
=== Daviey is now known as Da
=== Da is now known as Daviey
ZikuHello, i have problem with dual monitors configuration at ubuntu studio 11.04 - configuration tool don't save changes (i'm trying to change default monitor) - could anyone help me with this?15:55
holsteinZiku: maybe16:00
holsteinis this nvidia hardware?16:00
Zikunope, ATI Radeon HD 4650 - i'm using ATI driver though had the same problem since I've installed ubuntu studio for first time (it's my second OS)16:01
holsteinZiku: whats the first OS16:02
Zikuyes, Win7 pro 64bit16:02
holsteinare you using the proprietary driver?16:02
Zikui've downloaded driver from ATI website16:03
holsteinthats what im using with my nvidia dual head rig16:03
holsteinthe proprietary driver*16:03
holsteinZiku: you might need to make a custom xorg.conf16:03
holsteinZiku: the deal is, ubuntustudio = ubuntu16:04
ZikuI was reading about it, but I don't have such file in X11 at all16:04
holsteinSO, when you are searching, dont search ubuntustudio16:04
holsteinjust search, ubuntu whatever ATI card dual head16:04
holsteinZiku: if you put an xorg.conf in place, it'll be used16:05
Zikuyeah, I was searching for ubuntu, but you see, i'm not too familiar with console stuff so maybe I've missed something16:05
holsteinyou can make, and put an xorg in place without the console16:05
holsteinsudo gedit16:06
holsteingksudo gedit16:06
holstein^ gksudo is prefered16:06
Zikuwhat's difference?16:06
holsteinyou can start this by using alt+F216:06
holsteinand typing gksudo gedit16:06
holsteinZiku: not much difference these days, but it used to be starting a graphical app without gksudo would be bad16:07
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)16:07
holsteinanyways, its going to be challening Ziku16:07
holsteinsince, ubuntu doesnt make that driver, nor are they allowed to support it16:07
Zikuhmm.. ok, i've created file xorg.conf in etc/X11, still it's empty as I don't know what to put in it ;P16:08
Zikuyeah, but I had the same problem with default ubuntu driver16:08
holsteinsure, and i dont either16:08
holsteinsince i dont have your hardware16:08
holsteinbut, i have used live CD's in the past16:08
holsteinknoppix for example16:08
holsteinand, you can try the configure command16:09
holstein*which i forget right now16:09
holsteinsudo Xorg -configure16:09
Zikuthank you16:10
holsteinyou'll still need to poke around though and sort out how to add the 2nd display i think16:10
Zikusurely I will :) but at least now I know where to start16:10
holsteinZiku: i gotta run, but, try that, and also, try something like #ubuntu-beginners16:10
holsteinsomewhere relatively slow-ish, but active16:10
Zikuokay, thanks again16:10
holsteinmaybe someone in your loco team even16:11
buntyhi all. anyone awake?18:25

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