
hcfd_Quick question: I'm using 10.04 LTS and I usually only update manually. I am considering updating about 70+ packages using Update Manger. It wants to download new kernels. If I let it, will it change my grub settings? Will the old kernels remain?00:07
Azelphurhaha, an updateophobe :p00:08
Azelphurhcfd_: iirc, your old kernels stay installed and you can select them from grub00:08
BigRedShcfd_: it'll change the default kernel00:08
Azelphurso it'll be modifying your grub menu, and keeping the old kernels00:08
BigRedSso if you reboot it'll automatically boot into the new one00:08
BigRedSbut you'll be able to select the curent on if you prefer00:09
BigRedSit'll remake the grub list with the scripts in /etc/grub.d00:09
hcfd_Thanks guys. Yeah I rarely reboot but when I do I hold left shift to get the menu and pick the kernel I want.00:09
hcfd_Anyone here using Rhythmote plugin for Rhythmbox?00:56
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ginghas there been an ubuntu update which might cause ssh to stop asking me if i would like to add rsa keys to known hosts files? because mine has and i've not changed any setting which should have made it do that i dont think05:33
kaushalis there a easy way to split 200GB of file size into multiple files of 5 GB each08:17
MartijnVdSkaushal: yes, using the "split" command :)08:25
MartijnVdSkaushal: "man split" for the manual (how to set chunk size, etc.)08:25
MartijnVdSkaushal: split -b 5G input_file output_file_prefix08:26
MartijnVdSand you'll get output_file_prefix.1, .2, etc.08:26
andres_kaingood morining!08:35
andres_kainDo any of you use the ubuntu-UK email list mode with evolution?08:37
andres_kainfor some reason I have some removed from the list08:38
BigRedSno, but evolution shouldn't affect how the list works08:43
BigRedSjust how the mail is shown08:43
andres_kainI have to go to the google web mail to see the whole thing08:44
andres_kainToday out of 10 topics I can only read the last 208:44
andres_kainCould it be an over restrictive spam filter?08:44
BigRedShang on08:44
BigRedSyou're subscribed using a google mail account, which you read in evolution08:45
BigRedSWhen you read it in evolution several of the mails you can see when you read it in a web browser are missing?08:45
andres_kainother way around08:45
andres_kaingmail let's me see everyghint but not in a nice way just bulk08:45
DJonesandres_kain: Are the emails going to your junk mail folder? I find that happens now & again with googlemail & thunderbird08:46
andres_kainevolution only shows some. but it shows it in sub emails08:46
andres_kainjust checked evolution trash and spam. nothing there08:47
andres_kainby the way thanks for helping me out. but I might run out without warning cause my daughter might wake up. I hope you don't think08:48
* BigRedS tries to avoid thinking in general, anyway :)08:49
BigRedSIs there any pattern to the mail you're not receiving, that you can see?08:49
andres_kainnot that I know. it's not restricted to email names because sometimes even mine are blocked I think.08:50
BigRedShmmm I'm not sure, then08:52
andres_kaine.g. ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 74, Issue 22 I can see topic 1 2 and 5 but not the rest08:54
andres_kainubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 74, Issue 23 I can see 9 and 1008:55
andres_kainubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 74, Issue 21 I can see topic 7 and 808:56
DJonesDo people not have better things to do than make a freedom of information request for this http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-1371379808:58
MartijnVdSDJones: hahaha :)08:58
andres_kainOK gotta go. Thank you for the chat!08:59
andres_kaingood morning. False alarm09:21
oimonhello, does the alternate installer allow me to de-select gnome/unity from the install?09:37
hoovermorning all09:38
oimonanswered my owns question "To install a base system, boot from any Alternate CD and choose "Install a command-line system.""09:38
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oimonDJones: even worse, somebody then wrote a news article about it...and then we read it and RT'd it09:45
DJonesoimon: Thats true, I've already seen it being tweeted09:46
oimonmost read story on bbc news today09:46
DJonesI suppose the question could be asked, what do you do when you see so many silly/scare questions & should you be concerned, the answer would be not if you're wearing your tinfoil hat09:51
BigRedSHm. Just had a customer complain we didn't tell him we were going to get his server back up after it fell over...10:03
czajkowskiBigRedS: so he would have prefered if you had left it alone ?10:05
DJonesBigRedS: Isn't that what they pay a maintenance contract for?10:06
kaushalMartijnVdS: Thanks10:11
BigRedSczajkowski: yeah, I did wonder about phoning him for permission before10:13
BigRedSnext time10:13
popeyMorning all10:18
dogmatic69im running php code sniffer and its moaning about \r\n in a file, but i cant find it. any ways to check this?10:27
dogmatic69doing a regex search in netbeans for \r\n shows nothing, \n shows all the new lines though10:27
BigRedSI suspect netbeans is converting the \r\n to \n for display?10:28
ali1234use a real editor10:28
* dogmatic69 cant use vim10:28
BigRedSTry sed or maybe just vi or somesuch10:28
BigRedSThough vim is funny with linebreaks, too10:29
dogmatic69im ok with that10:29
MartijnVdSfromdos/todos :)10:29
BigRedSI'm sure last tiem I tried to use one of those it didn't exist :(10:29
BigRedSyou could just sed a replacement and assume you have no intentional \r\ns10:30
dogmatic69 1 | ERROR | End of line character is invalid; expected "\n" but found "\r\n" file in question https://raw.github.com/infinitas/infinitas/beta-coding-standards/core/categories/controllers/categories_controller.php10:30
dogmatic69nano does not have anything10:31
BigRedSI've no idea if that's useful/accurate or not10:34
BigRedShah. no10:35
BigRedSit's just matched 'rn'10:35
MartijnVdSBigRedS: fromdos file10:35
ali1234there is no \r in that file as downloaded from github10:36
ali1234wait, my bad10:36
ali1234there's loads10:36
dogmatic69code sniffer is saying line one10:36
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:36
dogmatic69ive deleted everything around there and re-typed it10:37
ali1234dogmatic69: it's every single line in that file10:37
ali1234cat categories_controller.php | hexdump -C | grep ' 0d '10:37
ali1234enjoy fixing them lol10:37
BigRedSMartijnVdS: Ach. That involves wgetting somewhere I have root...10:38
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dogmatic69sed s/\r// did something10:46
dogmatic69what is ^M10:47
BigRedScarriage return10:49
BigRedSI think it's a \r but I'm not sure10:50
dogmatic69so sed is no good at replacing then?10:50
dogmatic69got it10:51
dogmatic69sed s/\r// file.php > file.php10:51
BigRedSnah, sed is good at replacing. You just need to work out what it calls what you need to replace :)10:51
dogmatic69rewrote the file, done10:51
dogmatic69thanks for the help all :)10:52
oimonapparently lots of people in thesouth east complaining that O2 network is down10:54
DJonesProbably due to the drought10:55
oimonthat would be h20 though :P10:55
jsp8DJones: Ha love your link - of course no public money would have to be spent if the zombies understand the concept of "Big Society"...11:01
oimoni dunno, most flesh-eating zombies I know are just in it for themselves11:03
jsp8and most flesh-eating politicians aren't...11:04
DJonesI though zombies were just in it for the brains11:06
jsp8Now if we could just get them to eat cucumbers, end of problem!11:08
oimoni think the cucumbers are ok11:11
daubersAnother day, another data disclaimer form emailed to a customer11:23
oimonjust reading an interview with RMS ...seems he always says exactly the same thing.11:23
DJonesAnd I bet thats "No, I'm not having a shave" :)11:32
TheAshManHi all, is it possible to use /etc/passwd in HTTP Authentication for Apache2?11:44
BigRedScan't remember the exact name, but it's something like mod_authpam11:45
TheAshManis it a good idea?11:45
BigRedSit can be11:45
davmor2morning a;;11:47
davmor2all even11:47
* davmor2 tickles czajkowski 11:47
peimankhhello, I've just installed ubuntu and all is well but the hp laserjet 1010 printer is giving me lots of trouble.11:48
MartijnVdSpeimankh: how is it connected to the PC? USB, network, something else?11:48
peimankhMartijnVdS: USB11:48
peimankhMartijnVdS: to a dell computer11:49
* czajkowski kicks davmor2 11:49
davmor2czajkowski: welcome back ;)11:49
peimankhMartijnVdS: it is very slow and then just stops working11:49
MartijnVdSpeimankh: When you plugged it in, an information bubble should have popped up saying it was installing the printer11:49
MartijnVdSah so it does some things, that's a good start :)11:49
MartijnVdShowever, I don't have a Laserjet 1010 to try here, and I haven't really debugged USB printer problems before, sorry11:50
lubotu3Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:50
peimankhMartijnVdS: I uninstalled the drivers altogether and added the printer manually trying different drivers. It fixed the slowness but then the printer stops working after a few hours or so11:50
MartijnVdSpeimankh: does it show an error?11:50
peimankhMartijnVdS: nothing comes up when I plug it in11:50
peimankhlubotu3: thanks, I'm having a look now11:51
lubotu3peimankh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:51
MartijnVdSpeimankh: it only happens the first time11:51
MartijnVdSpeimankh: some of those links are VERY out of date (sepecially the second one)11:51
peimankhlubotu3: I have no such prejudices :-)11:52
lubotu3peimankh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:52
peimankhMartijnVdS: I see, the thing is I've installed and uninstalled the drivers so many times that I've lost count.11:53
peimankhMartijnVdS: The last time I tried I chose a printer from the drivers list (after uninstalling completely the drivers) and it was working perfectly. But a few hours later it just stopped11:54
peimankhMartijnVdS: the connection is there and the printer flashes as if it's about to print.11:55
czajkowskilots of loud bangs of thunder12:04
oimonit's peeing down here12:04
* daubers loves thunder and lightning12:04
MartijnVdSdaubers: they're great for photos :)12:05
czajkowskiaye lashing here12:05
oimoni have a great view across london12:05
daubersshame my only means of transport at the moment is the motorbike... so please keep it over there, not over here :)12:05
oimonnow that they cleaned my windows12:05
oimonit's moving due east12:05
davmor2czajkowski: you're being lashed?  I think that not family friendly info :P12:06
czajkowskiit's an expression12:09
czajkowskitake your mind out of the gutter12:09
davmor2popey: do these count http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&biw=1680&bih=907&gbv=2&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=tiger+cubs&oq=tiger+cubs&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=371l371l0l1l1l0l0l0l0l337l337l3-112:25
oimonhmm ubuntu CLI install seems to take longer than full ubuntu installer12:27
davmor2oimon: You mean the alternat install takes longer than the live cd install?12:29
oimonyes, not only that but i'm trying to install just a CLI system (similar to ubuntu-server install but not the same)12:29
davmor2oimon: so just install Ubuntu minimal done  takes about 5 minutes12:31
popeyoimon: not surprising12:31
popeythey work in very different ways12:31
oimonthat's what i'm trying12:31
oimonubuntu mini12:31
oimonpopey: they do, but i thought just a few packages req'd you know?12:32
davmor2oimon: live cd basically just transfers it's image onto the harddrive the alternate cd install the packages one at a time12:32
oimonall this because lubuntu requires 5.3 gb disk..too much for eee pc12:34
popeysurely not12:37
popeyisn't Ubuntu itself only 2.3GB12:37
davmor2oimon: 5.3gig wouldn't fit on a cd12:38
davmor2popey: Ubuntu 2.3 gig on just fits12:38
oimonturns out my ubuntu mini install is a bag of fail too :(12:40
davmor2oimon: try the mini.iso and see if you can net boot it on you'll need a wired connection is about the only limitation12:51
oimondavmor2: yep, that's what i did..however have been having unpredictable boot behaviour...hopefully that will sort out once lubuntu-desktop is installed12:52
oimonwhat a faff12:52
oimonnext time i'll just install ubuntu and try to remove stuff manually12:53
davmor2oimon: also does lubuntu have an alternative iso if so that might of worked better :)12:53
oimon"The project doesn't have yet a text based installer in CD, but somebody created an alternate CD for Lubuntu 10.10"12:54
oimonironic seeing as it's for low spec PCs12:54
oimonmmm bacon13:05
gordwish i had taken my phone when i went out for lunch, saw a flyer for "Circus of the orient". image consisted of a shaolin monk doing a flying kick in to a clowns face13:25
silnerIt's alot quieter than the last time I was in here13:31
oimongord: on that description, i want to go13:32
oimonespecially if the clown is mr tumble13:34
davmor2silner: traffic volumes vary wildly on what is being talked about13:37
davmor2and the time of day etc13:37
czajkowskitis lunch time13:38
silnerdavmor2: yeah - think I came in at an odd time - bit of talking now - but was silent for a very long while - wondering if summat was broke my end :)13:38
* davmor2 flicks bit of chewed up paper at czajkowski 13:39
czajkowskibehave you13:39
davmor2czajkowski: Nope tis Friday and nothing you can say or do will stop me being a happy annoying git :P13:40
silnerFor the record I cannot use Ubuntu 11.04 - won't boot on my new-ish Packard bell netbook, even though Fedora 15 seems to be fine - might have time to read and investigate later - probably graphic card issue - hardest to report cos you can't see what's happening to report it :)13:41
czajkowskidavmor2: this doesn't differ from any other day13:42
davmor2czajkowski: other days I'm not happy today I am :D13:42
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davmor2popey: card is pci express incase gwibber is playing up again and I think it is a 1 or 2   16 is like gfx cards13:49
edbjoin #cakephp13:50
davmor2edb: you want a / infront of that ;)13:51
MartijnVdSlow profile pci-express with a full-height bracket :)13:56
MartijnVdSthis is 1x13:56
MartijnVdSdavmor2: ^13:56
davmor2MartijnVdS: So I was pretty much on target then :D13:57
MartijnVdSpopey: also.. ESATA? or something else?13:58
davmor2popey: the it will fit in the x1 slot look at the pdf under expansion ports it is the middle one.  Do not attempt to plug it into the x16 :D14:11
hamitronx1 doesn't go in x16?14:12
davmor2hamitron: it's popey a self proclaimed non hardware guy14:13
hamitronpci-e confuses me14:13
davmor2hamitron: to be fair it actually makes a lot of sense one port to do everything,  makes boards cheaper for us to buy :D14:14
hamitronoh, it makes sense, just not sense I understand14:14
hamitronI got boards with 1x, 4x, 8x and 16x14:15
hamitronand the 8x slot had a bit on it to stop 16x cards been installed in it.... melted the bit and it now takes a gpu fine14:15
oimonmy hotot has gone crazy and is showing tweets that mention somebody i follow14:17
davmor2hamitron: an smaller card can go into a lager slot that's part of the beauty of it.14:18
hamitrondavmor2: but why shouldn't a bigger card go in a smaller slot, it is technically works?14:19
hamitronby using a hot knife on my 8x slot, it now physically takes a 16x :/14:20
davmor2hamitron: because it doesn't utilise the full path of the card so you are likely to kill the card at some point14:20
hamitronhmmm, ok14:20
hamitronoh well, I'll see how long it lasts14:21
davmor2hamitron: the pins from front to back are all the same so the power part is alway closest to the slots on the case14:21
hamitronwell, I have a Radeon HD5570 in a 8x slot14:22
hamitronit seems ok14:22
hamitronnot exactly a good reliable source I read, saying it could be done14:23
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hamitronI only savaged the slot to get more bitcoin14:23
davmor2hamitron: how is that going anyway?14:31
hamitronnot too bad14:32
davmor2hamitron: you broke even yet?14:32
hamitronyesterday I slipped over 300 quid14:33
hamitronbut not really looking for profit, more just hardware subsidising14:34
davmor2hamitron: yeah and covering your electric bill :D14:36
hamitronit does that14:36
hamitronI have the electricity use in my sheet, for looking at profit14:36
davmor2hamitron: cool14:37
hamitroncost £72 in electricity so far14:38
DJones£72 of electricity, at current prices, thats only about 8 hours worth :)14:39
hamitron8 hours?14:39
DJones8 hours worth of electricty would probably cost £7214:40
* hamitron confused14:40
DJoneshamitron: I was being sarcastic, electricity prices are so high now that running a piece of hardware for a short time would probably use £72's worth of electricity14:41
DJonesDoes that explain it better14:42
hamitronah :)14:42
hamitronstill about £350 down in total14:43
hamitronbut it is my new baby comp, so can live with it14:43
gordDJones, i understood straight away, don't worry ;)14:46
DJonesgord: As long as one person did, I'm happy14:46
davmor2DJones: +114:50
* hamitron blames the Friday afternoon14:51
hamitronand I got DIRT 3 waiting to be played14:52
gordi *always* have dwarf fortress waiting to be played :(14:59
hamitroncodemasters got hacked15:01
hamitronjust got an email from them15:01
oimonWe believe the following have been compromised: Customer names and addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, encrypted passwords and order history. Please note that no personal payment information was stored with Codemasters as we use external payment providers, meaning your payment details were not at risk from this intrusion.15:02
hamitronI can't even remember which of my passwords I used on them15:03
oimonplus..Members' names, usernames, screen names, email addresses, date of birth, encrypted passwords, newsletter preferences, any biographies entered by users, details of last site activity, IP addresses and Xbox Live Gamertags are all believed to have been compromised.15:03
hamitronso how is this gonna work with my newly bought DIRT 3? ;)15:03
hamitronI only installed it today \o/15:04
hamitronuses that games for windows thing15:04
oimonwatched the dirt 3 trailer...told me nothing about actual gameplay15:08
hamitronit is a lot better than I thought it would be15:09
hamitronmy first DIRT game15:09
hamitronit looks amazing15:09
hamitronI've only done 1 rally, controlling it with keyboard15:10
oimoni'm watching a different video then :P15:10
hamitronwell worth the 20 quid15:10
hamitronI am a little annoyed I had to buy it on ebay to get a DVD version15:11
oimoni spent a good deal of my life playing vrally on ps and ps215:11
oimonreally? lol15:11
hamitronit is download only on PC15:11
hamitronplayers who buy from steam blindly have encouraged it, by been too lazy to go to the shops and too impatient to wait for delivery....15:12
hamitronit seems users in the UK are worse than the rest of the EU, or we are just a bunch of suckers15:12
hamitronbut I like a shiney box and disk, and no huge download15:13
popeyooo that dirt3 looks nice15:16
* popey sparks up steam15:17
gordhamitron, yes, damn us for wanting convenience ;)15:17
hamitrongord: I dunno how putting all your trust in 1 company is convenient15:18
hamitronscares me15:18
gordi don't just use one company15:18
gordi buy from gog too15:18
hamitronthat is ok15:18
hamitronall this online activation annoys me15:19
hamitronand I don't like been forced to use it15:19
gordalthough the steam calculator is terrifying... http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/gordallott15:19
hamitronor forced to download 6Gb+, something that could be put on a DVD for very low cost15:19
dogmatic69ali1234: you still around?15:20
hamitrongord: :-o15:20
hamitrongord: it isn't just the trust issue, that bugs me though.... it increases the bandwidth requirements for the internet connections of those in the UK15:24
gordthat sounds like a natural thing to me15:24
hamitronat a time when plenty don't ahve good connections, and the country is not exactly rolling in cash to invest in improving it15:24
hamitrongord: sure, but tell that to my friend with 56k15:25
gordthat sounds like his problem15:25
hamitronthat is a very nasty attitude15:26
hamitronhe has no choice15:26
gordhe does, he could move15:26
hamitronso you think he should just not get things because of where he lives?15:26
hamitronhis job requires living there15:26
gordi think his choice of where to live has impacted his ability to consume things15:26
hamitronhe provides milk to supermarkets15:27
gordi choose to live outside of a city, this impacts my ability to have suchi, i love suchi15:27
hamitronus in the country could deny food to the city if everyone took that attitude15:28
AlanBellafternoon peeps15:28
Pendulumhiya AlanBell15:28
hamitronhi :)15:28
gordsure sure :P country side will revolt15:28
hamitrongord: well, if everyone in the industry wants to make fast broadband a requirement, there is no harm in pirating if you have slow internet then15:29
hamitroncan only buy what you are practically offered15:30
gordhamitron, you could certainly vote with your feet, either encouraging broadband suppliers to reach you or to make games deliver on physical medium. but no, piracy is still harmful15:30
hamitronI bought my DIRT 3 from inside europe15:31
hamitronbut I was very close to pirating it tbh15:31
hamitrongord: I keep hearing claims about 95% of people getting X, so the rest don't matter15:33
hamitronif I don't matter and they turn a blind eye to my custom, they can turn a blind eye to my piracy15:34
gordthats flawed reasoning15:35
hamitronworks for me15:35
gordi can write a book then choose to not sell it to someone, but that does not make it okay to take it anyway15:35
hamitronit is discrimination15:36
gordno its not15:36
exobuzzgord prefers to make software and force it onto people when they dont want it ;-)15:36
* exobuzz hides15:36
hamitroncan't discriminate against certain things I dare not say due to political correctness, so shouldn't against country folk15:37
DJoneshamitron: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/10/codemasters/16:38
oimonwindows 7 ultimate: £168 what a bargain :P16:53
hamitronheh, I actually bought windows 717:04
* hamitron likes to buy all the stuff he uses17:04
* brobostigon might make a statement soon, of maybe obvious nature.17:26
czajkowskiDJones: not even been near a pub today!17:30
czajkowskihttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-13726803 wow17:44
gordoops, though it still sounds better than northern rail. whenever i have to ride one of their trains i feel like i have to take a shower afterwards17:46
* MartijnVdS is training into London next month.. Eurostar is alright, right?17:46
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: tube strikes in July17:47
jpdsMartijnVdS: Better than the coach/ferry.17:47
czajkowskigord: wait you actually leave your home :p17:47
MartijnVdSczajkowski: all of July?17:47
gordsometimes they make me :(17:47
czajkowskigord: aww if you come to London we shall meet and have tea17:47
czajkowskiliterally tea!17:47
timh____1Anybody know if Facebook chat in Empathy is secure / uses SSL?17:48
jpdstimh____1: Yes, it does.17:48
MartijnVdSczajkowski: do you know a website with a list of strike dates?17:48
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: nope but I'm sure if you google you'll find it17:48
czajkowskiit was annourced during the week17:48
MartijnVdSczajkowski: ah, 23 june and 14 july17:49
MartijnVdSczajkowski: Good, I'll arrive on the 23rd :)17:49
MartijnVdS(of July)17:49
* brobostigon as of this afternoon, offically has a disability called aspergers.17:49
AlanBellyou got a diagnosis?17:51
Pendulumbrobostigon: congrats on being 'official' :)17:51
shaunobrobostigon: you're officially a nerd now :D  welcome :)17:51
brobostigonAlanBell: yes,17:51
brobostigonPendulum: cheers.17:51
AlanBellinteresting, does that have any consequences?17:51
brobostigonshauno: umm, well,17:51
brobostigonAlanBell: i am not sure, no idea yet.17:52
brobostigonshauno: you canbe a nerd, without being ASD.17:53
Pendulumbrobostigon: it does mean that when apply for jobs/working if there's anything Access to Work can help with you can get support through them (if the Tories haven't stripped it down completely at this point). Also support if you do any further studies anywhere.17:53
shaunoI know.  it was meant to be lighthearted :)17:53
brobostigonPendulum: ah, yes, true, that will make things alittle  easier, i think.17:54
brobostigonshauno: oh, ok.17:54
Pendulumbrobostigon: also the NAS may be able to provide support17:54
brobostigonPendulum: i am just having a look at that/them .17:55
* Pendulum knows rather more about suppord for people with ASD in the UK than she should considering she is neither in the UK nor ASD17:55
czajkowskiPendulum: cause you're smart :)17:55
Pendulumwell because I know more about UK disability & impairment stuff than most people17:55
czajkowskiI knows17:55
Pendulumand possibly more about what's available in the UK than in the US because I'm odd17:56
brobostigoni see.17:56
Pendulumwhich is a bit unhelpful for me17:56
Pendulumbut feel free to poke if you have a question I might be able to answer (I know a decent amount about DLA and little bits about the proposed PIP and more than I ever need to know about ESA applications)17:57
brobostigonPendulum: will do, thank you,17:58
Pendulumbrobostigon: np :)17:59
brobostigonPendulum: :)17:59
jacobwIRC channels can pile up irssi, you don't release how many you've joined over the past $x weeks18:59
* dwatkins concurrs19:04
dwatkinsI had an instance of irssi running for about 6 months at one stage19:04
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that's not long19:05
MartijnVdS20:05 Irssi uptime: 217d 12h 3m 47s19:05
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that's my work irc :)19:05
dwatkinsnice, MartijnVdS19:06
MartijnVdSI have a script that autocloses privmsg windows after a week19:06
MartijnVdS(only if there's nothing unread, of course)19:07
dwatkinsI tend to go through and do that occasionally, good idea though.19:08
dutchieMartijnVdS: care to share it?19:10
MartijnVdSlet me find it :-)19:13
MartijnVdSdutchie: /set autoclose_query 60480019:14
MartijnVdSdutchie: (7 days in seconds)19:14
MartijnVdSdutchie: also see http://www.irssi.org/documentation/settings19:15
MartijnVdSdutchie: don't forget to /save :)19:16
dutchieMartijnVdS: thanks :)19:18
MooDooevening all :)19:37
brobostigongood evening MooDoo :)19:37
MooDoobrobostigon: how are you this fine day?19:37
brobostigonMooDoo: it has been intereting,but what has aready been known, has beenconfirmed. and you?19:38
MooDoonow that sounds confusin, but i'm ok thanks for asking :)19:38
MooDoojust installed natty onto my laptop19:39
brobostigon:) good luck.19:40
MooDoobrobostigon: works a treat to be honest, no hicups so far :D19:40
brobostigonMooDoo: thats good.19:40
MooDooyeah i think so, all seems ok so far, well see eh!19:43
MooDooright, not to convert my CV to PDF19:44
MooDoos/not/now :)19:44
MartijnVdSCSV to PDF? :P19:48
=== separatrix is now known as raxio
davmor2lo MooDoo19:53
shaunowell this is awkward.  ntl told me I need to reboot the telly box thing.  so I pulled the power plug from it, and now there's noise coming out of the tv ..20:05
shaunokinda sounds like a phonecall.  in polish.20:05
MartijnVdSshauno: It's the  government, it's on to you!20:06
MartijnVdSshauno: don't forget your tin foil hat20:06
shaunoit'd have to be the government.  who else uses analogue phones?20:07
shaunoit stops if I pull the scart cable.  it really is coming from the powered off stb20:07
MooDoodavmor2: evenin chappy20:07
davmor2MooDoo: you applied for that canonical job yet?20:08
MooDoodavmor2: in the process now :)20:09
davmor2MooDoo: nice20:09
MooDooyeah, quite a simple process to start with, just converting my CV to pdf20:09
MooDoodavmor2: PDF done, now to fill in the online form :)20:16
daubersWindows 7 makes Minecraft unplayable :(20:27
MooDoodaubers: define unplayable?20:28
daubersStupid thing disables the touchpad if you're using the keyboard20:28
daubersHence I can't play any 3rd person types games without an external mouse20:28
daubersAnd there's no option to turn it off!!!!20:28
daubersAnd when you stop typing you can't use the touchpad for a second afterwards20:29
daubersI'm so going to get blown to buts by a creeper like this :(20:29
MooDooIsn't there an option in windows 7 to disable the touchpad whuile typing?20:30
daubersI can't find it20:31
daubersIt's certainly not under "mouse"20:31
hamitronfinding stuff is certainly a pain20:33
hamitronhappens when you have got used to something else20:33
daubersInterestingly, you seem to get different tabs in "mouse" depending on the driver20:37
jacobwsome laptops have a button to disable the trackpad20:39
jacobwgreat for learning vim :)20:39
daubersjacobw: I don't want to disable it, I want to stop it being disable while I'm using the keyboard :(20:39
hamitroncan't you just use the default ps2 driver?20:39
jacobwmy housemate has asked me to install linux on his laptop \o/20:41
DJonesjacobw: Give them slackware :)20:41
daubershamitron: Apparently no20:41
* daubers attempts to update the mouse driver20:42
MartijnVdSdaubers: do you need to?20:42
MartijnVdSdaubers: (did you plug it into a different port? :))20:43
jacobwnatty with u120:43
daubersMartijnVdS: It's a touchpad!20:43
hamitronthis is maybe the wrong place to ask, but any suggestion of a distro to try?20:43
hamitroni586 and old X.org needed, I'm getting desperate now20:44
* daubers reboots20:44
DJoneshamitron: slackware20:44
hamitronslackware 11.0 works20:44
hamitronbut I was hoping something other than Debian 5.0 and Wary Puppy 5.0 may be still supported20:44
MartijnVdSwarty puppy?20:45
hamitronMartijnVdS: maybe, I thought it was Wary... the one for old hardware20:45
shaunosurely there's a cream for that20:46
jacobwi've never tried slackware to be hair20:47
jacobwfair even :s20:47
shaunoI haven't used slackware since .. 1996?  so I doubt I have a fair opinion of it anymore :)20:47
daubersRight! Uninstall the mouse driver and it now seems to behave20:48
shaunothis is the downside of things trying to be clever :/20:50
MartijnVdSdaubers: uh.. what?20:56
daubersMartijnVdS: it defaults back to the generic PS2 mouse driver. So no clever "Disabele touchpad while typing" going on20:59
DJonesdaubers: Give up, go back to Ubuntu, give up on windows21:00
MartijnVdS♥ my xoom21:04
daubersDJones: Giving up after 2 days would suck21:18
jacobwWhy are you going back to Windows?21:42
MooDoojacobw: good for games?21:42
AlanBelljacobw: follow the duabers blogs on the planet http://planet.ubuntu-uk.org/21:44
jacobwAh ha </Alan Partridge>21:51
MooDooknowing me knowing you21:52
DJonesczajkowski: I walked past a couple of pubs today but resisted the temptation to go in21:56
MooDooDJones: crazy fool :D22:05
Core_UKHey guys22:35
jacobwHey :)22:48
* jacobw doesn't believe in this 'morning' you speak of.22:48
brobostigonbrazil (film), bbc, in a few minutes.23:46

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