
jtatumgreetings from ye olde san jose ubuntu tyme03:05
pleia2hey jtatum :) not alone I hope!03:05
jtatumwell… :) there's lots of coffee shop patrons :)03:06
akkI didn't even know the SJ hour was this week!03:06
jtatumyeah, me either until about noon :)03:08
jtatumthere _is_ a mountain view ubuntu hour next week :) email to follow shortly03:10
jtatumsetting up an ubuntu hour takes like 30 minutes03:41
crashsystemsperhaps I'll make it to that one.03:42
jtatumloco dir, email, forums, wiki, twitter, calendar :) loco dir should do all this03:42
jtatumthat'd be cool, crashsystems03:43
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited03:45
jtatumyeah yeah Eureka03:45
iheartubuntuhi, does anyone know if empathy or pidgin can auto translate?16:50
iheartubuntualso, pleia2 - do you know if philipbalew made a UH event for his Roseville UH today? cant seem to find one. I was going to send out a post. maybe to this link? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2011-June/001735.html16:52
pleia2iheartubuntu: I'd just send the mailing list link, he didn't end up setting up a loco directory entry (I told him to ask me if he needed help, but I never heard from him)16:59
iheartubuntusame here16:59
iheartubuntuyah i'll just plug that link then16:59
iheartubuntui found out last night that a few of the LUG people that go to the pasadena UH that it would be helpful if i notified the LUG mailing list a few days in advance17:00
iheartubuntuso instead of the morning of, i will email the LUG list at the beginning of the week. hope to see more people show up this way17:01
iheartubuntuubuntu hours sure are a lot of fun17:01
iheartubuntusurprisingly, no beer involved either!17:02
pleia2and yeah, I email the california list and a couple of lugs that invited me to post about 5 or so days prior17:06
iheartubuntumakes sense17:08
iheartubuntuguys & gals, im starting up a new distro17:15
iheartubuntuits called Biebian. a Justin Beiber distro17:15
iheartubuntujust kidding :)17:16
pleia2a response to hannah montana linux? :)17:17
iheartubuntuor a rebbacca black distro17:17
pleia2I didn't know those existed17:18
pleia2but there are about a million linux distros ;)17:18
rww500,000 of which are Ubuntu derivatives ;(17:18
* akk wonders if there are more ubuntu derivatives than non-ubuntu debian derivatives17:19
iheartubuntui was going to say 999,950 are ubuntu derivs17:19
akkMaybe so, now.17:19
iheartubuntuhey! its friday, friday...17:19
pleia2a few projects have switched from ubuntu to basing on debian17:19
iheartubuntu162 million views and counting... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph017:20
iheartubuntui think she should do an ubuntu video17:20
rwwiirc, the Friday video has about 75% dislikes ;P17:20
iheartubuntu75% dislikes because they are all humming it and cant stop17:21
iheartubuntuno one in the video even looks old enough to drive17:22
pleia2I actually like pop music, but this song is pretty horrible17:22
rwwiheartubuntu: To be fair, neither do all the people I see driving home from school ;(17:23
iheartubuntui think as a 2 minute pop song it works... like how songs used to be, but when it goes 4 minutes... i dont know17:23
iheartubuntuim gonna pump this up in my vw bus17:23
iheartubuntunothing beats the Trololo Man though http://youtu.be/2Z4m4lnjxkY17:26
iheartubuntuits how i start my day. Trololo Man and Cocoa Pebbles17:27
pleia2btw, there is a Q&A with the security team manager in #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat right now17:35
akkI want an app that tells me about all the interesting sessions in #ubuntu-classroom 5 min before they start.17:39
akkBesides the pleia2bot, I mean. :)17:39
iheartubuntuyesterdays lernid session was pretty cool17:39
akk(thanks, pleia2, for posting announcements like that when you do!)17:40
rwwakk: The Ubuntu facebook page does that ;)17:40
pleia2akk: there is a twitter feed: http://twitter.com/#!/ubuntuclassroom17:40
pleia2tells you 10 minutes ahead of time :)17:41
akkoh, wow, pleia2, that's perfect!17:41
iheartubuntuforget googling anymore... im just gonna pleia17:41
pleia2oh nooooo17:42
pleia2but I am pretty good at ubuntu resource questions17:42
iheartubuntucanadian maple sounds pretty good!18:01
iheartubuntuive actually been using maple syrup instead of sugar lately. it adds a nice hint of flavor18:02
pleia2it is :d18:06
philipballewroseville ubuntu hour underway. six people so far19:57
akkThat's awesome, philipballew19:58
akk6 people is really good for an UH that's just starting out, even in the evening.19:58
pleia2philipballew: you never added the hour to the loco directory so it didn't show up on our events page at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california, let me know if you need help adding it next time :)19:58
philipballewwell now 8. its not bad19:58
philipballewlol. yeah i figured id do that eventually and never got to it19:59
pleia2I think the biggest SF one was 9 people19:59
akkI think somewhere around 8-9 is the most I've seen in mountain view, too.19:59
philipballewwell its now 9 so maybe were tied19:59
akkI think the question of whether lunchtime hours work has been answered. :)20:00
philipballew10 now20:00
philipballewyeah. perhaps lunch works20:01
philipballewwell see what the total turnout it. its 12 right now20:02
philipballewi guess lunch does work20:03
nhainesphilipballew: congratulations and thank you for trying out a non-conventional idea!20:03
nhainesI need to do Ubuntu Hour at the Rathskeller or something sometime.20:04
* akk wonders if that would work in mountain view too20:04
nhainesProbably not for lunch though.  ;)20:04
sn9hello from the ubuntu hour20:07
sn9philipballew: which one are you?20:08
akkhi sn920:08
pleia2hello BrightAmbition20:14
mpontillogreetings from the Roseville Ubuntu hour ;-)20:15
BrightAmbitionWhich person are you?20:15
BrightAmbitionoh hello20:16
* akk waves from san jose to all the roseville people20:17
* seidos waves @ everybody and has a seat20:19
BrightAmbitionhow is everyone?20:21
seidosthe big bang20:23
seidosi'm doing good and bad, but mostly good20:23
BrightAmbitionseidos: I remember you from scale20:25
BrightAmbitionseidos: So why are you doing bad?20:26
seidosBrightAmbition: i am made out of fleshy meat20:26
seidosbut, on the bright side, i can dance!20:28
seidosalso, watermelon tastes good20:30
akkfleshy meat has its advantages, over disembodied bits20:30
seidoshmmm hard to say, though the process of nerve tearing is probably the most disadvantageous of the disembodiment process20:32
seidoshello again BrightAmbition21:05
seidosfava beans are not on the menu, they have been forever ruined by "Silence of the Lambs"21:06
BrightAmbitionI only got 30 mins to be on the computer21:06
BrightAmbitiongot cut off21:06
seidosoh, hmmm21:07
seidoswhen i'm not on the computer i try to practice meditation21:07
seidosit's either that or try to find "untold stories of the E.R." so i can get some reality injected into my skull21:07
seidosi don't watch the house of representatives anymore21:08
seidosit is far too depressing21:08
seidoson cspan of course21:08
seidoshey philipballew !21:08
philipballewhey! seidos21:08
seidosthe mail is here21:08
philipballewdid i get any?21:10
seidosany mail?21:11
philipballewyes, any mail21:18
seidosno, i don't even have to check21:20
seidosbut i did anyway.  time magazine's cover "what recovery?: the five myths about the economy"21:22
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours edited22:21

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