
rick_h_snap-l: ouch, I know my boss has issues where the mic only works if plugged in during boot00:33
brouschmic troubles?00:39
jrwrensounds like dbus is screwy01:40
snap-lseems that the hardware shows up, but not the mic device01:50
snap-lNot sure what the heck is going on01:50
brouschsnap-l: sometimes it hides. i did a post on it a while ago01:50
brouschabout half way down this http://clusterbleep.net/blog/2010/07/13/webcam-recording-using-vlc-on-linux/01:51
_stink_snap-l: i have something like that on lucid, too01:56
greg-gsnap-l: that is why, most people in this world are extraneous03:48
WolfgerHeh... clusterbleep.net? Cute.12:21
Wolfgerparty ;-)12:34
rick_h_http://xkcd.com/910/ top 5 xkcd ever12:53
WolfgerHe should name the server Epidural...12:54
Lledargolol, I totaly agree12:54
brouschsnap-l: you've been replaced by an HTML5 app :( http://ow.ly/5eIjF13:10
brouschit does work better in FF13:13
Wolfgerbrousch: Are we going back to the days of "this site designed to be viewed with..."?13:24
snap-lgreg-g: Need some context for that "22:47 < greg-g> snap-l: that is why, most people in this world are extraneous13:25
brouschWolfger: did we ever really leave it?13:26
Wolfgerbrousch: I haven't seen one of those web buttons in years... Most sites at least make an attempt at supporting multiple browsers.13:29
brouschwell google's guitar only worked in chrome yesterday. for drums you need FF13:30
LledargoWe were starting to get out of it. The major thing is browsers need to be developed in a manner that support a web design standard.13:30
WolfgerGoogle's guitar worked just fine on my FF browser13:31
snap-lbrousch: I used Chrome, and got it working.13:31
brouschsnap-l: the timing is off in chrome13:31
snap-lOn mine it's worse under FF.13:33
snap-lAh, for creating it works better under Chrome13:34
snap-lplayback, it works better under FF.13:34
brouschi had no issues under FF with creation or playback13:34
brouschbut i'm on osx13:34
brouschchrome playback is pretty much garbage for me13:35
snap-lNo, playback works fine, just the | isn't recognized as a valid symbol for a link13:35
snap-lWell, you need to use a real OS for Chrome. ;)13:35
snap-lMy name is Joey, webmaster of a number of sites and I'm currently working on promoting a number of sites you might find interesting.13:38
snap-lIt concerns link exchange for our mutual benefit and long term improvement of both of our Google rankings.13:38
snap-lThe purpose of my email is as follow; I am searching for sites such as openmetalcast.com to do business with because I think I can provide you with a great 3way link exchange proposal.13:38
rick_h_booh, 3 way13:38
rick_h_ooh that is13:39
snap-lOh wow, can I get on your WebRing too?13:39
snap-l(fucking SEO spammers"13:39
WolfgerIt's 90's internet all over again13:41
brouschi could do this all day13:47
brouschhm, how would i record this? plug headphone jack into mic?13:54
snap-lbrousch: You'd love Hydrogen14:07
snap-lor LMMS14:07
brouschthose free?14:09
brouschare you trying to kill my whole weekend?14:09
snap-lI've also use MuSE and Rosegarden in the past, but I think LMMS is nicer, overall14:10
snap-lbrousch: Muhahahaha14:10
brouschhydrogen looks nice14:10
snap-lYeha, though it's only a drum machine14:10
snap-lbut a very nice drum machine14:10
LledargoIt's not free, but FruityLoops is a nice program14:10
snap-lwish there was more integration to LMMS14:10
brouschwow, lmms looks nice too14:11
snap-lLledargo: Not having used FruityLoops, LMMS (I'm told) is quite similar.14:11
WolfgerI liked the idea of using Rosegarden to compose music, but it never quite worked...14:11
LledargoI have never used LMMS, but I can believe it14:11
brouschwhat's with this slick gui? i was expecting curses and command line14:11
snap-lbrousch: It's my current go-to software for when I have a creative itch14:12
brouschi will pull out the old linux laptop and try it this weekend14:13
Lledargosnap-l: yeah, on their hompage LMMS says that it is an open source solution for FL studio(professional version of fruityloops)14:14
snap-lLledargo: The only pro software I've used was Cakewalk back in the 1990s14:14
snap-lEverything else has been OSS14:15
snap-lSo claims like "It's like FL" are taken with a grain of salt, like "OpenOffice replaces Microsoft Office"14:15
Lledargothink of it the other way round then, FL is a closed source solution to LMMS ;)14:16
snap-lBecause there's one thing that I've learned from creative professionals; they love to abuse their tools to the point where nothing but the original will do14:17
snap-lLledargo: WFM. ;)14:17
snap-lI think I'm going to title my MUG talk "So You've Got Natty: Successfully coping with Ubuntu's latest distribution".14:20
brouschsnap-l: i'm making you famous on the twitters14:22
MilyardoI think last time I tried LMMS it wasn't very useful without FL because it didn't come with any Sound Fonts, it was expected you'd import some from FL14:23
brouschwell snap-l has more musical talent in his toenail clippings than i have in my whole body, so i think it'll be plenty powerful enough for me14:24
snap-lUm, sure.14:24
snap-lI just play drums. I have no concepts of harmony or melody.14:25
brouschlmms might be the key to getting my wife to switch to linux14:25
brouschi have no idea what the difference between harmony and melody are14:25
jrwrenanyone know what happened to pam_env14:38
* snap-l is getting back into bug reporting14:47
rick_h_good time :P14:47
snap-lYeah, a thrill a minute.14:47
rick_h_working with non-linuxy people is so hard14:48
rick_h_"I can't change all that sql to lowercase, it'd take for ever!"14:48
rick_h_umm... guG14:48
brouschsnap-l: i'm gonna get that lmms and hydrogen working tonight. we're going to a graduation party for a kid whose into music and glee club and such so i think a bunch of his friends would like it14:48
snap-lCorrect me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that "Safely Remove Drive" wouldn't remove a drive that was currently having files copied to it14:54
jrwrenyou are wrong.14:57
jrwrenat least in XP I think you are wrong.14:57
jrwrenit would sync and unmount and the copy would fail.14:57
LledargoI thought it stopped file transfer, not disallowed removing a drive that was doing file operations14:58
Lledargooh, I was beat to it14:58
jrwreni haven't used "safely remove" in years :)14:58
Wolfger"safely remove" always fails for me if the drive is in use in any fashion15:02
snap-lI mean under a real OS. :)15:02
snap-lUbuntu. ;)15:02
WolfgerSit, Ubu, sit. Good OS.15:05
rick_h_ok, so we're entering laugh at people friday15:56
* Lledargo is laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside.15:59
snap-lI need 125 reputation so I can vote this into oblivion15:59
WolfgerHmm... Why do I no longer have an account?16:03
WolfgerI know I finally caved and got an account for AskUbuntu. I even accrued some rep16:03
Wolfgernow it's saying no account at my e-mail address. :-(16:04
snap-lIt's questions like those that make me fear for the future16:05
snap-lUnless you're reading data from a NFS share over a 28.8 modem from a server in BFE with 26 hops, and a latency of a microwave transmission to Mars, you're probably going to be fine.16:07
rick_h_but but but, think of the bits man!16:11
WolfgerI would tend to agree...16:15
Blazeixis anyone familiar with page-rendering pipeline differences in IE9 vs chrome?16:15
Wolfger"then" is useless16:15
* rick_h_ cries as he changes a user's password from gjC8kTNnP5 to Secret116:15
BlazeixI have an app that does a full page refresh when navigating from page to page. IE9 seems to hide the fact that you're refreshing the page, since it does it so fast16:16
Blazeixchrome and ff show a nice big white page between page changes16:16
rick_h_just that IE9 is all hardware now16:16
rick_h_not sure on the actual pipeline/render changes16:16
rick_h_I think chrome/etc do hardware accelerated of bits16:17
rick_h_but I thought IE was moving all rendering to hardware?16:17
Blazeixmaybe. i was wondering if it was a difference between IE9 rendering in a streaming fashion vs chrome waiting for all the content16:17
snap-lHuh... apparently my spamhaus config gor removed during my postfix upgrade16:35
snap-lWondered why I had more spam coming through16:35
snap-lThank you, whomever voted me up. :)16:38
WolfgerMaybe the iPad just sucks? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6308784/app-store-screenshots-looks-blurry-on-ipad-whats-going-on16:50
WolfgerHmm... Well, they spend more time coding than anything else.... ;-)  http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/82995/what-percentage-of-time-should-be-non-programming16:56
Wolfger(yes, I'm bored, why do you ask?)16:56
snap-lGod, Programming.stachexchange is the worst for those navelgazing questions17:03
snap-lsorry, programmers.17:04
snap-lhttp://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/83038/qa-bugs-poor-programmers <- rick_h_, here you go.17:05
rick_h_I'm afraid to click ...17:05
snap-lI can hear the shotgun17:05
* rick_h_ closes without reading any of the comments, the question was more than enough17:05
Wolfgersnap-l: LOL. I was just reading that same one...17:08
WolfgerThat question boiled down to "It's not my fault! Right?"17:09
snap-lArgh, JoDee just told me that Borders in Birmingham is closing18:17
rick_h_dum da dum dum!18:17
brouschthanks, rick_h_ now i have the dungeon music from mario3 in my head18:18
snap-lIt's on notice, apparently.18:19
snap-lI hope it doesn't, but damnit, I'm getting sick of having my favorite stores close.18:20
brouschwell maybe if you'd spent more money there ...18:24
rick_h_it's like church18:26
rick_h_what's the current tithe rate for a borders?18:26
snap-lI've been tithing my little ass off there.18:27
jrwrenbinbrain: python slots?18:30
brouschhow do i distribute an app to iphone users without using the apple app store? is that even possible?18:30
rick_h_brousch: web!18:30
snap-lIt's easy18:31
snap-lfirst everyone jailbreaks their phone18:31
rick_h_jrwren: yea, way to limit the __dict__ of an object by declaring which attrib a python object will have18:31
brouschi have web, but camera integration would be better with native app18:31
rick_h_you can't then add/extend it18:31
snap-lthen, they download your app, and figure out how to install18:31
snap-lvoila, your app is now their #1 favorite.18:31
rick_h_but it can be about 4 or 5x memory improvement to go to a namedtuple under the hood vs a dict18:31
brouschthis app is for barcampgr, so it's not like it needs to be available to the world18:32
rick_h_brousch: no side install without rooting18:32
rick_h_and doubt you'll have people rooting18:32
brouschthat is so weak18:32
rick_h_no, "that is so apple"18:32
brouschi suppose if a couple other barcamps picked up the app, and i charged $2, i could make back the $99 fee18:33
rick_h_or get someone who's already paid the fee to submit it for you?18:34
brouschhm, yeah, maybe i can get someone from one of the local tech companies18:34
brouschgood idea18:34
binbrainjrwren: special method __slots__ = ('var1', 'var2') allows you to limit class attributes to var1 and var2, its a performance optimizer, but often seen it used in as a way to make the class adhere as if it was limited by an interface18:35
rick_h_it's like private final or whatever18:36
rick_h_don't do it, one day someone will want/need to change things18:36
krondorbrousch:  there's an sdk of some kind to do it, a lot of middleware phone managements solutions offer something for it.  I'm not sure how it functions maybe tied to the now defunct mobile me?18:37
binbrainI don't think it has an implications that are similar to private or final18:37
brouschkrondor: i think there is some sort of enterprise app deployment thing, but it costs big $18:38
binbrainso basically, there is a developer here that likes to uses slots in all his classes. w.o any reason, ie, performance18:39
krondorbrousch: no doubt18:40
rick_h_binbrain: just that it locks the class down18:44
rick_h_but yea, ugh for guys that just do that for fun18:45
snap-lAlso, you have to keep submitting the $99 fee every year.18:46
snap-lI'm so glad I have a google Alert for "open metalcast"18:54
snap-lotherwise I'd miss out that Saginaw is having some metalcasting thing-a-ma-jobbie.18:55
Wolfgerso informative18:56
jrwrenso if i have python slots the runtime throws if I try to add a new attr that doesn't have a slot?18:59
rick_h_jrwren: yea19:00
snap-lYay, got some CDs in the mail from one of the artists I've played on OMC.19:00
jrwreni would like that, I think :)19:00
binbrainjrwren: why19:01
jrwrenits closer to static typing.19:01
rick_h_oop, did that wrong. bah I don't use it19:02
jrwreni know the attr is still dyn typed, but at least I have control over the shape of my objects.19:02
snap-lAgain, it depends19:02
binbrainjrwren: I'm not sure what pretend static typing accomplishes though19:03
snap-lI can see where it would be useful to arbitrarily define variables against a class, but I can see where that might be a royal pain19:03
rick_h_feels warm/fuzzy19:03
rick_h_it's the python way19:03
Wolfger"pretend static typing"? That would be dynamic typing. That's extremely useful! :-)19:04
snap-lOne way I could see it being useful is if someone did a dick-move on your class that you don't want them to do. ;)19:04
binbrainsnap-l: lol19:05
binbrainsnap-l: funny you put it like that, but that's in a way what it amounts to, "I don't trust the other developers so I'm going to control how the instances look like"19:10
snap-lYeah, that's what I see as the reason for things like private, etc.19:10
snap-lsometimes justified, but more than often way too paranoid19:11
binbrainI have no problem with conventions like underscore in Python _private_var19:12
* Wolfger ponders "more than often"19:12
snap-lbinbrain: I don't either. I think they're brilliant.19:14
snap-lThey're awesome because they implicitly say "here be dragons", and then give you a map and a torch19:14
binbrainbut what if its a dragon doing a duck impersonation19:15
binbrainI bet nobody got that, I need to get back to work anyways19:16
snap-lIf the dragon wants to be a duck, and can walk like a duck, then it's a duck. ;)19:16
* snap-l just got a very strange image in his head.19:16
Wolfgertransspecies dragon-duck conversion?19:22
binbrainahhh! damn you nosetest, guess i should of known better though19:39
binbraindidn't realize that it silently kills your loggers19:39
rick_h_nosetests --with-id -v -s -x --with-pylons test_psql.ini is my normal call19:46
rick_h_thought it still does some tweaking I think19:46
Wolfgernose test?19:53
rick_h_nose == unit test runner for python19:54
Wolfgervery odd name19:54
WolfgerI would think "snake test" or some such for Python. Or "Monty test".19:55
Wolfgercircus test, even19:56
brouschflask is fun19:57
rick_h_bwuhahaha, I love it when the guy that doesn't want postgres because he's afraid of change goes "but but but...I neeed this very hard thing..."20:02
rick_h_and I can go "boom done, query updated, go try it. Next!"20:02
snap-lyou know, I was reluctant to change to PostgreSQL20:03
snap-lit was just just different enough20:03
snap-lbut I'm glad I made the switch. Now it feels like I have a real database on my machine20:03
rick_h_man, I just whipped our arrays on him. Bwuhahahaha20:03
snap-lAlso, if you don't like change, you're in the wrong profession20:04
snap-lI like stable, but change is good20:04
rick_h_yea, this is all because his mysql crap is causing servers to go boom. They've corrupted the whole db twice in trying to dev the thing20:04
rick_h_my boss is starting to get impressed and convinced so I'm starting to feel cracks in the anti-change postgres wall20:05
snap-lInnoDB is very fragile20:05
snap-lNot MongoDB fragile, but still fragine20:05
snap-lfragile, even20:05
jrwrenbinbrain: it lets me fail faster, rather than keep running if something that was supposed to work isn't working.20:40
jrwrene.g. the fat fingered attr setter invokation20:40
binbrainI never have problems with fat fingering, I use pyflakes20:47
binbrainfailure is quickly identified during test time20:48
jrwrenwhat is that?20:48
rick_h_highlights vars that don't belong. Never used before, etc20:48
rick_h_helps with the typos since you say foo = barz and barz is highlighted as never init'd before20:49
snap-lYeah, pyflakes is awesome.20:50
snap-lIt catches a lot of dingbat mistakes.20:50
devinheitmuellerrick_h_: do you have any idea what the topic is for next week's MUG?21:17
greg-gsnap-l: sorry, was away most of today. The context for that comment I left you was the people who cut down the tree to steal a bike (and then leave the bike behind)21:20
snap-lgreg-g: Yeah, that was utter crap21:21

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