
mhall119cjohnston: congrats on the test02:51
cjohnstonty sir02:51
mhall119also congrats on status.u.c02:51
nhandlercjohnston: You passed?02:58
pleia2congrats cjohnston :)03:00
pleia2celebratory drinking?03:00
cjohnstonno... comitting03:00
paultagcjohnston: woo! Now land that promo! :)03:00
cjohnstonOctober paultag03:00
paultagcjohnston: good man03:00
cjohnstonwell.. oct is the next tet03:00
nhandlerCongratulations cjohnston ! (sorry for the delay, missed the activity notification)04:04
cjohnstontis all good.. thanks nhandler !04:07
dpmgood morning all08:16
nigelbhello dpm :)08:21
nigelbToday started off badly.08:24
nigelbI hit my head while walking to work :/08:24
nigelbOn a street sign.08:24
dpmhi nigelb, ouch! :/08:27
nigelbdpm: Better wake up than coffee :)08:28
dpmyeah, and you get to rearrange traffic as well ;)08:28
nigelbheh, it was a small residential street, so not many people noticed really :D08:30
dholbachgood morning08:40
nigelbhello dholbach :)08:41
kim0morning folks08:42
dholbachhi nigelb, hey kim008:42
nigelbgood morning kim0 :)08:43
kim0the heat is out of the bag today08:45
kim0a lovely 40C08:46
dholbachoh wow08:46
nigelbheh, wow is the word I'd use :p08:53
dholbachhumhum, why is there 4 different documents to work on the next UWN: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter?08:59
dholbachI guess updating the Wiki is the preferred way of adding content?09:00
dpmhey dholbach and kim009:14
dholbachhola dpm09:14
dholbach¿qué tal?09:14
dpmbien, bien ;)09:15
dholbachnigelb, I have an action item that says "talk to Nigel and Brian about removing the patch flag of attachments instead of tagging as patch-needswork"09:48
dholbachnigelb, what do you think?09:48
nigelbdholbach: hey, (sorry was away for lunch)10:32
nigelbdholbach: I'd defer to Brian. The patch-needswork was orginally proposed by him I think.10:32
dholbachnigelb, ok, no worries10:51
nigelbdholbach: personally, I don't mind. I don't know if many people actually would look at patches that need fixing and help with that.10:51
nigelbdholbach: Also, I'm planning on running an ftbfs jam somewhere post June 20th.  Working with Brian Thompson to get it running :)11:01
dholbachnigelb, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/ :-D11:14
nigelbdholbach: yay. /me starts recruiting :)11:15
dholbachI'll set up the Facebook event for it11:15
nigelbhehe, its one the week of my birthday :D11:19
dholbachhaha, nice :)11:26
jussiAre there any CC members about?12:38
jussidholbach: popey pleia2?12:38
Pendulumjussi: popey seems to be active in -uk so probably :)12:39
jussiok, its not urgent in anycase12:39
dholbachjussi, yes12:39
jussiall good :)12:40
nigelbpopey: ping?13:43
popeynigelb: pong13:54
nigelbpopey: can I PM you?14:35
paultagcjohnston: good hot damn, make all the edits at once :)14:40
paultagcjohnston: I love spam as much as the next guy, but man oh man :)14:40
cjohnstonto what, the BP?14:40
paultagcjohnston: yeah, we all get emails every edit14:40
cjohnstonOne I had to confirm was done.. then I misspelled it14:40
paultagcjohnston: do them them all in one shot, please :)14:40
* cjohnston sarcasticly points to the *NEW* link that I made on launchpad showing "Update Subscription" ;-)14:41
paultagcjohnston: i care about it, I just don't want 30 emails about it14:42
popeynigelb: yes, anytime14:42
cjohnstonpaultag: almost all bug email that you get from LP, I have now touched14:42
cjohnstonpaultag: I was moreso referring to the fact that 'Unsubscribe' is now 'Update Subscription'.. I just noticed that that change of mine landed14:42
paultagah, cool.14:42
mhall119paultag: just do what I do14:43
* cjohnston points paultag to /j #ubuntu-website14:43
mhall119make a mail filter: if sender is cjohnston -> Junk14:43
paultagmhall119: +1 :)14:43
cjohnstonthats why you dont respond to my emails..14:43
cjohnstonI was shocked when the one that said I had $1000 for you didnt get a response14:44
paultagcjohnston: I'll join it after I kill off some work I have pending14:44
mhall119I pretty much don't respond to any emails these days14:44
jcastroemail = hate it14:52
jonoemail sucks14:52
cjohnstonjcastro: it would be really cool if the work items link in the topic was updated ;-)14:53
jcastroooh, good idea.14:53
=== jcastro changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-community.html || Things to work on (in order): Blueprints and Work Items|| dholbach's channel: http://goo.gl/9xNTd || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2lR5
jcastroTechnoviking: aha!15:18
jcastromore evidence!15:18
jcastro"I went to the Ubuntu Forums, and I found plenty of guidance there on unpacking TAR files and working in Terminal to install the contents, but much of the information seems to be outdated, and none of it seemed to help me."15:18
jcastroDELETION TIME!15:18
paultaghey, jcastro, pleia2: did you get any calls to check me out?15:19
jcastroI've gotten nothing15:19
jcastrobut calls from your drug dealer15:19
jcastro(note I made that last part up)15:20
paultagyeah, he's pretty persistant15:20
paultagerm, yes. me too. I made that up too.15:20
vish(channel logs not admissible in court!) ;p15:20
Pendulumpaultag: I thought you weren't supposed to check people out in professional settings ;-)15:21
paultagPendulum: heheh15:21
mhall119it wasn't a progessional setting, it was on Facebook15:38
paultagmhall119: did you know that @ fb they have a room called the "make out room"15:39
paultagit's for what it sounds like15:39
mhall119do they have camera in it that take your picture, identify you by facial recognition, and post the scandal on your wall?15:40
nigelbpaultag: so that's what they do in the interview?15:40
vishpaultag: heh, everything is moving to the cloud ;p15:40
mhall119nigelb: it was a *very* in depth interview15:40
paultagmhall119: hehehe15:40
paultagnigelb: duh15:40
paultagvish: :)15:40
nigelbmhall119++ :)15:40
paultagmhall119: hahahahah15:40
mhall119they told paultag "You got lots of positive reviews, and you should probably have your tonsels removed"15:41
nigelbdholbach: who maintains the ubuntungo and ubuntupackaging blogs?15:41
nigelbmhall119: hahaha15:41
dholbachnigelb, ubuntungo: people in #ubuntu-ngo15:41
paultagmhall119: :P15:42
nigelbdholbach: Can I remove it off the planet then?15:42
nigelbdholbach: thanks :)15:43
dholbachthank YOU15:43
dpmhey popey, AlanBell, do you think someone from the UK team could test the new en-gb language packs in natty-proposed and leave some feedback on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/LanguagePackUpdatesQA ? They fix a bunch of "Rubbish Bin" vs. "Wastebaske" inconsistencies, and it would be great to release them after testing and close some long outstanding bugs16:11
dpmmore info on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2011-June/004819.html16:11
popeywant me to forward that to the UK loco list?16:12
dpmpopey, cool, thanks16:18
dpmit'd be great if some of the UK people doing translations could subscribe to ubuntu-translators@, since they seem quite disconnected from announcements16:19
popeyi just looked on mine and it's called "Bin" and I have "Empty bin" ☺16:20
popeyshame it's still called Wastebasket in nautilus16:20
paultagdamn you translators :)16:21
mhall119am I alone in not caring about/using the trash these days?16:28
paultagmhall119: shift + del when you delete stuff16:33
paultagI just use the CLI to do most of my work, so I don't even use that that often16:33
paultagI hate mice16:33
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day - have a great weekend everyone!16:41
mhall119paultag: yeah, I shift+del most things16:42
mhall119especially when I'm deleting to make room16:42
paultagdholbach: you too, pal16:42
paultagmhall119: yar16:42
paultagmhall119: or removable media16:43
mhall119have a good weekend dholbach16:43
mhall119paultag: yeah, that too16:43
dholbachthanks :)16:43
JanCpaultag: if you install 'trash-cli' you can "rm" to the trash from the CLI if you want...  ;)16:49
paultagJanC: meh :)16:50
JanCpaultag: it's fd.o-compliant and all  ;)16:52
paultagJanC: :)16:52
JanCI guess it could be useful for scripts or such...16:56
paultagJanC: oh for sure. I'm sure it's the perfect rm replacement for some, hell, even most, people.16:58
paultagJanC: I just know when I `rm' something, I mean it :)16:58
paultagI don't need a masked mv :)16:58
nhandlerAnd if you delete a file you didn't mean to, that is what backups are for16:59
paultagnhandler: truth!16:59
paultagI keep backups in triplacate, if not more16:59
JanCit does a lot more than "mv" of course (like, recording where it was originally)17:03
pleia2jussi: from task:  7             add past CC logs to wiki17:04
JanCnhandler: in general I don't have backups of all my music/video files (well, I have the original CD/DVD...)17:04
* pleia2 was traveling a lot last month, just catching up on todo list this week17:05
* JanC secretly installs 'libtrash' on paultag's computer17:11
paultagJanC: :)17:11
paultagJanC: does that do what I think it does?17:12
paultagbecause if it does, that's bloody brilliant17:12
JanCit's for use with LD_PRELOAD  ;)17:12
paultagthat's brilliant, what a great idea17:12
JanCso I guess it does what you think17:12
paultagthen you can just preload it against an app and it thinks it's rm'ing17:12
paultagwhat a great library idea17:13
JanCwell, until your disk is full, I guess  :P17:13
paultagJanC: humm, good point17:14
JanChopefully the empty trash mechanism is excluded  :P17:14
popeyin unity what do you do when the unity bar wont appear17:32
popeyit only appears if i switch to anothr desktop17:33
czajkowskipopey: I click on the BFB17:39
czajkowskiand then it launches17:39
czajkowskias it's really slow on the unity 2d and doesnt launch sometimes17:39
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
* nigelb hugs AlanBell :)18:02
paultagP.S. I know i've been grumpy and AFK lots lately, so: I love you all so very muchly. Keep on keeping on!18:03
* Pendulum hugs paultag 18:03
* paultag hugs Pendulum 18:03
* nigelb hugs paultag too18:04
* Pendulum hugs nigelb 18:04
* paultag hugs nigelb 18:04
nigelbGroup hug!18:04
* nhandler feels left out18:04
Pendulumdholbach will be sad to have missed it18:05
* paultag hugs nhandler 18:05
* Pendulum hugs nhandler 18:05
* nigelb hugs nhandler18:05
nigelbPendulum: Totally :)18:05
nigelbEverytime there's a group hug, I remember http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jzGIaZcGcM18:06
nigelbBest video from UDSs apart from the one were jcastro and jono sing "Every night in my dreams"18:06
* AlanBell missed a hug!18:09
* pleia2 hugs AlanBell 18:09
* AlanBell hugs everyone18:09
nigelbjcastro: At some point we need to figure out how much of the uds.ubuntu.com and summit.ubuntu.com headers we want to merge without making joey cry :)18:11
* Pendulum hugs al18:11
* Pendulum hugs jono 18:11
* Pendulum hugs AlanBell 18:11
Pendulum(without tabfail this time ;-) )18:11
nigelbPendulum: By saying Al, you get to hug popey and AlanBell :)18:12
* Pendulum hugs popey :)18:12
Pendulum(so he doesn't feel left out)18:12
Pendulumhey, I now have an excuse for pretty much any motor fail, brain fail, or other fail I do for the next few months :P18:12
nigelbAbout a year or so down the line, I want to read the logs of this channel and smile :)18:13
Pendulumgo look at the logs from June 10, 2010 now then?18:13
* jono hugs Pendulum18:14
nigelbpleia2: reading the logs from June 10, 2010 reminds me, shouldn't we be doing a UUD soonish?18:17
* nigelb shifts conversation to better channel.18:18
nigelbAlanBell: I liked that the LP team explained how to fix the bug for mailing lists.  I'm wondering if I should pitch in.18:19
AlanBellum, bit confused about paultag saying not to discuss on the list without suggesting an alternative venue18:25
AlanBellwell actually not quite true, #launchpad was kind of suggested18:26
* AlanBell hugs Pendulum carefully18:34
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PendulumAlanBell: hugs don't hurt! just don't twist my neck while giving me one :P18:40
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
paultagAlanBell: I don't like rabble19:18
cjohnstonpaultag: jcastro has owed me a beer for like 6 months... hehe19:20
AlanBellyeah, well it went nowhere, Marcus has given up on the idea19:22
AlanBellI still don't see why that list isn't the right place for people who are loco contacts to discuss doing an improvement to launchpad to the way it handles loco team mailing lists19:24
cjohnstonthe same reason that the survey thing lasted too long.. once it was identified who was interested, it should have stopped spamming me19:25
cjohnstoni dont need 20 emails on a feature that im not interested in and cant unsubscribe from without either unsubscribing from the list or creating a rule for that specific thread19:25
AlanBellisn't that just the nature of mailing lists though?19:27
nhandlerThe list purpose has also somewhat changed over the years. It used to mainly be used as a way to pass information to all loco contacts who would then relay it to their respective teams. Now, it is being used a lot more as a general community list19:27
AlanBellI am on a *lot* of mailing lists where I am only interested in a small percentage of threads19:27
cjohnstonbut lp development isnt relevant to loco contacts19:27
AlanBellwell no, not in general, but this was specifically about an enhancement to the team page for an issue that specifically affects LoCo teams with non-launchpad mailing lists19:29
cjohnstonwell. theres a couple issues with that.. LP doesnt understand the concept of a loco team.. its a regular team just like anything else.. so again, i think that the LP mailing list or channel would be a more correct place for the conversation.19:31
AlanBellyeah, maybe, but the discussion went from "lets do it" to "ah screw it, can't be bothered"#19:33
czajkowskii leave my mail for almost 2 hrs and all hell breaks lose19:48
* czajkowski eyes the channel up19:48
AlanBellfor small values of all hell19:54
czajkowskii like a neat inbox19:55
czajkowskiI appreciate I am a bit odd about this19:55
cjohnstonczajkowski: if you follow LD stuff, then you have a  quite full mailbox19:57
czajkowskii know19:58
czajkowskicjohnston: add freenode stuff as well and job hunting19:58
czajkowskimy inbox is over flowing19:58
czajkowskihmm more thunder in london followed by lots of loud sirons19:59
AlanBellI have 35633 messages in my inbox and it hasn't started overflowing yet20:00
cjohnstonclearly AlanBell doesnt subscribe to Zero Inbox or whatever its called20:00
czajkowskicjohnston: they dont get them here20:01
czajkowskijust rain20:01
AlanBellno, I used to use Lotus Notes and never got into the habit of folders, searching was just instant20:01
cjohnstonwhen we get sirens, well, not in orlando, but the us, thats tornados20:01
jcastrolotus notes, harbringer of doom and despair20:01
AlanBellI now divert some mailing lists to folders and have threaded views there, but that is generally for lists I don't read much20:02
AlanBelljcastro: the oldest nosql database20:02
mhall119paultag: I'm getting one of those new Nooks, so you'll have to tell me what fun stuff I can do with it20:12
JanCmailing lists go straight to their own folder for me, no way I can ever read them all  ;)20:26
jcastroTechnoviking: heh, I see the usual suspects don't like the changes to the forums21:54
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
mhall119what? someone complaining about change?  well I never..22:21
paultagmhall119: hell yeah!22:22
paultagmhall119: Well, I'm working on a few things to help allow me to do some useful things22:22
mhall119cool, I guess I'll have to brush up on my C if i want to do much programming for it, huh?22:23
paultagmhall119: it's android, therefore, "Java" :)22:23
paultagit looks like java, tastes like java, but it's not called Java22:24
paultagand all my Java code compiles on 'droid, just has some extra stuff on top22:24
paultagfew missing libs too, but no problem22:24
paultagmhall119: Nooks run Android22:25
mhall119I didn't know that22:25
mhall119I knew it was Linux, but thought they had their own thing22:25
paultagthat's why I got it, I knew it'd be a snap to root22:25
paultagmhall119: nope :)22:25
mhall119even more awesome!22:25
pleia2kindles have their own thing22:25
paultagjust facelifted Android22:25
paultagpleia2: aye22:25
mhall119guess I'll have to brush up on my Java then22:26
paultagmhall119: if you want to help me, I have a few cool ideas22:26
paultagmhall119: I just can't do GUIs, so if you learn how to snap together a GUI we could kill off some stuff22:26
* mhall119 likes cool ideas22:26
paultagI could write all of the backing libs in a few hours22:26
mhall119it's a deal22:26
mhall119assuming their GUI toolkit is sane22:27
pleia2paultag: no: re calls (unless they called and didn't leave a voicemail, I couldn't answer the phone most of the week, talking on phones is hard without the ability to talk)22:27
pleia2but I can mostly talk now :D22:27
mhall119given that it's B&W e-ink, I'm assuming it's gui toolkit is non-standard22:27
paultagmhall119: it's abstracted sane22:27
paultagpleia2: thanks!!! I was just wondering :)22:27
paultagmhall119: I want to have it talk with a server daemon (let anyone run anything) that will track remote repos with a smart server to watch for cool things. The nook could make a nice review platform, as well as a smart assist unit for a computer22:27
mhall119paultag: hmmm, I sense launchpadlib coming to the nook...22:28
paultagmhall119: I asked if there was a java based lplib, turns out there's a fairly complete one22:28
paultagmhall119: so I was thinking two apps, one for code review, and the second for helping you get stuff done on Linux -- stuff like basic volume, music and so on, and then write plugins to control the second half, to pull up API docs that matter to what you're doing with some basic plugins22:29
paultagmhall119: so that when you stop on a line of code, you can look down to see it's signature (or whatever else)22:29
mhall119I like it22:29
paultagmhall119: lots of work, but the first will be much easier :)22:29
head_victimpaultag: time for a quick pm?22:30
paultaghead_victim: always22:30
paultagmhall119: so if you want to prototype some UI code when you have free time, I can hack up some libs when I have some free time :)22:30
paultagmhall119: I think you'll be more into it once you have a rooted nook so no rush22:30
head_victimpaultag: thanks, as always :)22:30
mhall119yeah, it's ordered, just waiting for it to arrive22:31
paultagmhall119: :)22:31
mhall119happy Father's day from my lovely wife22:31
paultagmhall119: they're so brilliant22:31
paultagmhall119: it takes a lot for me to like a bit of tech, but I love that. It's so nice. It's just well done22:32
mhall119yeah, we saw one at a store the other day, that's what prompted this22:32
paultagmhall119: the screen stays on it's current "image" when the battery is offline, so it uses almost no battery at all22:32
paultagmhall119: :)22:32
mhall119I'm excited, even though $300 is a good bit of coin22:32
paultagmhall119: whoh whoh, what?22:32
paultagmhall119: did you get a nook color?22:32
mhall119no, B&W, but my wife is an avid reader, so we couldn't exactly buy just one22:33
paultagmhall119: Nook STRs (with eInk) are $12022:33
paultagmhall119: brilliant :)22:33
mhall119there wouold have been fights22:33
mhall119it would have been ugly22:33
mhall119especially when I started rooting it22:33
paultagmhall119: rooting is a snap nowadays22:34
paultagit's been documented really well since that night22:34
paultagand someone's rolled out stuff so you don't even have to dump and re-roll22:34
mhall119where's the fun  in that?22:37
paultagmhall119: :)22:38
=== braiam_ is now known as braiam

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