
cjwatsonNCommander: I'll work on the d-i build failure tomorrow - libffi needs to grow a udeb00:49
highvoltageI know it's a bit OT, but it's not every day you get to see d-i on xkcd: http://xkcd.com/910/15:44
cjwatsonyeah, I got a kick out of that. :)15:53
seb128ev, still there?18:16
seb128ev, just as a note we should discuss the ubiquity libcheese use some day18:16
seb128ev, the new cheese versions depends on the clutter stack and tries to bring in clutter, clutter-gst, clutter-gesture, clutter-imconttext, mx and gnome-video-effects18:20
seb128it seems a bit costy just to take a picture in the installer, would be nice to see if we can do that some other way18:21
cjwatsonespecially costly given that nothing in ubiquity is actually using cheese right now18:35
cjwatsonit has a whole module for it and stuff and then never uses it ...18:36
cjwatsonAFAICS anyway18:36
seb128cjwatson, well ubiquity-frontend-gtk depends on libcheese-gtk18 and ev made a comment recently about the workitem on the GNOME3 blueprint about promoting gnome-video-effects or demoting cheese18:42
cjwatsonyeah, we ship the Python module we build for it, but I don't see where we actually use it18:43
seb128he seemed to have plans to get the photo thing to work in ubiquity18:43
cjwatsonI can believe that it's future work, aye18:43
seb128I think it's not used at the moment indeed18:43
seb128anyway mentioning it because I think the cheese direction of relying on the clutter stack makes sense for gnome-shell but not especially for us, we probably don't want to bring clutter stack in the default installation if we don't need to18:44
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