
pittiskaet: hi16:00
pittiskaet: would you mind if I go after QA today?16:00
skaetpitti,  sure.16:01
pittiskaet: silly me, I forgot to take my AC adapter with me, and I'm low on battery16:01
skaeton that note then...16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is skaet.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
skaet[Topic] Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_16:01
skaetAgenda is at:16:01
skaet[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-06-0916:01
skaetThe new agenda order we'll be trying out this week is in the meeting invite and in the team agenda.16:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric Release Meeting overview - skaet_16:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-06-0916:01
skaetThank you to all who helped get Alpha 1 tested and published!16:01
skaetRelease notes are at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricOcelot/TechnicalOverview/Alpha116:01
skaetTesting report can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ReleaseReports/OneiricAlpha1TestReport16:01
skaetBugs targetted for this release can be found:16:01
skaet[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs16:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+bugs16:01
skaetBugs milestoned for oneiric alpha 2 are at:16:02
skaet[LINK] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/oneiric-alpha-216:02
MootBotLINK received:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/oneiric-alpha-216:02
skaetEvents Approaching:16:02
skaet- Debian Import Freeze: June 30, 201116:02
skaet- Oneiric Alpha 2: July 7, 201116:02
skaetNew site will be rolling out next week via email to ubuntu-devel to help with tracking topic areas in addition to teams (a bit more documentation is still needed)16:02
skaetSome of you may have seen the prototype over the last couple of weeks in prototype mode, and thank you for your help setting up topics and debugging.16:02
skaetThere's more info on it in the agenda, but I just wanted to say a big thank you to cjohnston!!16:02
skaetHe's put in alot of hard work on putting the site together and getting the themes all in place, and the mechanisms debugged to make it possible.16:02
MootBotLINK received: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/16:02
skaetReminder:   please use ".." on separate line when you've finished typing.   If someone wants to comment during the updates, please "o/", so we know to wait.16:02
skaetgo charlie-tca16:03
charlie-tcaIs the status wiki going to stay in java script? To see the charts, javascript must be enabled at this time.16:04
skaetcharlie-tca, good question,  probably until we get it all debugged, then looking at moving may be an option.16:04
pittialso note that status.u.c. hasn't been officially annouced yet16:05
pittiit will be soon, when we have full confidence in it16:05
skaetyup,  you saw it here first folks.  :)16:05
Daviey(Some teams are already using it as their primary interface :/ )16:05
skaetDaviey,  yup and we appreciate those teams helping us debug it.  :)16:06
charlie-tcaapparently, I don't have the right java in my browser, since I get all blank pages16:06
Davieypitti: Are permissions going to be copied over, allowing people to edit the cfg's and run the commands you commented on?16:06
skaetcharlie-tca, can you work with cjohnston off-line so he can see if he can reproduce what you're seeing?16:06
pittiDaviey: that's still TBH16:07
pittiDaviey: we quickly talked with jpds, but we'll probably use a ~platform bzr branch which they pull in16:07
DavieyOk, groovy.16:07
* skaet looks around for other questions?16:08
skaetok, heading into the round table then.16:08
ScottKMore of a comment.16:08
skaetok ScottK16:08
ScottKI think Kubuntu will be moving to using work items like other teams do.16:09
ScottKPersonally, I liked the wiki, but i got outvoted.16:09
ScottKYou might chat with apachelogger about helping get Kubuntu stuff properly sync'ed.16:09
skaetThanks ScottK,  will do my best to help make the transition smooth.16:09
skaetand will talk to apachelogger.  :)16:10
ScottKHe's rushing to catch a train ATM, but later I'm sure he'll be glad to help.16:10
ScottK(best time to volunteer people for stuff)16:10
skaet:)  Any other teams interested in setting up topics for tracking things,  just let me, cjohnston or wendar know, and we'll try to help.16:11
skaetback to the round table...16:11
skaet[Topic] Toolchain update - doko16:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Toolchain update - doko16:11
* skaet looks around for doko_ 16:11
skaetif folks could look at the links on the agenda,  the Failures to Build are still pretty high for main.16:12
skaet[Topic] QA team update -  jibel16:13
MootBotNew Topic:  QA team update -  jibel16:13
cjwatson15:49 <doko_> cjwatson: re-uploaded, now afk16:13
cjwatsonI guess he's not around16:13
skaetthanks cjwatson16:13
jibelhi all!16:13
jibel* Bootchart Metrics and desktop testing not started. It will be discussed at the automation testing sprint next week.16:13
jibel * Automatic Upgrade Testing:16:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/current/16:14
jibel * ubuntu and xubuntu failed: bug 78107616:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 781076 in doc-base (Ubuntu Oneiric) "package doc-base 0.9.5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/Storable.pm" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78107616:14
jibel * kubuntu fails: conflict file between plasma-dataengines-workspace 4:4.6.2a-0ubuntu5.1 and kdebase-workspace-bin 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu316:14
jibel* Top 5 packages with most bugs reported during last week:16:14
jibelunity-2d: mostly crashers fixed with qt4-x11 update.16:14
jibeldoc-base: see bug above16:15
jibelgnome-user-share: bug 78871416:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788714 in gnome-user-share (Ubuntu Oneiric) "gnome-user-share crashed with SIGABRT in g_option_context_parse() - needs porting to GTK3" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78871416:15
jibel== Results of Alpha 1 ISO Testing ==16:15
jibelThe main issues found are:16:16
jibel * unity-2d crashes which is a problem between gcc 4.6 and qt4-x11 violating strict aliasing rules.16:16
jibel * gnome-user-share crash: need porting to gtk3: fixed16:16
jibel * nautlius background not redrawing16:16
jibel * missing windows buttons: Fixed16:16
jibel * No USB support on beagle/beagleXM16:16
jibel * Oneiric Alpha1 Server x86 and x86_64 RAID1 Test Failed16:16
jibel * Ubiquity on Kubuntu failed to run16:16
jibelVery few installer and Unity bugs. But since most testers are running VMs, unity received little testing compared to unity-2d.16:16
seb128("  * nautlius background not redrawing" should be fixed as well)16:16
pittiunity-2d crash should also be fixed now with latest qt?16:16
seb128(we have the key correctly set to get nautilus displaying the background by default and the url has been fixed as well)16:17
ScottKpitti: Yes.16:17
jibelpitti, right. the qt4-x11 updated fixed most of unity-2d crashers16:18
jibelseb128, right. must be fixed, but didn't verified yet16:18
jibelThere are still 10 bugs marked as new to triage:  http://tinyurl.com/63wkemt16:19
jibelso please pick yours.16:19
ScottKjibel: On Kubuntu ubiquity would run a live session fine, just not do an installation.16:19
cjwatsonmaco posted a branch for half of the problem which is pending review.  I've been having ADSL line rate issues so haven't managed to pull down a test image yet16:19
jibelthis is bug 79144616:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791446 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "kubuntu installer crashes daily-live 6-1-11: AttributeError: 'QCheckBox' object has no attribute 'set_sensitive'" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79144616:20
jibelThe laptop tracker for Oneiric is opened. Time to test alpha 1 on real iron.16:21
jibelNext community testing milestones:16:21
jibelAlpha 2 testing will start on July 5th16:21
jibelFollowed by a week of ATI/nVidia proprietary driver testing16:21
jibeland 10.04.3 the week after.16:21
skaetThanks jibel!  :)16:22
skaetSome very good data in there,  will digest the detail after the meeting.16:22
skaetanyone else have specific questions right now?16:22
skaet[Topic] Desktop team update - pitti16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop team update - pitti16:22
pittiGNOME 3 is mostly in oneiric now, with the exception of smaller things like the system monitor; we still lack an Ubuntu-ish theme, but that's being developed by DX; some of it is also blocked by some MIRs like accountsservice16:23
pittiDefault login manager now switched to lightdm16:23
pittiAlpha-2 work items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html → we are behind the trend line, but we expect some faster progress soon; not too much of a concern just yet16:23
pittiCD space situation: We worked hard on downsizing, and cut off 30 MB, so that most of the daily images are now within limits, except i386 alternate (705 MB); we expect 4.5 MB growth from new X.org gallium drivers with new LLVM, and potential growth of ~ 6 to 10 MB for thunderbird (not firmly decided yet)16:23
pittiRC bugs: we do have a few well-known problems from the GNOME 3 transition, but nothing earth shattering right now; details are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus#rcbugs16:23
pittioh, breaking news: latest lsb upload pulls in python 3 (another +6 MB)16:23
pittiso it's really high time to drop python 2.6 now16:24
pittito make up for the space, and not ship 3 python versions16:24
skaetgo ScottK16:24
ScottKI think lsb pulling in python3 should be investigated.  That sounds wrong.16:24
pittiit might have been ported?16:24
seb128doko just switched it to python316:25
pittibut anyway, even if it's wrong, there'll be sooner or later a package which uses py316:25
ScottKGiven the number of 2.7 related issues we're still digging through in Debian, I think dropping 2.6 is premature.16:25
pittiI really really object to 3 python versions on the CD16:25
ScottKI agree.16:25
seb128pitti, wasn't there some discussion about keeping python3 out of the CD for this cycle?16:25
ScottKThe issue is which two.16:25
ogra_python1 !16:25
ScottK(for the moment)16:25
pittiif we really need 2.6 (I don't think we do, though), can we postpone py3 for the next release?16:25
ogra_surely the smallest ;)16:25
cjwatsonI don't think we need to panic about lsb; it doesn't merit immediate reversion or anything16:25
pittiseb128:  it was proposed16:25
ScottKI think we'll drop 2.6 before FF.16:26
ScottKI'd be suprised if we don't.16:26
cjwatsonI don't mind oversizedness that's projected to go away by FF16:26
pittiI thought the main issue here was to help Debian to switch to 2.7, right?16:26
cjwatsonas long as we know how16:26
pittiI also have a few projects which could also use py316:27
ScottKpitti: Yes.16:27
pittiI just didn't want to be the one to introduce the dependency first, but now that we have it, a more firm plan would be good16:27
pittii. e. if we want to do some more py3 porting in oneiric, it would certainly be better than starting with it in the lts?16:27
ScottKThat's the intent.16:27
pitti*nod* thanks16:28
pittisounds like a plan then16:28
pittithanks for letting me go first today; I need to go offline now, running out of battery :/16:28
skaetThanks pitti! :)  any other questions?16:28
skaet[Topic] Hardware Certification team update16:28
skaetteam will be restarting certification runs in next couple of weeks.  No data yet.16:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Hardware Certification team update16:28
* pitti waves16:29
* skaet waves back - thanks again.16:29
skaet[Topic] Security team update - jdstrand16:30
MootBotNew Topic:  Security team update - jdstrand16:30
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:30
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:30
jdstrand[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-security.html16:30
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-security.html16:30
jdstrandWe are currently on track for blueprints, and thanks to mdeslaur apparmor no longer requires perl on the install images.16:30
jdstrandOur team is mostly concentrating on updates atm, and getting to work items as we can fit them in.16:30
jdstrandLooking at the (rather long) list of oneiric bugs, I don't see anything worth highlighting here.16:31
jdstrandI've heard that unity-2d doesn't work too well in oneiric with any of the video drivers. unity doesn't run in kvm (our standardized virtualization technology, with a ton of scripting and tools around it).16:31
jdstrand(kvm video drivers)16:31
jdstrandThis is a major concern for the security team as without good VM support for unity-2d, we can't test applications in a default install. In natty 'vmvga' seems to work ok. This is bug 759803 and bug 792075.16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759803 in unity-2d "Unity-2d not working on KVM with xen and cirrus video devices" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75980316:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 792075 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "oneiric live-cd does not work with qemu-kvm" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79207516:31
skaetdbarth, ^^16:31
jdstrandI've just commented in 792075 about some findings from our team, but I wanted to highlight this16:32
jdstrand(things may be more positive now)16:32
jdstrandI've added these to our list of bugs we're interested in from other teams16:32
skaetThanks jdstrand!  :)16:33
jdstrandoh, also 792075 is in a weird state wrt subscribers (there are none)16:33
jdstrand(besides the reporter and out team, who I just added)16:33
seb128jdstrand, wasn't the kvm issue the qt bug that got fixes this week?16:34
skaetjibel, bdmurray,  ^^  can you look into the bug state of 792075 after the meeting with me?16:34
jdstrandseb128: mdeslaur indicated upgrading seems to make things work again. he (or me) will test the daily and see if things are better there16:35
* dbarth is checking16:35
skaetok,  if no more questions,  we'll let the investigation happen asynch and move on.16:36
dbarthskaet: a qt issue as indicated in the comments16:36
skaetdbarth, thanks.16:36
skaet[Topic] Kernel team update - ogasawara16:36
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel team update - ogasawara16:36
ogasawaraOverall status is reported at the first link below.  Burn down for the release milestone is at the second link below.  Burndown for the cycle is at the third link:16:36
ogasawara[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:36
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:36
ogasawara[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:36
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:36
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:36
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:37
ogasawaraThe biggest news recently is that Linus has decided to bump the upstream kernel version to v3.0.  This means that instead of Oneiric targetting a v2.6.40 kernel, we will use v3.0.  The move from a 3 digit version (eg 2.6.y) to a 2 digit version (eg 3.x) did cause breakage for scripts and packages expecting a 3 digit version.  We fixed what was known and uploaded an Oneiric kernel based on the latest v3.0-rc2 upstream relea16:37
ogasawarase.  We took extra care for how we versioned our package should we choose to move back to a 3 digit version scheme.  We've unfortunatley however just discovered that libc6 is having issues installing with the newer 2 digit version.  We're actively investigating.  Subsequently we're holding off on uploading linux-meta-3.0 until the libc6 install issue is resolved.16:37
ogasawaraOf the bugs called out in the agenda, status is as follows:16:37
ogasawara754744 - Assigned to kernel dev and under investigation.  Also forwarded to upstream but no response yet.16:37
ogasawara542660 - Assigned to kernel dev.  Recent comments indicate possible workaround.  Confirmation is still needed against Oneiric.16:37
ogasawara760131 - A patch has landed in upstream stable which has been applied to and tested with a 2.6.38 Natty test kernel.  It has been confirmed that power consumption is indeed lower than what was released in 2.6.38.  It is not clear however if this is an actual fix for the noted regression or just an overall power management improvement which has landed.  Regardless we'll work to get this patch pushed through as an S16:37
ogasawaraRU.  Unfortunately it appears the bug is starting to get dog piled with drive by commenters. :(16:37
cjwatsoneglibc should be easy to sort out ...16:38
skaetThanks ogasawara!  :)16:38
cjwatsonis there a bug number for that?16:38
skaetgo NCommander16:38
ogasawaracjohnston: no bug number, apw was digging into it16:38
NCommanderSince several ARM kernels are still 2.6.3x for now and the probably for quite awhile, will there be ongoing care to make sure the scripts can handle 2.6 or 3.0?16:38
ogasawarabah, cjwatson ^^16:38
ogra_NCommander, several ?16:39
ogra_only omap416:39
ogasawaraNCommander: we'll make a note to check16:39
cjwatsonNCommander: everything I've seen so far has been fixed to handle both16:39
NCommanderogra_: Linaro's kernel package is still 2.6 last I checked.16:39
NCommandercjwatson: just making sure. didn't want to have an oh **** issue down the line16:39
ogra_NCommander, linaros kernel packages dont get updates per policy16:39
cjwatsonthe installer will need some changes for 3.0 too; I'll be working on those now I have test packages16:40
ogra_(no security, no SRUs)16:40
apwcjwatson, if i am honest i wouldn't start too soon on changes for the new kernel16:40
ScottKogra_: Don't get updated by the security/kernel teams, but someone could prepare updates if they were motivated.16:40
ogra_ScottK, suuure :)16:40
apwcjwatson, it is not at all clear linus won't throw in the towel and call it 3.0.0 cause of other userspace interactions16:41
apwcjwatson, i am trying to get a definative answer before doing much more16:41
cjwatsonheh, eglibc build kind of breaks too16:41
apwcjwatson, yeah i notived, and actually so does the install of it ... my test box is a heap as a result16:41
apwcjwatson, so far i have held off on the meta package as a result16:42
cjwatsoneglibc build should only break if your build system is actually running 3.0 though, which the buildds won't for a while16:42
* skaet thinks the questions have stopped, so moving on. :)16:42
skaet[Topic] Foundations team update - cjwatson16:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations team update - cjwatson16:42
cjwatsonFeature progress this week:16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-application-sandboxing underway: Arkose rewritten in Python and converted to LXC16:43
cjwatson * multiarch bootstrapped in Debian to the point where libraries can be converted to it, which should start reducing our patch stack soon (full dpkg support is still pending review though)16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-live-build down to the last handful of small work items16:43
cjwatson * desktop-o-gtk3-gnome3: ubiquity mostly converted to PyGI, though blocked on porting a custom widget (timezone map)16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-ubiquity: design work on installation failure metrics; seems rather closer to a consensus now16:43
cjwatson * packageselection-foundations-n-event-based-initramfs: working on upstartified way to switch root filesystem; most review comments addressed16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-better-apport-package-bugs: prevented reporting of bugs due to missing packages in apt cache; wrote some apport bug patterns for foundations-bugs16:43
cjwatson * upstart: lots of upstream merging, with lp:upstart getting back into a properly synchronised state again; discussing oneiric plans on mailing lists16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-apt-mirror-method: initial progress on required apt changes16:43
cjwatson * software-center: merged basic QML UI16:43
cjwatson * foundations-o-python-versions: 3.1 reverse-dependencies eradicated; working on Python 3 disk usage data for CDs16:43
cjwatson * python: released 2.6.716:43
cjwatson(I didn't comment on bugs, there aren't many on our agenda at the moment and we're well off alpha 2, so happy to let those run for a while)16:43
cjwatson(so ask if there are any you particularly care about)16:44
skaetthanks cjwatson.  :)16:44
skaetwill follow up on the bugs then offline.16:44
skaetlooks like a pretty productive week.  :)16:44
skaetany questions?16:44
skaet[Topic] Server team update - Daviey16:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Server team update - Daviey16:44
DavieyAnother short one this week.16:45
DavieyAlpha 1 incoming bug count is low (as expected due to low exposure).  ISO testing didn't raise anything unexpected.16:45
DavieyCurrent burn down charts are looking on target (both full cycle and A2).  Not all deliverables that will be completed for A2 are yet marked such).16:45
DavieyNo current wider concerns.16:45
DavieyI do need to talk to foundations (probably cjwatson) early next week about some of our ISO changes planned.16:45
DavieyWe have a mountain of MIR's we need to undertake this subcycle.  So i suspect ~ubuntu-server need to buy ~ubuntu-mir plenty of beer.16:45
DavieyWe are currently working with Canonical SI team for many of the Orchestra deliverables.16:45
DavieyI do have concerns that the decision to use ~ubuntu-server is attaching some WI's to our team view that should not belong there, for example: other-n-security-kernel16:45
skaetThanks Daviey!  :)16:46
Davieyno, thank you :)16:46
skaetany questions?16:46
skaet[Topic] ARM team update - ogra_16:46
MootBotNew Topic:  ARM team update - ogra_16:46
ogra_yay, thats me :)16:46
ogra_Full status is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARMTeam/ReleaseStatus/Oneiric16:47
ogra_ * More work on preparing the tegra ac100 port was done (thanks to GrueMaster for hours of debugging).16:47
ogra_ * Netinstall images for omap3 and 4 were created (as part of the server implementation)16:47
ogra_ * The netbook images were dropped in favour of preinstalled desktop images.16:47
ogra_ * We welcome infinity as a new team member !16:47
ogra_ * The first patches for performance optimization of our SD card images have been produced and will land in the image build system soon.16:47
ogra_ * Desktop images surprisingly seem to build out of the box16:47
ogra_ * Headless/serial images build fine.16:47
ogra_Spec work:16:47
ogra_ * Entire http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel.html16:47
ogra_ * A2 http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/ubuntu-armel-oneiric-alpha-2.html16:47
ogra_ (how do we get our team onto status.ubuntu.com ?)16:47
ogra_Serious Bugs:16:47
ogra_ * bug 794938 [oneiric] lightdm crashes on armel16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 794938 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "lightdm dies with "Failed to fork: Cannot allocate memory" on login" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79493816:47
ogra_ * bug 791552 [oneiric] USB support broken on omap316:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 791552 in linux (Ubuntu) "No USB support on beagle/beagleXM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79155216:47
skaetThanks ogra_ !  :)   (and welcome infinity )16:48
skaetcan someone get 791552 prioritized so it shows up as a serious bug,  looks like its undefined right now...16:48
ogra_will do16:49
skaetthanks ogra_ ! :)16:49
skaetScottK go16:49
ScottKAny word on if we'll have an armhf port this cycle?16:49
ogra_linaro stuff ...16:50
ogra_not sure where we stand yet16:50
ogra_but i can find out and report next week :)16:51
skaetogra_, can you work fabo to figure it out?16:51
Daviey 16:51
ogra_snap :)16:51
skaetthanks ogra_ :)16:51
skaetDaviey, you have a comment/questions?16:52
skaethmm... guess not.  ok,  moving on.16:52
skaet[Topic] Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth16:52
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Experience Team Update - dbarth16:52
dbarthi have prepared notes for the meeting at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/OneiricReleaseStatus16:53
dbarthessentially, we have a couple of sru fixes ready and delivered between this week and next monday16:53
dbarthincl. the display garbled problem16:53
dbarthfor oneiric, we're reaching the end of the 1st iteration of development16:54
dbarthwith unity updates (see notes, compiz mostly for the moment, but there should be a new shared lib by next week)16:54
dbartha new appindicator module for qt, along with unity-2d updates (gap reduction with the GL version)16:55
dbartha few indicators and theme related progresses; the rest is mostly infrastructure that will bear fruit next iteration16:55
dbarthand a batch of touch updates16:55
dbarththat will let eog/evince and qt apps work with the touch stack that went into natty16:56
skaetThanks dbarth! :)   Will be plotting your revised landings dates against the interlock schedule and let you know offline if I see issues.16:56
skaetany questions for dbarth ?16:56
dbarthskaet: right, forgot that, but that was in the notes16:56
dbarthyup? ScottK?16:57
ScottKIt's not clear how well synchronized the appindicator module for Qt is with upstream plans.  We need to make sure we allow time in the schedule to get that part sorted correctly.16:57
dbarthyeah, they were interested, but not ready to take that in their own roadmap16:57
ScottKSo much like the appmenu work we need to build a bridge that will get us there.16:58
dbarththe module agateau prepared is a plugin that is independant of the qt code base; just plugs into known interfaces16:58
ScottKThere's a core Qt patch to make the plugin work.16:58
ScottKThat's the part I'm most worried about.16:58
dbarthah, that part was not sold to me yet ;)16:58
dbarthi'll double check with you and agateau16:58
skaetany other questions?16:59
ScottKWe discussed it yesterday or the day before.16:59
skaet[Topic] Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Kubuntu Team update - ScottK16:59
ScottK * Alpha 1 live CD runs a session, but won't install (already discussed)17:00
ScottK * ISO size issues resolved after Alpha 117:00
ScottK * Component mismatches all worked out too17:00
ScottK * Coordinating Qt updates with Desktop team17:00
ScottK   - Need to make sure things (like touch patches) land with enough time for upstream review17:00
ScottK * KDE merges from Debian are ~done, starting to work on KDE 4.7.17:00
ScottK * KDE upstream issues with tarball splits (following move from svn to git) seem largely resolved for this cycle17:00
seb128ScottK, didrocks said he would try to get the qt appindicator thing sorted next week during the qt contributor summit17:00
ScottKseb128: Yes.  That's what we discussed.17:00
ScottK(I recall now that you remind me)17:00
skaetThanks ScottK!  :)17:01
skaetwe've talked about one of the bugs on the agenda,  but is there any update on bug:794320?17:02
ScottKWhich one is that?17:02
skaet.desktop files not being translated17:03
ScottKBeing worked.17:03
ScottKI think it's close.  Should be no problem for Alpha 2.17:03
skaetcoolio.  thanks.17:03
skaetany other questions?17:03
debfxmost .desktop files are translated, it only affects for example notifications17:03
skaetok,  thanks.  :)17:04
skaet[Topic] Linaro update - fado17:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Linaro update - fado17:04
ScottKskaet: fabo?17:04
skaetsigh,  ... sorry,  fabo17:04
skaetis fabo around?   its getting late for him...17:05
faboyes, I'm around17:05
skaetany updates from Linaro?  (toolchains,  kernel versions,  etc.  ;) )17:05
fabowe're working on our monthly release17:06
faboa toolchain update is planned with a release ever 3rd thursday of the month17:06
fabolinaro-2.6.39 kernel repository opened17:07
fabojohn rigby is working on the packaging17:08
faboour platform team will release the last thursday of each month, including all goodies from our WGs (toolchain kernel)17:09
fabothey'll release on latest stable Ubuntu (natty)17:09
faboin parallel, we planned to provide developers build for oneiric17:09
skaetThanks fabo! :)17:10
faboquestions? :)17:10
skaetWhen do you plan on forking the stable toolchain branch?17:10
james_wit's not confirmed to be happening yet, but I would imagine soon if it does happen17:11
faboit's under discussion. Michael Hope has send a mail about it. The plan will be clear on next week.17:11
skaetthanks james_w, fabo - will follow up on the thread then.17:12
skaetany other questions?17:12
skaetdo we have anyone here from Edubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Mythbuntu, that has questions?17:13
skaetor status to share?17:13
skaet[Topic] MOTU team update - tumbleweed17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU team update - tumbleweed17:14
tumbleweednot too much to report:17:14
tumbleweedGHC transition almost done, many of the others still have some way to go.17:14
tumbleweedfair number of merges outstanding (and thus missing RC fixes), more than this point last cycle according to the graphs17:14
tumbleweed*lots* of FTBFS, far more than I'd like.17:14
* skaet nods17:14
tumbleweednigelb has someone preparing a list of toolchain related ones to request help for17:14
tumbleweedthe bugs mentioned on the agenda are mostly milestoned FTBFSs, won't repeat them here17:14
skaetThanks tumbleweed!  :)17:15
skaetThere's a fair number of FTBFS marked as New against A2 in the A2 milestone bug list.   Should they be considered confirmed at this point?17:15
* tumbleweed hadn't seen those until I looked at the agenda17:16
tumbleweedI assume doko is doing some (semi-?)automated filing17:17
skaetyes,  but doesn't seem to be automated fixing going on ;)17:17
skaetthey've been lingering17:17
skaetcan we get together offline and see if we can figure out a way to track them better, and see if we can get help lined up.17:18
tumbleweedI'm not too concerned about tiher status, new vs confirmed. Looking at the bug log is half the way to fixing most of them17:18
tumbleweederr build log17:18
skaetany other questions for tumbleweed?17:18
skaet[Topic]  any other questions,  comments?17:19
MootBotNew Topic:   any other questions,  comments?17:19
* skaet notes that Ubuntu One is at a sprint this week, and their status will be updated early next week.17:20
skaetok,  looks like that's it then for this week.17:20
skaetThank you all.17:20
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:20.17:20
charlie-tcaThanks, skaet17:21
ScottKtumbleweed: I think FTBFS bugs are generally just noise and we should avoid them unless they add particular value (e.g. some hint about how to fix it).17:21
skaetthank you  jibel, jdstrand, ogasawara, cjwatson, Daviey, ogra_,  dbarth, charlie_tca,  ScottK,  fabo, seb128, pitti, tumbleweed17:22
ogra_thanks skaet17:22
seb128thanks skaet17:22
jibelThanks skaet17:22
jdstrandthanks skaet17:22
fabothanks skaet17:22
tumbleweedScottK: I tend to agree. I test-build the package before trying to fix it17:23
chattrsorry, wrong channel17:46
apacheloggerskaet, ScottK: the only missing thing for topics should be a spec for left-overs, syncing wiki progress to specs and setting kubuntu-members as assignee for unassigned items17:47
skaetapachelogger, :)  excellent.17:50
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cjohnstonapachelogger: if you need help with any of that, let me know20:03
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