
=== Lopi|idle is now known as Lopi
ZeZuAre there any known usb-storage issues on natty/pandaboard ?  I have all sorts of interesting issues w/ various chipsets I use in linux/windows on a regular basis,  the JM20336 always drops fairly soon after plugging it in,  the CY7C68300A normally works but drops sometimes as well  ( have rootfs on it so thats troublesome ) ... another gives an error and disables all URBs and never works01:31
ZeZuthe jmicron chipset gets a reset then tells me the device offlined, not ready after error recovery01:37
ZeZuSeems like it might just not like the SSD connected..01:43
* jburkholder42 feels left out with no hardware02:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Jef91Anyone know a solid guide for getting an ARM system running in qemu?02:33
jburkholder1Jef91: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch02:45
Jef91I've got that, when I try to launch the qemu I'm only getting a black screen02:46
jburkholder1did you try the chroot?02:48
jburkholder1IIRC both the system emulator and userspace emulator worked last time I tried02:48
persiaWhat are you trying to do with the emulator?02:49
Jef91just launch the system02:53
Jef91I'm launching "qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -cpu cortex-a8 -kernel ./vmlinuz-lucid -hda arm.img -m 256 -append "root=/dev/sda mem=256M devtmpfs.mount=0 rw"02:53
persiaOh, I meant at a much higher level.  There's been a few people by who wanted to do stuff and it turned out the stuff they wanted to do didn't require the emulator they thought it might initially.02:54
persiaThat ought work.02:54
Jef91I want to create a full root FS02:55
Jef91want to build some packages in the ARM arch. as well for a repo02:55
persiaIf you have hardware, I'd recommend doing the building there.02:57
persiaIf you don't have hardware, I'd suggest using sbuild or pbuilder with a cross-chroot, and not running full qemu.02:57
Jef91I'd like to do it in a full qemu as I'm going to be building a rootfs from it eventually02:58
persiaYou plan to build a rootfs based on the deritus of the environment in which you've been running builds?03:00
Jef91No I plan to have two environments03:01
persiaA build environment and a target environment, for deployment?03:02
Jef91Thats a good idea right?03:03
persiaOK.  So, for the build environment, I'll recommend *not* using qemu's system emulation, and just use the syscall emulation with pbuilder or sbuild's cross-chroot support.03:04
Jef91Alrighty - noted.03:04
persiaThat's more likely to have been tested (yes, it's noisy about some things, but still).03:04
Jef91I still need a qemu though03:04
Jef91for setting up a depolyment system03:04
persiaFor testing, or for chroot creation?03:05
Jef91Both I would think03:05
persiaIn my experience, running on hardware and running in qemu have surprisingly different performance characteristics.03:07
persiaOne of the key bits is that most Ubuntu environments end up not being able to run with the 256M of memory available to qemu's versatilepb environment.03:07
Jef91I don't care about performance03:08
Jef91I just want to physically setup the system03:08
Jef91in a qemu03:09
persiaAnd there was recently a debate about how to generate rootfs images for production in this channel, in which the consensus seemed to be "get some hardware".  If you're playing, rootstrap or qemu-debootstrap or multistrap or debootstrap in an emulator can all work, but nobody seemed confident about standing behind any of them.03:09
persiaAh.  If you really want to use qemu, then you have to use qemu to do that :)  In which case, the instructions on the page already mentioned are supposed to work.03:10
Jef91I have to run for now - and I am aware they are "suppose" to work.03:10
Jef91If they did in fact work for me though, I wouldn't be here ;)03:10
Jef91I guess I'll be back later when hopefully someone can help :-/03:10
=== Jef91 is now known as Jef91|AFK
Jef91|AFKThanks for your input persia03:11
persiaSorry I'm not able to help you reach your goal.03:11
jburkholder1blank screen might be because the console is not going to the right place03:12
persiaI thought console went to qemu console by default.03:14
persia(which may not be the default shown in the SDL window)03:15
jburkholder1the kernel might be using the serial port though03:18
jburkholder1I seem to remember having to fool with redirecting the serial port to stdout to see the console messages03:18
jburkholder1either with -nographic or -serial stdio qemu options03:24
jburkholder1building a toolchain in the system emulator took forever so I switched to the chroot environment03:28
=== Jef91|AFK is now known as Jef91
Jef91Howdy folks - so I'm trying to setup an Ubuntu rootfs through qemu and I've followed the guide posted here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch and when it gets to the step of launching the VM all I get is a black screen. Ideas?04:46
jburkholder1Jef91: have you tried -nographic?05:07
Jef91ahh I have not05:09
Jef91let me try that - one moment05:09
jburkholder1if that doesn't work try setting the console to serial by passing console parameter to the kernel05:10
jburkholder1console=ttyAMA0 (this is what I found in google)05:11
Jef91how do I pass the console argument to the kernel?05:12
jburkholder1and then you might have to use qemu -serial option to get the serial output on stdio05:12
jburkholder1with the -append qemu option05:13
jburkholder1-append "console=ttyAMA0"05:13
jburkholder1seems that and -nographic should work05:14
Jef91setting up something else atm - will try in a few05:15
jburkholder1no problem, I'm off to sleep05:15
=== Jef91 is now known as Jef91|Sleeping
ericb2ping janimo ?09:49
ericb2janimo: please unping : I retrieved the link09:56
garagothrcn-ee: ping11:45
* jburkholder1 wakes up12:41
janimoericb2, unping13:04
ericb2janimo: hello. Nevermind , I found the link13:05
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
=== Jef91|Sleeping is now known as Jef91
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=== fairuz is now known as fairuz_
ppisatiogra_: can i use ac100's internal flash for ubuntu installation? or just usb/sd?16:36
ogra_ppisati, i would recommend the internal, its the fastes disk you can get on the device (and its not actually fast ...)16:36
ogra_ppisati, what model did you get ?16:37
ppisatiogra_: 10Z16:37
ogra_(its written on the bottom)16:37
ogra_ah, the same as GrueMaster then16:37
ppisatiand i didn't update to 2.216:37
ogra_he has massive probs with his ...16:37
ppisatioh sh*t...16:37
ogra_i hope this is a GrueMaster thing16:37
ogra_he has a hand to actually run into strange bugs nobody else gets16:38
GrueMasterppisati: If you can, do a backup of every partition first.16:38
GrueMasterogra_: It's my job, its what I do.16:38
ogra_GrueMaster, it wasnt a complaint ;)16:40
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
jburkholder1Jef91: did you get your environment running?19:35
Jef91Nope. Still keeps giving just a black screen19:36
Jef91Got Debian ARM rolling though, so I guess that will have to do19:36
Jef91all .debs anyways I guess19:36
jburkholder1hmm, that's a shame19:37
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
gfunkI have a noob question.  Can I install ubuntu lucid on an Apple TV 2nd generation witch I believe has an ARM Cortex A-720:08
gfunkI found the device support page here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/DeviceSupport but I don't see the ATV220:11
GrueMasterIf you can get a kernel & bootloader for it, it should be able to run Ubuntu.  I would go with Natty over Lucid as there is more supported apps and better stability.20:16
GrueMasterI suggest looking for someone that has Ubuntu running on an iPad.20:17
gfunkThanks for the response Grue20:21
gfunkDoes the iPAD run the Cortex-8 or 9?20:21
GrueMasterA8 I think.20:21
GrueMasterI don't know.  It isn't something we are actively working on and I don't know of any hacks to get it working off hand.20:22
gfunkAre there any natty guides where I can start on a custom kernel & bootloader build?20:23
gfunki have built custom x86 and amd64 kernels but not bootloaders20:24
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
GrueMasterYou will have to google for it as we don't have any bootloaders that are known to work with Apple arm platforms.20:24
gfunkI am googling now...  I see some have tried on the iPAD20:25
Jef91even the Ubuntu netboot initrd doesn't boot properly in qemu20:45
Jef91jburkholder1 got the netboot image rolling...20:51
Jef91ooo spoke too soon20:54
Jef91Image gets through the first few installer screens and then just died on me20:54
Jef91just the blue ncurses screen with nothing up shortly after it starts downloading20:55
jburkholder1oh, well you got your console working I guess, can't help much from here :)21:03
Jef91with the natty netboot image I am geting this in terminal when I try to star the QEMU "Unknown cp14 read op1:0 crn:0 crm:0 op2:0"21:08
jburkholder1that's a qemu problem, if qemu continues it may not matter21:24
=== Lopi is now known as Lopi|idle
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
Jef91is there any way to run an arm machine on a desktop system other than qemu?23:07
persiaUse an arm desktop :)  More seriously, there are some commercial tools, but they aren't especially better, except for simulating specific hardware.23:23
Jef91ahh persia23:37
Jef91qemu keeps giving super mixed results23:37
Jef91and I've yet to find any guide that works for getting ubuntu or debian ARM working under QEMU23:38
persiaI've never had real success with it myself.  Some sporadic success with jaunty, but most of the times I've tried it since have been frustrating.23:38
persiaHardware is becoming increasingly inexpensive and available.  Some devices for as little as USD 99.23:39
Jef91yea I know23:39
Jef91I'd just really like a full system to type commands and such into23:39
persiaIf you just want to run commands, the cross-chroots with qemu-static work fairly well.23:41
persiaYes, this doesn't help with kernel testing, but can do most other things.23:42
Jef91Whats a cross chroot again?23:42
persiaSome dynamic allocators and anything that depends on binfmt tends to break, but that'S a minority of things.23:42
persiaYou build an armel chroot on a non-armel system.23:43
Jef91Got a link for a HOWTO on that one?23:43
persia`apt-get install qemu-user-static; mkdir chroot; sudo qemu-debootstrap --arche=armel natty ./chroot; sudo chroot ./chroot /bin/bash`23:44
persiaErr, add a "sudo" in the front :)23:45
persiaOh, and "arch=armel".23:45
Jef91persia can't find qemu-user-static23:47
Jef91on a lucid base23:47
persiaIn lucid, install qemu-kvm-extras-static23:47
persiaI'd still recommend a natty chroot, or at least maverick.  Lots of porting wasn't complete until maverick.23:49
Jef91can I have this do a debian chroot?23:50
persiaSure.  qemu-debootstrap doesn't have a manpage, but it's argument-compatible with debootstrap.  Just read debootstrap(1) on making a Debian chroot.23:51
persiaFor Debian, I'd recommend at least squeeze.23:51
Jef91haha easy peasy23:52
Jef91just "squeeze"23:52
Jef91thanks mate23:52
Jef91hopefully this will work well23:52
persiaI'm not convinced that lenny had as strong armel support.23:52
=== Jef91 is now known as Jef91|AFK
Jef91|AFKusing squeeze23:53
persiaI run squeeze on one of my machines, and haven't encountered any significant issues.  Mind you, I run that headless, so haven't played much with EFL, but the base is definitely there.23:53

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