
duanedesignevening all03:30
ubunuserI have to sync Tomboy Notes between office and home but Dropbox/UbuntuOne are blocked in office. What can I do get my notes syncing? I have a shared/linux webhosting account.07:13
rye_ubunuser, well, if you have an SSH account then you could redirect ports and use your web host, something like ssh -L443:one.ubuntu.com:443 and then point tomboy to https://localhost:443/notes/ for syncing purposes07:23
duanedesigncould be your compsny is behhind a proxy07:23
ubunuserrye_: I tried but it fails to connect.07:24
rye_ubunuser, tomboy or ssh?07:24
ubunuserrye_: ssh07:25
ubunuserrye_: Tomboy-Online is not blocked but I do not have an account there. Is there anyway I can install Snowy or some other application that I can use to sync my notes. As my domain name is not blocked, nor the IP.07:26
rye_ubunuser, hm, you maywant to look at connect-proxy if you are indeed behind proxy07:27
rye_ubunuser, unfortunately i don't know much about Snowy to recommend anything07:27
duanedesigngood toread you rye hoping the sprint has been going wekk?07:28
ubunuserrye_: I tried https://sync.omnigroup.com/USERNAME for syncing. A free webdav account but it didn't work. Thanks anyway. I will see if sth comes can be done.07:28
rye_duanedesign, yep, it is going really good07:29
rye_duanedesign, it is breakfast time so i better run to be in time for the start of the day07:29
duanedesignok i miss my daily questions07:30
duanedesign ut duty calls07:31
rye_hm, ubunuser, so one.ubuntu.com web site is blocked you say?07:31
ubunuserrye_: yes07:31
duanedesigni had a simiolar bug report07:31
rye_ubunuser, is https://edge.one.ubuntu.com accessible? :)07:32
rye_bug 79295607:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 792956 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone cannot sync files, it tries and after some times it get disconnected (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79295607:33
duanedesignrhough this was a couple days ago07:33
duanedesignlooking at his logs it is constant disconnects07:34
rye_duanedesign, yes, it may have been the downtime07:34
ubunuserrye_: Yes, it is and I had account too. The password stopped working and I do not know where to look for retrieving that. I had accessed it once.07:34
rye_ubunuser, it uses the same credentials as the main one.ubuntu.com host, so that would be login.ubuntu.com where you will want to set up passwords. if you use https://edge.one.ubuntu.com it may work. That host gets the newest code first and some tests are running on that so that it may break for small periods of time07:35
rye_ok, i should really run now07:37
duanedesignhave nice lunch07:37
ubunuserrye_:  https://edge.one.ubuntu.com blocked too. Sorry, I saw the "edge" as the sub domain and  thought it's tomboy-online.org. sorry. It's blocked too.07:39
duanedesignubunuser: ubunuser have you tried thede insytructions? The Tomboy requires a seperate token.I often name it U1)tomboy) to prevent confusion07:44
duanedesignrye_: this seems like a nessita bug?09:27
duanedesignand pooh there nessita is09:27
duanedesignbug 79452009:27
rye_duanedesign, i may have skipped the previous discussion09:28
ubot4Launchpad bug 794520 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) ""File publish" dialog should be Gtk+ MessageBox, not notification bubble (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79452009:28
nessitahello duanedesign!09:28
rye_nessita, hello, nessita :)09:28
duanedesigni though nessita worked onthe control panel Ui stuff?09:28
duanedesignthought I gt=et nessita and ralsina mixed up. Nessita we met at UDS-N, yes?09:31
nessitaduanedesign: yes! I'm the one that looks like a girl09:32
rye_direct access to couchdb.one.ubuntu.com for first shard is now disabled09:32
rye_this broke my http://notes.rtg.in.ua :(09:32
nessitaduanedesign: and ralsina is the one that has a bear and looks like a boy09:32
nessitaduanedesign: so, what's the issue?09:32
duanedesigngot it now09:32
duanedesignFile publish" dialog should be Gtk+ MessageBox, not the notification09:33
duanedesign- bubble09:33
duanedesignnessita: was not even sure if that was valid, Was looking for some one with a bit more expertice on that section of the programm09:35
nessitaduanedesign: well, if the reporter means that there should be a dialog instead of the bubble notification, then no. Because no UI can popup dialogs unles is extremely needed.09:40
nessitaduanedesign: want me to answer that?09:40
nessita(in the bug)09:45
duanedesignnessita: if you have a second. Otherwise i wll do it when i get back. If you arw busy no worries. thanks for the help09:59
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
Apacheukhello all, quick question.... is it possible to turn off sync on a folder per machine? for instance I don't want my second laptop to sync music from UbuntuOne store, but my other machines I want this to happen?11:30
Apacheukmachine I want to turn off sync'ing is running 10.0411:35
ManoloMtnezHello everyone12:16
ManoloMtnezTrying to sync Tomboy notes, it sort of forces me to add a new computer12:16
ManoloMtnezHow can I tell Tomboy that I wish to use the already registered device?12:17
jussiHas anyone any idea when joshuahoover will be online again?12:39
CardinalFangkarni, 1986streamingupdownZbGacAbFBFdDCEFcfJCHFJAHJceaABFFH829513:51
CardinalFangkarni, X-Bzr-Revision-Number: 406613:51
karniurbanape: CardinalFang: no logs yet, but somebody's already syncing oopses so maybe in a moment13:54
urbanapeI am13:56
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jmlI'm trying to use Ubuntu One on 11.0416:23
jmlWhen I click "I already have an account!" on the welcome page, it appears to think for a while and then show me the welcome page again.16:24
duanedesignjml: what version of Ubuntu are you using?16:27
jmlduanedesign: 11.0416:27
duanedesignlet me testlocally16:27
jmlooh. something flashes up really quickly about a file sync error (and then reverts back to the welcome page)16:29
jmlbut only sometimes. e.g. when I open up Ubuntu one from the messaging menu16:29
jmlI think the error is AUTH_FAILED. Hard to tell since it goes away very quickly.16:31
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duanedesignjml: can you open the dash, ckicking the ubuntu logo top left16:34
duanedesigntype:    passw16:34
duanedesignsorry about caps16:35
duanedesignunlock the default password folder16:37
duanedesignright click and unlock16:37
duanedesignlook for Ubuntu One token16:37
jmlfound it16:38
go8765432hello/ can anybody help me please with ubuntu one? i have the same problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/41876/authentication-failure-wont-resolve16:38
duanedesignjml:  ok clode the Ubuntu One Control Panwl16:39
jmlduanedesign: already closed.16:39
duanedesignok and now delete the token16:39
duanedesignr-cligk delete16:39
duanedesignjml: now close password and encryption keys16:40
duanedesignand open Ubuntu One and reauthorize your computer jml16:41
jmlNow I'm getting through to the next page, but still seeing "File Sync error. (auth failed (AUTH_FAILED))" at the top16:41
jmlbut restarting seems to work16:42
duanedesignjml: let me check the status page to see if their is no currnt outage16:43
jmlduanedesign: already checked.16:43
jmlis there a way to find others users of Ubuntu One and see their public files?16:45
nigelbhrm, no rockstar :(16:54
* nigelb looks elsewhere16:55
go8765432can anybody help me with my ubuntu one authorization?17:09
go8765432i see this message when i try to authoriuzate in ubuntu one client http://askubuntu.com/questions/41876/authentication-failure-wont-resolve17:12
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vadi2What does 'ValueError: badly formed hexadecimal UUID string' exactly mean when using the u1 command line tool to publish?20:39
vadi2See full error here: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/403651/20:40
vadi2It works fine when I republish, but not the first time around. Rather... problematic.20:40
duanedesignrye_: ping20:56
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rye_duanedesign, pong21:19
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duanedesignmsg rye_: i am putting together a litte sheet showing all the diferrent peices to U1 and their functuion. Kind of help me a bit. Rhen I am don in a day or to would  you review it for me (if you hsve time)22:16
duanedesigns/Rhen I am don/When I am done22:16

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