
dpmgood morning all08:16
TLEgood morning08:16
trijntjegood morning08:25
dpmhey TLE, hey trijntje08:28
TLEdpm: hey, just got email from pitti, I'll make the necessary changes and announce testing start for natty12:09
TLEsince it is only a single day we are delayed I don't think it is necessary to change the testing deadline12:09
dpmTLE, ack, sounds good13:32
TLEdpm: wiki pages updated for natty testing and email sent out, have a nice weekend!15:56
dpmTLE, thanks ;)15:57
trijntjeI just installed the proposed updates, firefox is no longer translated for dutch16:33
dpmtrijntje, is there a firefox-locale-* package for your language in natty-proposed? Perhaps that hasn't been built yet16:37
trijntjedpm, history doesnt show firefox-locale-nl, just firefox, global menu and gnome-suppor16:40
trijntjeso I guess the langpacks will come in the next few days?16:40
dpmtrijntje, the firefox-locale-nl are new packages. Translations for Firefox are now split, so it might be a matter of the firefox-locale-* packages still being in the process of being uploaded16:42
kelemengabordpm: I already see them from the main server16:42
kelemengabor-nl, -hu, everything :)16:43
dpmthere you go, packages everywhere :)16:43
dpmtrijntje, they probably haven't made their way to the mirrors yet16:44
kelemengaborbut why is a stable firefox (4.0.1), replaced by a beta5 one?16:44
dpmI was told that the beta naming in this particular case can be a bit misleading. The FF5 upload is near release-ready16:45
kelemengaborokay then, let's see if its any better :)16:45
trijntjedpm, I see, ill just wait for the mirror to update, thanks for the explanation. I usually dont install -proposed16:46
dpmyeah, you can deactivate it after testing the langpacks16:47
trijntjemaybe I will, depends on how bad -proposed stuff is ;)16:56
kelemengaborgood news: firefox beta5 speaks my language :)17:19
kelemengaborso just a matter of the correct langpack17:19
dpmcool :)17:20
kelemengaboris it just me, or did someone else too saw this on Natty when U1 finished downloading some files? http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/u1.png17:31
dpmkelemengabor, I saw that at some point, but I'm not sure it was natty. Nice theme, btw ;)17:51
kelemengabordpm: it is Natty, I have reproduced it: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/upload.png17:52
kelemengaborthese are from this file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-client/natty/view/head:/ubuntuone/status/aggregator.py17:53
kelemengaborbut everything looks good with the plurals17:54
kelemengaborsingular forms work though17:54
kelemengaboranyway, bug 795633 filed18:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 795633 in ubuntuone-client (and 1 other project) "Ubuntuone-client status messages do not show up translated (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79563318:02
dpmhm, yeah, from a quick look at the file, I'm not sure what it could be...18:11
kelemengaborDo we have a lamercounter? I think I'm egligible to spin it :(18:26
kelemengaborI wanted to create this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/u1nyito.png (it was good locally!) but the result became this: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/u1linebreak.png (this is in -proposed :()18:26
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