /etc/hosts11:11
Trond--Sidewinder1, I meant only use the mouse like in Windows OS11:11
user12KNUBIGG: but there is no response when i ping any of them!!!11:11
pratzAnarhist: i am not a great fan of apple interface , so gnome regular one11:12
KNUBBIGuser12: why would you put that in your /etc/hosts ... redirecting localhost to an ip but
Sidewinder1Trond--, When I want to mark multiple files in a directory, bot not all, I hold down ctrl when I click on them with the mouse. Works great..11:13
user12KNUBIGG: so what should it be like11:13
Anarhistpratz, alltray, just install that11:14
KNUBBIGuser12: I think the line should be like localhost.localdomain localhost11:14
Sidewinder1Trond--, I thought that it might work for you in your application; was worth a try.11:14
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user12KNUBIGG: even then it doesnt ping from the machine.11:14
pratzAnarhist: dude you will not beleive i was just reading the same, thanks for your help11:14
KNUBBIGuser12: try ping
user12KNUBIGG: but i can ping external ip from any local comp11:15
Anarhistpratz, great minds think alike11:15
galerienHi, I'm using unity (U 11.04) and I was wondering if I could dis-activate the "search" function when I press the "windows" key, I'm using synapse, which is faster and it's a big plus on my laptop...11:15
pratzAnarhist: yap, that is awesome11:15
user12KNUBIGG: should i restart networking when i change hosts file11:16
Anarhistuser12, hosts will just work11:16
KNUBBIGuser12: dunny, may be, even a reboot might be needed11:16
KNUBBIGok :D11:16
Trond--Sidewinder1, text11:16
AnarhistKNUBBIG, i just did something with hosts file here, no reboot needed11:16
Anarhisti.e. it's not windows11:16
xstupidubuntu indonesia ???11:17
KNUBBIGuser12: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622453/ that's my whole hosts file11:17
Sidewinder1Trond--, I know; I read your original post; it was just a WAG.11:18
Anarhistuser12, you won't need line11:18
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Azarethafter I migrated to 11.04 my ctrl+alt+t and win+d commands are not working, ant ideas?11:18
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MJBrunehey what is the command to quit irssi?11:19
Fudgehow many noobs will type /quit11:19
KNUBBIGMJBrune: /exit11:19
MJBruneFudge: ruin the fun :/11:19
Fudge:$ my bad11:19
KNUBBIGI think not many guys who would type /quit would even use irssi ;)11:20
niko /1611:20
AnarhistKNUBBIG, xchat will also quit the network with it11:20
spassKNUBBIG: and know what irc is :)11:20
MJBruneniko: /16?11:20
Anarhist/part and /quit were sitting on a tree, /part has fallen off the branch, who was left sitting there11:21
spass /quit :)11:21
MJBrunedamn people and their spaces11:22
Anarhistit's more l33t to use "/say /quit"11:22
spassbut keys wear more quickly :)11:22
Anarhisti don't know about you, but my space bar is alway polished11:23
Anarhistthe / isn't used nearly as much11:23
spassspace is more durable and has +5 to strength11:24
Anarhistaha, and +7 to agility11:24
Anarhistnot to mention +100 manna points11:24
BrianMBIGood Morning!11:28
BrianMBIWell, Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening whichever the case may be11:30
KNUBBIGnoon would mean ... something like asia? :D11:30
ShikhinBrianMBI: Probably Good night?11:30
ShikhinKNUBBIG: India. :D11:30
gregologybye all, thanks11:30
KNUBBIGShikhin: win! thx :D11:30
ShikhinMention not.11:30
pvh_sahey there, this new banshee media player on 11.04 doesn't see my music (it says Music is its music dir, it picks up a single album, that's all). anyone seen this?11:31
lingo0ohi :-),there comes a problem, i have two video card,ATI HD11:31
galerienHi, I'm using unity (U 11.04) and I was wondering if I could dis-activate the "search" function when I press the "windows" key, I'm using synapse, which is faster and it's a big plus on my laptop...11:32
BrianMBIyou can disable unity11:32
KNUBBIGgalerien: afaik you can't, you have to remap your synapse trigger key11:32
BrianMBIin compiz11:32
BrianMBIand just add synapse to your startup item11:32
lingo0ohi :-),there comes a problem, i have two video card,ATI HD 5650 and Intel ,how can i switch ?11:32
BrianMBIisn't snapse ctrl-space by default?11:33
cfcis anyone here able to tell me how i can get a .sh File runing on ubuntu with commands for ubuntu server?11:33
user12KNUBIGG: no use dud11:33
Ripp__What do you guys use for managing PDF documents?11:33
user12KNUBIGG: the issue is even external ip is not pingable from server while it can be pinged from outside11:33
galerienKNUBBIG, it won't take "super"....11:33
cfcit contains Java start up script for a server11:34
Ripp__I'd like a program that allows me to view the pdfs, but also bookmark them (kinda like bookmarks in an web browser)11:34
freeman_i have 3 partitions on my drive, windows ntfs, ubuntu ext4, data ntfs. if i reinstall windows will it overwrite my boot loader?11:34
lingo0oRipp__, do you have some ideas? i have the same problem!!11:34
Ripp__No clue man, I'm looking now11:34
KNUBBIGfreeman_: yes, see11:35
nmesisRipp__ , when you exit a pdf file , i think when you open it again, the last page you read will be first to opened11:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)11:35
lingo0oRipp__, bookmark is a big problem11:35
Ripp__nmesis: I'd like to be able to bookmark them like in HTML. So if I download some nice PDF I like, then I can find it easily again11:35
freeman_KNUBBIG, thanks11:35
michelemhello folks11:36
Bart00when I click on one of my windows disks in "Places", it's automatically mounted, but with permissions 0700 and user:group bart:bart. How can I mount it 0770 and user:group bart:www-data ?11:37
BrianMBII upload a lot of my .pdfs/topos/viso/etc to an apache VM11:37
michelemwhen attaching a memory card reader, I see kernel messages confirming recognition. Notably, I get "sd 6:0:0:0: [sdf] 31326208 512-byte logical blocks: (16.0 GB/14.9 GiB)". But then I do not find the respective block device as /dev/sdf . Any clue?11:37
nmesisRipp__, you open the pdf in you browser and bookmark them like a website11:38
Azarethanyone with not working keyboard shortcuts after upgrade to 11.04?11:38
lingo0onmesis, is a good idea11:38
BrianMBIterminal shortcut stopped after upgrade11:38
amithow to check list of installed software on ubantu11:38
AzarethBrianMBI, do you find a way to enable it?11:39
KNUBBIGamit: dpkg -ls11:39
lingo0onmesis, need some plugins?11:39
KNUBBIG-l *11:39
nmesisRipp__ nope11:39
Azarethamit, pakache manager?11:39
nmesislingo0o, nope you dont need11:39
BrianMBIworked after initial upgrade, died after sudo apt-get upgrade11:39
lingo0onmesis, i try11:39
AzarethBrianMBI, exactly the same issue here11:40
nmesisi tried it its working with my google chrome11:40
BrianMBINo, I tried going through preferences and re-doing the shortcut, uninstalling compiz (normal culprit), no luck yet. But only happened on 1 of 6 machines11:40
cfcis anyone here able to tell me how i can get a .sh File runing on ubuntu with commands for ubuntu server?11:40
Azareththe problem is that I`m dying without ctrl+alt+t and win+d11:40
nmesislingo0o , but im afraid that there is no page skipping in browser11:40
BrianMBIme too11:40
BrianMBIespecailly on my work laptop11:40
sattu94cfc: uh. first make it executable by using chmod +x filename.sh11:40
lingo0onmesis, but i fail in Firefox411:40
nmesisso try it in google chrome11:41
deploymenti wish to setup a simple smtp service on ubuntu 10.4 LTS... Easy simple no mail in, just sending for alerts from other systems. what do i use and what do i do :( Ta11:41
nmesislingo0o, i know google chrome support these kind of opening file in browser very well11:41
BrianMBII have Opsview running and sending emails through Google Apps right now11:42
deploymentBrianMBI: i was affaid you where going to say that. I have installed but can't get it working..11:42
nmesislingo0o, even .mp3 file , chrome can open it11:42
BrianMBIIt can be a pain11:42
KNUBBIGI experienced it always is :>11:43
BrianMBIAre you connecting to an outside Relay server?11:43
lingo0onmesis, there is chromium 11.0.696.71 in my pc ,i fail too11:43
deploymentso far just installed.11:43
BrianMBILinux in Windows Domain Enviroment?11:43
nmesishmm, try to drag the file into your browser11:43
cfcsattu94 now i done that and after then i only runit?11:44
deploymentdon't really know what security to put on it. simple text would do11:44
Sidewinder1Bart00, Perhaps this will help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:44
nmesislingo0o, it should work11:44
Ripp__Alright, I'll try this referencer program out11:45
sattu94cfc: to run it type --> ./filename.sh11:45
lingo0onmesis, hmm11:45
nmesismy chrome version is 11.0.696.7111:45
BrianMBIMy Biggest problem was mail exchange entries in the domain DNS servers. And if I remember right there is a mistake in 10.04 LTS. I built that server on 10.0411:45
lingo0ook ,i will have my class.thank you ,bye11:45
BrianMBIYou could relay through an outside relay server. OpenSMTP.com has been a god-send at times with some of my other systems.11:46
BrianMBIJust create  GMAIL account for your server11:47
BrianMBIand enable IMAP11:47
deploymentBrainMBI:cool. at the moment i have smtp 554 5.7.111:47
cfcsattu94 it says theres no such file or directory11:47
sattu94cfc: what did u type ?11:47
deploymentBrainMBI: and The SMTP server does not like the name11:48
cfcsudo chmod +x minecraft.sh11:48
pratzhey guys i can not move items in the task bar, i am using 11.04 , any idea ??11:49
sattu94cfc: where exactly is this file ?11:50
sattu94cfc are you in that exact folder where this file exists ?11:50
cfcin a folder/directory called mcsfa11:51
BrianMBII'll be on later=====Work Calls11:51
sattu94so go to that directory first --> cd /directory ..mcsfa whatever/11:51
Braid3rhi guys, just a quick question for anyone with the tech savvy. how do i switch identity for tor from command line?11:51
cfcits like this /home/cfc/mcsfa11:52
cfcand i am in that directory11:52
sattu94cfc: dont use sudo.11:52
cfcfirst i didnt11:53
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sattu94cfc: do ls and  see if the .sh is highlighted in green/diff. color11:53
jnlsnl_I jut mounted a drive, but when I launch nautilus and try to create a new file, it says the folder is not writeable, how should I proceed ? :)11:54
KNUBBIGBraid3r: su11:54
cfcoki now it tells me permission denied11:54
cfcits white11:54
Braid3rKNUBBIG, as the addtional syntax?11:54
KNUBBIGBraid3r: if you want to be, say user foobar, it's su foobar11:55
sattu94cfc: good, do ls -l and see who is the owner for that file and the first letters that maybe something like rwxr--r--11:56
cfcme cfc11:56
sattu94is it cfc cfc11:56
sattu94cfc: what are the first few characters ?11:56
sattu94cfc: permissions that is ?11:56
Braid3rKNUBBIG,  so the command would be 'tor su foobar'?11:57
Sidewinder1jnlsnl_, Try: sudo chown -R jnlsnl_:jnlsnl_ media/diskid  Where jnlsnl_ is your username.11:57
KNUBBIGBy the way, is there a way for us lazy ones to display the permissions in like 0777 and not drwxr--r-- (yes I'm very lazy :-))11:57
KNUBBIGBraid3r: tor?11:57
sattu94cfc: good now do --11:57
Sidewinder1Or look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:57
KNUBBIGBraid3r: oooh sorry misread you11:58
jribKNUBBIG: you may use stat11:58
sattu94cfc: yea good idea.11:58
KNUBBIGBraid3r: overread the 'tor' part11:58
sattu94cfc: loook there11:58
KNUBBIGjrib: thanks11:58
sattu94cfc: set executable permissions with chmod 751 filename.sh11:58
kemmotarhi! can someone tell me which open source projects use iterator and interpreter design patterns?11:58
Braid3rdas cool KNUBBIG, u haave any ideas though?11:58
ericsphonewhats up room11:59
jnlsnl_Sidewinder1 can't I use filemode/dirmode? I use that when I mount drives in fstab, but I get an error when trying to mount with those options in terminal12:00
vega-kemmotar: how is that an ubuntu support question ..?12:00
ericsphonedoes anyone know what platforms ufw run on?12:01
Sidewinder1jnlsnl_, I have no idea; my suggestion is what I used to take ownseship of all of my ext HDDs. Did you check: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions  ?12:01
ericsphonei know ubuntu obviously12:01
kemmotarvega-, it isn't ubuntu question, but i think someone from here can help me12:01
Sidewinder1ownership, that is12:02
cfcsattu94 i dont get much from that page x.x and trying the tiy said gives me this -bash: ./minecraft.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory12:03
vega-ericsphone: well, it's python12:03
ericsphonevega-: i love it on linux distros but on my iphone would be sweet.  i know its not ubuntu but i know ufw is in the ubuntu repos.  i just wanted to k ow if anyone knew12:04
sattu94cfc: your .sh file contains DOS carriage returns12:05
vega-ericsphone: don't think so..12:05
sattu94cfc: you will have to remove them12:05
cfcdarn bukkit i knoew they changed thire code12:06
cfcthere it goes12:07
sattu94cfc: tr -d '\r' < infile.sh > outfile.sh ##&& mv outfile.sh infile.sh12:07
sattu94cfc: works ?12:07
cfcimma type this down in a doc so i do not need bother ppl12:07
cfcyes i just need change the jar name12:07
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cfcthank you =312:10
jnlsnl_Sidewinder1 i cant change owner nor permissions, I don't have the rights to do that for the files in my mounted drive12:12
sattu94cfc: NP.12:13
psyxxxxjnlsnl u cant use sudo?12:18
llutzjnlsnl_: what filesystem?12:18
henrik___Okay, I need some help with a crontab here. I'm trying to run this every 5 minutes: rm /etc/dnsactual/dnsactual.conf && /etc/dnsactual/dnsactual.sh12:19
henrik___That would be set up in crontab -e as */5 * * * * rm /etc/dnsactual/dnsactual.conf && /etc/dnsactual/dnsactual.sh12:20
henrik___But it won't run, for some reason. Any suggestions?12:20
Sidewinder1jnlsnl_, I'll bet, then it's ntfs/fat32... Right?12:20
llutz!ntfs | jnlsnl_  linux permissions won't affect non-unix filesystems, use mount-options.12:20
ubottujnlsnl_  linux permissions won't affect non-unix filesystems, use mount-options.: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:20
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm12:20
scarleoI removed a couple of extra partitions on my pc that I thought was just for windows recovery. Now I can't get passed BIOS on startup. What have I done and how can I restore it?12:21
galerienanyone knows a good web site with a big list of game for ubuntu (or linux in general)? Thanks in advance12:21
jonsaintanyone about to help plz?? :-(12:22
vega-scarleo: probably need to boot using ubuntu cd and reinstall grub12:22
Sidewinder1jnlsnl_, Yes! What llutz/ubottu said.12:22
scarleogalerien, playdeb.net12:22
JossumaHey! In my dual X screen kiosk system, I cannot "chromium -geometry 1280x1024" why? How can I make the window fill the whole screen area? --full-screen has no affect12:22
OerHeksgalerien, http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net/items/free_games/index.php?lang=[/url a big list , and i'd like to play the last game12:22
jrib!games | galerien12:22
ubottugalerien: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/12:22
galerienthx all12:22
scarleovega-, Ok, I'm already about to do that, hope it works12:22
galerienOerHeks, 24 screens, i bet you would12:23
vega-scarleo: just make sure to install grub in the MBR and not on a specific partition..12:27
scarleovega-, yeah, I had that before as well, that's why I'm surprised it got broken because I removed the other partitions12:30
scarleovega-, doesn't seem logical to me12:30
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RenaKunisakiso if my tax return ever arrives, what's a decent PCIEx16 GPU that would play nicely with Xubuntu AMD64 and be able to run Compiz on a display 3600 pixels wide?12:33
RenaKunisakithe one I have now is pretty slow and has a max framebuffer size of 2560, so no fancy compositing :(12:33
jonsaintis anyone about to help plz??????12:34
RenaKunisaki(that's 2 screens btw)12:34
RenaKunisakijonsaint, help with what12:34
vega-!anyone | jonsaint12:34
ubottujonsaint: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:34
wild_oscarcan one use the alternate cd install on the command line?12:34
wild_oscarI only see information on using gsku12:34
jonsainti have uninstalled crappy vista and come back to ubuntu. just done a fresh install of 11.04 but the problem i got is the resolution is massive! gone into settings but it dont recognise my monitor. never happened before. :-(12:35
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evfooljonsaint: what kind of graphics card do you have?12:38
ejojonsaint: you probably need to install a restricted driver for your video card.12:38
jonsainterm..... its one with a 512 memory on it. gforce i think12:39
silv3r_m00n2hi there , I need to assign a fixed ip to eth0 , where should I write it ?12:39
ejogo to nVidia's site and search for linux drivers for it.12:39
ejoor one may already appear in the "restricted drivers" tool in you operating system.12:39
RenaKunisakiaren't there nVidia drivers in the repos?12:39
psyxxxxsomeone using a thinkpad?12:39
jonsaintnot very easy ejo. can only get 25% OF THE WEBPAGE ON THE SCREEN LOL12:39
evfooljonsaint: or start the Additional Drivers application12:39
ejoAh, "additional" drivers is what I meant12:40
jonsainthow do i do that? im fairly new to ubuntu12:40
ejoon my new 11.04 install, that discovered my proper driver and got me all set up.12:40
marie_hey, i was watching anime, and my flash crashed. Now after i ahve rebooted the system, i cant watch Flash...12:40
Yami_Bashello :)12:40
evfooljonsaint: click the ubuntu logo in the top left corner, and type additional12:40
Yami_Basim having problems with DTS and DD passthrough12:40
Yami_Bascan anyone help me out?12:40
evfooljonsaint: the only option there should be Additional Drivers, click that12:41
jonsaintmany thanks. just installing it now12:41
damian_-_so i have a weird one. pressing enter in firefox "occasionally" shuts down the pc. i updated ubuntu and it hasnt happened for 2 weeks. but it just happened again. anyone know of this bug?12:41
evfooljonsaint: you'll have to restart after it's installed, and hopefully you'll get a working desktop12:41
jonsaintthanks. going to try it now.12:42
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: does it happen as all users?12:43
gribouilleI reconfigured X with Xorg -configure; but ow I have problems with xv support. what should I do ?12:43
ejoYou'll also probably need to look for an additional appearance control in your system settings after you install the driver12:43
damian_-_ActionParsnip, havent checked. i will. do you know of this?12:43
Sidewinder1ejo, He's gone. :-)12:44
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: i don't use firefox12:44
damian_-_ActionParsnip, ok12:44
Sidewinder1ejo, No further questions means success!!12:44
Bart00when I click on one of my windows disks in "Places", it's automatically mounted, but with permissions 0700 and user:group bart:bart. How can I mount it 0770 and user:group bart:www-data?12:45
damian_-_can anyone share there experience with midori browser? for me it crashes constantly12:45
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cognac-gammahow do i know during sys tesing that disk benchmark values are correct?12:45
th^^Bart00: you can't use linux permissions on ntfs disks12:46
damian_-_but if its something i could fix i will hunt down a fix. or if its just buggy i wont bother12:46
Bart00th^^, then how can I make sure apache can read/write the disk?12:46
th^^Bart00: you can't12:46
th^^Bart00: use some proper filesystem partition for apache ;)12:46
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: i hear it uses the same config folder as firefox so a setting in your firefox folder may be making it crash12:47
Sidewinder1!ntfs | Bart0012:47
ubottuBart00: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:47
Bart00th^^: the problem is i want it shared between my windows boot and my linux boot12:47
th^^you can write there but12:47
th^^you *can't* set permissions12:47
Bart00th^^ i don't want to set permissions, i want to mount with permissions12:47
astronauteI have Ubuntu 11.04 / Unity and cannot see close, minimize, maximize buttons, any way around this ?12:47
damian_-_ActionParsnip, oh really. goodbye firefox for a while. can i ask what browser you use?12:47
Bart00Sidewinder1, thanks, will read12:48
Sidewinder1Bart00, :-)12:48
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: chromium daily only these days, I use to use arora too12:48
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: you could make a new profile for midoria and one for firefox12:48
Fudgeis there any app or cli app which can make a powerpoint .ppt into a avi/mpg/vcd of some kind?12:50
damian_-_ActionParsnip, thats ok, to keep it simple i am going to remove firefox. im not too impressed with its performance a of ver412:50
Fudgedamian_-_  try epiphany-browser12:50
judHi peoples, had a man site that listed a heap of bash commands and options. forgot where it was. anyone?12:51
damian_-_whats the chromium ubuntu integration like these days. i used it a year or so back and it looked horrible12:51
damian_-_ahh yes. i will try epiphany too12:51
Fudgeunix-toolbox jud?12:51
Sidewinder1Fudge, Not to answer a question with a question, does Openoffice Presentation have a convert/export to avi, mpg, ?12:52
Fudgeim not sure actually Sidewinder1 , i know office for window sapparently does12:52
Sidewinder1Fudge, Just a thought as Openoffice is installes by default in most unumtu vers.12:53
Sidewinder1installeD that is...12:53
ejoastronaute: is that on all windows, or just some?12:54
Fudgenot sure then jud sorry12:54
ejoha, already gone12:54
judNo worries12:55
judubuntu dot something12:55
ActionParsnipdamian_-_: looks fine, added a black theme and its ok, not something I really worry about12:56
Fudgemedibuntu is so slow12:56
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: libreoffice is now default12:56
leandrosansilva_Hello to all. Have anyone here tested the GDB package on Natty 64-bit? It seems broken in my machine.12:57
ActionParsnip!info gdb12:57
ubottugdb (source: gdb): The GNU Debugger. In component main, is optional. Version 7.2-1ubuntu11 (natty), package size 1639 kB, installed size 4440 kB12:57
leandrosansilva_for me it returns an error in python12:58
leandrosansilva_let me por on pastebin12:58
stianhjHow can I install firefox-3.6? The firefox-3.x packages don't seem to do anything..12:58
judAnyone..had a page like this http://ss64.com/bash/ only it was just for ubuntu12:58
judit was an ubuntu page12:59
leandrosansilva_I've already tried to reinstall it, remove (purge), clean the apt cache and install again, tried do compile with apt-build (without success)13:00
Sidewinder1jud, This is the only one I could find: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting13:01
Yami_Bascan anyone help me out im having driver issues with my soundcard13:01
ActionParsnipYami_Bas: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh      Thanks13:02
nevermindr<leandrosansilva_> maybe some python-related packages are not installed13:02
airtonixthis is reprehensible!13:02
ActionParsnipairtonix: what is?13:02
leandrosansilva_nevermindr, which packages?13:02
Fudgeis there a way to change the release from natty to maverick when usign apt-add-repository13:02
nevermindrI don't know - I'm googling this error..13:03
ActionParsnipairtonix: without context, the outburst is worthless13:03
ActionParsnipFudge: you can set it in software centre13:03
FudgeActionParsnip  its ppa:dusek-spd-daily and its being added in a script13:03
Fudgecurrently we use sed to change natty to maverick13:04
ActionParsnipFudge: the release is still defined in software centre13:04
ActionParsnipFudge: much easier13:04
Fudgeoh ok, its just for the one ppa though.13:04
ActionParsnipFudge: yes, just for one ppa13:04
leandrosansilva_OMG, i also tried to install gdb-trunk from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~teawater/+archive/gdb-11.04, and the same error happens!13:05
Fudgeit couldnt be scripted though could it ActionParsnip13:05
ActionParsnipFudge: i'm not aware of it, i can only advise the way I know13:05
Fudgethank you mate13:05
tolmunOn section adding git submodules from this post http://sontek.net/turning-vim-into-a-modern-python-ide - is missing path to /bundel/pyflakes-pathogen ?13:05
ActionParsnipFudge: all this time asking could have been used to use the slower software centre method...13:05
FudgeActionParsnip  it is in a script so no13:06
Yami_BasActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/fNpyptz013:06
Fudgebuilding vinux from ubuntu13:06
Yami_Basand thanks13:06
ActionParsnipFudge: if a script adds a ppa, it will add a ppa like any other, you can then modify it13:06
`Shikhina) How do I disable the Ubuntu Network Manager. b) Would I be able to connect to the internet without it? c) Would anything break without it?13:07
ActionParsnipYami_Bas: so do you get no sound?13:07
Yami_Basi do get sound13:07
Yami_Basbut no spdif13:07
Yami_Bas(you should be looking at the usb soundcard btw)13:07
ActionParsnip`Shikhin: no, just remove it if it has no value to you, I don't use it on my desktop systems and use static IP defined in /etc/network/interfaces13:08
`ShikhinActionParsnip: I want to do the same - thanks.13:08
ActionParsnip`Shikhin: you will need to define DNS servers too in /etc/resolv.conf13:09
`ShikhinActionParsnip: I have. ;-)13:09
MarKsaitisCan somebody explain me this lil page? https://10.cloud.ubuntu.com/13:09
ActionParsnip`Shikhin: sweet13:09
MarKsaitisHow do I try it?13:09
llutzActionParsnip: `Shikhin dns could be defines in /e/n/interfaces too, no need to edit /etc/resolv.conf manually13:09
`ShikhinActionParsnip: :-)13:10
`Shikhinllutz: Ok - thanks.13:10
llutz`Shikhin: just make sure package "resolvconf" is already installed13:11
MarKsaitisWhat is the diff between ubuntu server and ubuntu cloud?13:11
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: a server is with you é home, the cloud is the internet13:12
jiohdiMarKsaitis, server is a program like ubuntu but for servers.... cloud is where you store stuff in a server13:12
Sidewinder1!cloud | MarKsaitis13:12
ubottuMarKsaitis: The Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), powered by Eucalyptus, is highly configurable and customizable to a variety of environments. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC13:12
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: its a wide and very exciting technology, I suggest you research cloud stuff, even just a little :). Very cool stuff13:13
MarKsaitisI know what cloud is. It is a server but not its hosted on the net13:13
BrianMBIhttp://www.liquidweb.com/about/contact.html = Cloud Based Services13:13
BrianMBINice Linux solution too13:13
MarKsaitisI do not understand how cloud makes server different if the same servers physical location is different13:13
torlwhat font does ubuntu 11.04 use by default for gnome-terminal?13:14
And_Ihas someone tried to run ubuntu on the vodafone 84513:15
ActionParsniptorl: monospace 1013:15
torlmonospace 10 looks much more sharper on my machine,can you give me the font in x format? ( -*-monospace )13:15
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: cloud will start to try and find other clouds to get CPU power etc if needed13:16
ActionParsniptorl: I don't know about that sort of thing, if you can guide me i can assist13:16
MarKsaitisActionParsnip, what software usually runs on the cloud based server?13:16
MarKsaitisWhat software makes up the cloud?13:16
Yami_BasActionParsnip: did you see something in the log?13:16
BrianMBIman termino13:16
BrianMBIman terminfo13:17
judhow do i autocomplete someones name?13:17
torlwell i can't use gtkFontSelector for my terminal emulator,so I have to specify it in x font format in my .Xdefaults13:17
And_Ihas someone tried to run ubuntu on the vodafone 845?13:17
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: whatever you want, web servers are common but it can be anything you want. If you have more than one cloud the load will be spread13:17
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: you can also spawn new servers in the cloud as an when needed, and turn them off an on13:17
DirtyDawgjud type one or 2 letter and keep pressing <tab> till you get it13:17
ActionParsnipjud: use TAB13:17
MarKsaitisActionParsnip, so what software gets other servers cpu?13:18
judDirtyDawg: ah yes tnk u13:18
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: the other servers, dude it is MASSIVELY complex and far too diverse to discuss and even attempt to explain in chat, there are decent videos on YouTube explaining it13:18
Sidewinder1jud, You were asking about bash on ubuntu site; did you try: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/BashScripting  ?13:19
MarKsaitisWell, if we got 2 OS running and both with apache server. And if server A needs some CPU ower from server B, there must be some software to do this!13:19
MarKsaitisor you dont know urself?13:20
judSidewinder1: yes thanks..the site  I had before gave access to a list of commands and described their function13:20
BrianMBIMarKsaitis: Easily gained through ESXi'13:20
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judSidewinder1: it was like a command mini database13:21
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJncFirhjPg&playnext=1&list=PL31396B69ADFC5085  watch and learn13:21
BrianMBII'm currently running 4 Apache webservers and 16 Vhosts on ESX platform and I can load balance CPU utilization13:21
judSidewinder1: for ubuntu bash13:22
ikoniaBrianMBI: ask vmware support, this channel is for ubuntu support13:22
bazhangikonia, probably mean MarKsaitis13:22
BrianMBIikonia: I was answering MarKsaitis.13:22
ikoniaor take it to vmware support discussion channels I should say13:22
ikoniaBrianMBI: I get that, but maybe #vmware is the best place ?13:22
Sidewinder1jud, Let me check... Stand by.13:22
judSidewinder1: cheers!13:23
leandrosansilva_nevermindr,i tried to compile gdb using apt-build again13:23
`AllegroHello there.13:23
leandrosansilva_and I got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622537/13:23
MarKsaitisBrianMBI, CPU load balance on vhost is one thing which is done by virtualization software. The other thing I just heard about CPU load balancing on different physical servers is another thing13:23
ikonialeandrosansilva_: gdb is in the repo13:23
`AllegroWhy am I on ubuntu and have no idea what you guys are talking about? ;o13:24
leandrosansilva_ikonia, Yes, but the version which is in gdb doesn't work for me13:24
bazhangMarKsaitis, thats outside the scope of this channel13:24
ikonia`Allegro: https://help.ubuntu.com - try that out for an introfuction13:24
ikonialeandrosansilva_: in what way doesn't work ?13:24
`AllegroWell, I'm not sure if I exactly need any help.13:25
`AllegroI mean, I have everything already set up.13:25
`AllegroBut I changed my theme.13:25
ikonialeandrosansilva_: that looks like it's working13:25
`AllegroTo make it look like a mac :313:25
leandrosansilva_i also tried to use a newer version from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~teawater/+archive/gdb-11.04, but I got the same error13:25
bazhang`Allegro, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:25
leandrosansilva_yes, but for me it isn't working :-(13:25
MarKsaitisbazhang, its not outside of this channel.13:25
ikonialeandrosansilva_: ok - so custom compilng gdb wont' change that, it's not an error13:25
leandrosansilva_I'm using kubuntu 11.04 64-bit13:25
leandrosansilva_so... what's this?13:26
bazhangMarKsaitis, sure it is. /msg alis list *cloud*13:26
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: #ubunt-server may be better, it isn't outside the channel as its still ubuntu13:26
MarKsaitisits not. ubuntu cloud = ubuntu cloud talks13:26
ikonialeandrosansilva_: it's showing that failure of the program you're tracing and showing the problem with pydebug13:26
BrianMBIMarKsaitis: Check this out:  http://www.lesswatts.org/tips/cpu.php  in regard to linux13:26
bazhangMarKsaitis, you want it explained. not supported.13:26
MarKsaitisanyways, I dont waste my time talking whats inside and whats outside. period. that youtube video is crap13:27
Sidewinder1jud, Sorry, :-( Can't find it; that's the problem with hundreds of bookmarks...Grrrr..13:27
leandrosansilva_ikonia, no.... I'm calling gdb with no arguments ($ gdb), and even when I try to execute gdb --version or gdb --help13:27
leandrosansilva_it happens13:27
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: its the basics of what cloud computing is13:27
Net_Spyhaving issue with port forarding13:27
MarKsaitisit only explains the dumb-user side of things13:27
judSidewinder1: nevermind I  keep getting unknown path to the text file i'm trying to access with bash..what am i doing wrong?13:27
bazhangNet_Spy, thats on your router. portforward.com13:27
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: then you know the difference between server and cloud server already13:28
Net_Spyiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --dport 1188 -j DNAT --to
Net_Spyiptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 22 -j ACCEPT13:28
Net_SpyIm using ubuntu server 1113:28
MarKsaitisI do not understand the concept between two physical servers and their CPU resource sharing. There must be a soft responsible for that. im not talkin about virtualization where its one software doing that magic.13:28
judI  keep getting unknown path to the text file i'm trying to access with bash..what am i doing wrong anyone?13:29
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ikoniaMarKsaitis: it's controlled by the hypervisor13:29
Net_Spyi dont why it doenst work :s13:29
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: the cloud stuff deals with that for you, I'm not aware of the exact software doing it but th cloud server allows that functionality13:29
Sidewinder1jud, Sorry; I'm the last one you should ask about bash; I make a newbie look like an expert, in that department.13:29
Net_Spyany idea about that port forwarding issue on my server13:30
judSidewinder1: tks for trying13:30
Sidewinder1jud, My pleasure.13:30
MarKsaitisikonia, hypervisor is virtualization shit! I am not talking about virtualization.13:30
Net_Spyive followed these rules13:30
Net_Spyiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --dport 1188 -j DNAT --to
Net_Spyiptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 22 -j ACCEPT13:30
icerootNet_Spy: #iptables13:30
ikoniaMarKsaitis: control the language, hypervisor is what controls the cloud13:30
nothingspecialjud: You tried using tab completion?13:30
usr13_Net_Spy: Is this machine actually listening via eth0 on the outside and have at least an alias for the IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ?13:30
MarKsaitisok, so the cloud doesnt work without virtualization software?13:31
Net_Spy@iceroot is there any issue with iptables rule i made13:31
BrianMBIMarKsaitis, pretty much13:31
ikoniaMarKsaitis: the cloud is virtual machines13:31
BrianMBIyou need some $$$$13:31
CyborgSmurfI guess access 2007 is not possible to run in Ubuntu 11.0413:31
Net_Spyxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mean my want IP13:31
judnothingspecial: bash path?13:31
icerootNet_Spy: dont know not using iptables. i think its better placed in #iptables13:31
Net_Spyok thanks13:31
iceroot!appdb | CyborgSmurf13:31
ubottuCyborgSmurf: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:31
BrianMBIWinetrick sh is great for Access 200713:32
MarKsaitisikonia, brianb ok. I dont understand then why everybody thinks this cloud is something amazing when its just a bunch of VMs controlled by virtualization software.13:32
bazhangCyborgSmurf, #winehq for particular apps13:32
usr13_Net_Spy: and is the pc actually connected and being routed to by this same machine?  (Or is it just another alias?)13:32
BrianMBIBecause your VMs are dynamic13:32
ikoniaMarKsaitis: then do your research, but I think we are getting offtopic here, so lets drop it13:32
szalboot problem solved..  now for sharing Internet w/ the other box13:32
morissetteAny one know how to extract stuff in escaped encoding: I.E: \271\311\310\250\274\244\300\370\310\347\272\316\310\303\271\253\313\276\270\337\271\334\323\353\304\343\262\273\300\353\262\273\310\245\n hdtqng13:32
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: it does what it does, why are you so interested?13:32
judnothingspecial: i get path unknown trying to figure out some bash commands on a text file. am i leaving something out?>13:33
Net_Spythat machine is connected with gateway13:33
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: its like worryinig what files do what in a Windows server to provide AD, it doesn't matter. It just performs AD for you13:33
nothingspecialjud: What are you trying to do?13:33
judnothingspecial: sort a text file13:34
MarKsaitisI am about to install ubuntu. Dunno what to install, server or desktop OS. I want to run some server apps and I also want a nice GUI. Whats best to do? I want to use it as a desktop and use it as a server at the same time. I am coming from centos world13:34
CyborgSmurficeroot: maybe some say "why MSO 2007 when there is OOffice" I say, because of school. Anyway, can you guide me through the installation. I have tried Wine before but didnt work. I now use PlayOnLinux which works great, but Access didnt got installed13:34
ikoniaMarKsaitis: the desktop is fine13:34
travisbrown20hey what do i talk about on here13:34
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: if you need a gui then install desktop13:34
bazhangtravisbrown20, ubuntu support13:34
ikonia!topic | travisbrown2013:34
ubottutravisbrown20: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic13:34
MarKsaitisbut will I not loose some good server distros stuff for my server needs?13:34
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: you can use the server apps on the desktop OS, you just have the impact of running a desktop on the server13:35
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: Lubuntu is a very light GUI that you can use for a server13:35
icerootCyborgSmurf: look at the aapdb, it has installation-instructions13:35
BrianMBIMarksaitis: I recommend 10.04 LTS13:35
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: no, its the same deal13:35
BrianMBIfor production13:35
ikoniaMarKsaitis: you'll lose notrhing13:35
mrdebexcept for sound13:35
icerootCyborgSmurf: i luckily dont use access (or other software from ms) so i dont know the steps13:35
judnothingspecial: i have a list with repeats so i go sort -u /path/file.txt  but i keep getting path unknown13:35
ActionParsnipBrianMBI: lucid desktop and Natty desktop support dies around the same time ;)13:35
Yami_BasCan anyone help me out with the SPDIF passthrough with my external USB soundcard?13:35
CyborgSmurficeroot: you mean in wineHQ right?13:35
arag0rnCan anyone help me with cross toolchain build with the debian patches13:36
MarKsaitisIf I loose nothing, then why is there a seperate server distro?13:36
fastaWhat is the name of the package to get an an entry 'Open in terminal' in Nautilus?13:36
icerootCyborgSmurf: http://appdb.winehq.org13:36
ActionParsnip!appdb | CyborgSmurf13:36
ubottuCyborgSmurf: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:36
BrianMBIDid not know that Actionparsnip13:36
CyborgSmurficeroot: (why should one use it) ;)13:36
travisbrown20can you use the desktop server gui for html coding13:36
MarKsaitisWill I not loose server specific applications? Server administration stuff and so on?13:36
ikoniaMarKsaitis: there are things in the server packages, such as kernel modules for enterprise class hardware, that sort of thing, so if anything the desktop has less13:36
bazhangtravisbrown20, what?13:36
ikoniaMarKsaitis: that's the real difference13:36
nothingspecialjud: You sure the file exists? You have the case right? try sort -u /pat<TAB>/fil<TAB>13:36
usr13_Kosava: Server distro is as name indicates, server (wich does not include gui apps that desktop users want).13:36
ActionParsnipBrianMBI: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases   Lucid dies the day after Natty does (on desktop at least)13:37
icerootMarKsaitis: server and desktop are the same (and use the same repo) server just dont come with a gui by default and have a pae kernel at 32bit version13:37
CyborgSmurficeroot, ActionParsnip, ubottu: thank you guys! :)13:37
MarKsaitisSo, on a server sitro, there is even no GUI for server administration?13:37
icerootikonia: the kernel from desktop and server is the same. the server just instzalling pae by default13:37
judnothingspecial: i think i'm just leaving something out but what does tab do there?13:38
icerootikonia: but there is no server-edition-kernel. the installer just picks up the pae-kernel13:38
travisbrown20can you use it for website making I code alote13:38
icerootMarKsaitis: of course not13:38
ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: you can install web UIs but by default it is a command line environment, makes it boot faster, use fewer resources and make it more secure13:38
bazhangtravisbrown20, use what13:38
travisbrown20GUI server13:39
remoteCTRLhi guys!13:39
bazhangtravisbrown20, there is not a gui server13:39
nothingspecialjud: You type the first few letters, press tab and it completes it for you. Try typing cd ~/Doc then pressing TAB before enter you'll see what I mean13:39
ikoniaiceroot: I don't believe the modules such as wirless modules are built against the package, not sure it that's still true (eg wireless modules)13:39
leandrosansilva_ikonia and others, now it's working.... I reinstalled the package libpython2.7 and now gdb is working.13:39
icerootikonia: they are13:39
travisbrown20people were talking about it on here13:39
remoteCTRLdoes linux have a limitation how big a swap space can be? i am currently setting up a computation server with 96GB RAM...?13:40
bazhangtravisbrown20, no they were not. they were talking about adding a gui to a server, which has none.13:40
icerootikonia: maybe in some releases befor it was different but know its the same kernel13:40
fastaremoteCTRL: yes13:40
remoteCTRLfasta: ok?13:40
fastaremoteCTRL: but... it is likely _much_ bigger.13:40
remoteCTRLfasta: hehe ok, but no numbers?13:41
travisbrown20so how can i downlad a server on ubuntu13:41
jribtravisbrown20: a server of what?13:41
bazhangtravisbrown20, www.ubuntu.com13:41
judnothingspecial: it's not doing anything for me13:41
Vanchatravisbrown20, , you cun just head to www.ubuntu.com13:41
fastaremoteCTRL: I don't see any reason for it being limited under anything but the size of the largest partition.13:41
travisbrown20ya but were can i get one13:42
jpdstravisbrown20: A server is a physical box, you have to go and buy it.13:42
BluesKaj!server | travisbrown2013:42
ubottutravisbrown20: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server13:42
bazhangtravisbrown20, we told you13:42
jribtravisbrown20: are you looking to purchase hardware or just obtain ubuntu server software?13:42
bazhangjrib, the latter13:42
MarKsaitiswhat does that LTS mean?13:42
bazhangfor coding in html13:43
jrib!lts | MarKsaitis13:43
ubottuMarKsaitis: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)13:43
iceroot!lts | MarKsaitis13:43
jpdsMarKsaitis: Long Term Support.13:43
mrdeblts means security updates for longer time, but old software13:43
travisbrown20ya that what you said i got this bluefish software for html coding and it awsome13:43
MarKsaitisso its not worth to use version 11?13:43
fastaremoteCTRL: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60683713:43
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: long term = 5 years, instead of 3 years13:43
mrdebit is13:43
fastaremoteCTRL: but that is old information.13:43
icerootwhat is using LTS on the server-edition? everything expect ubuntu-desktop? only the packages which are installed by default? (so vim is not LTS)13:43
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ActionParsnipMarKsaitis: if you are going to use server (no gui) then Lucid is supported for a LONG time, If you are using desktop then Natty and Lucid desktop support stop at the same time13:44
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MarKsaitisok thanx13:45
jribiceroot: apt-cache show PACKAGE | grep -i support13:45
travisbrown20does anyone know what is a iso13:45
judnothingspecial: so when i do that ..say sort -u /file.text<tab>  it's meant to complete the path prefix?13:45
icerootjrib: thanks. very usefull info13:45
bazhangtravisbrown20, of course13:45
ActionParsniptravisbrown20: its usually a CD or DVD image13:45
silveringhi gius, i have installed 9.10 and i intend to switch hard drive to other PC, my Q is will the OS boot normal?13:46
travisbrown20yes i know wow people13:46
iceroottravisbrown20: an image/container containing everysthing in the iso-file-format (used on cds,dvds)13:46
travisbrown20i was wonderinng if i can get a windows 7 starter iso13:46
bazhangtravisbrown20, offtopic here13:47
iceroottravisbrown20: ##windows13:47
fastatravisbrown20: in #ubuntu?13:47
Sidewinder1travisbrown20, Please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_image13:47
travisbrown20an you say off topic13:47
bazhangtravisbrown20, of course, this is ubuntu.13:48
Renskiunity seems to be having issues with the top file menu, when I click a menu it sometime flickers between two menus13:48
Renskianyone else expirenced it?13:48
judok, can someone just confirm that this much is right? sort<space>-u<space>/path   ??13:49
cafenethey guys i connect to my wireless but it doesnt open any pages and it works wired13:49
remoteCTRLfasta: be it outdated or not, there it says 16TB and it wont have gotten less over time... 16TB i think thats does the job for me... :D thanks for your help, dude!13:49
judor sort<space>-u<space>/<space>path13:49
travisbrown20i downloaded windhq it reads .exe files for ubuntu but it not working for my ubuntu 10.0413:50
bazhangtravisbrown20, its wine, not windhq, check the appdb and join #winehq13:50
bazhang!appdb | travisbrown2013:50
ubottutravisbrown20: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:50
scarleoI created a startup USB disk from inside ubuntu with natty on it but when I boot from it I get a prompt with "(initramfs)". How can I get it to boot into ubuntu?13:51
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travisbrown20i know it is people am ask a qusion why is it not working on my ubuntu13:52
bazhang!work | travisbrown2013:52
ubottutravisbrown20: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.13:52
fastaremoteCTRL: what do you need it for, btw?13:52
scarleoI have verified checksums and I have been able to boot other dists from that usb13:52
pfifoscarleo, try a different USB port13:52
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travisbrown20are you speaking in code13:52
remoteCTRLfasta: it is a number cruncher for large polynomials13:52
scarleopfifo, ah, thanks didn't think of that. trying now13:53
MonkeyDusttravisbrown20: please give more details about your question13:53
remoteCTRLfasta: large meaning if you print them the paper queue would go like three times to the moon ...13:53
souravi have java installe on my system, still I am not able to execute java applet in web browser or load a webpage which has java applet. Does it has something to do with setting path, if yes, how can I set path?13:53
bazhangtravisbrown20, what app does not work. give clear examples of what is not working. just say doesn't work will get you zero help13:53
pfifomine dosent work either13:53
bazhang!details | travisbrown2013:53
ubottutravisbrown20: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:53
BrianMBIjoin /Cisco13:54
BluesKajsourav, install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:54
Sidewinder1travisbrown20, Running applications in wine can be problematic; and generally better supported in the winehq channel.13:54
fastaremoteCTRL: fun.13:54
Wessixis ist possible to rotate my display,  i tried to change the xorg.conf in /etc/x11 but that didn't work?13:54
travisbrown20i agree fasta13:54
scarleopfifo, same thing, I get ubuntu splash but then a lot of text scroll by and I end up with (initramfs) prompt13:54
remoteCTRLfasta: for some sure is, but that is not my concern, i am just the it guy...13:55
pfifoscarleo, how did you make this startup disc?13:55
scarleopfifo, with ubuntu startup disk creator and a downloaded .iso from ubuntu.com13:56
ActionParsnipWessix: if you use nvidia gpu, then yes easily13:56
Swabhimanhi where is httpd.conf file in ubuntu ?13:56
pfifoscarleo, how many disk do you have on your computer?13:56
Wessixyes nvideo13:56
scarleopfifo, only one internal, its a laptop13:57
Swabhimani need to change my http port on apache13:57
joe_9how can I find the source code for the device drivers in ubuntu?13:57
ActionParsnipWessix: its in nvidia-settings13:57
pfifoscarleo, how many partitions are on it?13:57
Wessixnvidea xserver-settings13:58
silv3r_m00nis there a transliteration tool available on ubuntu ?13:58
Swabhimanvim /etc/apache/apache2.conf don't have port option ?13:58
PageDownHi everyone!13:58
ActionParsnipWessix: just run:  nvidia-settings    and you can rotate the display in the app that appears13:58
scarleopfifo, three partitions on an extended and one primary (or what it's called)13:58
bazhangtravisbrown20, not here13:59
PageDownI had a question and I really didn't know where to go. You guys have never failed me before so I cam here.13:59
travisbrown20Hey bazhang I was wondering if you  will not talk to me your a downer13:59
PageDownI want to start working on Linux and Network security. Is Ubuntu the right distro to use? I was looking at Fedora as well.13:59
Swabhimanhello where is vaild httpd.conf file in ubuntu ?13:59
TetracommI installed Emerald theme manager and imported a theme into it, but I clicked it and nothing happened. Why?13:59
pfifoscarleo, I need to know what error the live system is giving you, can you take a screen shot or rsync dmessage to someplace you can pastebin.14:00
PiciSwabhiman: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf14:00
Wessix@ActionParsnip    in wich subtab?14:00
pfifoscarleo, erm 'dmesg' i mean14:00
SwabhimanPici: but its totaly blank ?14:00
Wessixsorry i must have something with my eyes14:00
bazhangboredqwertyutrer, stop that14:00
Piciboredqwertyutrer: don't do that.14:00
Wessixcan't find14:00
Swabhimani want to execute cgi on apache14:01
ikoniaSwabhiman: put them in the cgi bin directory for your site then14:01
PiciSwabhiman: Site specific configs should be setup in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ , global settings are set in /etc/apache2/conf.d/14:01
scarleopfifo, what it says is "mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory" and same thing but with /sys and /proc. And: "Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init"14:01
bazhang!emerald | Tetracomm14:01
ubottuTetracomm: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.14:01
bazhangTetracomm, try something else14:01
scarleopfifo, that is just above (initramfs) prompt14:01
SwabhimanPici: yeah that's what i want thanks14:02
Tetracommbazhang: Such as what?14:02
pfifoscarleo, that is an error message yeah... but thats being caused by something else thats happening earlier14:02
scarleopfifo, I'll try to get a dmesg out of it14:03
pfifoscarleo, can you get to the shell on the livesystem?14:03
scarleopfifo, nope, but dmesg worked also with initramfs prompt14:04
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pfifoscarleo, ahh then you can get to a shell.14:04
pfifoscarleo, can you ping google or
Sidewinder1Tetracomm, WADR, why not just do a search for "windows decorator", and see what pops up?14:05
scarleopfifo, not sure how to save the output from dmesg on the usb.14:05
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scarleopfifo, yes it's a simpler shell I guess14:05
scarleopfifo, no ping command14:06
pfifoscarleo, first mount the usb somewhere "mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt' then 'dmesg > /mnt/output'14:06
ActionParsnipWessix: press ALT+F2 and run:  nvidia-settings      it's literally that  simple14:06
judsomeone told me to do this ...    cat plum.txt | sort | uniq > uniq-plum.txt    in order to eliminate repeats but I keep getting this "No such file or directory"14:06
ActionParsnipWessix: if you haven't installed the proprietary driver then you won't have the app14:07
Wessixi have the app14:07
TetracommSidewinder1: I'm not seeing anything so far.14:07
Wessixbut cant find the setting14:07
ActionParsnipjud: if you run:  ls     can you see the plum.txt  file?14:07
mah454How can i extract archive in ftp service ?14:07
Wessixthere i have x server display configuration, there?14:08
zzzohey. can grub2 boot a iso ?14:08
judActionParsnip:   Is command not found14:08
ActionParsnipzzzo: yes14:08
zzzoActionParsnip: any tips ?14:08
ActionParsnipjud: LS in lowercase, (L)i(S)t14:08
ActionParsnipzzzo: no idea, I just know it can, there are guides all over the place14:09
zzzoActionParsnip: i tried some of them, didn't succeed14:09
ActionParsnipzzzo: then you know as much as me, maybe others can advise14:09
Sidewinder1Tetracomm, Maybe look into compiz and conky and themes; those various combinations of different things may show you something that meets your needs.14:10
scarleopfifo, I've been trying that but it doesn't get stored on the usb14:10
scarleopfifo, I can see the file in the prompt but cannot store it on the memory stick14:10
judActionParsnip: sorry yes, tried that and strangely i cant see plum.text but uniq-plum is there14:10
pfifoscarleo, can you mount your windows partition or one of the others on your HDD14:10
TetracommSideWinder1: Ok.14:10
feydhow can I have my trash in XFCE interact with non-OS drives14:10
scarleopfifo, I'll try, no windows partition, just Ubuntu14:11
mads-After  I have run "crontab -e" and input the line for when I want which command to be executed, do I then need to restart cron or will it take care of that itself?14:11
pfifoscarleo, that would be fine14:11
ActionParsnipzzzo: http://www.xpud.org/download.en.html#tab-3  has an entry you can add to grub2, just change the filenames :)14:12
Sidewinder1jud, I think you need to be in the same directory/folder in which the file resides to manipulate it. Either that or specify the exact path in your command.14:12
ActionParsnipjud: then you need to change the terminal's directory to where the file is held14:12
scarleopfifo, but how shoul I access them later? I need to put the file onto the usb to get it out of the pc14:12
zzzoActionParsnip: thank you14:12
judActionParsnip: it's on the desktop14:13
jonalvmy "Ubntu Software Center" claims Sun Java 6 is installed, however java --version tells me java 1.5.0 gij. How do I run the sun java 6? Where would it be?14:13
judSidewinder1: it's on the desktop14:13
pfifoscarleo, the computer doesnt have a working OS? maybe mount another USB drive if you have a 2nd.14:13
ActionParsnipjud: then run:  cd ~/Desktop14:13
Sidewinder1jud, "pwd" should Print Working Directory.14:13
judActionParsnip: ah14:14
ActionParsnipjud: you can't just fire commands in any old directory and expect the interpretter to magically find the file you want to manipulate for you, you need to change the working directory to the one with the file so it knows what to use14:14
scarleopfifo, no working os right now, I am trying to restore my grub and thought it would work if I got a live ubuntu working on my usb but I seem to fail to make the live boot14:14
Jaccohey ppl14:14
fabricioim from brazil14:15
scarleopfifo, I can mount the partitions on my hdd14:15
pfifoscarleo, is your goal to boot a live enviroment to get grub working?14:15
Sidewinder1jud, Keep in mind that Desktop and desktop are NOT the same :-)14:15
scarleopfifo, yes, that is baically my goal, to restore the broken grub14:15
Testerskihi there14:16
judActionParsnip: yeah i was trying to do it by putting in a complete path before but something was wrong with that so now i'll do the dirtectory thing14:16
ActionParsnipjud: makes life easier ;)14:16
Testerskiguys, how I can run a command from shell, so that when I'll close my terminal, the process will continue14:16
JaccoI managed to get grub2 efi working on my mac mini with out having to bless anything. So thats good, however, no matter how i configure my grub.cfg or make the grub-mkimage, I always shortly get the message Error: prefix not set on startup. The startup/grub works normally though. Except for the recordfail trigger .. so how can i fix that message or did I find a bug? :)14:17
MIH1406I have switch to Fedora 15 since they announced it. Just for the GNOME 314:17
pfifoscarleo, ok then I have a much easier way, put the USB into a working linux computer and then run this as root substuting X for your usb drive `wget - O /dev/sdX "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso"`14:17
vlt_Testerski: Either use "screen" or nohup14:17
MIH1406I want to go back to Ubuntu14:17
jribTesterski: COMMAND & disown    OR    nohup COMMAND     OR    use screen14:17
bazhangMIH1406, actual support question?14:17
MIH1406Can I use GNOME 3 with Ubuntu without14:17
pfifoscarleo, typo `wget -O /dev/sdX "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso"`14:18
Sidewinder1MIH1406, You'll probably have to do a fresh install of Ubuntu.14:18
MIH1406Sidewinder1, I did but there is the ugly Unity installed, I want GNOME Shell14:18
bazhangMIH1406, no, gnome3 is not a supported package in 11.0414:18
Testerskivlt_, jrib: actually I'm trying to run an application via ssh on my remote server, how shall I start it to remain working after I'll disconnect ?14:18
scarleopfifo, Ok, I'll try that14:19
bazhangMIH1406, then use classic14:19
Sidewinder1!classic | MIH140614:19
ubottuMIH1406: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".14:19
jribTesterski: any of the three ways I said.  If you want to reattach the program later, use screen14:19
MIH1406bazhang, But fedora is far away from Ubuntu, I love Ubuntu!14:19
JaccoMIH1406: or try google ;) http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=gnome3+ubuntu&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-814:19
bazhangMIH1406, that has nothing to with support. gnome3 is not supported. use classic for 11.04 if you dont like unity14:20
Testerskithank you, jrib14:20
MIH1406Blogs writers warn users not to install gnome 3 on Ubuntu14:20
ActionParsnipMIH1406: you could remove the PPA but then will have to tell the OS to reinstall a tonne of packages, I'd go with a clean install14:20
bazhangJacco, thats not necessary. gnome3 is not supported on 11.0414:20
Jaccoi know bazhang .. not officially anyway.14:20
MIH1406ActionParsnip, which PPA?14:20
bazhangMIH1406, as I said, its not supported. lets move on.14:20
ActionParsnipMIH1406: the one you added14:21
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, bazhang That's what I suggested to him. :-)14:21
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: very messy14:21
Yami_Basim going to ask oncemore ;c14:21
scarleopfifo, so the iso can sit directly on the usb and it will bootable? No dd ?14:21
Yami_Bascan anyone help me out with SPDIF passthrough on my computer?14:21
go8765_Phello. anybody use zim?14:21
go8765_Pi hawe some trouble with him14:21
bazhanggo8765_P, please ask your real question14:21
jeaquaresbazhang, i think you mean "gnome shell" instead of "gnome 3" cause ubuntu 11.04 uses gnome 3 either but not gnome shell14:21
pfifoscarleo, if your more comfortable with dd i normally us 'dd if=mini.iso of=/dev/sdX' since i have the file already downloaded you can use either method14:22
ActionParsnipGnome 3 runs fine here in Oneiric, but I use LXDE so gnome only shows in my gnome apps:)14:22
bazhangjeaquares, `gnome 2.32.1 jeaquares14:22
scarleopfifo, ok, trying to boot now with your method14:22
RoyKhow can I start X in "failsafe" with natty? seems compiz is dying on me and I can't find a "failsafe" choice (compiz[4164]: segfault at 5c ip 00007f440d11d1c7 sp 00007fff7bd436a8 error 4 in libnux-graphics-0.9.so.0.944.4[7f440d07c000+d3000])14:23
judActionParsnip: ok so now had this  /Desktop$ cat plum.txt|sort|uniq>uniq-plum.txt    but still got the same back. I'm just trying to eliminate duplicates..is that the way?14:23
go8765_Pwhen i rename rin page i lose sybpages of this page and when i try to rename again it i see this bug message http://paste.ubuntu.com/622568/14:23
JaccoRoyK do you get to the GDM screen? You can select a different shell there..14:23
icerootjud: sort -u14:24
scarleopfifo, "Missing operating system"14:24
pfifoscarleo, did you use wget or the dd method?14:24
jeaquaresbazhang, i thought that ubuntu 11.04 uses gnome 3 either but not gnome shell14:24
RoyKJacco: GDM is active, but I can only find powerdown, clock and universal access prefs14:24
scarleopfifo, wget, just copy-pasted your line14:24
ActionParsnipjud: if you run: ls   do you see the filename? Are you using the right case?14:24
jeaquaresyou mean unity is based on gnome 2.32?14:25
ActionParsnipjeaquares: are you using natty now?14:25
JaccoRoyk.. what ubuntu version?14:25
jeaquaresi'm using arch14:25
pfifoscarleo, you changed /dev/sdX to /dev/sdb or similir right (not /dev/sdb1)14:25
ActionParsnip!info gnome-session natty14:25
ubottugnome-session (source: gnome-session): The GNOME Session Manager - GNOME 2 session. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.1-0ubuntu20 (natty), package size 14 kB, installed size 216 kB14:25
judActionParsnip:  isee it14:25
go8765_Pbazhang: my question is - need i send bugreport or not, becouse when i reboot zim i see my  subpages normal...14:25
ActionParsnipjud: and does it have any capitalization?14:25
ActionParsnipjeaquares: unity is just a shell, you can run unity in KDE if you wish, I run unity 2d in LXDE14:26
scarleopfifo, I used /sdb1 so trying again :)14:26
pfifoscarleo, ahh yeah, you need the root device14:26
jeaquaresActionParsnip, i know but 11.04 still uses gnome 2.32?14:26
jeaquaresi thought it was gnome 314:26
judiceroot: how would i complete that?14:26
RoyKJacco: natty14:26
go8765_Panybody can help me with zim?14:27
JaccoOne more time till I wait patiently ;) : I managed to get grub2 efi working on my mac mini with out having to bless anything. So thats good, however, no matter how i configure my grub.cfg or make the grub-mkimage, I always shortly get the message Error: prefix not set on startup. The startup/grub works normally though. Except for the recordfail trigger .. so how can i fix that error message or did I find a bug? :)14:27
Sidewinder1jud, This is from the man page of sort with -u option: "-u, --unique14:27
Sidewinder1              with -c, check for strict ordering; without -c, output only the first of an equal run14:27
judActionParsnip: capitalisation? both are on the desktop even though it came back no such file14:27
JaccoRoyK: I know if you select the user and not type the password yet you can choose a shell instead of unity for example?14:27
judActionParsnip: but uniq-plum is empty14:28
RoyKJacco: got it - thanks14:28
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pfifoscarleo, when it boots try 'bootting from first hard disk' and see if you get lucky, if not then go into the installer and you can install grub from the cli14:29
JaccoRoyK: yw14:29
judSidewinder1: i tried running sort -u but got no such file14:29
Sidewinder1jud, It's frustrating; but, I must say, at least you're tenacious. :-)14:30
scarleopfifo, no luck with that either, it just goes back to the bios splash where I can choose boot order14:30
cafenethow can i have my ubuntu with customize package on usb Flash?14:30
bazhangcafenet, sure, remaster the iso14:30
judSidewinder1: at Desktop$  sort -u plum.txt   is that right?14:30
bazhang!remaster | cafenet14:30
ubottucafenet: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility14:30
bazhangcafenet, then use unetbootin to put the iso on a flash key14:31
Sidewinder1jud, I think that's correct; but then don't you have to specify an output file?14:31
pfifoscarleo, in your working computer, can you 'mount /dev/sdb /mnt' and 'ls /mnt' to see that there is a filesystem on it?14:31
judSidewinder1:  makes sense but how would i do that/14:32
loganhi hi14:34
scarleopfifo, well there is files on it so I guess there is a filesystem as well. Disk utility says it's ext414:34
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Jaccojud you can just redirect any output using sort -u file.txt > file2.txt or use the -o option14:34
Sidewinder1jud, Try this in the correct directory: sort -u plum.txt | uniq-plum.txt14:34
JaccoSidewinder1: i wouldnt do that actually14:35
Jaccothats a pipe not a redirect :)14:35
pfifoscarleo, run this 'md5sum /dev/sdb' just to be sure 7b383bcf55f09b1bb7e6614ed6e67a0e14:35
GalaxorI want my primary eth1 interface to be part of a bridge.  I can do this all with brctl and so forth, but I want it to be that way on bootup.  If I was on a server, I'd edit /etc/network/interfaces, but this is a desktop machine with network-manager.  Is there a way to store this type of thing in network-manager?14:35
Sidewinder1jud, Jacco I'm not good at cli; It was just a WAG on my part.14:35
JaccoSidewinder1: thats ok14:36
Jaccojud .. try also reading the ouput of 'man sort'14:36
edbianGalaxor: There is still a /etc/network/interfaces  file on the desktop.  It still works.  There is some monkey business between what that file controls and what network manager controls.  I never figured it out because I just got rid of network manager.14:37
szpanerwhat is you problem ?14:37
MarKsaitis"C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"14:38
Galaxoredbian: My /etc/network/interfaces only has lo in it.14:38
Sidewinder1Jacco, If you're trying to get the output of one file to another, is the ">" needed?14:38
samlhey,  how can I exclude certain directories from updatedb?14:38
judJacco: why do i keep getting back No such file or directory...i'm in the directory the file is in...???14:39
edbianGalaxor: Yeah.  network-manager is handling the other devices.  If you put them in manually /etc/network/interfaces will handle them.14:39
samlif i don't have permission to edit /etc/updatedb.conf ?14:39
Jaccojud .. what command are you using exactly?14:39
MarKsaitisOn my VM ubuntu install, for the forts start up it says I dont have HW to run unity...do blah blah blah to run classic stuff. Am I loosing a lot? What is this unity14:39
Sidewinder1Jacco, He's using sort14:39
szal!unity | MarKsaitis14:40
ubottuMarKsaitis: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic.14:40
cha0s_unity is a new interface with a side bar, vm can't run it becuse it needs graphic acceleration14:40
judJacco: Desktop$ sort -u fu.txt>fu2.txt14:40
Galaxoredbian: Oh, cool.14:40
scarleopfifo, there is no output from that command14:40
edbianGalaxor: sure14:40
JaccoSidewinder1: I know.. but the total command would explain his issue i bet :)14:40
MarKsaitisbut I want unity even on VM :)14:40
Jaccojud whats the output of 'which sort'14:40
MarKsaitisCan I somehow run it in VM anyways?14:40
cha0s_don't know if you can do that yet14:40
pfifoscarleo, maybe try the dd command instead, ive never had any problems getting the mini to boot using that method (but wget should be just fine too, ill have to try later on to be sure)14:41
MarKsaitisso ur all using unity?14:41
domevloSo, I've been trying to get utf8 support in Ubuntu 10.10, but for some reason my locale is allways set to C.  What is the proper way to change the locale in Ubuntu?14:42
JaccoMarKsaitis: Im using Unity 2D due to a crappy videocard14:42
judJacco:  you mean output from ls?14:42
Jaccojud: no just type 'which sort' for me please (with out the quotes) on your computer14:42
cha0s_if i built a website on my localhost in /var/www and have all configuration in the /www and the sub directories, when i upload the contents of /www to my web server all configure will be preserved if the directory structure does not change correct?14:42
Wessixhi guys i can't find the rotate display setting in my nvidea Server settings, where is ist?14:43
jattsudo dpkg-reconfigure locales14:43
judJacco:  /usr/bin/sort14:43
n2diyCan someone help me throttle my cpu fan? I've found the controller with sensors-detect, and the module is loaded, but pwmconfig says it can't find any pwm devices?14:43
domevlojatt: that was for me, right?  Do I have to log out and then back in for it to take effect?14:44
Jaccoso sort is there.. try '/usr/bin/sort -f fu.txt -o fu2.txt'  are the txt file names like that?14:44
scarleopfifo, ok thanks14:44
pfifoscarleo, I just did a sanity check and the wget method doesnt save the data correctly, youll have to use dd14:45
plandoll12hey ubuntu software center isn't working for me.. it's starting normally then just closing after a few seconds... any help?14:46
judJacco: was that what you're after?14:46
jattdomevlo: I think you don't need to log out, be sure you have utf8 locales mentioned in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local14:46
Jaccowhich finds the place of a command, yes14:46
jattdomevlo: for instance I have14:47
jatten_US.UTF-8 UTF-814:47
jattin that file14:47
domevlojatt: that's exactly what I have14:47
Jaccosome commandare both an internal command in bash as well as an external command. The parameter support differs.14:47
plandoll12hey ubuntu software center isn't working for me.. it's starting normally then just closing after a few seconds... any help?14:48
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cha0s_do you have apt-get running at the same time?14:48
domevlojatt: I also put set LANGUAGE and LANG to "en_US.UTF-8" in /etc/environment, but when I run locale to check, everything is set to "C" except LANGUAGE, which is "en_US.UTF-8" and LC_ALL which is blank.14:48
Jaccodoes that command work Jud?14:48
plandoll12cha0s_: was that directed at me?14:48
judJacco: /usr/bin/sort: open failed: fu.txt: No such file or directory14:49
jattLC_ALL is also blank for me, strange you are getting C in the others14:49
domevlojatt: I went to ##linux to ask about locales, but they directed me here.  I guess what I'm really asking is whether Ubuntu does something different than other linux distros in terms of configuring the locale14:49
domevloand is there a way to choose what locale i want other than editing config files?14:49
n2diyCan someone help me throttle my cpu fan? I've found the controller with sensors-detect, and the module is loaded, but pwmconfig says it can't find any pwm devices?14:49
Jaccojud then the file you are trying to sort is not named fu.txt or isnt it the current directory14:49
jattdomevlo: I installed maverick and here locale shows en_US.utf8 for all14:49
domevlothe plot thickens14:50
Jaccowhats the correct name (linux is case sensitive) and in what directory is it? check with 'pwd' is you are in the same directory14:50
Sidewinder1plandoll12, Yes, cha0s_ wanted to know if apt-get or any other package Mgr. was running as this may cause the Software Center not to work.14:50
judJacco:  ok it's a gedit file called fu...i assumed it would have a .txt extension14:51
plandoll12sidewinder1: nothing else is running, save for the default applications started at boot14:51
Jaccojud no linux is never aware of extension really..14:51
Jaccoa dot is just an other character14:52
Jaccodomevlo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf14:52
Sidewinder1plandoll12, Then I don't have a clue; sorry. :-(14:52
Jaccoplandoll12: try starting it from a terminal and see its output14:53
Sidewinder1plandoll12, Did you try running Synaptic Package Manager to see if it works?14:53
judJacco: great then Desktop$ sort -u fu>fu2 worked like a charm. Thanks14:53
Jaccojud yw14:53
plandoll12sidewinder1: no the package manager does the same thing14:53
tumbes2000Which gpu is better for ubuntu amd or nvidia?14:54
judJacco:  yw?14:54
Jaccojud: yw == your welcome14:54
plandoll12Jacco: no running it from terminal doesn't help at all14:54
deploymentpostfix says not a relay.. how do i open it up?14:54
judJacco:  ah cool ...cheers14:54
Sidewinder1plandoll12, Then it may be a repository issue.14:54
Jaccoplandoll12: whats the output of eg apt-get update in a terminal?14:54
plandoll12Jacco: 'eg' isn't installed.14:55
plandoll12jacco: install it?14:55
Jaccoplandoll12: eg means for example .. lol .. just type: apt-get update as root14:55
sattu94why doesnt sudo apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade the release anymore ?14:55
KNUBBIGsattu94: try sudo update-manager14:56
Jaccosattu you should use do-release-upgrade14:56
plandoll12Jacco: oh ok sorry :P14:56
sattu94Jacco: i know, but i remember dist-upgrade doing it instead ?14:56
Sidewinder1plandoll12, He means sudo apt-get update      I think.14:56
Jaccosattu yes it will after you edited your sources.list14:56
KNUBBIGIs there a way to tell my natty to use PPA packages which are designed for e.g. maverick?14:56
plandoll12Jacco: It seemed to work ok14:57
Jaccosattu94: but do-release-upgrade is better14:57
Jaccoplandoll12: thats odd14:57
plandoll12Jacco: and now software center works14:57
sattu94Jacco: fine, i am already using that.14:57
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plandoll12Jacco: should've thought of that before going on chat... anyway thanks!14:57
Jaccoplandoll12: I would try to find error messages somewhere... /var/log directory or terminal outputs?14:57
robin0800KNUBBIG, change natty to maverick in the sorces list14:57
pfifoscarleo, ohh, i was just testing a bit more and found that I can use the 10.04 mini.iso with either wget or dd... it seems both wget and dd work fine for the 11.04 image here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso14:58
KNUBBIGrobin0800: where are the sources.list for PPAs?14:58
judJacco:  sorry mate..the list size has been reduced. what it did was put it into alphabetical order and reduce the size but there are still quite a few repeats in there. any ideas?14:58
deploymentI need help and I need a postfix hero !14:58
robin0800KNUBBIG, have you already installed them?14:58
Jaccojud the -u option sorts and keeps uniques only if thats what you want?14:58
Jaccodeployment:  ask .. :)14:59
KNUBBIGrobin0800: I only did add-apt-repository14:59
deploymentJacco: I'm trying to get a simple smtp service running to send alerts.14:59
Jaccojud the -n option sorts on numbers .. etc etc. See 'man sort'14:59
deploymentJacco: but when i telnet send i get access denied, not a relay15:00
Jaccotelnet from where?15:00
deploymentJacco: If I use php -a then i can send emails to gmail.com15:00
deploymentJacco: from localhost (same box)15:00
judJacco: that's what i thought but sort -u fu>fu2 didn't remove all duplicates...I'll look cheers15:00
Jaccodeployment: so if you telnet you directly get that message?15:01
robin0800KNUBBIG, in sofware centre select software sources in the menu look under the other software tab15:01
Jaccojud i cant judge until i see what the file is made of :) sorry15:01
deploymentJacco: Yep15:01
Jaccodeployment: netstat -nlp shows its listening?15:01
Jaccoif so .. on what IP?15:02
KNUBBIGrobin0800: ty very much15:02
deploymentJacco: yeh15:03
Jaccodeployment:  whats the mynetworks  option set to in /etc/postfix/main.cf?15:03
scarleopfifo, hmmm, this is just so strange15:04
deploymentJacco: ALSO: in testing i added a line mynetworks_style=subnet15:04
Jaccodeployment: if postfix listens on the correct IP adresses it should give you output no matter what when you use telnet.. you always should get the ehlo part15:05
Jaccor u using iptables?15:05
deploymentJacco: yeh i do, sorry after that i put in from then to15:05
pfifoscarleo, anyluck?15:05
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Jaccoa ok15:05
deploymentJacco: at to it says access denied relay..15:05
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Jaccodeployment: so you get in to postfix itself.. ok fine.. lets see. Just to be sure.. is localhost still resolved properly? ;)15:06
scarleopfifo, not yet, will try to dd the last iso you gave a link to15:06
deploymentJacco: yeh15:06
scarleopfifo, sorry, had to do some other stuff in between :)15:07
sgerbinodoes anyone know enough about ubunt font family license to know if I could include the font in a GPL project?15:07
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Konzahi all, i can send mail to gmail from my server. but i am unable to send mail to my company.com. the logs are showing sender address rejected: Domain name not found. What can be the problem15:07
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dirtydevilI have upgraded from ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, all my menu bar and other bars disappeared suddenly, can anybody help?15:08
scarleopfifo, what filesystem would be best to use? ext or FAT?15:08
deploymentJacco: teamviewer !15:08
Jaccodeployment: honestly i would fix it in 10 seconds but postfix can be configure in so many ways.. is dpkg-reconfigure postfix an option for you? just to get a basic working relay?15:08
pfifoscarleo, it may be getting to the point where simply installing grub2 on the usb will be quicker15:08
scarleopfifo, for the usb I mean15:09
Jaccoi cant teamview now.. im at work .. i shouldnt be chatting really :P15:09
scarleopfifo, ok, how would I do that?15:09
pfifoscarleo, for dd the filesystem type will be iso9660 ;)15:09
sgerbinodirtydevil: that's not very specific, have you tried logging in to Ubuntu Classic?15:09
scarleopfifo, ok, so it doesn't matter then15:09
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deploymentJacco: i've looked at the configure thing and i still can't get it working.15:10
pfifoscarleo, installing grub2 on the usb is easy and its what the startup disk creator does15:10
pfifoscarleo, right, dd takes care of everything just make sure to get the 11.04 image15:10
deploymentJacco: I would give you rdp if you could help. it's in a testlab so i'm sfe15:10
dirtydevilsgerbino: no let me try15:10
new2netwhat in the ???  sudo stop ssh  ... service ssh stop  ... sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop  ....  ....  apt-get install ssh    decided to launch ssh instantly.  do I have to kill the sshd to stop it or what?15:11
martianIs there a built-in tool for easily setting up passwordless ssh now? I know how to do it the manual way, but I thought I remember seeing a little utility in use at some point somewhere.15:11
ikoniamartian: no it has to be done manually, but it's just modifying one config file and putting your keys in place15:12
sgerbinodirtydevil: the new default Ubiquity interface requires 3d acceleration, so if that isn't working you will have troubles and must use Ubuntu Classic permanently or just to enable 3d acceleration -- anyhow that's my first guess :]15:12
deploymentJacco: RDP fix me?15:12
martianikonia: okies. I just thought I recalled seeing some sort of "passwordlessmenao some.server.addy" kinda thing :)15:12
Jaccocheck your pm deployment15:13
martianSecond question, is there a way to get the gnome window list applet to show only the windows on the monitor on which it resides? I have two monitors, and would like to have a panel on each with their own window list applet showing only the windows on that screen.15:14
edbianmartian: I believe the only options are 'windows on this desktop' or 'all windows'  Maybe you can make each desktop span only one monitor?  (not sure gnome can do that)15:15
scarleopfifo, so I just use the startup disk creator then? Or some manual way?15:15
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khamerWhat's the name of the app that draws/manages the gnome desktop itself (equivalent to xfdesktop?); somehow it's trying to take over and replace xfdesktop in my xubuntu installation15:16
martianedbian: I believe that if I were to do that, then it would become less trivial to move windows from one screen to the other. I know tint2 does this, but I thought I would see if there was some known trick to getting native gnome stuff to do it too15:16
scarleopfifo, to install grub2 I mean15:16
SystemDefault0khamer: Do you mean GDM?15:16
llutzkhamer: metacity or compiz are the windowmanagers used with gnome15:16
dirtydevilsgerbino: ya it worked actually i disabled 3d acceleration by mistake and i didn't knew about this fact15:16
edbianmartian: Not that I am aware of (native gnome stuff) but possibly.15:16
dirtydevilthanks for help15:16
sgerbinodirtydevil: glad to help :)15:17
khamerSystemDefault0: I don't think so, doesn't GDM manage logins/login sessions?15:17
edbiankhamer: nautilus draws the background and icons on the desktop15:17
pfifoscarleo, to install grub2 on a usb takes several steps, first youll need to partition it, im sure the last few things we did ruined the partition table, I use just one large partition.15:17
edbiankhamer: GDM manages logins15:17
pfifoscarleo, mark the partition bootable and type 83 or linux ext215:17
khamerllutz: thanks but not the WM, edbian got it15:19
edbiankhamer: I win!15:19
khameredbian: yep, its nautilus, something is trying to keep it running too....15:19
llutzkhamer: :(15:19
SystemDefault0khamer: G.D.M Gnome Desktop manager.15:19
SystemDefault0khamer: Display*15:19
scarleopfifo, ok, done15:19
edbiankhamer: Did you log in using gdm?  What session did you choose?15:19
khamerSystemDefault0: yeah, I meant the literal 'this is where the icons are' desktop, thanks though15:20
khameredbian: I'll double check, I thought XFCE...15:20
pfifoscarleo, now format it ext2 'mke2fs /dev/sdb' replace b with your drive15:20
new2netcan someone translate this into english:  "sshd re-exec requires execution with an absolute path"15:20
khameredbian: nautilus really wants to stay running though and I really don't want it to15:20
khameredbian: brb15:20
pfifoscarleo, sorry /dev/sdb115:20
edbiankhamer: XFCE does not have 'display manager' as far as I know.  You actually use GDM or something to start it.  (to log into it)15:20
FusionXI was wondering, I'm gonna re-format my computer in this order. Windows 7 with Daz Boot Loader and then Ubuntu with Grub. Will Grub mess up dazz boot loader?15:20
edbianFusionX: grub will overwrite it.15:21
edbianFusionX: so... yes.15:21
SystemDefault0edbian: Is it XServer?15:21
edbianSystemDefault0: Is what XServer ?15:21
FusionXBut doesn't it keep Windows Boot loader, edbian?15:21
scarleopfifo, I'll be right back, just a sec, need to reboot real quick15:21
nbprashanthHi. Can someone help me with packaging?15:22
pfifoscarleo, np15:22
engrxyzhi is there any way i can upgrade python on ubuntu from some version to another version?15:22
edbianFusionX: There is a portion on the disk called the Master Boot Record "MBR"  It has room for 1 boot loader (in fact it's not even big enough for those these days).  Any bootloader that gets installed will completely clobber any other bootloader that was in that spot.  There is only room for 1 at a time.15:22
khameredbian: somehow nautilus was saved to my session I think, and getting autostarted15:23
khameredbian: now that I killed the heck out of it and logged out/in, it's no longer saved into the session15:24
edbiankhamer: Yeah.  sounds like that's the case15:24
SystemDefault0edbian: The KDE display manager.15:24
edbiankhamer: It was remembering what was run last session and auto-starting it?15:24
nbprashanthCan anyone help me with packaging a library?15:24
edbianSystemDefault0: what about it?15:24
SystemDefault0edbian: Oh, forget it. I'm a little busy.15:25
edbianSystemDefault0: ok?15:25
scarleopfifo, ok back. Formated with ext215:25
SystemDefault0edbian: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/37/winvolks2.jpg/ I made it in GIMP 2.615:25
khameredbian: believe so, I had other things intentionally saved into the session (pidgin, opera) and I bet I accidentally saved nautilus (I was using it as a file explorer since it has SVN integration and thunar doesn't yet for a while)15:26
edbianSystemDefault0: looking15:26
pfifoscarleo, ok, now mount ot somewhere ie 'mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt'15:26
khameredbian: thanks!15:26
edbianSystemDefault0: ha, clever15:26
edbiankhamer: sure! :D15:26
scarleopfifo, done15:26
pfifoscarleo, to install grub2 run `grub-install --no-floppy --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sdb` it shouldn't give any errors15:27
FusionXedbian: But Grub actually has an option for Windows Boot Loader during a dual-boot. Doesn't it. Does Grub specially support Windows boot loader?15:27
scarleopfifo, do you mean sdb1?15:28
edbianFusionX: Here are some more details.  A typical modern bootloader does not fit into the MBR.  Some of it goes into the MBR, some of it goes onto the disc (grub goes into the MBR and /boot/grub)15:28
SystemDefault0Well, gotta go. Bye!15:29
pfifoscarleo, no in this case the root of the drive is where you want to install grub (the MBR)15:29
edbianFusionX: By the way you worded it, I am assuming that grub's option for 'windows bootloader'  either 1) leaves the MBR untouched, does NOT install grub at all or 2) puts grub in the MBR and points one of the menu items at the windows bootloader portion that is on the disc.15:29
edbianFusionX: What questions do you have?  (I'm sure I'm confusing!)15:29
scarleopfifo, "error: embedding is not possible, but this is required for cross-disk install"15:29
edbianFusionX: You can boot windows using grub in the MBR15:30
pfifoscarleo, did you run that as root?15:30
e5ysr6tu[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   e5ysr6tu ivan_ bil21al excedere jono gljohn MikeMao adac gony-ubuntu metatagg Yuzuchan Gskelling Afteraffekt mounir daws rcmaehl k^^ quake_guy mgalvin marcuy s15:31
scarleopfifo, yes15:31
pfifoscarleo, and the drive was mounted?15:31
excedereHaving a problem with XFCE in 11.04, its not loading and title bars15:31
=== rhyme is now known as Guest88701
excedereand I just noticed I now only have 1 workspace15:32
scarleopfifo, yes it was15:32
bil21alcan any one help me how can i re active apport service again in my laptop???15:32
scarleopfifo, I'll start over and try it again15:32
scarleopfifo, thanks for your patience by the way :) Appreciate it15:33
dfhdgy[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   dfhdgy Guest88701 mluser-home katkee Krishnandu e5ysr6tu bil21al excedere jono gljohn MikeMao adac gony-ubuntu Yuzuchan Gskelling Afteraffekt mounir daws rcmaehl 15:33
dfhdgy[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   mterry szal codeshah martian ivanblago dgags Calinou n2diy Konza scampbell izinucs new2net CMoH-office sgerbino camilleqco macUzer padi999 Known_problems IdleOne 15:33
dfhdgy[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   RobinJ bayer juank_prada Galaxor pratz_ hawkr Guest65772 LekeFly arand hudnix SoulRaven ticaozinho din krux _pedda_ megh PageDown kubanc zwick cyphase lobolars Xa15:33
dfhdgy[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   thomi KillaloT smethia Afrix boolean joe_9 CoilDomain awe_ NaFiann wirabumi fuzyll Timic sandertje gridaphobe v4nell shriekout DriesVD i_is_broke akerl sirellyn__15:33
Calinoui don't even know what's sasl15:33
=== Lee_ is now known as Leei
tic^thast spam, ignore it15:34
akerlNo kidding :p15:34
new2netno... that can't be spam, it seems so legit to me15:34
scarleopfifo, same thing but now it also said: warn: Your embedding area is unusually small.  core.img won't fit in it.. It's 16GB15:35
KNUBBIGI wonder if I should take a look at oneiric :?15:35
GskellingI have a startup command that isn't working15:35
scarleopfifo, nothing gets written to the usb15:35
Gskellingsynclient TapButton2=2 and synclient TapButton3=315:35
pfifoscarleo, after a google search it appears the current ubuntu ships with a gborken grub2 package15:36
pfifoscarleo, im getting that same error15:36
excedereWhat would cause XFCE to suddenly only have 1 workspace and no titlebars on any applications?15:36
scarleopfifo, hmmm thats not good15:37
scarleopfifo, Ha! I got the mini.iso running now!15:38
mibbitHey, random question. Is there any way to recover deleted files from Windows recycling bin via Ubuntu?15:38
scarleopfifo, how do I install a new grub from it?15:38
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:38
bil21alhow can i open apport ??????15:39
pfifoscarleo, the broken grub2 explains why the image wouldnt work to begin with.15:39
pfifoscarleo, follow the normal install to setup network and get to the point where your partitioning your drives, then ctrl-alt-f2 to a terminal and follow normal method for fixing grub15:40
e547[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   e547 irc-neo freedomrun sllide mibbit metatagg pratz gepatino kermit edhjrw phrostbite icomera dfhdgy mluser-home katkee Krishnandu e5ysr6tu bil21al jono gljohn Mi15:40
scarleopfifo, ok15:40
KNUBBIGhehe let's see what google finds for sasl :D15:41
MonkeyDustmethinks e547 can be ignored15:41
KNUBBIGwell SASL really exists, that somewhat surprises me ^^15:41
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.15:42
RA_drchi,  how can i set up my ubuntu box so that other machines on my network can ssh to it?15:45
frater_sxhello everyone15:45
frater_sxis there a way to uninstall OR disable the gnome monitor configuration preferences, i.e. forcing the window manager to use xorg.conf.d AND/OR xorg.conf ?15:45
edbianRA_drc: install openssh-server15:45
ikoniaRA_drc: just install the pacakge openssh-server15:45
ikoniafrater_sx: if you put an xorg.conf in place, it will use it15:45
frater_sxikonia, should it be put in /etc/xorg.conf ?15:45
antoiner_roquentHi all, I am wondering about what web browsers people use with the new 11.04 Natty Narwhal release.15:45
ikoniafrater_sx: /etc/X11/xorg.cofn15:46
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:46
edbianantoiner_roquent: firefox415:46
frater_sxikonia, thanks. what about a 10-monitor.conf section in xorg.conf.d ?15:46
antoiner_roquentI have been using Firefox with my netbook (which has limited power, I'll admit) and it just seems to be very slow sometimes.15:46
royale1223Why cant my ntfs partiion cannot use trashcan feature?15:47
ikoniafrater_sx: what about it ?15:47
edbianantoiner_roquent: firefox 3.6 or firefox4 ?15:47
pfifoscarleo, I found a fix for the grub2 install problem, simply make the partition start on block #1 instead of block 1 and grub wont comaplain15:47
antoiner_roquentChecking that out now edbian.15:47
edbianantoiner_roquent: sure15:47
pfifoscarleo, er block 2 instead of block 1 lol15:48
frater_sxikonia, the point is that I have configured a xorg.conf and a 10-monitor.conf (presumably correctly since there's no error in the shell) but it still pretends to use that monitor preferences configuration (in ub 10.04 LTS)15:48
scarleopfifo, hmmm ok, how do I do that?15:48
bil21ale547:  i have joined that channel but  they said  jaoin ubuntu channel  they couldnt tell me15:48
bil21ale547 now what to do??15:48
pfifoscarleo, in fdisk it asks you when creating a partition15:49
antoiner_roquentedbian: It is the newest version, 4.015:49
frater_sxikonia, so I'd like to override that Monitor Preferences thing, since it's making X ignore my manual configuration15:49
edbianantoiner_roquent: Then I think you just have a slow processor.  Try chrome.15:50
antoiner_roquentThat's what I was thinking also.15:50
scarleopfifo, ok, thanks15:50
antoiner_roquentI am really surprised at how much Ubuntu allows my system to handle in the way of multi tasking as opposed to Windows XP, which was what I had loaded on this netbook previously.15:51
ikoniafrater_sx: hard code it in your xorg.conf, or remove the udev rule15:51
RA_drcedbian: ikonia: from my other machines, what would i ssh to?  i.e. how do i figure out the name of the target machine?15:51
edbianRA_drc: The easiest way is to use the local IP address of the server.15:51
antoiner_roquentedbian: have you been using Linux for a long time?15:51
ikoniaRA_drc: you set that when you installed it15:51
pcpowerantoiner_roquent: now just try to get something done without your windows apps, and die in frustration :)15:51
edbianantoiner_roquent: Since October 200715:52
antoiner_roquentHaha, I know this is the problem I've been running into.15:52
edbianpcpower: I have been using only linux for over 2 years now.15:52
engrxyzany chance somebody can give me a hint on how to fix this ...   python-application: Depends: python (>= 2.6.6-7~) but 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 is to be installed15:52
ZingerHEllo, Please me tune video mode in my Samsung RC710 laptop. I cann't plug on Visual Effect15:52
royale1223Why cant my ntfs partiion cannot use trashcan feature?15:52
antoiner_roquentI am still not very clear on packages and all that - although I did successfully use the console to install a google voice package yesterday.15:52
edbianHow can I find an op in this channel?15:52
frater_sxikonia, I'll look in /etc/udev/rules.d thanks15:53
ikoniaedbian: you have, or ask in #ubuntu-ops15:53
ikoniaroyale1223: possibly due to the fact that your ntfs partition will be mounted in userspace using fuse15:53
edbianikonia: thanks15:53
RA_drcedbian: how would i find out the local ip address of the server?15:53
savidHas anyone had issues when installing Gnome3 on 11.04?   I want to try it out, but I don't want to break the default Unity setup either (ie, I want to be able to revert if needed).15:53
royale1223ikonia: how do ifix it?15:53
royale1223ikonia: how do i fix it?15:53
edbianantoiner_roquent: Take a look at synaptic.  Helped me understand packages in the beginning15:53
ikoniaroyale1223: I don' think you can, I think it's a limitation15:53
RA_drcikonia: i wasn't the one who installed it, unfortunately15:53
ikoniaRA_drc: then ask the person who did15:54
edbianRA_drc: on the server.  Run ip addr   It is listed under inet15:54
royale1223ikonia: thanks buddy.15:54
ZingerHave you same problem with video mode  in Ubuntu please help me. The mode doesn't work on laptop15:54
antoiner_roquentYeah, I've been looking at that a bit.15:54
antoiner_roquentWhat is the command in the console to look at my TCP/IP settings like you can do in MSDOS with ipconfig commands?15:55
llutzantoiner_roquent: ifconfig, ip15:55
pcpowerMSDOS doesn't have ipconfig, and ifconfig/ip do not show anything related to TCP15:55
rahadianhi all15:55
KNUBBIGpcpower: hahaha :D15:55
antoiner_roquentHaha, ok pcpower15:55
llutzpcpower: those are 2 different commands15:56
Zingerantoiner_roquent: ifconfig -a15:56
rahadian* Now talking on #ubuntu15:56
rahadian* Topic for #ubuntu is: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ15:56
rahadian* Topic for #ubuntu set by Pici!~Pici@ubuntu/member/pdpc.professional.pici at Sun Dec 12 04:23:50 201015:56
rahadian-ChanServ- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic. This channel is logged. Use of this channel implies acceptance of terms at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/TermsOfService15:56
FloodBot1rahadian: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
The_Pugilisthello all again, i have a noob question... id like to re-arrange some of my launcher icons but i cant seem to move them... how do i 'unlock' these items?15:56
savidWhen I get an IM notification, I don't hear the notification sound until I click on the blue mail icon in the upper left.  Is that a bug?   Seems kinda dumb...15:56
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: drop them out of the launcher and then reaarange them15:56
antoiner_roquentHaha, The_Pugilist I like your name.15:56
RA_drcikonia: the person who installed it doesn't know15:57
The_Pugilistty antoiner_roquent  :P15:57
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: I meant drag them out*15:57
sdkrq[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   sdkrq rtutyu e0aj2 scarleo torsthaldo whooaaa Sidewinder1 rahadian savid MaRk-I roknir nicoAMG mirsal Zinger dtigue kokonoula Daxwax juank_prada ericm|ubuntu Richar15:57
sdkrq[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   k^^ quake_guy mgalvin alex__c2022 sebrock Tharlinn_ CurtisElgin FiReSTaRT Scunizi Frozenball Apple_Cat BlankVerse totem thoughtso janrobert antonpiatek Thalius PEBM15:57
sdkrq[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   Mikike SA-Geoff jsurfer SimonP86 unop PMello Logan_ GeorgS a111 vox trigrou nha Stiletto Kartagis Sansui350A_ Brandonian _alazar Giggaflop Evil_DuDe sbarcteam kiamo15:57
sdkrq[** | NOTICE | **]  ON JULY 1ST YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE, UNLESS YOU ARE USING SASL! IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SETUP SASL ON YOUR ACCOUNT, PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE NOW AND ASK ONE OF OUR STAFFERS HOW TO DO IT OR MESSAGE LoRez WITH ANY QUESTIONS/CONCERNS. THANKYOU!  [** | NOTICE | **]   feyd Granis ejv SkiDawg TiCPU biella kostajh german__ drubies tjiggi_fo zkriesse Destine iceflatline gclement fluvvell AaronMT jamur2 thomi KillaloT smethia Afrix b15:57
The_Pugilisti used to be able to drag them KNUBBIG but now i cant seem to do that15:57
ubottuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.15:57
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: did you drag them to the side, out of the launcher bar? If yes I'm sorry I can't help you15:57
LjLwhat the, why can't i mute15:58
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, DON'T click on suspicious links, and type « /msg ubottu exploit » if you want more information.15:58
LjLrahadian: please don't do that15:58
LjL[16:58:59] <The_Pugilist> ah, i am getting my terms confused KNUBBIG - i mean the 'task bar' on the top of the window15:59
LjL[16:59:29] <ninjai> can putty not use regular private key files?15:59
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: sorry, I misunderstood you, then. Which task bar and which launcher icons do you mean?16:00
KNUBBIGthanks LjL, btw16:00
loganadenanybody working at canonical here ?16:00
* pfifo cheers for LjL16:01
ikonialoganaden: why ?16:01
frater_sxis it possible to configure ub 10.04 with oldschool dual head setup, i.e. two instances of X, one per screen?16:01
KNUBBIGfrater_sx: yes16:01
GaragothAny ubuntu-on-omap wise person here?16:02
coz_frater_sx,   w hich video card do you have?16:02
* Sidewinder1 Wondering if LjL broke his ankle. :-)16:02
LjLAttention please - if you think your messages didn't go through during the past few minutes, please try again now16:02
frater_sxI have an integrated INTEL card16:02
The_PugilistKNUBBIG, i am referring to the bar that goes across the top which contains the date/time/ context menus for programs16:02
rahadiansorry :(16:02
frater_sxLVDS and VGA16:02
LjLrahadian: no problem16:02
exchgrwell that was cool16:02
frater_sxI am trying to do this but no success16:03
MaximumResultsCan someone help me with sound issues today?16:03
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: ah okay, one moment16:03
jonnyroI want to modify an X11 icon theme. Are there tools available for ubuntu to do this?16:03
coz_frater_sx,  ah ok,, I kn ow too little about intel video the be of much help,, but i see no reason you cant set up separate xscreens for that16:03
coz_jonnyro,  well,  most of the icons are either .png  or .svg   gimp = png   inkscape = svg16:03
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: try http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/how-to-change-application-indicators.html16:03
MaximumResultsHardware - Dell Inspiron 1150 , Intel 82801DB-ICH4 is the Sound Card listed in the mixer.16:04
jonnyrocoz_: I keep finding Xcur files16:04
The_PugilistKNUBBIG, that looks like exactly what i am trying to do, tyvm16:04
coz_jonnyro,   under /usr/share/icons16:04
jonnyrocoz_: if you can point me to a cursor theme that uses png that would be awesome, then i could just change the one i want16:05
KNUBBIGThe_Pugilist: you're welcome :)16:05
coz_jonnyro,  which theme are you using now?16:05
jonnyrocoz_: ah, sorry, my original question was unspecific16:05
jonnyrocoz_: I want to change an X11 cursor theme16:05
* antoiner_roquent is testing out IRC commands16:05
rahadianBTW, share about linux 3.0 please! :)16:05
jonnyrocoz_: I want to change the mouse pointer to something else16:05
antoiner_roquentDoes the /whois thing work on here?16:05
coz_jonnyro,  ok what is the name of the cursor theme you are using now?16:06
MaximumResultsXubuntu 11.04 here (natty) Whenever I change the master volume, there's a popup in the upper right corner showing my volume setting, but there's a big red X next to the speaker icon.   No sound no matter what I do.16:06
coz_jonnyro,   system/preferences/appearance16:06
jonnyrocoz_: redglass16:06
jonnyrocoz_: I have a png image I would like to use as the mouse pointer16:06
Sandeep_Kr_FOSSCan anyone tell me is there any tool to.download the photo albums from facebook.16:06
MaximumResultsI've removed and reinstalled linux-sound-base, alsa-base and alsa-utils,  but still no sound16:06
jonnyrocoz_: in system/preferences/appearance i am using  a custom theme16:07
coz_jonnyro,  ok hold on let me find this16:07
riktkingMaximumResults: have you check the mute button isnt pressed?16:07
antoiner_roquentMaximumResults: have you looked at the PulseAudio settings?16:07
MaximumResultsNo mute button, it's not pressed.16:07
DriesVDjust use a web crawler in a controller manner16:07
MaximumResultsWhich pulseAudio settings?16:07
riktkingMaximumResults: cany help you further16:07
antoiner_roquentYou said you're running 11.04 right?16:08
riktkingrele sorry16:08
MaximumResultsantoiner, yes, 11.04 here.16:08
antoiner_roquentHold on a minute.16:08
MaximumResultsThe other PulseAudio settings in the mixer all look good.  Well, actually, everything in the mixer looks a bit grayer than normal.16:08
aoanyone help ever load a usb wireless card on ubuntu 8.10? pls help me thanx16:09
Logan_!8.10 | ao16:09
ubottuao: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:09
osmosis_paul guys i'm getting nuts!, i installed php5, php5-curl and php5-gold, but i'm still dont have the php script in my /usr/bin/php any idea what more package i need???16:09
Logan_!pm | ao16:09
ubottuao: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.16:09
ZingerAre anybody? Need help for tune NVIDIA driver for Samsung RC710 laptop16:10
llutzosmosis_paul: you want php5-cli16:10
coz_jonnyro,  ok red glass is located in /usr/share/icons/redglass , however,, they are listed as png or svg... you would have to , in terminal,,, gksudo nautilus,, maneauver to that location,, most likely  have to copy those to the desktop  rename them to either .png  or .svg,. then edit  and remove the .png  ...let me try here hold on16:10
KNUBBIGany idea why cp -rv would return false but no error message?16:10
MaximumResultsosmosis_paul, which php script do you need.   Yes, you probably need php5-cli16:10
roknirso, with 11.04 and unity, is it possible to open multiple instances of the same app?  (i can't seem to open two instances of gnome terminal).  =\16:10
MaximumResultsphp5-cli  is the "command line interface"16:10
osmosis_paulllutz, thanks man!16:11
ZingerFissual Effect doesn't work second monitor doesn;t work also16:11
coz_jonnyro,   ok that is not working hold on16:11
MaximumResultsOn my sound issue, it's almost like a driver isn't happy or a kernel mod isn't loaded.  Are there any sound specific logs to check for error messages and other driver pukage?16:12
whooaaaAnyone here know a bit about getting a system76 machine?16:12
IPNixonprobably a dumb question: how do i make grub so it doesn't prompt for an option on an unsuccessful shutdown?16:12
IPNixonor add a timeout counter to the menu16:13
antoiner_roquentMaximumResults: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol pavumeter16:13
KNUBBIGanyone got an idea why 'cp -rv ~ .' would return false but no error message?16:13
antoiner_roquentThat helped me figure out my problem with my microphone.16:13
KNUBBIGIPNixon: a timeout after which it automagically starts the selected entry, you mean? It should already have that by default16:13
MaximumResultsantoiner,  I'll try that.16:13
antoiner_roquentAlso there's a setting under "sounds" in the system where you can select Analog Audio stuff16:14
IPNixonKNUBBIG, mine doesn't, it just hangs on the menu...i'm running server 9.1016:14
antoiner_roquentAnd you may need to set it to "duplex" mode instead of singular analog or whatever it says.16:14
MaximumResultsJust noticed that on May 24, I got an update on "pulseaudio-esound-compat" package16:14
KNUBBIGIPNixon: so you're probably on 'old' GRUB, not GRUB2, right?16:14
KNUBBIG!grub2 > IPNixon16:14
ubottuIPNixon, please see my private message16:14
MaximumResultsNot sure if that's when my sound issue started. That's possible.16:14
IPNixonKNUBBIG, i would think so16:15
antoiner_roquentIt could be. Someone said that PulseAudio is meant for higher end sound cards so perhaps if you're running something different it is complicating things?16:15
ubottugrub 1 is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub for Karmic onwards16:15
IPNixonoops sorry!!!!16:15
IPNixonmeant to send that to myself16:15
KNUBBIGIPNixon: I'm not entirely sure as some time has passed since I used it but you might have to use /etc/grub/menu.lst of /etc/grub/grub.cfg16:15
KNUBBIGIPNixon: but I might also be wrong16:15
baconlynxI'm trying to find a blackjack game for natty - it disappeared since 10.04 - is there an altnernative? i cant find any16:16
IPNixonKNUBBIG, neither of those flies exist for me :\16:16
MaximumResultsIPNixon, most likely you had grub in the MBR and installing windows wiped it clean with a new MBR.16:16
IPNixonMaximumResults, i don't have windows on the machine at all16:16
MarKsaitisis there a way to turn off this anoying idle gui autolock?16:16
KNUBBIGI'll brb, sorry16:16
MaximumResultsOh,  Sorry, I was responding to the obottu reply to your message16:17
IPNixonoh ahah16:17
totemAlanBell: i love your screencasts16:17
antoiner_roquentMaximumResults: System Settings > Hardware > Sounds > Go to the "Hardware" tab and select where it says "Configure Internal Audio"16:17
jayer89i kno you your from the puppy linux irc16:17
IPNixoni have a machine dedicated to playing music for my pbx's music on hold input...if the power goes out or anything and it starts back up, it just hangs at the grub menu16:18
AlanBelltotem: not, me, probably you mean popey16:18
antoiner_roquentThere is the option for Analog Stereo Duplex16:18
antoiner_roquentHope that helps.16:18
MaximumResultsOK. Back to my sound issues.  I installed the pavucontroll and pavumeter packages.16:19
MaximumResultsNow I have an icon on my top panel16:19
genii-aroundtuhina: sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-session_3.0.2-0ubuntu3~natty1_all.deb16:19
LajnoldKNUBBIG: Sure that it returns false? With program return values, it's generally the case that true == 0, false == 1.16:19
RA_drcedbian: thanks for your help, i ended up using ifconfig to get my ip address16:19
* edbian feels popular16:19
edbianRA_drc: sure!16:19
MaximumResultsAnd I can go to the pulse audio manager.  On "Devices" tab, I have one "Sink" for my internal audio and two "sources"16:20
ArduinologistWhen I create a folder aws a user in ubuntu it does not inherit the permissions of the parent directory, how do I fix this?16:21
MaximumResultsAnd still I have no sound.16:21
foo-nixcan I restart the configuration-wizard apt-get starts for a package?16:21
rinkukokirihaving problems with spammers?16:22
llutzfoo-nix:sudo dpkg-reconfigure "package"16:22
foo-nixllutz, thanx16:23
edbianrinkukokiri: yes.  A lot today.16:23
rinkukokiriwas wondering why they routed me to ubuntu-unregged, considering I'm regged.16:23
rinkukokiriguess that explains it16:23
Sidewinder1rinkukokiri, Me too; I was wondering why; thanx.16:25
tuhinagenni-around : thank you so much, some things did happen however it still syas problems encountered while processing gnome-session16:25
k4r1mthis is weird I have been using natty for a few days turned it on this morning and all I did was play with the keyboard layouts via preferences and now I can't get it to boot.. I get past grub but then it just shows me the blinking underscore and thats it.. halp?16:25
ShikhinWell, I uninstalled the Ubuntu network manager, since it was interfering with my own set-up. Now, when I type sudo iwconfig wlan0 key s:BLABLAHBLAH it says: Set failed on device wlan0; Invalid argument. What the heck?16:26
MaximumResultsI just discovered none of my users are members of the "audio" "pulse" or pulse-access" groups.16:26
MaximumResultsI guess I need to add them there.16:26
bil21alhey peope can any body tell me how to re open apport in system in my system  it is closed??????????????16:27
scarleopfifo, are you still here?16:27
genii-aroundtuhina: Can you pastebin the output?16:27
MaximumResultsWill I need to reboot? Or logout/login after adding myself to the audio group?16:27
llutzMaximumResults: relogin16:27
tuhinaumm okay16:27
guestbil21al: alt+f2, type "appert"16:27
tuhinathak you again16:27
MaximumResultsOK.   I'll try that.   BRB16:27
guestbil21al: I mean "apport"16:27
bil21alguest : than  which is selected to open it?16:28
scarleopfifo, when I do grub-install in the terminal now I get: "grub-install: not found"  (on the broken machine)16:28
guestbil21al: OK16:29
CraftoAnyone know how to resolve a podcast issue in rhythmbox?  Suddenly can no longer update any feeds... "unable to parse"16:31
guestCrafto: does the feed still exist?16:31
CraftoAll feeds I have saved no longer update16:31
ShikhinWell, I uninstalled the Ubuntu network manager, since it was interfering with my own set-up. Now, when I type sudo iwconfig wlan0 key s:BLABLAHBLAH it says: Set failed on device wlan0; Invalid argument. What the heck? And I use WPA.16:31
pfifoscarleo,  mount you install and chroot into it ;)16:32
guestguest: hmm... best thing to do, propably (hush) reboot!16:32
guestCrafto: these things are so tempremental, it's impossible to sort them out the UNIX way.16:32
pfifoscarleo, pretty much do the same thing the installer does, you should be able to simple 'grub-update' from inside your install16:32
MaximumResultsBack, with very strange results.16:33
MaximumResultsActually, one user on this machine was in the "audio" group.16:33
phong_is SSD faster then SATA?16:33
pfifoscarleo, ohh, your harddrive is probbally eith /dev/sdb or /dev/sde16:33
ActionParsnipphong_: SSD drives connect using the SATA connector16:33
MaximumResultsIf I log in as that user, sound works, and if I "change user" to any other user, sound continues to work.16:34
phong_I have intel 80GB SSD is it faster?16:34
KNUBBIGphong_: SSD and SATA are like horse and engine16:34
KNUBBIGphong_: faster then what?16:34
MaximumResultsBut if I log in with one of the other logins (like the one I usually use) first, sound is not working.16:34
phong_KNUBBIG, so i should not get SSD ?16:34
ActionParsnipphong_: platter based SATA drives are slower then SSD based SATA drives16:34
dr_willisphong_,  would depend on the exact drive if its faster then a given sata hd. I would say its faster.. but   is it worth it.16:34
KNUBBIGphong_: didn't mean that, actually16:34
scarleopfifo, aha, ok. I'll try with sdb or sde instead then16:34
ActionParsnipphong_: which is what I believe you meant16:34
julieKNUBBIG, phong_: KNUBBIG is right about SSD speed16:34
chickadeeGood morning / afternoon / day, everyone! ^_^\/16:35
julieand it is much less reliable16:35
KNUBBIGphong_: you also have to find out whether your machine supports it (a friend of mine got that issue)16:35
phong_so , to conclude, should i buy SSD?16:35
phong_KNUBBIG, it should16:35
ActionParsnipphong_: SSD drives do have limited write cyles so folders like /tmp and your web cache should be put in ram disk or platter based storage to reduce wear16:35
dasherif you don't know what SSD is used for, you shouldn't use it16:35
KNUBBIGphong_: depends on your system and if you need it16:35
dr_willisphong_,  is it worth the speed vs tjhe cost.. vs the small size16:35
phong_dr_willis, money is not an issue16:35
llutzdr_willis: it is :)16:36
dr_willisphong_,  money is always an issue....16:36
dasherSSD has the same write cycles as any other type of flash or solid state service, it has no moving parts16:36
phong_dr_willis, not for me.16:36
juliephong_, the only real big advantage of ssd is it's shock resistant16:36
dr_willisthey got $5000+ Uber fast drive systems.. go get one then16:36
guestphong_: it depends how valuable the speed of ubuntu loading up to you16:36
ActionParsnipphong_: could grab a 10G SSD and use it for / then use a platter based storage for /home and all the cache folders16:36
KNUBBIGdr_willis: <3 ty :D16:36
dasherwrite cycles are controlled by the CPU NOT the harddrive/storage16:36
guestphong_: personally, you'd do better giving it to a charity or something.16:36
phong_ok i'll just buy 30G SSD?16:37
dasherSSD is most often used in embedded systems16:37
dr_willisI couldent handle just a 30gb hd.. :)16:37
juliedasher, flash drives do have a limit in write cycles which is not CPU dependant16:37
dasherlimited by storage16:37
ActionParsnipdr_willis: set it as /, you only need about 5Gb for / ;)16:37
guestphong_: where would you get a 30 gig ssd from ?16:37
dr_willisI definatly needed more then 5gb for / the other day. :)16:38
KNUBBIGdr_willis: I actually manage to do well with 20gb for / on my laptop I'm currently on16:38
dasheri can show you bitmasking on a CPU, and show you it's very CPU dependent16:38
phong_guest from a store16:38
dr_willisbut that was for /tmp and /var/cache taking up a lot of space.16:38
phong_electronic store16:38
guestphong_: do they sell them that small i mean16:38
guestthats smaller than some flash drives16:38
phong_guest, not much , but i do see it16:38
guestphong_: ok16:38
dasherlimited write cycles, lmao16:39
ActionParsnipdr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622659/ ;)16:39
dasheri love how ppl in here pretend they know wtf they're talking about16:39
juliedasher, this is a physical limitation of flash16:39
* guest 16:39
KNUBBIGdasher: yes, the life of an SSD depends on the write cycles16:39
phong_is this good: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=034092416:39
guest[oops ... sorry]16:39
dasherjulie: i use flash, on embedded CPUs, within embedded systems, that is hogwash16:39
Sidewinder1Wow! An entire page that's OT; that's a first. :-)16:40
dasherwhoever told you that doesn't know what they're blabbering about16:40
ActionParsnipdasher: "Solid state drives that use flash memory have a limited number of writes over the life of the drive.[56][57][58][59]SSDs based on DRAM do not have a limited number of writes." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid-state_drive16:40
dasherover the life of the drive!!!16:40
juliedasher, it's even part of their specs16:40
dasherthat's what, 3, 4 years?16:40
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:40
phong_KNUBBIG, check this: http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=033409016:40
juliedasher, it depends on how many times you rewrite the same location16:40
dasherstop being a offtopic nazi, this is a legit conversation relating to ubuntu16:41
dasherjulie: all harddrives have limited write cycles16:41
juliedasher, sorry this is false16:41
KNUBBIGdasher: stop insulting, actually he's right as this doesn't concern ubuntu directly16:41
scarleopfifo, chroot doesnt work, I did found out hdd is /sdc16:41
dasherthat's like saying all satellites have limited use16:41
dasheryeah, no shit, they eventually fall to earth16:41
bazhangdasher, lets stop the chit chat here16:41
pfifoscarleo, what happens when you try to chroot?16:41
ActionParsnipdasher: depends on use, SQL servers on SSD will wear it out faster than standard desktop use16:41
dashergod you people are dumber than a box of bricks16:41
Sidewinder1Here it comes...16:42
julieok can someone kick him please?16:42
MonkeyDustdasher: everybody is dumb, except you, deal with it16:42
ActionParsnipjulie: its been done16:42
scarleopfifo, exec format error16:42
phong_julie, 1 more big smile will u?16:42
pfifobazhang could defeat goku in a battle 1 on 116:42
phong_julie, i see ur happy camper16:42
pfifoscarleo, ohh that a 32 bit live enviroment and your trying to chroot into a 64bit enviroment right?16:43
juliebad idea16:43
scarleopfifo, and I tried setting --boot-directory=/mnt/boot but it says it cant find the path even thoug it is right16:43
scarleopfifo, yep, sad but true16:43
scarleopfifo, wont work, right?16:44
pfifoscarleo, try -root-directory instead16:44
juliescarleo, did you try to mount /lib as a bind16:44
pfifoscarleo, you need a 64bit kernel to run 64bit programs16:45
scarleopfifo, still "can't change root directory..."16:45
julieactually that's a pretty good rule :)16:45
scarleojulie, how do you mean?16:46
pfifoscarleo, can you paste the exact command16:46
scarleopfifo, grub-installer --root-directory=/mnt/boot/ /dev/sdc16:46
Polahscarleo, pfifo: Shouldn't that be grub-install?16:47
juliescarleo, mount -o bind /lib /mnt/mountpoint/lib  ....  but you'll have a lot of problems with executables as well16:47
scarleojulie, ok16:47
pfifoscarleo, grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sdc16:47
scarleopfifo, Polah, there is no grub-install, autocomplete gives grub-installer16:47
scarleopfifo, ah, not /boot?16:48
pfifoscarleo, thats the program from the install cd, youll have to read how it works, or try apt-get install grub216:48
Polahscarleo: My terminal gives me grub-install.  grub-installer: command not found16:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:48
ActionParsnip!find grub-install16:49
ubottuFile grub-install found in debian-installer, grub, grub-coreboot, grub-efi-amd64, grub-efi-ia32, grub-ieee1275, grub-pc, lupin-support, ubiquity16:49
juliethe bot should post a channel message when it's not found16:49
rinkukokiriit notifies you via pm (i think) when infobits aren't found16:49
julieyeah it doeds16:49
scarleopfifo, I think I'll rather try getting the 64-bit version going. This seems lika no good.  What did you say, start partition on block 2 right?16:50
pfifoPolah, k5673 rinkukokiri ActionParsnip- you are all leading him down the wrong path, were are booted in mini.iso 11.04 and about to fix grub16:51
juliewhere is everyone?16:51
pfifoscarleo, yeah16:51
Polahpfifo: I used grub-install from a LiveCD to install GRUB on my current system, not -installer.16:51
pfifoPolah, read the scroll back please16:51
rinkukokiripfifo, i didn't 'lead' anyone down any 'path' as i was simply helping someone find info about grub2, which is where grub-install comes from16:51
`AllegroI need help with making my finder bar transparent.16:52
k5673pfifo:use Super Grub Disk http://www.supergrubdisk.org/16:52
`AllegroBut it won't let me.16:52
`AllegroI do it, and it just doesn't happen.16:52
byomkeshbakshihi I have a SSH public key for git on windows, now I want to use it from my ubuntu OS(which is on a VM), what will I have to do?16:52
Polah`Allegro, Finder bar? We're not an OSX help channel :P What environment are you using? GNOME?16:53
pfifok5673, need boot the iso image somehow right?16:53
`AllegroFinderbar mimic.16:53
`AllegroThere you go ._.16:53
* `Allegro blushes.16:53
FloodBot1`Allegro: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:53
`Allegroo.o Ohkay.16:53
k5673pfifo:Burn it16:53
`AllegroPolah - I'm trying to use the Compiz thing. And it won't let me click, normal AND extra.16:54
`AllegroAt all.16:54
coolpyrofreak`Allegro: I don't think gnome3 lets you make many changes to the top toolbar16:54
coolpyrofreak`Allegro: I'm not even sure compiz works in gnome316:54
`AllegroI'm on gnome2 i think.16:54
`AllegroI'm on 10.1016:54
pfifok5673, that would save alot of headaches. but im not sure thats an option16:54
Polahcoolpyrofreak, `Allegro: GNOME3 doesn't work at all from what I've seen and heard.16:55
`AllegroI don't have GNOME3. ._.16:55
coolpyrofreakPolah: FUD.  Gnome3 does have some rough spots, but it's pretty good.16:55
k5673pfifo: always use the --reduced-headaches option16:55
Polah`Allegro: In GNOME2, right click the panel > Properties > Background > set to transparent. I've no idea what your finderbarmimic thing is16:55
Pumpkin-byomkeshbakshi: stick the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys16:55
julielol @k567316:55
k5673k5673: SuperGrub Disk now restores Grub216:55
KNUBBIGIt works and with themes you can easily adjust the look of it, but that might be ot :)16:55
rinkukokiricoolpyrofreak, it actually broke my system (as the howto warned it would when i installed)16:56
`AllegroHold on.16:56
Polahcoolpyrofreak: When I installed it from a PPA it destroyed Unity and failed, it went to a very basic layout. I had to use ppa-purge to get back to a working environment.16:56
rinkukokiri^^ ++16:56
rinkukokirii had to reinstall16:56
coolpyrofreakPolah: Probably because Ubuntu doesn't like gnome-shell16:56
k5673pfifo: I have it in an PXE environment, just in case. It's better than Aspirines!16:56
wimfeijenset email wim@go2people.nl wimfeijen16:56
KNUBBIGGnome-shell will be default in oneiric afaik16:56
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.16:56
pfifok5673, if he has a cd and a cdrecorder. and the laptop had a cd drive. but He asked me about usb booting, so im guessing a cd isnt an option16:56
`AllegroPolah: http://i.imgur.com/Xy9gh.jpg (that thing at the top).16:57
Polah`Allegro: Are you running Ubuntu at all?16:58
`AllegroUbuntu 10.1016:58
k5673pfifo: sorry16:58
ukr_888I have a gigabit LAN here at home and my ubuntu client + debian server NFS is crawling below 100 mbps; any suggestions?16:58
`AllegroHence bottom right corner with the docky icon.16:58
pfifok5673, at anyrate were putting grub2 on a usb stick and once thats done hell be able to boot any ubuntu iso image he wants16:59
k5673pfifo: Give me a sec.16:59
Polah`Allegro: I've no idea what system you're using for your panels or how to configure it. If it's based on GNOME you can do it like I said above, if not; I can't help you, sorry.16:59
MaimsterHey everyone. Hot enough 4U?17:00
rinkukokiripfifo when you try to boot   are you sent to grub>  ?17:00
pfiforinkukokiri, im helper, scarleo is helpee, his usb disk was sending him to (initramfs)17:01
KNUBBIGPolah: I think he's using a standard 10.10 with the macubuntu (or whatever it's called) customization pack, which uses gnome2 afaik17:01
PolahMaimster: I'd expect a 4U server to have decent cooling.17:01
ukr_888I have a gigabit LAN here at home and my ubuntu client + debian server NFS is crawling below 100 mbps; any suggestions? Switich supports jumbo frames and all Nics are negotiated at 1Gps speeds...17:01
k5673Time to eat! See ya, fellas!17:02
polybius_Jose, who had finished a graveyard shift at the Asarco copper mine, was sleeping when a SWAT team from the Pima County Sheriff's Office laid siege to his home on the morning of May 5. Vanessa was doing laundry, and the couple's four-year-old son Joel was watching "Transformers," when the SWAT raiders pulled up in a Bear Cat armored vehicle.17:02
polybius_The siren sounded for less than ten seconds; just a few seconds later, the order to "breach" the door was given because, as on-scene commander Deputy Bob Krygier later explained, nobody inside the house had "submitted to our authority."17:02
polybius_Vanessa initially thought that there was an emergency "somewhere in the neighborhood," and called the police. When she saw armed intruders on her property, Vanessa screamed for her husband to wake up. Jose told Vanessa to take their younger son (whose older brother, Jose, Jr., was in school) and hide in the closet, while he went to confront the invaders.17:02
polybius_Seconds later, Jose was sprawled face-first in a pool of his own blood, shredded by more than sixty rounds fired by the SWAT team. That's how his four-year-old son would later find him. Joel was left alone after Vanessa, who had gone out to plead for someone to get medical help for her husband, was assaulted and brutalized by the SWAT operators and then detained for questioning. The child remained alone in the house with the body of his dead17:02
pfiforinkukokiri, current grub2 is broken in ubuntu, hence usb disk creator is also broken17:02
MaimsterPolah: Yeah your right.17:02
Sidewinder1!ot > polybius_17:02
ubottupolybius_, please see my private message17:02
julieukr_888, have you isolated the machines in your tests?17:02
=== dab is now known as Guest11315
Polahukr_888: Every part of the connection needs to have gigabit capability. Ethernet ports, switches, router and cable.17:02
ukr_888Its only the server and the client on my network17:03
KNUBBIGPolah: afaik a cable which is for 100MBit also is applicable for 1GBit17:03
julieukr_888, so no other machine, no wireless connection, no other network access at all?17:03
ukr_888Polah: I have Cat 6 cable and I am using IPs instead of DNS names. And no no other machines17:04
julieKNUBBIG, Polah:  actually cat 5 can work for 100mbps but cat 6 is needed for gbps17:04
julieukr_888, did you by any chance try to mount it locally to see if you got similar speeds?17:05
ActionParsnipjulie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_5_cable  you can get 1000BaseTX with Cat617:05
phong_KNUBBIG, i learn that SSD don't consume much power right?17:05
isleshocky77Is there a way of viewing previous copy/pastes in the clipboard in ubuntu 10.10 if you haven't installed anything previously to do exactly that?17:05
KNUBBIGphong_: right17:05
KNUBBIGanyone got an idea why 'cp -rv ~ .' would return false but no error message?17:06
phong_KNUBBIG, cool, cause the regular HD will spin all days and eat up all the juice17:06
coz_isleshocky77,  I think zeitgeist does that but not sure17:06
ukr_888Polah: I did do a localhost mount on the server loopback and it works fast. Running a p4 machine at 3.4 GHz onboard Giagbit lan and 4 Gigs of ram on the server17:06
ActionParsnipisleshocky77: if you have parcelite or similar, yes17:06
julieActionParsnip, I don't get your point17:06
ActionParsnip(17:04:14) julie: KNUBBIG, Polah:  actually cat 5 can work for 100mbps but cat 6 is needed for gbps17:07
julieActionParsnip, that's what I said a minute ago17:07
pcpowercat6 is not necessary in every case17:07
ActionParsnipjulie: you don't NEED cat6 for 1000base-t you can get it with Cat517:07
ukr_888Polah: I guess I can try crossover cable maybe its the switch17:07
julieActionParsnip, I won't start arguing but wouldn't bet on its reliability17:07
Polahukr_888: If it's not a gigabit switch then it'll be slowing down your entire connection.17:07
ActionParsnipjulie: its still possible, there was never any mention of reliability...17:08
isleshocky77coz_: ActionParsnip: Are these something that would've need to be installed already? Or do they come stock? I just copies over something very important I need so I need one back. I know that there is software that will keep a history. But I'm wondering if gnome keeps it somewhere alrewady.17:08
julieActionParsnip, I agree as the protocol can not verify the cable17:08
coz_isleshocky77,  is this 11.04..yes?17:08
llutzukr_888: gigabit-ethernet needs special crossover-wiring17:08
ActionParsnipjulie: that was my point :D17:08
ActionParsnipisleshocky77: yes it needs installing extra17:08
isleshocky77coz_: Ubuntu 10.1017:09
pfifoscarleo, I need a reboot, brb17:09
scarleopfifo, ok17:09
ukr_888It is a gigabit switch... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683315625017:09
julieukr_888, did you benchmark it locally as I mentionned earlier?17:10
ppcI'm trying to figure out how to set up this machine I was wondering if someone could help me, I want to use a USB drive for the boot drive and a sata drive for everything else.  I created a drive using the live usb maker from a ubuntu vm I have but I'm not sure this is what I want.  Can someone point me in the right direction?17:10
julieppc, once your drive is prepared with the installer, just set your PC to boot from USB and try it17:10
KNUBBIGanyone got an idea why 'cp -rv ~ .' would return false but no error message?17:10
ukr_888Polah: what exactly you want me to try again?17:11
ActionParsnipppc: you can install ubuntu to the USB using the usb persistant install, the internal drive will be drastically faster than the USB17:11
ppcjulie: Yeah it boots buyt it's just like a live cd17:11
mjchmm.  for some reason, the cpu hotplug code forgets to online my non-boot cores after waking up from suspend... I can enable them manually via /sys but still17:11
Jordan_Uppc: Just do a normal install install to the USB.17:11
ppcJordan_U: it doesn't show up17:11
coz_isleshocky77,  there is also something named  "diodon"  clipboard manager,, not in the repositories however17:11
ActionParsnipppc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:11
Jordan_Uppc: What doesn't show up where?17:11
julieppc, if it boots, then just run the installation process17:11
ppcActionParsnip: yeah I was reading that17:11
coz_isleshocky77,    https://launchpad.net/~diodon-team/+archive/stable17:12
ActionParsnipppc: I believe the install can now go from the CD onto USB, not tried it though17:12
quesoWhen I do a dpkg -l package* the full package name isn't displayed in the results, it's cut off by the width of the column that lists the names.  Is there a way to see the full names?17:12
ppcWhen the USB drive boots, its just like a livecd and it wants a drive to install, I want to install to the USB drive I just booted from though17:12
coolpyrofreakppc: just make sure that /etc/fstab is configured to mount /boot from your usb drive17:12
coolpyrofreakppc: Can't do that17:12
isleshocky77coz_: Once again though, this would've had to be already on the machine. Correct?17:12
ppcYeah, I wouldn't think you could17:12
brown_fernKNUBBIG: In addition to asking here I'd also try #bash .17:12
coolpyrofreakppc: You can't install an OS to a drive that's running a different OS17:13
ppcYeah I figured17:13
KNUBBIGbrown_fern: thanks, I'll try17:13
coz_isleshocky77,  well that PPA  is for installing that particular application... off hand I cant think of something already onboard for this but let me check17:13
Jordan_Uppc: coolpyrofreak: If you pass the "toram" kernel parameter then you can install to the drive you booted from.17:13
coolpyrofreakppc: So you could do it if you booted from a CD or a different USB drive17:13
juliebut ppc, you already have a running system with that livecd, what do you want to install on it?17:13
KNUBBIGqueso: try dpkg -l | grep package17:13
ppccoolpyrofreak: well I have a ubuntu vm17:14
isleshocky77coz_: Yeah. I need something that I just copied over. So it would be one copy into the history of the clipboard. I'm thinking it should still be in gnomes memory or something somewhere.17:14
ukr_888OK so I just replaced the cables that I bought on newegg with the ones I made and restarted the interfaces I am now getting about the same speed17:14
julieukr_888, did you try it locally?17:15
=== elphel__ is now known as sebastian___
coolpyrofreakppc: What VM program are you using?17:15
ukr_888Yes I did, its the same17:15
ppcVmware fusion, os x17:15
julieukr_888, if you don't get faster speeds locally, then don't waste your time looking at the network setup17:15
julieukr_888, it's a disk access limitation at this point17:16
coz_isleshocky77,  yeah I think something might have to be installed glipper  or diodon,, so far i cant find a way to display that history17:16
coolpyrofreakppc: You should be able to download a live cd iso and run it from the VM without burning it to a disk.  Then mount your USB inside the VM and run the install program and specify your USB drive as the destination17:16
isleshocky77coz_: shnikes. That's what I'm afraidof.17:16
quesoKNUBBIG: thanks17:16
coz_isleshocky77,  looking to see if there is a not well know command hold on17:17
coolpyrofreakppc: I mean boot from the iso17:17
ppcWell the whole reason I am doing this is because I have an existing drive but it's got a bunch of data on it and it's ntfs, the only drive I have now is a few usb thumb drives17:17
royale1223ikonia: i fixed it.17:17
isleshocky77coz_: Thanks. I've been searching for 30 mins. Can't find anything.17:17
coz_isleshocky77,   there is also this   http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/clipboard/17:17
isleshocky77I'm just trying to access gnome-clipboard-daemon.17:18
ppcSo I figured it would make sense to install the os to the thumb drive and store all the data on the ntfs partition17:18
ukr_888Well I guess I can try my SAS drives and see how it goes. This isnt a production server yet but I was hoping it'd work right off the bat17:18
ppcOr is there a way to resize the ntfs with gparted or something?17:18
royale1223ppc: ofcourse17:18
dr_willisppc,  you can resize NTFS withj gparted. but i find windows can resize ntfs a lot faster17:18
ppcI dont have a windows install17:18
dr_willisppc,  make backups of stuff befor trying resizweing17:18
ukr_888Im thinking raid 0+117:18
dr_willisData worth keeping is worth backing up..17:19
julieukr_888, 0+1 is a good choice if you have 4 disks or more17:19
dr_willispower failure during resize = very bad.17:19
royale1223dr_willis: i agree17:19
dr_willisGrandson pushing the power button during resize is also very bad.. had that happen last week.17:19
coz_isleshocky77,  nope,, I cant find anything other than parcelite,, diodon,, glipper and that link I gave you17:19
coz_isleshocky77,  sorry guy17:19
royale1223dr_willis: backing it up before resizing would be a good idea.17:19
goldenI want to copy a directory and make it being exatly the same as the copied directory, is cp -a the appropriate command ?17:19
isleshocky77coz_: Thanks. Well there goes an hours worth of work in one keystroke thanks to basecamp.17:20
juliegolden, you should use tar17:20
isleshocky77coz_: Time to install a pastebin history tool17:20
coz_isleshocky77,   I think that may be a good idea,, but I am still looking17:20
goldentar ? I never used that command17:20
juliegolden, tar has a permission option17:20
llutzgolden: cp -a   will do fine17:20
ukr_888Well I am running the Drives in a JBOD connected with a fiber card atm. Ima put them on a different card and see if the onboard controller is faster. Although the Fiber card a 16x pcie card17:21
pfifoscarleo, I have a grub.cfg for you when your ready17:21
isleshocky77Does firefox keep a short log of requests anywhere? Other than if I actually had my headers or firebug network on at the time?17:21
juliegolden, tar --preserve -cvf newfile.tar foldertoarchive17:21
goldenbut I also want the destination directory to have a different name than the original directory17:21
scarleopfifo, thanks. I am dd-ing the 64-bit version now. Set first cylinder to 2 with fdisk17:22
juliegolden, would it be located in the same location?17:22
scarleopfifo, took me a while to figure out how :)17:22
pfifoscarleo, you dont need to fdisk anything when you dd the mini.iso17:22
goldenmy aim is to copy my home directory which is encrypted17:22
goldento an other not encrypted17:22
goldenand make the /home of my actual user17:23
scarleopfifo, but I had to use th 64-bit version and therefore I needed to set the first cylinder/block to 2 to make grub2 work?17:23
goldenmake it*17:23
scarleopfifo, or did I misunderstand you?17:23
goldenin order to remove the encryption of my home17:23
juliegolden, the following should be about right: mkdir newfolder; cd oldfolder; (tar --preserve -c; cd ../newfolder)|tar --preserve -xv17:23
pfifoscarleo, no, theres 2 options, dd mini.iso to a usbstick OR fdisk properly and install grub2 to the usb stick so you can isoboot.17:24
KNUBBIGwhy does my laptop suddenly open programs on its own without me doing anything? :D17:24
goldenok julie, thanks !17:24
juliegolden, corrected: mkdir newfolder; cd oldfolder; (tar --preserve -c *; cd ../newfolder)|tar --preserve -xv17:24
scarleopfifo, is there a 64-bit mini.iso also? I didn't even think of that17:24
aohow do u install usb wireless card?17:24
ukr_888I am also looking for a good online resource where I can learn how to compile a custom kernel for ubutnu/debian. A tutorial would be great17:25
juliegolden, hold on17:25
r3duxHa! Ha! Ha! (sorry, it's pre-programmed)17:25
juliegolden, I made another mistake17:25
pfifoscarleo, `wget -O /dev/sdb "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso"`17:25
dr_willis!kernel | ukr_88817:25
ubottuukr_888: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)17:25
juliegolden, new fix: mkdir newfolder; cd oldfolder; tar --preserve -c *|(cd ../newfolder; tar --preserve -xv)17:25
goldenjulie,  thanks, I'm doing "tar ---preserve -c *" right now17:26
juliegolden, no17:26
juliethat will only archive everything to stdout17:26
ukr_888ubottu: thank you very much I just wanna learn :)17:26
r3duxNo love for tar.gz?17:26
ubottuukr_888: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
ArduinologistWhen I create a directory as a user in ubuntu it does not inherit the permissions of the parent directory, how do I fix this?17:26
scarleopfifo, great thanks :)17:26
brown_fernKNUBBIG: is your touchpad overly sensitive? I had to turn off the touchpad clicking on this laptop for that very reason, I now can only click with the dedicated left and right buttons.17:27
juliegolden, the following needs to be run in one command:  tar --preserve -c *|(cd ../newfolder; tar --preserve -xv)17:27
goldenI don't understand17:27
goldenok I'll do that17:27
pfifoscarleo, but ive never tried the dd trick with the 64bit iso, it should still work though, all it needs todo is load the kernel and initrd afterall17:27
KNUBBIGbrown_fern: no, had my hands away from the laptop at that time, maybe my fat stomach pushed the buttons, hehe, but tyvm :)17:27
goldenL'option --preserve est obsolète, utilisez --preserve-permissions --preserve-order à la place17:28
goldenI should do that julie ?17:28
brown_fernKNUBBIG: That is beyond my expertise! :-D17:28
juliegolden, yep :)17:28
llutzgolden: cp -ax old/ new/17:29
KNUBBIGbrown_fern: would've wondered if you said something else ;-) thanks nevertheless :)17:29
aousb wireless help anyone?17:29
r3duxjulie, without analysing what it's doing no-one's happy with your: tar --preserve -c *|(cd ../newfolder; tar --preserve -xv) command.17:30
scarleopfifo, me neither :) this little project feels like a lot of trial and error17:30
juliegolden: llutz's alternative is right and should do exactly the same thing17:30
julier3dux, why don't you like it?17:30
goldenok thanks you two :)17:30
r3duxBecause I need to work out what it'll do in a directory full of directories17:30
sayzhi guys...17:31
pfifoscarleo, ive done the mini.iso thing so many times it always just works for me, guess it was bound to break sometime17:31
quesoIf some services fail to start (after the kernel has loaded), where can I see the log from booting to determine what failed?  It's not in dmesg or /var/log/messages.17:31
pfifoscarleo, murphy's law right17:31
julier3dux, tar is an archiving tool, it archives everything in it recursively17:31
scarleopfifo, you're definitely right17:32
r3duxI have no idea why one tar command is piping the compressed outcome of its own compression to another tar command in a "/newfolder" location17:32
brown_fernKNUBBIG: It is only a guess but I wonder if it is in fact that pesky touchpad starting to malfunction, is it dirty, old or such? I can't think of much else that would cause what you're describing. Hmm... actually opening things though, does it do it all the time or just once?17:32
julier3dux, it is not compressed17:32
ppcJordan_U: alright I am installing it to the usb drive directly now, I was gonna just set it up as ext2 instead of fat32 and it's asking me what I want the mount point to be and gives me a list of options, all I want to use this drive for is to boot the OS so just use /boot?17:32
julier3dux, it simply copies one folder to another one17:32
r3duxWell that's okay then, isn't it?17:33
julier3dux, it is :)17:33
dr_willisppc,  you need a /  not a /boot/  unless you want both.17:33
r3duxIt's still a very cryptic and hard to understand "batch file" ;)17:33
ppcdr_willis: wouldn't that mean everythign would go on the usb drive then?17:33
KonzaHi all is there any way to escape # character in expect script17:33
r3duxI'm not saying it doesn't get the job done - I'm just saying... oh... okay :)17:34
Jordan_Uppc: You need to put '/' somewhere, but yes you can put just /boot/ on the USB drive and '/' somewhere else if you want.17:34
IsrafelI've noticed the Remove Desktop doesn't let you change from the default 5900 port. In fact, there's almost no options at all.17:34
pfifoscarleo, really ever since i setup grub2 on my usb stick its been smooth sailing i just copy the new iso over the old one and boot, works with all the ubuntu images except the mini, which is where this dd thing came into play17:34
ppcwell I have a sata ntfs drive, i want to use it but I can't resize it and it's got some extra space17:34
dr_willisppc,  how big is this flash drive? I do full installs of ubuntu to 4gb flash drives.. but 8gb is proberly the min. for a useable system17:34
dr_willisppc,  you dont 'install' part of the os to a NTFS .. you can access the ntfs from an installed os.17:34
ppcIts 4gb17:35
IsrafelDoes anyone know how to change the listening port for Remove Desktop?17:35
brown_fernKNUBBIG: I turned off      System Settings>>Mouse>>Mouse Pad tab>>Enable mouse pad click. While in the GUI for Ubuntu 11.04, of course. It is just a thought.17:35
dr_willisYou can set up a live-cd or live+persistant setup on a 4gb.17:35
ppcSo / can't be on the ntfs drive?17:35
dr_willisppc,  / can NOT be on a NTFS17:35
julieno ppc17:36
KNUBBIGbrown_fern: thanks17:36
dr_willisYour users /home/ wouldent work very well on a NTFS either.. You could make a 'disk image file' on the ntfs.. but thats getting a little extreme17:36
mjcbest you can get on ntfs is a loopback, via wubi, but dunno if you'd want to do that w/ 4GB17:36
dr_willisppc,  what sofr ot work are you planing to do with this system?17:37
ppcdr_willis: why not?17:37
dr_willissort of...17:37
juliedr_willis, ppc:  doing a loop fs on NTFS actually works real well17:37
KNUBBIGI'm off for now, byebye17:37
=== KNUBBIG is now known as KNUBBIG_
ppcdr_willis: well I wanted to setup some ids/networking stuff to learn some of that17:37
brown_fernKNUBBIG: just shooting-in-the-dark, but I hope that it helps. :)17:37
dr_willisjulie,  but setting up /home/ would mean making it in fstab and  so on.. and I think he has no windows isntall.. so im not sure why hes not just using extt2 :017:37
ppcspare machine to mess around with17:37
ppcdr_willis: because the drive is already setup and it's from an old windows machine17:38
dr_willisppc,  a normal install to 4gb may work. but it will get tight. 8gb would work very well for testing17:38
dr_willisunless you want to go the live+persistant route17:38
julieppc, dr_willis: why don't you just reformat it?17:38
ppcIt has data on it17:39
julieppc, can't you back it up?17:39
dr_willisdata you want to keep.. but not so valueable its wiorth backing up,. :)17:39
dr_willisNo you cant.. or no you dont want to be botyhered.. :)17:39
ppcI do not have a backup option17:39
ppcYa know there is some poor folks out in this world17:39
* ppc does his old black lady voice17:39
sebrockI'm I understanding correctly that Urban Airship is free for 1 mil push/month?17:39
dr_willisif  you have other machines. You can backup to a differnt box.17:39
julieppc, how much data do you need to backup?17:40
dr_willisJust rember  'a hard drive can die at any time'17:40
b0otSo I have an ubuntu setup the way that I like and in order to replicate it I currenlty 1.) Install a fresh version of ubuntu 10.04 2.) Copy a folder from USB containg my scripts and packages to Desktop. 3.) Run a bash script that installs all of the packages and sets up my system (installs drivers etc) (Some of which like asterisk and postfix require user input) 4.) delete my install folder. ... Is there anyway I can get this all down to 1 Noninteractive s17:40
ppci dont know its probably like 150gigs maybe more17:40
ppci can't compress it17:40
ppcmostly kickboxing/mma videos17:41
julieppc, don't you have a DVDR?17:41
ppcim not a sadist/masochist17:42
wild_oscarUpgrading from jaunty to lucid,i am using the alternate cd to upgrade to karmic17:42
julieppc, well keeping your current setup for a fresh Linux install is masochist17:42
wild_oscarCan I upgrade correctly to lucid afterwards?17:42
ppcjulie: its not my daily machine, just something to play with17:42
ppcI use my cr48 daily17:43
julieppc, can't you copy your films on your daily machine?17:43
ppchaha no17:43
juliewhy not?17:43
ppcTrust me, I don't have the space17:43
RA_drchi, can someone tell me  how to backport a driver? i am using meerkat17:44
llutzget a job, go working for 3 hrs, buy another harddisk, back your stuff up, done17:44
gertidonhow to open my new pdf files in evince with always 100% of the height ?17:44
Dark_WolfHey folks. I've got a Conexant modem, and I've installed the drivers as per http://is.gd/WyNa0h but gnome-ppp still says "No modem was found on your system." I'm on Maverick... any ideas?17:44
julielol @llutz17:44
gertidoni should each time change that by hand.17:44
ukr_888No to self... When you rsync make you have the paths inproper order and not reversed...17:44
llutzjulie: nothing to lol at. why don't people see how stupid this "i don't have any money for a backup-disk but loads of soooooo important stuff" is17:45
BluesKajRA_drc, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nameofppa-ppa/name17:46
bonjoyeewild_oscar: if possible ...go for a clean install..it may save a lot of effort later..17:46
kotiquehelp! no menus /panels shown in unity!17:46
Sidewinder1Dark_Wolf, I'm assuming you have seen and are following...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto17:46
kotiqueempty desktop, no keys working17:46
kotiquealt+f2 doesn't work17:46
RA_drcBluesKaj: what is a ppa?17:46
julieI agree immensely llutz, which is why I found it funny17:46
Dark_WolfSidewinder1: The conexant version of that is outdated17:47
wild_oscarBonjoyee: not an option, it's a production system17:47
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.17:47
mikhahello all can anyone help me my Ubuntu Natty Narwhal freezes when playing music or video17:47
bonjoyeewild_oscar: oops...sorry17:47
Lasivianquick netstat question http://pastebin.com/iSvgBAiz17:47
Lasiviani'm trying to open multiple ports, but they're not being seen by the outide world17:47
Sidewinder1Dark_Wolf, I'm not an expert with modems but, isn't there also something about disabling/removing network manager?17:48
pfifob0ot, kickstart allows you todo that17:48
Dark_WolfSidewinder1: Not to my knowledge. I don't think Network Manager is installed in 10.1017:48
Sidewinder1!modem | Dark_Wolf17:48
ubottuDark_Wolf: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up17:48
pfifob0ot, actually ubuntu used 'preseed' but yeah, completly automated17:48
quesoIs there a way to see a list of all packages (not dependencies) that were explicitly installed by a user after the initial install?17:49
Sidewinder1Dark_Wolf, Just trying to help with WAGs... :-)17:49
julieLasivian, what are you really trying to do?17:49
Dark_WolfSidewinder1: WAGs?17:49
Sidewinder1Wils A$$ed Guesses. :-)17:49
BluesKajSidewinder1, one can connect without NM using settings in /etc/network/interfaces for ethernet / eth0 : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/17:49
Sidewinder1Wild even17:50
llutzLasivian: a port "is open" if a service listens on it. so your 9000 "is open"17:50
Lasivianjulie: I need 4 ports open to the outside. I have another box with existing functional ports so i'm (almost completely) certain the router is routing correctly and the internal IPS are routing correctly, ports is the only thing I think is left to investigate17:50
RA_drcBluesKaj: the driver i am interested in is not listed as a ppa17:50
Dark_WolfSidewinder1: the instructions on the Ubu Wiki don't work, as I'm on 64 bit17:50
julieLasivian, llutz is right, you don't just decide a port is open, you need to install a listener on it17:51
BluesKajRA_drc, ok what driver , and where is it ?17:51
Lasiviansigh, I rebooted the router and the ports show as open17:51
LasivianI had it setup right but it had not "applied" the changes17:51
Sidewinder1Dark_Wolf, Sorry; I've expended my limited knowlege (if you could call it that), of modems...:-(17:51
nimbioticswhats a good channel for asking about voip? TIA!17:52
MonkeyDustwhat is TIA?17:52
RA_drcBluesKaj: http://boundarydevices.com/blogs/omnivision-ov5642-camera-driver-for-linux17:52
nimbioticsThanks In Advanced17:52
gertidon:) yes, and what's the good channel to ask about configuring "evince" the pdf viewer ?17:52
Sidewinder1!pm | mikha17:52
ubottumikha: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:52
Lasivianhate it when it's something so simple that *LOOKS* like it's working, ya know? heh17:52
mikhaSidewinder1, sorry17:53
scarleopfifo, so now I mounted the disk in /mnt, chroot /mnt, grub-install --boot-directory=/boot /dev/sdc. I got back: "cannot find a device for /mnt/grub (is /dev mounted?)17:53
mikhamy natty freeze while playing music or video it freeze like 30 second randomly17:53
scarleopfifo, correction: cannot find a device for for /boot/grub17:54
pfifoscarleo, back out of the chroot and 'mount --bind /dev / mnt/dev`17:54
MarKsaitisWhat is better on ubuntu that doesnt exist on debian? Can somebody please explain me17:54
pfifoscarleo, back out of the chroot and 'mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev` stray space17:54
Sidewinder1mikha, It's probably a codec issue; should give you some sort of error message that would give you a clue as to how to proceed.17:54
juliescarleo, pfifo:  you don't seem to have mounted dev before your chroot...  you could "mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev"17:54
mouser98can anyone help me get ubuntu 11.04 desktop to connect to internet through winxp desktop?17:54
Lasivianjulie, llutz, thanks for listening to my babbling anyway, :)17:54
Yami_Bashello :)17:55
Yami_Basguys im really confused...17:55
julieYami_Bas, what's up^17:55
mikhaSidewinder1, and if i am not on vlc let us say i m on banshee even not playing music just surfing the web17:55
Yami_Basi have a working VPN connection with my school17:55
Yami_Basthe IP is routed correctly17:55
nimbioticsVOIP anyone? I would like to be able to receive/make calls with twinkle using my Google vocie account, but I'm completely lost, can someone help me? TIA!17:55
Yami_Basi cant find my school anywhere in the nautilus ;/17:55
pksadiq!enter | Yami_Bas17:55
ubottuYami_Bas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:55
Yami_Basor any folder17:55
Sidewinder1!sound > mikha17:56
ubottumikha, please see my private message17:56
chickadeeHello,  Yami. :)17:56
scarleopfifo, Installation finished. No error reported. (!) This sounds great!17:56
Sidewinder1mikha, Have you seen that?17:56
Yami_Bassorry pksadiq im used to having normal chat XD17:56
scarleopfifo, just reboot?17:56
Yami_Basalright ill make it one long story17:56
mikhaSidewinder1, i did17:56
pfifoscarleo, best to double check you /boot/grub/grub.cfg and if its not correct then get grub to recheck everything17:56
Sidewinder1mikha, And that didn't help?17:57
pfifoscarleo, then reboot17:57
Yami_BasThe IP is routed correctly. However my school is nowhere to be found in nautilus or anywhere and it should be there I guess since the VPN works... any ideaS?17:57
MarKsaitisBOYS, What is better on ubuntu that doesnt exist on debian? Can somebody please explain me17:57
Yami_Basubuntu sounds cooler #17:57
mikhaSidewinder1, it is not the sound the system freeze for 30 second all of it keyboard and mouse and the hardrive seem to be working i cant go not even on the terminal or anything it just freeze17:57
scarleopfifo, it looks correct to me17:57
pfifoscarleo, cross your fingers and reboot17:58
MarKsaitisUbuntu sounds cooler? It sounds worse to me :)17:58
Yami_Basno it's african for mankind #17:58
Sidewinder1mikha, Is this a brand new install?17:58
llutzMarKsaitis: #ubuntu#offtopic for that please17:58
=== alamar is now known as alamar_
llutzMarKsaitis: #ubuntu-offtopic17:58
b0otpfifo, what is preseed17:58
mikhaSidewinder1, yes it is :(17:59
scarleopfifo, crossing my fingers harder than ever17:59
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: maybe the best way to find out, is by trying them both17:59
MarKsaitisI think its very offtopic17:59
pfifob0ot, a method to automate installs17:59
brown_fernwild_oscar: I don't know if this helps but there are any number of brief guides over at Ubuntu Guide, I'm not sure what hurtles you'll encounter with your given upgrade-path but I've heard on forums people say they've upgraded multiple times sequentially and have had few-if-any problems. http://ubuntuguide.net/4-ways-to-upgrade-to-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhalonlineoffline17:59
MarKsaitisMonkeyDust, I am trying them both. Cant find a single difference!17:59
llutzMarKsaitis: it is17:59
Dark_WolfHey folks. I've got a Conexant modem, and I've installed the drivers as per http://is.gd/WyNa0h but gnome-ppp still says "No modem was found on your system." I'm on Maverick... any ideas?17:59
scarleopfifo, It works!  You are the man!17:59
Sidewinder1mikha, Then why not try reinstalling and see if that solves your problem?17:59
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: so you see, asking the question is already the answer :)18:00
Yami_Basdoes anyone know?18:00
pfifob0ot, its extremly complicated, if your not comfortable reading the manual then its not for you.18:00
Yami_BasThe IP is routed correctly. However my school is nowhere to be found in nautilus or anywhere and it should be there I guess since the VPN works... any ideaS?18:00
pfifoscarleo, awesome18:00
mikhaSidewinder1, i tried it still freeze the other partition is ntfs ( where the music is)18:00
Sidewinder1mikha, Did you md5sum the iso image prior to burning it to disk?18:00
b0otpfifo, what about kickstart?18:00
brown_fernwild_oscar: also note the name of the guides just under the heading "related posts"18:00
pfifob0ot, its the same, but the whole setup is in its infancy on ubuntu and hence buggy/broken18:01
murlidharhi all. i have install openjdk runtime files from the repos but still when loading a java app from internet i get an error saying that java applet failed to initialize18:01
mikhaSidewinder1, the weird part i got the same version on a desktop and it work as a charm18:01
murlidharwhat might be the problem?18:01
ApeOnThursdaysHey I'm having trouble getting my wireless connection going. The problem seems to be an rfkill. sudo rfkill list all gives 1: phy0: Wireless LAN18:01
ApeOnThursdaysSoft blocked: no18:01
ApeOnThursdaysHard blocked: yes18:01
ApeOnThursdaysbut when i do sudo rfkill unblock all, nothing happens18:01
scarleopfifo, I'm so happy right now, I can't thank you enough18:01
pfifoscarleo, im kinda disapointed that things went so badly lol.18:02
Sidewinder1mikha, Wow, hmm then I'm afraid that it's beyond my abilities; I'm very, very sorry. :-(18:02
wild_oscarbrown_fern: yeah, main problem is that karmic is also deprecated18:02
mikhaSidewinder1, ok thanks anyway :) have a nice day18:02
MonkeyDustMarKsaitis: there's a great many websites that deal with the debian vs ubuntu issue18:02
scarleopfifo, it took some time but now it's all worth it!18:03
MarKsaitisI know. But debian is ubuntus father ;]18:03
wild_oscarSo while I've upgraded from jaunty using the cd, I can't "apply all updates"18:03
julie!ot |marksaitis18:03
ubottumarksaitis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:03
wild_oscarBecause karmic updates aren't available I believe18:04
pksadiqMarKsaitis: yeah , you know Marconi Found the Radio, not his Father, ;) move to OT18:04
Sidewinder1mikha, You too! And endevor to percivere18:04
BluesKajSidewinder1, install git and study a tutorial how to use the git repository to install that driver ..that's the only source that I can see for that driver18:04
BluesKaj!git | Sidewinder118:05
ubottuSidewinder1: git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)18:05
MarKsaitisYou se, marconi is not based on his father and he isnt built with fathers body parts =))18:05
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Who, me?18:05
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RA_drcBluesKaj: any idea what i should do for this ov5642 driver?18:07
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, If you're purposely trying to confuse me, you succeeded. :-)18:08
Yami_BasHello guys I have a question, I'm baffled. I am configuring a VPN connecting with my university and it works, but I can't locate the folders in the network(/nautilus) any ideas?18:09
mouser98can anyone help me get my ubuntu connected to the internet?18:10
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ActionParsnipYami_Bas: can you ping the server IPs?18:10
ActionParsnipmouser98: how do you connect? wired? wireless?18:11
mouser98wired through a winxp box to a dsl modem18:11
ActionParsnipmouser98: ok, can you ping
mouser98how do you ping in ubuntu, i am new to linux18:11
lightpriest_you write ping in the console18:12
llutzmouser98: ping -c2
Omegaping <adress>18:12
mouser98okay hang on18:12
brown_fernmouser98: also consider posting in ##windows .18:12
* murlidhar hangs Omega and llutz :)18:12
murlidharon request of mouser9818:12
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
BluesKajSidewinder1, sorry I din't mean to .. I'm not a fan of git , but sometimes one has to wear a hair shirt for short time ...It has it's use,but it's somewhat beyond my scope or energy level , dunno which :)18:13
Omegathere's also ping6 for ipv618:13
Yami_BasActionParsnip: whats the ping command in linux?18:13
OmegaYami_Bas: ping18:13
Yami_Basalright lol18:13
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.18:14
Yami_Basone more question how do you ping a vpn server ;?18:14
murlidhar!info ping18:14
ubottuPackage ping does not exist in natty18:14
Yami_Basor do i need to ping the ip from the vpn?18:14
html_inprogressis there a channel for a ubuntu  /windows q/a?18:14
murlidharYami_Bas: u can use the terminal to use the ping command18:14
Omega!info iputils-ping18:14
ubottuiputils-ping (source: iputils): Tools to test the reachability of network hosts. In component main, is important. Version 3:20100418-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 51 kB, installed size 136 kB18:14
Guest88439i need an advice. what console application is better for watching system parameters like mem used, cpu% used etc.18:14
Guest88439i'm newbie at linux xD18:15
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Yami_Basi know but do i need to ping the VPN ip?18:15
pfifoGuest88439, top18:15
Guest88439top sucks xD18:15
pfifo!best | Guest8843918:15
ubottuGuest88439: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:15
OmegaGuest88439: try http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/hardware-monitor-applet-indicator-systemload-updates-adds-real-time-stats-to-menu/18:16
mouser98it says "Network is unreachable."18:16
Yami_Basi can get a ping 0.034ms...18:16
OmegaYami_Bas: you are connected then18:16
Guest88439ok, thx18:16
OmegaAnd the host is reachable18:16
brown_fernhtml_inprogress: I'd as here and in ##windows (465 users)18:16
Guest88439sry for newbieshit18:17
Yami_Basi know18:17
Yami_Basbut i cant find the folder...18:17
Yami_Basof the VPN... in my network that is what baffles me :(18:17
brown_fern"as" should read as "ask"18:17
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Guest884394797 d-zaster  20   0  224m  47m  18m S    0  1.7   0:14.75 chromium-browse18:17
OmegaYami_Bas: what folder are you looking for?18:18
nimbioticsVOIP anyone? I would like to be able to receive/make calls with twinkle using my Google vocie account, but I'm completely lost, can someone help me, or at least tell me if there is any channel where I could get help? TIA!18:20
earthmeLonIm about to freak out.  Why is it that when I put a window towards the top of my screen, it becomes full screen?  I know where the full screen button is.  How do I disable this annoying 'feature' ?18:21
Guest95713Whne upgraading from unity to gnome 3 does it save all short and icon from unity panel, and all my file on desktop -> to gnome 318:22
ziozizoI wish to upgrade  the kernel linux 2.6.32-27 generic,but i have an older I386;what's the best choice for me?18:23
pfifoGuest95713, you cant upgrade to gnome318:23
BlouBlouGuest95713: well, unity isn't a desktop enviroment, it's a gnome shell.18:23
BlouBloupfifo: it's possible, but not supported by canonical and community18:23
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:24
Guest95713ok gonna wait for 11.10 thanks. :)18:24
mofaloksPlease i installed oracle 10g express on my box. I do connect well at the terminal but why is it that the /apex page ocassionally doesnt open in the browser???18:24
BlouBlouGuest95713: np18:24
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Sidewinder1!best > ziozizo18:26
ubottuziozizo, please see my private message18:26
ubuntuguyUsing gnome phone manager in ubuntu 11.0418:30
ubuntuguyDoes it work?18:30
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brown_fernUbuntuguy: Were you on about 12 hours ago asking about an error message having to do with Bluetooth,... or was that someone else? Sorry to trouble you if it wasn't you.18:32
ubuntuguyYes it was me18:32
NorthernCould anyone help me troubleshoot a boot problem?18:34
brown_fernubuntutuguy: That error message was a generic one, if you Google it along side of "Ubuntu" you'd see that it holds no real information about the problem you are specifically experiencing.18:35
Yami_BasOmega: sorry for the late response but im looking for the general VPN folder it just isn't there18:35
Snicers-WorkIs there a free live chat support tool that runs on apache?18:36
brown_fernubuntuguy: Interestingly enough, a lot more people are getting that error message with Ubuntu, it seems, than with other OSes or even distributions.18:37
ubuntuguyOh, yeah, it's quite annoying18:37
BreetaiNot trying to start any flame wars. But is there any reason I should NOT install 64 bit ubuntu if my CPU is 64 bit?18:37
CoreyBreetai: Not to my knowledge.18:37
llutzBreetai: no18:37
BreetaiFlash works without any hoops?18:38
iljoi had a problem with g++ when i installed 64bit ubuntu18:38
iljoand my CPU is also 64bit18:38
llutzBreetai: adobe flash for linux is always crap, 64bit flash is just a bit older crap18:38
RollinBreetai: flash 32bit is more stable than the 64bit version, thats all i know18:38
NorthernAre there any known issues with AppArmor/cupsd in 11.04? My computer stalls during boot.18:39
brown_fernubuntuguy: I bet it is, I wish I could help more, on that problem anyway, but that's about all I can say on the subject of why you can't transfer those files.18:39
BreetaiFrom what I understand, there might be a performance increase of around something like 1%.18:39
loculinuxrekj lkj kl  r ñll frlk adm ñlrf  ññlsfg18:39
cablopwhat IM client do you recommend for Msn? i need one that allows me to send and receive files and also add remove contacts and the most important thing, group people by account18:40
BreetaiSo at this point I have always done 32 bit installs. All of the love, none of the hassles that might come with 64 bit.18:40
iljoalso, does anyone know why my videos are jumpy in vlc on ubuntu 10.10? i've tried every solution for that found on Google, but nothing helped18:40
onetwothreeiljo try other video setting18:41
MonkeyDustnice nick, onetwothree :)18:41
onetwothree:D but it is already regged by someone MonkeyDust18:41
softcoderhi, i upgraded recently to natty (64 bit)18:42
iljoonetwothree: i've tried, nothing helped18:42
mofaloksPlease i installed oracle 10g express on my box. I do connect well at the terminal but why is it that the /apex page ocassionally doesnt open in the browser???18:42
pfifo!msn | cablop18:42
ubottucablop: The Instant Messenger client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete18:42
softcoderin the past I auto connected to a NAD by adding this to fstab:18:42
softcoder/ /media/dlinknas  cifs  0 018:42
softcoderbut now when i boot up in natty it doesn't auto connect18:42
onetwothreeiljo other mediplayers also that problem??18:42
softcoderI have to open a terminatal and type sudo mount -a18:42
cablopno solution pidgin doesn't group people by accounts, it mix all accounts together, so no way18:42
softcoderhow can I have this mount properly at startup?18:42
ubuntuguyI wonder when "kompozer" will add unity support18:43
slack-mCorey, well, new packages n it works right now, had to a do a little hand config file editing.18:43
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: there should be read-write specifications, or just 'default'18:43
iljoonetwothree: don't know of other media players for ubuntu, kinda new to this whole linux thing18:43
brown_ferncablop: Consider Pidgin, though I only use it for IRC chat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pidgin_%28software%29#See_also   also see  http://pidgin.im/18:43
Coreyslack-m: YAY.18:43
softcoderafter the cifs?18:43
onetwothreeiljo under multimedia in the menu is video player18:44
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: yes18:44
onetwothreeiljo totem18:44
slack-mCorey, yes, YAY. been over a year it hasn't worked.18:44
softcoder/ /media/dlinknas  cifs default18:44
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: defaults 0 2 and maybe change cifs to nfs18:45
cablopi think pidgin... no other option18:45
iljothe player that came with ubuntu doesn't open the videos i am trying to watch18:45
cablopdoes that empathy use that buggy papyon lib right?18:45
softcoderok, beyond default.. how do i get natty to mount at startup?18:45
k-rAd-what is default GUID for non sudo user and how do i apply that to an entire directory ?  or perhaps /home folder ?18:45
onetwothreeiljo what kind of video??avi mpeg??18:45
NorthernenIsn't it turned off by default?18:45
rwwk-rAd-: GUID? do you mean uid?18:45
k-rAd-rww uid yes sorry18:45
iljoonetwothree: avi18:46
k-rAd-GUID is the source of all my non-access problems.  chown has been done.18:46
rwwk-rAd-: 1000. chown -R 1000:1000 /path/to/directory18:46
k-rAd-rww:  thank you18:46
onetwothreeiljo get ffmpeg and try : ffmpeg -i filename.avi send me the result in pm if you want18:46
Sidewinder1iljo, If you're talking about totem, mine plays avis no problem.18:47
Rolliniljo: you could try VLC, it plays just about everything18:47
rwwk-rAd-: (you can find out the uid and gid of the current user with the 'id' command, btw)18:47
llutzk-rAd-: id <username>18:47
onetwothreerollin that is his problem18:47
iljoRollin, i have these problems in VLC18:47
softcodersimple question.. how to automount a nas at startup in natty?18:47
onetwothreeiljo try that i have send you..there you get more info about the video codec18:47
mofalokshi, pls i upgraded to natty but i still need the former way i access applications in 10.10. How do i do it ?18:48
tensorpuddingmofaloks: what do you mean?18:48
Rolliniljo , onetwothee : ah, that is a problem.18:48
lemmyHi, can I get Gwibber to only show new posts when I open up the window on Natty?18:48
k-rAd-rww may i paste to you some ls -al attributes in private message.  i'm locked out of folders.18:48
llutz!classic | mofaloks18:48
ubottumofaloks: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".18:48
tensorpuddingmofaloks: you can get the old panel by using Ubuntu Classic18:48
k-rAd-rww in pm ?18:48
oCeansoftcoder: to make your mount permanent, edit /etc/fstab18:48
softcoderi did!18:49
softcoderthis used to work in 10.1018:49
softcodersuddenly its not atuo mounting in 11.0418:49
lemmyOr to show a vertical line marking the beginning of unread tweets/dents?18:49
rwwk-rAd-: sorry, no. I'm multitasking rather heavily, so doing one-on-one support wouldn't work very well. Try copying to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and linking the page it creates in-channel18:49
softcoderi have to manually run from terminal: sudo mount -a18:49
k-rAd-that actually applies to anyone.  need to get permissions to enter directories18:49
mofaloksthanks i'll try it18:49
softcoderthats not automatic18:49
llutzk-rAd-: what directories18:49
oCeansoftcoder: ok, so the entries are in the /etc/fstab?18:49
oCeansoftcoder: ok, do you use the option  _netdev  for your network mounts?18:50
nvidiahello can someone help me? i tried to install the video card driver for ati on my comp and i get a error like the driver is not compatible..18:50
softcoderwhats that?18:50
softcodernever heard of it18:50
oCeansoftcoder: that _netdev option is to make sure it only gets mounted after network gets available18:50
onetwothreenvidia, with ati gg ..18:50
softcoderwhere do i put it?18:50
NorthernenAre there any known bugs with AppArmor and cupsd i 11.04? It stalls my computer during boot.18:51
softcoderhere is the line in fstab: // /media/dlinknas  cifs default18:51
oCeansoftcoder: 4th field18:51
nimbioticsI need to setup twnkle to make/receive calls with my google voice account. Any ideas?18:51
oCeansoftcoder: defaults,_netdev18:51
softcoderahh ok18:51
nvidiaonetwothree sorry but i don`t understand your question18:52
k-rAd-can someone look at a portion to my ls -al and let me know how i can gain access to my blocked permission music folders ?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/622742/18:52
onetwothreeit was no question..just funny your name and card diversity :D18:52
onetwothreenvidia, which card do you have?18:52
k-rAd-not gain access fix access.  chown and uid are correct.18:52
Rollinhow large is the base install of ubuntu 11.04? thanks.18:52
nvidiaah :)) it`s the nick for another server18:52
BoulderDaveI currently have SFTP setup on one of my webservers... unfortunately though some 3rd party software can only use FTP.... whats the easiest way to switch?18:52
iljoholy s**t... i just installed missing plugins in Totem, and now it works fine... thank you guys, i won't forget you18:52
llutzk-rAd-: chmod 75518:52
nvidiaso.. i have ati radeon 955018:52
ActionParsnipBoulderDave: install an ftp service18:53
k-rAd-llutz, your a blessing from waka18:53
oCeaniljo: control the language please18:53
=== nvidia is now known as aTi
onetwothreenvidia, is the hardware driver proposed by ubuntu or do you download manually?18:53
Sidewinder1iljo, That's why we're here.18:53
BoulderDaveActionParsnip, ok, i didn't know if it was just a setting in the current service18:53
RollinBoulderDave: add ftp if you are not worried about the lessened security18:53
=== [1]user12 is now known as user12
aTii have downloaded it manualy, `cuz on additional driver is empty the list18:54
ActionParsnipBoulderDave: its a different service18:54
BoulderDaveActionParsnip, thanks :)18:54
onetwothreeaTi, which ubuntu version?18:54
byomkeshbakshihi i copied public\privatekey from windows(which I am using with git repo) to ubuntu(copy paste), I seem to have it working on ubuntu but it won't accept the passphrase. what can I do?18:55
Sidewinder1iljo, That's only one of the things I love about ubuntu, usually when there's a problem, the program sometimes suggests solutions.18:55
zaksoldierHi all18:55
onetwothreeiljo, seems only xserver ati driver can be used18:55
alvinPHhello buddies! especially to my idol ActionParsnip.. . :D18:56
aTiso.. i can`t instal the 9550`s driver?18:56
cdavisDoes anyone have a smartfish ergomotion keyboard? Does it work with ubuntu?18:56
NorthernenAm I even visible in this channel?18:56
onetwothreeaTi, yes but not with full 3d support18:56
Sidewinder1Northernen, Yes.18:56
iljoonetwothree: i'm not going to fiddle with it now it works :)18:56
tensorpuddingNorthernen: yes, you're visible18:57
aTiah, ok, can u give me a little help to install it?pls18:57
tensorpuddingNorthernen: it's probably that no one knows the answer to your question18:57
ActionParsniphi alvinPH18:57
onetwothreeiljo, get a nvidia and you will be fine :D18:57
aTinp :)18:57
NorthernenOh, that's fine. Never used mIRC before, didn't know if I had set it up properly, heh.18:57
tensorpuddingNorthernen: if you're interested in known bugs, you can search the launchpad bugtracker for bugs18:57
alvinPHActionParsnip: what is the command line for autoshutdown after fetching for example a 100mb file?18:58
ubentoboxhey guys, anyone else having trouble with the stupid search gui closing on startup?18:58
ubentoboxhow do i disable that18:58
aTiok.. then i`ll let this video  :)18:58
Sidewinder1Northernen, You may wish to try X-Chat in lieu of mIRC...18:58
bsg_kwolfI'm considering moving to Ubuntu and qemu/kvm for our virtualization, but I'm having some problems getting boding (mode 1), the bridge for the kvm guests and jumbo frames (MTU 9000) working.  Anyone had success with bonding and bridging?  I'm working with 11.04 at the moment.18:58
genii-aroundNorthernen: I did have an issue recently where cups was in some kind of loop, was unable to even boot in single user. I had to boot from USB, temporarily mv the /etc/init/cups.conf file somewhere18:58
BoulderDaveActionParsnip, i installed vsftp (https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html)    restarted the service after configuring it to use local users, and my connection times out.  any ideas?  im using port 2118:59
bsg_kwolfseems I can get bonding or bridging to work fine, but both together has been problematic.  tried all the recommended interfaces setups I've come across, but not much luck.  Also I can get it running, but as soon as I reset the server, it doesn't come back up in a happy state.18:59
aTionetwothree i want ask u another thing. for see a movie with subtitle what program is best for it?18:59
ActionParsnipalvinPH: I'd run:  sudo -i      then run:  wget file; shutdown -h now19:00
onetwothreeaTi, i prefer vlc for everything19:00
NorthernenWell, my boot stops at the line: type=1400 audit(1307633004.490:20): apparmor="STATUS" operation="profile_replace" name="/usr/sbin/cupsd" pid=1068 comm="apparmor_parser". Not sure what to think of it.19:00
ActionParsnipBoulderDave: any restriction on connection, if you are behind a router you will need to port forward19:00
sayzonetwothree: +119:00
JohnnyonFlameI need some help19:00
JohnnyonFlameI'm trying to crosscompile a program19:00
sayzme too19:00
aTibut the vlc player for ubuntu supports the .sub or .srt?(the extension of the subtitle?)19:01
JohnnyonFlameand it is trying to run the gcc command with -m3219:01
JohnnyonFlamethus giving me a nice command unrecognized19:01
JohnnyonFlamenothing on CFLAGS19:01
BoulderDaveActionParsnip, i had that port blocked. works now :)19:01
ActionParsnipBoulderDave: bam!19:01
=== brechdurchfall is now known as brechdurchfall|a
BoulderDaveActionParsnip, thanks for the help!19:02
Northernengenii-around: I think it's the AppArmor's fault though, not cups. I can't even boot into recovery-mode to turn it off.19:02
onetwothreeaTi, sub are usable but you need to have the id19:02
ubentoboxanyone know how to disable the stupid search tool on ubuntu startup?19:02
aTiwhat u mean with "id" ?19:02
ActionParsnipBoulderDave: np, i'd look into gettingsftp into the app. FTP sucks for security19:02
alvinPHActionParsnip: for example i will run >>sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; shutdown -h now<< is that correct?19:02
onetwothreeaTi, idx file19:02
aTisorry for all this questions but i`m new on linux, and i have it installed about 5 days and i like it verry much, so i intend to learn a little more :)19:03
ActionParsnipalvinPH: shutdown needs sudo, so unless the sudo grace period lasts over the upgrade (likely) you will need to retyp the command. Should be fine19:03
ActionParsnipalvinPH: I have a cheeky script if you want to see19:03
onetwothreeaTi, the first point to start is the terminal :D19:03
=== brian is now known as Guest33322
`AllegroHi. I have another issue.19:03
=== Guest33322 is now known as BrianMBI
aTiand this idx where can i found? or what is it?19:03
`AllegroMy wifi indicator is in the middle of the top bar.19:03
`Allegroand I can't figure out how to move it.19:03
onetwothreeaTi, on my dvds they are in the same folder19:04
NorthernenI would think that the Linux version of VLC supports the same subtitles as Windows' do?19:04
aTiin the term i know some cmds, not many but for the start is good :D19:04
ActionParsnipalvinPH: http://paste.ubuntu.com/622748/19:04
onetwothreeyes Northernen for vobsubtitles you need idx19:04
aTiah ok. so the movie without the idx i can`t see the subtitle, right?19:04
NorthernenThe idx file are the subtitles.19:05
ActionParsnipNorthernen: I tought they were srt files?19:05
NorthernenSo no, without it, there won't be any subtitles.19:05
IdleOne`Allegro: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/how-to-change-application-indicators.html19:06
Northernen.sub, .srt, .idx are all subtitle files.19:06
NorthernenVLC should support all, and a few more I believe.19:06
Cameron904Hi everyone, I go to a school for computer networking, to get my ccna, but today is my 2nd day of learning to get my CCNA, so we haven't gotten as far as id like to do what Im trying.  The computer at my school is; windows xp computer, booted via Ethernet. They each have 2gb ram, and are connected to the internet via a serveroom(I go to a computer networking school, they teach linux,...19:07
Cameron904...programming, etc..., i love it, but they know how to keep a computer secure. ), I want to set up my laptop to act as a server while I am at school, so I can continue to do work on my own laptop, via the windows xp remote desktop connect.(and also I cant check my facebook, they have it extremely locked down.)19:07
aTiok, i have a movie from a my friend. in the folder are 2 files : the .avi file and the .srt file. i this case the idx where can i get ?:)) or how can i see the subtitle, `cuz if i load the .srt, the player load it, but the subtitle i don`t see :-s19:07
Cameron904oh forgot, my laptop is running 10.0419:08
onetwothreeaTi the srt is the subtitle file19:08
onetwothreein this case19:08
pfifoaTi, you need to renamt the .srt, if you movie is name 'movie.avi' then you subs need to be name 'movie.srt' the names must match19:08
aTiyes i know, but why it don`t show on the screen ?19:08
NorthernenIf you have the srt file, you have the subtitles. It's just another format.19:08
pksadiqaTi: The .srt file should have the same name of the video file you wan't to play19:08
aTiah. ok.19:09
alvinPHActionParsnip: thanks, how is that apt-fast command? should I configure it first before running?19:09
aTinow i`m installing vlc for test it :D19:09
onetwothreeaTi check under right click menu if the subtitles are activated in vlc19:09
ActionParsnipalvinPH: there is a PPA for it, its lots fast19:09
bsg_kwolfAnyone able to help with NIC bonding with a bridge?19:09
NorthernenThey don't need to match. If they don't match, you'll have to manually add them, but if they do match, they'll be automatically added as subs.19:09
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alvinPHActionParsnip: how is that?19:09
ActionParsnipalvinPH: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tldm217/tahutek.net; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-fast19:10
nakanuthi, can anyone point me in the right direction for a stable AVCHD codec (.m2ts) for any player?19:10
ActionParsnipalvinPH: then whenever you wanna use apt-get, use apt-fast instead19:10
aTiok, i`ll check it19:10
NorthernenaTi: add them with Video -> Subtitles track -> find your srt file.19:10
ActionParsnipnakanut: do you have w32codecs installed?19:11
DelemasHas anyone else had sftp choots under Openssh 5.3p1 on Ubuntu 10.04 stop working in the last three days?19:11
r3duxREPENT from w32codecs!19:11
nakanuti'm using NN on 64bit laptop19:11
ActionParsnipr3dux: can be needed19:11
LVLAaronanyone have a way to copy iphone compatible m4v videos to an iphone 3gs in ubuntu?19:12
ActionParsnipaTi: just put the srt in the same folder as the file and give it the exact same name except the file extension and it will be used19:12
schaeferanyone knows why for example in grub they compare two strings after adding a preceeding character? example from grub if [ "x${found_other_os}" = "x" ] ]. Why isn't it just if [ "${found_other_os}" = "" ]?19:12
r3duxActionParsnip, I was just wishing it wasn't.19:12
aTiOK ActionParsnip19:12
ActionParsnipr3dux: if it works, who cares19:12
z0mmerhello there! can anibody tell me link were i can read information about patching drivers?19:14
ubottuPatches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.19:14
tvanoverI am trying to boot from a usb stick I created with ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso.  But when it tries to Run ubuntu from this USB or Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk the menu goes away for a second then is back.  I can choose test memory boot from first hard disk advanced options and help successfully.  just not run or install19:16
alvinPHActionParsnip: dude it's very nice, but it  doesn't ask whetherif i want to proceed or not XD19:17
ActionParsniptvanover: did you MD5 test the iSO?19:17
z0mmerubottu: thanks19:17
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:17
llutzschaefer: if ${found_other_os} is empty, it would give an error without the x19:17
brown_fernbsg_kwolf: I can't help you, but is this what you're doing. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIC_bonding        It sounds interesting!19:18
ActionParsnipalvinPH: I call it 'fulluprade'    If I run:  sudo fullupgrade s     the system does full upgrades then shutsdown19:18
llutzschaefer: the test would be  if[=""]  in that case19:18
NorthernenIs there a way to log the boot process to a USB stick? Even if the boot doesn't finish.19:18
schaeferllutz alright, thank you for clearing up19:19
tvanoverActionParsnip: I am not seeing the checksum in the page to check it.19:19
testi_Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to launch applications in the workspace that was active at the time i clicked the icon that launches the application. Often I know I need these 3 applications in the next minute, but first I need to check this and that in the other workspace and can't wait till the 3 apps launched in their own workspace19:19
ActionParsnip!md5 | tvanover19:19
ubottutvanover: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:19
sebrockis "optional" the same as "weak" linking in Xcode4?19:19
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schaeferllutz I guess this makes my scripts shorter since I dont have to run an extra check if a variable is null before testing it19:20
testi_or often I just want to escape from the applications mess I just caused :)19:20
ActionParsnipalvinPH: the other way is:   sudo fullupgrade r       which makes the OS reboot19:20
llutzschaefer: yes, you might look at this for some more info http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/209/bournebash-shell-scripts-string-comparison/19:21
ubuntuguyHow can I get gnome phone manager to work in ubuntu 11.04?19:21
tvanoverActionParsnip: I can md5 the iso and I get a checksum.  However I cannot find the checksum to compare it to.19:22
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schaeferllutz thanks again19:23
ActionParsnip!hashes | tvanover19:23
ubottutvanover: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.19:23
flowbeedoes ubuntu support wimax?19:23
ubuntuguyHow can I get gnome phone manager to work in ubuntu 11.04?19:24
ActionParsnipflowbee: which chip does your wireless use?19:24
aliveriushow can i change the name of a nic? i changed a nic and now instead of it being eth0 it is eth219:24
ActionParsnipaliverius: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139334619:24
llutzaliverius: delete /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistant-rules.conf19:24
flowbeeActionParsnip, considering: Intel Centrino Advanced-N + WiMAX 6250\19:24
llutz70-persistent-net.rules * sry19:25
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flowbeeActionParsnip, looks like it can support that card huh19:27
davidnetohello folks19:27
ActionParsnipflowbee: I'd buy it then take it back if it's no good19:27
davidnetodoes anyone know how to restart a service remotely (ssh) without root login enabled on ssh server?19:28
flowbeeActionParsnip, cant do that; cuz im buying a custom order laptop from lenovo :)19:28
rlyHow do I install full language support such that e.g. my terminal is in my native language?19:28
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:28
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ActionParsnipflowbee: hmm, well its most likely mini pci, just replace it ;)19:28
Rollindavidneto: login as a user and sudo the command (if im understanding you correctly)19:28
tensorpuddingrly: did you install language packs for your language?19:28
rlytensorpudding: yes19:29
allowoverrideanyone use azureus or vuze currently? im having some issue downloading media. i have the router forwarding, and test nat says OK. i have a Green Heatlh for a file seeding under My library. HOWEVER, i am still unable to download anything lol... suggestions? thanks guys/gals19:29
allowoverridealso, it shows in status 2,194,936 users, 77b/s and 88b/s19:29
tensorpuddingrly: it's probably that terminal apps don't support your language then19:29
ActionParsnipdavidneto: sudo service ssh restart19:29
rlytensorpudding: gnome-terminal is what I am talking about.19:29
tensorpuddingrly: most of those apps aren't i18n-ready19:29
rlytensorpudding: gnome-terminal is translated.19:29
rlytensorpudding: it has been for years.19:29
tensorpuddingrly: well, yes, the terminal is19:29
tensorpuddingrly: but the utilities you run in the terminal aren't19:29
rlytensorpudding: which is not what my question is about.19:30
rlytensorpudding: I am sure that when my terminal is in my native language, that my issue is solved.19:30
tensorpuddingwait, so you have installed your language pack but gnome-terminal isn't in that language?19:30
tensorpuddingbut the rest of your apps are?19:30
rlytensorpudding: no, nothing is in my native language.19:30
trismrly: if you installed the language packs in System Settings/Language Support you generally just need to select your language on the login screen before logging in19:30
ubunDuring my Ubuntu 10 install i got this error "[error 5] Input/output '/target/lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/kernel/fs/sysv" CAN ANYONE HELP?19:31
tensorpuddingrly: yeah, you need to log in with that language selected19:31
ActionParsnipubun: are you installing via usb or cd/19:31
iljogoodbye, thanks for your help19:31
ubunActionParsnip: CD19:31
davidnetoRollin: i'm doing it through a script with keys exchanged, where any user has sudo permissions, because of security issues.19:32
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ActionParsnipubun: does the CD pass error check?19:32
ubunActionParsnip: the sd5 thing?19:32
davidneto Rollin: how do i "service XXX restart" without root/sudo permissions enabled? (PS: i do administer the remote server as well. i can enable anything i want there, but i don't want to mess with security openning everything just tor estart a sevice19:33
alvinPHActionParsnip: thanks idol! brb will reboot19:34
ActionParsnipubun: no, there is a cd self test when the cd starts to boot, it can be used to make sure the burn is good19:34
ubunAcrtionParsnip: I didnt do that... but i used 2 different cds both failed. and when i tried to do ubuntu 11.04 it said something about kernel or something...19:36
r3duxI DIDN"T BREAK IT - It's just a different operating system!19:36
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ubunActionParsnip: i can use the trial... but no the install... idk what to do?19:37
jimmy51_is it possible/feasible to make a custom ubuntu live cd containing only the apps i want, and still bootable on multiple platforms?19:37
Rollindavidneto: i'd post that as a question on serverfault.com  .. afaik you need permissions to start the service19:37
alvinPHActionParsnip: does installing another desktop env. makes my xubuntu bloated?19:37
MonkeyDustjimmy51_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization19:38
r3duxIf I asked my wife to install Ubuntu she wouldn't know what to do. If I asked a car engineer why my breaks were pulling to the right, he would fix it.19:38
r3duxWhat do we do?19:38
NorthernenBuy a horse?19:39
brontosaurusrexa nice channel for routers/networking would be?19:39
Rollinr3dux: what is the problem?19:39
jimmy51_MonkeyDust: ah, cool.19:39
`AllegroNew edit on the theme.19:39
r3duxThere is no problem.19:39
MonkeyDustr3dux: this is a technical support channel19:40
jimmy51_MonkeyDust: will that let me cram it all into the initrd?19:40
MonkeyDustjimmy51_: haven't tried it myself19:40
r3duxMonkeyDust, I am a software engineer - are you you asking my reason to be here?19:40
aTiall right19:40
aTinow work..19:40
aTifor now i`m ok, cya next time :) have a nice chat19:41
aTibye bye19:41
alvinPHok r3dux just let us know why..:D19:41
PsydollHello i need help trying to compile a program from a .tar.gz can anyone help me with a simple program?19:41
r3duxalvinPH - why what?19:41
jrib!compile | Psydoll19:41
ubottuPsydoll: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:41
alvinPHwhy you are here? :D19:42
llutz!checkinstall | Psydoll19:42
ubottuPsydoll: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:42
ppcOk, I finally got my natty narwhal installed on a usb drive and it booted and works but the monitor isn't redrawing correctly, I'm using a TV as a monitor and there doesn't seem to be the right settings in the monitor prefs19:42
r3duxalvinPH - I'm just replying and helping people if I can. Anything else is gravy.19:42
ppcdo I just need to edit a xorg file or something?19:42
alvinPHLOL, so help me then .:D19:42
r3duxYou should not need to edit /etc/xorg.conf19:43
alvinPHr3dux: is installing other desktop env. makes my xubuntu bloat?19:43
ActionParsnipalvinPH: shouldn't do it'll just add extra data and bloat /19:44
RA_drchi, can someone tell me  how to backport a driver? i am using meerkat, and the driver can be found here: http://boundarydevices.com/blogs/omnivision-ov5642-camera-driver-for-linux19:44
NorthernenDefault there isn't even an xorg.conf is there?19:44
ActionParsnipNorthernen: no but if one is present it will be obeyed19:44
NorthernenPsydoll: first extract it from the tarball with tar -xvzf name.tar.gz19:45
ericsiphineNorthernen: you have to generate a xorg .conf19:45
r3duxAlvin, xubuntu makes my 555-ORG all anti-sematic19:45
alvinPHmy main is xubuntu 11.04 then installed ubuntu-netbook , lxde then e17 then openbox just came out.. i'm now in troubled removing apps they brought hahaha:D19:45
NorthernenWon't the GUI tools overwrite it, or have I got it wrong?19:45
ActionParsnipalvinPH: lxde will install openbox for you ;)19:46
alvinPHr3dux: what is that/ so technical, i'm a newbie in linux, just over a month :D19:47
PsydollNorthernen: Im able to untar files thats the easy part19:47
alvinPHactionParsnip; ahh, see, does it affect boot time?19:47
PsydollNorthernen: the hard part is for me when i go to the newly created directory and dont know what to do from there19:47
ActionParsnipalvinPH: not at all, you select the desktop at boot, this in turn chooses the WM19:48
r3duxHmm! What is this you say! I am the jew. They take from me the "apps". This is not nice. This is what they are taking from me and with the trouble. Andy by saying "with the trouble" I just confuse evereyone, and annoy non  religious-idiots..19:48
llutzPsydoll: check if theres a README or INSTALL file. if so, read it19:48
llutzr3dux: take your random nonsense out here please19:48
alvinPHactionParsnip; but why does my grub flashes again after selecting xubuntu?19:48
oCeanr3dux: can you please stay on topic?19:48
NorthernenIf you've un-tared it, cd into the new directory and do a ./configure19:48
Rollinon topic or the ban hammers will come out. thank you.19:49
ActionParsnipalvinPH: that loads even before the kernel loads, so is nothing to do with openbox or lxde being installed19:49
ActionParsnipRollin: how do you intend to do that exactly?19:50
alvinPHActionParsnip: but why does my xubuntu boot quite longer than before?19:50
anityaam very new to linux commu. Can I install linux from my thumb drive?19:50
ActionParsnipalvinPH: not sure, run:   dmesg | less      look at the left colomn for the time (in seconds) watch for large gaps19:51
alvinPHanitya: yes, but be sure to install the bootloader on it, not on your harddrive :D19:51
ActionParsnipanitya: sure, use unetbootin with an MD5 tested ISO and you can install Ubuntu via USB19:51
ActionParsnipRollin: yeah, thought so19:51
RollinActionParsnip: what say you?19:52
nullQuestion:  My 11.04 x64 won't boot if a "CD-ROM SONY DVD RW DRU-840A" is connected; it hangs 3 seconds into the boot process with its listing as the last output.  Any ideas?19:52
tadpole_jacksoni just read that ubuntu dropped support for the via C3, what does this mean to me?19:52
alvinPHanitya: what is it? you want to install linux to a USb or install to ur computer frm a USB?19:52
ActionParsnipRollin: how exactly do you intend to administer the "ban hammer"?19:52
CircularMotionCan anyone tell me what this last 10.04 update is all about. I have to reboot because of it. Again. Sigh.19:52
nullit means you suck19:52
tadpole_jacksonand how can you drop support for an x86 processor"?19:52
RollinActionParsnip: where do i say "i" am banning anyone?19:52
anityaActionParsnip, Thank you..now I start experiencing  ubuntu..19:52
ActionParsnipanitya: indeed, unetbootin runs on linux and windows :)19:53
ActionParsnip(19:49:20) Rollin: on topic or the ban hammers will come out. thank you.19:53
RollinActionParsnip: again, where do i say that "i" aka "Rollin" am the one doing the bans?19:53
anityaActionParsnip, thank you bye19:54
ActionParsnipRollin: i asked "how will you be doing it"19:54
RollinActionParsnip: :: bangsheadondesk::19:54
ActionParsnipRollin: i never said you will do it, or even can. I asked how would you do it19:54
r3duxActionParsnip, WIN.19:55
RoastedI'm installing Ubuntu 11.04, and I tried in the manual partition mode to mount my 2nd drive to a specific location (/media/storage). However, I can't seem to put my own location in there, I have to use their pre-defined ones like /boot, etc. How can I change this?19:55
ActionParsnipRollin: so how will you roll out the ban hammers, I'm awful curious...19:55
ActionParsnipRoasted: is it not user typable?19:56
RoastedActionParsnip, no.19:56
RoastedActionParsnip, I've used this method for years... :(19:56
RoastedI can edit the fstab manually but, really?19:56
RollinActionParsnip: i never said "i" would. goodness man, can one not make the general statement that people DO get banned from this channel19:56
smudgeso i've just installed 11.04 and then the additional drivers (geforce 7300) if I attempted to login to anything higher than Classic(no effects) my mouse or keyboard dont work, can anyone help ?19:56
pfifoRollin, by saying the ban hammers you implied that you would be rolling out the banhammers. in english you can implay things like that without actually saying them19:56
oCeanLet's get back on topic, ok?19:56
Northernensmudge: which drivers are you using?19:57
smudgethe recommended ones19:57
ActionParsnipRollin: they do but usually when one says they will roll out the ban hammer it usually means they will be doing it. I kNOW you are not an oP so I was curious how this was going to be achieved19:57
jrmcmwhat is the syntax to purge old linux headers?19:57
RoastedActionParsnip, hang on a second. The drive is ext3, I thought it was 4. that may be why19:57
ActionParsnipjrmcm: sudo apt-get --purge autoremove19:57
ActionParsnipRoasted: should be fine19:57
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. I'd like to change my Ubuntu server's repository from teh default to ftp.utexas.edu without directly editing the repository file. Is there a utility to do this?19:57
jrmcmActionParsnip, ty19:57
ActionParsnipRoasted: hmmm19:57
Northernensmudge: Which came with Ubuntu?19:57
BlouBlouecondudeawesome: you may want #ubuntu-server :)19:58
smudgeyea the accelerated graphics driver19:58
ActionParsnipRoasted: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1746197.html19:58
econdudeawesomeBlouBlou: thanks19:58
Roastedstill not typable19:58
praveen__not able to record audio while recording video by recordmydesktop..any suggestion???19:58
oCeanRoasted: control the language19:58
RoastedoCean, I did by abbreviation.19:59
NorthernenThere have been reported a lot of issues with nVidia. Would probably try with the proprietary drivers.19:59
tadpole_jacksonis there an ubuntu channel for technical questions and not techsupport questions?19:59
tadpole_jacksoni'm feeling pretty neglected here19:59
oCeanRoasted: yes, that's not accepted either. Keep it family friendly, thanks19:59
smudgeim pretty sure these are the propriety ones19:59
softcoderhello again.. which logfile should i check to see output from mounts in fstab?20:00
smudgebut if you think its a driver issue that gives me somewhere to start, thanks20:00
ActionParsniptadpole_jackson: 686 is fully supported, i586 got dropped20:00
RoastedoCean, lol?20:00
BluesKajNorthernen, not good advice ,the proprietaries are flaky at best20:00
RoastedThis entire installer sucks. It keeps locking up.20:00
tadpole_jacksonActionParsnip, the literature says that they dropped support for the C3, but my C3 has 686 instruction sets20:00
tadpole_jacksonActionParsnip, so can i disregard the literature?20:00
Roastedahh there it goes. just need to give it a few minutes and talk nicely to it20:00
ActionParsniptadpole_jackson: not sure there dude, all i know is that i586 got dropped20:00
tadpole_jacksonActionParsnip, hence my wanting to talk to somebody who does20:01
NorthernenBluesKaj: Oh? My proprietary ATI drivers works just fine.20:01
oCeantadpole_jackson: you could try in #ubuntu-offtopic, maybe someone there knows20:01
alvinPH    2.588473] generic-usb 0003:04F3:0230.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Mouse [USB+PS/2 Optical Mouse] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input020:01
alvinPH[    2.588537] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid20:01
alvinPH[    2.588545] usbhid: USB HID core driver20:01
alvinPH[    3.901631] EXT4-fs (sda6): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)20:01
alvinPH[   15.243682] Adding 1341392k swap on /dev/sda7.  Priority:-1 extents:1 across:1341392k20:01
FloodBot1alvinPH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:01
alvinPH[   15.317097] <30>udev[273]: starting version 16720:01
tadpole_jacksonoCean, coolthanks20:01
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nasserDoes anyone know if there is any plugin for Banshee which is able to search the information about a song (even the cover)??20:02
FLeiXiuSIs there a way to install mysql-server without it prompting you for a password for root?20:03
BluesKajNorthernen, ok ,maybe ati proprietaries do , but tnoty the nvidia ...the nvidia recommended driver is in syste/admin/addtional driver s , howver will probly work20:03
new2netnasser: have you looked at the banshee preferences?20:03
smudgeupdated drivers works now thanks Northernen20:03
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: that would be really bad, no security is never a good idea20:03
FLeiXiuSActionParsnip, That doesnt answer my question.20:03
ActionParsnipFLeiXiuS: i'd ask in #mysql too20:04
softcoderlooking to see which log file has messages from fstab so i can see why my auto mount of cifs is not working20:04
bryliealvinPH, use http://pastie.org20:04
NorthernenBluesKaj: Yes, I've heard there are differences between nVidia and ATI, with nVidia having some problems. I was just offering a suggestion though, as I had problems with 3D acceleration with the drivers which came with my default Ubuntu installation.20:04
FLeiXiuSI have a deb file which depends on mysql-server to be installed, I dont want the users entering in their own mysql passwords so the installation script will do it for them via mysql_safe.  However, they are still prompted.20:04
alvinPHin my browser or here in xchat?20:05
NaFiannHi, I just installed natty, disabled the unity plugin in ccsm, and now compiz  won't load at all anymore at login. starting it from commandline works fine though. I tried changing settings in gconf-editor, but it doesn't seem to work20:05
BluesKajNorthernen, I tried the the nvidia site drivers ...they don't worj for the 7 or 8000 series gerforce cards20:06
Psydollcan someone tell me what file format .run is? its not the usual file format for linux which is normally .deb, .rpm or .tar.gz20:06
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Guest32120hello everyone ... I would need some help with ubuntu unity and the tracker search tool20:06
oCeanFLeiXiuS: so your .deb installation tries to connect to mysql? If that connection is setup with a -p would it not always ask for the password?20:06
llutzPsydoll: "file yourfile.run"  tells you. most likely a binary installer20:06
NorthernenBluesKaj: What is the name of your graphics card?20:06
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FLeiXiuSoCean, My installer connects to the database using a passwor that was pre-defined.  The installer also installs mysql; however, the user can enter whatever password they want when it prompts.20:07
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Psydollllutz: what is a binary installer different from a .deb or .tar.gz or a .rpm for that matter?20:07
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BluesKajNorthernen, read above20:07
Laaakhello everyone ... I would need some help with ubuntu unity and the tracker search tool20:07
alvinPHActionParsnip: here is the sequence of my boottime http://paste.ubuntu.com/622790/20:07
oCeanFLeiXiuS: ah, now I understand. let me think :)20:08
llutzPsydoll: it installs stuff without using the packagemanagement. so its difficult to remove/update it later20:08
softcoderI still have trouble with an auto mount at startup20:08
alvinPHthose with large gap20:08
BlouBlouLaaak: Hi, just ask the question here and someone (the guy who knows) will answer you! :)20:08
softcoderthis is the line in fstab:20:08
softcoder // /media/dlinknas  cifs defaults,rw,_netdev 0 020:08
LaaakBlouBlou: Thanks ;-)20:08
softcoderif i run sudo mount -afrom terminal it properly mounts20:08
softcoderanyone know why this isn't auto-mounting?20:08
Laaakthe problem is, I cannot find out if the tracker search tool is indexing or not, and the second is, I don't get the icon into the tray, cause I have no idea what to add to the white list^^20:09
oCeanFLeiXiuS: does the apt-get install mysql-server ask for the pw?20:09
robin0800softcoder: missing credentials20:09
softcoderwhat is missing?20:09
softcoderanaon is enabled on the nas20:09
FLeiXiuSoCean, yep20:10
pfifosoftcoder, what version of ubuntu are you using>?20:10
oCeanFLeiXiuS: you could try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7657981&postcount=4 ?20:10
aliveriusi have  a problem with a recent atom board. i cannot load module kvm-intel20:10
`AllegroNaptime <320:11
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Laaakhow can I bring the tracker icon into the tray bar20:12
robin0800softcoder: if its public the ubuntu network will show it automatically if you need a user name and password you need that in fstab20:12
pfifosoftcoder, my guess is that networking is not available in time to automount it20:12
softcoderi do have _netdev20:13
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: the fstab file is processed before the network comes up, add the line:  mount -a   in /etc/rc.local  ABOVE the exit 0  line and it will mount20:13
ubunis there a cedega channel?20:13
Fuchsubun: /msg alis list *cedega*20:13
ActionParsnipubun: yes, suprisingly it's #cedega20:14
tigerplug292anyone running quad SUN NIC's on a ubuntu box?20:14
Laaakif I want something to the whitlist for a programm how do I know what exactly I have to type in?20:14
ubunActionParsnip: wow... and ive been searching it...20:14
drowned1723hi everyone. i've got a serious problem with my ubuntu 11.04: it's not booting after installing the latest updates (which included newer versions of xserver, gdm and plymouth)20:15
robin0800ActionParsnip: well my public folder is seen in the network with nothing in fstab20:15
pfifoaliverius, atom doesnt have visualization iirc20:16
drowned1723does anybody have any idea how i revert these packages to the older ones?20:17
ActionParsniprobin0800: maybe but if you want it mounting automatically at boot rather than when selected, it will need an fstab entry20:17
softcoderActionParsnip, must i edit rc.local?20:17
rurufufussis there a program that's like "cp", but give progress bars?20:17
rurufufusslike in nautilus when copying, that is20:17
softcoderis there really no auto-mount out of the box as it worked in the past?20:17
aliveriuspfifo: very true just found out20:17
pfiforurufufuss, i think rsync an do that20:17
rurufufusspfifo: is the syntax like cp?20:18
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: yes to run the mounting again, which will then succeed as the network is up :)20:18
pfiforurufufuss, almost identical20:18
rurufufusslike cp source destination20:18
rurufufussok, will give that a try, thanks20:18
softcoderthen whats the point of: _netdev20:18
softcoderas in: // /media/dlinknas  cifs guest,_netdev 0 020:18
rlyWhere does Java Webstart store the applications that it downloads?20:19
Loshkirurufufuss: something like: rsync -av --partial --progress <src> <dst>20:20
robin0800ActionParsnip: well why if I browse the network is there a folder labelled public?20:20
lolekhello all20:20
pfifohai guise20:20
alvinPHbye gts20:20
lahwranis there a upnp remote control I can use on ubuntu, so I can tell my router to open a port and see if it's working?20:21
lolekgyus i've just installed network-manager-openvpn and i found out that i don't have a file: /etc/dbus-1/system.d/nm-vpnc-service.conf ... where can i get it ?20:21
lolekok, nvm.. weirdo thing ;/20:22
allowoverrideanyone use azureus or vuze currently? im having some issue downloading media. i have the router forwarding, and test nat says OK. i have a Green Heatlh for a file seeding under My library. HOWEVER, i am still unable to download anything lol... suggestions? thanks guys/gals20:22
IdleOneSinflesh: test20:23
pfifoallowoverride, disk full?20:23
allowoverridenope, lol20:23
pfifoallowoverride, permission problems?20:23
mecoHow do I search for the location of 'gnome-system-mo'?20:24
pfifoallowoverride, run from cli and see if it gives any errors20:24
Alfil_Kamikaze1hey how to write chinese words?20:24
tensorpuddingmeco: it's at /usr/bin/gnome-system-monitor20:24
allowoverridei dont think you have a clue what im asking pfifo20:24
pfifo!scim | Alfil_Kamikaze120:24
ubottuAlfil_Kamikaze1: Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM20:24
mecotensorpudding: ok, appricate it20:24
ActionParsnipmeco: sudo find / -iname "gnome-system-mo*"20:24
softcoderadded this to etc/rc.local20:25
softcodermount -a20:25
mecoActionParsnip: OK, appreciate it20:25
pfifoallowoverride, you are unable to download anything in vuze... simple enough20:25
allowoverridevuze has logs, there are no errors that i can figure out20:25
softcoderSTILL NOT automounting20:25
allowoverridepfifo: i will ignore you now20:25
jribsoftcoder: well putting mount -a there is a bit silly20:25
softcoderI'm going mad20:25
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: above the exit 0 line?20:25
softcodermount -a20:25
softcoderexit 020:25
softcoderall i want to to auto mount my nas20:26
allowoverridecould someone help me out, vuze is not downloading anything.20:26
softcoderrunning sudo mount -a from terminal does mount after i login20:26
allowoverrideanyone use azureus or vuze currently? im having some issue downloading media. i have the router forwarding, and test nat says OK. i have a Green Heatlh for a file seeding under My library. HOWEVER, i am still unable to download anything lol... suggestions? thanks guys/gals20:26
pfifosoftcoder, chmod -x /etc/rc.local20:26
pfifosoftcoder, chmod +x /etc/rc.local20:26
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: strange, you could add mount to not need a password then just add the mount command to your startup20:27
softcodersoftcoder@softcoder-linuxu-11:~$ ls /etc/rc.local  -la20:27
softcoder-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 315 2011-06-09 12:21 /etc/rc.local20:27
softcoderits already +x20:27
ActionParsnippfifo: its default is: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 376 2011-05-29 17:44 ./rc.local20:27
softcoderso how do i fix this?20:27
softcoderhow do all ubuntu users get this to work?20:28
pfifoActionParsnip, finally... after years of it not being +x20:28
softcoderI'm not in an icebox here.. I;'m sure others face this!20:28
softcoderdoes /etc/rc.local run as root?20:28
llutzsoftcoder: it does20:28
pfifosoftcoder, other ubuntu users (me) use NFS20:29
softcoderhow would nfs be any different20:29
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: yes20:29
softcoderyou still need to mount it20:29
softcoderthis fstab entry DID work in all previous ubuntus back to 8.0420:30
ActionParsnipsoftcoder: all I can recommend is add mount to not need a password in sudo, then add a startup item to your user session to mount at logon20:30
nullQuestion:  My Ubuntu 11.04 x64 install wont boot if I have any IDE devices (CDROM drives) connectet;  it hangs at the boot process after probing the device.   Last output I see is the SCSI  6:0:0:0: CD-ROM  *** line.  Can anyone recommend anything?20:30
pfifosoftcoder, try adding 'start on net-device-up' to /etc/init/mountall.conf20:31
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llutzActionParsnip: no need to mess with sudo, "users" as mount-option in /etc/fstab will allow the user to mount20:31
pfifosoftcoder, thats kinda kludgy tho ;)20:31
softcoderok without editing the daylights out of everything is there something anyone knows will work that is simple?20:31
softcoderI have a family here that needs the same solution roleld out to 8+ systems20:32
r3duxHa *820:32
pfifosoftcoder, 8+ systems with 11.04 and your using cifs as opposed to NFS?20:32
ActionParsnipllutz: nice, can you advise then please20:33
r3duxIf you love router, might I suggest Cisco CCNA cerification.20:33
* ActionParsnip passes the buck20:33
softcodernot all are 1120:33
softcoderbut they will be20:33
softcoderthe server is dns32320:33
softcodera dlink nas20:33
pfifosoftcoder, well im certian my advice will require the network to be up and running before mountall is run20:34
r3duxNinja say - NETWORK PING 100% OR ME F*CKING LOL20:34
oCeanr3dux: control your language20:35
r3duxIt would depend on if you're using RIPv2, EIGRP or whatever20:35
softcoderwhere in mountall do i add: start on net-device-up20:35
pcpowerr3dux: ISIS all the way20:36
pfifosoftcoder, after start on startup20:36
=== funnylookinhat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
Cerealklr[Ubuntu 11.04][Python][TTY-semi-functional] Hello! I've got a bit of a big issue... Was trying to follow the instructions for installing Google App Engine, which for some reason requires python2.5 I compiled it from source, found that didn't work for various reasons, and at length was told by a friend that the instructions were just outdated. I noticed that the install had set py2.5 to be my default python. Of course, that was silly,20:36
Cerealklrso I went ahead and did purged python2.5 where the symlink pointed and redirected the symlinks to python2.7. Unfortunately, upon restarting the system, gdm showed nothing but a background. Swapping into TTY, I found most applications no longer worked properly, due to some variant of this error: http://pastebin.com/2GygRXQF With libz and "no version information..." being common across all of the errors. Any ideas on how to get this fix20:36
FloodBot1Cerealklr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:36
CerealklrFor the record, I've already tried wget'ing and installing python2.7 from source, but didn't seem to help much.20:37
=== Xerrao[Detached] is now known as Xerrao
mecoYesterday I was given the command " dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1048576 count=512; mkswap /swapfile; swapon /swapfile " to increase memory. I was told to make this permanent to "add another entry in /etc/fstab with the new swapfile (copy the current)", but I don't understand that. Can anyone help me a bit?20:37
llutzmeco: sudo nano /etc/fstab     then add a line "/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0"    save, exit20:38
=== ttytt is now known as Helsinkiii
Alfil_Kamikaze1help with scim...20:39
pfifoCerealklr, you dont 'remove' python you install mutiple versions sude by side and use that symling to point to the one you want20:39
flowbeefinished customizing lenovo; http://imgur.com/nMDfj .. what do you folks think?20:39
mecollutz: It seems I20:39
pcpowerflowbee: get X1 or X220 instead :)20:40
pcpowerthen again, don't buy ANYTHING with intel graphics :p20:40
NorthernenThe operating system puzzles me!20:40
Cerealklrpfifo: Thanks, but no, I removed it. It was an inoperable install of python2.5 which I deleted for being useless and wasting space20:40
flowbeepcpower, why no intel graphics?20:40
pcpowerbecause it sucks donkey ****20:41
flowbeex1 and x220 are only 12.1" arent they20:41
pcpower14 is too big20:41
pfifoCerealklr, your not supposed to remove python is what im saying.20:41
flowbeei love me my 14.1" t6120:41
Cerealklrsudo rm -rf /path/to/python2.5 will definitely remote It also apparently causes other issues if you don't catch references that got changed by the installation process though... =P20:41
IdleOneflowbee pcpower can you take the hardware talk to PM or #ubuntu-offtopic please20:41
ukr_888 /ignore -regexp -pattern "-!-"20:42
mecollutz: Appreciate the help20:42
Cerealklrpfifo: Uhm, I didn't see a solid argument for not deleting an old and non-functional version of python that I installed myself which wasn't supported by ubuntu 11.04 anymore20:42
CerealklrBut be that as it may, what's done is done20:42
pfifoCerealklr, apt-get install python2.720:43
CerealklrI can't.20:44
pfifoCerealklr, ohh you removed what you installed, and what you installed overwrote system stuff. next time --prefix=/usr/local20:44
CerealklrAs the error mentioned, apt-get, synaptic, and all other package managers I have installed for debian are nonfunctional20:44
pfifoCerealklr, can you paste bin the output20:44
Cerealklrpfifo: That's what I was assuming20:44
Cerealklralready did20:44
Core_UKanyone know of a media player that support displaying cue information as if they were individual files (such like foobar on win32?)20:44
Cerealklrits here: http://pastebin.com/2GygRXQF20:44
akashm1990any tips on getting audio over HDMI working on an ATI 5770 ? (It works in Windows, and audio over the audio port works in Ubuntu)20:46
aoximy friend isnt sure what she did but now when she goes to open a location from the places menu, it opens in her web browser. where would i go to change this behavior? i checked in preferred applications and file browser is still set to nautilus20:46
softcoderbad advice to add that to /etc/init/mountall.conf20:49
softcodernearly pooched me bad20:49
softcodersystem hangs forver waiting for network to start.. but filesystems are not mountede so you are toast20:49
softcoderthere must be a 'simple' 'reliable' way to automount a cifs share in natty?20:50
softcoderdoes anyone have 'experience' here?20:50
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: try nfs, not cifs20:50
softcoderwhy would it be any different?20:50
softcodernfs requires a mount also20:50
qinsoftcoder: Cruel way is to use crontab @boot20:51
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: all the rest failed, so why not try nfs?20:51
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softcoderbecause its the same problem with a different name20:51
pfifoCerealklr, will this work? apt-get -d download python2.7-minimal20:51
MonkeyDustsoftcoder: try and you know20:51
Cerealklrpfifo: Same error, but I have sshd running on it, which is still functional, and sshfs on the laptop i'm using currently, so if that command just DL's source I can use it from here to get the source on machine20:52
CerealklrI think dpkg may still work as well, but I can't be sure of that20:52
pfifosoftcoder NFS will work for sure20:54
Cerealklrpfifo: Woooo! dpkg appears to still work. I downloaded it via SSHFS and it seems to have installed okay20:54
netspyskype is freezing in natty20:54
pfifoCerealklr, does apt work right then?20:54
Cerealklrhmm. It still outputs the error once, but now apt-get appears to function anyway.20:55
Alfil_Kamikaze1how can i write chinese?20:56
Cerealklrwill go ahead and restart20:56
MonkeyDustAlfil_Kamikaze1: try installing the language package20:57
Alfil_Kamikaze1its done but i dont see where is the change option20:57
pfifoCerealklr, cause you need to install full python2.7 and all its deps20:57
Cerealklrpfifo: The odd thing is, it is still installed. I can try running synaptic reinstall on it, but apt-get will not let me remove it, and ofc won't install it when it believes it to be fully there and fine20:58
pfifoCerealklr, apt-get install --reinstall <pkg name>21:00
Cerealklrpfifo: Gotcha, running now.21:00
pfifoCerealklr, and apt-cache showpkg <pkg name> to see its dependacies21:01
rlynetspy: you would have to go to Skype with that problem.21:01
Ronniedoes somebody know a script that can send parrallel some POST requests to an server, where i can decide the POST values for each request. preferbly in python?21:01
cablopbesides emesene and pidgin are there any other msn alternatives in ubuntu?21:02
rlycablop: amsn?21:02
r3duxcompetante, can we trade you in for someone who is competemt21:02
chmod700can anyone tell me why SigBlk masks SIGALRM on ubunt 11.04 now?21:02
Core_UKis there an channel for wine help?>21:03
Cerealklrpfifo: okay, reinstall complete. It nagged several times about the "no version information available" issue originating from libz.so.1 during the process though. I'l l restart again to see if anything happens.21:03
netspycablop empaphy21:03
oCeanCore_UK: #winehq21:03
rlyRonnie: why do you want to use Python for something for which it has not been designed?21:03
Core_UKthank you oCean21:03
cablopamn???? omg21:03
cablopempathy.... mmm i dislike that thing, extrmely simplified and it does mix my accounts together21:04
rlyRonnie: you have to do some custom programming for that.21:04
Ronnierly: i want to test my webserver. the logs missing some POST requests from an external server21:04
pfifoRonnie, if python has curl support then your all set21:04
rlypfifo: in parallel?21:04
netspycablop: try trillian then. works fine for me21:04
cabloptrillian for linux?21:04
cablopis there any?21:04
rlyIt probably works via wine.21:05
r3duxYou know you have to enable certain levels of logging with apache, right?21:05
netspywine does the job21:05
pfiforly, you can run more than one instance of the script21:05
rlyIt would be a kind of silly thing to do, though.21:05
cablopno way... sometimes i use ibus to enter some text and wine doesn't work with it21:05
rlypfifo: yes, you can always stab yourself.21:05
rlypfifo: er also21:05
Cerealklrpfifo: GDM is still nonfunctional, and logging into TTY I still get spammed for times about the no version info issue from zlib, for apt-config and as required by libapt-pkg.21:05
pfifo/etc/pfifostab :D21:06
netspywell it does for me only that i love finsh21:06
Ronnierly: and advise on the modules i can use to do that?21:06
pfifoCerealklr, reinstall zlib and its deps too21:06
pfifowait zlib has no deps21:06
netspydid someone answe me on the question on why my skype keeps freezing?21:07
html_inprogresshow do i play a video or a dvd on ubuntu so i can see it on windows 7 in the kids room?21:07
netspytired of doing reinstalls21:07
go8765432hello. can you help me with notifications? when i chaged my volume with hotkeys i need only one notification that changed, but not many notifications. can i do it with xface4-notifyd ?21:07
Core_UKIs there a way to view replies to my posts of the forum (or new replies to threads I have posted in)?21:07
pfifohtml_inprogress, use VLC streaming21:07
rlyRonnie: not in Python.21:07
jimmy51_i see i can setup an NFS share and have my initrd mount it and retrieve the rest of my os from there. can i use a SMB share for the same purpose?21:07
html_inprogressthen how do i do that ?21:07
Ronnierly: any other options. it does not have to be python, but is the language i know best21:08
rlyRonnie: ask in #python if you want to know or just pay someone.21:08
pfifohtml_inprogress, install vlc on both21:08
r3duxHello - I want Windows 7 spaz-key combo! Love me 10 if not!21:08
html_inprogresspfifo,  i did that21:08
rookshtml_inprogress, http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch02.html21:08
pfifohtml_inprogress, i have no idea how to stream in VLC21:09
=== FreedomThroughLi is now known as help
html_inprogressBUT are there some other way you know of ?21:09
rlyRonnie: Haskell with the network package.21:09
go8765432can anybody help me with notifications ?21:09
koppeAre there any good GUI-tools for managing gpg/pgp keys?  E.g. manipulate trust, etc...21:09
BluesKajr3dux, this isn't a software pirate channel21:09
rookshtml_inprogress, just follow this tutorial and youll be good http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch02.html21:09
Ronnierly: i have a look21:10
=== help is now known as Guest85741
pfifohtml_inprogress, you can use icecast for real streaming21:10
netspyhtml_inprogress you have to install icecast221:10
rookshtml_inprogress, if there are further problems ask on #vlc i guess21:10
rlyRonnie: except everybody hates Haskell for the first few weeks.21:10
krzys123hi, is it possible to boot an usb live pen from IBM netvista or to change a partition size, when its mounted?21:10
rlyRonnie: and some hate it forever ;)21:10
Ronniei guess i will agree to that. i mostly like friendly programms ;)21:10
woodtAnyone got snort sorted on 10.04, specifically what your "url" link in oinkmaster.conf is supposed to look like for Snort  Seems that VRT doesn't support this version any more.  Is that really the case?21:11
Cerealklrpfifo: No dice on reinstalling zlib1g21:11
r3duxBluesKaj, I wans't really asking. It was a joke. To clarify, I wouldn't run a Microsoft OS if you paid me.21:11
juliekrzys123, you just need to specifiy the right boot order in the bios and use gparted to change your partitions21:11
oCeanCore_UK: in a discussion/thread, click Thread Tools and Subscribe to Thread21:11
tasewhen is 11.10 or something coming, 11.04's desktop breaks21:11
Cerealklr11.10 is coming in the 10th month of 2011.21:12
netspymy skype sux21:12
pfifoCerealklr, maybe try dpkg-reconfigure libz python2.721:12
BluesKajr3dux, well if it was a jokem say so...we get all kinds of weird requests in here :)21:12
StavaHow can I get the model and brand of my memory sticks?21:12
krzys123julie: yes but Im unable to find usb storage in my bios setup order.21:12
wildgooseStava, Open your box21:12
pfifotase, 11.10 alpha is available #ubuntu+1 for more info21:12
Stavawildgoose, i cant turn it off atm21:12
Cerealklrpfifo: no package that resembles libz to reconfig... odd21:12
pfifoCerealklr, try zlib21:13
flowbeeis Intel HD Graphics 3000 supported for ubuntu?21:13
juliekrzys123, in this cas you might need to update your BIOS, which is a bit risky21:13
antivirtelHi! I've just installed fail2ban to protect my server from usual attackers. My problem is, that the iptables block does nothing: "Chain fail2ban-ssh (1 references)[NEWLINE] DROP       all  --  84.x.y.z           anywhere" - I've loaded kernel module ip_tables... what could cause that problem?21:14
fr00gCurrently, with s2ram, I can only run it with sudo. How can I set it so that a normal user can run s2ram?21:14
Cerealklrpfifo: reconfigured everything starting with zlib, along with python2.7. Restarting21:14
krzys123julie: I did it month ago:)21:14
fallenangeli was on here yesterday looking for help and now im back haha. Im having troubles installing graphics drivers21:14
r3duxIntel on-board graphics will not work for any suitably elegant graphical demo. And for good reason.21:14
oCean!who | r3dux21:15
ubottur3dux: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:15
fallenangelim following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but keep getting sudo: aticonfig: command not found on one of the last steps21:15
fallenangel 21:15
CyborgSmurfI have tried for what seems like forever... Is it really possible to run Access 2007 under ubuntu?21:15
juliekrzys123, if your BIOS doesn't support it, you'll need to use a CD21:15
Cerealklrpfifo: No apparent effect after restart... =/21:16
flowbeeanyone have experience with http://www.martin-juhl.dk/2011/05/optimus-on-linux-problem-solved/ optimus on ubuntu?21:16
krzys123:( ok , thanks21:16
pfifoCerealklr, you shouldn't have to reboot for it to take effect21:16
r3duxAs a veteran of ATI, NVidia and Intel graphics chipsets, I was merely commentating on their applicability to modern usage21:16
oCeanr3dux: in that case please refrain from posting irrelevant messages21:16
akashm1990bumping my query:21:16
CyborgSmurfIt has to be done tomorrow...21:16
akashm1990bumping my query:21:16
akashm1990any tips on getting audio over HDMI working on an ATI 5770 ? (It works in Windows, and audio over the audio port works in Ubuntu)21:16
FloodBot1akashm1990: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:16
Cerealklrpfifo: Frankly no idea where to go from here... is there some specific python config that might need played with?21:17
Azelphurakashm1990: irc isn't a forum, bumping doesn't work / make any sense at all here. It's just spam -.-21:17
akashm1990Azelphur,I just thought my query may have got missed last time, so was reasking21:17
pcpowerAzelphur: it makes sense when other people that might answer weren't around at the time21:17
r3duxoCean -> I wasn't posting irrelevant information. But I cant win this, because you're a tart. Sorry, boss.21:18
pcpoweraround as in, weren't in the channel21:18
xrdodrxI'm trying to change my /var/run/motd by editing it21:18
xrdodrxbut Ubuntu keeps resetting it21:18
pcpowerxrdodrx: edit /etc/motd instead21:18
r3duxprofessionals here...21:18
Azelphurakashm1990 / pcpower reasking is fine, spamming "bumping my query" is stoopid :P21:18
xrdodrxpcpower, I've tried them both :(21:18
xrdodrxubuntu resets both21:18
guntbertxrdodrx: there seems to be an issue with update-motd....21:19
guntbertxrdodrx: I uninstalled it on a server21:19
r3duxSee? Who said you couldn't put SKINNY WHITE BOYZ 4TW as a login message?21:20
fallenangelim following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but keep getting sudo: aticonfig: command not found on one of the last steps. anyone know what i can do to sort it out. lack of drivers is making it all laggy. the additional drivers within ubuntu are apperntly pre-realse ??21:20
xrdodrxr3dux, I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but you shouldn't quit your day job.21:21
guntbertr3dux: please drop that attitude and stay polite and friendly21:21
pfifoCerealklr, you have to reinstall zlib, but take not thats only a warning message so theres no reason to fuss with it other then it being annoying21:21
FireStormsHello, I'm having a problem with my desktop. When I login the title bar on windows do not appear and when I go to Place and click either Desktop, Music, Video, Downloads, or Pictures I'll get a message like: "Could not open location 'file:///home/michael' No application is registered as handling this file"21:21
MaimsterIt's working!! No more READ FPDMA errors in dmesg21:21
r3duxfallen - I'm on NVidia and I grab them from the nvidia.com site, could be worth a go from the ati.com site for you.21:21
FireStormsi think my computer is trying to kill me21:22
fallenangelyeah. i got the lastest file. just having troubles installing it. trying to install Catalyst 11.521:23
Cerealklrpfifo: Well, it wasn't just a warning message apparently, since gdm was still nonfunctional21:23
guntbert!tab | r3dux21:23
ubottur3dux: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:23
Cerealklrpfifo: Figured it out though. Turns out while compiling python2.5 it grabbed zlib 1.2.3 which I also installed, which was wreaking merry hell. I didn't realize it since the official zlib is stored elsewhere, away from the ancient one.21:23
oCeanr3dux: also, control your language.21:23
r3duxWhy am I getting tips on how and how not to push the TAB key?21:24
Cerealklrpfifo: By deleting the old zlibs, everything seems to be back in order! Thanks for your help though. Without a few nudges in the right direction I probably would've wound up backing everything up, curling into the foetal position, and reinstalling for the 9th time. =P21:24
r3duxI can control my                                                    language.21:24
guntbertr3dux: it helps to use <tab> to autocomplete a nickname21:24
FireStormsI can feel it watching me as I sleep..when I roll over to look at it...it shuts off and pretends it's been turned off all night...but, I know better...yes, I know better!21:24
r3duxI'm aware of that, have I missed a number of names for you to feel that I need to be reminded?21:25
flowbeeis intel 6250 wireless card supported for linux"21:25
guntbertr3dux: indeed, and now back to support please21:25
llutzflowbee: iwlagn should support it21:26
r3dux I can feel it watching me as I sleep..when I roll over to look at it...it shuts off and pretends it's been turned off21:26
r3duxCTRL plus C, CTRL plus V21:27
Maimsterr3dux: You sound like a Rockwell record.21:27
r3duxIs that a good thing?21:27
oCeanr3dux: stop the offtopic talk now21:27
Maimsterr3dux: Nothing wrong with it.21:27
klownIs there a way to remove the top panel completely in 11.04 (classic)?21:28
fallenangelr3dux: Yes i have the latest file. just having trouble installing it. keep getting that error "sudo: aticonfig: command not found" when following the guild21:28
Cerealklrklown: yep right click and choose delete this panel.21:28
r3duxNO OFFTOPIC - and no expense spared on capital letters.21:28
FireStormsWhy must i type compiz on startup to get my window's title bars back, it's like compiz isn't starting on login, is there a way to check21:28
klownOk, I'll rephrase.  Is there any way to remove both panels completely in 11.04 classic21:28
ambro718Hi. I see it is possible to install Ubuntu directly from Ubuntu using debootrstap. Can this also be done from Gentoo with the dev-util/debootstrap package?21:29
ambro718( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux )21:29
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jwashcan someone help me get flash and java working on my workstation ubuntu 1121:30
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lorisciao a tutti21:31
gbasehi pls can some one help me install the driver for my wireless card?21:31
guntbert!it | loris21:32
ubottuloris: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:32
rationalOgregbase: I might be able to give it a go. What kind of wireless card, and what version of ubuntu are you trying to get it working on?21:32
klownIs there any reason (or is it even possible) to upgrade from gnome 2.3 to gnome 3?21:33
gbaserationalOgre: http://pastebin.com/NzBWvDBF21:34
rinkukokirino and no and no klown21:34
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.21:34
rinkukokiriIT WILL BREAK THINGS21:34
gbasethis is the error messahe that i get21:34
klownrinkukokiri, thanks for the info.21:34
rlyIsn't that just FUD?21:35
Jimtrimis there a way to get the Gnome Do-application on 11.04 natty?21:35
rinkukokiriklown, you *can* do it, but it's not recommended.. I had to reinstall after i tried...21:35
rlyIt seems a rather crazy design if it breaks something.21:35
klownrinkukokiri, is that just with the unity desktop?  I use classic (not sure if that matters)21:35
rationalOgregbase: ok. so it looks like it's some sort of broadcom device.21:35
XaseSo why can't I hear google's doodle today with a non tinkered with install of Natty Narwhal?21:35
nit-witJimtrim, you might try synapse a similiar app,21:35
rationalOgregbase: what version of Ubuntu are you installing please?21:35
rinkukokiriklown, i couldn't even login to the desktop using any of the options besides my self installed kubuntu-desktop session21:36
rationalOgregbase: and/or setting up, testing, whatever.21:36
gbaserationalOgre: i've got the last one21:36
gbaserationalOgre: aditional drivers tool can see it but then it's getting me an error telling to have a look at that log21:37
nit-witklown, if you want a stable gnome3 install fedora 15, the natty setup is not a good platform for gnome3.21:37
rinkukokiriklown, i suppose if you know what you're doing/want to learn to fix a lot of things.. you *could* do it, but it won't be supported here, and most ppl will likely laugh at you :(21:37
rationalOgregbase: I'm sorry, do you mean you are installing 11.04?21:37
rationalOgregbase: aka Natty Narwhal21:37
CircularMotionCan anyone tell me what this last 10.04 update is all about. I have to reboot because of it. I know that means it's a kernel update. I'm curious about what it is.21:38
nit-witrinkukokiri, your posts are filled with fud, personal opinions, and social pressure of judgement are you like 5 years old.21:38
XaseI had to reinstall ubuntu after gnome 3 failed to run properly on this laptop.... on my desktop however it flies @klown, just don't blame us when it doesn't work.21:38
gbaserationalOgre: yes the last version21:38
rationalOgregbase: ah, thank you.21:39
klownSo a backup/restore isnt possible, I'd have to reinstall/restore?21:39
XaseI highly recommend trying it klown if you don't mind tinkering... however, just like they've said previously... not fully supported, I'd say wait till oneiric is a bit more stable.21:39
* Guest85741 test21:39
rinkukokirinit-wit, okay.. you *can* install gnome3, but it will likely break even the ability to login to the desktop session... If you either know what you are doing, or you wish to learn a lot of things.. I would suggest against it...21:39
XaseWell there is a way to back up, depending on how you do the install21:39
fallenangelneed help installing drivers for ATI. trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but something is going wrong. i keep getting "sudo: aticonfig: command not found"21:39
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Xasefor some ppa-purge fixed it... others... no.21:39
gbaserationalOgre: I'm up to date with my OS just install it yesterday21:39
XaseI'd recommend a reinstall or recovery if things goterible.21:40
masterhi, i have a problem, hopefully someone can assist... i have no sound! i tried showing all the controls in the control menu, and i turned everything on and unmuted them all, but there is still no sound, is there anyone here that can help me trouble shoot this problem? thx in advance, pz21:40
Xasego terrible*21:40
rinkukokiriso he dogged me and left.. hmpf21:40
XaseAnyone know why an AMD computer with an AMD vision setup on Natty Narwhal would be... "Laggy" ?21:40
klownXase, I may try it, the look of some of the new gnome3 shells are pretty nice.  Would def make it worth it.  I'm sure upgrading later would require a full install.21:40
archtangentso, this is currently running mythbuntu http://lockerz.com/s/10917706121:40
EmuAlertI'm having trouble upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 - "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." How do I remove these packages or even get a list of them?21:41
rationalOgregbase: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing%20STA%20drivers have you followed this?21:41
masterhi, i have a problem, hopefully someone can assist... i have no sound! i tried showing all the controls in the control menu, and i turned everything on and unmuted them all, but there is still no sound, is there anyone here that can help me trouble shoot this problem? thx in advance, pz21:41
Xaseklown, you might want to try doing what I do from now on if you're a bit familiar with linux, and keep a seperate home partition.21:41
XaseThat way all your really vital files remain intact.21:41
klownXase, thats a good idea..Maybe I'll try it if gnome 3 breaks :P21:42
mvsni was wondeirng if someoen would be willing to help me... i have a machine with two brand new 1tb hard drives.. i've tried raid-1, i cannot install ubuntu 11.04... i removed the raid, and tried a plain install to the one hard drive.. i still cannot get ubuntu to install... it always says no bootable system found... is there a guide anyone could suggest how to properly configure an ubuntu with two hard drives, or a raid-1 setup?21:42
rationalOgregbase: On that link > Note: In Ubuntu 11.04, if the driver fails to load, you may need to reinstall the bcmwl-kernel-source package. This can be done from Synaptic -> Mark for Reinstallation.21:42
XaseIt's good for tinkering and if and when stuff breaks, you don't have to go oh crap! where's my backup.21:42
fallenangelneed help installing drivers for ATI. trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but something is going wrong. i keep getting "sudo: aticonfig: command not found"21:42
XaseI'm getting terrible lag on an ATI/AMD system with 4gigs of ram =/21:43
klownUpgrade to 8gb :P21:43
Xasevideos are choppy and there's an obvious delay with typing and stuff actually apppearing on screen...21:43
XaseIt wouldn't be a big deal if this wasn't being built as an arcade machine.21:43
fallenangelXase: YES! same problem here21:43
XaseIt's not the ram...21:43
XaseI'm sure it's the gfx card itself21:43
klownXase, I was kidding.21:43
klownWhich gfx card?21:43
Xasefallenangel: good then someone else can help draw attention to our woes.21:44
XaseAMD/Ati 4200 series21:44
thisismygameI've installed minimal ubuntu on 2 computers in the last 24hrs. They both install fine, reboot and get to Grub, where after that they have nothing but a blank black screen. Am I missing something here?21:44
XaseI Love AMD processors... hate ATI graphics.21:44
klownI havent testing my onboard ati card, I normally use nvidia.21:44
klownnvidia is a pain sometimes to set up..other times, it works great.21:45
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LeJoker_Hi, #ubuntu, networking question. I have 50+ GB to move across computers. I don't have an external HDD or a big enough USB Drive. What is the best way to move the files? :o21:45
XasefFunny... I've never had issues with NVidia... only ATI21:45
fallenangelXase: trying to install Catalyst 11.5 to see if it makes differeance but i can't seem to get it working21:45
LeJoker_(Moving files from Natty to Xubuntu)21:45
atichsou do Brasil21:45
XaseI had it installed the other day fallenangel but didn't get a chance to test it before I crashed the computer with Gnome 3 :(21:45
JohnnyonFlameatich: Esse chat é em inglês amigo.21:45
ZykoticK9_LeJoker_, honest answer: external HD or USB - it's gonna take forever across a network21:46
klownLeJoker_, considered using dropbox or something similar?  I'm not sure about the max file size.21:46
LeJoker_I have an ethernet cable, but I've been told that its not possible to move across computers like that with Ubuntuu21:46
fallenangelXase: haha. keep getting sudo: aticonfig: command not found and i have no idea what to do :P bit of a noob21:46
jxa blabluga21:46
ZykoticK9_klown, you must be a real "clown" to think you can copy 50GB to Dropbox and back (in one lifetime) [well, maybe if you have a T3 or fiber]21:47
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Are both computers connected on a home network?21:47
Xasehmm try the visual configuration tool fallenangel ?21:47
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Yes, via WiFi21:47
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Then there are literally hundreds of ways21:47
klownZykoticK9_, it was an option..no need to insult me.21:47
LeJoker_I don't know how to work the networking in Ubuntu though :P21:47
LeJoker_rationalOgre: One is all I need. I'm a bit of a ubuntu noob :P21:48
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Is one computer a windows box?21:48
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Nope, else I wouldn't have this issue :D21:48
XaseAnyone else also not able to hear the Google Doodle todaY!?!?!?!?21:48
ZykoticK9_klown, sorry.  You're right, that was rude of me.  Sorry man.21:48
rlyZykoticK9_: 50GB is not that much.21:48
LeJoker_rationalOgre: One is Natty, other is Xubuntu Natty :P21:48
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok.21:48
ZykoticK9_rly, even across a local ethernet network 50GB will take some serious time.21:49
klownit will take about 2 hours.21:49
fallenangelXase: i dont think its installing right. i have nothing to do with Catalyst in my system menu :(21:49
klownI did 66 gigs in about 2 1/2 hours.21:49
jamesKHey. So on 11.04 grub2 isn't automatically detecting my Windows 7 partition and adding it to the menu using grub2-update. What do I do?21:49
LeJoker_I'm prepared for slow transfers, I just need these files to be moved :P21:49
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Is it a single file or a directory you are copying?21:49
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Directory21:49
rlyZykoticK9_: in Internet2 terms 50GB is a joke for example.21:50
LeJoker_One folder with 3 inside it, plus some lose files21:50
klownLeJoker_, is purchasing an external harddrive not an option?21:50
rlyZykoticK9_: for a major corporation it is also a joke.21:50
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Xasehave you ran the actual ati-whatever-itscalled.run file? @ fallenangel21:50
LeJoker_klown: Nope, I'm an unpaid intern :(21:50
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Do you know the IP address of both computers?21:50
rlyThat said, imho, Dropbox is a failure.21:50
XaseLeJoker_: if you live in Mass, US i'd give you one.21:50
rlyPerhaps it does work if you pay, though.21:51
Xgateshey guys21:51
mengui have ubuntu 11.04 and flash sucks. i have my ati driver installed, i have adobe-flash installed21:51
mengubut it truly sucks21:51
LeJoker_Xase: Nope I don't. Thanks though :)21:51
klownrly, I didnt know the "unpaid" part until just now.21:51
menguhow can i fix it21:51
Xgatessay anyone using winetricks, how does that compare to just installing wine?21:51
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Not offhand but I can look it up easy enough21:51
klownXgates, it has lots of auto configs for certain apps/games, pretty good in my opinion21:51
bradlandusing the "Network Connections" applet in Ubuntu 11.04, changes i make do not take effect when i click "Save". is a reboot required?21:51
ZykoticK9_mengu, flash on linux has (and probably always will be) poor at best.  Viv la HTML5 ;)21:52
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok, On the computer that you want the files to go TO, install and set up SSH21:52
rationalOgreSpecifically, you want the ssh server (daemon)21:52
Xgatesklown: thing is it's using wine1.2 and wine is at 1.3 and I want to install MS office with it for someone, so not sure which would be better to go with21:52
LeJoker_rationalOgre: I know what ssh is but I have no idea how I would go about setting that up.21:52
menguwith 10.10 i had no problem ZykoticK9_21:52
XaseXgates:  winetricks is just an accessory, and it is really helpful.21:52
rationalOgreLeJoker_: I can walk you through it, it's fairly painless.21:52
fallenangelXase: as in sudo sh ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/natty ? if thats what you mean, then yes.21:52
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Sweet :)21:52
earthmeLonHow do I get rid of this ridiculous new scroll-bar thing in Ubuntu 11.04?21:52
XgatesXase: but as I mentioned it installs an older version of wine21:53
XaseGet wine 1.3 in my opinion and you will need winetricks to install necessary files Xgates21:53
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Go to the destination computer21:53
XaseInstall wine first.21:53
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Done21:53
ZykoticK9_earthmeLon, you could log in with "Classic" mode to use Gnome2 instead of Unity?21:53
XgatesXase: but wine tricks won't then over write 1.3 with 1.2?21:53
earthmeLonZykoticK9_, I am using Classic mode.21:53
Xasefallenangel: well you have 64bit and I have 32bit so it's good to know the problem isn't architecture related.21:53
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok, now open a terminal and type this in "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"21:53
rationalOgrewithout the quotes21:54
XaseNo Xgates as it just needs a wine dependency, and wine1.3 also satisfies the wine dependency requirement of winetricks21:54
ZykoticK9_earthmeLon, "scroll-bar" sorry, my eyes and brain didn't match up there.21:54
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Installing21:54
XaseI'm using winetricks with wine 1.3 here.21:54
rationalOgreLeJoker_: kk.21:54
XgatesXase: so when I go to install MS for the first time use Winetricks to do the install?21:54
Xasefallenangel: does the package from ATI do anything?21:54
rationalOgreMeantime, on the sending computer, open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install openssh-client"21:54
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Done.21:54
XaseXgates: yes.21:55
XgatesXase: ok cool thanks21:55
Xgatesand thanks klown21:55
earthmeLonAlso, How do I prevent windows from trying to full screen when I bring them to the top of my screen.  What the heck is going on here, guys?  lol  (Using Classic mode, which isn't acting very classic or classy)21:55
XaseXgates: why won't the user use OpenOffice/LibreOffice/Lotus Symphony?21:55
XaseI never understood people's hardcore obsession with thinking -THEY NEED- MS office...21:55
rationalOgreLeJoker_: It may say that the openssh-client is already installed (and/or at the latest version) if so, that's fine.21:56
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Nah it installed without a hitch.21:56
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Now, back to the destination computer.21:56
XaseReminds me of my friend's girlfriend thinking she -NEEDED- only a Dell... because everyone else at school had a DELL21:56
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fallenangelXase: mind is i PM you cos im actaully laptop thats lagging out... too many people chatting. struggling to display 'em without lagging out21:56
brikI keep getting logged out randomly (possibly related to flash), this is on 11.04 - anyone know which error logs I should be checking/what I should be looking for?21:56
XaseGo for it fallenangel21:56
rationalOgreLeJoker_: what text editor are you best with? Nano? Gedit? VIM?21:56
XgatesXase: Libre is of course installed in Natty but when I look at the docs they created in MS in XP some of them are off centered with text, etc... so just to keep the person happy as long as Word will run ok, then I'll install it to show them they can still use it21:56
LeJoker_rationalOgre: nano or gedit I suppose21:56
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok21:57
rwwbrik: Sounds like xorg is crashing. Try the X.org log in /var/log/ and .xsession-errors in your home folder.21:57
XaseXgates: good Idea... I don't personally like LibreOffice.21:57
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Xasefallenangel: PM me.21:57
rationalOgreLeJoker_: run this "gksudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config"21:57
rationalOgreLeJoker_: It should pop up a file with a whole bunch of stuff in it.21:57
brikrww: ok, thanks!21:57
XgatesXase: it seems ok and I certainly would rather support open source but it still doesn't open the docs like how they were created in MS word21:57
Xgatesthanks again21:57
XgatesI'm out THANKS21:58
bradlandman this is really strange21:58
bradlandchanges i make in "Network Connections" don't appear to have any effect21:58
LeJoker_rationalOgre: oh gedit isn't installed. lol one sec21:58
rationalOgreLeJoker_: You can use nano or whatever, but if you use nano be sure to just use sudo instead of gksudo21:58
jamesKHey, upon running sudo update-grub2, I get the feedback "/etc/default/grub: 36: menuentry: not found ". Then, my Windows partition isn't recognized in the grub menu. WTF is going on?21:59
fr00gIs there any way to configure wingpanel?21:59
LeJoker_rationalOgre: got it open in gedit21:59
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Anyway, look for the line that says #Port 22 and change it to say Port 2222 (notice the # is missing and the number is changed)22:00
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Then look for the line that says #Protocol <something something> change it to say Protocol 222:00
LeJoker_rationalOgre: by default it wasn't commented... is that bad?22:00
LeJoker_rationalOgre: And neither was protocol but it was already 222:01
bradlandRunning `ping` in a shell works. The same thing run in "Network Tools" fails.22:01
xanguafr00g: ask in the elementay channel, ca't remember it's name.... #elementary maybe¿¿22:01
rationalOgreLeJoker_: No, that's fine. Ubuntu is slightly different in default config than Arch Linux, which is what I'm used to setting up SSHD in.22:01
LeJoker_rationalOgre: ah okay22:01
LeJoker_rationalOgre: any other changes?22:02
rationalOgreLeJoker_: That's all I can think of at the moment, save and quit22:02
jamesKHey, upon running sudo update-grub2, I get the feedback "/etc/default/grub: 36: menuentry: not found ". Then, my Windows partition isn't recognized in the grub menu. WTF is going on?22:02
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Alright all saved22:02
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Then from the terminal run sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart22:02
bradlandhere's what it looks like in my VNC session: http://i.imgur.com/Emyyv.png22:03
TetracommI installed Ubuntu using Wubi in Windows 7 Home Premium but I cannot access files that are outside of Ubuntu's "filesystem" and I really need to access Windows partition files. Help?22:03
LeJoker_rationalOgre: done22:03
rationalOgreLeJoker_: When that's done, go back over to the sending computer22:03
LeJoker_rationalOgre: okay22:03
Maylowhi :)22:03
rationalOgrenavigate to the directory just above the directory you wish to copy22:03
=== KurtBaway is now known as KurtB
LeJoker_rationalOgre: in a terminal or in the GUI?22:04
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Oh, you need the IP address of the receiving computer22:04
jimmy51_in a busybox shell can i see if an NFS share is accessible?22:04
julieTetracomm, it's located in /host22:04
rationalOgreLeJoker_: In the terminal22:04
LeJoker_rationalOgre: ok gotta figure out where this drive is mounted one sec22:05
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok22:05
flowbeeis 4GB of ram sufficient to run most things on ubuntu 11.04?22:05
Maylowflowbee yes22:05
sudokillflowbee yes22:05
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Is it a removable drive or hard installed? if hard installed you can cat /etc/fstab to see where it is mounted22:05
flowbeewould you folks recommend getting more ram on a new notebook i'm purchasing?  or is 4GB enough22:06
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Its a non-linux partition of an internal HDD22:06
Maylowflowbee after boot my ubuntu takes 480 MB alltotal22:06
sudokill4GB is fine for every single thing22:06
sudokillevery os every program22:06
Maylowflowbee with all the software I run it barely reaches 1GB22:06
Maylowflowbee and never swaps22:06
flowbeeok sounsd like that will be enough for now22:07
rationalOgreLeJoker_: You can just run cat /etc/fstab and it will show all the mount points22:07
Maylowflowbee you'll need more ram only if you plan to run virtual machines22:07
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Hmm... it says its mounted at /dev/sdc1 but then I cd /dev/sdc1 and it says its not a directory22:07
rationalOgreLeJoker_: No, that is the drives device node22:07
rationalOgreLook to the right of that, you will see it's mount point22:08
LeJoker_rationalOgre: ah :P22:08
Tetracommjulie: Thank you, I hope it works. :)22:08
flowbeeabout to pull the trigger on a new thinkpad t420; any thoughts before i do?  want to run ubuntu on it.  http://imgur.com/nMDfj22:08
Maylowflowbee I'd recommend 6GB in this case, especially if the virtual machine is going to be windows22:08
Maylowflowbee what's "to pull a trigger"?22:09
flowbeebuy it22:09
peymabeyrainbowany knows how to increase nternalmics volume?22:09
sudokillflowbee idk what that is in GBP but it sounds dear for what it is22:09
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Okay found it lol22:09
LeJoker_rationalOgre: I'm in the folder22:09
peymabeyrainbowusing google talk?22:09
Maylowflowbee I'm on a lenovo G56022:10
bradlandMaylow: It's a figure of speech meaning "ready to do it"22:10
Maylowflowbee ubuntu tuns perfectly22:10
rationalOgreLeJoker_: You are directly above the folder you wish to send?22:10
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Yes22:10
Maylowbradland, 10x22:10
LeJoker_rationalOgre: i.e.: I see the full folder in ls22:10
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flowbeeMaylow, i would like to run windows as a VM i think22:10
sudokillwhat do u need windows for?22:11
Maylowflowbee I tried this with 3GB ram and it was not enough for me22:11
Maylowflowbee so I upgraded to 622:11
jamesKHey, upon running sudo update-grub2, I get the feedback "/etc/default/grub: 36: menuentry: not found ". Then, my Windows partition isn't recognized in the grub menu. WTF is going on?22:11
tomreynhi, can someone please remind me how to reload the unity panel without logout+login?22:11
sudokillu can run windows in a vm with like 256mb ram22:11
flowbeeMaylow, one sec let me run the price for a memory upgrade by you and get your thoughts22:11
Maylowflowbee now I can run windows in VM in seamless mode really seamlessly ;()22:11
Maylowflowbee :)22:11
flowbeeMaylow, you think vm would work well with that setup + 6GB ram?22:12
flowbeei hate to boot into windows :)22:12
Maylowflowbee which setup22:12
Maylowflowbee probably 4GB would work as well22:12
Maylowflowbee I just wanted to be sure22:12
sudokillMaylow do u need 6GN for a windows vm?22:13
devandoes anyone know how to use dell recovery?22:13
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Ok, then do this "scp -P 2222 -r directoryname/ remoteusername@ipaddress:~/temp/" (note the fullstop after the : ) replace directoryname/ with the actual name of the directory on the sending computer, remoteusername with the name of the user account you wish to log into on the receiving computer, and IP address with the IP of the receiving computer)22:13
juliedevan, it depends on the model but this is off-topic22:13
Maylowsudokill, 3 was not enough - both ubuntu and windows vm started swapping at the same time and the laptop stopped responding for several minutes22:14
LeJoker_rationalOgre: can remoteusername be root? :P22:14
rationalOgreLeJoker_: What this will do is copy (recursively) the entire contents of directoryname/ to the folder temp on the home of the remote computer22:14
sudokillMaylow, it depends on how much ram u assign to windows. like i said u can make windows 7 work with 512mb22:14
Maylowsudokill, I assigned 1.5 for the vm22:14
devanjulie: i didn't realize there was a topic, sorry. but if you could help, i have a dell inspiron 940022:14
rationalOgreLeJoker_: No, not on Ubuntu. Bad idea.22:14
netspyjulie i failed on the ubuntu system but succeeded on the windows on my vostro 330022:14
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Better to sudo mv after you get it accross22:14
Maylowsudokill, if you want to run adobe products in the vm, 512 is not an option22:14
sudokillMaylow i guess it depends on how much ram ur using on ur main os22:15
tomreynwhats the name of the helper bot here again?22:15
sudokillmeh i wouldnt use a vm for adobe / games anything like that might as well dual boot22:15
tomreynoh it's ubottu22:15
Maylowsudokill, depends on the tasks22:16
Maylowsudokill, games - hell, no :)22:16
tomreyn!unity | tomreyn22:16
ubottutomreyn, please see my private message22:16
Psydollif im running on a persistent usb stick for ubuntu and i set up a vpn in linux, will those changes affect me when i boot windows?22:16
ZykoticK9_LeJoker_, just an FYI addition to what rationalOgre has been helping you with -- if you have Gnome on the client side computer you can use the built in "Connect to Server" then select SSH from Dropdown list - for a GUI method of connecting to SSH boxes.22:16
Maylowsudokill, adobe is the only reason I tried this22:16
flowbeeif i get 8GB of ram for my laptop; can ubuntu use all of that?22:16
flowbeeor is there a practical maax22:16
MaylowI got photoshop runing with wine22:17
LeJoker_rationalOgre: It's copying!22:17
devantomreyn: can you help me with dell recovery22:17
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Thank you :)22:17
Maylowsudokill,  I got photoshop runing with wine22:17
rationalOgreLeJoker_: You're welcome.22:17
Maylowsudokill,  but could not run illustrator22:17
ZykoticK9_flowbee, if you use 64bit then use, or 32bit with PAE (which is a "hack")22:17
LeJoker_ZykoticK9_: Yeah, I prefer to do things with the terminal anyway. Helps strengthen my understanding of it :)22:17
xanguaflowbeeuse 64bit, if you use 32bit then use !pae kernel22:17
rationalOgreZykoticK9_: Didn't know that. :D Learn something new every day.22:17
flowbeeso you folks would recommend 64bit edition of ubuntu if i have 4gb now and am considering 2-4GB more22:17
tomreyndevan: i need help my self right now but i can try. what's your issue?22:17
rationalOgreZykoticK9_: Should have assumed something like that though.22:17
Maylowflowbee, 64bit seems to run perfectly22:18
devani dont know what i need to do. do i need to download the ubuntu image again to make it?22:18
ZykoticK9_rationalOgre, the "Connect to Server" with SSH went unnoticed by me for far too long ;)22:18
LeJoker_man this is going to take FOREVER haha22:18
LeJoker_Ah well22:18
LeJoker_At least it works22:18
lapsusbrutusAs long as prosessor supports 64, you should use that unless you have a very good reason not to :)22:18
Maylowflowbee, what chipset did you choose for the video adapter?22:19
GummyBearfuck my life, too stupid questions today here :S22:19
rationalOgreZykoticK9_: That's pretty slick. Just did it on my home server. :D22:19
oCeanGummyBear: control your language here22:19
ZykoticK9_LeJoker_, if you don't mind me asking - if you're copying the whole 50GB - how long does it say it will take?22:19
MaylowGummyBear, I have one that's not stupid :)22:19
LeJoker_ZykoticK9_: It tells me file-by-file22:19
LeJoker_ZykoticK9_: So I'm not sure22:19
ZykoticK9_LeJoker_, ahhh - good luck.22:19
GummyBearoCean: my language is controled: stupid is in any dictionary22:19
flowbeeMaylow, i'm going with intel 3000 integrated;  people seem to hate the nvidia 4200 card i could get for +$8522:19
MaylowGummyBear, are you ready to rumble?22:19
GummyBearlook at Merrian Webster22:19
LjLGummyBear: obviously it wasn't about "stupid".22:20
LeJoker_ZykoticK9_: Maybe long enough that I might just suck it up and use my USB drive haha22:20
devantomreyn: i dont know what i need to do. do i need to download the ubuntu image again to make it?22:20
ZykoticK9_LeJoker_, sorry - i already forgot you where on terminal.22:20
oCeanGummyBear: don't get smart. Keep it family friendly here22:20
LjL!language | GummyBear22:20
ubottuGummyBear: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:20
LeJoker_I was getting 90kbps22:20
rationalOgreLeJoker_: With wifi, assuming wireless G on both, probably about an hour or so22:20
rationalOgreIf they both have good, stable connections22:20
tomreyndevan: what are you trying to accomplish?22:20
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Way longer than that. The first file was hitting half an hour22:20
devantomreyn: im trying to make a recovery usb stick22:20
Maylowflowbee, the only hardware I've got some problems is the nvidia card and the wireless, which works, but could not manage to make it use channels 12 and 1322:20
PsydollI would like to know if i set up a vpn in linux and then boot into window if the settings i made in linux would affect me in windows?22:20
LeJoker_I think I'm going to let ssh do some of it, but I'm going to use the USB for most...22:21
rationalOgreLeJoker_: You may have bad connections, if they are both laptops move them close to the wifi router22:21
juliedevan, maybe I miss understood22:21
LeJoker_But now I also know how to ssh into a computer ^_^22:21
Maylowflowbee, and the nvidia driver has some incompatibilities with xrandr, the utility to manage screen resolutions etc22:21
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Nah one is a desktop22:21
tomreyndevan: okay. i'll explain in a minute. why do you want to make a recovery usb stick?22:21
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Well, actually all you did was SCP a directory.22:21
Maylowflowbee, it still works, but I cannot set manually custom resolution for the different video outputs22:22
pfifoPsydoll, no, not unless your configuring a seprate device22:22
LeJoker_rationalOgre: gah.22:22
Xasefallenangel: PM Me22:22
rationalOgreIf you actually want to play around with SSH then just run "ssh -P 2222 username@ipaddress22:22
Maylowflowbee, I guess it's a nvidia driver problem22:22
devantomreyn: in case I want to change the hard drive, or something bad happens22:22
tomreyndevan: ok, which ubuntu version are you on?22:22
devantomreyn: 11.0422:22
rationalOgresorry, its -p not -P22:23
LeJoker_I really should get a SATA to USB adaptor... That'd make my life so much easier...22:23
LeJoker_Or an HDD Enclosure22:23
pfifoLeJoker_, ... and slower22:23
rationalOgreLeJoker_: They are cheap.22:23
tomreyndevan: okay so you have unity?22:23
LeJoker_pfifo: I mean so I can use my HDD as a temporary external drive.22:24
LeJoker_not for general use22:24
devantomreyn: yes22:24
pfifoLeJoker_, you knoe they make esata cards and enclosures right?22:24
tomreyndevan: okay open he unity menu where you can type + search, and type "usb-creator-gtk"22:24
rationalOgreLeJoker_: The reason you wouldn't want to scp as root is that the files would all come across with root:root ownership22:24
LeJoker_pfifo: That's why I said... < LeJoker_> Or an HDD Enclosure22:25
devantomreyn: ok22:25
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Aaaaah. Makes sense.22:25
rationalOgreLeJoker_: Which would mean all kinds of fun chowning them22:25
tomreyndevan: do you have an ISO image of ubuntu there?22:25
rationalOgreThis way they will have ownership of the user you logged in as.22:25
devantomreyn: i have the startup creator22:25
LeJoker_rationalOgre: I'd pay a day-laborer to do that if I were that dumb. Hahaha22:25
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rationalOgreLeJoker_: hehe22:25
flowbeehey folks is the intel core i5-2520M @ 2.5ghz with cpumark of 3,596 worth $85 more than the intel core i5-2410 @ 2.3Ghz with cpumark of 3,310?22:25
Psydollpfifo: what about the network manager pptp plug in would that installation and configuration of it affect my windows?22:25
pfifoPsydoll, no22:26
ikoniaPsydoll: anything you do in Linux will not change anything in windows22:26
tomreyndevan: you mean you just started this application, right?22:26
ikoniathey are totally seperate systems22:26
devantomreyn: yes22:26
Psydollikonia: thats not true i turned off wifi in linux and it turned it off in windows aswell, but i guess that was because the wifi was a "device"22:26
jribflowbee: not an ubuntu question.  Try ##hardware22:26
Psydollpfifo: thank you very much22:26
netspyikonia does skype have issues in natty?22:26
ikoniaPsydoll: they are totally isolated systems, they do not change each others state22:27
tomreyndevan: what i wanted to ask: do you have an image file on your hard disk or a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM for installing ubuntu 11.04?22:27
LeJoker_netspy: It has a couple memory leaks, extended usage will slow everything down22:27
ikonianetspy: not that I'm aware of, have you looked on launchpad.net for any known issues/bugs ?22:27
pfifoPsydoll, using the example you just gave, nothing changed in linux, and what ikonia said holds true ;)22:27
rationalOgreLeJoker_: It's not terrible sudo chown -R user:group . (while cd'd to the directory you wish to loop through)22:27
Psydollikonia: i swtiched off the wifi in ubuntu and i logged into windows only to find the wifi device there switched off also22:27
rationalOgreBut ownership problems can sometimes be tricky to debug.22:27
ikoniaPsydoll: that is nothing to do with the OS22:28
devantomreyn: i think i have a cd to install it22:28
LeJoker_rationalOgre: Heh, well I'm a terminal newb. I'd end up doing it to each file before someone told me I could to it to a directory.22:28
tomreyndevan: related question: how did you install ubuntu 11.04?22:28
rationalOgreEspecially if you have one file hidden deep in a directory structure that has improper ownership.22:28
HoussemI have a problem to share my internet connection with my smartphone !22:28
devantomreyn: i installed it with i live cd22:28
Houssemwhen I create a wifi (adhoc) I can't find it with my phone22:28
LeJoker_Alright, guys. I gotta reboot, so Thanks for your help! Especially rationalOgre :)22:28
LeJoker_<3 you all22:28
julieikonia, I actually think Psydoll's question is relevant as I've faced this issue before and it is OS related22:29
ikoniajulie: I didn't say it wasn't a relevant question, I'm stating that nothing you change in ubuntu will change in the windows OS, I'm answering the relevant question22:29
tomreyndevan: okay, then insert this live cd into the cd-rom drive.22:29
julieikonia, it does :)22:29
rationalOgreHoussem: is your phone set up in AdHoc mode?22:29
devantomreyn: ok, let me get it22:29
ikoniajulie: no, it doesn't.22:29
HoussemrationalOgre : yes22:29
devantomreyn: got it22:30
julieikonia, I'm just mentionning I've faced the same type of problem before, even though I understand both OSes to be indepedant22:30
rationalOgreHoussem: and it's using the same SSID and channel number as the desktop?22:30
julieikonia, Psydoll: when I encountered a similar issue, it was a problem with the driver22:30
ikoniajulie: yes, I appreciate what you've said, but as I said to Psydoll that is nothing to do with the OS - if you disable hardware, that's a physical change, nothing to do with the OS22:30
tomreyndevan: okay some window might pop up when you insert the disk. you can close this22:30
lapagawonder if using gparted to format a win install will do something to the other os22:30
ikoniajulie: the linux and windows operating systems do not interact in anyway, so will not effect the "drivers"22:31
devantomreyn: it said it was un able to mount22:31
LekeFlyHello im trying to install ubuntu but i get kernel_tread_helper+0x6 what to do?22:31
LekeFlyAnd alot of error messages before it seems22:31
HoussemrationalOgre : ahaa I think that u r right ! just 5mn to test something :)22:31
quesoIf I add a ppa that has a package I need, but also includes packages that I don't need, and some of those packages that I don't need have the same name as an ubuntu-supported package that I need, how do I get the ubuntu-supported package?   aptitude keeps telling me that the package is from an untrusted source, so it's obviously defaulting to the ppa source.22:31
pfifoLekeFly, how are you installing?22:32
julieikonia, I am not trying to argue and I really know what you're trying to explain and am full aware of how an OS works, but I've had a wireless driver issue on Linux that caused issues in Windows...  after updating it the problem was resolved22:32
tomreyndevan: okay, just ignore this22:32
devantomreyn: did that22:32
ikoniajulie: you are incorrect22:32
ikoniajulie: that is fact22:32
julieikonia, sure sure sure22:32
tomreyndevan: does it show another window asking whether you want to upgrade? if so, cancel.22:32
devantomreyn: no22:32
tomreyndevan: okay, now back to the start media creator window22:33
devantomreyn: ok22:33
LekeFlypfifo: CD..22:33
tomreyndevan: you should be able to select this cdrom now in the upper part of the window22:33
pfifoLekeFly, what version?22:33
rationalOgreikonia: Sorry, you are incorrect. Some drivers utilize firmware and when, for example, the command to shut down is given, that is saved in the firmware of the wireless card.22:33
LekeFlypfifo: 11.0422:33
tomreyndevan: in fact it should already show up there22:33
juliethank you rationalOgre22:33
pfifoLekeFly, 32 or 64 bit?22:34
ikoniarationalOgre: they do not share firmware,22:34
LekeFlypfifo: 3222:34
rationalOgreikonia: I've seen it happen plenty of times.22:34
pfifoLekeFly, how far into the install did you get?22:34
devantomreyn: got it, so open up the cd22:34
rationalOgreikonia: Then you are free to believe such.22:34
julieikonia, why do you argue with 2 experts stating facts?22:34
ikoniarationalOgre: changing the firmware is a hardware state change, not an OS22:34
ikoniajulie: are you an expert ?22:34
ikoniareally ?22:34
tomreyndevan: just make sure it is the only and selected entry up there22:34
LekeFlypfifo: The brown image with the icon on the bottom.. if you know what i mean?22:34
sudokillikonia explain the bug with realtek 8168 cards on linux that uses the 8169 driver by default. it completely kills the card until you reset the cmos22:35
ikoniajulie: then why are you comparing a hardware state change to an OS issue22:35
pfifoLekeFly, is this on a seprate computer or did you reboot to come on IRC?22:35
netspyhardware change is different from software change22:35
ikoniasudokill: because it changes the hardware status22:35
ikonianot the OS22:35
julieikonia, forget it, you don't want to undertand22:35
LekeFlypfifo: Seperate22:35
ikoniajulie: I understand quite clearlyh22:35
sudokillit kills the card nomatter what os u boot into22:35
devantomreyn: the cd is selected on the desktop22:35
ikoniasudokill: yes, as it changes the HARDWARE status22:35
ikoniasudokill: nothing to do with the OS22:35
pfifoLekeFly, press f4 or f2 or esc to get rid of the splash22:35
LekeFlypfifo: now or on boot?22:36
netspyit kills the adapter but not the os22:36
sudokillthe driver22:36
ikoniasudokill: no22:36
pfifoLekeFly, try now, if its not panicked22:36
tomreyndevan: ok, but does it list the cd-rom in the upper text box on the usb creator window?22:36
ikoniasudokill: the drivers are not shared, it changes the hardware status, that's why reseting the cmos changes the hardware status22:36
LekeFlypfifo: that didnt work.. ill reboot22:36
sudokill i know the drivers arent shared22:36
devantomreyn: the dell recovery thing asks me to choose a base image22:37
sudokillim just intervening in a convo im not even following22:37
julieikonia, the drivers are obviously not shared and it does in fact affect the hardware status, but a bad driver can have a bad effect on the hardware status22:37
pfifoLekeFly, yea, get rid of the splash while its responsive22:37
ikoniajulie: correct, no argument there22:37
tomreyndevan: what is the "dell recovery thing"? you are running ubuntu 11.04 right now, right?22:37
rationalOgreikonia: and that is all she has been saying from the beginning...22:38
devantomreyn: i am running an application called Dell Recovery, it was in the software center22:38
YankDownUnderjulie, ;) ....arguing on IRC is like running in the Special Olympics - regardless of the win, you're still retarded.22:38
ikoniarationalOgre: I never argued that, I stated the the OS as seperate and do not change each other22:38
ikoniaYankDownUnder: please don't call people retarded22:38
TheLifelessOneHi, is there a list of graphics cards that are compatible with Ubuntu 11.04?22:38
sudokillim retarded22:39
ikoniasudokill: please don't22:39
ikonia!hcl | TheLifelessOne22:39
ubottuTheLifelessOne: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:39
sudokilli am22:39
tomreyndevan: i see, can you quit it and return to the ubuntu start media creator, please?22:39
amingrihi. i set up network like: >>>modem (router) <= [wifi] => windows xp <= [LAN] => ubuntu 11.04<<< machines can ping each other but there is no internet on ubuntu. how to fix it?22:39
devantomreyn: sure22:39
pfifoamingri, you need to setup NAT in windows22:39
devantomreyn: ok, there22:39
LekeFlypfifo: Now it looks like it works.. ill try to install now right? :P22:40
sudokillcan anyone lick the bottom of their elbow?22:40
julieamingri, this is beyond ubuntu if you set your default gateway correctly22:40
pfifoLekeFly, points to a defective cd then22:40
LekeFlypfifo: Just used it.. btw same error22:40
bannaNamingri: You will have to configure the windows machine correctly22:40
LekeFlyAlso i tryed with CentOS and got a kernel panic.. ideas?22:40
pfifoLekeFly, whats it say before that?22:40
cypha``how can I do something with this syntax "command filename whateverItypehereisthefiletext and spaces are allowed"22:40
tomreyndevan: okay, once again: what is listed in the upper text box ("source media") on the ubuntu start media creator screen?22:41
pfifoLekeFly, What kind of hardware is this?22:41
devantomreyn: the live cd22:41
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
julieamingri, just as a side note, your setup is awful to troubleshoot unless you're a pro22:41
rationalOgrejulie: here here. :D22:41
tomreyndevan: okay and this says ubuntu 11.04 or something?22:41
devantomreyn: yes22:42
LekeFlypfifo: AMD Athlon II X2 250, MSI 890FXA-GD70, Socket-AM3, Radeon 585022:42
tomreyndevan: okay now connect your usb key.22:42
devantomreyn: its connected22:42
pfifoLekeFly, sata or pata drives and cdrom? and usb 3 at all?22:42
amingrijulie: no wifi on ubuntu machine unfortunately22:42
tomreyndevan: be aware that any data currently stored on your usb key will get deleted if you continue22:42
rationalOgreamingri: how are you connecting the windows and ubuntu computers? Crossover cable? Second router?22:43
devantomreyn: i thought that. dont really have anything. whats next22:43
tomreyndevan: is your USB key listed in the lower text box of ubuntu start media creator?22:43
amingrirationalOgre: just LAN cable22:43
devantomreyn: yes22:43
julieI had deducted that much amingri22:43
=== cypha`` is now known as cypha
Psydollis it true you should always compile a package from source because there is extra security over those in the repositories?22:43
tomreyndevan: okay, what capacity does the usb key have?22:43
landono__I want to run a script that scans a directory and automatically untars a tarball within a directory to another directory. Problem is, the name of the tarball always changes. I was trying something like tar -xvzf $(ls | grep *tar.gz) but that'22:43
rationalOgreamingri: And it actually lets it ping one another? I thought you couldn't do that without a crossover cable.22:44
landono__not working, any ideas?22:44
devantomreyn: 2GB22:44
ikoniaPsydoll: no22:44
XaseAnyone having issues hearing today's Google Doodle?22:44
tomreyndevan: okay, then just hit 'create start media'22:44
ikoniaPsydoll: you should not compile a package from source unless you %101 need to do so and understand it22:44
julierationalOgre: most modern NICs support both cables :)22:44
devantomreyn: ok22:44
amingrirationalOgre: yes, they ping each other, but no internet on ubuntu machine22:44
Psydollikonia: thanks22:44
LekeFlypfifo: sata and cd mb has usb 3 but not in use22:44
tomreyndevan: it will now copy siles from your dvd-rom to the usb key. this will take a while.22:45
devantomreyn: will i still be able to somewhat use the disk22:45
rationalOgrejulie: Well I'll be... What these young whippersnappers think up. *lol*22:45
tomreyndevan: which disk?22:45
Psydollikonia: i managed to compile and install a file from source today!22:45
devantomreyn: the usb22:45
rationalOgreamingri: Ok, well, regardless, did you set up internet connection sharing on the windows computer?22:45
juliecongrats Psydoll22:45
tomreyndevan: no, i'm afraid not.22:45
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=== CTuLT is now known as CTuLT_AFK
pfifoLekeFly, you should use the lternate livecd installer, or if you can somehow pastebin that info thats hidden by the splash then I could tell you whats going on22:46
devantomreyn: ok. i guess ill have to find something else, since i mainly use dropbox. i only really use it when i need to bring files directly to someone22:46
LekeFlypfifo: alternate? from where?22:46
pfifoLekeFly, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate22:47
tomreyndevan: consider buying a new one, those aren't so expensive nowadays.22:47
TFroganyone here using dosbox with natty?22:47
CTuLT_AFKWhat do you have a problem with?22:47
=== CTuLT_AFK is now known as CTuLT
devantomreyn: ok, ill think about it, but ill probably be able to find something else22:48
amingrirationalOgre: i tried. there is a message "internet connection sharing cannot be enabled... LAN is already configured"22:48
TFrogCTuLT, have you been able to get it to scale for full screen?22:48
devantomreyn: after this, do i startup dell recovery22:48
julieamingri, this says it all22:48
CTuLTHave you tried the normal way?22:48
rationalOgreamingri: Do you have a static ip set for the windows box?22:48
devantomreyn: it says the installation failed22:48
TFrogyeppers.  even attempted editing the dosbox.conf to no avail22:48
tomreyndevan: i do not know dell recovery, so i'm afraid i can't tell what it does and whether it makes sense for you to use it22:48
CTuLTTFrog: Step into my office.22:49
tomreyndevan: does it provide more details?22:49
amingrirationalOgre: yes, i tried automatic as well. no progress with that...22:49
julieamingri, does your Windows machine have Internet access?22:49
* pfifo ppours himself a mug of rootbeer22:49
amingrijulie: yes, from wifi22:50
rationalOgreamingri: You need to unplug the ethernet cable, set up a static IP for the ethernet nic, enable internet connection sharing, then plug it back in.22:50
devantomreyn: it says there was an input/output error22:50
devantomreyn:i think the disk was scratched22:50
amingrirationalOgre: ok, ill try22:50
rationalOgreamingri: Then you need a static Ip set for the ubuntu box22:50
rationalOgreamingri: You do that with sudo ifconfig eth0 <IP-U-WANT> netmask <SAME-NETMASK-AS-WIN-BOX>22:51
tomreyndevan: okay so you can either try to clean the cdrom and retry, or you can download an ISOP image and use that instead.22:51
devantomreyn: i think ill just redownload the image22:51
tomreyndevan: sorry i mean "ISO", not "ISOP"22:52
rationalOgrethen you will need to run "sudo route add -net default gw <IP-OF-WIN-BOX>22:52
tomreyndevan: okay do you know where to download from and which one?22:52
LekeFlypfifo: Downloading and burning now22:52
amingrirationalOgre: prv msg22:52
devantomreyn: ya, from ubuntu.com22:52
julierationalOgre, keep this up and he'll need to manually route the packets :P22:52
Metros I want to run a script that scans a directory and automatically untars a tarball within a directory to another directory. Problem is, the name of the tarball always changes. I was trying something like tar -xvzf $(ls | grep *tar.gz) but that's not working, any ideas?22:53
rationalOgreamingri: That looks right, though you might want to nix the DNS route as I don't know if that will work, it might, just not sure.22:54
tomreyndevan: okay, and you know which file to download from there?22:54
tomreyndevan: if so, just do it.22:54
devantomreyn: i go to download right?22:54
rationalOgreamingri: Sorry, DNS route on the ubuntu box22:54
ikoniaMetros: tar zxvf `ls | grep tar.gz`22:54
tomreyndevan: yes, but do you know whether you have the 32 or 64 bit variant?22:54
rationalOgreamingri: You might need to have it get it's dns stuff from the windows box22:55
devantomreyn:i have a 32 bit22:55
tomreyndevan: okay so download that again22:55
devantomreyn: its going right now22:55
julieamingri, rationalOgre: just set it in /etc/resolv.conf22:55
SmilinCan anyone advise on any Point of sale/service management software that will run on Ubuntu?22:56
ikoniaSmilin: sugar crm ?22:56
ikoniaSmilin: there are quite a few php based ones which will run on any linux22:56
rationalOgrejulie: but, but, that would be too easy!22:56
rationalOgrejulie: heh22:56
HeIsRisenI'm trying to use rename in linux for multiple files. I cannot figure out how to rename files with the parenthseis characters. any help?22:56
tnkQuick Q: reszing a 350GB drive to 150GB, 1.5 hours in, its only 43% done, normal?22:57
pfifoSmilin, there is a apache/php based POS22:57
YankDownUnderSmilin, You can also check into Quasar Accounting mate.22:57
nemotnk: depends how many files it has to move22:57
julieHeIsRisen, I think prefixing it with a backslash would work22:57
Smilinok thanks for the many options there.22:57
nemotnk: that could be normal or not22:57
nemotnk: if the drive was mostly defragmented, then it should happen very quickly22:57
julietnk, looks fine22:57
tnknemo: 90 gb of it is used, so im guessing its moving it all?22:58
nemotnk: dunno what the layout was. maybe.22:58
nemotnk: NTFS partition?22:58
tnknemo: yes22:58
HeIsRisenNo that doesn't work julie22:58
nemotnk: yeah, if possible, defrag in windows first22:58
rationalOgreamingri: like julie said, edit /etc/resolv.conf and add/replace the nameserver line with (if that doesnt work try
tnknemo: well its already running so lol22:58
nemotnk: the linux ntfs code was reverse engineered, so is slower and probably a lot more careful22:58
nemotnk: yeah, oh well :)22:58
nemotnk: BTW, super-irritating - Windows 7 no longer lets you run defrag/disc resize in safe mode :( :(22:59
tnknemo: ah ok thanks, ill just have to wait :) hopefully it will still boot lol worries me22:59
julieHeIsRisen, let me do a quick test22:59
HeIsRisenrename s/\(// *22:59
pfifoHeIsRisen, do it like this `mv "file (1).ext" "nename (1).ext"`22:59
HeIsRisenUnmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/( <-- HERE / at (eval 1) line 1.22:59
tnknemo: ah, ok yeah I use windows 7 for my programming work (needcertain apps) sucks i wish i could of removed the parition22:59
nemotnk: mm. I do all my programming in linux.23:00
rationalOgreamingri: if you find these settings work you can also edit /etc/network/interfaces and set up the address, netmask and gateway lines there23:00
nemotnk: any windows specific stuff, I use wine/VM23:00
pfifoHeIsRisen, ( has a meaning in a regex23:00
nemotnk: or a lil' windows test box over here that gets rarely turned on these days23:00
nemotnk: I use VirtualBox for vm23:00
julieHeIsRisen, what are you trying to do, directly from a shell it works with a backslash...  what command are you running?23:00
nemotnk: http://m8y.org/tmp/kraken.xhtml - like this silly JS test - all run in virtualbox23:00
tnknemo: yeah quickinvoice, skype(need it for conferences, linux skype sucks)... just worried thats all, been using linux for 8 yrs, never once seen a resize take this long, then again i do have alot on the drive23:00
HeIsRisenbut I want the ( and ) gone23:00
nemotnk: eh. linux skype works fine23:01
nemotnk: can also use google voice now23:01
HeIsRisenand I have multiple files, don't wand to do the m all23:01
pfifonemo, no linux skype sux23:01
nemotnk: heh. you couldn't resize non-defragged drives at all in the past23:01
nemopfifo: it is functional.23:01
tomreyndevan: once your download is complete, bring the ubuntu start media creator window to front again and, next to the upper text box (source media), click "browse..." then select the ISO image you downloaded.23:01
tomreyndevan: then make sure your USB key is still selected in the lower text box. then click on "delete media", then confirm, then (when it's done deleting) click on "create start media" (as we did before).23:01
nemopfifo: but not as nice23:01
devantomreyn: ok23:01
pfifonemo, except for the non functional parts23:01
nemopfifo: not enough to make me reboot to use windows skype23:01
tnknemo: anyways thnks :) will have to wait it out23:01
nemopfifo: has audio,video,desktop sharing, chat. good enough23:01
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tomreyndevan: i need to leave for some minutes, and may not be able to help out later. but feel free to try reaching me or anyone else here again.23:02
amingrirationalOgre: this is messing in files, i dont like this solution :) i prefer numbers changing and buttons clicking :P there was internet on ubuntu for some time, but disappeared. i didnt have to change any files.23:02
devantomreyn: no problem23:02
HeIsRisenAm i screwed?23:02
rationalOgreamingri: Sorry, when twiddling knobs and clicking buttons fails, changing files works.23:02
nemotnk: as for Quicken - seems to run well in wine now according to wine app db *shrug*23:03
nemotnk: I'd use VirtualBox for that if I needed it though23:03
julieHeIsRisen, "s/\(//g" works with rename to remove the (23:03
Maylowpfifo, why should ubuntu skype suck?23:03
tnknemo: i tried it, never worked, ill keep virtal box in mind23:03
julieHeIsRisen, so you could do it in two passes to get rid of the closing )23:03
HeIsRisenOn multiple files?23:03
nemotnk: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=10723:03
pfifoMaylow, my video is solid black, it turns my brightness all the way down23:03
LekeFlyThere isnt any spesifict BIOS settings ubuntu needs ? :p23:03
cschneid_workI'm running 10.04, and want the newest ruby. Is there an easier way than compiling from source (no rvm please, I'd prefer not to complicate the server env I have).23:03
Maylowpfifo, you use video chat....23:04
tnknemo: tried it past couple yrs, the UI fails to load, installed it fine23:04
nemotnk: wine has changed a lot in past couple of years23:04
Maylowpfifo, I didn't try that23:04
pfifoMaylow, ...in wondows23:04
rationalOgreLekeFly: Just make sure PNP is turned on, other than that... Depends on what you are trying to do?23:04
nemotnk: if you look over that long list, results have varied a lot based on version of wine and quicken23:04
tnknemo: i tried it 3 months ago ;)23:04
amingrirationalOgre: ok, ill try. ty :)23:04
nemocschneid_work: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ruby/+archive/ppa ?23:04
rationalOgreamingri: Did you get ICS setup?23:04
Maylowpfifo, but for voice + screen sharing works great23:04
pfifoMaylow, cant get screen sharing to work either, but have no use for that23:05
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cschneid_worknemo: still too old. 1.9.0 vs. 1.9.2 (significant difference there).23:05
Maylowpfifo, in windows skype crashes regularly with screen sharing, which is not the case with ubuntu23:05
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pfifoMaylow, i woulnd know since i dont use that23:06
LekeFlyrationalOgre: its just that no matter what linux distro i try to install it either frezes at GRUB or Ubuntu boot23:06
Maylowpfifo, I c23:06
JFranksI removed an ATI HD 5450 and installed an NVIDA card. How do I get grub to give me some boot options? I tried all the suggestions of ESC and F8 and I saw the menu once when I was madly upset and bashing the KB.. Can't get it back now. :(23:06
Maylowpfifo, I'll test video chat these days - out of curiosity23:06
julieLekeFly, it sounds like a boot device problem23:07
LekeFlyjulie: Boot device what? and how can i solve it :p23:07
julieLekeFly, how big is your drive? and where is the linux boot partition located?23:07
LekeFlyjulie: 2tb .. Just one partion23:07
agent42Hi, i'm installing  Server 10.04.02 LTS, but parts of screen not visible. Can I reduce font size or ..23:08
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julieLekeFly, why don't you follow the recommended partitions?23:09
JFranksFuck it might be faster to buy another ATI card..23:09
JFranksOr reinstall23:09
pfifoinb4 !language23:10
JFranksWhy does google hate my searches?23:10
B105Is anyone else experiencing troubles updating Ubuntu?23:10
rationalOgreJFranks: Hold shift while booting23:10
JFranksrO: Oh man..23:10
amingrijulie: prv msg, plz :)23:10
LekeFlyjulie: huh?23:11
cschneid_workThe only items I find for ubuntu 10.04 + Ruby 1.9.2 on google are 1) Build from source, or 2) Build from source with RVM.23:11
cschneid_workIs that really right? or should I be able to find an official .deb? Perhaps from ubuntu 11?23:11
rationalOgreJFranks: Assuming it's a grub2 system of course.23:11
pfifoLekeFly, are you still seeking help with an install issue or are you onto something else now?23:11
pfifocschneid_work, there should be a ruby ppa23:12
JFranksrationalOgre: Sweet.. Thanks! I'm going to go document that .. and then SEO it and make sure it shows up for "boot grub options" :)23:12
LekeFlypfifo: Hehe.. these are different machines.. still downloading other distro23:12
rationalOgreJFranks: You're welcome.23:12
pfifoLekeFly, ok cool23:12
julieLekeFly, it is recommended to create a small boot partition, then a swap partition and to use the rest for your system23:12
B105I can't sudo apt-get update, says it "Failed to fetch [repos]" and "Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead." The issue persists through reinstall. Any ideas?23:12
LekeFlypfifo: i have a machine that sometimes wants to boot but mostly it justs frezes23:13
LekeFlypfifo: And ideas on that one? :p23:13
pfifoJFranks, even shows it in the first links description http://www.google.com/search?q=hidden+grub+menu23:13
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. Can somebody help me with digging out which drivers ubuntu use to support Macs so well as it does? Im talking about screenbrightness, keyboardbrightness, fan+sensors23:14
LekeFlyjulie: i have just used the standar ubuntu install..23:14
VexenonUh, I have a question.23:14
NvrBstHello.  Question if I may.  I'm trying to follow a tutorial which is telling me to use Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty).  I installed that version, and it is telling me to "apt-get update" / "apt-get install" some stuff, but, it is failing.  Is this because 9.04 is too old?  Is there a way to fix this for my 9.04 install?23:14
pfifoLekeFly, boot with 'nomodeset' on the kernel line23:14
NvrBstExample error message is: Failed to fetch http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/readline5/libreadline5-dev_5.2-4_i386.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]23:14
ikoniaNvrBst: 9.04 is end of live23:15
pfifoNvrBst, what version of ubuntu are you using?23:15
ikoniaNvrBst: the archives have been moved23:15
nemocschneid_work: you're kidding. man. so glad I don't work w/ ruby :)23:15
rationalOgrejulie: I prefer a boot partition, 30gb or so root partiton, 10gb or so var partition, 2xRAM swap partition and the rest for /home23:15
VexenonI just reinstalled Ubuntu on my Toshiba Satellite, but for some reason, the headphone jack isn't recognized and doesn't want to work right now. Didn't have a problem with it on my HP, same Ubuntu version on both (11.04). Any idea on what type of fix is needed?23:15
B105I can't use Synaptic, and trying a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f gives me some of 99% [53 Translation-en lzma 0 B] [Connecting to archive.linux.duke.edu (152.3.1/usr/bin/lzma: Decoder error23:16
cschneid_worknemo - yep, version numbers aren't the strongest in ruby :)23:16
B105Any ideas guys?23:16
rationalOgreand I use ReiserFS for my /var (hehe)23:16
nemoVexenon: actually... maybe :)23:16
NvrBst9.04 Jaunty is what I was using.  How would one update the 9.04 "/etc/apt/sources.list" to work?23:16
JFrankspfifo: Yeah well my mom comes up on the first page if I search for "makes 28 bacon sandwiches each month for hungry children in 38 schools in the lower east lake district" ... doesn't make it easy to find. ;)23:16
nemoVexenon: what's your version?23:16
tripelbCan anyone tell me what this last 10.04 update is all about. I have to reboot because of it. I know that means it's a kernel update. I'm curious about what it is.23:16
Vexenonnemo: Latest version.23:16
nemoVexenon: lemme guess - intel HD card?23:16
nemoVexenon: uh... the version of your laptop23:16
nemoVexenon: the model #23:16
VexenonYeah, Intel HD card. :V23:17
nemoVexenon: laptop model plz, and a pastebin of lspci23:17
pfifoJFranks, that phrase gave me "Christina Aguilera" at wikipedia23:17
nemoVexenon: you might need to try one of the variants from the laundry list of vendor morphings of HD intel that is in /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/driver/HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz23:17
JFrankspfifo: They are her biggest fans.. after those kids who love bacon23:17
nemoVexenon: I've done that on more than one laptop to regain use of mic23:17
rationalOgretripelb: have you already installed the update?23:18
lekefly_julie: Got disconnected..23:18
NvrBstWhat I mean is still use 9.04 (as per the tutorail I'm using), but, update sources.list so I can get packages?  Or will I be forced to full update ubuntu?23:18
Vexenonnemo: K, give me a couple mins.23:18
julierationalOgre, as long as you don't place your boot files anywhere on a 1TB drive you should be fine :P23:18
ikoniaNvrBst: don't use packages from a different version with 9.04,23:18
ikoniaNvrBst: upgrade 9.04 to a supported version23:18
nemoVexenon: goes in /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase.conf as options snd-hda-intel model=foo23:18
nemoVexenon: but. there's a decent chance someone else has run into this already. might even be a bug filed for your model23:19
devantomreyn: thanks for your help. its going now23:19
meganerdNvrBst: probably best to do a clean install of a newer version23:19
nemoVexenon: oh. just checking. you *have* launched alsamixer and verified the mic isn't simply muted right?23:19
NictraSaviosIn the intrest of sharing information, I would like to know if ubuntu has a bug report for a KMS issue, where, upon boot, it gives error code 2 from EIR to one of the module processes. This could result in compiz not working correctly. I have a solution, but dose ubuntu use modprobe?23:19
NvrBstmeganerd/ikonia: okay, I'll try that instead.  Thanks.23:19
tripelbrationalOgre, I have installed it but not rebooted. Bother (said Pooh Bear)23:19
julielekefly, you should try the partition scheme I told you23:19
ikoniaNictraSavios: look on launchpad.net for bugs23:20
pfifoNictraSavios, check over at launchpad.net23:20
NictraSaviosAnyway, If anyone would Like to put it on the bug report, Its to add "options drm_kms_helper poll=0" to /etc/modprobe.conf , I have no time to do it right now.23:20
lekefly_julie: Doesnt it do that auto?23:20
NictraSaviosAs i do not use ubuntu.23:20
julielekefly_, never pay attention enough to be sure23:20
nemoVexenon: I notice there are 3 toshiba models listed in HD-Audio-Models.txt.gz23:20
tripelbI should partition my drive too. I should have done it at first but I got shiftless lazy advice and didnt. I kept asking here for a week or more.23:20
NictraSaviosBut This bug was reported for ubuntu, No one had fixed it and I lost the bug report name, anyway, feel free to add it23:21
NictraSaviosbye :P23:21
tripelbI  can only hope I dont lose stuff.23:21
nemotripelb: how you ask matters a lot23:21
B105Guys I can't figure out how to update, I keep getting things like 99% [53 Translation-en lzma 0 B] [Connecting to archive.linux.duke.edu (152.3.1/usr/bin/lzma: Decoder error23:21
nemotime of day too of course23:21
B105Any ideas? >_<;23:21
Vexenonnemo: Satellite L655-85150 listed?23:21
nemoand luck23:21
lekefly_rationalOgre: Whats PNP?23:21
nemoVexenon: hmmm. that sounds similar to my mom's model - she had a mic issue too23:21
nemowhich we fixed after googling launchpad/forums23:21
nemoanyway. checking23:22
julielekefly_, rationalOgre: Plug 'N Play23:22
tripelbnemo, I do the best I can. Help is always welcome. Right now I have Ub10.04 on a 1T drive 15%  full and I dearly want things in different partitions - for various reasons.23:22
nemoVexenon: forums suggest someone solved by using model=thinkpad23:22
nemotripelb: gparted off a CD - ideally with you in here talking while running off the CD to be walked through it23:23
tripelbnemo, one big problem is no really understanding the issue. Then you dont phrase your question well. This happened about protecting my computer when others use my wireless. I still dont know what to do. The advice was so over the map that I decided I dont even know the issue clearly.23:24
Maylowdid anyone had a problem with virtualbox/ubuntu host/xp guest - file operations in shared folders sometimes fail?23:24
tripelbOK. annoyingly there is NO IRC on the 10.04 liveCD. nemo23:24
nemotripelb: ah. open wireless. yeah, I do that too, but I keep the open network completely separate from my internal one23:24
nemotripelb: I'm not that trusting23:24
nemotripelb: um. you can 1) install from repositories 2) use the firefox chatzilla addon (that's a quick install) 3) use the freenode web client23:25
pfifotripelb, irssi should be there23:25
tripelbnemo what does "completely separate" mean?23:25
nemotripelb: completely different subnet off my router.23:25
nemotripelb: also bandwidth limited23:25
nemono traffic flows between the two23:25
tripelboh right, chatzilla would be good nemo. the thing is that it has to install in ram, right?23:25
nemotripelb: yep - unless you are using a flash drive of course23:25
nemotripelb: System->Administration->Startup Disc Creator makes a bootable flash w/ unionfs for persistence23:26
jsnmtthI'm having problems with apache/php not reporting errors on 10.10 .23:26
langellightblueHi every one23:26
tripelbnemo, lets talk one thing at a time. 1. what is this update (or not) 2. partioning. 3. protecting wireless (leave till later) -- else it's too jumbled.23:26
jsnmtthI'm SURE it is configured right.23:26
ikoniajsnmtth: turn on deugging in the php.ini23:26
langellightbluelove the great welcome on IRC :)23:26
nemotripelb: unclear what you mean by (1)  - anyway, as for (2) - have you used gparted before?23:27
rationalOgretripelb: if you are sure it was a kernel update, then just run "zless /usr/share/doc/linux-image-2.6.32-32-generic/changelog.Debian.gz23:27
tripelbnemo, I could use bootable flash drive but what's unionfs what's persistence what's subnet. yes I want other users to be bandwidth limited. (heh see jumble, laugh at it)23:27
bigbangwhenever I try to watch video on full screen it stuck there23:27
SlimGAny idea why I don't have /dev/disk/by-id on my ubuntu server 10.04 @ xen ? this breaks the grub-pc package23:28
pfifotripelb, you can always log on to the freenode webchat23:28
tripelbrationalOgre, only kernel updates need reboot, right?23:28
jsnmtthI don't have a "debugging value".  I have E_ALL for my errors, along with display_errors=on and log_error=on23:28
nemotripelb: you probably don't care. the important thing is if you do the bootable flash, anything you install or write to it will be remembered23:28
rationalOgretripelb: If you want to know what all was updated recently just cat /var/log/apt/history.log23:28
nemotripelb: so you can customise it w/ apps you want to keep around (like IRC clients)23:28
tripelbpfifo you mean log onto it in a browser. oh yes, I forgot about that.23:28
jsnmtthI have verified with phpinfo() that I'm editing the correct php.ini file.23:28
jsnmtthI'm using fastcgi23:29
tripelbnemo re the usb boot. I didnt knwo that. good idea23:29
tripelbrationalOgre, Oh I'll look at that log.23:29
tripelbTIL "a lot"23:29
rationalOgretripelb: For example, my history.log shows that sysv-rc was changed, which would probably require a reboot.23:29
p_resanyone here running fedora 15 as guest in virtualbox?23:29
nemotripelb: as for wireless security.  your options are kind of limited to your overall technical competence23:29
pfifojsnmtth, does it report errors sometimes and not others?23:29
nemotripelb: if you're not too good w/ setting up networking, you might even want to just get a 2nd wireless router23:30
rationalOgretripelb: Just curious as to why it is important.23:30
jsnmtthIt reported errors ... at least in the logs yesterday23:30
jsnmtthI haven't done an update.23:30
tripelbnemo then a usb boot can be my (mythical in my mind - I'ev asked about how and got FUD) custom liveCD. that can do dvd, IRC, etc23:30
nemotripelb: where the 2nd one plugs into the first, then you setup the subnet normally23:30
nemotripelb: of course, that means paying an extra $40 for it23:30
pfifojsnmtth, you realize prefixing stuff with @ suppresses all warnnings and errors right "@fopen()" for example23:30
p_resanyone here running fedora 15 as guest in virtualbox?23:30
tripelbrationalOgre, It's not important, it's interesting to me. I'm curious.23:31
ikoniap_res: lots of people in #fedora are23:31
jsnmtthI have 10 years of administration and php programming experience23:31
tripelbnemo, IC you use two physical routers.23:31
nemotripelb: as long as your flash drive is large enough, you can install stuff like DVD burning and IRC yes - one caveat is that some computers don't boot off of flash drives where the fat32 partition is too large23:31
rationalOgretripelb: Ah, ok, well /var/log/apt/history.log will tell you what you recently updated23:31
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pfifojsnmtth, so your running your own code then or some phpapp?23:31
nemotripelb: but for modern machines, it should usually work even if you created a very large filesystem23:31
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rationalOgreand /usr/share/doc/<packagename>/changelog.Debian.gz will tell you the changelog for that package.23:31
tripelbnemo, my computer is a 2004 dell. Is that a modern machine?23:32
bigbangwhenever I try to watch video on full screen it stuck there23:32
nemotripelb: dunno. depends on the dell I 'spose.  and probably more importantly, on the BIOS23:32
jsnmtthMy own code ... I ended up creating an intentional parse error to test that errors are infact not working .... ohh there might be an apache overide in that directory.23:32
nemotripelb: TIAS23:32
tripelbnemo TIAS?23:32
nemotripelb: get a largeish flash drive, use the startup disc creator wizard, and see if you can USB boot with a large read/write area assigned23:32
nemotripelb: Try It and See23:32
jsnmtthNo, no .htaccess issues.23:33
rationalOgrejsnmtth: make sure you have the proper permissions set for where you are logging to.23:33
nemotripelb: if you can't, well, 200 or 300 megs still isn't too bad - you can install quite a lot in there23:33
nemotripelb: and that fits in under the gig limit some old BIOSes require23:33
rationalOgrei.e. that the apache daemon has write access to that directory/file.23:33
nemo(200-300 + CD image)23:33
jsnmtthPermissions are correct23:33
jsnmtthaccess logs are being updated23:33
jsnmtthError logs are complaining about no favicon.ico23:34
nemotripelb: if you don't want to pay for a 2nd router, what you can do depends a lot on the router's capabilities.23:34
pfifojsnmtth, I thought you were refering to on the fly error messages that goto the resulting page23:34
rationalOgrejsnmtth: yeah, that's always annoying but not actually an error.23:34
jsnmtthThose do not work either23:34
nemotripelb: although on my home system, my linux server is my router, I have a cheap $10 switch for physical, and wifi is the locked down separate network.23:35
jsnmtthActually I havn't had a 404 error since 11:3023:35
bigbangwhenever I try to watch video on full screen it stuck there23:35
jsnmtthI'm going to reboot... Thanks for troubleshooting with me guys.23:35
tripelbnemo, lets not talk about protecting my system, just about booting off a usb and partitions. What's tias. -- what did you meanabout 200 or 300 megs? ((I like that you are telling me about the protection but I want to follow one track) like my mind (not)23:35
nemo18:32 < nemo> tripelb: Try It and See23:36
tripelbkeeps nemos suggestion for theserver in a save file23:36
lekefly_pfifo: http://www.cl.ly/0W3i461g3Q212O39060q this is from regular ubuntu install after the brown screen with icon on the bottom23:36
nemotripelb: If you use the flash drive wizard you'll see it ask you how much space to allocate for saving files23:36
nemotripelb: what matters to old BIOSes is the size of the FAT32 partition linux is on.23:37
allowoverridei want to know whats the diff between using:   sudo service ufw stop  and sudo ufw stop23:37
Vexenonnemo: You still want this? http://pastebin.com/kVGZqd1u23:37
nemotripelb: the CD image is ~700 megs, so an old BIOS that requires < 1 gig can only spare 300 megs more for saving stuff23:37
allowoverrideor any service for that matter23:37
nemoVexenon: ah. you're back... did you try model=thinkpad ?23:37
pfifolekefly_, yeah, its definatly your dell monitor23:37
nemotripelb: but. try it and see - you may not have that problem23:37
lekefly_pfifo: xD23:37
Vexenonnemo: Uh, where do I go to change that?23:37
pfifolekefly_, the actuall error isnt on that screen23:37
nemoVexenon: I mentioned it to you earlier :-p23:38
allowoverridewhy are they switching only "some" over to Upstart and NOT them all for those in the repos23:38
allowoverrideand defaults for sure at install23:38
VexenonSorry, had to reboot.23:38
nemo18:18 < nemo> Vexenon: goes in /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase.conf as options snd-hda-intel model=foo23:38
pfifolekefly_, do you get the same problem with the alt livecd?23:38
allowoverridewhich one should i use... this is drving me nuts23:38
nemoVexenon: just put it on the end of the file, and reboot23:38
rationalOgreallowoverride: It's a big overhaul to switch from the old sysvinit system to Upstart23:38
nemoVexenon: s/foo/thinkpad/23:38
allowoverridesudo service or sudo whatever enable/disable23:38
lekefly_pfifo: burning now hehe you on for 20 min more?23:38
allowoverriderationalOgre: thats a given23:38
allowoverriderationalOgre: you helping out?23:38
soreauI installed google earth on natty but the fonts are spread out way too much. How can I fix it?23:39
pfifolekefly_, probbally all night, usueally in #ubuntu-offtopic 24/723:39
rationalOgreallowoverride: with the overhaul? No, with people in here, I try.23:39
allowoverridemy question involves ufw only23:39
rationalOgreallowoverride: okiedokie.23:39
allowoverrideshould i just to update-rc.d remove or with that effect sudo ufw in some way23:40
allowoverridelets see if you can assist there23:40
Vexenonnemo: Er, how do I edit it?23:40
tripelbrationalOgre, if it updated the kernel would I find the word "kernel" in the log file?23:40
rationalOgreallowoverride: 11.04? 10.10? 10.04?23:40
allowoverride10.04 LTS23:40
rationalOgreallowoverride: k. moment23:40
jsnmtthYes rebooting worked.  Everything is now behaving normally.   Weird Weird Weird,  I'd better backup.23:40
tripelbnemo thankd. I'll be back23:40
nemoVexenon: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsabase.conf23:40
allowoverriderationalOgre: 10.10. sorry i have afew laptops with buntu ;)23:41
Vexenonnemo: alsa-base.conf is the same thing I'm assuming?>23:41
nemoI might have typoed23:41
nemoyes, yes I did23:41
allowoverrideim scared of 11.04 at this time ;)23:41
B105Hey, guys, whenever I try to apt-get install I get E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_dists_natty_partner_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS23:41
nemoallowoverride: I sympathise23:41
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nemoallowoverride: after a painful upgrade on 2 systems, I stopped - the others are staying on 10.1023:42
nemoallowoverride: I just added the firefox stable PPA so they can have Firefox 423:42
allowoverridei will most likely load it when i have no use for this lappy and get another one23:42
allowoverrideyah, i like 10's best thus far23:42
allowoverridenemo: oh23:42
noisewaterphdI am still on 10.10 everywhere also, hate unity and don't want to deal with getting gnome2 installed23:42
null__Question:  How do I check if my second monitor is being seen by linux/the system?  when booting, i don't have any video output on the 2nd monitor.  usually with other video cards I would see a mirror of the 1st monitor.  xrandr and fglrxinfo and the ATI Catylist panel only show the first monitor, but I think I will need to reinstall ATI Catalyst since it appears broken.23:42
allowoverridegimmie that linnk ;) to ppa23:42
nemonoisewaterphd: 11.04 does have gnome2 by default23:42
rationalOgreI'm on 10.04 on my laptop.23:42
jsnmtthFirefox 4 for 10.10?23:42
rationalOgrewith the FF4 ppa23:42
html_inprogressi want to make a movie/ dvd , in a scrapebook freature way, and i want it to play in all dvd player,,, so how do i go about it?23:42
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allowoverrideim 64bit arch by the way23:42
nemonoisewaterphd: but, nonetheless, it does screw up gnome2 in irritating ways even if you boot into classic23:43
allowoverridethat might change things23:43
nemonoisewaterphd: fortunately not serious ways23:43
nemoallowoverride: naw. there is FF4 for 64 bit - all my machines are 64 bit save one23:43
noisewaterphdnull__, I don't recall ubuntu ever mirroring on boot with nvidia or ati. after boot use catalyst to see what displays are detected23:43
allowoverridenemo ppa link?23:43
nemoallowoverride: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable23:43
nemoallowoverride: available for 10.10 and 10.0423:44
noisewaterphdnemo: that's good to know, I assumed it was not there23:44
null__noisewaterphd: it may have been my Debian that mirrored on boot.  But, my Catalyst is broken due to this issue http://linuxfloat.org/archlinux-fail-link-fglrx-libglxso-please-check-whether-driver-installed-correctly so I will try installing latest version, maybe it's corrected23:44
allowoverridegot it, thanks, deb deb-src23:44
lekefly_pfifo: im not in the select language menu.. Should i just try to install?23:45
nemonoisewaterphd: yeah, you can get a lot of the stuff you need for older releases - like people who come by looking for Hedgewars 0.9.15 for 10.10 - I recommend them the PlayDeb site23:45
allowoverridedo i need debarchiver?23:45
pfifolekefly_, yes, install with the alternate iso23:46
allowoverridenemo sorry i come from rpm and ports worlds lol. still trying to know it all for deb23:46
pfifo!jp | e0e23:46
ubottue0e: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。23:46
html_inprogressi want  to make a dvd , what format do i do so it can play on all dvd players?23:46
juliehi bollullera, do you have a question?23:46
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Vexenonnemo: Headphone jack now works. Thanks for the assistance.23:46
nemoVexenon: ah. good to know. n/p23:46
nemoI was pretty much hanging out to see what you reported23:46
juliehtml_inprogress, CDs and DVDs are in ISO9660 format23:47
nemotime to go home I think23:47
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lekefly_pfifo: Got a black screen23:47
rationalOgreallowoverride: If you remove ufw using update-rc.d then all that means is that UFW will not start on bootup.23:47
pfifolekefly_, might need to give it a bit more time23:47
allowoverriderationalOgre: yes23:47
allowoverrideim trying to decide which to use more,,, sudo server or sudo ufw23:48
rationalOgreallowoverride: You should be able to start it manually if you needed to edit your configuartion.23:48
html_inprogressjulie,  im new to this video stuff, i need to make an iso ?23:48
dayep_whois dayep_23:48
nemoallowoverride: btw. one thing about 10.10 - the intel driver *is* much improved in 11.04 mesa23:48
allowoverridei want it to start at install, but i like the sudo ufw status feature23:48
allowoverridenemo: oh ok23:48
nemoallowoverride: there might be some stability issues if you try out webgl for example (you'd need the override blacklist variable anyway)23:48
rationalOgreallowoverride: Do you  mean bootup instead of install?23:48
allowoverrideim not much knowledgeable about hardware stuff nomenclatures23:48
roothorickare there some hidden UI settings somewhere in unity?23:48
allowoverriderationalOgre: at boot,23:49
allowoverriderationalOgre: here is my issue23:49
allowoverridei work with the ufw often23:49
allowoverrideallow/deny ports23:49
lekefly_pfifo: Hehe.. still black :p23:49
html_inprogressjulie,  so what are you saying?23:49
allowoverridebut.... i wish for it to boot at startup, which it does, but i want to be able to STOP the service,,, if i sudo ufw disable, it stops it at boot up, if i sudo service stop, i have no idea what it does, and always comes back up when i reboot23:50
allowoverriderationalOgre: so.... which is the NEW way, so i can get used to the idea23:50
allowoverridei would think sudo ufw23:50
allowoverrideNOT sudo service, or maybe im totally confused23:50
rationalOgresudo ufw is what you use to access the running daemon23:51
allowoverriderationalOgre: k23:51
pfifolekefly_, did it not do anything at all?23:51
rationalOgreallowoverride: sudo service ufw start/stop/restart would be to do all those things to the daemon.23:51
allowoverridesudo ufw stop also states  sudo ufw disable23:51
allowoverrideFirewall stopped and disabled on system startup23:51
lekefly_pfifo: nope.. i just hit the option "install ubuntu"23:51
allowoverrideexplain that....23:51
allowoverridesudo ufw disable23:52
allowoverrideFirewall stopped and disabled on system startup23:52
pfifolekefly_, reboot and try the command line install option23:52
B105Guys I can't figure out E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_dists_natty_partner_i18n_Translation-en%5fUS when I try to run Synaptic, anybody help?23:52
allowoverridei believe its more invading lol23:52
Jeff__Anyone else getting the E: error when trying to update?23:52
B105I am.23:52
allowoverridesudo ufw disable   yields:   Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup23:52
allowoverridereboot, and try it23:52
allowoverridei have23:53
rationalOgreallowoverride: ok, you understand that UFW is actually not a firewall, correct?23:53
rationalOgreallowoverride: So what it's doing is disabling the configuration for IPTables23:53
lekefly_pfifo: Expert mode? i cant see any commandline install23:53
rationalOgreallowoverride: so when you reboot, your iptables config is essentially shut off until you do sudo ufw enable again23:53
allowoverridethats another question.... iptables... i try to add rules with iptables and its hella hard to work with sudo iptables23:54
allowoverriderationalOgre: correct23:54
rationalOgreallowoverride: indeed, hence why they made UFW, cause iptables IS hella-hard23:54
juliehtml_inprogress, sorry I was busy...  what program are you using to build your DVD?23:54
allowoverriderationalOgre: i would like it NOT to flush23:54
allowoverriderationalOgre: yes i know, i come from ipfw and pf23:54
roothorickokay, can I just disable the Unity sound panel?23:54
allowoverrideso many firewalls lol23:54
allowoverrideoh oh,, unity... shivers....23:55
rationalOgreallowoverride: heh.23:55
allowoverrideunity sounds so..... hmmm cisco like23:55
html_inprogressjulie,  i dont know thats why im asking,  i hear kdnlive works , but i want i very fancy one and powerful23:55
rationalOgreallowoverride: so you would like what exactly to not flush your iptables?23:55
rationalOgreallowoverride: when you run sudo ufw disable?23:56
allowoverrideyes and or23:56
allowoverrideall of it23:56
allowoverrideits confusing23:56
rationalOgreallowoverride: It is.23:56
rationalOgreallowoverride: so, when you issue enable/disable, all ufw is doing is copying a set of rules for iptables to/from iptable's config and executing the iptables commands necessary to enable and/or clear those rules23:57
sulucohmunhey, I could use some help, I23:58
rationalOgreallowoverride: the reason ufw runs as a daemon is to allow for things like sudo ufw stat23:58
sulucohmunhow do i apply a git patch like this one : https://github.com/Caccc/Gnome-shell-extension-Mediasplayers/issues/223:58
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allowoverriderationalOgre: k23:58
allowoverridehowto save the rules so it sticks at boot up23:58
allowoverridesudo ufw add so forth,,,23:58
rationalOgreallowoverride: however, if you got your iptables set the way you like them, you could essentially disable ufw from booting and iptables will merrily boot with the rules in place.23:58
allowoverrideis there a iptables-save in sudo ufw?23:59
allowoverrideso like rc.local stuff23:59
sulucohmun@#ubuntu: how can I apply a git patch like this one: https://github.com/Caccc/Gnome-shell-extension-Mediasplayers/issues/2  it uses diff? im not too familiar with git23:59
rationalOgreallowoverride: That is my understanding of it, I could be wrong.23:59
allowoverridebrb thanks, ill be back in 40 mins. we will continue.. thanks tillt then...23:59

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