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kaushalas per https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Recipes/PackageUpdate06:17
kaushalHow do i get both soure for JAVA6 U24 and U2606:17
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dholbachgood morning08:40
micahghi dholbach, thanks for taking care of that zabbix merge08:42
dholbachmicahg, no worries08:42
Gdholbach: thanks from me as well :)09:42
micahgG: sorry about that :)09:42
Gmicahg: no problem, I have been meaning to do a couple of more merges of other packages, but suddenly got busy09:42
Gtrying to work out why the build failed though, it's odd09:43
Gand it just built perfectly in pbuilder09:44
micahgG: which package?  do you have a log?09:45
Gmicahg: zabbix09:46
Gthe i386 build failed, once it got merged, but it builds in pbuilder09:46
micahgG: is the pbuilder updated?  (dev release changes fast)09:47
Gmicahg: it's a compile time issue, I'd imagine pbuilder doesn't have much effect on that (but version wise, it's not the latest build or anything, I've got to fix up the second VM I got for building stuff before I can start following the latest greatest pbuilder09:49
micahgG: you can update the pbuilder instance to make sure you're running the latest base packages09:49
Goh you mean the pbuilder build env? or pbuilder itself?09:50
GI litterally just created the pbuilder build env for i38609:50
Git's as if the launchpad builders, aren't applying the patches after removing them09:51
GIs it me, or is this the problem: dpkg-source applies patches, rules file seems to call dh clean, doesn't reapply patches before ./configure?  http://pastebin.com/YgCYf5E609:54
micahgyeah, that seems a little weird09:55
geseris "clean: unpatch" in debian/rules correct for v3? especially that I don't see a "patch" dependency10:00
Gahhh I know what it is....10:04
geserG: ^^ try without the "unpatch" dependency on the clean target10:04
Gdh_autotools-dev_updateconfig, is running dh_clean?10:04
Ggeser: I'm not sure if that is it, http://pastebin.com/7jTi81zT (pbuilder i386 build) http://pastebin.com/8R9nuHMi (Launchpad builder build)10:08
Gpbuilder is running dpkg-source -b zabbix-1.8.5 which applies the patches, again, but the LP Builder isn't10:08
Gdholbach: do you have your buildlogs from when you said that it built okay in a VM for yourself?10:09
dholbachG: no, not any more10:09
Goh wait, launchpad builders, build from the bzr checkout, don't they? they don't create a source package first and build that do they...10:10
micahgG: no, they build from the uploaded source package10:15
Gmicahg: so the code is merged, then a sourec package is made by the merger, and uploaded?10:16
micahgG: correct10:16
Gmicahg: ahhh okay, I thought that could explain why dpkg-source -x wouldn't be run10:16
micahgG:  you can pull down the version that dholbach uploaded and compare it to yours10:17
Gyeah I think I will10:17
Gdo that while I get a cup of tea10:17
Gmicahg: mine looks the same as dholbach's upload, both do the 'right thing' in pbuilder etc10:36
micahgG: I'm sorry, I don't have time to actually look into it at the moment, but maybe someone else does10:37
Gmicahg: yeah, thanks for the pointers10:37
Gmicahg: I thought I may have been testing it wrong10:37
micahgG: are you using an up to date mirror w/pbuilder?10:37
Gmicahg: should be up to date, I'm using mirrors.kernel.org10:39
geserG: do you have a pbuilder build log at hand you could upload somewhere?10:40
micahgG: depending on which mirror they're 2 hrs-1 day behind10:40
Ggeser: http://dev.nigelj.com/zabbix-pbuilder.txt10:43
geserG: ah, the difference is that your pbuilder also build the source package (see the dpkg-source -b call before "debian/rules build") which applies the patches again but LP doesn't build the source package10:46
Ggeser: ah ha,10:46
Ggeser: but shouldn't "prepare: patch prepare-stamp" take care of that for us?10:47
Ggeser: oh, I now get what you are talking about w/ removing clean: unpatch now...10:48
GI guess cleaning shouldn't unpatch anyway, right?10:50
geserG: not sure right now after looking at the debian/rules file more closely10:52
GI'm pretty sure 'prepare: patch prepare-stamp' isn't really involved w/ this issue, because otherwise we should be seeing automake etc run10:52
geserG: yes, prepare is not called as far as I see10:53
geserthere is build -> build-%-stamp -> configure-%-stamp -> extract-%-stamp and the chains ends there, only extract calls prepare10:54
Gyeah, debian/rules clean, is getting called, which is wiping the patches, followed by debian/rules build  (before that on pbuilder, dpkg-source reapplies the patches, but LP doesn't)10:54
Ggeser: so does the change need to be... build: patch $(foreach ....10:57
Gerrr I mean: 'build: prepare $(foreach...'10:57
Gthat would I think 'fix' it10:57
Gthat way: patch, dh_autotools-dev_updateconfig, aclocal, autoconf etc, would all be called, only once, before the source is copied into the variant directories etc10:58
geseryes, might work10:59
geserG: the Debian build log shows the same (the patches get removed but not applied again), you might want to file a bug about it (in Debian)11:07
Ggeser: yep, I will do11:07
Ggeser: looks like that was it11:31
Ggeser: PPA build has managed to progress to the mysql build, which holds promise11:31
Gso, whats the best way to get this sorted, another bzr merge review?11:38
micahgG: that or a bug + debdiff + subscribe ubuntu-sponsors11:41
Geasier to just to a merge-review I think :)11:42
Gmicahg: geser: thanks guys11:49
GDaviey: thanks!12:33
Gsorry, I missed that extra space too12:33
DavieyG, no worries :)12:36
DavieyG, You are using dch, right?12:36
GDaviey: I had used dch, and then I realised I would have ugly merge proposal, and did a copy & paste, and it must've added an extra space somewhere12:37
G(copy and paste, due to just deciding to use a completely new branch locally)12:37
DavieyG, BTW - if you do open a LP bug for things like that - you can link it to the Debian bug - which makes it easy for people in the future when merging to look at the LP bug and trace it back to Debian etc.12:38
GDaviey: yeah, good point, I'll keep it in mind12:39
DavieyG, good o.. i think i would have been pulling my hair out finding that fix, good job.12:43
GDaviey: credit goes to micahg and geser for pointing in the right directions etc12:44
DavieyAh yes, i see in scrollback12:45
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micahggusnan: sciteproj retried on all archs13:07
gusnanmicahg, thank you!13:07
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dholbachtumbleweed, if you have a bit of time and can review https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-sponsoring/734746/+merge/64157 we'd get a little bit closer to finishing our two work items regarding harvest :)16:08
tumbleweeddholbach: yeah I noticed that, I'll look this evening16:09
dholbachyeehaw! :)16:09
dholbachthanks muchly tumbleweed16:09
tumbleweedI see you've also got a list of CSV files to attack, great :)16:09
dholbachI think the bulk of them will land on bdmurray's plate - I hope there's a lot of reusable code involved16:10
dholbachthe others were from gaspa and geser(?)16:11
bdmurraydholbach: what's on my plate?16:13
dholbachbdmurray, bug 734746 is all about moving harvest-data feeds from .csv to .json as it would allow us to show long descriptions too16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 734746 in ubuntu-sponsoring "Bring long descriptions to Harvest" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73474616:14
dholbachit's nothing super urgent, but optional data is much easier to handle with json and it'd be nice to not only show bug numbers, but also bug titles, and stuff like that16:15
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-sponsoring/734746/+merge/64157 has an example for the generation of sponsoring data16:15
dholbachcomment 4 on the bug lists all the feeds which would be nice to have moved over to json output16:16
bdmurraygot it thanks16:17
dholbachthank YOU :)16:17
nigelbtumbleweed: Not someone.  Its me and iamfuzz :-)17:16
tumbleweednigelb: right :)17:18
nigelbtumbleweed: my IRC was sucky or I'd have chimmed in the meeting, I just got the notification about that ping.17:21
nigelbClearly, I'm in too many channels for irccloud to process :p17:21
tumbleweednigelb: heh, well we really need to do something about those FTBFSs17:22
tumbleweednormally the big push is at the end of the release schedule17:22
nigelbtumbleweed: which means a lot of them don't get fixed.17:22
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tumbleweednigelb: any time frame on that list?17:37
nigelbtumbleweed: 20th is the deadline we're set to finish the list.17:38
nigelbso, another 10 days.17:38
tumbleweedis it on the wiki?17:39
tumbleweednigelb: we were wondering about marking some FTBFS bitesize, or somehow grouping them. I think your list would be a good test to see how easily we can get FTBFS-fixers17:40
nigelbtumbleweed: the list I'm making is only of the ones failing due to the ld change.17:40
nigelbtumbleweed: I believe those are easy enough to be marked bitesize17:40
vishwhat is the difference between https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev  and  https://launchpad.net/~motu  ?   I'm confused cause ~ubuntu-dev also mentions MOTU..18:14
ScottKAll MOTU are ubuntu-dev.  Not all ubuntu-dev are MOTU.18:16
tumbleweedvish: I think people can be members of a packageset team without having motu rights18:16
broder~ubuntu-dev also contains people who have PPU rights, i thought18:17
tumbleweedthat description on ~ubuntu-dev is confusing, yes18:17
vishso ~ubuntu-dev is for PPU folks only?18:17
tumbleweedno, it's all ubuntu developers18:17
broderi thought it was anyone who has any upload rights18:17
tumbleweedbroder: yeah that's what I was trying to say18:18
vishtumbleweed: so if someone were to be added to only that team, what would they have applied for?18:18
ScottKvish: The people who are in ubuntu-dev, but not MOTU have some kind of restricted upload right.18:18
ScottKMost, but not all of these will be PPU.18:18
tumbleweedvish: PPU, I'd guess? /me isn't a DMB member18:18
ScottKThere is at least one person who is kubuntu-dev, but not MOTU, so it's not just PPU.18:18
vishmaco/ Laney: could you fix that description to something that is better :)18:19
vishi was looking at https://launchpad.net/~hrw and was confused.. its better i just ask hrw i guess :D18:20
vishhrw: you are in ~ubuntu-dev , so you get BugControl membership too with that. I would like to deactivate your membership in bugsquad mentoring, is that OK? (unless you feel you need specific mentoring)18:21
cjwatsonvish: ubuntu-dev is mainly for voting rights18:37
cjwatsonat least by way of things that use that team18:38
vishcjwatson: i couldnt figure out hrw's membership, whether he was MOTU or …  i guess he got PPU access recently18:39
ScottKHe did.18:40
* vish nods18:41
hrwvish: feel free18:42
vishhrw: neat! thx..18:42
hrwvish: I use bugcontrol only on bugs against my packages18:42
hrwvish: now I only need to find a way to unsubscribe from that team ML ;)18:58
vishhrw: i think i sent the mail first and then deactivated you, probably why you got the mail :)18:58
hrwok, then I am fine with it19:02
hrwhave a nice weekend19:02
oierhello guys20:00
oieri have a question regarding #68220220:00
oierI fixed the bug for latex-beamer but since there is no bazaar trunk in launchpad I created a package using pbuilder20:01
oierwhere can I upload the package or have other devs sponsor it?20:01
psusioier: sure there is: lp:ubuntu/latex-beamer20:05
oierallright, many thanks!20:06
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