chrisccoulson | hmmm, firefox takes 18 hours to build on arm atm | 00:26 |
chrisccoulson | that's ridiculous | 00:26 |
chrisccoulson | nearly an entire day! | 00:26 |
TheMuso | ouch | 00:28 |
TheMuso | How long does it take on a good x86 box? | 00:28 |
chrisccoulson | TheMuso, about 3 to 3.5 hours including all of the test suite | 00:30 |
TheMuso | ah ok. | 00:30 |
RAOF | openjdk takes 13 hours to build on my *x86* box :) | 00:30 |
RAOF | I'm so glad I don't normally have to build it. | 00:30 |
TheMuso | I' | 00:31 |
TheMuso | I'll bet. | 00:31 |
chrisccoulson | heh | 00:32 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - ok, the current firefox beta is good for natty-proposed, although armel is *still* building | 00:32 |
chrisccoulson | it should be ready by about 8am | 00:32 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - i've just though, we'll need ubufox too. but i can upload that directly to natty-proposed | 00:38 |
cyphermox | ooh. I just tried lightdm... I like it :) | 01:49 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
lucidfox | What are the plans for Mono applications, like Banshee? | 03:10 |
lucidfox | Gtk# 3 seems nowhere near release quality | 03:10 |
RAOF | Currently I believe the plan is “they get their gtk2 stack”. There's a gtk3 branch of banshee that seems to be coming along nicely, but I haven't tried it. | 03:12 |
pitti | Good morning | 05:28 |
pitti | chrisccoulson: great, then I'll move it over to -proposed | 05:29 |
pitti | argh, armel is _still_ building | 05:29 |
pitti | so still blocked :/ | 05:29 |
pitti | seems armel takes 18 hours | 05:30 |
achiang | chromium takes 28 hours | 05:38 |
achiang | so firefox is fast by comparison | 05:38 |
TheMuso | Um... Seems that consolekit stuff is not working properly when logged into a GNOMe session with latest oneiric. | 05:48 |
TheMuso | I can prove it with audio. | 05:48 |
pitti | oh, how so? | 05:48 |
pitti | seems to work here | 05:48 |
TheMuso | I log into a GNOME classic session with gnome-panel etc, and cannot run either alsamixer or paly audio either with a command or get speech. | 05:48 |
pitti | TheMuso: what does ck-list-sessions say? | 05:48 |
TheMuso | This iis a fresh install | 05:49 |
pitti | TheMuso: and which DM are you using? | 05:49 |
TheMuso | pitti: lightdm, let me get ck-list-sessions. I am on another machine atm, so need to get the data accross first. | 05:49 |
pitti | TheMuso: no need to do a verbose copy | 05:49 |
TheMuso | Ok thats easy, ck-list-sessions says nothing. | 05:49 |
pitti | TheMuso: just check if you have a sessino with is-local = TRUE | 05:49 |
TheMuso | i.e no output. | 05:50 |
pitti | lightdm failure? | 05:50 |
TheMuso | I don't know, logged in ok. | 05:50 |
pitti | right, but it's responsible for creating a CK session | 05:50 |
TheMuso | Ok. | 05:51 |
TheMuso | As I said, booted, logged in, no problem. | 05:51 |
TheMuso | And logging out seems broek as well. | 05:52 |
TheMuso | brb | 05:52 |
TheMuso | ok back | 05:54 |
TheMuso | Ok I had to reboot the machine running oneiric, as it just sat there and didn't log out. | 05:54 |
TheMuso | Ok seems lightdm crashed this time on boot, as I am dumped to a console. | 05:56 |
TheMuso | Hrm ok seems that X crashed. | 05:57 |
TheMuso | Ok, one more fresh boot and lightdm came up first time. Logged in, and still have consolekit problems, i.e no output from ck-list-sessions. | 06:01 |
RAOF | Hm. Lightdm seems unwilling to log me in to a unity session. | 06:03 |
RAOF | Ah. This would apparently be because I don't have permissions to access the drm device. And, indeed, ck-list-sessions doesn't list anything, which probably points to the culprit. | 06:05 |
TheMuso | RAOF: Ok nice to know I'm not the only one. | 06:08 |
RAOF | Time to summon the robert_ancell ! | 06:08 |
robert_ancell | uh oh | 06:09 |
* TheMuso is trying to psate a fragment of log to pastebin using pastebinit, but its not working for some reason atm | 06:09 | |
robert_ancell | yeah, I'm just playing with it now. Something has changed, not sure what | 06:09 |
robert_ancell | 's going wrong | 06:09 |
TheMuso | my typing is also sucking this afternoon. | 06:10 |
* TheMuso temporarily switches back to GDM. | 06:13 | |
Sarvatt | RAOF: so you rebooted? :) | 06:14 |
RAOF | Sarvatt: Yes indeedy :) | 06:14 |
robert_ancell | are the icons supposed to be missing from oneiric? Or am I missing a package? | 06:15 |
RAOF | gnome-themes-standard? | 06:17 |
robert_ancell | no, got that one | 06:18 |
robert_ancell | can someone confirm this for me: works, doesn't, does | 06:29 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 795323 in ubuntu-tweak "Ubuntu 11.04 cannot launch package manager" [Undecided,New] | 06:29 |
robert_ancell | for the last one | 06:29 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 795325 in bzrtools "upstream_import.TestWithStuff.test_nonascii_paths breaks on non-utf8 systems" [Undecided,New] | 06:29 |
RAOF | robert_ancell: Yes. | 06:50 |
robert_ancell | where are my missing crash reports? | 06:50 |
RAOF | I suspect that means that they're currently private and we can't look at them. | 06:51 |
robert_ancell | micahg, speaking of missing crash reports... I haven't seen your one?! | 06:51 |
RAOF | Which could usefully be described as A Bit Silly. | 06:51 |
micahg | robert_ancell: I'll see if the retracer got to them yet | 06:52 |
micahg | robert_ancell: it appears the retracer either got stuck again or is behind | 07:05 |
micahg | I'll ask seb128 and pitti about it later | 07:05 |
robert_ancell | that's really bad. I think there's a number of people hitting problems and I'm not getting any stack traces | 07:05 |
micahg | yep | 07:06 |
bryceh | not getting stack traces via apport? | 07:06 |
micahg | bryceh: no, the retracer gets stuck sometimes | 07:07 |
bryceh | ah | 07:07 |
pitti | micahg: I restarted it yesterday, but I suppose the current LP performance problems don't help | 07:13 |
pitti | I keep getting timeouts for both launchpadlib and webui stuff | 07:14 |
pitti | lazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable | 07:14 |
pitti | yay | 07:14 |
pitti | restarted them | 07:14 |
TheMuso | Anybody else getting lots of unity-panel-service segfaults in their dmesg? | 07:17 |
micahg | pitti: it it worth brining those timeouts up through our LP stakeholder? | 07:17 |
pitti | micahg: I think it got fixed now, according to | 07:18 |
micahg | k | 07:18 |
micahg | right, forgot about the recent maintenance | 07:19 |
didrocks | good morning | 07:31 |
robert_ancell | micahg, TheMuso, anyone-else can you test a new lightdm and see if it fixes your problems? | 07:31 |
didrocks | lost 25 minutes to get a network to connect, was first thinking it was the new glib, downgraded, rebooted… | 07:31 |
didrocks | seems it was lightdm | 07:32 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, heh, seems like an existing bug triggered by the glib change | 07:32 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, can you test new version? | 07:32 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: ah, interesting :) | 07:32 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: sure, is it uploaded? | 07:32 |
robert_ancell | yes, but can be built from the branch if you want to test now | 07:32 |
robert_ancell | it's a reference counting issue, I wonder if glib changed something there | 07:33 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: I can wait either way and test this afternoon | 07:33 |
didrocks | oh? ref counting issue? in weak ref? | 07:33 |
robert_ancell | I missed a g_object_ref when stuffing an object into a hash table | 07:34 |
TheMuso | robert_ancell: Will probably not test till next week now, got to get some stuff done so I'll need to build lightdm, and switch to it again... | 07:34 |
robert_ancell | vala would have saved me | 07:34 |
TheMuso | so using gdm atm | 07:34 |
robert_ancell | TheMuso, np, you should get an update in a few hours | 07:34 |
TheMuso | And after a fres install, still need to set up my build bits again. | 07:34 |
TheMuso | fresah | 07:34 |
TheMuso | fresh | 07:34 |
TheMuso | gah sucky typing. | 07:34 |
robert_ancell | :) | 07:35 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: from experience with unity maverick, vala was weird at weak ref counting | 07:35 |
robert_ancell | Any volunteers? I just want some confirmation that it's fixed so I can go to the pub | 07:35 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, when using "unowned" variables? | 07:35 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: exactly, I remember we had to trick it a lot | 07:36 |
didrocks | not sure if it has changed nowdays, I guess it's better | 07:36 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, why were you using them? | 07:36 |
didrocks | launchers icon, when passed to the store, logical iface, and some cache | 07:36 |
didrocks | but that's old story now :) | 07:37 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: so, lightdm has some part in vala? I was surprised when I check out and see .c (but didn't check more) | 07:37 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: also, you are aware that you don't parse /etc/environment btw? | 07:38 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, no all in C. I dabbled with switching to Vala, but some of the low level stuff gets really complicated | 07:38 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, I *think* I'm not supposed to | 07:38 |
didrocks | TheMuso: hey, do you have the Qt a11y patches? | 07:38 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: hum, why? the spec doesn't tell so | 07:38 |
TheMuso | didrocks: Yes they will be on their way as soon as I get a few little weird issues sorted here. | 07:38 |
didrocks | TheMuso: excellent, just ping me about it, thanks! :) | 07:38 |
TheMuso | I will make sure that they get sent to you before finishing for the week. | 07:38 |
robert_ancell | Trying to work out if I should be reading /etc/default /etc/environment ~/.xprofile ~/.profile ... is really hard | 07:39 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: some people were suprized to not have /usr/games in their PATH anymore | 07:39 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, which spec? | 07:39 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, yes, I've been trying to work out where that is supposed to come from exactly | 07:39 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: dunno, I was guessing there was an freedesktop spec at ogin | 07:39 |
didrocks | login* | 07:39 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, that would be awesome | 07:39 |
didrocks | ok, wrong guess then :) | 07:39 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, I'm planning to write that spec once I've decoded all this | 07:40 |
didrocks | hehe | 07:40 |
TheMuso | Thats a good idea. | 07:40 |
TheMuso | Logging in is this black art atm. | 07:40 |
didrocks | I think /etc/environment or at least one way for the distro/admin to set env variable would be nice | 07:40 |
didrocks | hum, there is no recommendation at | 07:41 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, I'm happy to parse it, as long as it's the "right way". But I'm not sure if that is. Currently values get pulled out of it and set in the upstart/init files (which matches gdm) | 07:42 |
didrocks | and man environ either:/ | 07:42 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, the whole thing has just grown over the years and environment is being set all over the place. I'd like to bring it back to something sane, but first I just need to match expected behaviour | 07:42 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: well, I don't know what to parse, but just one place for the admin to tweak that is required. Then if it's /etc/environment or whatever, I don't really care :) | 07:43 |
didrocks | yeah | 07:43 |
didrocks | I agree :) | 07:43 |
robert_ancell | yeah, I feel your pain | 07:43 |
* robert_ancell wonders who I need to buy a beer in Dublin to check my new lightdm package | 07:43 | |
didrocks | robert_ancell: ok, let's be a victim then :) | 07:44 |
robert_ancell | yay! | 07:44 |
didrocks | so, where should I build it? | 07:44 |
robert_ancell | just debcheckout and bzr-buildpackage should do the trick! | 07:44 |
didrocks | ok :) | 07:44 |
* didrocks installs build-dep | 07:45 | |
didrocks | robert_ancell: waow, you have some distro patch? ;) | 07:47 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, yeah, there's too many changes in head to risk it, so I just pulled some patches over | 07:47 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: you don't use merge-upstream? You can cherry pick patches from head | 07:48 |
didrocks | that's why I do for unity | 07:48 |
robert_ancell | haven't tried that, I should | 07:48 |
didrocks | yeah, it's really good and change your life :) | 07:48 |
didrocks | for most of issues in unity I was fixing upstream | 07:48 |
didrocks | and then cherry-pick the commit in the packaging branch | 07:49 |
didrocks | ok, built and installed | 07:50 |
didrocks | rebooting | 07:50 |
robert_ancell | ... | 07:50 |
micahg | robert_ancell: so, I don't have a reproducer, but charlie-tca did earlier this week | 07:51 |
robert_ancell | micahg, are you running oneiric? | 07:51 |
micahg | robert_ancell: on my xubuntu machine | 07:51 |
robert_ancell | micahg, because it looks like the new glib reliably triggers it | 07:51 |
micahg | my dev box is still on natty for a bit | 07:51 |
micahg | weirdly enough, I haven't had any crashes this evening yet | 07:52 |
micahg | I still have 2.28.6 though | 07:52 |
robert_ancell | that's probably it. I've never seen this crash and I run it 24/7 | 07:53 |
* robert_ancell is getting worried with how long it's taking didrocks to reboot | 07:56 | |
pitti | invoke didrocks | 07:58 |
robert_ancell | I shouldn't have added debian/patches/03_set_fire_to_your_computer.patch | 07:59 |
pitti | and debian/patches/segv_for_fr_FR.patch | 08:01 |
robert_ancell | that one works for me fine! | 08:02 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: not sure it's pub time yet :/ | 08:02 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, what happened | 08:02 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: was quite different, this time, I can see my interfaces with ifconfig, but no nm-applet icon | 08:02 |
bryceh | robert_ancell, don't worry I have a debian/patches/101_dump_bucket_of_water_on_monitor.patch coming | 08:03 |
didrocks | killing/restarting it didn't work | 08:03 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, in unity? | 08:04 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: yeah, in unity | 08:04 |
didrocks | switching to gdm just makes it appear | 08:04 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: I know that seb discussed yesterday with some issue in some case with nm-applet <-> new glib | 08:05 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: so maybe I get that race now in lightdm | 08:05 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: at least, I see the interfaces now, which wasn't the case before | 08:05 |
mvo | I will move gnome-coec-install to dh_python2 if noone minds | 08:06 |
TheMuso | didrocks: Do you happen to have a qt git tree handy? | 08:09 |
didrocks | TheMuso: no, but I can, just point me to the commits | 08:09 |
didrocks | hope there is not 100 commits :-) | 08:09 |
TheMuso | didrocks: Ok sweet, will email you a list of the commits that need to be applied in order. | 08:10 |
didrocks | TheMuso: excellent! thanks :-) | 08:10 |
* didrocks gets the impression that building Qt is the story of his life now :-) | 08:11 | |
didrocks | there is no day happening without I need to build it at least once or twice ;) | 08:11 |
pitti | heh | 08:11 |
pitti | didrocks: I hope you figured out how to do efficient rebuilds then? | 08:11 |
pitti | i. e. with -nc, -j4, ccache, or just building submodules? | 08:12 |
pitti | and running it from the build tree? | 08:12 |
didrocks | pitti: so, -nc doesn't work in qmake, if I change a source, it seems it didn't check the timestamp and say "all done"… | 08:12 |
pitti | bah | 08:12 |
TheMuso | didrocks: On its way, any questions, just holler. | 08:12 |
didrocks | -j4 is what I use by default (5h30) | 08:12 |
* TheMuso -> EOW. | 08:12 | |
pitti | TheMuso: enjoy the weekend! | 08:13 |
didrocks | I can win 2 hours not building with webkit | 08:13 |
TheMuso | See you all Tuesday, NSW Au has public holiday on Monday. | 08:13 |
didrocks | TheMuso: see you, enjoy your week-end! :) | 08:13 |
pitti | ah, right, here too | 08:13 |
didrocks | there as well :) | 08:13 |
didrocks | pitti: so right now, for avoiding burning my laptop, I push to my ppa | 08:13 |
didrocks | I should try ccache | 08:14 |
pitti | changing a source file and make not picking that up really sucks | 08:14 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, unity freaks out if gnome-icon-theme-full is not installed | 08:14 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: yeah, it's known and fixed in trunk, I'm waiting for a SRU (which will be pushed in oneiric) for today | 08:15 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, an I thought it was lightdm's fault I couldn't log in :) | 08:15 |
didrocks | pitti: yeah, not sure if it's a qmake limitation, I was quite surprized | 08:15 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: heh, not for that one :-) | 08:15 |
robert_ancell | didrocks, cause I can log in and use network fine now | 08:15 |
pitti | bah, DSL reconnect | 08:15 |
pitti | changing a source file and make not picking that up really sucks | 08:16 |
pitti | how can anyone do any sensible upstream development with that? | 08:16 |
pitti | they will hardly rebuild the entire tree every time they touch a signle source file? | 08:16 |
pitti | usually you'd change a source file, have a two-minute make, and then run it with LD_LIBRARY_PATH or so from the source tree? | 08:16 |
pitti | didrocks: ^ | 08:16 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: maybe I don't have the latest nm-applet as well, I didn't upgrade since yesterday | 08:16 |
didrocks | (evening) | 08:16 |
geser | is installing lightdm enough or do I also need one of the example greeters (which one?)? my attempts to test lightdm weren't successful till now (with the free radeon driver on AMD64) | 08:16 |
didrocks | robert_ancell: as told, at least, I have the interfaces now with ifconfig, so I think it's better | 08:16 |
pitti | didrocks: add DEBUILD_PREPEND_PATH="/usr/lib/ccache" to your ~/.devscripts, then ccache will just work | 08:16 |
didrocks | 09:15:24 didrocks | pitti: yeah, not sure if it's a qmake limitation, I was quite surprized | 08:17 |
pitti | oh, sorry | 08:17 |
didrocks | pitti: nothing is rebuilt if you touch a single source file, but I think they just rebuild a part | 08:17 |
pitti | export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH | 08:17 |
pitti | you need thaht as well | 08:17 |
didrocks | oh really? | 08:17 |
didrocks | just that for using ccache? | 08:17 |
didrocks | thanks for the tip, adding it :) | 08:17 |
pitti | well, at least you used to back then | 08:17 |
pitti | perhaps these days ccache has an /etc/profile.d/ snippet for that | 08:18 |
* didrocks apt-get install | 08:18 | |
pitti | but setting $PATH -> dpkg-buildpackage, make, etc. | 08:18 |
pitti | .devscripts -> for debuild | 08:18 |
pitti | and it'll work everywhere | 08:18 |
pitti | it's really easy, and quite effective | 08:18 |
pitti | gives me a 30% saving on C in postgresql, but only because (1) C is fast, and (2) there's lots of non-compilation in the packge build | 08:19 |
pitti | C++ is utterly slow, it should help quite a bit | 08:19 |
didrocks | yeah, indeed :) | 08:19 |
didrocks | no profile.d with ccache | 08:19 |
didrocks | adding the paths | 08:20 |
robert_ancell | later all | 08:20 |
didrocks | see you robert_ancell :-) | 08:21 |
pitti | bye robert_ancell | 08:21 |
pitti | didrocks: but while getting it from 5 to 3 hours is nice, it doesn't solve the problem | 08:21 |
didrocks | exactly | 08:21 |
pitti | didrocks: IMHO the best would be to spend an hour or two to figure out how to build, rebuild, and run straight out of the upstream git | 08:22 |
pitti | with a rebuild turnaround of a minute, not hours | 08:22 |
didrocks | pitti: anyway done, let's see how much saving it will be (need to patch pilot), but yeah, I'll have a look at how I can really save things when going to the Qt contributor summit for instance | 08:22 |
didrocks | (next wednesday for travelling) | 08:23 |
seb128 | hey | 08:41 |
pitti | bonjour seb128 | 08:44 |
seb128 | hey pitti! | 08:44 |
seb128 | lut didrocks, happy piloting | 08:44 |
seb128 | bah kees n-acked accountsservice | 08:45 |
didrocks | hey seb128, thanks :) | 08:45 |
didrocks | yeah, I sent it back to rodrigo | 08:45 |
didrocks | people starts to directly send me emails to start contributing to unity | 08:46 |
didrocks | I have to redirect them to the dx team | 08:46 |
micahg | is this a glib, compiler, or packaging issue: | 08:51 |
mvo | has anyone else seen cdbs failing when DEB_PYTHON_SYSTEM is dropped from debina/rules? its supposed to use dh_python2 then, but for me its just doing nothing | 08:51 |
seb128 | didrocks, there is 3 merge requests on versions for you ;-) | 08:57 |
didrocks | seb128: nice, thanks for the notice | 09:00 |
seb128 | yw | 09:01 |
seb128 | where is robert_ancell! I've complains about lightdm ;-) | 09:10 |
micahg | seb128: he was saying something about a broken glib on his way out :) | 09:11 |
seb128 | update-manager (or other things that need authentification) don't work | 09:11 |
didrocks | seb128: he went to the pub :) | 09:11 |
seb128 | micahg, right, that's a different issue | 09:11 |
seb128 | stop blaming it on glib :p | 09:12 |
didrocks | cdbs: hey, on did you sent it upstream (and you need to add the bug number there as well), as I've done for gnome-screenshot? | 09:14 |
cdbs | didrocks: pong | 09:14 |
rodrigo__ | morning | 09:14 |
didrocks | cdbs: also, the quicklist needs to be rewritten for capitalization (see my latest comment), can you fix both quickly so that I can sponsor your work? | 09:16 |
cdbs | didrocks: I'll fix it, as for forwarding, I'll forward by eveninakshatj_96g | 09:16 |
cdbs | *evening | 09:16 |
didrocks | cdbs: we need to add the bug number to the patch for tracking | 09:17 |
micahg | didrocks: can I give you a debdiff to fix the xchat-gnome depwait? | 09:17 |
didrocks | cdbs: that's why I've written the guide to Quicklist entries | 09:17 |
didrocks | with an example of tagging :) | 09:17 |
cdbs | didrocks: I've to leave in 5 mins, and can't do that right now | 09:17 |
didrocks | cdbs: ok, then, just ping me next week once done. I'll put the branch as reviewed for now and wait on that for sponsoring | 09:18 |
didrocks | micahg: sure | 09:18 |
rodrigo__ | any idea anyone why we have a git snapshot for gnome-user-docs? | 09:18 |
cdbs | didrocks: capitalization fixed, will forward later today and add it to the patch header, will ping you by Monday. Gotta leave now | 09:19 |
didrocks | cdbs: sure! thanks a lot :-) | 09:19 |
seb128 | rodrigo__, not really, check with mdke or jbicha I guess | 09:20 |
rodrigo__ | seb128, ok | 09:20 |
seb128 | rodrigo__, the package is a bit non trivial I think because they patch it for things like unity | 09:20 |
rodrigo__ | ah, ok | 09:21 |
seb128 | rodrigo__, not sure how they merge both upstream and ubuntu documentation team work in the vcs | 09:21 |
rodrigo__ | ok, enough reasons to leave it to others to do the update to the newest version :) | 09:22 |
rodrigo__ | I'll do yelp and gnome-system-monitor | 09:22 |
seb128 | yeah | 09:22 |
seb128 | rodrigo__, g-s-m is blocking on the gtk3 cpp bindings | 09:22 |
rodrigo__ | ah | 09:22 |
seb128 | you can do yelp ;-) | 09:22 |
rodrigo__ | ok, yelp then for now :) | 09:22 |
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_ | ||
seb128 | brb under gdm | 09:24 |
seb128 | re | 09:31 |
micahg | didrocks: nevermind, it FTBFS after the change, it needs libnotify4-dev/libnotify-dev in control, but the build failure needs fixed before that can be applied, something with parsing a Portuguese file | 09:35 |
didrocks | micahg: ok, do not hesitate to ping me if you figure it out | 09:35 |
micahg | didrocks: not happening this morning, need to get chromium out :) | 09:37 |
didrocks | micahg: no worry! good luck then ;) | 09:37 |
micahg | didrocks: thanks, happy piloting in any case :) | 09:38 |
didrocks | thanks ;) | 09:38 |
seb128 | ok | 09:43 |
seb128 | didrocks, rodrigo_, pitti: other who were interested, gtk 3.1.4 is in the vcs and I uploaded to the ubuntu-desktop ppa as well | 09:43 |
seb128 | not sure about uploading to oneiric, the tarball has over a month and there is quite some warnings displayed when running i.e gedit | 09:44 |
seb128 | we might want to wait for the next tarball | 09:44 |
didrocks | gedit as already a bunch of warning, isn't it? | 09:44 |
seb128 | well in any case it's in the ppa if you need it | 09:44 |
didrocks | ok, thanks seb128 :) | 09:44 |
seb128 | didrocks, no, those are due to appmenu, if you unset UBUNTU_MENUPROXY it's clean | 09:44 |
pitti | seb128: merci | 09:45 |
didrocks | seb128: I still have a lot of libpeas-WARNING | 09:45 |
seb128 | didrocks, do you have gir1.2-gtksource-3.0 installed? | 09:45 |
didrocks | no, I don't | 09:46 |
seb128 | ok, it's a Recommends | 09:46 |
seb128 | not sure if we should put it as a depends... | 09:46 |
* didrocks blames apt :-) | 09:46 | |
seb128 | yes, iz mvo bog | 09:46 |
mvo | *pffffff* | 09:46 |
seb128 | recommends often don't get installed on upgrade | 09:46 |
didrocks | mvo: "user lies", isn't it? :-) | 09:46 |
* seb128 hugs mvo | 09:46 | |
* didrocks hugs mvo as well | 09:46 | |
didrocks | ah, way better! thanks seb128 | 09:47 |
seb128 | the recommends was added way after the gir package was available | 09:47 |
chrisccoulson | good morning everyone | 09:47 |
seb128 | so it's not a case of "recommends was not available at some time" | 09:47 |
didrocks | yeah, I see a lot of cases, we should have a look | 09:47 |
seb128 | hey chrisccoulson, how are you? | 09:47 |
mvo | but yeah, its a issue during development, no doubt | 09:47 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - oh, armel hasn't finished building yet? | 09:47 |
chrisccoulson | hi seb128, i'm good thanks. how are you? | 09:47 |
seb128 | go armel go! | 09:48 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks | 09:48 |
pitti | chrisccoulson: it has now; I copied firefox/ubufox to -proposed and uploaded the new langpacks, they are building now | 09:48 |
pitti | chrisccoulson: good morning | 09:48 |
didrocks | mvo: is there a way to list all recommends missing on a system? | 09:48 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - excellent, thanks! | 09:48 |
didrocks | good morning chrisccoulson | 09:48 |
chrisccoulson | i might switch off the test suite on armel | 09:48 |
chrisccoulson | hi didrocks | 09:48 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I'd prefer not | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, why? i never check the test results on armel anyway, and this time is going to start being a problem | 09:49 |
chrisccoulson | it takes half a day nearly to run the tests on armel | 09:49 |
pitti | chrisccoulson: ah, it doesn't fail the build on test failures? | 09:50 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: we should fail the build on test failures | 09:50 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - no, there are too many failures | 09:50 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, why do we build yelp with gtk2? | 09:50 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, we'd never get a good build if we did that ;) | 09:50 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, because we didn't want gtk3 on the CD in natty | 09:50 |
mvo | didrocks: yeah apt-get install --fix-policy | 09:50 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, but we wanted the new version of the software, the old one was slow and sucked ;-) | 09:51 |
chrisccoulson | even upstream have test failures (albeit, they mark them as expected whilst they are being investigated, but some of those are fairly long term or happen occasionally) | 09:51 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, you can switch it to gtk3 now | 09:51 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, ah, ok | 09:51 |
chrisccoulson | but we get lots of additional failures due to things like rounding errors in our toolchain | 09:51 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: we should fix that then so we can use the test suite reliably, especially with the new rapid release schedule, the regression risk is much higher | 09:51 |
rodrigo_ | since it was a 2.91/3.0 version, I thought it was for oneiric on purpose | 09:51 |
rodrigo_ | ok then, no more rebasing needed on the gtk2 patch then! | 09:51 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, no, it was for natty, one of those "selected upgrade worth the work" ;-) | 09:52 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, i know that already, i just don't have time. feel free to fix some of them though ;) | 09:52 |
didrocks | mvo: excellent thanks :) | 09:52 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, ok, cool | 09:52 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, indeed! we can probably clean a bunch | 09:52 |
rodrigo_ | yes, already removed several git ones | 09:52 |
chrisccoulson | in any case, not failing the build is deliberate, as we wouldn't have been able to build it once since i enabled the test suite last year | 09:52 |
didrocks | mvo: btw, will you have some time to have a look at and or do you want me to? | 09:52 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: I was under the impression that you disabled the troubled tests | 09:53 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, i disabled the ones which hang the buildd | 09:53 |
micahg | I guess I have a new summer project :-/ | 09:54 |
mvo | didrocks: I was actually hoping that glatzor would have a look, but I can do that too | 09:54 |
didrocks | mvo: ok, thanks :) | 09:54 |
chrisccoulson | i'm surprised firefox even runs at all on arm when i look at the list of failures | 10:21 |
chrisccoulson | some of them indicate that the JS engine is fundamentally broken on arm | 10:22 |
chrisccoulson | oh well | 10:22 |
chrisccoulson | | 10:22 |
chrisccoulson | things like "REFTEST TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///build/buildd/firefox-5.0~b5+build1+nobinonly/build-tree/mozilla/js/src/tests/jsreftest.html?test=ecma/Date/ | (new Date(-62159356800001)).getMonth() wrong value item 73" are really bad | 10:22 |
chrisccoulson | micahg, you're more than welcome to have a look at those though ;) | 10:23 |
micahg | chrisccoulson: yeah, I'll start on that after the Firefox 5 transition for natty is done | 10:24 |
pitti | seb128: btw, can't upload gdm before accountsservice gets into main, so at least I'm not critical path here | 10:40 |
seb128 | right | 10:41 |
seb128 | seems like today is dh_python2 day for pitti and mvo ;-) | 10:42 |
mvo | yeah! nice chnage from python package to python packaging | 10:43 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - bug 795450 is yours :) | 10:45 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 795450 in sugar-hulahop "Please remove source and binaries from oneiric" [Undecided,New] | 10:45 |
chrisccoulson | i'm surprised that nobody is asking yet why they're being offered an upgrade to the firefox beta in natty ;) | 10:53 |
chrisccoulson | perhaps i need to wait for it to hit peoples mirrors | 10:53 |
didrocks | pitti: do you want me to do that? I'm already sshed for a main processing | 10:54 |
pitti | didrocks: please | 10:54 |
didrocks | doing then :) | 10:54 |
pitti | yay, thanks | 10:54 |
pitti | didrocks: blacklisting, too? | 10:54 |
didrocks | yw | 10:54 |
didrocks | yeah | 10:54 |
pitti | didrocks, ogra_: do we still care about the netbook.oneiric seeds and the ubuntu-netbook metapackage? | 11:05 |
pitti | we either need to merge ubuntu.netbook with ubuntu (it's horribly out of date), or get rid of it, so that we can drop libgail-gnome | 11:05 |
didrocks | pitti: not from my side | 11:06 |
pitti | seb128: do you know who could deal with bug 772873 ? | 11:08 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 772873 in vino "Vino is now completely useless" [High,Confirmed] | 11:08 |
seb128 | pitti, not sure no, rodrigo maybe has a clue or RAOF | 11:08 |
seb128 | pitti, was it any different in the past? I think vnc never really worked with compositing | 11:09 |
ogra_ | pitti, no | 11:10 |
ogra_ | pitti, just kill it | 11:10 |
pitti | seb128: I think it's just because compiz has become more and more default/required | 11:10 |
seb128 | pitti, see for example | 11:11 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 353126 in fglrx "Compiz / vnc screen refresh with nvidia-restricted driver/VirtualBox/ATI fglrx driver using" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:11 |
seb128 | it's not a new issue for sure | 11:11 |
pitti | ogra_: ah, good | 11:11 |
seb128 | pitti, vino used to turn xdamage off when compositing was on I think which maybe got broken | 11:13 |
seb128 | but vino didn't change between maverick and natty | 11:13 |
seb128 | so it's not likely it | 11:13 |
seb128 | pitti, reading the bug it's not a vino issue, it's an xorg or driver one | 11:16 |
seb128 | xdamage and compositor are not friends | 11:16 |
seb128 | it's rather an #ubuntu-x sort of issue | 11:16 |
pitti | I see, so we should reassign it to xorg-server? | 11:17 |
seb128 | the old bug suggest it has been fixed for some drivers so maybe it's a driver issue nowadays | 11:17 |
seb128 | pitti, well I think it's a dup from bug #353126 | 11:17 |
pitti | ah | 11:17 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 353126 in fglrx "Compiz / vnc screen refresh with nvidia-restricted driver/VirtualBox/ATI fglrx driver using" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:17 |
seb128 | there is also the fact that vino used to disable xdamage use when there is a compositor on | 11:17 |
seb128 | but it makes the export slugish enough that it's not usuable | 11:18 |
seb128 | there is also no need to do that if it works on some drivers | 11:18 |
seb128 | well it's clearly a "need info" on the specific of the configs which get the issue to know if that's driver specific | 11:18 |
pitti | I'm just asking because someone made it release-critical for alpha-3 | 11:19 |
seb128 | right I noticed and I've that bug on my watch list for some time but to be honest I'm not sure what we can do about it | 11:19 |
seb128 | if it's an nvidia,fglrx issue we are not going to fix it | 11:19 |
pitti | right, the reporter also used fglrx | 11:21 |
pitti | I'll add a comment/summary and dupe then | 11:21 |
seb128 | pitti, thanks, I guess it doesn't solve the issue or will not make anybody happier though, but *shrug* | 11:22 |
pitti | right, but pretty much WONTFIX for us then? | 11:22 |
pitti | seb128: is empathy using vino? | 11:23 |
pitti | for exporting desktop? | 11:23 |
seb128 | yes | 11:23 |
pitti | oh, I don't see you in empathy | 11:23 |
seb128 | dunno about the wontfix, we should check with the #ubuntu-x guys or with tjaalton or RAOF | 11:23 |
pitti | but we coudl at least duplicate it to the master bug | 11:24 |
seb128 | pitti, it was offline it seems, nm issues, I'm online now | 11:24 |
pitti | I asked whether it works on the free driver | 11:24 |
pitti | this is ati, after all, which should work quite fine | 11:24 |
pitti | seb128: hm, seems this froze empathy somehow | 11:25 |
pitti | I can't open chat windows any more | 11:26 |
pitti | seb128: did you get an invite for my desktop? | 11:26 |
seb128 | no | 11:26 |
seb128 | it might be buggy in oneiric I didn't try for a while | 11:26 |
seb128 | pitti, let me try locally, it's easy enough to enable vino on the 10v and to use vinagre from my latitude | 11:26 |
pitti | ok | 11:27 |
chrisccoulson | pitti - :) | 11:31 |
chrisccoulson | i guess i should answer that ;) | 11:32 |
seb128 | pitti, ok, I can't test easily | 11:32 |
seb128 | vino doesn't work, it returns immediatly on oneiric when trying to connect to a server | 11:32 |
seb128 | remmina segfaults | 11:32 |
seb128 | #0 0x008ee88c in g_type_check_instance_cast () | 11:32 |
seb128 | from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ | 11:32 |
seb128 | #1 0x00134dc8 in ?? () from /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ | 11:32 |
pitti | :( | 11:33 |
seb128 | pitti, ok, downgraded to the natty vinagre | 11:35 |
seb128 | that works | 11:36 |
seb128 | pitti, I can confirm the display has refresh issues | 11:37 |
seb128 | disabling xdamage with the gconf key workaround the issue | 11:39 |
seb128 | but it's really slow... | 11:39 |
pitti | I'm off for a bit, back online when I'm in the train | 11:43 |
seb128 | pitti, see you | 11:46 |
didrocks | see you pitti | 11:48 |
seb128 | didrocks, xscreesaver needs sponsoring as well | 11:51 |
didrocks | seb128: there is some discussion started by someone else, so I let that settled down | 11:52 |
seb128 | didrocks, well it seems ok to upload, the remaining comment is like "the old changelog entries didn't get merged in the changelog" which we don't do | 11:52 |
seb128 | especially nowadays where the changelog are stripped | 11:52 |
seb128 | just upload and let whoever is not happy fix it if they want ;-) | 11:53 |
didrocks | seb128: right, I didn't see that as the remaining one, but still doing other sponsoring first | 11:53 |
seb128 | (we are almost down to no red on version) | 11:53 |
seb128 | didrocks, sorry, I'm just trying to get ride of the remaining version red ;-) | 11:53 |
seb128 | didrocks, while you do syncs can you -S experimental -f epiphany-extensions | 11:55 |
seb128 | thanks ;-) | 11:56 |
didrocks | seb128: sure | 11:56 |
seb128 | 'ci | 11:56 |
didrocks | seb128: no bug report? | 11:56 |
seb128 | no | 11:56 |
didrocks | ok | 11:56 |
seb128 | I just did epiphany-browser this week and that's the matching GNOME3 version | 11:57 |
didrocks | ok, perfect :) | 11:57 |
seb128 | the only diff we had was " * Change build-depends from libwebkit-dev to libwebkitgtk-dev" | 11:57 |
seb128 | which is fixed in debian new version | 11:57 |
didrocks | seb128: I'll let xsceensaver for kenvandine I think, I need to do some work other than patch piloting :) | 11:58 |
seb128 | didrocks, yeah, fair enough | 11:58 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
mvo | seb128, nessita: is the packaging for ubuntu-sso-client in bzr? would you mind if I switch from python-support to dh_python2 and dh7 ? | 12:02 |
seb128 | mvo, it's in bzr, standard lp:ubuntu, but I'm not maintaining it, ask nessita rather | 12:03 |
nessita | mvo: yes sir, it is, lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-sso-client | 12:03 |
nessita | mvo: let me know what you change, so I can learn :-) | 12:03 |
nessita | hello seb128, mvo! | 12:03 |
seb128 | mvo, they do care about being able to build the package on different series I think so not sure if dh7 is there on all the series they build, i.e lucid | 12:03 |
seb128 | hey nessita, how are you? | 12:03 |
mvo | seb128: oh, good point about backporting and dh7 | 12:04 |
nessita | seb128: let me confirm that with dobey, I'm pretty sure we have a separate branch to build our nightlies | 12:04 |
nessita | dobey: you around? | 12:04 |
mvo | nessita: cool, I will just do a branch and a merge proposal then | 12:04 |
nessita | seb128: good! sprinting on London atm | 12:04 |
nessita | and watching how the sky is falling apart here (as usual :-P) | 12:05 |
seb128 | ;-) | 12:07 |
seb128 | ok, lunch time | 12:07 |
seb128 | bbl | 12:07 |
mvo | nessita: I send a branch your way :) happy sprinting, its not urgent (at all) | 12:14 |
nessita | mvo: wow that was fast! | 12:14 |
mvo | its a pretty easy change | 12:14 |
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rodrigo_ | where does simple-scan get the list of scan devices connected? | 12:21 |
rodrigo_ | it seems to not have a way to specify my networked scanner | 12:21 |
chrisccoulson | rodrigo_, it auto-detected my network scanner | 12:23 |
chrisccoulson | i've no idea how it did that though ;) | 12:23 |
rodrigo_ | chrisccoulson, :) | 12:24 |
rodrigo_ | chrisccoulson, what scanner you have? | 12:25 |
chrisccoulson | rodrigo_, HP CM1312nfi | 12:28 |
chrisccoulson | it's a monster ;) | 12:28 |
rodrigo_ | HP here also, so I guess it used HP jetdirect protocol | 12:28 |
rodrigo_ | to detect it | 12:28 |
rodrigo_ | ah -> simple-scan hp:/net/Photosmart_2600_series?ip= | 12:29 |
rodrigo_ | it worked now | 12:29 |
rodrigo_ | well, it can't connect to scanner now :( | 12:30 |
rodrigo_ | ah, ok, it needs the SANE uri -> hpaio:/net/Photosmart_2600_series?ip= | 12:31 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, wb | 12:42 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, have you seen the accountsservice mir issues? | 12:42 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, can you work on that or forward the issue upstream at least when you have time? it's blocking the gdm3 upload and the accountsservice promotion | 12:42 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, no, haven't seen them, looking now | 12:43 |
tkamppeter | After updating my Oneiric box I cannot log into the Unity desktop any more. I shows the desktop background and is stuck. With a new user I can log in. What do I have to do to be able to log in again with my normal account? | 12:47 |
didrocks | tkamppeter: try installing gnome-icon-theme-full, there is a known issue with a missing icon | 12:54 |
didrocks | hum, the icon is still in humanity though | 12:56 |
didrocks | but it maybe tries only to load the png | 12:57 |
seb128 | didrocks, if it works with a new user it's not likely the issue | 12:57 |
seb128 | check .xsession-errors | 12:57 |
didrocks | seb128: does it? | 12:57 |
seb128 | didrocks, that's what he wrote | 12:58 |
seb128 | didrocks, seems the middle of the line | 12:58 |
didrocks | oh yeah, didn't see that | 12:58 |
didrocks | hum | 12:58 |
didrocks | ok, weird then | 12:58 |
didrocks | but he's not the only one reporting that | 12:58 |
didrocks | but yeah, doesn't seem to be the same issue there | 12:59 |
seb128 | lightdm issue? | 12:59 |
seb128 | didrocks, btw some users reported that the lightdm update fixes the issue they had | 12:59 |
didrocks | seb128: ok, no need for me to reboot now then, thanks :) | 13:00 |
didrocks | so new glib + new lightdm for the win :) | 13:00 |
seb128 | indeed | 13:01 |
pitti | silly me, I forgot to bring the power adapter for my laptop :/ so I think I'll work offline until the release meeting | 13:01 |
seb128 | pitti, ok, see you later! | 13:02 |
didrocks | hum, for the icon with the issue ev had, it's weird, I can see the right icon (the humanity one) being loaded | 13:02 |
didrocks | see you pitti! | 13:02 |
seb128 | didrocks, what if people have another icon theme selected? | 13:03 |
didrocks | hum, one which doesn't derivates from humanity, yeah, but ev told that he tried with humanity selected | 13:03 |
didrocks | now sure how though | 13:03 |
didrocks | not* | 13:03 |
seb128 | it's pedro_'s fault most likely | 13:04 |
didrocks | anyway, there was a bug fixed in trunk, let's see how it goes later on | 13:04 |
didrocks | of course! :-) | 13:04 |
seb128 | hey pedro_ ;-) | 13:04 |
pedro_ | hello seb128! | 13:05 |
pedro_ | what did i broke this time? :-) | 13:05 |
didrocks | salut pedro_ ;) | 13:05 |
pedro_ | salut didrocks | 13:05 |
seb128 | pedro_, GNOME for a change! | 13:05 |
didrocks | well, the question is what didn't you break? :-) | 13:05 |
pedro_ | is the blame the Chilean day? | 13:06 |
pedro_ | :-P | 13:06 |
dobey | mvo, seb128, nessita: yes, nightlies are a separate branch. and i think dh 7 is on lucid, but not sure about dh_python2 | 13:06 |
seb128 | pedro_, how did you guess? ;-) | 13:08 |
seb128 | pedro_, joke aside I was just saying hello ;-) | 13:08 |
didrocks | seb128: he ran away now! :-) | 13:11 |
* pedro_ hugs seb128 and didrocks | 13:12 | |
pedro_ | you guys :-P | 13:12 |
seb128 | pedro_, hug back ;-) | 13:12 |
* didrocks hugs pedro_ back | 13:12 | |
didrocks | seb128: FYI, the hunt for the Qt bug is now famous: ;) | 13:18 |
seb128 | go didrocks go ;-) | 13:18 |
rodrigo_ | hola pedro_ | 13:21 |
* rodrigo_ -> lunch | 13:22 | |
pedro_ | hey rodrigo_, enjoy your lunch :-) | 13:22 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk | ||
tkamppeter | didrocks: thanks, this has given me back my desktop, in both Unity and Classic mode, but in Unity there appear the GNOME upstream default icons in the tray and not the application indicator ones. In Classic the tray shows the "Icon not found" placeholder for many icons. Login is much faster, before it seemed that it waited for something until it timed out. | 13:31 |
seb128 | didrocks, so it could be that some users use humanity but g-s-d gets an issue and the theme fallbacks | 13:36 |
chrisccoulson | woot, quite a few WI's closed on now \o/ | 13:37 |
didrocks | seb128: possibly yeah, anyway, let's first wait on the unity fix to be there | 13:38 |
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jibel | didrocks, latest compiz-plugins-main breaks compiz: compiz[28361]: segfault at 20 ip 00007fe46e30c57e sp 00007fffaae3f380 error 4 in[7fe46e2b9000+6e000] | 14:17 |
didrocks | jibel: hum, which latest? I sponsored a version today | 14:17 |
jibel | didrocks, 0.9.4+bzr20110527-0ubuntu3 | 14:18 |
didrocks | jibel: hum? It's just settings changes in ccsm, that's weird… | 14:18 |
didrocks | jibel: you reset your settings to test those? | 14:18 |
didrocks | (they shouldn't change if you don't) | 14:18 |
zyga | mvo, ping | 14:19 |
jibel | didrocks, no reset. | 14:19 |
didrocks | jibel: weird, there is no code change at all… | 14:19 |
jibel | didrocks, the other bugfix in the changelog is bug 793897 | 14:20 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 793897 in compiz-plugins-main "typos in /usr/share/compiz/animation.xml cause no animations for close_effects and focus_effects out of the box." [Undecided,Fix released] | 14:20 |
didrocks | jibel: yeah, but as compiz is unable to upgrade the settings on existing config, you shouldn't be impacted by the change | 14:20 |
zyga | mvo, open software center, in "what's new" section see "Bride", click on it, you get to "Monster RPG2" -- cannot reproduce after closing s-c but it did happen each time I tried a moment ago | 14:23 |
mvo | zyga: hm, let me check that out | 14:28 |
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didrocks | ahum, reverting the 3 changes in c-p-m doesn't fix the segfafult | 14:36 |
didrocks | trying a local rebuild | 14:36 |
seb128 | didrocks, you get it as well? | 14:37 |
seb128 | question for the kvm users around, how do you switch to vt1? | 14:41 |
highvoltage | "chvt 1" doesn't work in kvm?? | 14:42 |
seb128 | where do I type that? | 14:42 |
didrocks | seb128: yeah, I get it | 14:42 |
seb128 | highvoltage, I'm on the login screen so I don't have a command line | 14:43 |
mvo | seb128: use ctrl-alt-2 | 14:45 |
highvoltage | seb128: you mean in virt-manager? | 14:45 |
mvo | seb128: and then type "sendkey ctrl-alt-f2" | 14:45 |
mvo | seb128: and then press "ctrl-alt-1" again | 14:45 |
highvoltage | seb128: what works for me is usine left-ctrl + right+alt + f1 | 14:45 |
mvo | seb128: (noticed the difference between "1" and "f1") | 14:45 |
seb128 | mvo, thanks (I did) | 14:45 |
seb128 | highvoltage, ctrl-alt-f1 switches vt on the real system no in the kvm dialog | 14:46 |
highvoltage | seb128: even if you use ctrl and alt from different sides? | 14:46 |
highvoltage | left-ctrl + right-alt doesn't switch on the host | 14:47 |
mvo | highvoltage: woah, that is a neat trick! | 14:47 |
seb128 | highvoltage, oh, let me try | 14:47 |
didrocks | ok, got what caused the issue | 14:48 |
seb128 | didrocks, don't blame me! | 14:48 |
highvoltage | (that works in virt-manager, at least. you didn't specify what you are using) | 14:48 |
seb128 | highvoltage, kvm | 14:48 |
seb128 | kvm -cdrom .iso | 14:49 |
highvoltage | ah right | 14:49 |
didrocks | Amaranth: did you test your patch? it didn't apply because of git diff format and then it makes compiz crashing | 14:49 |
highvoltage | I guess it should be the same | 14:49 |
didrocks | Amaranth: as I saw you committed that upstream, you should try a head build, maybe troubles ahead :) | 14:49 |
didrocks | seb128: I won't, I will do on pedro :p | 14:49 |
seb128 | yeah, always blame the chilian, if you don't know why he does ;-) | 14:50 |
* didrocks makes a latest rebuild to ensure | 14:51 | |
highvoltage | seb128: works for me with plain kvm | 14:51 |
didrocks | so, seems that when <default/> is used, compiz used no schema, hence why the new value is picked once there, interesting | 14:51 |
seb128 | highvoltage, ok, I think kvm is just broken in oneiric for me, they use 100% cpu and never go away from the plymouth screen | 14:52 |
didrocks | pitti: I'm already in love with ccache, thanks a bunch :) | 14:58 |
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mvo | hey cdbs! thanks for your branch for the unity integration in update-manager, I used it, but modified it so that there is no aptdaemon change needed, would you mind to check lp:update-manager and double check? | 15:08 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, does tb does spam filtering? does it use another package for it like bogofilter? | 15:10 |
chrisccoulson | seb128, yeah, tb does spam filtering. it's got its own filter though (it doesn't need anything like bogofilter) | 15:14 |
seb128 | ok, so we could drop bogofilter from the CD with is another 0.5mb | 15:14 |
seb128 | having a look to the current oneiric iso to see what could be cleaned still ;-) | 15:14 |
chrisccoulson | ah, yeah. that would be nice :) | 15:15 |
rodrigo_ | <- I guess it is safe to remove the gconf g-s-d plugin, since it was not working | 15:15 |
ubot2 | Gnome bug 652200 in general "gconf plugin ignored because of missing schema" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 15:15 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, well we were not using GNOME3 either ;-) | 15:16 |
rodrigo_ | and also, it was supposed to allow apps still in gconf to get the values, but now we have most stuff using gsettings, right? | 15:16 |
rodrigo_ | so is there any app that would need it? | 15:16 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, yes, right, but nobody using the gnome3 ppa complained, but yes, you're right | 15:17 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, define "most stuff", I see that we ported like 25 softwares | 15:17 |
seb128 | $ apt-cache rdepends libgconf2-4 | wc -l | 15:17 |
seb128 | 396 | 15:17 |
rodrigo_ | right, in universe | 15:17 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, I think we should list the keys that are there and grep through the archive for those to see which softwares still use them before deciding | 15:18 |
rodrigo_ | but how many of those use desktop-wide settings in gconf? | 15:18 |
rodrigo_ | yeah, I'll do that | 15:18 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, I guess the proxy key is used in quite some softwares | 15:18 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, just give a list of the keys, pitti knows where to do the grepping, there is a dc box with a local mirror which can be used | 15:18 |
rodrigo_ | right, that's a good one indeed | 15:19 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, things in main likely still | 15:19 |
seb128 | i.e liferea | 15:19 |
seb128 | so I think we should keep the gconf proxy key in sync in some way until we get the most used clients ported | 15:19 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, is that an issue to maintain that code in g-c-c? | 15:20 |
rodrigo_ | well, the keys the gconf plugin translates are the ones that have an entry in .convert files | 15:20 |
rodrigo_ | so maybe pitti can do the grepping already? | 15:20 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, no, not really, not an issue | 15:20 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, ok, I will organize the grepping, I need to check with pitti where he does that usually when he's online | 15:21 |
seb128 | he's in a train right now and working offline | 15:21 |
rodrigo_ | ok | 15:21 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, I will let you know next week what the list is | 15:21 |
rodrigo_ | I'll fix the plugin thing upstream | 15:21 |
seb128 | thanks | 15:21 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, hi, deactivating the error-screen in gnome-session doesnt seem the best way for gnome-shell -- it doesnt get respawned and leaves you with an unusable session | 15:28 |
seb128 | didrocks was right, there is always somebody to complain when you fix something :p | 15:29 |
seb128 | ricotz, why doesn't it get respawned? wouldn't that be the right fix rather than to lock the screen in an useless way which stop debugging and bug reporting? | 15:30 |
ricotz | seb128, :P | 15:30 |
didrocks | seb128: yeah, I think I'll stop doing anything, you should do the same :) | 15:30 |
ricotz | seb128, i have no idea why it isnt, i havent seen this often yet | 15:31 |
seb128 | well I would rather fix the fact that it doesn't respawn | 15:31 |
seb128 | blocking users to use apport to to debug the session is not making any good | 15:31 |
seb128 | "or to debug" | 15:31 |
didrocks | seb128: I think it's in case of their extensions making GS crashing | 15:32 |
didrocks | so they want to offer a chance to remove that | 15:32 |
didrocks | but vuntz can confirm, he loves being helpful :) | 15:32 |
seb128 | well at least the dialog should not lock the session, either be a normal dialog or let you dismiss it | 15:32 |
didrocks | right | 15:32 |
ricotz | right, a normal dialog would be sufficient, which can be dismissed | 15:33 |
ricotz | seb128, as far i have noticed it could be a race-condition with some dbus service | 15:33 |
ricotz | but i have no distinguishable error output | 15:35 |
chrisccoulson | ricotz, right, but you can just respawn it again | 15:37 |
chrisccoulson | that's true for other session components too | 15:37 |
chrisccoulson | i disabled it because the conditions it's masking are recoverable for us using a development release :) | 15:37 |
chrisccoulson | i think re-enabling it just for gnome-shell is wrong :/ | 15:37 |
Sahar | hi | 15:38 |
chrisccoulson | ie, if our shell crashes, we just restart it | 15:38 |
Sahar | i hv problem | 15:38 |
Sahar | i need help | 15:38 |
chrisccoulson | whereas with that dialog, we lose everything we were working on (and i've already had that happen to me several times) | 15:38 |
Sahar | who is here | 15:38 |
chrisccoulson | does anyone know which version of webkitgtk we are shipping with this cycle? | 15:38 |
Sahar | can i ask my question? | 15:39 |
chrisccoulson | Sahar => #ubuntu for user support | 15:39 |
Sahar | ok | 15:39 |
Sahar | tx | 15:39 |
Daviey | Oneiric seems to have re-introduced the same behaviour as yesterday (blank desktop), but *icons-full is still installed. Poor me. | 15:39 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, yeah, that's right, but i have seen this error only on startup not while running a session | 15:40 |
didrocks | Daviey: do you have compiz-plugins-main … -0ubuntu3 install? | 15:40 |
chrisccoulson | ricotz, i've seen it pretty much every time my display configuration changes ;) | 15:40 |
Sahar | i recently install ubuntu instead of 7 | 15:40 |
chrisccoulson | (ie, i dock or undock my laptop) | 15:40 |
chrisccoulson | compiz crashes and then i get that silly dialog ;) | 15:40 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, so in this case it doesnt get respawned for some reasion | 15:40 |
chrisccoulson | without it, i can quite happily just restart compiz and my session carries on working normally | 15:41 |
Sahar | how busy is here | 15:41 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, ok | 15:41 |
Daviey | didrocks: yes | 15:41 |
didrocks | Daviey: you should take -0ubuntu4 as soon as it's coming, it's good crack and will surely fix it :) | 15:41 |
Sahar | how can i ask..:( | 15:41 |
didrocks | Daviey: or downgrade to -0ubuntu2 | 15:41 |
chrisccoulson | ricotz, in fact, i've already had the issue once in the last few hours, because if i check my ~/.xsession-errors i see this: | 15:41 |
chrisccoulson | gnome-session[2357]: CRITICAL: We failed, but the fail whale is dead. Sorry.... | 15:42 |
chrisccoulson | :) | 15:42 |
ricotz | chrisccoulson, ;) | 15:42 |
chrisccoulson | so i would have already lost work today ;) | 15:42 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, 1.4 serie I guess for webkit | 15:42 |
chrisccoulson | seb128, thanks | 15:42 |
Daviey | didrocks: ta | 15:43 |
Sahar | where can i ask my question>>> pls | 15:44 |
didrocks | Daviey: yw, "sorry for the bumps, we should be in a safety area back soon" :-) | 15:44 |
seb128 | TheMuso, hi, could you build mousetweaks without the applets next time you do an upload for it? | 15:45 |
Daviey | didrocks: is jumping to *ubuntu4 an option? | 15:45 |
didrocks | Daviey: if available already, of course | 15:45 |
Sahar | ey wayyyyyyyyyyy | 15:45 |
Sahar | namarda | 15:45 |
seb128 | TheMuso, they will not work now anyway since it checks for a gtk2 library and gnome-panel moved to gtk3, it's also the only thing keeping libpanel-applet on the CD | 15:45 |
Sahar | ah | 15:45 |
Daviey | didrocks: yeah, finished 14 seconds ago :) | 15:45 |
didrocks | \o/ | 15:45 |
didrocks | Daviey: enjoy then :-) | 15:45 |
seb128 | does anybody know if gnome-mime-data is of any use nowadays? I guess no | 15:51 |
seb128 | ok, let me drop the libgnomevfs depends on it to a suggest :p | 15:53 |
seb128 | we need to keep libgnomevfs due to tomboy using libs than depends on it but gnome-mime-data can probably drop from the CD | 15:53 |
seb128 | which is a 0.35mb win | 15:53 |
seb128 | not a lot but still | 15:53 |
Daviey | didrocks: I don't know if it is related... but following installing that gdm greeter didn't offer me usernames.. only Other where i had to manually enter the username. | 15:55 |
Daviey | but it did fix my desktop once logged in.. so thanks! | 15:55 |
didrocks | Daviey: I don't think it's related, rather a lightdm issue? | 15:56 |
pitti | didrocks: ccache> does it help? | 15:57 |
Daviey | didrocks: well the thing that made me think it was related was that a fresh boot before installing that had the usernames.. after dpkg -i'ing those two debs and rebooting it was gone. | 15:57 |
Daviey | so odd at least. | 15:57 |
pitti | seb128, rodrigo_: I usually run that on people.c.c. (lillypilly), /srv/archive.u.c./ has a current local mirror | 15:58 |
pitti | if you want me to do it, please mail me, and I'll do it on Tuesday | 15:58 |
pitti | can't do it right now, sorry | 15:58 |
seb128 | pitti, I will do it thanks | 15:58 |
didrocks | pitti: oh yeah, (no rebuild of Qt yet), but only for compiz-plugin-main, it's a win of 80% of the build time at least | 15:58 |
seb128 | pitti, do you have a wrapper or something handy? | 15:58 |
pitti | didrocks: nice! | 15:59 |
didrocks | pitti: yeah, thanks again! I never really tried it before :-) | 15:59 |
pitti | seb128: I used | 15:59 |
seb128 | pitti, danke | 15:59 |
pitti | seb128: something like for-archive /srv/archive.u.c. grep ... | 16:00 |
rodrigo_ | pitti, I can do it also, if I have access to that machine, if not, seb128 :) | 16:00 |
pitti | (or another script/command that you want to run in the src package) | 16:00 |
seb128 | rodrigo_, I'm fine doing it, I'm not working on anything special today | 16:00 |
rodrigo_ | seb128, ok, cool | 16:00 |
seb128 | well, reviewing current iso to win some space | 16:01 |
seb128 | I found 0.35mb of easy win, dropping gnome-mime-data | 16:01 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|afk | ||
seb128 | (libgnomevfs depends on it but libgnomevfs is there only for legacy reason because tomboy pulls it in through other libs, nothing is using gnome-vfs for mimetypes) | 16:02 |
seb128 | didrocks, is libcompizconfig0 in a vcs? | 16:03 |
didrocks | yeah | 16:03 |
didrocks | one sec | 16:03 |
seb128 | rebuilding it should drop libprotobuf6 | 16:03 |
seb128 | there is a new soname | 16:03 |
seb128 | that's a 0.3mb win | 16:03 |
didrocks | ~compiz/libcompizconfig/ubuntu | 16:04 |
didrocks | ok, do you want me to handle this? | 16:04 |
seb128 | didrocks, well I guess next time you will do an update | 16:04 |
seb128 | didrocks, if you want please do | 16:04 |
seb128 | but there is no hurry | 16:04 |
didrocks | seb128: well, there is almost no change there | 16:04 |
didrocks | so better to do than forget | 16:04 |
seb128 | ok thanks | 16:04 |
didrocks | yw :) | 16:04 |
didrocks | it's Friday, 5PM, time to rebreak something :) | 16:04 |
seb128 | ;-) | 16:04 |
smspillaz | why are we dropping libprotobuf ? | 16:04 |
kenvandine | didrocks, shh... don't tell tedg | 16:05 |
mpt | cyphermo1, got time to talk about firewalls and proxies? | 16:05 |
seb128 | smspillaz, we drop the abi = 6 version because there is a new one | 16:05 |
kenvandine | he loves breaking everything on fridays | 16:05 |
didrocks | of course, bonus point as we are away for 3 days then :-) | 16:05 |
seb128 | smspillaz, a rebuild should get a depends on the current one | 16:05 |
* pitti hugs seb128 | 16:05 | |
smspillaz | seb128: ah ok | 16:05 |
seb128 | smspillaz, we have 2 of those on the CD right now | 16:05 |
cyphermo1 | mpt, sure | 16:05 |
* seb128 hugs pitti | 16:05 | |
tedg | kenvandine, I'm not leaving on vacation... wait, I'll get you some patches right before. | 16:06 |
seb128 | kenvandine, hey, could you sponsor xscreensaver? | 16:06 |
cyphermo1 | seb128: you satisfied with my answers to tormod's queries? | 16:06 |
mpt | cyphermo1, in the first wireframe, there's an option for "Use system settings". Where are those system settings set? | 16:06 |
seb128 | cyphermo1: seemed fine, ignore the stupid changelog thing | 16:07 |
seb128 | we list only a few entries nowadays anyway for those | 16:07 |
seb128 | the full upload history is also on launchpad | 16:07 |
cyphermo1 | mpt, that would be using what's set in the gnome proxy thing; but maybe this doesn't quite make as much sense... it works well though for setting something like "alwaysusethesameproxysettingskthxbai" | 16:08 |
kenvandine | seb128, i already did | 16:08 |
cyphermo1 | kenvandine: seb128: thx | 16:08 |
seb128 | kenvandine, great | 16:08 |
kenvandine | seb128, uploaded like 5m ago :) | 16:08 |
seb128 | cyphermo1: btw new glib and new lightdm should let nm work correctly | 16:08 |
cyphermo1 | yes | 16:09 |
cyphermo1 | looks good now, but I was bitten by the compiz crash :) | 16:09 |
* cyphermo1 is in console only, with irssi and byobu now | 16:09 | |
mpt | cyphermo1, how would someone tell whether a program uses these settings or the gnome proxy settings? | 16:09 |
cyphermo1 | (hence why the different nick) | 16:09 |
cyphermo1 | mpt: ah, good point. I guess you can't? | 16:10 |
mpt | cyphermo1, I have no idea :-) | 16:10 |
cyphermo1 | mpt: I'd say all this pretty much *replaces* the gnome proxy stuff altogether | 16:10 |
mpt | ok | 16:10 |
cyphermo1 | cyphermo1: so in light of this, the "use system settings" thing is useless | 16:11 |
mpt | yes | 16:11 |
cyphermo1 | err, woops, typing fail :) | 16:11 |
mpt | cyphermo1, so, I suggest copying the gnome-network-properties interface directly | 16:13 |
mpt | Copying the layout, I mean | 16:13 |
cyphermo1 | mpt: ok | 16:14 |
mpt | cyphermo1, with a couple of exceptions which I will sketch for you | 16:14 |
mpt | cyphermo1, most importantly, the port fields should not have spinbuttons, that's pretty useless :-) | 16:14 |
cyphermo1 | mpt: ah, yes. useless and annoying | 16:15 |
mpt | cyphermo1, is your interface a System Settings panel/ | 16:16 |
mpt | ? | 16:16 |
cyphermo1 | mpt: not yet. that would be as an extra tab in NM's connections configuration dialog, for instance; or in the config dialog for connections in indicator-network, just the same | 16:18 |
mpt | cyphermo1, so I guess the whole dialog will end up in System Settings at some stage | 16:19 |
cyphermo1 | probably | 16:20 |
=== MacSlow|afk is now known as MacSlow | ||
cyphermox | mpt: you updating the wiki page? | 16:26 |
mpt | cyphermox, I'm drawing | 16:26 |
cyphermox | mpt: ok | 16:26 |
pitti | have a nice weekend everyone! see you on Tuesday (national holiday on Monday here) | 16:28 |
seb128 | same here on monday | 16:29 |
seb128 | pitti, have fun, see you tuesday | 16:29 |
cyphermox | ciao | 16:30 |
didrocks | see you on Tuesday pitti! | 16:31 |
mpt | cyphermox, does "Ignored Hosts" apply just to (a) manual proxy configuration, or (b) manual or automatic proxy configuration? | 16:43 |
cyphermox | mpt: just manual | 16:44 |
mpt | aha | 16:44 |
mpt | thanks | 16:44 |
cyphermox | automatic deals with some for of list of settings retrieved from DHCP or a server of some sort | 16:44 |
mpt | So it's always been misleading to have "Ignored Hosts" as a sibling to "Proxy Configuration", when it really applies only to one of the three "Proxy Configuration" choices | 16:45 |
cyphermox | well, I guess you could use it to override what you get | 16:50 |
cyphermox | assuming I'm even correct by saying it only applies to manual | 16:50 |
mpt | cyphermox, would you be able to find out? | 16:51 |
cyphermox | proxies are complex and generally a huge PITA to get working correctly | 16:51 |
cyphermox | mpt: not really with automatic, it requires infrastructure I'm not sure how to build :) | 16:52 |
mpt | cyphermox, by reading the code/comments, I mean, not setting up a proxy server :-) | 16:52 |
mpt | cyphermox, this affects exactly what the layout should be | 16:52 |
cyphermox | mpt: ah, ok | 16:53 |
cyphermox | sure, just a minute | 16:53 |
cyphermox | err | 17:02 |
cyphermox | you know what, like half of this is already done in the gnome-control-panel network thingamajig | 17:02 |
cyphermox | that whole ignored hosts isn't there at all | 17:03 |
mpt | cyphermox, | 17:04 |
ubot2 | Gnome bug 616617 in Network "Unclear description of the configuration of ignored hosts of proxy preferences" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 17:04 |
cyphermox | mpt: it's not at all in gnome-control-center in oneiric | 17:05 |
mpt | cyphermox, so do you want to add it, or are you left with nothing to do proxy-wise? | 17:14 |
cyphermox | mpt: I call that nothing to do proxy-wise | 17:15 |
mpt | cyphermox, ok, that was easy. Now, what firewall settings do you want to expose? | 17:15 |
cyphermox | mpt: I didn't write it down in the wiki spec? | 17:16 |
cyphermox | mpt: essentially it's small parts of what ufw does, so turning it off and on, and enabling/disabling the presets for applications | 17:16 |
mpt | cyphermox, almost those exact words are in the spec, but I don't know what that means | 17:16 |
mpt | :-) | 17:16 |
cyphermox | ok | 17:17 |
cyphermox | well, enabling/disabling firewall is obvious ;) | 17:17 |
cyphermox | as for the presets, ufw has a set of files that define that application X uses ports Y andZ | 17:17 |
rodrigo_ | ok, I'll call it day now, so have a good weekend! | 17:18 |
mpt | cyphermox, so let's say someone has the firewall turned on, then they install another application that needs to use the network | 17:19 |
mpt | cyphermox, how do they find out what ports the application wants to use? | 17:19 |
cyphermox | to turn on SSH, for instance, it's "sudo ufs allow ssh"; the list is retrievable from "sudo ufw app list" | 17:21 |
cyphermox | some applications ship presets | 17:21 |
cyphermox | like apache, cups, etc; or I guess you could enable a particular port by it's name (e.g. smtp, ssh, telnet, etc.) | 17:22 |
mpt | cyphermox, is there a use case for preventing a particular application from using ports other than the ones in its preset? | 17:22 |
mpt | (maybe that's more of a security team question) | 17:22 |
didrocks | ok, time for week-end (some meeting with ubuntu-lyon first), see you on Tuesday! | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | tuesday? | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | you slacking? ;) | 17:25 |
didrocks | Monday is off here as well :) | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | lol | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | have a good weekend :) | 17:25 |
didrocks | thanks, you too chrisccoulson! | 17:25 |
chrisccoulson | does that mean seb128 is slacking too ;) | 17:25 |
didrocks | yeah | 17:26 |
didrocks | 17:28:49 pitti | have a nice weekend everyone! see you on Tuesday (national holiday on Monday here) | 17:26 |
didrocks | 17:29:09 seb128 | same here on monday | 17:26 |
seb128 | didrocks, see you! | 17:26 |
didrocks | seb128: enjoy your week-end! :) | 17:26 |
cyphermox | mpt, I'd say there could be, but that's not something we can tackle in this configuration dialog, or "pass" at configuring firewalls this way | 17:29 |
chrisccoulson | so, it's going to be quiet in here on monday :/ | 17:31 |
cyphermox | chrisccoulson: yeah, probably | 17:31 |
seb128 | who has a mono stack there to do builds? ;-) | 17:32 |
seb128 | kenvandine, I'm sure you have one :p | 17:32 |
cyphermox | seb128: ? | 17:32 |
seb128 | could somebody try to rebuild gbreany with --disable-gnome | 17:32 |
kenvandine | actually i don't atm :) | 17:32 |
seb128 | ok, I'm too lazy to install the mono stack on my box only for that | 17:32 |
cyphermox | seb128: no other changes? | 17:32 |
seb128 | if someone wants to pick it up and try ;-) | 17:32 |
chrisccoulson | i'm actually building mono right now ;) | 17:32 |
seb128 | cyphermox, no, no other change | 17:32 |
chrisccoulson | well, moonlight, but it seems to contain an entire copy of mono | 17:33 |
chrisccoulson | probably not what you want though ;) | 17:33 |
lool | I've installed gnome-icon-theme-full, but unity crashes on startup for me; is there another workaround for that one? | 17:36 |
lool | (segfault) | 17:38 |
seb128 | lool, what compiz version? | 17:41 |
seb128 | lool, dpkg -l compiz-plugins-main-default | 17:42 |
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away | ||
seb128 | ok, that's ridiculous | 17:42 |
seb128 | libgnome, libgnomeui, libgnomecanvas, libbonobo, libbonoboui and their common packages are on the CD only because tomboy depends on libgnome2.24-cil | 17:43 |
seb128 | libgnomevfs as well if we omit the -gnome from libreoffice and firefox | 17:43 |
seb128 | which should really use gio nowadays ;-) | 17:44 |
cyphermox | seb128: built fine, getting the deb back now to test it | 17:46 |
seb128 | cyphermox, can you debdiff both just to make sure it's ok and if it works get kenvandine to sponsor it, he's patch pilot today ;-) | 17:47 |
seb128 | cyphermox, thanks for testing | 17:47 |
cyphermox | sure | 17:47 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, just ping me | 17:47 |
cyphermox | kenvandine: ok | 17:47 |
lool | seb128: 0.9.4+bzr20110527-0ubuntu3 | 17:57 |
lool | seb128: sorry for the delay, I'm also fighting against boot and network issues | 17:57 |
lool | boot > random failures (race conditions?) and network seems to be NM and linux .39 not playing too well on this hardware | 17:57 |
seb128 | lool, upgrade | 17:57 |
seb128 | lool, it has been fixed in the next revision | 17:58 |
lool | cool, thanks | 17:58 |
cyphermox | kenvandine: seb128: gbrainy looks fine, but it'll take me a minute; going out to lunch about now | 18:00 |
seb128 | ok | 18:00 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, i have a meeting now anyway, ping me when you get back | 18:01 |
mpt | cyphermox, the reason I asked is that having to know the ports would make it much harder to add an application exception to the firewall | 18:03 |
cyphermox | mpt: right, but applications are generally shipping the ufw files IIRC | 18:04 |
mpt | cyphermox, ok. Next question: for a given installed application, is it easy to tell whether it has a ufw file or not? | 18:05 |
kenvandine | seb128, i have folks prepared, but it causes empathy to crash | 18:06 |
kenvandine | need to wait for empathy 3.1.2, which is imminent | 18:06 |
cyphermox | mpt: easy for users or easy for developers? for users I don't think it's that obvious, you need to know where to look for the files or how to ask dpkg for what files a package ships | 18:06 |
mpt | cyphermox, easy for the firewall interface code. | 18:06 |
mpt | cyphermox, so that it knows whether it needs to show UI for entering ports manually for that application. | 18:07 |
seb128 | kenvandine, 3.1.2 was rolled midday today | 18:07 |
cyphermox | mpt: ah, we will presumably be able to ask ufw over dbus or whatever about applications | 18:07 |
kenvandine | ah, great | 18:07 |
kenvandine | i saw the git commits | 18:07 |
kenvandine | didn't see the tarball | 18:07 |
* cyphermox -> lunch | 18:07 | |
kenvandine | i'll work on that too | 18:07 |
seb128 | kenvandine, debian has the lib update if that 's useful | 18:08 |
seb128 | kenvandine, thanks | 18:08 |
seb128 | cyphermox, enjoy | 18:08 |
kenvandine | you mean libfolks? | 18:08 |
seb128 | yes | 18:08 |
kenvandine | yeah, i rebased it already | 18:08 |
kenvandine | but it causes empathy crashes :) | 18:08 |
seb128 | we have a diff? | 18:08 |
kenvandine | well, just the Vcs | 18:08 |
seb128 | ok | 18:09 |
kenvandine | which is nice for debcheckout | 18:09 |
kenvandine | :) | 18:09 |
seb128 | nice, versions is down to 8 red entries | 18:09 |
seb128 | 11 orange ones | 18:09 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, isn't monday an holiday in the uk? ;-) | 18:10 |
lool | seb128: new plugins work fine, thanks | 18:11 |
chrisccoulson | seb128, no holiday for me, i've got too much work to do for that ;) | 18:11 |
chrisccoulson | i can't take time off slacking :P | 18:11 |
seb128 | lool, yw | 18:12 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, lol | 18:12 |
chrisccoulson | :) | 18:12 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, right, you took only 2 mondays off, on by "error" and then the next one again because it as an holiday! | 18:12 |
chrisccoulson | heh | 18:12 |
mpt | cyphermox, ok, thanks for those answers | 18:15 |
bigon | is it planned to backport nm from oneiric to the gnome3 ppa? | 18:20 |
bigon | (well I can do it) | 18:20 |
seb128 | bigon, no | 18:22 |
bigon | so I can do it? | 18:22 |
seb128 | bigon, the ppa is meant as something you can use without breaking your system, the new nm would break i.e KDE | 18:22 |
bigon | ah well | 18:23 |
bigon | :/ | 18:23 |
seb128 | there is already a ppa for it | 18:23 |
seb128 | oneiric should be soon stable enough to be used ;-) | 18:23 |
seb128 | or at least as stable as trying to get GNOME3 work on natty with the integration issue it brings | 18:24 |
seb128 | kenvandine, oh btw, gtk 3.1.4 is in the vcs and in the ubuntu-desktop ppa if you need it | 18:36 |
seb128 | kenvandine, the tarball is over a month old and I had quite some warnings on gedit while running it so I figured I would wait at least for next week or maybe a new tarball to upload to oneiric | 18:37 |
achiang | is there a calendar indicator other than evolution-indicator? or is that the only one? | 18:37 |
seb128 | kenvandine, but it works, I've been used it for a bit | 18:37 |
seb128 | evolution-indicator is not a calendar, it's doing the indicator-messages integration for evolution | 18:37 |
seb128 | indicator-datetime is the indicator | 18:37 |
seb128 | there is no other one in the archive that this one | 18:37 |
achiang | seb128: the problem i'm trying to solve is that if i have indicator-datetime installed, but not evolution-indicator, then clicking on the indicator does not reveal the calendar | 18:38 |
seb128 | hum | 18:38 |
seb128 | is evolution installed? | 18:38 |
achiang | evo-indicator pulls in evo | 18:38 |
achiang | i did not previously have evo installed | 18:38 |
achiang | hm, wait, i'm re-testing now | 18:39 |
seb128 | there was bug #691953 | 18:39 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 691953 in indicator-datetime "Uninstalling Evolution removes calendar from clock applet" [Low,Fix released] | 18:39 |
seb128 | but that got fixed before natty | 18:39 |
seb128 | dunno otherwise, open a bug or check with ted | 18:39 |
achiang | yeah, i'm on lucid | 18:40 |
achiang | seb128: ok, that bug is very helpful. i'll see about backporting it. thanks! | 18:41 |
seb128 | you're welcome | 18:41 |
achiang | (and yes, removing evo-indicator, but keeping evo installed... i still get a calendar) | 18:41 |
kenvandine | seb128, thx | 18:42 |
cyphermox | bigon: if you need a NM backport, you'll want to look at the ~network-manager team PPAs. I haven't put 0.9 in there for distros other than oneiric yet though | 19:16 |
cyphermox | (but it has 0.8.4 which very recent, and keeps KDE working) | 19:17 |
maxb | Can anyone think of anything which could cause Unity to trap Alt+F2 keypresses, but not actually display the run command UI? | 19:38 |
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